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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Fantasy (2017)
Dina DeMille may run the nicest Bed and Breakfast in Red Deer, Texas, but she caters to a very particular kind of guest… the kind that no one on Earth is supposed to know about. Guests like a former intergalactic tyrant with an impressive bounty on her head, the Lord Marshal of a powerful vampire clan, and a displaced-and-superhot werewolf; so don’t stand too close, or you may be collateral damage.

But what passes for Dina’s normal life is about to be thrown into chaos. First, she must rescue her long-distant older sister, Maud, who’s been exiled with her family to a planet that functions as the most lawless penal colony since Botany Bay. Then she agrees to help a guest whose last chance at saving his civilization could bring death and disaster to all Dina holds dear. Now Gertrude Hunt is under siege by a clan of assassins. To keep her guests safe and to find her missing parents, Dina will risk everything, even if she has to pay the ultimate price. Though Sean may have something to say about that!!

257 pages, ebook

First published December 20, 2016

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About the author

Ilona Andrews

145 books31.8k followers
Ilona Andrews is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team. Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Contrary to popular belief, Gordon was never an intelligence officer with a license to kill, and Ilona was never the mysterious Russian spy who seduced him. They met in college, in English Composition 101, where Ilona got a better grade. (Gordon is still sore about that.)

Gordon and Ilona currently reside in Oregon with their two children, three dogs and a cat. They have co-authored two series, the bestselling urban fantasy of Kate Daniels and romantic urban fantasy of The Edge.

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Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,283 reviews8,900 followers
August 9, 2024
*chants* Ilona Andrews . . . Ilona Andrews . . . Ilona Andrews . . .

I always enjoy going back and reading the full installment of the latest edition of INNKEEPER CHRONICLES when it's made available. When you read a serialized novel, you can sometimes forget the key details you pick up along the way. And you can't really appreciate the way things come together when you're reading them piecemeal.

That's one of the remarkable things about this series: it's all made up on the fly. Sure, the Andrews might have a general idea of where they want to go, but actually getting there? That's determined on a weekly basis.

Brave, isn't it?

This is the third volume from this world. Dina's goal is still discovering what happened to her mysteriously vanished parents, but while we've been given a smattering of details about her brother, we meet another member of her immediate family, her sister Maud.

You: Who is this Maud? I don't remember any Maud . . . *grumbles*

Me: I just told you. She's Dina's sister. #quityerbitchin

And Maud is a package deal. She comes with a daughter.

An adorable half-vampire daughter:

Helen bit a piece of bacon. Her eyes got big again and she scarfed it down and reached for the platter. Arland had reached for the bacon at the same time. They stared at each other across the table. A vampire standoff.
Helen wrinkled her face, showing him her tiny fangs.
Arland bared his scary fangs, his eyes laughing.
A low, tiny sound came from my niece. “
“Helen!” Maud turned to her. “Don’t growl at the table.”
Arland leaned back, pretending to be scared. “So fierce.”
Helen laughed, her giggles bubbling up. “
Arland shuddered.
Helen giggled again, grabbed her mug, and hurled it at the wall. The mug shattered. I looked back. Helen’s seat was empty. The platter of bacon had vanished.

*giggle snorts*

Speaking of Arland . . .

I have a friend who hates it when a character that was previously fighting for the heroine's affections is suddenly confronted with someone new, someone who makes him forget all about his tired efforts on behalf of heroine-who's-just-not-that-into-him. She thinks it feels cheap and perhaps disingenuous.

I don't understand this perspective. Never have. Maybe I dated too much when I younger, but I've always had the idea that EVERYONE you meet is the wrong one until you meet the right one, percolating in my brain.

That doesn't change the sincerity of your interest--in the beginning, you don't know they're the wrong one.

When this happens, as it often does in paranormal and/or contemporary romance, or in ONE FELL SWEEP which is neither, I prefer to see it in a positive light: Arland only thought he was interested in Dina b/c he'd yet to meet Maud.

The shifting of his affections is the neatest solution to the problem (and by "neatest" I mean "least bloody"). Dina and Shaun no longer have to deal with the hassle of Arland's advances, and BONUS, the third wheel gets his own HEA (presumably . . . eventually. . .) rather than his funeral, b/c come on, people . . . The most common method of dealing with a spurned suiter?

KILL HIM. Bwahahahaha.

Not really the Andrews style, is it?

Personally, I appreciate that.

Plot-wise, this may be the strongest installment yet, but I'm not saying anything b/c more fun to let you discover everything for yourself. #sorrynotsorry

As for what comes next? Stay tuned . . . *winks*

Jessica Signature

NOTICE: this book is a serial and as such is made available in WEEKLY installments. I will post this review EVERY, SINGLE time a new installment goes live. If that makes your head explode, do us both a favor and unfriend me. #bumpthat

8/5/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 10, part 1:


7/29/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 9, part 4:


7/22/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 9, parts 2 & 3:


7/15/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 9, part 1:


7/8/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 8, part 3:


6/24/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 8, part 2:


6/21/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 8, part 1:


6/3/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 7, part 3:


5/28/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 7, part 2:


5/20/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 7, part 1:


5/13/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 6, part 3:


4/30/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 6, part 2:


4/26/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 6, part 1:


4/15/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 5, part 4:


4/8/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 5, part 3:


4/1/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 5, part 2:


3/25/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 5, part 1:


3/11/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 4, part 3:


3/4/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 4, parts 1 and 2:


2/26/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 3, part 3:


2/19/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 3, parts 1 & 2:


2/12/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 2, parts 2 & 3:


2/5/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 2, part 1:


1/29/16: ONE FELL SWEEP - ch 1:


April 14, 2023
And the moral of this rerererereread is: next time I'm going shoe shopping, I'm taking Cookie with me.

P.S. Arland texting...All that swiping and pushing...So sexey and stuff.

👋👋 Until next time and stuff.

· Book 1: Clean Sweep ★★★★★
· Book 2: Sweep in Peace ★★★★★
· Book 4: Sweep of the Blade ★★★★★
· Book 4.5: Sweep with Me ★★★★★
· Book 5: Sweep of the Heart ★★★★

[February 2021]

🏰 My Name Is Gertrude Hunt Buddy Rerererereread (MNIGHBR™) with the IA Addicts 🏰

And the moral of this rererererereread is: ah, the peace and quiet of a relaxing retreat at Gertrude Hunt! I'm with Arland on this one, there really is nothing quite like it.

See what I mean?

[June 2020]

💊 IA is the Ultimate Cure to Covid-19 Buddy Rerererereread (IAitUCtCBR™) with the IA Addicts 💊

And the moral of this rerereread is: Remember Ungrateful Billy (UB™)'s appearance in my original review for this book? (You don't? Humpfh and stuff! (See down there ↓↓ and stuff.) Well it took him 4 a few rereads, but he's finally come to realize that this is actually his favorite books in the series. And high bloody shrimping time it was, too! Took the cheeky little bugger long enough to realize the error of his highly erroneous ways, if you ask me. And look at him now, all smug and stuff, going all hyperactive fangirl on us and doing the Back Somersault of Death (BSoD™) in honor of this installment. Overdoing it much, you fickle as fish rodent? 🙄

Yes, I know, Billy's hair color changed since he was last seen in this review. He says he decided to dye it silver because it's way classier than his former blond shade, and that it adds a certain je ne sais quoi to his innate charm. Well I say he's full of shrimp and that he's naught but a cocky, glorified guinea pig who's getting old and gray. Ha!

[May 2019]

🧹 Fear My Mighty Stick Buddy Rerererereread (FMMSBR™) with the IA Addicts 🧹

· Previous rating: 8 stars.
· New rating: 8.5 stars. That’s inflation for you.

And the moral of this rerereread is: Wing + Sunset + fart guns + Helen + Olasard + Orro + okarian nifrook + Cookie + Muckrats + unassuming Shih Tzus + Sebastien North + bacon =

Oh, and by the way:
We do not let our enemies win. We claw their hearts out and devour them.”

💥 Life Sucks but Worry Not for the Ever Marvelous Authorlords Will Save Our Souls Buddy Rerererereread (LSbWNftEMAWSOSBR™) with the IA Addicts 💥

· Previous rating: 7.50 stars.
· New rating: 8 stars. Because reasons. And also because odd numbers suck. And also also because round numbers look much nicer. And stuff.

And the moral of this reread (aka inspiring life lessons to be learned from this instalment) is:

1) Thout shalt beware of chuckling tigers and giggling dragons.
2) Being besieged by murderous poultry (aka feathered religious fanatics) = guaranteed good times. Added bonus: their meat is super juicy and barbecues well.
3) Feline Rippers of Souls can be full of surprises.
4) Chop-chop-chopping and slice-slice-slicing is always the solution.
5) Fart guns. Never leave home without one.
6) Never trust a fanged 5-year-old with a craving for bacon and an inborn grasp of tactics.
7) Caldenia is not ruled by her cannibalistic stomach. Most of the time.
8) One should not judge his/her/their/its/whatever guests by their puke-inducing smell and/or slightly revolting appearance. No, one should not.
9) Chiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!
10) Don’t buy shoes made from the genuine ass of an okarian nifrook genuine okarian leather. Just don’t.
11) When in doubt, sever your enemies’ little heads and put them on sticks in your backyard. Alternatively, claw their hearts out and devour them. That option usually works pretty well, too. Well it does for Caldenia, anyway.

Quick recap: 1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10+11= let’s dance.

[December 2016]

· Previous rating: 4 stars.
· New rating: 7.50 stars. Obviously.

And the moralsssss of this reread are:

① I have finally seen the light and given this book an IA-acceptable rating. So go me, hallelujah and stuff.

Begone, disgusting PG-13 stuff! This ain't nuthin' like the online, serial version, my Little Barnacles! Be glad and rejoice!

③ Forget Dina + Sean, forget Marland, I want my boys Arland and Sean to get it on. Now that would be seriously awesome. Sparks in the bedroom and all that. I'd actually be willing to donate a couple of limbs to make that happen. Wink wink, nudge nudge, Ilona.

Glorious Rehashing Time (GRH™): I'm kidnapping adopting Helen, so back off. This is a custody battle you can't win, people. And don't you try to snatch her away from me, either. She is fiercely guarded by an elite team of particularly ferocious murderous crustaceans. She thinks they're super cool, they think she's amazing. They are the mostest perfectest playmates ever. Which doesn't surprise me in the least. I mean, my babies are as fiercely cute and deliciously cut-throatish as my new beloved daughter. This was clearly meant to be.

⑤ The Totally Disgusting Arland & Helen Non-Stop Cuteness Show (TDA&HNSCS™). You know the end is near when I can't help melting over charming displays of adorably sweet stuff. EW EW EW, YUCK YUCK YUCK. This is an abominable disgrace! This is totally repugnant! This should be outlawed!

Where the freaking shrimp did this spoiler come from?! I solemnly swear I had nothing to do with this! I think my account has just been hacked, my Little Barnacles! Halp!

Glorious Rehashing Time² (GRH™²): I am SO in love with Caldenia. I want Caldenia to adopt me. Because Caldenia. Because reasons. And because the Draziri taste like poultry.

Bacon has never been cooler. My dearest inebriated spouse Casey and my little self have decided to award the Andrews a lifetime achievement award for all their wondrous bacon scenes. Ilona, Gordon, this is for you:

Oops, I think there is a slight possibility that this might possibly not be the bacon I had in mind. Oh well.

Ass kicking princesses off to slay dragons. So very sorry, knight in shining armor Arland dear, your services are not required at this time.

And that, my Little Barnacles, is the magnificently remarkable trademark of all magnificently remarkable IA heroines. And it's slightly exhilarating orgasmic, if you ask me.

» And my work here is done. For now. Until next time and stuff. So bye now. You're welcome.

[Original review]

4 pathetic, miserable stars. For an IA book. How dare I?! I should be ashamed of myself. Time to get Ungrateful Billy (UB™) out of storage.

I am and forever will be the most undeserving IA fangirl ever. Okay, so a 4-star IA story pretty much equates to a 10-star Anyone Else story, but still. Third instalment in this series, third less-than-20-star rating. Damn. Something must be seriously wrong with me. BUT there is hope yet. Oh, not for me, I am desperately and irremediably lost and unrescuable and stuff. But this story? Once the Andrews wield their Magic Writing Wand (MWW™) over it, and unleash the wondrously edited, beautifully polished version upon the world, I'm pretty sure it shall be da bomb. And I shall therefore and very logically bless it with the expected 20-star rating it obviously deserves. So QED and stuff, I forgive myself in advance and all that crap.

So why didn't I go for one of my Twenty Million Stars The Sky's not the Bloody Limit IA Ratings (TMSTSntBLIAR™), you ask? Because, even though some chapters were downright wow wow wow bloody shrimping hell oooh yeah, and even though this story was uber cool and appropriately awesome, things kinda sorta went *whispers* a little downhill after Magic Binds was released. The last part of the book should have felt excitingly amazing and astonishingly marvellous and stuff, but *whispers* didn't. Okay, so it was most excellent compared to 99% of the crap I usually read, but still. It's wasn't up to the usual IA Standards of Utter and Total Awesomeness (IASoUaTA™). Why? Because some of the final chapters were a bit *whispers* weak. And because it felt *whispers* rushed in parts. And because the epilogue (an art the IA Gods usually excel in) was kind of *whispers* meh. And because the Now You See It Now You Don't Sex Scene (NYSINYDSS™) in said epilogue had a very distasteful PG-13 feel. Yuck yuck yuck. Ew ew ew.

[I'm an Idiot Interruption (IaII™)]

And this right here ↑↑ is me making a total ass of myself once again. Because I should try and use my two little grey cells sometimes. Because in IA I should trust. ALWAYS. Ilona just explained why the epilogue was so repulsively PG-13 here. Note to self: read this and bang your silly head on the nearest hard surface, you shameful, undeserving, harebrained nitwit.

[End of I'm an Idiot Interruption (IaII™)]

✘✘ BUT. BuT. bUt. buT. bUt. BuT. BUT. ✘✘

Dina can kick serious ass. And cut-cut-cut, slice-slice-slice her way through the enemy. Now that's what I call a lovely, positively delightful girl.

② I want to move into Gertrude Hunt, the coolest sentient house ever.

Marland FTW!!! I want a Marland spin-off!! It would be beautifully violent and gory and stuff!! And I'm sure these two would have Super HAWT Sex (SHS™), too!

Helen. Because Helen. Because she is mine mine mine. Even though she's a kid *shudders* That's right, I'm kidnapping adopting a disgusting kid *shudders again* You know why? Because she is one awesome bloodshed-loving child with homicidal maniac tendencies. And fangs. Bless the little angel's soul.

Caldenia is mine. Because she says beautiful things like: "Get up, dear. We do not let our enemies win. We claw their hearts out and devour them." I am SO in love right now.

⑥ The Hiru and the Draziri are some of the mostest awesomest aliens ever. Oh, and the Archivarius is pretty hot, too. Well, maybe not exactly hot in a, you know, HOT kind of way, but still. He/it/whatever is pretty cool. And stuff.

Sorry to interrupt this wonderfully enlightening review your regular programming, my Little Barnacles, but I have one amazing piece of news to share with you: you can have Sean I'm Too Shrimping Nice Evans (SITSNE™), I don't want him. I kid you not. He's not deliciously aggravating enough to qualify for my High Security Harem (HSH™). We might discuss his ownership again the day he becomes slightly unhinged and turns into an exasperating asshole, but in the meantime, feel free to snatch him away. You're welcome. I think.

» And the moral of this I am Ungrateful and don't Deserve the Andrews but I Have a Good Excuse so I Absolve Myself and Stuff Crappy Non Review (IaUadDtAbIHaGEsIAMaSCNR™) is : I forgot. What the moral was, I mean. So let's reconvene after the 10th reread, shall we? I'm pretty sure this book will have reached the 20-Star Rating Firmament (20SRF™) by then.

Profile Image for Aisling Zena.
634 reviews508 followers
December 26, 2017
Maud's cover and snippet have been moved to Innkeeper Chronicles 3.5

Re-read 13/12/17
5+ stars
Concluded 29/10/2016

Free online serial at :

I.. can't.. resist...

Chapter 1
Off to a banging start!

Chapter 2
Going off planet! Woohoo!!

Chapter 2 Part 2 and 3

Chapter 3 Part 1 and 2


Chapter 3 Part 3

Chapter 4 Part 1 and 2

Chapter 4 Part 3

Chapter 5 Part 1

Chapter 5 Part 2

Chapter 5 Part 3

Chapter 5 Part 4
Oi Draziri!

Chapter 6 Part 1
Stocking up!

Chapter 6 Part 2
Go Sean!!

Chapter 6 Part 3

Chapter 7 Part 1

Chapter 7 Part 2
Kiran Mrak

Chapter 7 Part 3

"Males and farts. Any species, any planet, didn’t matter."

Chapter 8 Part 1

Chapter 8 Part 2

Chapter 8 Part 3

Chapter 9 Part 1

Chapter 9 Part 2 and 3


Chapter 9 Part 4

Chapter 10 Part 1

Chapter 10 Part 2

Chapter 10 Part 3

Chapter 11 Part 1


Chapter 11 Part 2
Maud and Helen.
This image was uploaded along with the chapter. I felt that I needed to share such a beautiful image with you all.

Chapter 12 Part 1

Chapter 12 Part 2 and 3
Wilmos Gerwar

Chapter 13 Part 1
Well, now I'm worried..

Chapter 13 Part 2

Chapter 13 Part 3

Chapter 14 Part 1


Chapter 14 Part 2
Maud growled like a vampire. “I hate this. Fucking Draziri. Fucking Assembly. She asked you for help and you did nothing. Nothing!”

Chapter 14 Part 3

Another marvelous book from Ilona Andrews! Thank you so much for sharing it with us.

If you want to read this, now is the time to do it as it will be taken down soon to be given to the publisher and you will have to wait until it's published to get your hands on it. Needless to say, I completely recommend this series and authors.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,394 reviews70.2k followers
October 4, 2017
Dina & Gang are all back for another fun adventure at the Gertrude Hunt Inn!


The beauty of this one is that while Dina is the main character, the ensemble cast is what makes this series worth reading. This time around, Sean, Arland, Orro, Caldenia, and Dina's adorable dog, Beast, are joined by newcomers, Maud & Helen. <--Dina's older sister and niece.


Between all of them, they should be able to save the day from a tribe of mercenary aliens on a mission to wipe out some of Dina's guests to please their god. Right?


I don't want to spoil any of the action, but I will say that this time around the romance with Sean gets real! Dawwww...


And, as an added bonus, I quite liked the resolution to the half-hearted (and one sided) werewolf/vampire love triangle that had been happening. Perfect!


This is officially my new must-read werewolf/vampire/trans-dimensional/hotel for aliens series. Hmmm. I'm not sure what to say about this book other than go read it!

Profile Image for Melanie.
1,246 reviews101k followers
July 3, 2023
1.) Clean Sweep ★★★★
2.) Sweep in Peace ★★★★

Everything IA touches turns to gold, and this series is no exception. The Innkeeper Chronicles feel so cozy, yet are so action packed and have so much swoon-worthy romance. IA somehow weaves a story with the perfect balance of mystery, filled with high-tense situations, with all these unique concepts, and makes it feel like home. I can't recommend this series, or this writing duo, enough.

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Profile Image for Cece ❀Rants, Raves &Reviews❀.
275 reviews1,192 followers
June 25, 2024
If you tired of the badass wannabes….
If you bored of the constant vampire-sex-violence shtick…
If you an exiled fey who murdered countless…

Dina is back— getting into weird shit, meeting incredible creatures, and visiting amazing places
“You’re up early, Your Grace.”
“It’s a lovely day and we’re under siege. People are trying to murder us.” Her eyes shone with excitement.“Isn’t it marvelous?”

This book is a strange concoction of science fiction and urban fantasy, sprinkled with humor, action and a little romance

While the writing style isn’t anything spectacular, the premise truly was... I mean an intergalactic safe zone that a young innkeeper with awesome power struggles to bring it back to full potential WHILE dealing with political intrigue and murder

Just saying, it sure ain't no Kate Daniel’s rerun ....


Our heroine: Dina was a joy. Her kind and caring persona was the heart of the group. Her continuously need to take care of her guest and her friends was always on the forefront of any decisions she took. But then on a couple *glorious* occasions, her kick-ass personality took the reign and blew us away. Her unlimited power within the Inn was astounding and thrilling


After the first couple books being mostly in the Inn, I was worried we’d never really get to engage with the rest of the universe. Guess the author was feeling just as claustrophobic as us, because we really got to branch out into the book world!

Por supuesto, we got to revisit some old faces with their usual quick wit and funny one-liners
“You’re toying with him, dear,” Caldenia said.
“I’m letting him think he still has an ace up his sleeve.”
“I approve.” She smiled, her eyes sparkling with delight.”

Between all of them, they should be able to save the day from a tribe of mercenary aliens on a mission to wipe out some of Dina's guests to please their god. Right?


General plot is pretty good, centers around bringing some characters from Dina’s past. IE her widowed sister Maud stuck on planet Kahari and needs rescuing. *why the fuck not*

Dina calls in a favor from Arland our buff, blond vampire friend *think Thor + plus fangs*, who takes her and Sean to this ruthless frontier planet to rescue Maud and her five year old half-vampire daughter, Helen *HOLY SHIT SHE WAS SO ADORABLE*
“Helen giggled again, grabbed her mug, and hurled it at the wall. The mug shattered. I looked back. Helen’s seat was empty. The platter of bacon had vanished.
Sean lost it and laughed.
“What a delightful little girl,” Caldenia said, her eyes sparkling.”

Yet, an inn's power is by constantly syncing with the guests to provide what they need… even if its batshit crazy:
“Trying to improve my physical and mental state. A little exercise is good for the body. It is my understanding that an innkeeper must meet the needs of her guests. I require a battle please.”


Overall, this book let us get more into the character dynamics— how the group works together, the sisterly teasing, the flirting, the sAsS
“This is genuine okarian leather!”
Cookie plucked the sandals from my fingers and waved them around. “Yes, from the genuine ass of an okarian nifrook. Have you smelled these shoes?”

Main complaint
Honestly, this seems the kind of series that the author could just keep building by meeting new cultures and venturing farther. And maybe could we get SOME GODDAMN ANSWERS ABOUT DINA’S PARENTS??! Like honestly, her *main goal* from the first book seems to have snailcrawling progress with a couple clues or reveals scattered in the series, but I’m still waiting for the --Sherlock I got it moment--and after 3 books ?? I'm skeptical

Also just a brilliant hilarious world building detail was with the aliens trying to understand CHRISTMAS and just fucking failing:
“At the end of their trials, they go to see a wise elder in a red suit to prove their worth. If they are judged worthy, the family erects a ceremonial tree and presents them with gifts of weapons.”
Profile Image for Corina.
781 reviews2,486 followers
December 19, 2022
REREAD 2021 - can't get enough of this author's writing. Need more!!!

One Fell Sweep was AMAZING!!!

It was the third novel in the Innkeeper Chronicles.

I should know by now that Ilona Andrews does NOT disappoint. Even so book 1 and 2 were slow in build up, Ilona Andrew books always get BETTER with each additional book. One Fell Sweep was the best example.

I felt a bid like the Inn. The more guests aka characters were introduced the happier I felt.

One Fell Sweep had an amazing cast of characters, old and new. Family, friends, and allies all converged at Gertrude Hunt, the nicest Bed and Breakfast in Red Deer, Texas.

Dina Demille, the Innkeeper, hosted another big, important and dangerous gathering at the bed and breakfast. This time to help out a species that was on the verge of being annihilated. Her Inn was neutral ground for that occasion nevertheless every second of the gathering she and the Inn were under heavy attack by enemy forces.

For the Hiru, the species that asked for help, it was a matter of life or death. Only a thousand individuals left of their species, they had to find a new planet far away from their enemies to survive. To get the name of that specific planet they had to assemble a greater being, the Archivarius, out of NINE parts. Not only did Dina have to retrieve all nine parts under the most difficult of circumstances she also had to handle the arrival of multiple new guests at the same time. Friends, foes and one overly curious local policeman.

No rest for Dina.

Dina was a joy. Her kind-hearted and caring persona was the heart of this group of people. Her continuously need to take care of her guest and her friends was always on the forefront of any decisions she took. She had such a nurturing soul. But on occasions her kick-ass personality took the reign and blew my mind. Her unlimited power within the Inn’s limits was astounding and thrilling.

I really missed Sean, Dina’s werwolf “boyfriend”, in book 2. Sean is such an amazing guy. Loved his quiet presence but also his protectiveness in regards to Dina. He suffered greatly in book 2, and I was very happy to see him getting better, finding his groove, and feeling at home wherever Dina was. He was Dina’s rock. Silent, strong, and loyal. The perfect guy to hold on to.

I loved Arland, Vampire Lord of the House Krahr. He was a riot in a very understated way. Arrogant and self-assured, he finally found his match in a very surprising newcomer. And it was BEAUTIFUL!!!!! I was smiling the entire time. I pretty much smiled non-stop the last 50% of the book, but Arland made me happy.

The chef Orro, turned out to be a wonderful addition to the cast. In book 2 I didn’t give him the attention that he deserved. I loved his character. He had such a typical personality for a chef. Temperamental, dramatic, and very prickly. He was very entertaining. His unique qualities and quirky personality added to the enrichment of the book.

Another character I loved was Officer Marais. He was like an annoying gnat in the first two books, but lo and behold he turned out to be a wonderful addition. I wasn’t sure what to think of him since the very first time he knocked on the door. But his tenacity and upstanding nature, surprised the heck out of me – in a most positive way.

And the rest of the cast was just icing on the cake. I loved every page of this book.

But the highlight of this book was and always will be Gertrude Hunt, the nicest Bed and Breakfast in Red Deer, Texas. The sheer unlimited possibilities were mind boggling. Gertrude Hunt was a masterpiece. Created by leaving physics and what was possible behind. I would have loved living in such a house. A place where space was created and changed whenever the mood struck. Dimensions played with and added on, area expanded where no space was before. The pantry was a chef’s dream. And the guest rooms a source of constant fascination.

I can only say THANK YOU to the authors for having the imagination to create such a vibrant and enthralling world.


I received a copy of this book from the publisher for free in exchange for an honest review. My opinions have not been influenced by the publisher or the author.
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,783 reviews1,593 followers
December 30, 2017
Sale Alert 12/30/17: Amazon Daily Deal $1.99

Welcome to Gertrude Hunt where the walls and floor can move, physics as we know it is just a guideline, the Chef on staff looks like a huge hedgehog, an intergalactic war criminal is taking an extended stay and just about anyone or anything can show up at any time.


The Innkeeper Chronicles is the online serial from Ilona Andrews. The best part about the ebook version of this, besides being tortured having to wait for the weekly installments to come in, is that since it isn’t open to everyone and free online there is a little extra violence and sex added in for the mature reader.

This is by Ilona Andrews (IA) and since I love them beyond reason it is hard to write an impartial review, so I’m not ever going to try. One of the things that always gets me with IA is their creativity. Even when you think it is going to be the same oud same old urban fantasies with Werewolves and Vampires it isn’t. Not just because they flip that a bit and make the Werewolves and Vampires alien civilizations but because they give it a totally different twist because they are aliens and so there is a lot more room to play with the lore. There is a great blend of serious storytelling, worldbuilding, dialogue and then some cute and humor added in. The cute in this one comes in the form of Dina’s half vampire niece Helen.
Helen bit a piece of bacon. Her eyes got big again and she scarfed it down and reached for the platter. Arland had reached for the bacon at the same time. They stared at each other across the table. A vampire standoff. Helen wrinkled her face, showing him her tiny fangs. Arland bared his scary fangs, his eyes laughing.
A low, tiny sound came from my niece. “Awrawrrawrawr.”
“Helen!” Maud turned to her. “Don’t growl at the table.”
Arland leaned back, pretending to be scared. “So fierce.”
Helen laughed, her giggles bubbling up.
“Awrawrawr.” Arland shuddered. Helen giggled again, grabbed her mug, and hurled it at the wall. The mug shattered. I looked back. Helen’s seat was empty. The platter of bacon had vanished.
Sean lost it and laughed.
“What a delightful little girl,” Caldenia said, her eyes sparkling.
Maud looked lost. “I… She never…”
The child has an inborn grasp of tactics.” Arland grinned.

I’m not sure what was more cute, Helen or Arland playing vampire games with Helen. Trust me both were adorably fun.

It was great to finally see Dina with some family. She has been alone for so long that I really felt bad for her. I liked the sisterly teasing between the two Dina needed some interactions like that since she has been so lonely since her parents disappeared. It also helps that Maud is a total badass because with the stuff that is about to go down Dina is going to need a little back up.
…if you don’t mind some advice, treat her as you would treat any skilled female vampire fighter. It will be safer for everyone involved.”
Arland looked at me as if seeing me for the first time.
Yes, the princess you were expecting put on her armor and left to kill the dragon. So sorry.


Dina got to get out of the Inn a little more than usual this time. There was a trip to a vampire planet, a few to the greatest and deadliest flea market in the world Bah Char (I’d probably end up dead but I’d love to visit there) and even to a mystical sanctuary that made Sean’s skin crawl. Dina has a new foe and is currently under siege in the Inn, but these creatures have no idea who they are up against.

My Favorite Things

① - Movement on the relationship front between Dina and Sean. It feels like it has been a slow burn since they met in book 1. I was glad for the actual conversations and dialogue between the two. I think they have solidly hashed out some stuff and I’m super happy about that plus we have finally breached the

❷ - Everything with Helen. OMG and I mean everything. Normally I don’t really like the addition of kids to stories but there is some IA magic afoot here and it seems like anytime they add a kid into any of their books it makes it even better. This is no exception.
The attack came with blinding speed. Helen dashed forward. Her dagger sliced the front of Arland’s thigh and she scuttled back around him, cutting across his calves. Arland let out a dramatic roar and fell to his knees. Helen leapt up and slit his throat. It was so fast and precise, she must’ve done it dozens of times. I hoped in practice. It had to be in practice. Arland collapsed on the ground, conveniently rolling onto his back. Helen put her foot on his chest, raised her dagger, and let out a vampire roar.
Should I be horrified or cuted out? I couldn’t decide.

I was beyond cuted out. I’m not sure what that says about me as a person but *shrugs* I don’t care. Which leads me into my third favorite thing.

③ - Alrand! Yes I completely loved Arland in this. I never liked him for Dina and was completely #teamsean but I always liked the guy. I really enjoyed his page time in this specifically because when he wasn’t fighting the enemy he was playing with Helen in some way and like the above quote I was cuted out by vampire games.

❹ - Best use of a fart gun in a scene. Yep you heard me right. IA is always pretty inventive with the beings or cultures in their books and I think that they get to stretch that a bit in this series is you can do just about anything with aliens but one thing will always remain true.
“Will you please stop doing that?”
Cookie giggled and waved the fart gun around.
Males and farts. Any species, any planet, didn’t matter.

⑤ - Hints and Tidbits. I liked that we find out what Klaus (Dina’s Brother) is doing well a little anyway. There is also I little snippet about Dina’s father and how he met her mother. There is a clue to where she can start to look for her parents as well. Plus there is hint of another big bad that might be on the horizon and I think Dina will eventually be the Innkeeper to confront it.

❻ - The concept of the Hiru (an alien being that visits the inn). Another very original idea from IA. I really don’t want to give anything away here but I really think the storyline involving them was well done and different than a lot of alien cultures you see in Sci-Fi or UF as the case may be.

⑦ - Officer Marais. He has been poking around for a little while and that has finally come to a head. I’m really hoping for a nice little bromance between him and Sean since it was Sean who didn’t know anything about the universe not that long ago. They could be best friends *crosses fingers*

There is much much more that made this story fun and entertaining for me. There are also a few very emotion moments that clenched my heart a bit and they were placed perfectly in the story.

Again another great book by IA. I just don’t know how they keep coming up with these great ideas and I stand in awe of them once again as they put out another great book.

Thanks to Ilona Andrews for sending me an ARC for review. I didn't even have to sell them a piece of my soul but I totally would have.
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
December 23, 2016
4.5 stars. Final review, first posted at Fantasy Literature:


Note: This review contains some spoilers for the two earlier books in the INNKEEPER CHRONICLES series.

As One Fell Sweep (2016) begins, Dina DeMille, the Innkeeper of the Gertrude Hunt Inn, a secret way-stop on Earth for galactic visitors, is recuperating from the life-and-death peace summit that her inn hosted in Sweep in Peace. She’s also just beginning to pick up her relationship with Sean, the werewolf warrior, when a reptilian visitor brings her a message: Dina’s widowed sister Maud is stuck on the planet Kahari and needs rescuing. Dina calls in a favor from Arland, a buff, blond vampire friend (think Chris Hemsworth as Thor, plus fangs), who takes her and Sean to this ruthless frontier planet to rescue Maud and Maud’s five year old half-vampire daughter Helen.

Arland is instantly intrigued with the warrior-like Maud, but she isn’t interested in any more relationships with vampires after the hell she recently went through with her now-deceased vampire husband. Still, he invites himself for a stay at the Gertrude Hunt, ostensibly to recover from the stresses of his “overwhelming responsibility.” But a relaxing vacation is not in the cards.

Another alien visitor soon arrives at the inn: A Hiru, attired in a repulsively smelly and ugly metallic spacesuit, asks for Dina’s help and protection as an Innkeeper. The Hiru race is being hunted to extinction by the Draziri, another alien race with a religious vendetta against the Hiru, who will stop at nothing to exterminate it. Dina initially tries to turn them down, because it will be too dangerous for her family and guests. But she’s is a sucker for those in need of her help, and only a thousand Hiru are left alive after years of being hunted down by the Draziri. At tremendous expense, the Hiru have hired the Archivarius, a hive mind with several bodies and massive knowledge about the universe, to find them a new planet where they can settle and be safe from extinction. And they want to use Dina’s inn as a place where the Archivarius can assemble itself to give them their answer, offering Dina the chance to also ask the Archivarius a question: how can she find her parents, who have been missing for years?

It doesn’t take long for a group of Draziri to find out that Dina’s inn is sheltering a Hiru. Soon the Gertrude Hunt inn is under siege by an entire clan of Draziri, who are bird-like humanoids with vast resources and a brutal determination to kill the Hiru at any cost. And will there ever be any room for a Christmas celebration at the inn?

The INNKEEPER CHRONICLES series is a highly enjoyable mix of science fiction and urban fantasy, as well as humor, action and some romance. The series continues its trend of getting stronger as it goes along. With an Ilona Andrews book you have to enjoy the urban fantasy romance tropes, where all the characters ― both women and men ― are hot-looking kickass fighters, but the Andrews always add hefty dose of imagination and wittiness to their plots. Although the Archivarius plotline occasionally feels like a video game where all the pieces need to be assembled by the players (at great personal risk, of course), the final resolution of that plot was surprisingly effective, and tied some threads together in a highly satisfying way.

Dina’s relationship with Sean continues to develop, though the two have some hurdles to overcome. Dina’s nemesis, police officer Marais, who just knows that there’s something very fishy going on at the Gertrude Hunt inn, continues to hang around, and inevitably has a run-in with the Draziri who are lurking around the inn’s grounds. There’s absolutely delightful development in Officer Marais’ role in this series.


I also loved the interplay between Maud, who’s sworn off relations with all vampires, Arland, and Maud’s adorable daughter Helen, with her tiny fangs and fearless (and occasionally bloodthirsty) attitude, who is fascinated with all of the new things on the planet Earth. Like, for example, Christmas, and cats:
“That’s a kitty,” Maud said. “Be careful. They have sharp claws.”

“What’s his name?”

“He doesn’t have one,” I told her. I hadn’t gotten around to it. “I tell you what, you can name him.”

Helen’s eyes got almost as big as the cat’s. “I can?”


“I’m going to name him Olasard, after he who hunts the evildoers and rips out their souls.”

The Ripper of Souls gave me a befuddled look.
Like the two earlier books in the INNKEEPER CHRONICLES series, One Fell Sweep was initially published on the Ilona Andrews website in weekly installments, prior to publication in its final form. The final ebook is worth the price for Andrews fans; it’s more polished and has several additional scenes, including a much more extensive and gratifying ending.

I received a free copy of this ebook from the author in exchange for a review. Thank you!!

Initial comments: I swore I wouldn't do this, but after reading the second book in this series I'm totally stalking the Ilona Andrews website, waiting for new sections of this third book in the magical Innkeeper series to be posted each Friday.

I really should go away and ignore this serial book until the whole thing is posted online, but heaven help me, I can't. I'm loving the interplay between Maud (who's sworn off relations with all vampires) and Arland and Helen. (Does anyone else think that Ilona Andrews is poking a little fun at Breaking Dawn here?) And I'm dying for Officer Marais to be brought into the loop on the whole galactic inn thing.

The first few chapters of this book (and the previous two books in this series) are online at the Ilona Andrews website: http://innkeeper.ilona-andrews.com/on...
Profile Image for carol. .
1,672 reviews9,178 followers
November 11, 2016
First, sincere thanks to the Andrews for making this available for free as an on-line weekly serial. That was very kind and generous, as they could undoubtedly make actual large dollars. It's a full, complicated story, the third installment in the Innkeeper series about a woman who runs an interstellar inn/sanctuary. Opening with a rescue, it quickly moves on to new external conflicts all while protecting the Inn from official notice, particularly the involvement of local Officer Marais.

Think of me as not looking a gift horse in the mouth so as much as providing my customary analysis (although I will note that it is a tricky process to give me a gift that doesn't consist of books; I'd really rather we avoid it). One of the main problems with Innkeeper is built into the narrative structure: until it is reworked, it feels like a serial missing transitions. Chapters tend to end with a note of suspense, building a scene that would be continued the next week. I look forward to the re-written version with more transitions and details. Parts seemed awkward or rushed to me, particularly anything about Diana's emotional life. The Andrews have a significant presence in the romance world, and although this is not primarily a romance, there remain significant romantic entanglements for a number of characters, some impossibly cute.

Dialogue is fun, although generally used for amusement or in service to the plot. There's fun banter that often makes me smile but occasionally felt a little close to Kate Daniels and Curran. Cutesy episodes with a new character were generally just this side of hyperglycemia. Caldonia doesn't play nearly enough of a role--her bloodthirsty personality may have provided the vinegar needed. Romance tropes remain in full play: the men are all enormous and handsome, the women devastatingly beautiful and graceful, and everyone is a competent killer with the weapon of their choice. Or adorable. Plotting does take some very dark turns as the story progresses.

Objections aside, I thought the plot entertaining, and despite wanting to wait til the full book release, I found myself eagerly waiting for each installment. I'll surely buy the ebook when released and enjoy the experience of reading in a single sitting.

Story begins at: http://innkeeper.ilona-andrews.com/on...
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,477 followers
June 21, 2020
There is a lot happening in this book. We start with a rescue and then move on to trying to save the last of a species that is being hunted by another species. And, the hunters are aggressive in their desire to kill off these suckers. They will kill anything or anyone in their way. Which leads to the question that is continually being asked in this book? Why? Why do you want to kill them so badly? Did they pull some sort of heist on you?

maybe involving a cumberbun? (ok, off topic (again)... I just looked up the correct spelling for cumberbun and it's cummerbund. W-The actual-F??)

So, these guys that Dina is trying to protect from like thousands of assassins are kind of gross and smelly. Plus, they are sort of Debbie Downers. So, I'm just wondering if that's the problem. I mean, I've thought about killing DD's. Who hasn't? You know the kind of person who is constantly wallowing in their problems and regularly seeks you out to wallow to? Haven't you thought of stabbing them? Or is that just me?

You know corn dogs aren't good unless they are hot enough to cauterize a wound. The army medics used them in the great war. Of course they get the medical grade corn dogs, but still, a fresh-from-the-microwave one will do in a pinch. Anyway, maybe I need to work on my compassion skills.

I really liked that Ilona Andrews was asking that question of "why". It is a question that I have a lot when I read but rarely gets addressed by authors. The Andrew's always have backgrounds, histories, and mythological reasons behind the things they write. I appreciate that. Recently I read a book where the author put the wrong name for who was talking and later had the person wearing a different outfit out of thin air. That kind of sloppiness never happens in an IA book, and it's awesome because you never get dragged out of a story by something that your mind snags on as wrong.

See? Sloppy writing. Her breasts weren't even a little on edge before. Now suddenly they're startled? That doesn't make sense. At least have them a little anxious beforehand, then the startled thing will feel completely believable.

So, with the good writing here, I am feeling pretty happy with this series. My breasts are super relaxed and comfortable and stuff. I'm off to read the next one.
Oh wait. This is a buddy-read and I suck because I read too fast and then my buddies get irritated with me. I might need to wait so I don't have to read it alone. Oh shit, breast-anxiety rising!!

Hit the deck!

Profile Image for  Teodora .
437 reviews2,260 followers
April 23, 2021
4.5/5 ⭐

All right, this is definitely my favourite book of the Innkeeper Chronicles .
And that's because it had everything!

1) It had action (and good one, I might say);
2) It had sassy characters, strong female characters, caring male characters, vampires, werewolves, ORRO;
3) It was quite humourous too;
4) It had pretty art;
5) It had juuust the right amount of romance;
6) It was written smart.

Honestly now, I don't have much to comment about this, it was just so good.
Profile Image for Choko.
1,379 reviews2,661 followers
May 7, 2022
*** 5 ***

"...“It’s a lovely day and we’re under siege. People are trying to murder us.” Her eyes shone with excitement. “Isn’t it marvelous?”
― Ilona Andrews, One Fell Sweep...

Best one so far in the series! Loved everything about it... I could have done without the more intimate scene, but it was wonderful either way
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,138 reviews3,083 followers
June 30, 2024
✅ Characters
✅ World-building
✅ Pace
✅ The Inn & Innkeeper role
✅ Plot
✅ Beautiful cover
✅🆗 Romance

4.5 stars

People do horrible things in the name of keeping things just the way they are.

Dina is busy again running her Inn, meeting strange aliens, and trying to keep her guests alive while fending off armed assaults against her Inn and guests... First, she took a short trip with Arland and Sean to rescue her sister and niece from a desolate planet that is described as "the anus of the galaxy" (yeah that one made me laugh). Then, instead of having some well-deserved family time, she had to come up with a plan to protect a guest from a group of deadly mercenaries dead-set on killing him for their a religious quest... Just another regular day at the Gertrude Hunt!

“It’s a lovely day and we’re under siege. People are trying to murder us.” Her eyes shone with excitement. “Isn’t it marvelous?”

The mix of paranormal, science-fiction, humor, and action was, once again, delightful to read and very entertaining. The only reason it took me so long to finish this book is that school started this week. Otherwise, I probably would have read this book in a day or two. The writing is simple, but the concept of the sentient Inn and the Innkeeper having badass powers and dealing with inter-galactic politics and life-threatening situations on a daily basis is original and gripping.

Dina is a great main character. She is so caring and loving and she ALWAYS thinks about her friends' and guests' safety first, even when it means putting her life at risk or choosing an option that she doesn't like. She is fiercely loyal to her Inn and her people, and we also got to see her badass side again in this book.

Arland looked at me as if seeing me for the first time. Yes, the princess you were expecting put on her armor and left to kill the dragon. So sorry.

The introduction of Maud, Dina's widowed older sister, and her daughter Helen was refreshing (and Helen is SO CUUUUUUTE). Maud is a kickass woman that can hold her own against vampires (and other alien creatures), and I totally ship her and Arland together. It better happen in the next book (that is about them actually) or I will be pissed. Arland deserves some fierce love, and he was just so freaking adorable when he interacted with Helen.

Sean was also more present in this book which is perfect because I kinda missed him a lot in the second book. The romance between Dina and him is not the best I've read, but it is still cute and satisfying, and well-paced.

Sean growled under his breath. “Arland is ignoring my texts.”
“Have you tried sending a kissy face?” Sean looked at me for a moment.
“Maybe he’s just not that into you.”

All of the group finally being together for more than a few hours created great character dynamics, and I already want more of them. I missed Arland and Sean together... Them being with Dina and her sister sure brings up the sass level of this book.

Whereas the first and second books happened only mostly at the Inn, this one branches out and allows us to explore new planets and discover new species. It was refreshing because even though I LOVE the Inn, I was wishing for a change of scenery after finishing the second book.

Overall this series is great so far. My one complaint though is the freaking part about Dina's parent's disappearance that seems to get nowhere. It was mentioned times and times again, but we're still no closer to getting an answer, except for one mysterious name of a mysterious person that might be able to help Dina if she finds him. I will still continue with the fourth book about Maud and Arland for sure and I can't wait to see how they will end up together (because they will end up together), but I'm not feeling involved in the quest to find their parents, it's honestly starting to get on my nerves. I would be okay just reading about Inn drama, without this added mystery that still isn't solved and is just being a tease since book one.

0.5 Gerard Demille and Helen meet ⭐⭐⭐
1. Clean Sweep ⭐⭐⭐⭐
2. Sweep in Peace ⭐⭐⭐.5

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Profile Image for Bradley.
Author 5 books4,541 followers
January 21, 2018
This is the culmination of so much slow burn, the romantic explosion we've all been waiting for in the duo's hybrid SF/Fantasy galactic intrigue Bed and Breakfast series. :)

It's taken so long! Well, two books... to get here! Sigh.

First of all, I have no issues with regurgitated UF themes in this one. In fact, I had a great time following a rather complicated weave of plots that do a lot to dive into the characters, a lot of their histories and, of course, the blowout ending that I very much enjoyed. And get your mind out of the gutter. It wasn't only that kind of blowout. The magic was something pretty awesome and kept me on the edge of my seat.

I really appreciate the UF treatment to a huge SF setting even if it's mostly centered on a little intergalactic Bed and Breakfast run by a true Master of Her Domain. :) The fact that she has so many super powerful suiters doesn't much bother me anymore. Especially since she finally found the right one. :)

The most welcome addition to the room and board is her sister. She's something else. :) And the kid? As scary as all children are. Half-vampire doesn't really make a difference. :)

It's really a fun and light series. Just different enough from the comfortable path to delight, never drain. :) Definitely high quality and shouldn't be missed by any fan of this team.
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books557 followers
October 27, 2022
In this conclusion to the Innkeeper Chronicles, we get to meet more of Dinah’s family! Her sister and niece come to stay at the inn because of unfortunate circumstances, and finally we have the trio of Arden, Sean and Dinah together, as the love triangle begins to get off the ground. I loved the character of Dinah’s niece, and Dinah’s sister as well. Ilona Andrews always writes kick butt female characters, and I love the way she is such a great vampire society member, and also innkeeper. This novel just brought everything together in a cool way.

And this one was great because of all the cool stuff we got to see Dinah do, and also because of all the cool inn lore. I love the way these two authors worldbuild. Also, it was one of those novels where a lot of the overall questions in the series start to get answered, which was super interesting!
Profile Image for Melindam.
782 reviews363 followers
March 3, 2024

Dear Traveller! Welcome to the lovely Gertrude Hunt Inn B&B, in the town of Red Deer, Texas.
A perfect place to rest and relax, where your every need will be catered to by your caring Innkeeper, Dina Demille. Walk around the lovely, shady orchard; sit on the porch; sip a glass of lemonade in company of the gentle, aristocratic lady, permanent resident of the Inn & most wanted, killer tyrant of the universe (addicted to FunYun and YelloMello) and taste the unparallelled gastronomic wonders created by the in-house chef: a giant, hedgehog-like creature with claws and fangs & and a penchant for high drama & temper tantrums that would make Gordon Ramsay hide in the furthest hole of our galaxy in shame.

Besides the Inn’s unique capability of self-defense, security level is heightened by the presence of an alpha-strain werewolf. Entertainment for ladies is provided by the occasional appearance of a heartthrob, chivalric vampire warrior who, when drunk on coffee, gets all his clothes off and runs around the garden in the nude. When sober, same vampire may offer physical exercise to gentlemen and ladies(!) in the form of hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting.

Normally I don’t do gushing, not even in my 5-star ratings, but I LOVED EVERY SINGLE PAGE of the Inkeeper Series book .

From page one I fell hook, line and sinker for the story and the characters, especially the Inn, Gertrude Hunt, itself. She is every woman’s dream: self-defending, self-cleaning, self-decorating with an underground storage for unwanted rooms and with doors opening to the most renown intergalatical market and other planets. She is my best-loved literary character to whom noone can compare.


The other MC, Dina, the Innkeeper, as a caregiver and homemaker kind of person, is very relatable to me. At the same time she is smart, resourceful and compassionate.

The world-building is great: detailed, but not overwhelming. The romance is very appealing, but not heavy and it does not, at any point, hijack the narrative. The mix of political intrigue & action scenes is very well balanced and throughout there is the trademark wry humour with emotionally highly touching moments.

The rest of the major characters – Caldenia, Arland, Orro, Maud - were delightful, I loved them all to bits. I also happened to think about a list of actors who would be ideal to play the parts, should the book be turned into a movie/TV series some time. You are welcome to differ and make suggestions! :)

Dina: Emma Watson

Sean: Michael Fassbender

Caldenia: Helen Mirren

Arland: Lee Pace

Officer Marais: Jamie Foxx

George: Aaron Eckart

Sophie: Lucy Liu

Maud: Rosamund Pike

Orro: just imagine Gordon Ramsay masked as a giant hedgehog

This review is for the Graphic Audio full-cast production.

One Fell Sweep (Innkeeper Chronicles, #3) by Ilona Andrews

For a long time I have resisted the call to try the Graphic Audio full-cast narration of One Fell Sweep, but I finally succumbed and so happy I did.

It was a joyful and excellent production and did full justice to the book (which the 1-person narration by Rene Raudmann never did. I found her a rather annoying narrator).

I am definitely going to listen to the rest of the books done by Graphic Audio.

And yes, the fart-gun IS given its well-deserved audio-moments. ;)

Profile Image for Sarah.
3,347 reviews1,235 followers
December 6, 2020
1st Read - Jan-October 2016 (Read-along with the weekly serial)
2nd Read - December 2016 (finished ebook)
3rd Read - November 2017
4th Read - May 2019
5th Read - December 2020

Full Review

This series just gets better and better, I love reading along with the weekly instalments as they're published on Ilona Andrews' website but what I love even more is getting my hands on the final version and seeing how much extra depth has been added to the story and the relationships between the characters.

Dina and Gertrude Hunt are building a reputation of being able to deal with difficult guests and, thanks to the meddling of a certain Arbitrator, they are now facing their most impossible challenge yet. The future of an entire race rest on Dina's shoulders as the Hiru come to her with a very important request and when she finds out how they have been persecuted she has to help them. It puts the inn at risk of exposure though because the Hiru's enemies will do anything to destroy them. I love that Dina is always willing to fight for the underdog and I'm really enjoying learning more about the Innkeeper's abilities. Just when you think you know everything she can do Ilona and Gordon throw in new twists to keep you on your toes. They really are the most creative authors out there!

While we're on the subject of Dina I want to talk about how much I love the relationship between her and Sean. It's been a lovely slow build relationship and I missed him a lot in the last book but they make real progress in One Fell Sweep. There are some important heart-to-heart discussions that melted my heart a bit and for anyone who was a little disappointed with the fade-to-black sex scene in the online version you'll be glad to know that it was much more in depth in the final published version now that no young eyes can stumble across it on their webpage.

I have always been team Sean when it comes to Dina but I also love Arland so I was very happy that he has a pretty large role in this book too. We finally get to meet some of Dina's family when they travel to a vampire planet to rescue Maud and her young daughter Helen and it looks like Arland has a new sister to crush on. Maud is an excellent character, she's very vampire in her thinking and her fighting skills have Arland completely enthralled. It was Helen that stole the show though, she is utterly adorable in a rather bloodthirsty way but what else would you expect from a half-vampire who was raised by two warrior parents?

Of course we still have all the much loved core cast of the series, Caldenia never fails to make me laugh with her acerbic comments, Orro makes me constantly hungry by talking about his delicious creations, Beast is just a little bundle of cuteness when she's not getting ready to eat Dina's enemies and Gertrude Hunt is definitely a character in it's own right even though it isn't able to communicate with anyone apart from Dina. We get a few hints about Dina and Maud's brother Klaus has been up to and a very big clue about where they can find more information about their parents too so I'm eagerly waiting for the Andrews to start on the next instalment.

Reading the weekly online version is a unique kind of torture as you have to impatiently wait for each new chapter but the interaction between fans and with the authors make it such a fun experience. Even if you read it online I would still highly recommend buying the finished version too, there are so many little extra details added and they really turn the story from amazing into phenomenal. I'm looking forward to many more adventures with Dina and her friends.


Mini Review of the Serial

I'll review this properly after I reread the finished, edited version but I absolutely loved it. This series is just so much fun to read and I really enjoy reading it in weekly instalments as it releases (even though I fell ridiculously behind this year!). I think it's brilliant that Ilona and Gordon share this story for free with their fans but of course I still buy a lovely print version for my shelf of Andrews' awesomeness.

Highlights from One Fell Sweep include:
- Dina and Sean
- Gertrude Hunt - when I grow up I want to be an Innkeeper and I want to live somewhere exactly the same as this
- Meeting Maud & Helen (Dina's sister & niece)
- Marland - I ship them hard!!
- New alien species (the poor Hiru)

I think I might have to go and reread the first two books now so that I'll be ready for the finished version of this one to release, I'm already looking forward to reading it again :o)


Before reading
The exquisite torture will begin again on the 29th of January! The excitement of reading as it is written is well worth the excruciating wait between each chapter though and I can't bloody wait.

Ilona & Gordon are amazing & I love this series :-)
Profile Image for Melissa (Mel’s Bookshelf).
508 reviews307 followers
December 20, 2023
I'm going to take a minute to appreciate just how FREAKING good this husband and wife author duo are. Seriously, when these two sit in front of their computer or however they get the words down, MAGIC happens. One Fell Sweep is the third instalment of the Innkeeper Chronicles, and in my opinion, the best of the lot. I'm not sure how they manage to keep getting better and better, book after book... But somehow it just happens. After this series and the Kate Daniels series, which I recently re-read because I love it so darn much, I am going to make it a mission to read every word they have ever written.

Dina is the inn keeper in Gertrude Hunt, the magical inn in Texas that is a pit stop for some very interesting creatures from all sorts of planets. Dina's job is to keep the guests of the inn safe at all costs, and her job is near impossible with the arrival of a malodorous guest who has an unusual bounty on his head. Many of our favourite characters are back from the first two books, including one frustrating but seriously hot werewolf. Will Dina be able to keep everyone safe?

OH MY GOD I LOVE THIS AUDIOBOOK! I loved everything about it. The writing, the story, and the narration! Renee Rauldman and her Southern accent is SO EASY to listen to! The audio version was magical. I'm sure I would have still adored the paper version, but I just loved this audiobook!

I have no idea where they come up with the ideas in their stories. World killers?? Nano ants?? Seriously!! Obviously in this case two writers are better than one. Its just one awesome idea after the other which leaves you thinking, "HOW THE HELL DO THEY COME UP WITH THIS!!??"

Like the Kate Daniels series, the romance is like lighting a big fireplace in a living room on a cold evening. You start out shivering a bit, warm up quite comfortably, and then suddenly get so hot you start sweating! I love the way that they build the romance up over numerous books. It may start off as attraction between two people, but then it grows into something much deeper, with an actual RELATIONSHIP where people do things OTHER than swoon over each other all the time. In this case they kill things together and talk together. They don't just make it a quick attraction with a happy ending, and although the wait for the pinnacle of the romance is frustrating, its SOOOOOOO much better for it!

Would I recommend One Fell Swept??

YES YES YES!! Read the above! ALL THE ABOVE!! You will need to start with Clean Sweep and Sweep in Peace first, or some things might get a touch confusing.

I purchased the audio version of One Fell Sweep on audible, at my own expense.
3,202 reviews386 followers
September 5, 2024
$0.99 on Kindle

I usually end up having read this story three to four times by the time I finish it on release day - it's because Ilona Andrews publishes these stories as a serialized novel, online, for free, first. And there's something incredibly gratifying about reading a new installment every week. But, for me, it's eminently more satisfying to read it in its entirety, published.

Something that I never consciously noticed before was that Ilona Andrews purposefully writes the online version to be PG rating - there's less ... brutality in the fighting and less romance in the romance. Now that I know this, I actually love it. It means that I can have my daughter read these stories, and I think she'll love them. But it also means that when I read the full, published version, I'm getting something that's meant more for me, and my level of maturity. I won't say one is better than the other, because they're both excellent - and both well worth the time - but the book that's released in whole is always my more favorite read. Serial novels always have mixed results with me. I'm not patient and the only reason that Ilona Andrews' novels work for me is because I adore everything they ever write and I make myself be more patient.

I feel like these novels always hit me at a very real place when I read them. In the first book Dina was dealing with discovering her own power, fending off an outside attack from a vicious enemy, choosing to become involved. And it felt manageable, even when things were at their worst in the story, I never doubted that Dina would figure out a way through it. There was the loss of Sean going off at the end, and the sense of a bittersweet victory. Dina learned a lot about herself in this novel.

In book two, there was the drive for peace, for accord, and for the hatred that had been building for centuries to be cast aside in favor of hope. It felt insurmountable, as pain-driven war often is. When no side can look at, with empathy, what the other has suffered, the war continues on indefinitely. It takes compassion to end such pain. And hope.

Here, in the third book in this installment, Dina takes a stand against xenophobia of the worst sort. The Hiru are being hunted into extinction by the Draziri - who believe that they'll be assured a place in their heaven if they manage to kill a Hiru. Simply because they exist. Dina knows the danger to herself and her inn, but she can't turn down the simple request of the Hiru to be able to have a sanctuary so they can find their true home. Dina is the person that I think all of us want to be. Despite the potential (and often real) cost to herself, she's not going to give up, not going to give in, and she's going to help as much as she can.

The characters, as always, are the best part. I love how real they feel. They aren't simply caricatures of themselves, but as elaborate and complicated as any person I know. Arland, I think, has finally met his match. Sean is recovering from the events that took place in the last book - and I love how realistically this recovery is handled. And Dina, as always, is one of the strongest characters. She continues to impress me, going above and beyond. There are all of the previous favorites, and some wonderful new characters that step onto stage.

This world is another thing that I adore. There's so much complexity and variety here - everything that I'm looking for in a science-fiction novel, including the "human" connection. I love how I get to explore this vast universe with an assortment of eyes and experiences. I love that Ilona Andrews always manages to make this diversity incredibly beautiful.

And the ending - oh man. Talk about ramping up the tension and leaving me salivating for the next book. I cannot wait to see where we go from here.

First post expected 29 January 2016, HERE!!!

I can't freaking wait! New Ilona Andrews is EXACTLY what I need (always).
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,657 reviews1,148 followers
February 13, 2017
Ilona Andrews made this available on their website for free in weekly installments until its published on December 20th. I held out until all of it was complete because I'm not a patient person.

In the third book of the series, Gertrude Hunt has to call on a favor with Arland and Sean to go and save her sister and niece on a distant planet. Fortunately this doesn't take up too much of the book, and they are back at the Inn for a new intergalactic war between these weird creatures I already forgot the names of. Besides the new characters, the book mainly focuses on the regulars and the old mystery of Gertrude's parents disappearance.

Every book has been good in the Innkeeper series, but I enjoyed this the most. Sean is around to stay and be a backbone support to Gertrude. Her sister is a strong, fun character. The niece is an adorably vicious thing. There's hardly any down time as the pacing holds up strong from one disaster to the next.

There's Ilona Andrews usual stellar writing style, fun dialogue, and a big turning point in Gertrude's love life. Sadly the ending needed to be a bit stronger, but the author has said on their websites some parts were sanitized a bit because it was available for all ages to read free online. Personally I don't care about the mystery of Gertrude's parents, but clearly that's going to lead to a main story-line.

Despite a few minor flaws, this one was hard to put down and a delight to read. It's not quite as good as Kate and Curran or Burn for me, but it's a close runner-up.
Profile Image for Nicole.
820 reviews2,380 followers
June 19, 2019
This is a self-published book by one of my favorite authors yet I can't give it 4 stars. There are a few things that usually annoy me in IA's books such as the exagerrations, how everyone is so badass in a way like no other. It gets tiring. I couldn't stand it anymore.

Also, Maud being all kickass while, at least I, thought she was a submissive wife and her passion for weapons was never mentioned (and please correct me if I'm wrong). Her character was too sudden and not in a good way.

How it works "magic". Well I can stomach that for a time but eventually I need an explanation.

I love Sean and all but something IA never failed at creating was the chemistry and I find it lacking between Dina and Sean.

Plus, too many things were happening at the end. IA tried to squeeze so many points in a few pages.

By no means this book was boring, it just failed character wise in comparison to her other books. I can't help but mention that I loved the setting and the world IA created. In all cases, while I'm not especially excited to read Maud's story, I'm certainly going to.
Profile Image for Phrynne.
3,659 reviews2,485 followers
October 29, 2016
Just finished reading this as an online series for free but that won't stop me buying the book when it comes out! This is such a fun series from a really talented team of authors, and it is one I will certainly reread in the future.
This particular episode takes place almost entirely at the inn which is a magic place of course. The world building is magical itself and very, very entertaining. There's lots of danger, some anxious moments, humour, many very engaging characters and a little romance. Something for everyone:)
If you enjoy Kate Daniels you will love this too!
Profile Image for Maria Dimitrova.
745 reviews146 followers
February 1, 2022
re-read: December 2019

The Hiru's story always brings me to tears. I love this book for so many reasons but most of all for it's emotional impact!

Old rating: 5 stars
New rating: A billion stars

I don't think there are enough words in the world to properly express my love for this book. I acted like a child on Christmas morning while listening to the audio (great job to the amazing Renee Raudman!) despite already knowing how it will go. From the start one would assume it's an action dominated story and this part contains one of my favourite scenes in the series so far: . But it soon transform into a heartbreaking tale about a desperate fight to save a species from genocide. But worry not, there's still plenty of action. And watching Arland trying to woo Maud is hilarious!

Original review:

Book by an independent author for the MacHalo Reading Challenge.

What was wrong with me that I put off reading OFS for so long? Apparently I need specialized help because such behaviour is unacceptable. Because THIS IS AWESOME! Just like any other book by IA. But especially because it's an Innkeeper book. After all this was the series that introduced me to this amazing writing duo.

The story is particularly touching because Dina has to help a species to escape extinction. She's such a great soul! She never lets shallow things like appearance derail her from doing the right thing. And once she makes the decision to help you, you can count on her to see things through. No matter who hard things get, she has your back. Getting to meet her sister and niece was great and I loved the dynamic between them. On the romantic front my wish for Dina and Sean finally came true. They're just so cute together. And the banter is simply hilarious. Why aren't there such relationships in real life?

So if you haven't read the Innkeeper Chronicles it's about time for you to book a room at Gertrude Hunt.
Profile Image for Fafa's Book Corner.
514 reviews346 followers
June 30, 2018
Review posted on Fafa's Book Corner!

Beware spoilers ahead!

Trigger Warning: Mention of war, death, and mention of annihilating a species.

Despite being a tad disappointed in Sweep in Peace I was still looking forward to reading One Fell Sweep. I am happy to say that I thoroughly enjoyed it!

It's been a few days since Sean and Dina went to the movies together. Gertrude Hunt has become quite. Sean and Dina are attempting to form a relationship. At night Dina senses a presence. It turns out to be Sean. Sean explains that he had a really bad feeling and came to the inn. A wormhole appears in the sky and a supernatural being emerges. Sean and Dina quickly deal with the situation.

The supernatural being is a Ku who has come to deliver a message to Dina. The message turns out to be from Dina's sister Maud who is in trouble. Dina requests Arland to take her to Maud (who is on a different planet). All three then go to retrieve Maud and her daughter Helen. This journey will be the last of Dina's problems.

I'm so happy that I enjoyed One Fell Sweep! The book is narrated in first person following Dina. There are some more pictures. And new characters. As well as an expansion on the world.

One Fell Sweep was more action packed! I enjoyed the additional new characters. Maud and Helen were awesome! I thoroughly enjoyed the relationship Maud shared with Dina. It gave readers an insight to Dina's life before the book series. Helen was so cute! I really enjoyed reading about her interactions with all the characters.

The Hiru and Draziri situation was well done! The Draziri believe that if they kill one Hiru then they are guaranteed a place in heaven. It is not stated in any records why it is that the Draziri God's preach this. A Hiru comes to Dina requesting help. The Hiru states that they have found a solution through the Archivarian. A sentient being of intelligence. In order to accomplish this the Hiru says that they will need to gather all the Archivarius. Once all the parts are gathered then they're home free. In return Dina will get to ask the Archivarian a question. 

Dina wants to help but can't really put her guests in jeopardy. The Draziri are known to not obey rules. And will likely reveal themselves to her neighbors. Which goes against the Earth treaty. However she ends up accepting as the Draziri launch an attack on her inn for housing the Hiru. Dina decides to ask the Archivarian about her parents.

Maud's character was very intelligent. Maud's ex-husband was a vampire who pulled a lot of stupid actions. This resulted in them being sent to Kahari an almost dead planet. Maud's husband was murdered for his actions, leaving her to fend for Helen. Her insight into politics was awesome to read about! Also she was such a great parent!

The romance was really good! Maud and Arland had some of the best interactions. Arland falls hard for Maud. He's also really great to Helen. Sean and Dina were adorable in this installment! I actually felt something for them. I didn't feel much in the second installment. Sean's parents also come in. They were actually really nice to Dina. Which I really appreciated.

George should truly get a medal for all his scheming. It's revealed that George is the one that gave Maud the Ku and sent the Hiru to Dina. It's really amazing how much he can accomplish in the name of good. Officer Marias gets involved in the supernatural war. He takes the information about the supernatural pretty well and proves to be helpful towards their cause. The Assembly and Ad-Hal is expanded upon. I really like how in every book that is some world-building. 

I really appreciated all the quirks in this installment. Gertrude Hunt, Olasard (Dina's cat named by Helen), Caldenia, Beast, and Orro. Each off these characters made such a great addition to this installment. I especially loved Gertrude Hunt's role. 

I'm just going to clarify something: One Fell Sweep is not a final book. It ends on a cliffhanger. Dina doesn't find her parents (she does get some information), the Assembly summon Dina but you don't get to meet them, and there is something that is hunting the Ad-Hal's.

Considering how popular these authors are, I don't think they mean to end the series on a cliffhanger. This series is self-published and over the past two years they've been really busy with other releases. There will likely be more books. It'll just take some time. Thus far (on their website) they are working on a short story with Arland and Maud. I do still hope that it comes soon though.

Overall I really enjoyed One Fell Sweep! I highly recommend this series. 
Profile Image for Cathy .
1,811 reviews276 followers
February 2, 2023
I first read this as an online serial on Ilona Andrews' website, which took most of 2016. This is the first re-read of the finished book, published the usual way.

I had fun reading the weekly bits and agonizing over them with my reading buddies. However, reading a finished book in one go is a more cohesive affair. It runs smoother, you can read as long as you want, no waiting for the next gripping bit. Also more editing and small improvements on various details. Plus a maturer rating.

Good fun, I enjoyed this re-read. Knowing what happens next added another layer of tension, strangely enough. This is my favourite book of the series so far and I can't wait for the next installment. So many interesting plot bunnies for the next one...
Profile Image for Wanda Pedersen.
2,103 reviews455 followers
April 20, 2020
March 2019 Re-Read

When life is getting me down, I turn to Ilona Andrews. I powered through the Hidden Legacy series and still needed an infusion of light-hearted fun and fantasy. Enter the Innkeeper Chronicles. I debated long and hard before I sank my cash into these volumes, but I’m so glad that I did. There’s nothing like Dina, Caldenia, Sean, and Arland to make me smile and feel better. I am so relating to Dina missing her parents right now—my mother’s last sibling passed away at the end of January and I am missing her, my parents and all the other aunts & uncles. Spending time in Red Deer, Texas, helps me feel a little less lonely.

So yes, I’m avoiding life right now and re-reading old favourites. I’m not sure when this tendency will end, but I’m enjoying my vacation from reality.


This installment of the Innkeeper Chronicles manages to be very satisfying while leaving the reader anxious for the next book! Some things are “settled” (or at least the beginnings of settling has begun), but enough loose ends are left to entice me along. Please tell me that there will be a volume 4? I need to know what has happened to Dina’s parents! And although it seems a foregone conclusion, I want to know what Dina’s sister, Maud, decides to do.

I loved the sibling dynamics in One Fell Sweep. The teasing between the two sisters, the insights that they have on each other, the love, and the support. I adore Dina, but I’m also becoming a fan of Maud.

I was also delighted that the trademark Ilona Andrews banter continued—the dialog sparkles. Plus, the new role for Officer Marais is genius! We get some brand new aliens to enjoy, we get to know Caldenia a bit better, see what Beast can do when necessary, and meet Sean’s parents. All in all, a lot of personal information, all while fighting a righteous battle whose conclusion is not easily foreseen.

I am ever so glad that I have purchased all three of the Innkeeper books, as I can easily envision reading all of them over-again from the beginning while I wait for number 4.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,373 reviews

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