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Genesis Unveiled: The Lost Wisdom of Our Forgotten Ancestors

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Brief Old Testament references to a former civilisation that was destroyed by the Flood have fascinated scholars for centuries, giving rise to exotic speculations ranging from the advanced technology of Atlantis through to extraterrestrial visitors. But it is only now that one British researcher’s ten-year quest has brought together the entire body of accounts of an antediluvian race from across the globe - from the ancient texts of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Greece and Scandinavia, to the sacred traditions of indigenous peoples from the Americas, Africa, Indonesia and Australasia – with stunning results.

GENESIS The Lost Wisdom of our Forgotten Ancestors is the result of that painstaking quest, and its conclusions are unlike anything you have read before. Like other notable revisionist historians, Ian Lawton argues that our forebears were far more culturally advanced than has been previously believed - to the extent that they built sizeable settlements and navigated the oceans to trade. He backs up this belief with tantalising evidence from archaeology. Yet the most significant common theme uniting the ancient traditions is that our ‘forgotten race’ was originally highly spiritual but became increasingly obsessed with the material world before it perished in a global catastrophe – which geological and other evidence suggests occurred around 11,500 years ago.

Throughout Genesis Unveiled the author’s reinterpretations of ancient sacred texts are underpinned by a spiritual ethos based on the principles of karma and reincarnation. So the catastrophe is seen as a karmic event brought about by our forgotten race’s fall from grace. As to how a spiritual worldview was first brought into human consciousness, he argues that underlying the various accounts of the creation of man and of mankind’s ‘civilisation’ by various ‘sages’ is the genuine reality that the genus Homo had at some point evolved sufficiently in physical, psychological and physiological terms that it was ready to play host to the first advanced souls to incarnate in human form. He argues that this would have represented the most significant cultural impetus ever to the evolution of humanity, and that it can be practically tied into the first signs of ritual burial in the archaeological record, which date back 100,000 years to a site in Israel. This surely represents the point at which our ancestors first appreciated that the soul lives on after death, and that there are ethereal realms in addition to the physical world around us – a view that would lead tens of thousands of years later to the wonderful shamanic cave paintings of Western Europe.

Yet perhaps the most stunning scholastic discovery in Genesis Unveiled is Lawton’s revelation of the incredible consistency and esoteric wisdom of all origin myths right across the world, which has been completely overlooked by orthodox scholars who insist on purely psychological interpretations. Moreover, the timeless and universal truths contained in them have been dramatically reconfirmed by modern theoretical science in recent decades, with the revelations that everything is energy, that matter is an illusion, that everything is interconnected, that everything has consciousness, and that there are multiple other dimensions beyond the apparently physical. As a result, the author is able to lay out a philosophical and historical framework that merges a scientific, evolutionary perspective with a spiritual worldview - with no inherent conflicts or contradictions.
Above all, Genesis Unveiled emphasises that the theme of a debased and materialistic culture that perished when it lost touch with its spiritual roots is one that we should heed carefully - for if we can come to recognise the path we are now treading as one our ancestors have been down before, we may be able to fundamentally alter our priorities and reconnect ourselves with our spiritual roots before universal karma once again decides enough is enough…

Genesis Unveiled

1. The first serious attempt to bring all the precatastrophe texts and traditions from around the world together for comparison.

2. The first time the catastrophe of 11,500 years ago has been viewed in its proper context as a karmic event based on our antediluvian ancestors fall from spiritual grace.

3. The first time the incredible consistency and esoteric wisdom of the origin traditions from all around the world has been revealed.

4. The first philosophically logical merger of a spiritual and scientific worldview.

5. The first attempt at a spiritual prehistory of mankind with relevance to the modern world.

384 pages, Hardcover

First published October 1, 2002

18 people want to read

About the author

Ian Lawton

31 books4 followers

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Profile Image for Nina.
627 reviews16 followers
July 25, 2012
Chapter 2 was well worth reading, but apart from that I would recommend ignoring this book. The 'evidence' for the author's thesis of a lost golden race that was highly advanced (incarnated angels in the author's view - the only link to Genesis) but eventually got debased and perished in a karmic catastrophe gets thinner and more far-fetched as the chapters pass by, and by the end it seems to be based solely on channeled information. Part 3 of the book hardly even mentions this thesis. However, the many quoted ancient scripts and translations have greatly added to my reading list - they were very interesting!
Profile Image for David Sarkies.
1,899 reviews358 followers
November 25, 2014
A New Age search for forgotten civilisations
18 January 2013

There are not all that many books that look into the evidence supporting the existence of a sophisticated antediluvian civilisation so when I do discover one I generally read it with interest. However one of the problems that I find with these books is they tend to be written by new age scholars. While they resort to objective evidence at times, they end up spiralling down into very subjective proofs. This book, for instance, has a lot of subjective elements, such as apparent evidence for reincarnation and past lives. Unfortunately I am not the type of person that puts much faith in evidence of reincarnation that comes from somebody's meditative experience (though I must admit that I am guilty of that as well, though I try not to argue in favour of Christianity based on subjective experiences).
What I do like about this book and these types of books in general, are the pieces of objective evidence that are used to support the proposition of an advanced antediluvian civilisation. Personally, I believe that there was one, though it is more of a pet hobby of mine than the basis of my life's research. However such ideas do go to support my belief that humanity is not evolving but rather devolving.
This is one of the premises of this book: that civilisations fall because of their movement away from a spiritual reality to a more materialistic reality. Spiritual enlightenment and intellectual growth is replaced with the desire to have stuff, and our measure of importance is based upon the car that we drive and the suburb in which we live. Practicality is displaced by aestheticism. This reality is no more evidenced than by the existence of the BMW X5, which in my opinion is one of the most useless vehicles ever made. It is purely a status symbol and nothing more (and really, if you want a status symbol, get yourself a Rolls Royce). For those who do not know, the X5 is a Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) which is, surprisingly, quite misnamed, because it is not all that useful. The reason that I say that is because while it looks like a 4WD, it is not a 4WD (they actually created a term called all wheel drive for these types of vehicle). Basically, the undercarriage is so low that if you take if off road (even onto the lawn) there is a danger that the entire undercarriage will be ripped out.
However, let us get back to the book for a bit. The issue I will raise is one of evidence. Basically, and this is coming from somebody who is legally trained, evidence is a fact, or something that can be based on a fact. Okay, we have expert evidence, which is the statement of opinion by an expert, and we also have the evidence of an eye-witness, which is a person's interpretation of an event that was witnessed, but we also have physical evidence, such as a knife, a gun, or even a corpse (though I don't think they drag corpses into the court room, they just show photographs). Now, while the object may be physical, the object itself may not actually say much, therefore the evidence needs to be interpreted. For instance, we present a blood stained knife, and it turns out that the blood in the knife is not from a human, but from a pig. We also have a corpse with stab wounds, but it turns out that the stab wounds came about because the deceased fell onto a pile of scrap metal, yet a blood stained knife and a corpse with stab wounds could also suggest that the victim was stabbed with a knife.
I raise the issue of evidence because that is what Lawton looks at in this book, and he presents us with a lot of interesting evidence. By bringing these things together he is able to suppose that this points to the existence of an antediluvian civilisation. For instance, the fact that the myth of a world wide flood appears in numerous cultures around the world, is supportive of such an idea. Other evidence suggests that coal and oil deposits found deep underground are also evidence of a world wide flood, while others will simply argue that this is the result of millions of years of geological movement. However, the problem is that we can only rely on this evidence (which in many cases is circumstantial) as there were no eye-witnesses that we are able to consult on this issue, much in the same way that there are no eye-witnesses that we are able to consult on what the Mayans were really up to when they made that calendar.
39 reviews
April 2, 2023
"Genesis Unveiled" is an engaging and thought-provoking book that challenges traditional beliefs about the origins of humanity and the universe. It presents a holistic and integrated view of science and spirituality, offering a new perspective on the creation story and the concept of God.
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