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When Kyoko’s heart is broken, she decides that revenge is a dish best served in the spotlight!

Kyoko Mogami followed her true love Sho to Tokyo to support him while he made it big as an idol. But he’s casting her out now that he’s famous! Kyoko won’t suffer in silence—she’s going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in show biz!

Kyoko knows she's not plain and uninteresting, no matter what Sho says. With the help of a little makeover, Kyoko's ready to exact her revenge. But first she needs to land an audition, and she sets her sights on the agency where Sho's lead rival works. Her persistence pays off, but her broken heart turns out to be a disadvantage. Kyoko has lost the will to love anybody, let alone fans she's never met. Can the agency see past this problem to Kyoko's true star potential?

184 pages, Paperback

First published July 19, 2002

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About the author

Yoshiki Nakamura

117 books1,052 followers
Yoshiki Nakamura (仲村佳樹) is a Japanese mangaka. She was born June 17. Nakamura made her manga debut with "Yume de Auyori Suteki" in the manga magazine Hana to Yume in 1993.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 800 reviews
Profile Image for Mary.
543 reviews94 followers
May 10, 2016
Don't be put off by the length of this series. You will regret it. And there is a VALID REASON WHY THIS SERIES IS SO POPULAR.

Don't like shojo? That's fine, because Skip Beat makes fun of it.

I was worried to pick this up because I tend to not love the popular series. I want my romance done right, with tension, and a good female lead. I want comedy, a swoon-worthy male lead. And I want a girl who isn't afraid to stick up for herself, and to go for what she wants: a career.

Kyoko Mogami was a naive and romantic girl who let a man named Sho break her heart. She vows revenge, enters showbiz through hilarious means, and runs into the sexiest man in showbiz, Ren Tsuruga. They instantly hate each other. He doesn't like that she's only here for revenge and believes acting should be cherished. She can't believe that he judges her for this, and constantly is criticized by him.

What does Skip Beat do that causes so many people to praise it? It gives us a story where the heroine doesn't fall into cliches that most others do. She gets violent, she envisions strangling her enemies, she badmouths the love interests, and she barricades her heart so she doesn't fall in love. The main love interest, Ren, makes fun of his cliche as the childhood friend that Kyoko doesn't realize he is. We see him fall in love with her first. We see his thoughts and we watch as he goes from hating her, to respecting her, to finally falling for her.

I dislike showbiz but omg this is entertaining. It's hilarious, it's gripping, and the romance isn't in your face! The heroine guards herself but she's not an annoying dunce. She's oblivious about Ren's feelings but it isn't annoying. Because the way it's set up is so that Kyoko has to grow into a stronger woman before she loves again. And Ren needs to earn her love and respect 100x over and that means revealing dark secrets.

The romance is tension filled and slow burning and there's great female friendships. No pointless girl hate! XD

I can't recommend this enough and I'm mad at myself for not picking this up sooner. If you're tight on cash the omnibus is the best way to go. Support manga, guys.
Profile Image for Lynne King.
496 reviews778 followers
October 28, 2013
The attention to detail in this Japanese comic book is quite remarkable, both in the exceptional artwork and in the text itself, especially the asides that are thrown in that give the idea of a play, and yet the story is relatively simple in concept.

Briefly, Kyoko is interested in pop star Sho, who abandons her in Tokyo, and Kyoko wanting revenge and bearing a grudge (this is the theme in the book), is determined to join a talent agency and the LME Talent Agency is her target.

With sheer perseverance (I always admire that in an individual when they know what they want, be it for whatever reason, apart from wanting to kill someone, of course), she doggedly pursues and manages to persuade “L.M.E. Talent Agency, Talento Section Supervisor, Takenori Sawara, age 41, born March 10, Blood type AB…” to consider her for an audition and would you believe that Sho’s rival Ren Tsuruga belongs to this agency. And what is the end result? Well that’s for you to find out.

I’m not too sure of the exact meaning of Manga – does it mean comic books or cartoonish art? Either way, the book states that it is for thirteen year olds and upwards, and so that includes me.

I’ve always had a great admiration for the Japanese. Their history, their age-old customs and traditions, their stoicism in times of disaster (I still shudder when I think of that shameful episode in 1945 with such a tremendous loss of life), their inventiveness and advances in technology over the last few decades and now I see that Manga is now another string to their bow.

What I particularly liked were the comments made by the author on the left of the page, and studded from time to time throughout the book, as to how the book came to fruition. Her editor appears to be quite a demanding individual too, what with four different attempts at Kyoko’s hairstyle, questioning the title of the book, etc. Also there are end notes at the beginning (I mean the end as you have to read the book Japanese style from the right to the left) giving short meanings of some of the terms used.

Here are a few of them:

“The big sneeze: In Japan sneezing is a sign that people are talking about you. Sneeze once and you are being praised, twice and you are being criticized, three times and you are being laughed at (or admired or scolded), and four times means you will catch a cold.”

Also, “Straw doll: In Japan straw dolls can be used, much like voodoo dolls, to put a curse on someone”,

And, “The hand coming from Kyoko’s throat: In Japanese, there’s an expression ‘to want so much that a hand comes out of the throat.’ This is a visual representation of that expression”

I came across this book by chance as a recent Goodreads’ friend had this as his favourite book. And when there’s one favourite book (not many) involved, I always like to check it out as it gives me more of a clue about the personality of the friend concerned.

All in all this is a super little gem of a book and highly recommended to arty farty types like myself.

Profile Image for Meridith.
9 reviews7 followers
August 26, 2012
Manga is something that I like reading again and again; Skip Beat! is my favorite series in the world. Why, might you ask? I would be glad to explain it. The story is great, the artwork is great, it's never a chore to push through chapters; the story is slow, as is the romance, and the two main characters love each other because they love each other, not because they're randomly attracted to one another. If you read manga a lot, you know what I'm talking about. It happens in literature, too, but it's just so........... I don't even know how to explain. A lot of the time, there is no growth in the relationship. It starts out as a the girl and the guy having some sort of weird obsession with the other that they call 'love'. In Skip Beat, there is serious progress, starting with both of the characters hating each other down to their cores. Then it turns into respect, and even when Tsuruga realizes that the two have a very significant past together, he doesn't suddenly go, "Aha! I love this girl!" No. He says to himself, "I shouldn't like her just because of my memories with her." It's only when he starts getting to know her as the person that she is now that he lets himself treasure her. As for the main character (spoiler), Kyoko, she doesn't even know she likes him yet—yes, not even in the currently-being-released Japanese chapters. It's because of how nastily she was treated by her childhood friend, Sho. She loved Sho and he broke her heart. Now she's vowed never to love again, et cetera. Just because Tsuruga and Kyoko haven't sworn eternal love yet doesn't mean it doesn't have its intense moments, though. It's not like a super-prudish series that you shouldn't read because there's absolutely no romance. Quite the contrary, there are a lot of moments that make your skip a beat or two (pun completely intended). Though, seriously, after twenty-nine-ish volumes, if Nakamura-sensei doesn't progress their romance further sometime soon, I am flying to Japan to file a formal complaint—not really, because I think she's doing it perfectly as is.

Basically, this series has something special about it that I think makes it more than worth reading.
130 reviews218 followers
January 23, 2011
WOW! You know those little books that end up surprising you…? when after a few pages you think you know where that shit is going? And then BANG you get a 180 no scope right in your face! That’s what this little manga did to me! it all start with this girl Kyoko, you get drop in what you think is going to be a romance story. She left school, she abandoned her life, she gave up everything in life for her boyfriend… the only problem is that her boyfriend is one of those Diva dudes who only care about themselves… and there was I thinking that this shit was going to be about the power of love over coming everyting! And making her boyfriend realize what an ass he was… but then one day she walks into her boyfriend while he is having a conversation with his agent… and he is bragging on how he used her to pay for all his expensive taste… how all he had to do to get himself a slave was ask her to come with her, how she have to have 2 jobs to pay for his fancy apartment and his food!! What an ass!!!!! Then right there… something beautiful happened… Kyoko heard everything!!!! And that’s when that little manga turned into something beautiful!! It was not the romantic crap I thought It was going to be… oh hell no! this is a psycho bitch revenge story!!! Like Kill Bill! Kyoko goes into a rampage trying to get him and fuck him up…. But she can’t touch him cuz he is a famous Pop star and has security around him… so what she does? She decides to become a pop star herself in order to get her revenge!!! (I know it don’t make sense! But since when what psycho bitches do makes sense?) and its just mad fun for there on! She does voodoo, she stalks talent scouts, she shows amazing knife skills! Hell she even out runs a taxi in a bike while chasing one scout! Bitch is crazy! Maybe I’m reading between the lines… or reading more than what there actually is to it… but this is one sick little manga! I’m seriously looking forward to read the rest of this series! I’m impressed with it!!! highly impressed!
Profile Image for Megan.
8 reviews183 followers
November 16, 2013
Don't judge a book by it's cover. The cover of this book looks all girly right? Wrong. Maybe guys don't like these kind of books, but some girls look at the cover and go, "urgh". I love this series. Th girl on the cover is named Kyoko. She's a sweet, naive and funny character. She's clueless about love, but still awesome. I couldn't stop reading and the artwork is great. It's one of my favorite manga series. I would recommend it to everyone!
Profile Image for sparkling almond blossoms.
1,138 reviews148 followers
January 18, 2023
I was right when I first saw Ren Tsuruga on tv. I was like, "Heck yeah, this guy IS the main character." I turned out to be right. They just have this weird main character glow going on, you know what I'm saying?
April 28, 2015
I have a proper review somewhere. I absolutely love this series. One of my favourite shoujo mangas ever! Kyoko is awesome in her wacky intense yet likable way. Ren is curiously interesting and dedicated to his work. And Sho, he is the villain who very villain -like, but yet, as the series goes on, proves that he is capable of feeling human. Actually I find his character intensely interesting just like Kyoko's and Ren's. I guess they are just one of the reasons why I'm so drawn into this series.
The other reasons include, one, the plot and the insight I get into Kyoko's journey through showbiz. I think it's amazing watching her transform and grow each time. Two, the other characters. Three, Kyoko. Four, Ren. Five, what else? Everything else!

Anyway, I'm writing this particular review (since I've done one already on another of the volumes) is because recently I just started watching the live action Taiwanese adaption. And normally I'd hate it, but I needed to practice listening to Mandarin. I have to say I'm actually kinda really, super dooperly impressed with the adaption. I think (with the exception of the CGI) it's done really well. I like how it is and I can't seem to get enough of it. I think as an avid fan of Skip Beat! this does justice to the series (or at least after the first episode and up to where I am now. I've also heard some not so good things about the last ep) - though of course, this probably can't match up to the anime, much less than the original manga.

For a more in-depth review which I wrote at some point in August in 2012, please click HERE. I also realised I don't have a proper review on Goodreads somewhere, but I felt if I copied and pasted my old review here, it probably won't make much sense since it has spoilers and scenes from other volumes!
Profile Image for Lid.
880 reviews446 followers
September 22, 2016
En mangas sólo puntúo el primer volumen como nota general del manga
Estado: leyendo...

“El amor es el preludio del desastre y la desesperación”

¿Sabéis la típica historia que muchos odiamos donde la chica es un perrito faldero que sigue al chico que se aprovecha de ella? Así empieza Skip beat. Kyoko es la protagonista, una chica que siguió a su amigo Sho, quien ha llegado a convertirse en cantante. Kyoko vive por y para él y Sho no hace más que aprovecharse de ella. Sin embargo Kyoko no es tonta y, cuando se entera de lo que piensa de ella dice BASTA.

Un primer tomo intenso y que consigue captar la atención del lector. Sho no cree que Kyoto sea capaz de lograr nada, la menosprecia por completo pero Kyoko es dura de roer.

Me encanta Kyoko, sus métodos de hacer las cosas, su exageración, su sinceridad y su obstinación. Adoro sus expresiones y su bipolaridad. Puede ser la chica más dulce del mundo pero también un auténtico diablo dispuesto a todo por conseguir lo que desea. Sus transformaciones… ¡KYOKO ES GENIAL! ¡ES BESTIAL!

Sho es un inútil, un creído y le deseo todo mal. Ren me cae bien, es serio, formal y me encanta las reacciones que provoca en Kyoko. Además, a pesar de toda la seriedad que parece rodarle, también es muy gracioso. Sin duda alguna me quedo con este momento, me lo pasé genial:

Ah y por supuesto adoro todas y cada una de las ocurrencias de Kyoko porque es un personaje totalmente original y diferente a la par que divertido. En un primer tomo ha mostrado muchas cosas y originalidad no le falta a la historia, ¡me encanta! En solo un tomo ya han aparecido escenas dignas de recordar por su extrañeza y gracia. El momento del teléfono en la audición fue simplemente bestial, no he podido reírme más en mi vida y la cara de perro pachón del chaval ya pudo conmigo xD

La autora consigue jugar con momentos serios, divertidos y absurdos todos en uno y aun así meternos en la atmósfera. Logra que me una a Kyoko, que la apoye, que me divierta con su forma de actuar pero que también me sienta triste por su situación. Me he enamorado del manga, no hay mayor explicación, lo tiene todo y queda bien.
Profile Image for Courtney.
762 reviews156 followers
June 11, 2015
Kyoko, our main character is a sweet, hard working young girl at the start of the story. She and Sho, her childhood friend (and crush) have been living in the city for a few months while he works towards his goal of becoming a famous musician, while she works two jobs to support him.

Her happy existence comes to an end, however, when she overhears Sho talking about the real reasons he brought her to Tokyo with him. Now Kyoko is out for revenge, and won't stop until she manages to make it in the entertainment world herself... and surpass Sho!


I grabbed the second volume on my last run to the comic store, so I've been picking this up and reading a few chapters a bit at a time over the last few days, working towards book 2. It's still quite entertaining upon a re-read. The plot is interesting, and it should be interesting to see if and how Kyoko manages to achieve her goals. (You can't just go up to a director and demand they put you into a movie, after all.)

Cons to the manga... I'm not a huge fan of the art. It's early in the series, so it might improve later - right now the character designs seem a little odd, though. Very pointed chins on the faces, giving the characters a rather alien appearance.

Some people might not like the characters, either - the manga is more humorous in nature, and Kyoko's behavior is quite exaggerated to accent/create this. It's over-the-top and a little ridiculous at times, but still entertaining.
Profile Image for Jack.
14 reviews7 followers
August 10, 2012
My guilty pleasure. Do I have to give up my man club card now?
1 review1 follower
March 26, 2009
Ok, about Skip Beat. I must say that I truly enjoy this particular manga. The heroin, at the beginning, is every run of the mill shojo character. However, after she realizes that the one she loves does not love her, and in fact has been purposely using her for his own gain, she shows her darker side that is both scary and comedic. She vows her revenge on him in the only way that she can hurt him, to be a bigger star in show biz. Through out her trails she shows unbelievable feats of physical strength in a comedic way and her devil “helpers” often come out in her anger. Also she does not break into showbiz right away, which is a reality relief for shojo manga. I know that I find it slightly laughable that when ever a girl wants to break into showbiz in a manga, suddenly in the second book she’s on her way to be a star. Also when she meets her other love interest in the story she hates him. Not only that but she has sworn to never love again, so I can be happy to know that I won’t be seeing any sappy love parts in the middle of her trying to get revenge. Also because she has sworn to never love again any love that she does feel will have to take it’s time and develop. It won’t be they see each other and fall in love.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,529 reviews1,246 followers
September 9, 2018
Great manga! Fun, playful, with humor and a twisted edge! Kyoko is a fun protagonist as she sets down a path of revenge against a guy who took advantage of her. Sho (the aforementioned jerk) is such a loser! But I love Kyoko's determination and spirit. However the weird hand wisps out of the mouth and even (on a smaller scale) the little grudges are a bit annoying. They almost cost this a star. But I cannot help but love the story more. The characters are rich, original and well portrayed. I really liked the artwork for each character. Good potential for a series start! The president of the showbiz company she auditions with is a bit...out there. Be warned about him
356 reviews
July 24, 2016
3/5 stars.
I've seen a few episodes of the anime so this volume wasn't anything special, I knew what was going to happen.
I've heard this manga series is one of the best, so I'm going to read more soon!
Profile Image for Karen.
188 reviews50 followers
March 22, 2017
I watched the anime and i loved it! so I'm gonna read the manga. I love kyoko❤
September 5, 2023
This is going to be my review for volumes 1-21.
Read:July 26-29th,2017
I first started this series years ago.
I watched the anime series first which wasn't too bad but very comedic rather than serious and complex which was fine but I wish the anime covered more of the manga and toned down the awful comedy scenes.
I was curious on how the story would end and already had volumes 5-6 as a gift so I thought "What the heck,I should give this a try" and so I did.
These are the problems with Skip Beat!
Kyoko Mogami has the dumbest motivation I've seen in a story and she isn't funny.
Her comedic timing is off,the whole premise of her ,"comedy" scenes are rolling the floor,being weird,turning into a chibi and yelling.
The writer tried too hard to make her funny and failed at it.
In the beginning of the story she leaves her home town to help her "childhood love" Shotaro Fuwa (or Sho for short) to support him while he made it big as a visual kei artist( a type of music scene in Japan).
Now Kyoko says once Sho got the fame he wanted he abandoned Kyoko.
In reality she abandoned Sho because he had a girlfriend.
Kyoko never dated prior,she was just upset and obsessed with him for some bizarre reason.
She also said Sho found her clingy,overbearing and only saw her as a friend he could take advantage of.
Only part of this is true.
The part that is true is that he found her clingy and overbearing because she was.
Kyoko spent most her life tying to appease others and instead of working on herself.
Her obsessed with Sho had her end up without a High school education or skills other than the skills she learned from Sho's family inn.
She never did anything for herself.
Kyoko's mother even abandoned her because she couldn't be bothered with her anymore so what does she do?
She decides to suddenly become actress to get her "sweet revenge" on her ex-friend to "beat him" him in sho-biz.
Of course Ren Tsuruga(a follow actor and model) found her annoying and unprofessional because she was.
Kyoko does everything in the extreme instead of like a normal person.
She also tries to force every girl she meets to be her friend.
After a while through Ren decided to help Kyoko improve her acting since she says she will do the whole sho-biz thing for herself and not for revenge or frame.
She never followed through with that though because she's too grossly obsessed with Sho.
Later in the story it's revealed that Ren was a childhood friend of Kyoko but for some weird reason Kyoko doesn't realize it at all.
However Ren keeps dropping hints and so does Kyoko (unknowingly) that they indeed knew each each other in the past.
DUDE the FACTS are in your face!🤦‍♂️
Maybe she doesn't realize because the two of them only spoken to each other a few times.
The two of them are somehow considered friends even though Kyoko never learned his name or anything about him other than he's tall.
I guess in this story people are friends just from talking to each other a few times and calling each other stupid nicknames like "corn".
This is the kind of logic I would see in Kingdom Hearts. LoL
In volume 8-12 Ren starts having "romantic feelings" for Kyoko and the situations between them start to become VERY weird.
Now Ren is four years older than Kyoko so he's 20 going on 21? Kyoko is aged 16 -17 in these volumes.
The writer and artist Yoshiki Nakamura makes a BIG deal through in the story about the age gaps between Kyoko and Ren.
This makes me uncomfortable because Kyoko acts like a ten year old girl through out these volumes and sees/made every nice adult into a "parental figure" including Lory Takarada and Sho's parents.
Kyoko is obviously not understanding Ren's "feelings" and thinks he is really just a friend and even like a father to her when he really is thinking of her in a romantic way.
Yoshiro (Ren's manager) has been pushing them together since volume 8 and it's very annoying.
He told Ren to quickly get into a relationship with Kyoko because she inexperienced and young.
Around volumes 13-15 covers the "Suddenly a love story Arc" the worst arc so far.
Nakamura decided to randomly add a romance in the middle of a important arc in the series to please her weird fans.
In this arc Kyoko is assigned her first REAL acting scene for a TV drama,Ren learns to adapt to a different acting style than he's used to and Sho struggles with rewriting a new song after his original draft is stolen.
The arc started off great till the forced romance and drama happened.
Kyoko reverted back to obsessing over Sho like she did in volume 7,EVEN though they aren't in the same line of business.
She had no need to continue to focus on him.
She nearly sexually assaulted by a rival of Sho in either volume 14 or 15.
Ren becomes possessive of Kyoko out of nowhere.
Sho was the only one not being a complete idiot until he hit her out of anger.
This arc was overstuffed with loads of bullshit for a attempt at boring drama that I didn't want to read.
Sho is suddenly in love with Kyoko and apparently the whole time because he didn't know how to express his feelings because he's "awkward".
Originally Sho liked her because she was longer putting up with his bullshit and was becoming more independent.
Little did he know that was all a "front" she is STILL very obsessed with him and clingy like every other female character in Skip Beat.
The characters aren't consistent and most of them are irrelevant to the plot.

Volumes 17-23 wasn't as painful to read but many of the situations Kyoko found herself in was stupid and embarrassing.

I don't like the romance in this story because it written horribly by a author who felt that the fans made her rush the love arcs.
Nakamura was the one to decide to write the nonsensical love triangle.
If I was the author of SB I would have written these scenes better.
Originally I thought if this story HAD to end with Kyoko dating someone I would prefer her to choose BOTH guys.
After reading more of the series I realized how much older Ren was to Kyoko and how inappropriate it would be if he dated her.
After I read the "Suddenly a love story" arc I thought Sho would be a better choice because:
1. He was the same age of Kyoko and his reasoning for his past actions made more sense later in the story
2.She actually knows this dude.
Ren was being disgustingly possessive and being very intense with keeping Kyoko away from Sho.
There is even a scene where he sees Sho and Kyoko making up and he interrupted it out of jealousy.
After reading volume 15:
I changed my mind this time because the main character is immature and needs to improve herself before getting in a relationship.
I came for the sho-biz part of the story not this nonsense.
The main character seems to have "infant abandonment symptom" Hopefully the story improves.
My rating for what I read so far
3 and half stars.
Profile Image for Riana (RianaInTheStacks).
353 reviews25 followers
July 14, 2017
Going into this manga, I had no idea what it was about. I just knew that I had seen it a few times before and that the Goodreads recommendations recommended it to me (which usually I don't think they get my literary tastes, but this time they did pretty good). Skip Beat! is about a girl who moves away to Tokyo with her childhood friend who wants to become a celebrity. Now that he has become famous however, Kyoko is learning some new things about their relationship and soon has a strong motivation to want to join showbiz herself, though everyone believes her to be "too plain" for it.

This first volume of the series was very charming. I laughed out loud several different times at Kyoko's antics and her very expressive character. I love that instead of being the more typical shojo heroine of mangas I have read, she has a dark, bitter side. But it isn't only humor or revenge that drives this plot. We also see how broken Kyoko feels as she tries to put her life back together in the only way she can think of. This is a main character who is funny, dark, sad, determined, and cute all in one. I loved the complexity of emotions and I am very intrigued to see how to the story continues.

I would probably say that this first volume has hooked me more than a lot, if not all, of the the other first volumes of manga I have read. It's pace is perfect, not too slow and not too fast, setting up the motivation of the plot right away. The main character is already going through some character development and I can't wait to see more of it as well as learning more about the other characters that have been introduced. The drawing style is a bit different than what I am used to, particularly for Sho and Ren, but I like it, it almost seems like their characters were particularly drawn different to set them apart in their "celebrity" status. Glad I took this Goodreads recommendation.
Profile Image for Anna 'Bookbuyer'.
664 reviews88 followers
August 28, 2022
lol. I'd forgotten how much the art had changed from the first volume. I prefer the later version of Kyoko, Ren, and Sho it's much more neat and modern.

I've always felt bad for Kyoko. It seems as if she is not destined for love. I can't believe how Sho was! He is an egomaniac bastard! I hope Kyoko eventually gets her revenge on him!


Things I liked:
Kyoko's over emotions. So funny.
I love her little demons
I like her new do and style
Kyoko's employers. The lady and man. So kind.

Things I didn't like:
Art. Just not my type. The characters look ugly compared to the later volumes.
Shou. He is an as*
Ren. He is also an as* But not as much as Shou.

People I felt sorry for:
Chief Sawara.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Starbubbles.
1,523 reviews123 followers
January 30, 2021
2021: I am so looking forward to re-reading this! Kyoko on revenge is just amazing! Sho is an even bigger turd than I remembered!
Profile Image for Chi.
731 reviews43 followers
October 28, 2021
Ok. This is still in progress, so I've only read what's available...

But this manga is tropey as hell.
Plain looking girl <-- Tick!
Looks amazing once she gets a makeover <-- Tick!
Two (or more) guys fight over her <-- Tick!
Guys have super long limbs and are super good-looking <-- Tick!

Having said that though, I didn't stop reading after the first volume. As above, I read all that I could get my hands on. I'm annoyed that it's so stupid, it's ended up being so addictive. 🤦🏻‍♀️

(Sorry that wasn't entirely coherent, but I still can't get over the fact that even though I could see the tropes, and the characters were bouncing from one position to another, I still ended up reading more than 40 volumes of the manga.)
Profile Image for Torie.
274 reviews29 followers
May 22, 2022
I read this book in high school and I wondered recently if it still held up. Mostly, yes! Love how petty the main character is. Truly something to aspire to
Profile Image for LSA.
11 reviews35 followers
August 2, 2015
5 Stars

After devoting your whole life to your so-called boyfriend, leaving everything you knew behind to follow him to an unknown city,living in an expensive apartment and having to work two to three jobs just to pay the rent when he’s never even home or care about your existence, who wouldn’t want to have a little bit of revenge?

I remember my first time hearing about this manga a couple years ago from a couple AMVs and websites. There was such huge hype surrounding the anime/manga and I remember reading the synopsis but not going through with actually reading the manga. Good God, I was stupid for doing that… You know those books or short stories that you think you got all figured out? Those moments while you’re reading and you’re just thinking you know what’s about to go down? and then out of nowhere BANG! Everything you thought you knew is thrown right back at you and hits you straight in the face. This manga is just downright awesome!

I didn’t expect much when I first dove into this and at first it annoyed me how much she, literally, worshipped this guy who clearly is one of those people who loves and worships no one but himself. But then my prayers were answered…. While he was talking, even flirting, with his agent, she overheard him going on and on about how she was nothing more than a housemaid for him, who is plain, boring, and just unattractive, as well as using her for his own personal expenses. Practically hearing a whole confession of how he just toyed with her. What does she do? Cry? Oh no. Not even close. She practically went Kill Bill on this guy. But she was thrown out of the building by security. And there was bore a psycho rampage revenge story.

From there the story just took off. Yes, it has some sad moments here are there but overall it was funny, surprising, clever, and cute. She went from

Sweet and Innocent

Downright Revengeful

This series has something special brewing and I really look forward to reading more of it.
Profile Image for Alison (AlisonCanRead).
513 reviews2 followers
August 25, 2016
I picked up Skip Beat, because it is a massively popular series. The first volume was interesting, but didn't establish itself in my mind as anything spectacular. However, it has piqued my interest enough that I want to continue with the series. I assume it becomes more interesting.

Kyoko starts out as your stereotypical shoujo manga girl. Quiet, kind, sacrificing. She dropped everything - including school - to run off to Tokyo with childhood friend Sho to help him on his path to stardom. Once Sho becomes popular, he drops boring Kyoko like a hot potato. Here is where the book diverges from standard shoujo. Kyoko has a dark nature. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She decides to join Sho in the show business industry - to show that she's just as good as he is.

The ultimate message of this volume is that revenge may be a good motivation to start, but you can't succeed by only having a negative attitude. Thankfully, I don't think that this is going to turn into a happy happy series. Kyoko may learn to balance her personality, but I'm guessing she'll always have a fun edge to her.

I can't really get an opinion on this volume because I'm not invested in the characters yet. I like Kyoko. I'm guessing that I'm supposed to be interested in Sho and Ren (Sho's pop star competitor), but I didn't get a feel for their personalities. I wish she'd done a better job introducing them. If I hadn't heard so many good things about this series, I don't know that the first volume would have been enough to keep me invested. The only other odd thing is that both Ren and Sho have very long legs. I guess this shows that they're tall, but they look slightly out of proportion.

All in all, this volume is just okay but I'm going to keep going in this series. Hopefully I'll figure out why it's so great soon.
April 13, 2012

Sacrificed your life to support your so-called boyfriend, but it turned out that he wasn’t your prince charming after all. Who doesn't love a little sweet revenge for that?

Not really fan of the cover. Hope they make it more eye catching.

The major part of the story is Kyoko's efforts to become a big star in order to beat Sho. Strange and funny way of revenge as it is but still, it caught my attention.

Undecided . . .

Average and neat but overcrowded per page.

Well polished but not impressive. The paneling is a bit confusing at times, due to the crowdedness of pages. Lots of dialogue, screaming, sound effects, and background commentary fill every page. But the storyline is interesting; I really want to see Kyoko as a star and their inescapable love triangle.

I seldom finish mangas as whole; sometimes after a handful of volumes I get bored then drop it or I just stop reading them because the story arcs are getting more far-fetched. I wish this is not one of them. :)
Profile Image for Rosie.
108 reviews23 followers
November 14, 2011
This story follows a girl named Kyoko Mogami, who works her butt off for her childhood friend, and famous superstar, Shotaro, so he can live the life of a rockstar. She finds out that he's just using her, and she swears that she'll have revenge on him one day; and that she'll crush his hopes and dreams like he did to her.

Kyoko Mogami is a strong country girl trying to make her way in the big city- while holding up a superstar- her childhood friend. I love how instead of crying and being weak, she plots revenge against him! She's hilarious, caring, and an easy character to fall in love with!

I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE this series, and I wish the anime continued! I will continue reading this series to the end!
Profile Image for Liz.
447 reviews31 followers
July 17, 2012
Literally every time I pick up this manga, it makes me want to meet a perfect (beautiful) stranger, have him rip my heart out of my chest and crush me utterly before I go an audition for the movies in Hollywood and miraculously become the best actress of my generation and get involved with a more stoic and kind hearted Christian bale who I met when I was a child and just never reveals the deep love he has for me. And then it ends. And it doesn't get translated for 5 months. Awesome
Displaying 1 - 30 of 800 reviews

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