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This boxset of four complete standalone books from the thrilling Twisted Hearts series will leave your heart racing and your mind twisting with suspense. Follow the journey of the main characters, a bold and courageous women, as they navigate the dark and complex world of the mafia. In Bedlam (Book 1), Mayhem (Book 2), Bonded (Book 3), and Impact (Book 4), they must battle not only the mafia but also their own inner turmoil as they find themselves increasingly drawn to the dangerous and forbidden.

Will they be able to find their way out of the web of lies and secrets or will they be consumed by them?

Get Twisted Today!

196 pages, ebook

Published November 1, 2015

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About the author

Autumn Sand

21 books188 followers
Autumn Sand was born and raised in New York City. She’s always had an interest in writing from an early age, penning her first book when she was in the 4th grade. In 2015, she made the leap into the self-publishing world. With over 13 books published, she is excited to write many more. She enjoys hanging out with friends, reading a good book or listening to an audiobook and, of course, writing. She’s known for her sarcastic humor and caring nature. Her favorite drink of choice is a Jack Daniels and coke with a twist of lime.

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Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,305 reviews769 followers
October 19, 2016
" A copy of this book has been provided by Hot Tree Publishing in exchange for an honest review"

3.5 Stars

"WARNING: This book contains physical, mental, emotional abuse, rape, and infidelity"

I don't usually read books with the above mentioned 'themes' and I gotta tell ya, I was SO tempted to dnf this book at around the 50% mark. But, like watching a train wreck - you know you shouldn't look, but somehow you can't stop yourself.

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I basically continued reading because there were a couple of predictable "bad-things/betrayals" that were going to happen to Anaya and I wanted to see how the author was going to write them, and how our protagonist was going to deal with them.

 photo https3A2F2F33.media.tumblr.com2F9e1a3b35fb403e2b4993486a079fdb102Ftumblr_nww9toQ6Yb1qfdwsio1_500.gif

Needless to say, she did a good job tying everything together, solving all the 'mind-fucks' (however, not all things ended well for everyone involved) BUT, our lead couple did get their HEA.

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The reason I only gave this book a 3.5 rating is because I found the first half of the book so intense and dramatic, and I know this was to develop the characters and set the story's atmosphere. Then the second half seemed rushed with a need to tie up loose ends, and finish the story which I found it kinda anti-climatic.

I did like that the story was written with a dual POV.
It was interesting to read both Tony's and Anaya's thoughts throughout the story.

This was a good debut novel for the author, and I do look forward to reading more from her.
Profile Image for Siobhan.
4,777 reviews590 followers
April 27, 2017
Bedlam is the first book in the Twisted Hearts Love Story series, and it is not one for the faint of heart. This is one of those books that needs to come with a trigger warning, as there is plenty involved that could have a negative impact upon readers. Whilst there is a disclaimer at the start of the book, stating how the author does not glamorise the negative aspects, I still think it is important for people to be aware of this before they pick up the story.

From the very first page I was pulled into this one, due to the voice of our leading lady. Being inside her head was a beautiful thing and I quickly found myself loving the way she looked at life. I also found her life to be intriguing, as for quite some time I was left waiting on quite a few specifics. You’re aware that this is a mafia story, yet I was constantly looking for a little bit more in regards to details. In the end, however, I realise this is one of those stories where you don’t get too mixed up in those kinds of details. You’re aware of what is going on, those most pertinent to the story are detailed, but we’re not lost within all the tiny details. I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about this – I like to know all the nasty that is going on in the story – but by the end I found I liked this aspect of the story.

There is enough bad in the story without us being dragged into the dealings of the mafia. Although some aspects were a bit on the predictable side, there were plenty of twists thrown in to keep us engaged. There was so much drama, so much action, that it was hard to put down. Plus, there was plenty to break up all the darkness – a few scenes of laughter and some hot scenes to get us through it all. Whilst I would label this a dark and gritty romance – my favourite kind – it also has the right amount of light to prevent us from slipping into complete darkness. It’s a tough line to walk, and the author does so well to ensure she does not slip off the edge.

The one thing I wasn’t crazy about was the way in which the dual perspective came into play. For about the first half of the book it was told solely from our female’s point of view, and then when we reached about half way we got to see inside of our male’s mind. As much as I enjoyed this dual perspective, I really wish it had been given from the start. It simply felt odd to only have half of the book told from a dual perspective – it wasn’t as though the book was split into parts either, the dual perspective simply appeared because it was beneficial to the story.

Overall, though, I had a lot of fun with this one. It was a great quick read that has left me eager to jump into the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Natalia.
Author 5 books89 followers
June 11, 2017
Warning for readers of this book, this book has mentions of rape, domestic violence, and other similar themes.

Now that that is out of the way. HOLY HELL.

It took me longer than I wanted to finish reading this, only because I had other books that needed to be read and reviewed first. When I started Bedlam, I wasn’t sure what to think. I knew it was going to be a form of romance novel, but I did not know what was coming.

I was blown away. Bedlam was completely addicting, and it is such a quick read. There isn’t a single part of this book that is slow moving or dull. Autumn Sand does a stunning job with these characters.

Anaya I was not sure if I would like her at first, but I started to love her. She had a rough life growing up, same with our other leading character Tony. Anaya is an interior designer tasked with re-designing Tony Delaney’s club Pulse. She lives with her boyfriend of twelve years, who is a total and utter prick. I hate Iggy with a steaming passion. Anaya has quite an obnoxious friend named Rheda who (once you read Bedlam you’ll understand why I feel this way) is such a MASSIVE UGH. I am not even sorry. I absolutely hated the witch. Just thinking about her makes me angry.

Tony. Oh. My. Gosh. Hello, Mr. Sexy. I imagined Tony looking like Keanu Reeves as he played in John Wick. Damn. Not only does Tony run Pulse, but he’s involved in a little underworld business. His two main men are Tick (who is one of the leading characters in Autumn Sand’s next book in the Twisted Hearts series Mayhem), and Manny. I absolutely love Manny. He completely tickles me and I would certainly not mind a book surrounding him. He’s precious.

Tony and Anaya are a fabulous couple in the end, and I love them together. Anaya is Tony’s Angel. Though Tony calls her the nickname more than enough for the endearment to seem a little unused, I came to expect it from him. Overall, I think I would have felt a little weird if he had stopped calling her it. It was cute. Tony really did fall for Anaya, and she for him.

Bedlam was a fantastic debut novel despite some of the intense scenes and the other items mentioned above (I may have cringed several times).
Profile Image for Angela.
6,253 reviews81 followers
April 18, 2017
5 Stars

Bedlam is the first book in the Twisted Hearts Love Story Series, by Autumn Sand. It is a mafia/erotic romance, with plenty of suspense, heart in mouth moments, edge of your seat drama and thrilling twists.
Anaya Scott’s life was turned upside down at the tender age of five. She grew up not knowing what it meant to truly belong or to be loved. But, things changed for her when she was fourteen, she literally ran into the boy who would become her world, her everything- Ignacio (Iggy) DeLuca.
That was twelve years ago and although Anaya is finding success in the world of Interior Design and has an incredibly comfortable life, where she has every luxury she could ever want or need- her relationship has become cold and stagnant. Gone is the thoughtful, considerate and loving boyfriend she used to know- instead Iggy, the powerful head of one of the largest crime families in the Tri-State area, has become distant, angry and violent. He spends more and more time away from home and Anaya has gotten used to living a solitary, lonely existence. She begins to question why she stays with him.

“I used to think I was the luckiest girl in the world to have him. Back then, he was the absolute catch, and I was the envy of all the girls. Now, I wish I could throw this fish back in the water and go fishing for another.”
“Twelve years together and I don’t think there’s an ounce of love left between us. I’m starting to wonder if we ever loved each other, or if we’re addicted to tearing each other down. I stay because he is, after all, the only family I’ve ever really had.’
“I do whatever I needed to do to stay busy. To have an excuse for leaving Iggy and our dead relationship at the back of my mind. If Iggy wasn’t in my bed, I didn’t have to feel anything”…

When Anaya is asked to redesign the interior of the premier club in the city, she jumps at the chance. This job could make or break her career. When she meets the owner of the club, she is surprised by the magnetic pull she feels towards him. She is instantly attracted and completely intrigued by him. He is sexy and mysterious- with just a hint of danger about him. There is some seriously sizzling chemistry zinging between them and he flips her world upside down.
Tony Delaney owns a string of clubs around the country, so he was used to seeing beautiful women in his work place. But he never expected that his new interior designer would have such a powerful effect on him. She set his soul on fire and he needed to know her- to make her his. But he also has some very dark secrets, things from his past that haunt him and have a determining factor on his life. He is in a type of limbo, part of him caught in the past, holding him back and preventing him from truly living in the present.
She really must find a way to remain professional, as there is a lot at stake with this job. The more time that they spend together, the more intense their attraction becomes. But Anaya wonders why Tony seems to be so hot and cold. He is charming and seductive one minute, then cold and aloof the next. Tony is confused himself, he needs to keep his mind on business, but he can’t seem to stop thinking about her. She is like a drug to him.

“He leans in, ever so slightly, and my breath catches in anticipation. His lips graze my ear lobe. He takes it between his teeth, tugging lightly. I gasp. I feel like such a sl**…But honestly if he offered me hot sex on a platter, I’d gladly say, “Yes please, make it a double helping”. Drawing back, he leaves me wanting more, and I’m suddenly aware of my heart banging against my chest and warmth flooding my body. I feel breathless but energized”…
“He’s controlling me and the situation, and I like it. If I had to compare him to an animal, he’d be a panther. Yeah, he’s definitely a panther. Lithe, forceful and sexy- with a hint of danger. Instinct tells me I should run and never look back, but something stronger, deeper, captures me. I couldn’t run even if I wanted to.”

What happens when his secrets and lies are revealed? Did they ever really have a chance at happiness? What happens with Ignacio, can Anaya leave the only constant thing in her life? Will Ignacio prove to be more dangerous that she could have ever imagined? Will she finally find the love and a place to ‘belong’- that she has been yearning for? Can Tony leave his past behind and embrace the future?

I really enjoyed this book. I loved the fast pace and smooth flow; it made the story very easy to read. The author has a wonderful, descriptive, sexy and seductive style to her writing and she had me hooked right from the beginning. Ms. Sand also knows how to expand her story, by adding multiple layers, twists and surprises- without over complicating it or disrupting the flow.
The story is thrilling and had me so engrossed in it, I was in a constant state of anticipation and expectation. Ms. Sand really is an expert at building and sustaining tension in her story. I liked how the author captioned each chapter with a song title; it really helped set the mood of the book.
I loved the characters, flaws and all. They were really well thought out and fully developed- and I loved that the author allowed them to learn and ‘grow’ through-out the story.
There are raw, gritty and dark scenes in parts of the story. They aren’t added gratuitously- they are a vital part of the storyline. Ms. Sand handles these segments carefully, thoughtfully and informatively- but some readers may find them quite provoking.
Ms. Sand wrapped up the story really well and I felt a real sense of satisfaction and closure when I had finished reading. I can’t wait to read her next book and see what awaits me there.
If you love a sexy, bold and gritty story; with thrilling suspense and very erotic moments; where you read about overcoming some major obstacles, finding a place to truly belong and a love worth fighting for- then this is definitely the book for you!

Thank you Ms. Sand!
Profile Image for Sara Oxton.
3,577 reviews16 followers
April 11, 2017
Bedlam by Autumn Sands a head-twisting five-star read. This is the first book in the Twisted heart love story series, and it kicks off with a bang. This is a story that deals with acts of a terrible nature, but they also show that just because the darkness falls, it doesn’t mean then end of the light. Some people may find this book a hard read as it deals with trigger issues and deals with a story line that deals with rape and the aftermath.
Anaya Scott is a real estate agent that has just been promoted and has plans to get to the next level soon, she is stagnating in her relationship, after twelve years together she thought she would have been more settled and happy, have a family of her own. But her childhood sweetheart Ignacio DeLuca has gone from thoughtful boyfriend to Head of a crime family, who rarely finds his way home of an evening, but Anaya stays as he is all the family that she has known for a long time. That is until she meets the guy she will be doing her next big design for and sees his amazing Topaz eyes.
Those Topaz eyes belong to Tony Delany club owner and all round Hottie, he has a dark past of his own and secrets that may break the friendship that is developing between him and Anaya will he come clean and admit it? Or will fate step in before he gets the chance.
This is a great story, although the story lines aren’t what everyone wants to read, they are gritty and un put downable and done so that if you didn’t want to read it you could skip over it and you would still be aware of everything else. I loved how the author leads you down the path and makes you fall in love, she gives glimpses of things going on in the background, that have your mind working overtime and you reading faster to get to the next chapter to find out if what is being hinted at is what you think, then still pulling the rug from under you. It’s a compelling read, that you need to get in your life. I can’t wait to read book two in the series.
Profile Image for Nadene  (Totally Addicted to Reading).
1,437 reviews211 followers
December 7, 2015
When the time came for me to review this title, I was at a loss as to where to begin. This is in no way a reflection on the story or the author. It was a good read, even though it was predictable. I found it easy to figure out certain aspects of the story before it occurred. However, this did not detract from my enjoyment of the story.

Bedlam tells the story of Anaya, Ignacio, and Tony. Anaya and Tony were the protagonists while Ignacio had the role of the antagonist. Anaya, an interior decorator, spent most of her life in foster after being abandoned by her parents. While in High school she met Ignacio, who became the centre of her world. Ignacio is currently the head of one of the biggest crime families in the city. They have been together for twelve years. One would probably think that spending twelve years together would mean that all was well. However, this was not so in Anaya’s case. She spent twelve years of her life in a loveless relationship. A relationship that was not based on mutual respect and where she was treated like a possession. As a result, she sought refuge in her work and her best friend. The only thing she wanted was to be loved and feel like she mattered.

Anaya was hired to decorate the hottest nightclub in the city. In the process of carrying out her commission, she met Tony. This meeting would change her life in a way she never could imagine. Would this change make her life better or will it make it more complicated? If you want to know the answer to this question then you need to get a copy of Bedlam.

The story was told from a dual POV. I like this as it allows me to understand what the characters are thinking and feeling. Understanding things from each of the character’s perspective makes the story real for me. The characters were three dimensional. It was interesting to read about their past. Knowledge of their past helped me to understand their actions in their present situation.

It's my belief that the sex occurred too soon. The characters did not get enough time to know each other before they began jumping each other’s bones. The good thing was that the sex did not dominate the story. Although the pacing was steady, I felt the ending that the ending came too fast.
This is the author’s first novel and it was a good attempt. It was not perfect, but it was enough to keep me reading to the end. Overall, I found this to be an ok read.

3.5 Stars

I received a copy of this book from Hot Tree Promotions in exchange for a honest review. The opinions expressed in this review is 100% my unbiased opinion. No monetary compensation was provided.
Profile Image for Crystal Davidson.
119 reviews18 followers
April 16, 2019
Bedlam – A Twisted Hearts Love Story- by Autumn Sand.
The narrator and heroin of this story is Anaya and she clearly has money as is evident in the first chapter. This is typical of this type of story. She works for a top interior designer in New York. She has the top of the line everything where fashion and accessories are concerned. Automatically, you can see Anaya’s unhappiness with her relationship. Her boyfriends name is Ignacio. He’s never home and he messes around on her. He is the head of a crime family. He took over the title after his father died. His whole demeanor changed, with their relationship quickly following, when he took the “job".

Anaya grew up in foster care. Both her parents died of Drug Overdoses. She is attached to her boyfriend because hes been the only constant in her life. Anaya only has 1 close friend.

She receives a rare, life changing opportunity to redecorate the hottest club in the tri-state area. While attending her first meeting at this club, she meets a man that makes her hot. Its clear at this point that there will be sex and swearing in this story not suitable for younger eyes. It’s also clear some parts will be funny laugh out loud funny. The man is Tony Delaney. Her new boss. Insert twists here! From that point on, the story reeks of danger every page you turn. Foreshadowing galore. It’s really a great 5 star reads with unforeseen twists and non stop suspense!! 5 stars!!
Profile Image for Danielle Marlowe.
1,971 reviews8 followers
April 2, 2017
This is my first read by this Author. Bedlam (A Twisted Hearts Love Story, #1) is the first book in the series. The book is written by Autumn Sand.
Anaya wanted more than anything to be loved and to feel love, and to start a family. Anaya thought she had it with Ignacio. Anaya and Ignacio have been together for twelve years. They have been together since they were young. But the Ignacio she knows, has turned into someone she doesn't recognize, and doesn't want to know. Anaya starts feeling sad and lonely, even though see doesn't want to be around Ignacio. Ignacio has become the head boss of the biggest crime family. Ignacio doesn't come home most nights. And then one day, Anaya meets Tony. Tony is a Night Club owner. Tony wants to redesign his club. Once Anaya sets her sights on the 6 foot 3 inch, dark hair sexy man with the most unique topaz eyes, she'll ever seen. Her life will never be the same. Tony never expected to find someone like Anaya. She becomes everything that he never knew he needed and wanted. Tony wants Anaya more than, he has ever wanted anything. But Tony has so many lies and secrets, and those lies and secrets can destroy everything. Tony ans Anaya are perfect together. I really enjoyed this book. This story is filled with so much emotions. The story will keep you on the edge of your seat. I couldn't put this story down. This is a great story. Autumn Sand did a great job on this book. The story is well written. I am looking forward to reading more to this series. I recommend reading this book. Thank you, Autumn Sand. Great work. 5 Stars!
Profile Image for Britta.
Author 2 books36 followers
May 26, 2017
**Added To Favorites Shelf**
So if you've been following my reviews for awhile you know I pretty much despise romance in my books. I do. its true. It drives me crazy. So me actually liking a Romance book is a HUGE deal.
Bedlam was amazing. Autumn's writing pulls you into the story instantly. She mixed everything perfectly, there was the Mafia influence as well as the whole atmosphere of the characters lives.

Every chapter leaves you wanting more until you've finished the whole book, then you want the next one instantly. Its just a vicious cycle of not wanting to do anything until you've read all of the books.

I loved the song chapter titles, and it adds to the experience when you are reading the book.

The Romance in this story had me feeling hot and bothered (No Shame here, Tony was drool worthy)

This is such a smart buy!! Don't waste your time! Pick up your copy now!
264 reviews4 followers
June 1, 2017
Bedlam is the first book in the Twisted Hearts Love Story Series by Autumn Sand. It is also the first time that I have read this author. Bedlam, which makes you think right off the bat that this is going to get real crazy real fast, is about Anaya Scott and Tony Delaney.
Anaya is a junior interior designer with a New York firm who has been in the same relationship with Ignacio DeLuca for the past twelve years. The relationship has been going flat over the past few years and Anaya finds herself in a situation, she has no family, very few close friends and is trapped for the most part in a loveless relationship with a man that has no problem finding pleasure with other women. Anaya feels lost; she isn’t happy but doesn’t want to be alone if she leaves Ignacio. Her life consists of work and an infrequent lunch with her only friend Rheda. This all changes when Anaya is given Tony Delaney as a client.
Tony Delaney is the owner of a very popular club, Pulse, and he has requested that Anaya work on a re-design for him. When these two meet sparks fly and you can feel the sexual tension come straight off the page. Anaya isn’t sure about her feelings toward Tony from the start, she knows she wants him but she is afraid on acting on these feelings especially considering Ignacio’s threats should she ever have an affair.
As Anaya begins to let Tony in there are secrets revealed and misunderstandings all the way around that keep the pair apart. Anaya just wants to be free for the first time in a long time and be with someone who truly loves her, and Tony just wants Anaya. Will these two tortured souls get their HEA?
I absolutely loved this book! I wasn’t sure at the beginning because Anaya seemed to be a very shallow character and I couldn’t picture her with someone like Tony. As the story progressed I was happily surprised with the storyline and the depth of all of the characters. There are some tough scenes in this book but the author does a great job of warning the reader at the beginning of the story that there is violence and possible triggers for some readers. While I would recommend this book I would not recommend to anyone under the age of 18.
June 26, 2017

The Two Sentence Description: Anaya’s life of comfort and style would be the envy of many women. She lives in a grand New York City penthouse, has all the designer clothes and shoes she can stand, eats at great restaurants and loves a Jack and Coke (or three) with her best friend. Things get complicated when she meets club mogul, Tony, her first big solo client, and the chemistry between them can’t be denied. It prompts her to think about a future that doesn’t involve her cheating absentee boyfriend, Ignacio, whose irrational jealousy of other men and mob ties threaten to trap her indefinitely. But Ignacio isn’t Anaya’s only problem. The more she learns about Tony, and his own ties to the mob, the more complicated things get. As hidden information is revealed, the story takes a turn away from the love triangle you think it will be to a suspenseful caper with a lot more at stake.

What Makes it Stand Out: It’s rare nowadays to read a book that has truly surprising plot twists, but this book had a lot I didn’t see coming. Many books do so much foreshadowing that readers who are paying attention figure out what will happen long before it happens, but this book struck a good balance between keeping the reader in the loop and slamming ther with things she couldn’t have known.

What You’ll Love About It: Anaya was also a really fun heroine—apart from some blind spots when it comes to relationships in her life, and despite being in a rut with her shit-for-a-boyfriend, Ignacio, she was really sharp and it was fun to witness her experiencing the world around her. Anaya’s inner voice had a natural, dry sarcasm that was effective yet unique—the kind of voice a lot of authors strive for but that doesn’t turn out quite as well when others attempt it. These descriptions and world-building were a testament to the strength of the Sands’ writing. It was the kind of writing that captured you right from the beginning and made you want to keep reading, regardless of what the book wound up to be about.

Truisms, Complexities, and Other Themes: I loved that this book explored themes of relationship complacency. There was beauty in this subtle detail that is rarely seen in other current romance genre books. Most of the time, the men and situations that heroines run from are one-dimensionally bad. I loved that, in Bedlam, Anaya really was comfortable in her life. She lived with a man who was emotionally and physically absent, which is the situation of many women—and many women choose not to leave relationships in which the spark has gone out. I loved that Anaya had a rich life of her own and had made peace with her situation, and that it took a true catalyst to cause her to seriously consider leaving. This aspect of the book felt extremely honest to me. I tend to think that most people are neither holding out for the perfect relationship nor are they trapped in terrible ones they can’t escape—I think most women (and men) settle into mediocre relationships, because comfort and familiarity has its own merit, and it felt good to read a book in which somebody finally said so.

The Standout Side Character: The not-quite-elderly doorman of Anaya’s building appears to be simply a sweet man who she chats with, in passing, in her daily life. I always love these kinds of characters, and I love that Sands gave us more than a surface glimpse into this man’s life. At one point in the book, we find out he’s not just a kindly older man. We learn of a history that speaks of adventure and intrigue that goes far beyond his current job and station. I loved that Anaya’s character and the overall story reminded me how much older people have to offer, and how true it is that people are so much more than we believe them to be.

Our Prediction: I'm pretty sure this was the author's debut novel, and I think she's got a bright future. She's done amazingly in terms of gaining recognition since her beginning, and I wouldn't be surprised if she made it big!
Profile Image for Anita Glover.
91 reviews
May 13, 2017
Bedlam by Autumn Sands

Bedlam is Book 1 of The Twisted Hearts series. It is a contemporary romance. Autumn Sands warns her readers that there is dark content and violence against women including rape. However, this scene is not graphic in content and is written sensitively and empathetically as the character recalls what happened to her. Autumn Sands’ purpose is to show that although these things happen, it is possible given the right care and help to fight back against it so that life can continue rather than stop. There are a number of helplines and websites at the end of the book dedicated to offering help to victims of abuse.
Bedlam is the love story of Anaya and Tony. She is a junior Interior Designer just beginning to get her first commissions and he is the owner and manager of a popular nightclub ‘The Pulse’. Neither have had a joyous all-loving childhood and both have known the sadness of losing their parents. When they meet Anaya is coming to the end of a twelve year relationship with her partner and boyfriend who just happens to be a mafia boss. She knows full well that her boyfriend will go to extreme lengths to keep her – he will even kill her rather than let her go. She tries so hard to deny her attraction to Tony and knows any relationship with him could be dangerous for them both. Can she escape her boyfriend? Does she allow herself to feel the attraction she has for Tony? What does fate have in store for them?
Just as Anaya has secrets she must keep from Tony, he has equally deadly secrets he has to keep from her. Deliberately setting up their first meeting with ulterior motives, the last things Tony expected was to feel a strong attraction to Anaya. An attraction so strong it makes him risk everything to keep her. Will his secrets destroy any relationship they could have? Will Anaya be able to forgive him and allow herself to trust/love him? What will happen when she learns the truth about Tony and about her own situation?
The story moves along steadily in some parts and quite fast in others. The characters are believable and multi-dimensional; although at first you wish Anaya would wake up and smell the coffee. However, the more you find out about her past the more you can understand why she is reluctant to leave her boyfriend. Their story is told from both their points of view which gives you an insight into their deepest (and at times darkest) thoughts. I was hesitant to read this book knowing that it dealt with a violent rape so I was relieved when it was dealt with so sensitively and empathetically. It was the recall of the rape and the details in the scene as she awoke that told you what happened rather than a graphic description as it was happening. Very skilful writing from Autumn Sands means I will look for the next book in the Twisted Hearts series: Mayhem.
1,840 reviews14 followers
May 27, 2017
5 star

Bedlam:A Twisted Hearts Love Story(Twisted Hearts Love Story Series Book 1) By Autumn Sand

This is the first book I've read by this author I'm positive it won't be the last.This story is a romance story set in Mafia Family Crime world and it does involve stories of violence and rape against women. Anaya is a young woman who is an  Interior Designer

she is a junior interior designer for C.F.Interior Design, she's been in her current position for 6 months but her dream is to become a full fledged designer within the next two years.Anaya and her boyfriend Iggy lives in a penthouse and they've been together for twelve years,but he's rarely home and when he does come home he constantly reaks of other women's perfume,she knows in her heart she no longer loves him.Its been months since they've had any kind of a sexual relationship. Anaya's best friend Rheda is also Iggy's lawyer,the two of them have lunch quite frequently, Rheda knows that Iggy treats her badly and tells her to leave . Anaya gets good news from her boss Tony Delaney the owner of the nightclub Pulse has asked for her personally to be the Head Interior Designer for redesign of his club.Anaya is thrilled and secretly thinks to herself she might get that full position before two years.When she walks into Pulse to look around and get some measurements she sees a good looking guy over by the bar she instantly starts having naughty thoughts about mystery man after he takes her around and shows her the VIP section and Tick interrupts  does she find out the mystery man in none other than Tony Delaney.

Tony Delaney owner of the Pulse nightclubs,which he owns in NYC, LA,Miami and also Las Vegas. He is also the illegitimate son of a Mafia Crime Boss.Tonys mother committed suicide when he was just a teenager, his half sister was raped and went to live with her father,tony has felt like his reason for living is to find and kill his sisters rapist.Tick is his good friend and right hand man,he helps with day to day stuff at the nightclub.When Tony sees Anaya at his club for there meeting he's instantly attracted to her.He fixes them both both A drink,Jack and Coke,which is Anaya's go to drink.I don't want to ruin the story and tell everything but I think the author done an amazing job creating characters that flowed and the story was well writtem.The author does warn the readers of the abuse,violence and rape against women. She shows through this story that there is a life to be had after these terrible things occur. I truly liked this story and I recommend it.I also look forward to reading more from Autumn Sand.

Profile Image for Kelli Delp.
78 reviews
May 25, 2017
Bedlam is the first book in the Twisted Hearts Love Story Series by Autumn Sand. It can be read as a standalone novel and includes an epilogue ending. It’s told in alternating point of view by the two main characters Anaya and Tony. The overall book contains very dark and dangerous subjects, so if you are not comfortable with those, then this is not the book for you.

Growing up in the foster care system, Anaya never had much in the way of material things or even love. But, now that she’s an adult, she’s become a successful interior designer based in Manhattan enjoying the luxurious life. Although she’s successful in her career, her relationship with her long term boyfriend, Ignacio, is on the rocks. Even though he is controlling with her, he’s been the only continual part of her life so she stays.

“I’m just a possession to him. Something he owns, like a car or a pair of shoes.”

With his ridiculously smoldering looks and piercing eyes, Tony never has a lack of women who are interested in him. But, the moment he meets Anaya, it’s as if nobody else exists and she’s all he wants. He knows that he can’t have her because of his past, but that doesn’t stop him from pursuing her and showing her what a real man is like.

“I sometimes wonder, if I split my chest open, would it reveal a heart or a black hole where one should be.”

Meeting Tony is like setting a fire to herself. He’s intense and could easily burn her. But, something about him draws her in and deeps her intrigue towards him.

“If you were my woman…I’d hate any man that brought a smile to your face, because I wasn’t the one who put it there…and I’d want to own your heart, your body, your soul, and everything else about you.”

The more time he spends with her, he realizes that his past is too dark for her to be a part of the life he lives. When she starts snooping into his past, could she be in for more than she bargained for?

“I know that I wanted her. I want to keep her safe in my arms…But I never thought of the word love until now. I think it’s because it’s something more than love.”

Is an instant connection enough for her to leave Ignacio? What is Tony hiding that is so bad? Could his past put Anaya in danger?

With so many unexpected plot twists keeping me on the edge of my seat, I would recommend Bedlam to anyone who enjoys dark, dramatic, and deliciously sexy novels. With many well written side characters, I definitely am excited to read more of this series and hope to see Anaya and Tony make reappearance.
Profile Image for Jenni Bishop.
4,581 reviews49 followers
May 13, 2017
Anaya Scott had to begin life the hard way, being tossed from pillar to post. Never knowing love in her young life until she met a boy. That was twelve years ago, that boy was her world, her whole life until it wasn’t. Anaya loves the world of design and has a job that she loves in that world which has afforded her the little things in life except the one thing she craves love. What happened with the man she loved? When did things change? Anaya is living a lonely existence, if it wasn’t for work and her best friend she would have nothing. The man she loved is nothing more than corrupt but what hurts more is his betrayal.That begs the question why is she still there. When Anaya was offered the biggest opportunity of her life she jumps all in to prove she is the one to deliver. Hired to decorate the hottest nightclub in town Anaya heads there to take a look and make her designs, what she doesn't bank on is the hot guy with those eyes. It is that one meeting that changes her life forever In ways she could never imagine. Tony Delaney has just met the most extraordinary creature he has ever set eyes on but he can’t allow himself to go there for more reasons than he can count. With his dark past and an even darker present he can’t think about her, he can’t fall for her. He will only end up destroying her. If she knows the truth she will run far away. When the past and present comes together the secrets, lies and betrayal lead to disaster. When discovery shows friends are not really friends, who can you trust? Who will keep you safe? Will Anaya be trading one bad situation for another? Will she ever be free from the terror? Will she ever be safe? Will she find her happily ever after or is that only in fairy tales? Will the torture she has had to endure be her undoing? Will Tony finally make his peace with the past? This book tells a slightly darker story but it is an tale of revenge, betrayal, heartbreak and love. It will captivated you from the start and you will be surprised just how the story ends.
May 16, 2017
Title: Bedlam: Twisted Hearts Love Story (Twisted Hearts Love Story Series Book 1)
Author: Autumn Sand
Stars: 5

Autumn Sand’s Bedlam is a mob love story about Anaya and Tony. There are some scenes in this book that may be a bit hard to read. There is warnings about this, but it a really great story. Anaya is a strong woman that overcomes the worst that happens to her.

Anaya is an outstanding interior designer. She's been in a relationship with Iggy for 12 years. He has been the only constant in her life, her only family. Just looking from the outside you'd think they'd have everything; an amazing apartment that anyone would be envious of, wealth, respect, and loyal friends. But on the inside Anaya and Iggy have been drifting apart ever since he became the head of a major crime family. Through all his indiscretions she has remained loyal to him. Then one day she gets an invite to possibly redesign the hottest club in town, Pulse. This could lift her career to new heights. When she goes in for the meeting she sees a man that makes her take notice,Tony. Can she resist the flirting and advances? Can she stay away from Tony once she learns what and who he is? And more than anything, can she trust the people closest to her?

Tony is a very very handsome and driven man. He owns the hottest club in town. But he is also a man that has been on a mission in the making for years. He has never let anything or anyone stand in his way. It seems his patience and planning should pay off soon. Well, that is until he met Anaya. Could she be a complication? Or could they both find what they truly been searching for and needed?

This story kept me on my toes and my fingers flipping the pages. The twists in this was like a country backroad, you never knew where you'd end up but was always happy where you ended up. Anaya became such a fighter and I loved her kicking butt in the end. Tony is sweet, loyal, and definitely swoon worthy. I can't wait to see where the author takes the other characters stories too.
406 reviews
May 28, 2017
Author Autumn Sand
5 Stars

Readers need to be aware this book covers the subject of rape. While Autumn has written about the scenes in a sensitive manner, it still may distress some readers.

What happens when you find out your nest friend is anything but?
What do you do when you find out this same friend is sleeping with your partner?
Anaya has been in a relationship with Ignacio for twelve years, he has been the only family she has ever had since both her parents died when she was young and grew up in foster care. Ignacio is part of a crime family and since the death of his father he has become their leader. He also doesn’t think twice about not coming home to Anaya and cheats on her constantly.

Anaya is an interior designer and is about to be given the biggest contract of her short career which is going to bring both the best and the worst into her life. Who do you share this news with? Your best friend of course. Rheda is an attorney and a good one, she is also Ignacio’s attorney. Anaya met Rheda through Ignacio and they became close friends, well that is what Anya thought anyway. It breaks Anaya’s heart when she finds Ignacio and Rheda together and realizes then that not only no longer wants to be with Ignacio but has lost the only person she thought she could turn to Rheda.

Anaya is requested to do the new interior designs for the night club Pulse by its owner Tony. What she does not know is that Tony is Ignacio’s brother. At first Tony requested that she do the updated designs for his club to keep her close and find out information about his brother. What Tony doesn’t count on is falling in love with Anaya. Anaya also does not know that Tony has plans for Ignacio for what he did to his sister Winta years ago and because their father was the cause of his mother’s death as a teenager.

I do encourage this book be read, but please remember the sensitive nature covered. Thanks Autumn a beautifully written book.
Profile Image for Meshia.
57 reviews12 followers
May 24, 2017
Bedlam, by Author Autumn Sand is not a standalone. It is part one in the “Twisted Hearts Love Story”. This was the second book I have read of Autumn Sand. I can tell you from her other work I have now fallen more in love with this series. I really love how she tells a story. This story deals a lot of adult content. If you have hard time reading about violence and abuse then be fair warned. This book has some major strong suits. If you can get past that then you will be involved in a beautiful strong love story. I loved loved loved these characters. Meeting, Anaya. She is strong woman that has been dealt with a horrible past growing up. All she has ever wanted for herself was to be wanted, belonged to someone that will stay by her, love and protect her. She is an Interior Designer which allows her to have her independent streak. It’s nice to see someone in love with what they do. Remember not everything is what it seems. Don’t get complacent. Life is too short. What Anaya doesn’t intend to do is blur lines of her business. Meeting a man that makes her second guess everything she’s known for so long. There is just something about him, the way he looks, the way he carries himself, makes her think about what she is willing to stake for him. Tony, Tony, Tony. He’s a tall, dark and keeps her guessing. He shouldn’t be attracted to Anaya but there is something about her that pulls him near. These two people put a smile on my face seeing their hardships come together and turn horrible situations around to mean something beautiful. Now, we all know nothing is ever just puppies and rainbows. There are certain turns in this book that really made you sad, happy and root for the HEA. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series. I’m happy to find a new series that keeps me on my toes.
Profile Image for Morgan.
326 reviews3 followers
June 2, 2017
Bedlam by Autumn Sand is the first book in the Twisted Hearts Love Story Series, and it was absolutely amazing! I loved it! This was the first book I've read from Autumn Sand, and I can already tell, I'll be buying anything she writes in the future! This was an amazing 5 star read!

Bedlam starts out with Anaya who thought she'd found her one true love, but now she's not so sure. It's nothing like she thought Love would be and it leaves her feeling unfulfilled and unwanted. Anaya knows her relationship is failing, and she's trying to put her best foot forward in every aspect of her life. She's succeeding as a designer and is working to prove she deserves a spot at the company. So when a huge club comes to her work stating they want her to redesign their club, she’s ready, and her boss stresses to her that this is it, this is what could make or break her career.

Enter Tony who comes into her life like a hurricane, turning everything in her world upside down and not in the best way. He owns Pulse, the nightclub that needs redesigning and has requested Anaya’s services. Tony has secrets and knows that he should leave Anaya alone but there is something about her that he just can't leave alone. She lights up his world and even though it will put her in danger, he’ll do anything to keep her. But is that enough? Will it be enough to keep her safe? What happens when Anaya finds out Tony’s secret?

This book was amazing. I honestly cannot say enough good things about this book. There was something for everyone, and had a great original storyline and characters! I can't wait to see what happens next in the series!
Profile Image for Michelle Austin.
2,778 reviews41 followers
May 30, 2017
Author:Autumn Sand
Series: Twisted Hearts Love story #1

Bedlam was a great 5 star read.

Anaya is in a loveless relationship, Ignacio hasn’t touched her in weeks. He spends his nights with different women coming home smelling like them. When Anaya threatens to sleep with another man to get a rise out of him she gets more than she bargained for. He threatens to kill her if she is ever with another man.

Anaya is an interior designer and when she gets requested to redesign the club Pulse she meets a very hot man that she is highly attracted to and they have a hot brief encounter, not realizing that it was the owner Tony. He becomes standoffish and rude to Anaya after they are interrupted and she finds out who he is.

Well I’ll be darned if that didn’t make my panties wet.

Anaya and Tony continue to have a hot and cold relationship until Tony finally gives Anaya what she has needed for a very long time. And it was hot. She is finally getting from Tony what she has always wanted, love.

There are several twists and surprises, that I definitely didn’t see coming There is a horrific scene that had me in tears and my heart broke for Anaya. It may be a trigger for some. Will she ever get away from Ignacio and get what she has always wanted with Tony? Can he save her? The secondary characters added a great element to the story. I really enjoyed reading Tony and Anaya’s story and I look forward to reading more about this couple. 1-click and get started on this great series today.
Profile Image for Candida Hopper.
764 reviews11 followers
May 14, 2017
Bedlam: A Twisted Hearts Love Story, book one, by Autumn Sand, was intense and awesome!! Once you start reading it you will not be able to put it down! Autumn did an amazing job portraying the feelings and emotions the characters were going through.
Anaya had a rough and lonely upbringing so when she met Ignacio she was no longer alone. Anaya and Iggy have been together for 12 years, but it's not all hearts and flowers. Their relationship is a loveless one where he blatantly cheats and has little to no disregard for her feelings. Iggy is the head of a mafia family and has done things that Anaya has no knowledge. Anaya, is a junior interior designer and aspires for her career to grow.
Anaya has been asked for personally by a man named Tony Delaney, to redesign hi nightclub. When Anaya meets Tony the sexual sparks are phenomenal. Tony and Anaya feel the pull toward each other, but can they get together? Anaya is in a relationship with a dangerous man, does she dare betray him to find love? Tony has a past that haunts him today and if Anaya finds out it end their relationship before it even gets started. Both Anaya and Tony have witnessed Betrayal and loneliness. There are hurtful and horrific things that happen, that brought me to tears.
I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of reading this book and every emotion I felt while experiencing this story. There is moderate violence in this book. I highly recommend this book, you will not be able to put it down!!
389 reviews7 followers
May 14, 2017
4 – Stars

This was the first book I’ve read from Autumn Sand and it definitely wasn’t what I was expecting (in a good way). It had it’s heart stopping moments and it constantly made you want to keep flipping the pages until the end but I will say it isn’t for the faint of heart.

Anaya Scott doesn’t really know how to be loved. Her world changed when she was a child so and she lost out on what it meant to be loved and taken care of. As a teenager she meets Ignacio, Iggy, who became her world. He was so thoughtful and loving in their relationship. As an adult, she’s a successful interior designer but her relationship with Iggy has become very cold and unwelcoming. He’s the top dog in one of the biggest crime families. He’s cold and violent and he’s no longer the man she once knew and loved. She tries to find a way to stay away from him so she jumped on the chance to redesign one of the hottest clubs in the city.

Tony, the owner of the clubs, is used to dealing with beautiful women but nothing prepared him for how Anaya would affect him. They try and weed through this connection they have by staying professional but their chemistry is too strong to deny. They both have secrets and that be damaging to each other plus we can’t forget Iggy.

This story was so gritty, raw, and very different from what I’m used to reading. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Stacey.
555 reviews2 followers
June 2, 2017
Anaya is a real estate agent that has recently been promoted which she's ecstatic by and is ready for the next step. The one thing she isn't sure of is her relationship, she thought she was e happy but they have been together for twelve years and they haven't even started a family together so she's feeling unsettled and confused until she set eyes on sexy man with topaz eyes. Tony has a lot or secrets and a dark past which could come between the friendship that's blossoming between him and Anaya, Will Tony tell her his secrets and let truly in? This is the first story In the twisted heart series and I tell you now your aren't left disappointed. This novel is definitely not all sunshine and rainbows it has some really dark moments and graphic scenes which can be upsetting. i love that I was able to enjoy this emotional roller-coaster I just really didn't want to come of, Anaya and Tony are perfect for each other I absolutely loved them both. I found myself sucked into there world being able to visualise everything around me Autumn Sand you are a very talented writer this story you wrote is written beautifully it had Me on. The edge of my seat throughout and pulled in amazing. Each chapter leaves you wanting to read on until you reach the end and then when you finish the novel you want to start it all over again. I absolutely recommend this novel you definitely will not be left disappointed happy reading.
18 reviews
June 19, 2017
Bedlam: A Twisted Hearts Love Story by Autumn Sand is a “can’t put down” type of book. It is a steamy romance novel involving Mafia crime, stories of rape and violence against women. The book is told in multiple point of views and provides hope for life after violence. I would give it 5/5 stars.
Anaya Scott once a foster child has risen to junior interior designer for a well to do company. She lives in a penthouse apartment with her boyfriend, Iggy, who isn’t faithful and come homes smelling of other women. Rheda is her best friend and Iggy’s lawyer, they frequently have lunch together and socialize after work. Rheda knows all about Iggy’s treatment of Anaya. One day Anaya gets her dream job and is handed the account of a nightclub “Pulse” owned by Tony Delaney.
Tony Delaney is the illegitimate son of a Mafia crime boss. His mother committed suicide when he was young, his half-sister was raped and went to live with her father, the mob boss. Tony’s reason for living since that day is to kill the rapist. Tony’s best friend is Tick, who is also his right-hand man and helps with all day-to-day operations of the nightclubs. From the first time that Tony met Anaya, she enraptures his heart. He doesn’t mean to fall in love with her, it just happens, like love at first sight.
The book tells the story of Anaya’s relationships. Will true love win out? Or will Anaya be destined for a life with unfaithful Iggy?
234 reviews5 followers
May 18, 2017
Bedlam is such a proper name for this book because in its pages is pure bedlam and chaos. This had me gasping for breath and turning the pages as fast as possible. It wasn’t just the chemistry between Tony and Anaya that will keep you interested, it’s the rest as well. Iggy is a disgusting human being who deserves the most evil things to happen to him while Tick and Manny just make me laugh. Every time I thought I knew what was going on, bam, a twist I didn’t see coming. It was a sad story that was scary at times with hints of tragedy, but that doesn’t mean Anaya is someone to pity, she is brave and loyal and I like her, a lot.
This is a four-star read for me because I didn’t want it to end. If I bit my nails, I would have bit them down to the cuticles. Whether it was the will they or wont they or will she survive this mess, I just couldn’t stop reading, I had to see what was going to happen. Autumn Sand has an ability to make her characters seem so real, like I know them personally and it leads to being invested in their outcome. These characters are so intriguing and I’m looking forward to seeing that happens with them in the future. I highly recommend reading this book if you want to escape for a few hours on a fast paced read that will leave you wanting more, but don’t worry Autumn Sand has more tricks up her sleeve.
Profile Image for Carissa Anelli.
184 reviews13 followers
May 24, 2017
Anaya has it all a high profile job, a penthouse apartment and a mob boss for a boyfriend, and a lawyer for a best friend. Except it wasn’t everything it appeared to be from the outside. Ignacio hasn’t touched her for months and he has been sleeping with everything with 2 legs. When she lands a high profile job of an interior redesign of the hottest night club in town Pulse. During the first consultation she sees him, Mr. Tall dark and handsome and is drawn to him from across the room. Soon she learns he is none other than the clubs owner Tony.

When tony sees her from across the room something awakens in him that he hasn’t felt in a while. It’s more than just lust it’s pure attraction. He will do what he can to make her his and show her exactly how he feels and that she needs to be his. Though will Tony’s secret be too much for Anaya and what it means for their relationship. Will he be able to salvage their relationship and save her from herself.

I will come out and say I will normally not pick a book like this to read. Especially with the graphic subject matter. Though this story was very well written and the storyline made it impossible to put the book down. The story though graphic in parts was tastefully written and wasn’t offensive in nature. Though it may cause emotional triggers in some readers.
Profile Image for Margaret Tidwell.
610 reviews9 followers
June 14, 2017
FTC: I received a free copy of this book from Aurora Publicity in exchange for my honest review. I received no other compensation and the opinions expressed in this review are one hundred percent true and my own.

Bedlam by Autumn Sand was a book that I sat down and read in a couple of hours because I didn’t want to put it down. I liked Anaya and Tony from the start of the book which always makes for a good book. There are things in this book that may trigger some people so if you are sensitive to rape and domestic violence I wouldn’t read this book. The author doesn’t go into a ton of details about those subjects, but they are there, so I want you to be aware of it. Not only did I read this book I also read the next book in the series on Saturday as well, and the review of that book will be up tomorrow morning so keep your eyes open for that review. This is the first book in the series, but you don’t have to read them in order, so if you don’t only want to read one, then you can just pick that one up and not have to worry about being lost. These types of books are my guilty pleasure books, and this one didn’t let me down in the least. If you are looking for a great romance novel to read this summer I would one hundred percent recommend this book to you.
April 17, 2019
I just finished reading Bedlam (Twisted Hearts Love Story #1), by Autumn Sand.

Anya is an amazing woman, through and through!

She knows what she wants, she is strong, she is smart and she’s a fighter.

Tony is a man of action - he is not shy to go after what he wants - no matter how hard it might be to get it.

Wow! Just WOW! I’m not one for a book that has too many plot twists or *too much* drama - I am very critical at books that have a bit of either.

But this book blew me out of the water - I mean, I devoured it and already got book number 2 in the series.

The chemistry that Anya and Tony have, leaps off the page without being cheap or unbelievable - it is *Oh so right* and it kind of made me jealous just reading about them - that’s how good the writing is!

The plot of this book is off the charts and I loved every minute of it - it has steamy moments, surprises, heartache, suspense and best of all, it has meat on it’s bones (something that I find is often lacking in many books).

I often find supporting characters easy to forget - but Bedlam gave me Tick, Manny and even Magnum - all characters that I could easily read books about.

Bravo Autumn Sand - Bravo! You have a new superfan!
Profile Image for Debi.
1,060 reviews6 followers
April 9, 2019
Bedlam (A Twisted Hearts Love Story Book 1) by Autumn Sand

5 Stars

I have read every one of the Twisted Hearts books except this one up to this point...Not sure how I missed it but I surely did and after reading this I want to pick up all the rest and reread them all. I love this series and love this author, you could probably read all of these as stand alones, but dont..they are all absolutely awesome and the characters from the previous books hang around in all of them…

This one was hard to read in spots and the author gives you fair warning in the beginning but she handled it all with class and style and allows you to crawl right in the minds of these characters and does not add in any unneeded fluff throughout the story.

Tony and Anaya’s story was intense and the twists and turns that happened along the way caught me totally off guard, they were all placed perfectly.

I highly recommend this series and I promise you read this one you will want to grab all of them.

Loved it and can't wait for more from this author!!

A Forever Fan
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