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The Companions Quartet #3

Mines of the Minotaur

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The clock continued to tick calmly in the hall, out of step with the stormy sea of panic surging inside Connie. She could make no sense of this. How had she ended up on the beach? She felt a hum in her bones as if she had been meeting with some powerful creature. But what beast or being had the power to draw her out of her house without her knowing about it? And what had happened when they were together?

Thirteen-year-old Connie Lionheart is the only Universal Companion, able to communicate with all the mythical creatures hidden in our world. She is the most important member of a secret society sworn to protect the bonds between humans and creatures. But her power brings great responsibility and great danger.

288 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Julia Golding

82 books830 followers
My journey to becoming an author has been a roundabout one, taking in many other careers. I grew up on the edge of Epping Forest and was that dreamy kind of child who was always writing stories. After reading English at Cambridge, I decided to find out as much as I could about the wider world so joined the Foreign Office and served in Poland. My work as a diplomat took me from the high point of town twinning in the Tatra Mountains to the low of inspecting the bottom of a Silesian coal mine.

On leaving Poland, I exchanged diplomacy for academia and took a doctorate in the literature of the English Romantic Period at Oxford. I then joined Oxfam as a lobbyist on conflict issues, campaigning at the UN and with governments to lessen the impact of conflict on civilians living in war zones - a cause about which I still feel very passionate.

Married with three children, I now live in Oxford between two rivers, surrounded by gargoyles, beautiful sandstone buildings and ancient trees.

My first novel, 'The Diamond of Drury Lane', won the Waterstone's Children's Book Prize 2006 and the Nestle Children's Book Prize 2006 (formerly known as the Smarties Prize). I was also chosen by Waterstone's in 2007 as one of their 'Twenty-five authors for the future'. In the US, 'Secret of the Sirens' won the honor book medal of the Green Earth Book Award.

My latest series, which starts with Mel Foster and the Demon Butler, about an intrepid Victorian orphan who lives in a household of monsters, won Bronze in the Primary Teacher awards in 2015. The next part, Mel Foster and the Time Machine, has set the time-dial to arrive in 2016.

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Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews381 followers
March 14, 2018
Mines of the Minotaur (The Companions Quartet #3), 2008, Julia Golding
Abstract: Thirteen-year-old Connie Lionheart is the only Universal Companion, able to communicate with all the mythical creatures hidden in our world. She is the most important member of a secret society sworn to protect the bonds between humans and creatures. But her power brings great responsibility and great danger.
Characters: Connie Lionheart (11 year old girl), Colin (Col) Clamworthy (11 year old boy), Skylark (A young Pegasus), Evelyn Lionheart (Connie's Aunt), Lavinia Clamworthy (Col's Grandmother), Aneena Nuruddin (Connie's best friend), Jane Benedict (Connie's best friend), Mack Clamworthy (Col's father), Dr. Brock (Society member), Jessica Moss (Society member), Ivor Coddrington (Society member), Shirley Masterson (Society member), Kinga Potowska (Companion to the Dragon species), Morjik (Companion of Kinga Potowska. An older dragon), Eagle-Child (Companion to the Storm Bird species), Storm-Bird (Companion of Eagle-Child), Kira Okona (Companion to the Unicorn species), Windfoal (Companion of Kira Okona), Frederick Cony (Companion to the Rock Dwarf species), Gard (Companion of Frederick Cony)
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: بیست و هفتم ماه دسامبر سال 2013 میلادی
عنوان: همدم­ها جلد 3 : معادن مینوتار؛ نویسنده: جولیا گلدینگ؛ مترجم: پیمان اسماعیلیان خامنه؛ نشر: تهران، قدیانی، کتابهای بنفشه، چاپ نخست 1390، در 392 ص، شابک: 9786002511553، ‏فروست: همدم­ها جلد 3، رمان نوجوانان، موضوع: داستانهای کودکان انگلیسی -- قرن 21 م
ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Carol.
379 reviews55 followers
July 13, 2018
I really love this book, as much as the others of the series. I loved the way the author surprise me in each one and trapped me into their pages until I finished them. I really like that the characters have grown up in each book and made more mature decisions every moment. My favourites so far are Connie, Col, Mack, Aneena, Lavinia, Evie, Rat and their companions of course. Also, I have to highlight the relationships carved out with the different mythical creatures, all very strong and powerfull, that make us feel like we have stablished them by ourselves.

Another point in favour is that these series tries to makes us feel that we have to do more for the environment and take care of the rest of species that live in our planet the way we do for ourselves. And be conscious of whatever change we produce, good or bad, it takes repercussions on it.

So, one more time I will recommend you to read these eco-fantasy series, you won’t regret it.
Profile Image for Nicole.
71 reviews
April 25, 2014
Rated 3.5 stars but I'll be generous (since there's dragons... even if they didn't do anything)

This installment provides us with some deep Connie reflection as we quite literally dive into her mind. However, I didn't quite like Connie as much in this book. While I understand that this book is about learning to accept oneself and others, both good and bad, the writing was not as compelling as the previous book.There was, once again, quite a deal of self pity (aka this is like the dreaded 2nd book in a trilogy).

In addition, it didn't feature nearly as much magic than I wished for. Much of the magic is poof~ and it's fixed, when I hoped for just a little more depth.

One part I did enjoy though was the introduction to an interesting selection of the mythical creatures, that is the outcasts. Unfortunately, their role was not expanded so much.

Since I'm so close to being done... I'm now off to read the last book to see how Connie reconciles her complex relationship with Kullervo~
Profile Image for a duck.
394 reviews16 followers
July 3, 2021
"There will be those who doubt you no matter what you say, and some who reject you even if they think you are telling the truth.”
“Because they fear you.”

- May 2021 -
I like how so many middle grade series, like the Companion's Quartet or the PJO series, all have this apocalyptic situations and extremely tense and dangerous moments while the characters are like.. actual children. I almost forgot while reading this book that all of the protagonists are so young. Poor Connie just cannot catch a break-she's getting possessed, maimed, and traumatized-and she's like, TWELVE years old! I could barely handle the act of breathing at her age, let alone saving the world from a bloodthirsty shape-shifting monster who has wormed its way into my mind. Props to her. In my high school reread I complained she was moody at time, but honestly she has every right to be, I'm not sure why I complained about that.

- May 2015 -
Connie is such an interesting main character. At times, I disliked how moody she would be, but she gets called out for it this within the book...
Profile Image for Kino.
179 reviews
April 19, 2018
This book went from decent to idiotic really fast. The usual plot devices that is used to hinder protagonists similar to Snape and Umbridge in Harry Potter is used in this series rather inorganically but with the first two books, it was okay. But here it's just not right and laid on so thick it seems the author was grasping at straws on how to make this book interesting putting padding after padding of idiotic things.
In the first part (not a spoiler since it's in the beginning) Connie is caught summoning a storm while she wasn't aware that she was doing it or how. That's alright and surely an interesting mystery but why did she keep it a secret? Now that's not something Connie would do, Connie had always been responsible for the safety of those around her because she cared but here she chose to keep it a secret? Why? The Connie of book 1 and 2 would speak it to someone, whether she was afraid or not and of course conflict arise from this, inorganic conflict, and that's just the beginning.
I absolutely hate this book, I don't even know if I'll buy the last one.
It was a decent series thus far but this book is just a mess.
Profile Image for Melanie Dulaney.
1,827 reviews101 followers
December 15, 2020
Eco-fantasy Companions Quartet continues!

Like books 1 and 2, Golding takes readers into the world of many creatures believed to be mythical and the human companions that they bond with. These partnerships form the Society for the Protection of Mythical Creatures. Members of this society continue a centuries old determination to preserve beings such as pegasi, dragons, and banshees along with the world that all must live in. Connie, a girl with the unique ability to bond with all fantastic beings, must also continue to battle the evil Kullervo while striving to control her power as a Universal. This series is thoroughly entertaining and is never short on action or plenty of intriguing characters, both human and fantastic. Readers may be like me and feel some sadness knowing that with book 4, the series will come to an end. Target audience for this book is fantasy lovers in 5th grade and up.
Profile Image for Grace Fullerton.
28 reviews18 followers
June 6, 2015
I love the characters. I love the plot. The language is clear and focused. But as the series progresses the focus changes from the magical creatures to global warming propaganda. It loses the story for me and I may not finish the series for that reason. I feel as though I am being indoctrinated on the evil sin of mankind to 1) exist 2) need places to live and 3) shove out animals to accomplish 1 and 2. I am all about responsible use of the environment but I read books to escape the problems of the world, not to have them drilled into my skull. I was charmed by the first book, though and that one is definitely worth a read. Maybe for young kids who don't know enough to care yet might enjoy it without my problem.
1 review
March 22, 2018

I think it was awesome, not only because it gave me 10 points per book but because I really like the idea of it switching characters not only seeing what there doing but what there feeling and thinking. Keep up the good work Golding😁😁
Profile Image for Hannah Belyea.
2,406 reviews36 followers
March 19, 2019
After Col reveals Connie's secret - that she is beginning to summon terrible storms in her sleep - she must prove herself trustworthy to the Society before she can be permanently banished, all while a band of broken companions calls out for her help...Golding gives readers another intriguing entry in this fun and emotional series led by great characters making tough choices. How is Connie going to prove she isn't a monster when she's starting to doubt it herself?
Profile Image for Adrianne Lemke.
Author 17 books59 followers
March 21, 2024
Entertaining addition

While I enjoyed this book, I did wonder at how a single trustee-and a brand new one at that - would have the power to throw someone out of the society without any input from anyone else. That said, it was good to see him taken down by his own actions. Connie managed to learn more about being the universal, and it seems like she might get some better support in the next book. Looking forward to the next one!
Profile Image for Gil Segev.
Author 1 book2 followers
July 23, 2020
Although I'm finishing this series 12 years after starting it, it is still worth its weight in gold. Golding writes an exciting, well-paced story with a strong cast of characters, a worthy protagonist, and a formidable nemesis. Can't wait to see how it all concludes in the fourth book.
1,212 reviews5 followers
February 5, 2021
Extraordinarily imaginative!

I highly recommend this fantastic book, and the series in which it is, to all readers who love magic, great plots, adventure, thrills, and mythical creatures. Enjoy!
Profile Image for maybesri???.
363 reviews32 followers
November 23, 2017
Profile Image for Suzanne Elliott.
266 reviews2 followers
January 22, 2019
This a great series for younger readers and the young at heart who remember their mythology from school.
163 reviews
March 1, 2021

"Don't go near the old mines" they told her, but it seems she was destined to find who was there. Connie finds how to heal others, and herself also in the process.
May 1, 2021

One of the best book I have ever read. Golding does a wonderful job with the description and detail .
23 reviews
July 28, 2021
probably my fave of the series so far
Profile Image for Yasin Karami.
67 reviews1 follower
September 16, 2021
تا الان که بهترین کتاب مجموعه بوده. چون هم شخصیت پردازی بهتر بود، هم موجودات بهتری اضافه شده بودن، هم دارک تر بود. هرچند بازم پایانش قابل پیشبینی بود
Profile Image for Ela.
150 reviews46 followers
August 6, 2022
Col: MVP
Gard, Evelyn, Dr. Brock y los habituales: Apoyando, como ameritaba la situación.
Conddrington: Lo oreo.

En serio, que se hubieran evitado tanto problema si desde el inicio hubieran escuchado y ayudado, y acordarse que CONNIE ES SÓLO UNA NIÑA/ADOLESCENTE!!!!!!!
Profile Image for izzy  dgp .
17 reviews
June 16, 2024
sometimes you just wanna shoot lightning and other times you want to watch the storms and both are good unless they’re out to getcha
Profile Image for Miriam James.
284 reviews2 followers
January 8, 2022
I love that this is exploring new angst and Connie’s powers, and that there’s a threat which isn’t just from Kullervo (not physically anyway). I really enjoyed the drama of and thought this was a good addition to the series.
Profile Image for Miss Clark.
2,696 reviews218 followers
January 26, 2009
Book three of the Companions Quartet. A very slow moving volume. More than anything, it explores the nature and purpose of a Universal and in particular, how Connie must deal with her unique gift and the threat that she poses to everyone because of Kullervo's connection to her. At 13, Connie is raising dangerous storms in her sleep. Afraid to let anyone know that something is working through her unconsciously and wreaking havoc, Connie makes Col, who found her asleep on the shore after creating a storm, swear to secrecy. Evelyn and Mack, Col's dad, get married, but on the eve of the wedding, Col tells Dr. Brock about Connie and the storm. Piqued that Col would betray her trust and fearful of how people will react knowing this about her, Connie runs off and conjures another storm, this time nearly killing Rat, Col and Dr. Brock.

Coddrington, as the new trustee, comes to investigate and throws Connie out of the Society, saying that she is dangerous and that the role of the Univesal is now obsolete, as the danger that she poses outweighs any value she presents. Connie, feeling miserable and abandoned, and most of all a freak somehow able to be used by Kullervo against her will. She knows that she is putting those she cares about in danger and so Connie tries to avoid her friends and runs into an abandoned mine. There she makes the acquaintance of a minotaur and other crippled creatures forgotten and disgarded by the Society, pleading to the Universal to heal them. Col and company meanwhile, are trying to prove Connie's innocence in the storm-raising and are apealing to the other trustees. Col gets reprimanded for still associating with Connie while the ban is in effect and is warned that he should drop her, even if he does like her, romantically. Col denies that vehemently, even though Rat teases him about it, maintaining that he and Connie are simply friends.

On the night of the trial, Connie is taken over by Kullervo with a little help from Mr. Coddrington and his weather giant companion Hoo. If they cannot save Connie, they will need to kill her to save themselves from what Kullervo is doing through Connie, which is nothing more than the annihilation of the human race.

Subplot is a wind farm and global warming. Oh, ick.

It is Col and Evelyn that are the most determined to save Connie. Which they manage to do with everyone's help, though it is Col that won't let Connie give in. I liked that at the end he had the good sense to realize that he should not be so stupid as to throw away his friendship with Connie.

Connie really has to learn to accept who she is (how cliche, I know)- both the good and the bad. Knowing it and seeing herself for who she is, she can begin to work on not giving in to bad impulses, like anger and hatred and the temptation to use her power to destroy things or hurt people. Rather, as shown in the end, she uses her power to heal others. There are hints throughout that Connie is the most powerful Universal ever and that she has yet more abilities untapped. That silvery glow mentioned a few times intrigues me and wonder what will come of it...
Profile Image for Anna.
335 reviews1 follower
June 11, 2022
Okay so I don't know what I was going on about 6 years ago but re-reading Mines of the Minotaur, this, to me, is the weakest of all four books.

I still like the points I wrote about in 2016, but I felt like the pacing was really off in this one - everything was either going way too slow or way too quick and the fact that this book is 100 pages shorter than the first one is felt deeply and I really feel like it could have benefited from them.
Also, despite the fact that I adore some of the characters introduced in this book and like some of the character development and the focus on the emotional growth and journey, it feels to me as though the cast has become too big for the story.
While some characters get some great insight and time in the spotlight, others are sort of pushed to the side - which is a shame as the characters and the wide variety in the cast is one of my favourite things about the Companions Quartet.

All in all I wished there had been more time to dwell on an properly dive into the themes, plot points and cast in this book. It had so much potential that, compared to the first 2 books, I don't think it quite lives up to.

Mines of the Minotaur was always my least favourite of all the four books. But now that I've read it again, I feel like I appreciate this one more that I did before.
Yes, this is definitely the most angsty of all four books, but I really like how it brings forward all the different qualities of the characters.

The plot evolved differently in this book than the others, the conflict is more emotional and doesn't really require quite as much fighting and diplomacy as the others.
One of the things I really like about this book, is how we see a totally different side of the Society. We see much more how scared they are of the Universal and how much they depend on good leaders. Suddenly, the Society isn't just 'the good guys', they are actual human beings and creatures that act out on their feelings, and it's a really big part of this book.

It's about inner struggles, that everyone can be scared act out on it and seeing that not everything is as black and white as you believe.

It's an amazing book, and I cannot believe how I thought it to be the weakest of all four.
Profile Image for Julia.
57 reviews27 followers
March 6, 2011
Okay, so the drama of Connie Lionheart continues in the 3rd book of the Companions Quartet, an eco-fantasy series about an english society, the Society of the Protection of Magical Creatures, known in the book at The Society. Every member of the society has a creature that they are bonded with, such as unicorns, pegasi, dragons, and other such fantastic beasts. Your special breed of bondage is called your Companion Species. (i've always wanted to use that phrase..fantastic beasts...) Connie, is a Universal, which means she can connect with ALL of the creatures, (which is a tad unfair, but I can't do anything about it...) making her very special and exteremly powerful. Obviously, there is a voldemort-type villan, Kullervo, (whos name I can't figure out how to pronounce, so it's an excellent thing this is a typed review...) who wants her power and calls her his 'only true companion', (kullervo is a shape-shifter) Connie has fended him off 3 times, and is going weary and terrified of her power, as she starts raising storms and causing havoc. The evil Mr. Coddington, (who i wanted to punch so badly throughout the ENTIRE BOOK, he's a phony and a creep) who works at the HQ of the society, has EXPELLED connie from the society because she is 'dangerous' (she DID try to kill the closest thing she had to a boyfriend, so that's a little creepy. Like those guys who get thrown in jail for killing thier wives! crime of passion, i think it's called) Mr. Coddington continues to be creepy and connie continues to be conflicted and depressed.
Overall, it wasn't bad. The ending was decent and there were some good, raw, emotional moments. There were some patches where it was going on and on about how conflicted Connie was, but it worked out in the end, even though the last 2 chapters were a bit rushed...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
1,050 reviews
April 10, 2015
I think this story focuses on accepting all aspects of your life, both good and bad. This is evident in the discovery of the Companions that were banished to the caves, living along because they were wounded, maimed, unwanted. I love Sentinel the Centaur, self-appointed new Guardian to the Universal. It was heart-breaking to see what segregation and shame can turn you into. It was sad that Sentinel’s eye wasn’t able to heal, but I loved that Connie helped them all work together to heal each other. The journey through her mind was interesting, especially the figure of her own child-like self. It makes me wonder what the inside of my mind would look like, if I were able to explore it. I’m sure there’d be a little girl crying in a corner too. I love that Gard was there to help her through that darkness, and that enough people believed in her to help her through. It was disturbing to find that Kullervo was able to leave a mark behind in her mind, but it makes sense as they are linked – true companions of light and dark, and represents the conflict that we face every day trying to choose to do the right thing. I still want to know more about her brother, and what her growing powers and control can do.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aminah G.
116 reviews
November 15, 2012

First off let me say that Mr. Corridington
( however you spell his name) needs to seriously stop hating on Connie! He's been doing that from the start, trying to get her in trouble and expelled her from the society! He got what he deserved! HMPH!

Anyway, Mines of the Minitaur counties Connie's journey as a universal as she faces a dangerous force in her mind that threatens to take over her. But with the help of friends, can Connie find out what's causing her strange behavior? And how can she get rid if it before she destroy's humanity?

So yeah? This was a great book. It was really awesome. I had kind of mixed emotions. I'm mad, then sad, the scared. You never know what might happen. There have been close calls. But I really love the book. Connie finally rises up as a leader with courage. she becomes stronger and learns to not hide from her powers. Even the bad parts. She really has became a much stronger person, plus Connie and Col are so getting together. i can see it, and so can Rat. Susan is a great author, now I have to find a way to read the 4th book! It's not I the library! What am I going to do?
April 14, 2018
La historia está buena, buena. Tierna. Una monada. Hasta me dieron ganas de abrazar a un minotauro. El estilo de redacción de Julia Golding se conserva claro y sencillo, lo que me gusta mucho. Siempre lejos de los sinuosos textos de los autores más estilizados y de las lecturas más densas – ¡cuál debe! tratándose de un libro para edades de 10 y más-.

A regañadientes reconozco que no dejé de sentir a toda la obra como una mera lectura de transición. Es decir que, aún con un argumento auto concluyente, sigue siendo parte de una serie. Y yo termino pensando que esto es puro trámite, me desespero en la fila y quiero caerle al último libro para saber cómo vamos a derrotar a Kullervo.

Al fin y a la postre, Connie acaba relativamente bien – ¡si no, cómo llegaríamos al siguiente libro!

Lamentablemente, ya que yo estaba tan ansiosa por conocer la historia y pasar al final, me leí todo el libro en menos de un día, lo cual no recomiendo hacer si tienes que estudiar y trabajar. Por esto, a mi Yo del futuro sólo le aconsejo que lea más despacio el libro con el fin de disfrutarlo más y mejor.
Definitivamente merece volver a leerse con más respeto.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
367 reviews2 followers
May 9, 2013
Connie is dealing with her battles with Kullervo who has forged a bond with her. He continues to control her as her powers are growing out of control. She is expelled from school and is sent to her Great Aunt. In the process, she runs across a Minotaur. The Minotaur helps her deal with her inner demons and save creatures in the process.

My thoughts:
I am partial to character development. This is the first time that we really get to know Connie. We discover, along with Connie, all of her strengths and weaknesses. This is darker than the first two books, but it is because Connie is really dealing with everything going on in her head. I was sucked into the character and didn't mind the lack of description in other areas. I found that the world building was not as good within this story, but is definitely a great set up for our last book of the series.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews

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