This is a growing story of a naughty girl Zneg Yijun. Every one used to be a contrary kid and will grow up. When the vacation just started, Zeng Yijun studied at home carelessly and ignored parents' advices, for example, her compositions were like weather report. She always delayed homework to the last moment and tried to finish it in a hurry...This time, as the new semester came, however, she finished homework several days before the deadline, ate unfavotable vegetables in case of making mum angry and grow wrinkles, wrote fully two pages of composition, vivid and fluent and got her bag packed for the coming semester...What happened to this contrary girl? 《熊孩子曾一君(1第一次见面注音全彩美绘)》讲述的是熊孩子曾一君的成长故事。每个人都曾是个熊孩子,每个人都会长大。刚放假时,调皮里带着小叛逆的曾一君,学习马马虎虎,对家长的话,左耳朵听右耳朵冒,一写作文就像在播天气预报。假期作业每次都要拖到最后一天,她才发疯一样地狂补……快开学时,曾一君提前好几天就写完了作业;担心妈妈生气长皱纹,豪迈地吞下不爱吃的菠菜;作文写了满满两页,又生动又流畅;还早早收拾好书包,准备迎接新学期……这个小女汉子到底是怎么了呢?