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The (Not) Sleepy Shark

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Amelia the shark is tired but she's not ready to sleep. Instead, she explores how the other sea animals get ready for bed.

39 pages, ebook

Published June 30, 2015

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About the author

Tamia Sheldon

18 books1 follower

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews
Profile Image for Schizanthus Nerd.
1,312 reviews275 followers
October 15, 2017
The (Not) Sleepy Shark is a cute bedtime story for little kiddies (👶🏽). It tells the story of Amelia the shark (🦈) who is unable to sleep one night and is bored so she meets up with some of her friends and finds out why they're not sleeping either. We meet May the seahorse (🌊 🐴), a clownfish called Jester (🤡 🐟), Ada the turtle (🐢), Hanna the crab (🦀), Sasha the seal (🌊L), a large school of fish (🐟🐠🐟🐠), Olivia the octopus (🐙) and Lucy the whale (🐳).

Each friend Amelia meets has a reason they can't fall asleep (except Lucy who's ready for bed), mirroring the multitude of excuses reasons why kidlets will tell their parents why they can't sleep yet ... worries about bad dreams, wanting to tell jokes, needing a drink, too cold, too hot, annoyed by someone, hungry, and wanting to play. I personally excelled at the needing a drink trick. The payoff for going to sleep now is that tomorrow you'll be rested and will wake up with plenty of energy.

I was disappointed that we never got to find out Amelia's excuse reason for not being able to sleep. Whether it had something to do with the fact that there were no parents in sight during the entire book could've had something to do with it. Maybe Amelia was wanting to hang out with each of her friends because she was scared of having to go back to her cave all by herself?

I've loved sharks ever since I got over the trauma of watching Jaws for the first time at about 6 years old. You want a reason to not be able to sleep, kids? Just watch Jaws as a child with an overactive imagination. It's one of my favourite movies now though. Go figure!!

So with my shark obsession in tow I decided I had to read this book. It was cute and I enjoyed it but felt like there was something lacking. I've pondered this for a few days now and I think my lack of connection to this book is because of the illustrations. Don't get me wrong; they are nice pictures. It's just none of the animals seemed to have personalities or individual little character traits that shone through.

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley (thank you so much to NetGalley and Xist Publishing for the opportunity) in exchange for honest feedback.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,207 reviews158 followers
October 19, 2017
2.5 Stars

I read this with my friend's daughter. I struggled with enjoying this book (or seeing the point), but she liked it a little more.

Her two favorite part was when the whale explained she slept upside down.
Profile Image for Laura.
530 reviews37 followers
October 11, 2017
This book concerns Amelia the shark who is tired, but not quite ready to sleep. It looks at all the excuses she comes up with as she interacts with other creatures in the ocean; I'm thirsty, I'm hot, I'm scared of bad dreams - all of the excuses that children often come up with have been countered here with helpful responses from the sea creatures. If you've having trouble getting your child off to sleep, then this would be a brilliant book to ease them into bed time. The text is nice and clear and I enjoyed the illustrations, however the pages seemed more dominated by the text than the images.
Profile Image for Carla.
6,798 reviews158 followers
October 23, 2017
Amelia the shark is tired, but not ready to go to sleep. She swims around and meets up with friends along the way that are also not sleeping. Everyone has a reason (excuse) about why they are not asleep (too hot, too cold, hungry, thirsty, sibling bothering me etc). Amelia helps everyone get comfortable to fall asleep. It is a story about falling asleep and I think children will like it better than the parent reading it. It seems to be a bit longer than necessary, but gives solutions to many of the excuses kids have about not going to sleep. The illustrations are cute. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book via Netgalley.
Profile Image for Angieleigh.
826 reviews121 followers
January 13, 2019
Encouraging story for children who are afraid of missing out!

My nephew resists bedtime as he's afraid of missing out on prime paying time. As we read about Amelia not being able to sleep, it was encouraging to see her help out her friends who were having their own sleep issues until finally someone helped HER to relax and fall asleep.

The illustrations are beautiful and the story I'd easy to follow along with. I had my nephew identify as many underwater creatures as he could. Definitely recommend!
Profile Image for Dee/ bookworm.
1,400 reviews4 followers
October 20, 2017
This is an awesome kids book. So many lessons are taught. Being positive, helping, being genuinely kind and helpful without trying to get something in return, karma, not letting your situation define you, thinking through problems and finding solutions, and others. This "shark" goes around from creature to creature helping them in whatever situation they are in and find a solution. She is kind and helpful. She does so out of the goodness of her heart and at last someone helps her and she finds great comfort in it. I am amazed so much is contained in this children's book. Well done Tamia!!

I received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.
6,653 reviews75 followers
October 10, 2017
Very very repetitive, even for a kid book. No action, nothing that would really help a child to sleep, no educative point in it, really just a shark who can't sleep until he finally sleep... Don't bother, it have way better kid book than this one.
3,318 reviews36 followers
October 26, 2017
Not a very accurate story, but a nice little intro to an ocean of creatures who aren't sleepy for little ones. Illustrations are simple and bold.
Profile Image for Deepika.
235 reviews82 followers
October 30, 2017
Amelia, the shark, can't sleep. She swims around, meeting her other friends, who struggle to sleep too, but solves their problems which thwart them from falling asleep. If I were a child, and if this book was read to me, I would go to bed with rich images of blue, blue ocean, and myriad, beautiful sea creatures, in my mind. Perhaps, I might have some kind, adventurous dreams too. My favourite was Sasha, the seal, who was kindly asked to cuddle her naughty brother and go to bed. I loved this book.
Profile Image for Ash.
198 reviews14 followers
October 15, 2017
Hm, another children's book to land firmly in the "just OK" area. A shark can't sleep and swims around to find, it seems, none of her friends can sleep either. She helps them each by asking why they can't sleep and then making suggestions to fix their sleeping issues.

As you can imagine, it gets very repetitive, and sometimes the solutions don't make total sense, like the author just needed another reason a fish couldn't sleep. For instance, the seahorse who dreams of rocks falling on her tail. Amelia, the shark, suggests she sleeps away from rocks that could fall on her, but the fear isn't because rocks have fallen on her, they're because she dreamed that they did. So how does where she sleeps in the real world make a difference? Another one was that the seal's brother wouldn't stop swimming around her. So Amelia suggests she snuggle with her brother. The seal promptly swims away in search of her brother. If he wouldn't stop swimming around her, where was he at that moment? Sounds like she was able to ditch him and should have been able to sleep.

Only one other animal suggests a way for Amelia to find sleep, which doesn't work, but promptly afterwards she does feel sleepy and goes to bed with no explanation as to why, yet every other animal had a reason why they couldn't sleep.

The book really isn't terrible. The pictures are decent and the writing flows alright. There's just nothing spectacular here. Nothing is really learned and the story isn't all that clever. I will say on the positive side, I like that it's not just about a shark but a female shark. You don't often see books based on female sharks.

**I received this book through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Storywraps.
1,968 reviews35 followers
November 2, 2017
Amelia, a shark, although tired just is not ready to go to sleep. She decides to go for one last swim and along the way she meets many of her friends who are up too strangely enough.

She asks her friends why they are awake and each one gives her a reason. Her friend May, a seahorse, is worried about having a bad dream. Ada, a sea turtle, is too cold. A large school of fish are hungry and looking for their dinner, and Olivia, an octopus, has so much to see and do she just doesn't have time to rest, just to name a few. Each time Amelia gives her friends good advice as to how they can overcome their problems that are causing their insomnia. But what about her? She's wide awake too. Who can help her?

Lucy, a whale, comes along and suggests that perhaps Amelia could try circling around a few time then sleep upside down. Oh goodness who ever heard of that technique? Amelia is not convinced that that is for her and decides to swims home. After all her friendly encounters her eyes become heavy, her fins feel tired and huge yawns signal to her it's time. She joins the other creatures in the ocean and rests her mind and body along with the others. In the morning they will wake up full of energy because they have been recharged and rested. Ahhhhhh! Blessed sleep feels wonderful!

This book is from the author of "The Hungry Shark." The message highlights positivity, helping out your friends, showing kindness and respect to others, and problems solving. The illustrations are colourful and expressive. I felt the story was a bit repetitive but overall kids will learn the names of some sea creatures and their habits.
Profile Image for Elley Murray.
1,205 reviews139 followers
October 23, 2017
Cute illustrations, and I like that the (not) sleepy shark is a girl. A shark named Amelia! I felt like there were way too many named characters for such a short and simple children's book. Amelia meets many other ocean creatures, including (but not limited to) a jellyfish, a crab, a seal, a whale... and they ALL have names. I really don't need to know that the turtle's name is Ada. I feel like the story might make more sense to the audience if it was just Amelia (or the shark) saw a turtle who was swimming with a frown, rather than "Ada, who was swimming with a frown."

Loved the last page that talks about all the creatures resting their bodies and mind so they can wake up full of energy in the morning "because they had recharged and rested." We always tell my 3 year old that he needs to go to sleep and "recharge his batteries!"

I received this book free from NetGalley for in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,440 reviews154 followers
October 9, 2017
*thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review *

2.5 stars.
Not sure how i really feel about this one. On one hand, I did like the idea of it, but I felt like it didnt really work. Felt like something was missing from it at the beginning. I think I might need to re-read this a few more times maybe. While the description sounded really good, I just cant see myself reading this to little kids. It wasnt a bad book, I can see why people would like it. Plus having a book about not being able to sleep for kids is a really good idea and this definally had potential, it just didnt quite get there for me. I do really like the cover though and there was the positive message about how if you dont get to sleep, you will be too tired to play with your friends the next day and you will miss out. Well thats what I got from it anyway.
Profile Image for Richelle Zirkle.
1,886 reviews7 followers
November 10, 2017
Amelia the shark is not sleepy. When she goes for a swim, she discovers several of her friends are still awake. She has advice to offer everyone to help them get comfortable and get to sleep, but she hasn't solved her own sleeplessness problem. Maybe someone will have a solution for her...

The story is very cute and makes a good bedtime book. It is repetitious, but young children rely on that to build early reading and problem solving skills. The illustrations are very nice and have a textured appearance that lends depth to the design. The illustrations do lack the personality of most children's books. The use of a more muted blue color pallet may be helpful for transitioning to bedtime.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Linda Tilling.
709 reviews28 followers
October 17, 2017
Thanks to NetGalley for allowing me to download, read and review this cute book.

"Amelia the shark is tired but she's not ready to sleep. In this fun bedtime book, a silly shark explores the way other sea animals get ready for bed until she's finally ready to say goodnight".

It is brilliant in the way she interacts with all the animals in the sea. As a parent/nanny i am SO familiar with all the excuses of "I'm thirsty, I'm hot, I'm scared of bad dreams" that children often come up with when it is time to go to sleep. If you've having trouble getting your child off to sleep, then this would be a brilliant book to help you deal with it.

The illustrations are lovely and the length just right for bedtime.
Profile Image for Ryan.
5,047 reviews28 followers
October 27, 2017
Amelia is not tired. She is wide awake. Instead of sleeping she helps her friends get ready for bed by pointing out dinner, finding someplace warm to stay, and helping another to overcome a bad dream. And all this help can be very tiring. The illustrations are different. Nice different. However, I do not think this story has staying power. It won't hit the NYT bestseller list, or still be easily found in 10 years. It’s been done before and done better.
Profile Image for Paul Franco.
1,374 reviews11 followers
October 28, 2017
Like the title says, Amelia the Shark is not sleepy, wandering around talking to her friends and doling out common-sense advice.
When the school of fish said they were hungry and the shark said, “I know the feeling,” I thought the next page might not be appropriate for kids, but luckily it didn’t go there.
Kind of a strange setting for a story, and I don’t know how educational it is, but in the end it was okay.
Profile Image for Jenny Houle.
893 reviews10 followers
November 16, 2017
I received a free copy of this book from NetGalley for an unbiased opinion.

Honestly, the book was sort of lame. There didn't seem to be consistent flow from one animal Amelia helped sleep to the next, and in a kids book that rythym is helpful. Some of the illustrations were great (like the seahorse), but others were not as good. I didn't hate it, but I certainly did not love it.
Profile Image for Victoria M.
74 reviews2 followers
October 12, 2017
The book lacked an explanation for why the shark was finally able to sleep. You are left wondering why couldn't she sleep and then why was she able to sleep? This book has a lot of potential.

This review is based on NetGalley ARC provided in exchange for an honest, unbiased opinion.
July 1, 2018
My daughter McKenna enjoyed the book The not sleepy shark!

My daughter listened and liked looking at the pictures, and stayed interested in what was going to happen next or who she was going to see next in the story.
December 10, 2018
My daughter LOVES sea creatures one and all, but especially sharks.

My 3 year old LOVED this book!! She loved the different interactions and commented how she thought they all were good friends, she was very happy.
Profile Image for Peggy Eagen.
68 reviews
March 14, 2020
Kept my grandson interested

After fighting to read a story my 5 year old grandson settled down and listened as I started. The colors in the book were beautiful. The only problem was that some of the animals were not identified clearly.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
5,034 reviews107 followers
April 9, 2021
The Not Sleepy Shark – Tamia Sheldon – If you have a kid who likes nature, you are going to have to reassure them that the shark didn’t die at the end of this book. Sharks in real life have to sleep while they swim, so the end of this book sounds ominous. Cute illustrations! Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Jeimy.
5,153 reviews32 followers
October 20, 2017
Cute story about an insomniac shark who swims around helping others who also have trouble sleeping. Though I was partial to the illustrations, the story left me wanting a bit more.
Profile Image for Sara Lucinda.
100 reviews7 followers
March 24, 2018
Cute with great illustrations

A little long for my 4 year olds, very adorable story though. Beautiful pictures and my kids loved flipping the Kindle pages.
1 review1 follower
June 12, 2018
My son says...

I think this is a bedtime book lol!!!
He loved it i recommend for kids ages 7 and under thank
2 reviews
July 15, 2018
Great Bedtime Story

I selected this book to read to my grandson at bedtime... He enjoyed the book and fell fast asleep. Cute book!
Profile Image for Liz.
13 reviews1 follower
November 7, 2018
Pictures are scary looking

Story was cute but pictures where not. Lol my five yr old did not like the pictures at all 😒
1 review1 follower
January 4, 2019
Great read for bedtime

Great little book for bedtime. Nice little adventure. My daughter really enjoyed it and she loved the little creatures along the way.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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