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Driven #3


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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Romance (2014)
Alternate cover edition for B00HG05AZC0

When life crashes down around us, how hard are we willing to fight for the one thing we can’t live without, each other?

Life is full of moments.
Big moments.
Little moments.
And none of them are inconsequential.
Every single moment prepares you for that one instance that defines your life. You must overcome all your fears, confront the demons that chase you, and cleanse the poison that clings to your soul or you risk the chance of losing everything.

Mine started the minute Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet. She made me feel. Made me whole when all I thought I could ever be was incomplete. Became the lifeline I never knew I needed. Hell yes, she’s worth the fight…but how do you fight for someone you know you don’t deserve?

Love is full of ups and downs.
Heart stopping highs.
Soul shattering lows.
And none of them are insignificant.
Love is a racecourse of unexpected twists and turns that must be negotiated. You have to break down walls, learn to trust, and heal from your past in order to win. But sometimes it’s the expected that’s the hardest to hold on to.

Colton has healed and completed me, stolen my heart, and made me realize our love’s not predictable nor perfect—it’s bent. And bent’s okay. But when outside factors put our relationship to the test, what lengths will I have to go to prove to him that he’s worth the fight?

Whoever said love is patient and love is kind, never met the two of us. We know our love is worth it—have acknowledged that we were meant to be—but when our pasts crash into our future, will the repercussions make us stronger or break us apart?

350 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 3, 2014

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About the author

K. Bromberg

119 books19.1k followers
New York Times Bestselling author K. Bromberg writes contemporary romance novels that make you work to get your happily ever after. She likes to write strong heroines and damaged heroes, who we love to hate but can’t help but love.

Since publishing her first book on a whim in 2013, Kristy has sold over two million copies of her books across twenty different countries and has landed on the New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestsellers lists over thirty times.

A mom of three, Kristy finds the only thing harder than finishing the book she’s writing is navigating parenthood during the teenage years (send more wine!). She loves dogs, sports, a good book, and is an expert procrastinator. She lives in Southern California with her family.

Social Media Links:
Instagram: https://instagram.com/kbromberg13/
twitter: @KBrombergDriven

Completed Titles:
The Driven Series

The Player Duet
The Player
The Catch

Slow Burn
Sweet Ache
Hard Beat
Down Shift
Sweet Cheeks
Sweet Rivalry (novella)
Faking It
Then You Happened
Flirting with 40
Sweet Regret

Everyday Heroes Series
Control (novella)

Wicked Ways Duet

The Play Hard Series
Hard to Handle
Hard to Hold
Hard to Score
Hard to Lose
Hard to Love

S.I.N. Series
Last Resort
On One Condition
Final Proposal

The Redemption Series
Until You

Full Throttle Series
Off the Grid
On The Edge
Over The Limit
Out of Control

Tangled Hearts Trilogy
Twisted Knight
Threaded Lies
Twined Fates

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Profile Image for K. Bromberg.
Author 119 books19.1k followers
February 21, 2014
Well, what can I say but this is the conclusion to Rylee and Colton's story. It has highs, it has lows, it has healing and angst. If you thought Driven and Fueled took you on an emotional ride, then hold tight, because it's just getting started from page 1 of Crashed on.

Colton's reveal of his past is raw and gritty and not sugar coated...but that also means it's 'real' and you as the reader are in the passenger seat beside him through it all. Rylee deals with a lot too in this book and you root for her and Colton each and every step of the way...but you know me, I'm not too predictable, so you'll just have to read to find out what those moments are.

I've always said that their love is real...it's not perfect and far from hearts and flowers...but it's theirs. And sometimes when you have to fight hard for someone, you realize just how important they are, how special your bond together is, and you realize that the outside world can fall apart around you, but you'll be okay as long as you have each other. That is Rylee and Colton to me.

I hope when you finish reading, that is who they are to you as well.

K. Bromberg
Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
March 8, 2014

^^ this reminds me of Colton & Rylee... :)


A perfect ending to a fantastic series!!

Crashed was an intense, emotional, riveting ride from A to motherf*cking Z. It's a story that makes you believe in the resilience and healing power of love. Colton and Rylee's journey is sexy, romantic, heart breaking and uplifting. This is the kind of book you don't want to put down and you can't wait to read more of, and without a doubt, the Driven Trilogy will forever be one of my top favorites!!

This book started off right where the last one ended -- the moment after that heart stopping cliffhanger -- with an absolutely amazing prologue that brought tears to my eyes and sent chills through my body. It was easily one of the best prologues I've read and from the first line, I was transported right back into the story.

The emotions hit strong right from the start -- the desperation of the situation, the vivid imagery, the writing... it was so well put together. I have quotes highlighted everywhere throughout my book.

Devastation surrenders, desperation consumes, life splutters, and yet my soul clings.


Gosh, even thinking of Colton's beloved superheroes makes me choked up!! "A childhood obsession now turned into an adult's grasp on hope." -- They were such a fantastic addition to the whole series. The way these 4 names -- Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman. --  were woven into the story was so subtle but yet so powerful that each time I read one of their names, my heart squeezed.

I don't want to say much about the plot at all because this is the final book in the series and, as a direct continuation of the story, it should not be read on it's own... and if you have read the other books, then I don't want to give anything away so I'll just tell you how this book made me feel instead.

One of the many highlights of this book for me was that it took the time to highlight these incredibly emotionally meaningful 'bonding' scenes between the main characters -- Colton's Dad and Rylee ("The first time I saw him, he broke my heart and stole it all with one, single look."), Colton and his Dad, Colton and the kids at The House ("The damaged man helping the broken child"), Colton and Rylee's Dad ("The unspoken bond from father to the man his daughter loves passes between them. Man to man. Protector to protector."). And of course, the central relationship in this story: Colton and Rylee...

"I swear to God she's the only air my body can breathe. Fuck if she's not everything I need and nothing I deserve."

I loved the way Colton and Ryle were together. Yin and yang in so many ways despite their differences. Rylee was just so perceptive, and so understanding, and holy shit did she ever have a badass side too. Ok -- I love it when the guys get all growly and protective of their women but there was this scene where Rylee stood up for Colton that was just pure fucking awesome!! And then seeing Colton stand up for her in return.... ohhhh my heart was singing!! It was just one of the many epic moments in this series.

I absolutely adore tortured Alpha male heroes -- without a doubt, they are my favorite -- and Colton Donavan was the embodiment of the kind of hero I most easily fall for. I felt so heart broken for the things that happened to him in his past, and for the emotionally crippling scars they'd left on him. His struggle to face the nightmares his past felt so real because with the way it was written, and the glimpses at his POV too, you really felt how hard it was for him. I just loved watching the progression of his healing throughout the series. Knowing how strong and deeply rooted his pain was gave so much more meaning to each little victory step forward and to each little bit of healing.

"I want to be your motherfucking checkered flag, Rylee. Your pace car to lead you through tough times, your pit stop when you need a break, your start line, your finish line, your goddamn victory lane."

I've said this before and I'll say it again, Rylee was just a fantastic heroine. I absolutely loved how she could always see right through Colton and always knew where he was at, even when he couldn't find it in him to admit or say it, even when he was being a total ass, she just saw right through it. It might sound weird to say this but it was just genuinely refreshing to have a heroine who didn't make stupid decisions. One who was smart, capable, and independent while also being totally in love with her guy.

"I hold tight letting him know that no matter how far he falls, I'll catch him. I'll always catch him."

Now, part way through there was a development in the story that put my heart in my throat because I was so worried at the direction it would take the story in. It opened the doors for all kinds of frustrating drama but I just want to say how thrilled I was to see that once again, even though it was an intense, angst-ridden issue, and while Colton and Ryle may have stumbled a bit while dealing with it, instead of being broken down, they allowed it make them stronger than ever before. I was honestly just proud of them.

"We can do this… It's just this selfless girl and this healing boy and we can really make this work."

The way each issue in this book was dealt with, worked through and overcome was just so emotionally captivating and heart felt. And I especially loved how, throughout the course of the series, there was a whole list of words and phases that grew to have so  much meaning and memories behind them -- the superheroes, 'racing', 747, cotton candy, pit stops, text songs, the motherfucking checkered flag, the alphabet A--Z, sheets, the lifeline... and so many more little things like that.

"God, I fucking race you."

And lets not forget the scorching hot steam factor here. Seriously -- these books are HOT HOT HOTTTT!!! Colton and Rylee had an intense chemistry that left me fanning myself over and over again. Sex was an important part of their connection and healing, but I loved the way the love scenes never overshadowed the general plotline but rather complimented it. This is Adult romance done right with a wonderful balance between sex and emotional character growth.

"I want every inch of you trembling, fucking shaking, begging me to take you, Ry, because fuck if I won't be doing the same. I want to be your sigh, your moan, your cry out in pleasure and every fucking sound in between."

Ohhhh, and the ending was just perfect!! I'm not going to spoil it for you but I'll just say that I loved the way everything came together and definitely shed a few happy tears. Colton and Rylee had just come so far over the course of this series. They deserved every bit of happiness that they got.

And -- two words: Double. Epilogue. :D

Rating: 4.5+ stars

PS - I'm so excited that we're going to be getting a book about Becks and Haddie next!!! They were both witty, charming, fun and wise... just all-round fantastic characters who I can't wait to see in the spotlight!!!

MY REVIEW of BOOK #1: http://bit.ly/1dgJMql
MY REVIEW of BOOK #2: http://bit.ly/1hOO53F


For more of my reviews, book news and updates:
Main blog: Aestas Book Blog
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Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,912 reviews54 followers
August 26, 2016
5 stars for this beautifully and perfectly ended trilogy.



Pre review


Sizzling Pages loves you Kristy Bromberg - fuck the haters!!
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews886 followers
March 24, 2015
5 is simply not enough stars!

**Note, minor spoilers for those who have not read the first two books.**

We begin Crashed right were Fueled left off. A fireball of destruction that left our mouths gaping open, our pulse racing and tears in our eyes. Hearts around the world faltered in that moment.

As the smoke clears and the medical staff rushes in, Colton has a moment. A pure and beautiful moment that holds such a deeper meaning than I ever imagined it would. But that is not the end of the pain we must suffer through. He has to recover, he has to survive.

Rylee is facing her worst fear, reliving a nightmare she barely escaped from the first time. As she waits for Colton to return to her, to remember the words that he spoke to her moments before the crash, her world stops.

We’ve had two books to get to know these two and to fall utterly in love with them. Where Driven gave us such a perfect glimpse into who Rylee was, Fueled gave us Colton and all his broken glory. Crashed felt more like it was Colton’s story for the most part, since there was so much he still had to let go of, although it blended perfectly into their story in the end.

There are so many moments in this book that ensured that I was an emotional disaster, for every fractured part of my heart that was healed, there was a new crack forming. It was two steps forward and one step back for about 60% of this book. An utterly fantastic symphony of highs and lows that ensured that every moment was felt deep into your bones.

I can’t say much more about this journey without spoiling the really fantastic moments or the really crappy ones (let’s just say Tawny stars in most of those moments), so I will let you discover these on your own. What I will say is that my hat is off to Kristy Bromberg. With the first two books being so successful, Crashed had a lot to live up to and she pulled it off. By far this was my favorite of the series.

Colton was the perfect broken bad boy that you can’t help but love. But he wasn’t just a little broken, he was shattered completely. There was barely dust when he completely broke, it was beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time.

I love the fact that although when I first read Driven a few of the corny racing one-liners that they shared made me roll my eyes, now after finishing Crashed; those same lines had me smiling like a loon. That is something that you can only accomplish when you can get your readers to connect to the characters, and there is not one piece of this entire cast (with the exception of Tawny) that I did not love.

Becks was always there to push Colton when he needed it and was so supportive of Rylee. Haddie kept you entertained with her off the wall comments.

“Shit, the only reason to kick a man like him out of bed would be to fuck him on the floor.”

I had a smile on my face for the last 30% of this story that was so big that my face hurt. And not only do we get a fantastic epilogue, we get a bonus one that was just icing on the cake and brought us back to the very start of this story in so many ways.

This series started off with such a bang and had the great bad boy – good girl romance, but where K took us in this veered completely off the path and gave us so much more in the end. I cannot wait for Beck & Had’s story but I am nowhere near ready to let these two go.

Kristy Bromberg has wowed me as a reader with her talent through her words and has impressed me as person by her grace. I implore you to read this series if you have not yet, it is 100% worth it.


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162 reviews40 followers
March 11, 2014
5 “A to Z” Stars!!

When I first picked this series up, it was just another book to read. But after that first book, I knew it meant so much more. Rylee and Colton have found a special place in my heart and K. Bromberg gave them the most epically fantastic, healing, loving, perfect ending that exceeded all my expectations.



Any doubts I had about Rylee and Colton (and there weren’t many) were completely assuaged in Crashed and even though they still had their fair share of up and downs, they found their happy ending. If you’ve read the first two books in this series, then you have to read this one. And if you haven’t picked this series up yet, what are you waiting for?? This series has gotten better and better with every book, culminating in this wonderful ending to Colton and Rylee’s story.

“This is love. Me and him, making it work. One being strong when the other is weak. Thinking of the other first when they know their partner is going to feel pain.”

I’m not going to talk about the plot because everything means more if you don’t know about it ahead of time. So I’ll start with the best and my personal favorite part of this book. Mr. Colton Donovan!! Omg this man has completely stolen my heart. From the first moment, even when he was a cocky asshole, I couldn’t help but fall for him. The emotional journey he goes on in this one is truly inspiring and I can’t even imagine surviving what he went through.

“I try to cover my ears like a fucking little kid because it’s too much. All of it—the words, the fear, the fucking hope that I just might in fact be a little bent and not completely broken—is just too much.”

His story completely broke my heart, shattered it into a million pieces. Colton had to dig deep in this one and finally face the past he’s been running from for so long. And the prologue was both heartbreaking and chilling at the same time. Underneath his tough exterior, is this broken man who doesn’t know how to be loved. But he’s still extremely sweet, protective, caring, and just all around the best guy. I loved seeing him with Rylee and the boys at the house. He has a huge heart even if he might not realize it. For so long, he thought if anyone found out his past, they would reject him and it was beautiful to see him open himself up to others and find acceptance and love for the first time.

“I want to be your motherfucking checkered flag, Rylee. Your pace car to lead you through tough times, your pit stop when you need a break, your start line, your finish line, your goddam victory lane.”

Okay, I think that’s enough Colton ranting for now...Onto Rylee. She’s one of my favorite females because she’s strong, deeply protective, caring, loving and stood by Colton through everything. Rylee has her own heartbreaking past and I don’t even know how she not only picked herself back up but learned to thrive in her environment. She’s extremely nurturing with the boys and Colton but I loved that she was also willing to give Colton his space when he needed it.

Rylee is also so understanding of everyone. Even when Colton would try to push her away or lash out at her, she saw deep down into his soul how much he was really hurting. She didn’t run or avoid but gave Colton enough room to breathe and come to terms with whatever they were facing. She showed Colton unwavering unconditional love and that he wasn’t alone in his pain. Rylee was there for him no matter what.

“I want him to know that his pain is my pain. His shame is my shame. His adversity is my adversity. His struggle is my struggle. That he no longer has to battle it along, body and soul stained in silent shame.”

They both faced some really tough times in this book but it just made them that much stronger. Colton and Rylee have had that spark between them from the very beginning but they have not had an easy road whatsoever. All they’ve had to go through, all the fights and breakups, and misunderstandings were all worth it in the end. And I think all their experiences showed each of them just how strong they could be.

“Because we need to crack. We need to break. Only then can we pick up each other’s pieces and make each other whole again.”

I loved that throughout this series, there have been so many little things that signify so much between Colton and Rylee. Ace, a motherfucking checkered flag, sheets, the alphabet, racing, non-negotiables, 4 super heroes, song texts, a storage closet. Every moment between them was something to cherish and have helped to shape them into who they are now. They’ve grown together, learned how to be together, and while their love isn’t perfect, it’s real.

“I’m not expecting anything anymore because if being with Colton has taught me anything, it’s that our love isn’t patient, nor is it kind, it’s just uniquely ours.”

The sex scenes were h-o-t hot but its so much more than just sex between Colton and Rylee now. There weren’t as many smexy times as in the previous books but I was totally okay with that because this story was about so much more.

Oh and breakout star of this book is definitely Becks. We saw a little of him in Fueled but oh my gosh, I completely fell for him in this one. I love the friendship he has with Colton even when all they do is egg each other on. Becks wasn’t afraid to give Colton the hard truths and make Colton face his fears. And he was always there for Rylee too. Supporting her, reminding her how much she meant to Colton when she may have had doubts. I hope he gets his own story one day! Here is just one of the many hilarious moments between Becks and Colton:

“You—Colton Donovan—stepped foot into a grocery store?”
“And it wasn’t just to buy condoms?”
I can’t help it now. I love fucking with him. It’s just too goddamn easy.
“Nah, no longer a requirement when you hold a frequent flier card to the barebacking club.”

I don’t think it hit me until the end that this was really the end of Colton and Rylee’s story, and when it did, it hit me hard. I’ve been right there in this story with them, felt every emotion that passed between them, experienced all the highs and lows, which makes saying goodbye that much harder. K has so much talent in her writing and storytelling and she truly brought everything to a close in this book. Nothing felt rushed or forced and I loved every second of it. She’s also so unconventional, whenever I thought I knew where the story was going, there’d be a twist that completely changed the direction of it.

The ending seriously put this hugest grin on my face. At the gym reading the last 100 pages or so, just on the elliptical grinning like a weirdo. Then lying in bed reading the double epilogue, yup DOUBLE EPILOGUE, I had a smile on my face. The ending was absolute perfection and everything I could have wished for for Colton and Rylee. It made saying bye to them that much harder but lessened the blow at the same time. Some of the lines were so beautiful, they made my heart ache with joy. To see how far, Rylee and Colton have both come on their journey warmed my soul and showed me again exactly why this series is one of my favorites.

“You were the one thing I never wanted—never, ever expected in my life—an fuck if I can live without you now. You test me and tempt me and make me look at the truth I don’t want to face and are stubborn as hell, but God, baby, I wouldn’t want you any other way. Wouldn’t want us any other way.”

I think I have the most quotes from any book I’ve ever read and I wish I could share all of them. But really, just read this book! It was amazing and perfect and I wish I would read it for the first time again. I’ve been waiting for this book since I finished the second one and I was not disappointed! Colton and Rylee are one of my favorite book couples and I will not be able to let them go for a long time.

“I want to be your first, your last, and every fucking thing in between.”

UPDATE 1.29.2014
OMG there's a cover!!! And I love it :D

When life crashes down around us, how hard are we willing to fight for the one thing we can’t live without, each other?

Life is full of moments.
Big moments.
Little moments.
And none of them are inconsequential.
Every single moment prepares you for that one instance that defines your life. You must overcome all your fears, confront the demons that chase you, and cleanse the poison that clings to your soul or you risk the chance of losing everything.

Mine started the minute Rylee fell out of that damn storage closet. She made me feel. Made me whole when all I thought I could ever be was incomplete. Became the lifeline I never knew I needed. Hell yes, she’s worth the fight…but how do you fight for someone you know you don’t deserve?

Love is full of ups and downs.
Heart stopping highs.
Soul shattering lows.
And none of them are insignificant.
Love is a racecourse of unexpected twists and turns that must be negotiated. You have to break down walls, learn to trust, and heal from your past in order to win. But sometimes it’s the expected that’s the hardest to hold on to.

Colton has healed and completed me, stolen my heart, and made me realize our love’s not predictable nor perfect—it’s bent. And bent’s okay. But when outside factors put our relationship to the test, what lengths will I have to go to prove to him that he’s worth the fight?

Whoever said love is patient and love is kind, never met the two of us. We know our love is worth it—have acknowledged that we were meant to be—but when our pasts crash into our future, will the repercussions make us stronger or break us apart?

Just finished the second book with that devastating cliffhanger. Need this book now!
Profile Image for Hel.
125 reviews
March 21, 2014
update - 21.03.2014

Review to come


OH MY FUCKING GOD...WHY...WHY DO YOU DO THIS TO ME???...WHAT THE FUCK...Woman, you really are trying to kill me!!! I love it and hate it at the same time - what is wrong with me??!?!?!?

GOD DAMMIT! Hurry the fuck up ;) I NEED this book! This is pure torture...


update - 21.12.2013

HELL YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSS ... OMG ... OMG ... OMG ... WE HAVE A RELEASE DATE!!!! ... SWEET BABY JESUS ... IM SO EXCITED!!! ... It will be my birthday gift!

ON 03.03.2014 WE'LL GET CHRASHED!!!!!




update - 03.03.2014


Profile Image for Catarina.
896 reviews2,229 followers
January 1, 2015
5 Crashing Stars.

This third book starts after the dreadful end of the second. And after the worst has passed, a lot more is yet to come. Without fully memory of the last days, some people will try to take advantage of Colton, creating again, more drama and more fight between him and Rylee. And Rylee is tired of fighting against everyone and everything for Colton, especially against Colton himself.
But Colton knows that this time is all or nothing, he’s decided to fight his demons and give Rylee what she deserves. And now he finds himself in the race of his life, with Rylee waiting on the victory lane, but his ghosts still trapping on the starting line.


If the first two books almost gave me a heart attack, this one redeemed everything. What an amazing end for an amazing series. In the beginning we still had some angsts and a lot of angst, but when everything started falling in place, it was like a prolonged epilogue and I loved every second of it.
Definitely, my favorite book of the series, and a greatly written end. If you want a steamy and romantic story, with enough drama to keep you entertained, these books are a great choice.


Rating: 5 Stars.
Characters Development: I already was a Rylee fan in the previous books, so liking her in this one wasn’t a surprise. Colton was the biggest surprise. I loved him before, but in this book, after he fought his demons? He was completely amazing!! :D Impossible not to fall in love with. I ended this book hoping for a story between Haddie and Beck, and since I’ve found out that it will be one, I have nothing more to ask for!
Steam: Hot.
Sensible Subjects:
Love Triangle:
Profile Image for Katy Loves Romance ❤️.
434 reviews757 followers
August 10, 2015
6 A to MotherFucking Z FEELING Stars******

I've been away this past week and only just getting to my laptop, so slightly late on the review front. Anyway here are my thoughts and feelings!!!

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Some of the most beautiful and awe inspiring relationships have shit to deal with, the hardest of hardships are the most beautiful meaningful reads. Here we have a gifted beautiful man, that is soooo swoon worthy that he needs compassion and unconditional love. He gets it in all directions even at points he doesn't see it for himself.

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His Dad
A true hero, gosh the love and devotion he has for his boy will pull your heart and is bittersweet in that you will cry and smile at the same time. I'll be frank when I first met Andy in driven I didn't understand the kind of man he was, here here we have a beautiful father that loves his boy unconditionally, blood is NOT thicker than water here. He knows what buttons to press and he will deliver, he will protect, he will strive to heal him and put Colton above ALL else when his happiness means more to him than breathing. I say again SUPERHERO... The small gestures, the unconditional love. There should be a novella on him ALONE sigh he's as swoon worthy as Colton is.. #JustSaying.

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This book to me was an epilogue of sorts because of the raw yet healing emotions THEY BOTH went through. I'd say it's a rollercoaster and will hit you for 6 at times but 'oh my' the beauty of the how they lean on each other was just so effortless. I'd though say this story was a book about possibilities and about gaining a future TOGETHER!!. This was a book about two people who let go of the grief, the hurt, the pain of their pasts and moving forward with FEELING their futures?!!.

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Above all I have LOVED, ADORED EVERY DAMN Tear, laugh, emotion, friendship, raw intense Colton to devoted lover. To feisty Rylee who fought to the bitter end to a selfless soul who put all in front of herself. For those who haven't read this epic beautiful series you really need to try it.

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Enjoy the Ride

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Profile Image for Kimberly .
102 reviews139 followers
January 2, 2015
“I’m driven by fear…Fueled with desperation…crashing into the unknown.”

PERFECTION. Sweet baby Jesus, K. Bromberg has won herself a motherfu**ing checkered flag with this book. This book is the much-anticipated final book in the Driven Trilogy and it did not disappoint. Instead, it exceeded every expectation I ever had and I am left sitting here writing this review feeling a complete state of euphoric book hangover bliss.

In short, this book had one of the BEST ENDINGS I have ever read thus far. Kristy was able to give Colton & Rylee such a complete and perfect ending, that quite frankly, I am in awe of her. It is painfully obvious how much this author has lived, breathed, slept Colton & Rylee – so much that she knew that this was the ending they would need, that I would need, that you would need. Every question was answered. Every issue addressed. I felt so satisfied with this story that there was nothing I would change about it.

Be prepared to feel every emotion possible while reading. Have some Kleenex, a bottle of vodka (or tequila if that’s how you roll), remove all breakables, and throw in some chocolate while you are at it. You will laugh, you will swoon, you will get hot & bothered, you will cry, you will scream WTF multiple times, you will want to hug K. Bromberg and then you will want to strangle her. It was written in a way that has the reader so emotionally connected and involved with both Colton & Rylee that what they felt, you felt. I feel like I ran a marathon and I am completely emotionally spent – in the best possible way!

I’m sure you are sitting there questioning how authentic this review is. I’m gushing. I never gush. I know that and you probably know that too. But, there are times where you read a series that just affects you in a certain way that you just have to gush about. This is one of those series for me. I love series with hot, Alpha men, tons of angst and a story that will touch my soul. There are tons out there, I know. So what makes this one so amazing you ask? Let me make a list:

Colton’s Dark Past. I, like everyone else, love a tortured hero. I love a tough Alpha male who is wounded and needs saving. And Colton’s past is dark, yet heartbreaking. If you’ve read FUELED, you know what lies in his past and you know what plagues his thoughts. My heart broke for him. This book really focused on Colton dealing with his past, instead of burying it with booze, women and racing. It was so gut wrenching at times that I shed tear after tear for him. I love how Kristy handled his story arc – how she really had Colton face his demons. It would’ve been very easy for her to just loosely touch on his past, but she chose a different route. A route that included digging deep and opening himself up for the first time. I was so proud of him for how far he has come and I love him a little bit more because of it.

“My heart pounds and my head knows she just might have scaled that final fucking steel wall, opened it up like fucking Pandora’s box so all the evil locked forever within could take flight and exit my soul with just one thing left remaining. Fucking hope.”

Unexpected Story Lines and Plot. This book started full steam ahead. Kristy didn’t ease us back into the story, rather she hit the ground running. At about 10% I remember my heart beating so fast and my emotions being all over the place. This may be a final book, but let me be clear A LOT OF THINGS HAPPEN – unexpected things that you did not see coming. I was on the edge of my seat and each time a new conflict or plot twist happened I became that much more addicted to this story. Read below for my status updates while reading!

Character Growth. Oh my have these two characters come a long way. I remember in the first book, Colton was always so hot and cold with Rylee. He pushed her away when she got too close, but then after being apart, he drew her back in. And Rylee was no different. She craved him, but then ran away when things got too hard. It was exhausting keeping up with them. But over the last two books, I actually saw the growth in both characters. If I was questioning (which I wasn’t, but if I was) whether Colton & Rylee belonged together, all doubt was removed in this book. These characters have balls of steel when it comes to each other and it was such a pleasure to watch them actually realize that they needed each other like they needed air to breathe. No they weren’t perfect and yes there were times where they almost regressed to their old ways, but it is very obvious how much they’ve grown together.

“This is love. Me and him, making it work. One being strong when the other is weak. Thinking of the other first when they know their partner is going to feel pain.”

Sexy Time. I cannot write this review without talking about the steam factor that this book has. *Fans self* Colton is the epitome of what most woman (okay maybe it’s just me) desires in the bedroom. The sex scenes were not just sex – they had emotion, passion, depth to them. You felt the sexual chemistry between Colton and Rylee more so than in the other two books because quite frankly, they race each other. It’s more than sex with them.

“I want every inch of you trembling, fucking shaking, begging for me to take you, Ry, because fuck if I won’t be doing the same. I want to be your sigh, your moan, your cry out in pleasure and every fucking sound in between.”

Colton’s Smart Mouth. Geez sometimes I wanted to smack him upside the head followed by pulling him to me to make out with him. He’s one of THOSE guys. The kind that gets under your skin and lives up to Rylee’s A.C.E nickname, while at the same time makes you want him even more.

“A man has to have his priorities.” He smirks. “If one head’s fucked up, at least the other one can be used to its maximum potential.”

Perfect Ending. The ending was by far my favorite part of the book for me. I absolutely adored how Kristy handled the ending to Colton & Rylee’s story. I’m going to gush – this was one of the best endings I have ever read in any book. It was the perfect way to wrap up the entire series and I couldn’t ask for anything better. If you are a fan of Colton & Rylee, then I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you will LOVE this ending as much as I did. Your heart will swell with love and pride for these two characters. I am still reeling from reading it and I know it will stay with me always.

“I want to be your motherfucking checkered flag, Rylee. Your pace car to lead you through tough times, your pit stop when you need a break, your start line, your finish line, your goddamn victory line.”

As a side note, I need to mention that as much as I loved Rylee & Colton, I am also so in love with Haddie and Becks. OMG these two characters are hilarious and I am so addicted to them. They are probably the best secondary characters/best friends and I am so glad they will be getting their own book in the near future. I love their quick wit and snarky comebacks and know that their story will be one hell of a ride.

“Yours is damn hard not to talk about when he looks like that with his sexy swagger, come-fuck-me eyes, and all around holy hotness. Shit, the only reason to kick a man like him out of bed would be to fuck him on the floor.” – Haddie

“You don’t get it, do you? Fuck the A or the B, you have the whole goddamn alphabet upstairs and she’s asleep in your fucking bed right now, but the only letter that can fuck this up is U.” – Becks

Believe all the hype. THIS BOOK ROCKS! It has cemented the Driven Trilogy as one of my favorite series and I cannot wait for each and every one of you to read this. Despite what you may have heard or what you think, know this – K. Bromberg has created a story and characters that will stay with you forever. I will forever think of Colton Donovan whenever I see a race car, checkered flag or cotton candy <3

*ARC received from author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
October 29, 2014
5 (+) NEVER inconsequential stars

“Remember, life isn’t about how you survive the storm, but rather how you dance in the rain.”

For Colton Donavan and Rylee Thomas...the journey through the storm of their lives was brutal, it was sexy, and most of all it was beautiful when that "checkered flag" was finally taken forever.

After the "Crash"...life stopped...then it began slowly, cautiously and with pit stops all around. Never have two characters fought themselves or the elements to make it. K Bromberg has catapulted this series to the top of my list...From broken bones to a soul that was shattered, Colton's character was existing in his world of arrangements, but just one crashing moment....

Rylee Thomas got to Colton like no other!

“I love who you are and what you make me. I love that your spark has stopped the blur. That you wanted to race with me. That I don't need the superheroes anymore because I need you instead."

Finally Colton understands the chaos inside his heart. He faces his past and he finds everything he never knew he wanted or needed.

Yes He RACES Rylee...as he truly LOVES her he finally understands it...which is truly a great thing since now it is time for Rylee to need him like never before. Are they worth it? is what they have real? or is it just between the sheets?

"Relationships aren’t easy. They’re hard and can be brutal at times … but those are the times you learn the most about yourself."

Colton Donavan has captivated me and he now owns me completely. This read was full of quotable sections that I want to re-read forever. I loved the passionate intimacy and the raw lust that Colton and Rylee had for one another. Not only were they intense, but reading their scenes felt like breathing them in. I am a believer in Happy ever after, but never when it occurs without struggle! Thank you to this author for this conclusion and the caution laps that kept the race off pace...for me...CRASHED was everthing...A to F'ng Z!!!!
Profile Image for Maditales.
611 reviews32.5k followers
December 7, 2022
I’m honestly confused about how they are supposed to have any chemistry???

This feels very forced especially because of why she is so close to him now and the overall line that goes:

“You’re not broken you’re bent” made me laugh too much for my own good. It’s very much “look at me this is not you” vibes.
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,415 reviews1,487 followers
March 14, 2014
5 "Sweet Jesus!" Stars!
(BR with Patty, Tiffany, Elizabeth, Anja, Penny, P, Michelle, Fran, & Deepestsea)

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Book three begins where book two ended after the crash. Things are really thrown into perspective when Colton and Rylee go through all of this turmoil. Rylee realizes just how important Colton is to her, and that he is her everything.

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Even though they are essential to each other, they still continue to struggle some in their relationship. Colton is still consumed by his past, and worried his inner demons will ruin anyone who tries to love him. He constantly pushes Rylee away, only to find he is miserable without her.

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Rylee sticks it out, and tries to help Colton heal, and feel safe to open up to her. She wants to be his everything, as he is to her. Colton really makes progress over time, and tries to be a better man for Rylee.

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Colton finally with Rylee's love begins to let go of his past, and move forward. He has such a strong connection with Rylee, and starts to see his future with her, and realize he can live a normal life.

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This series was full of heartache, and very emotional, but also full of so much love. It was extremely sexy, and I really enjoyed it & thought the ending was fabulous! I loved the sexy, cocky Colton, and his sweet Ryles! I still couldn't stand nasty ass ho Tawny, but adored all of Rylee's boys & her best friend Haddie. Can't wait for Haddie & Becks book! :D

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-Rylee. I need to see her. Don't want to be alone anymore. I need to feel her. Don't want to be broken anymore.

-Call me a pussy, but I swear to God she's the only air my body can breathe. Fuck if she's not everything I need and nothing that I deserve.

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-"What's best for me? Don't you know what's best for me is you, Colton? Every single part of you. The stubborn, the wild and reckless, the fun loving, the serious, and even the broken parts of you," I tell him, pressing my lips to his between every word. "All of those parts of you I will never be able to find in someone else...those are what I need. What I want. You, baby. Only you."

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-I swear to God life is a fucking series of moments. Some unexpected. Most not. And very few inconsequential. Fuck if I would have ever expected a stolen kiss to lead to this. Rylee and me.

-"I race you, Ry. I really, really race you."

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-"Check, A,B,C," Colton's voice comes through loud and clear
-"Just giving a shout out to the alphabet."
-"The alphabet?"
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-I stand and look at her, take all of her in- from her pale bee-stung lips, to the soft-as-sin skin that I know smells like vanilla, especially in the spot beneath her ear; and I know this feisty woman full of her smart-mouthed defiance and non-negotiables, owns me. Fucking owns me. Every goddamn part of me.

-"I'm not used to feeling, Ry. I'm used to being numb...running the first time shit gets too real. And you, us, this..." He sighs "...it's as fucking real as real can get.

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-"Staking a claim are we?" "Baby, claim's already been made," he says, stopping to look at me with a smirk. "No doubt about that."

-"Look at me, Ry." My eyes flutter open and look up to lose myself in the beauty of his face. "I want to watch you as I take you. I want to watch you as you let me love you."

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-My breath catches in my throat as I come to the realization that I want this. I fucking want her. In my life- day, night, now, later- and the thought staggers me. Breaks and mends me. Tames the un-fucking-tamable. Fuckin'A. I shake my head and laugh softly. I guess I should say A to fucking Z.

-You were the bright spot- that fucking spark- I couldn't hide from even when the darkness claimed me.

-Motherfucking checkered flags and alphabets and sheets.

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-I feel her hand on my back, feel her lips press against my shoulder, and open my eyes to look at her- my whole fucking alphabet- and smile.

-"Remember, hurting is feeling and feeling is living, and isn't it good to be alive?"

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Profile Image for Sophie's Reading Corner .
878 reviews394 followers
January 17, 2016
I was about to rate this with 4 stars, but after that epilogue I have no choice!!!

PS: When will we get Zander's book??
Profile Image for Anja.
548 reviews100 followers
May 24, 2018
**Re-read from May 18 to 23, 2018**
**Re-read from March 16 to 21, 2015**

OMG! I need a moment.
This book was simply AMAZING.

Colton finally faces his biggest fears ....

...and realizes that Rylee is his
"ultimate motherfukcing checkered flag"

There are a lot of problems -- and BITCHES -- they have to fight of course....

..but they never stop fighting for each other!

And that ending...especially the epilogue...*sniff*

Ms. Bromberg, I RACE YOU!!
Profile Image for Mirjana **DTR - Down to Read**.
1,449 reviews790 followers
July 15, 2016

***4.5 Checkered Flag Stars***

”Hurting is feeling and feeling is living, and isn’t it good to be alive?”

”Remember, life isn’t about how you survive the storm, but rather how you dance in the rain.”

What a great conclusion to a fantastic series!

Rylee’s strength was the foundation of this book and Colton’s transformation was what romance readers live for. EVERY moment inside his head broke and healed my heart. Watching him struggle with his heart, mind, body and soul was agonizing, but so worth it. To watch Colton and Rylee explore the depth of their feelings for each other, understand where they belong in each other’s lives and ultimately, witness Colton’s battle, hopeful acceptance and closure to his past...it was heartbreakingly beautiful. With determination, sheer will and unyielding love...they conquered it all.

His past, his fears, his shame.

My past, my fears, my grief.

There’s no way I can accurately review this book without spoiling the first two…so I’m not going to. I will just say that this series is a MUST READ. And I will beg and plead with you not to be discouraged after completing the first book (unless you loved it, then feel free to ignore me!). It was a rough one for me, but I understand now. It was a debut...an author wanting to tell a beautiful love story but unsure of her footing. Well, let me tell you that she found her voice real fast and you really see the growth of an author, as well as the characters, over the course of this series.

This is definitely a series that will stay in my heart for some time. There are so many sayings and nuances that now any time I hear will instantly transport me back to the emotions I felt while reading this series.

”We can do this… It's just this selfless girl and this healing boy and we can really make this work.”

Profile Image for Cara Arthur.
33 reviews14 followers
March 28, 2014
Reviewing on behalf of A Book Whores Obsession:

K. Bromberg faced a near impossible task – write a conclusion that would compare to the brilliance of Driven & Fueled, the best-selling series that drove book fans wild across the world. Well, bring out the checkered flags because, not only did she deliver, she wrote the most epic final installment of a series to date!
Exploding with passion, angst, and drama, Crashed assaults the reader’s every emotion in one delicious novel. Colton and Rylee are back on the heels of the dramatic conclusion of book two - “Fueled”. Faced with an uncertain future following the ‘rookie’s mistake’ that left the world hanging, Crashed follows the beloved characters as they attempt to go forward, to put the past behind them. Of course, nothing is ever easy with Colton Donavan and K. Bromberg takes our minds, hearts, and wits on a race of a lifetime.
This book will pull you from every angle – you will laugh, cry, sob, swoon, and feel like your heart is going to burst. I have never experienced a book that touched me on so many levels; I related to these characters in so many ways - as a friend, a lover, and simply as a human being. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out how K. Bromberg did it – how did she really ‘get’ to me like this? While I may never figure it out exactly, I realize this – she made these characters come alive in a way that rarely happens. Colton, Rylee, and Beckett aren’t just people on paper – I feel like they are my friends. I can hear their voices, I can hear their laughs, and I can see their smiles. I felt their hearts break and I wanted to offer comfort. I saw them happy and my heart swelled.
Closing the book doesn’t make the story go away, it simply lives on in your subconscious and in your heart. This is truly one series that you will carry with you forever. Now, while we wait for Becks’ book next, we will do what all book whores do – we re-read the series that crashed its' way into our psyche – the story that was “A to motherfucking Z”.
Well done, K. Bromberg. Well done.
Profile Image for Elizabeth (Liz).
649 reviews408 followers
January 1, 2015

"God, I fucking race you," he says to me.

Me to you, K. Bromberg: I fucking race YOU!

Where do I start? Where do I even start?! I've watched this author grow by superhero-sized leaps and bounds over the course of this series. I've witnessed her grab the reigns of her talent and take total, masterful control. Crashed is the culmination of not only Colton and Rylee's journey, but, in a certain way, that of the author's, as well. And both are triumphant!

This series is everything a true fan of romance could want or need, and this final installment was absolute PERFECTION in every single way!! The heat and chemistry between Colton and Rylee were, as usual, blistering! The depth of character and feeling only continued to build from the second book, Fueled, and, oh, the emotional voyage Rylee and Colton--especially Colton--took me on!!

"Fuck being broken or bent, I'm a motherfucking scrapyard of parts right now."

"Remember, hurting is feeling and feeling is living, and isn't it good to be alive?"

"His eyes lock onto mine and I try to pour everything in myself into our visual conversation.
I accept you, I tell him.
All of you.
The broken parts.
The best parts.
The ones filled with shame.
The cracks where hope eeks through.
The little boy cowering in fear and the grown man still suffocating in its shadow.
The demons that haunt.
Your will to survive.
And your spirit that fights.
Every single part of you is what I love.
What I accept.
What I want to help heal."

Colton finally fought the ultimate battle this time around. His opponent? Himself, obviously. He fought the demons he knew and those he only came to learn about. As always, at points, he fought his present, as well. Honestly, there were so many moments when I wondered how he could still be standing, how he could still be fighting. Even at his lowest, he defined inner strength. And the love and devotion of an equally strong woman? Standing, sitting, laying...talking, fighting, or making love...these two could conquer anything together!

Crashed is truly--sincerely--remarkable and breathtaking!! K Bromberg's gift--her natural writing and storytelling ability, which has been seasoned and honed to a fine point--shines like the brightest star in this final leg of Rylee and Colton's journey! She deftly ties up every plot point, answering all of those questions along the way. She leaves no one behind. Everyone is accounted for. And if the ending doesn't leave you sniffling and joy-filled, you have no heart!

I have no hesitation in stating that Crashed will make you smile and laugh with glee. It will make you sigh with a heart full of romance. You may very well blush with the intensity of the physicality between Colton and Rylee...or, more likely, ruin some undergarments! And Crashed will leave you in tears from the sheer pain, anguish, and, ultimately, the raw beauty of emotional growth.

10+ Stars!!
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,380 reviews327 followers
January 26, 2022
"Ciocnirea" este un volum cu emoții intense, cu schimbări bruște de situație, ce ne zguduie din temelii.
Accidentul grav al lui Colton este doar începutul. Plin de dramatism, teamă pentru un bărbat ce se luptă cu moartea.
Rylee este cea care este mereu alături de el, care îl sprijină și îl încurajează.
Apoi este momentul când explodează bomba în viețile lor atunci când Tawny îi spune lui Colton că este însărcinată cu copilul lui... Un moment tensionat, când viitorul celor doi atârnă de un fir de ață. Sau mai bine zis, de un test de paternitate...
O pauză în relația dintre Rylee și Colton, o perioadă de durere și gânduri, care ne face să stăm cu sufletul la gură.
Apoi sosește rezultatul, dezvăluirea minciunii, dar și clipa în care secretele trecutului lui Colton sunt expuse chiar de acesta în fața tinerei. Este clipa în care recunoaște cu adevărat că o iubește și că are nevoie de ea în viața lui.
Bineînțeles că povestea lor este departe de a ajunge la final, dar vă pot spune cu mâna pe inimă că acest volum nu îl veți uita prea ușor!
O poveste despre puterea vindecătoare a dragostei, despre iubirea care dă putere unui suflet zdrobit!
Impresiile mele despre serie aici:
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews675 followers
March 25, 2014

4.5 "Motherf*cking checkered flag " STARS

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“Relationships aren’t easy. They’re hard and can be brutal at times…but those are the times you learn the most about yourself. And when they’re right,” I pause, making sure his eyes are steadfast on mine, “they can be like coming home…finding the rest of your soul…”

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Holy Cow! This was the most intense, crazy emotional, and angst ridden book of the series. I felt like I spent 90% of the book crying, bawling or just tearing up. But it was also the book I most enjoyed from the whole series. As soon as I began reading the Prologue, the tears just came pouring out. I connected so deeply with these characters in this book. I felt. Every. Single. Emotion. They were feeling themselves.

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‘Fuck if she’s not everything I need and nothing that I deserve.’

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This book picks up immediately where the last book left off. Which had ended in quite the cliffhanger. I am just SO glad I didn't have to wait to read what happened next or I would have pulled my hair out. So, like I mentioned before that Prologue had me bawling, it was just so freaking scary, heart breaking and amazing all at once. I really loved it despite it being so sad. Then the first chapter came next, and I felt that desperation Rylee was feeling. I was one of those books where I really just FELT everything. I am really impressed with K. Bromberg and how much her writing has improved. I really enjoyed the way in which she wrote this book and was able to captivate me into the story a lot more than she had on the previous two books.

I really don't want to give much away about what happens in this story. I think you would get a better reading experience not knowing what's going to happen.

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I squeeze her a little tighter, not wanting to let her go just yet because, fuck, what racer doesn't want to holdon to their checkered flag a little longer?
At least I know mine waves only for me.
My kryptonite.
My alphabet, motherfucking A to Z.
My fucking Rylee.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Rylee went through a tough first half of the book, but that doesn't the second half wasn't tough on her either. Something huge happens to her in the second part. I am so happy it didn't cause her to close up. What I really love about Rylee is that she isn't the usual doormat heroine. She is so strong, and fights for what she wants. She pushed Colton's boundaries while staying by his side when he pushed her away. I love how unconditional her love for him was. Any moment they shared together where they were finally moving forward from Colton's demons, made me extremely happy. They had a connection you can really feel and I LOVED that. It was just so sweet and heart warming seeing them interact that way, with their walls obliterated.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

“I accept you, I tell him. All of you. The broken parts. The bent parts. The ones filled with shame. The cracks where hope seeps through. The little boy cowering in fear and the grown man still suffocating in his shadow. The demons that haunt. Your will to survive. And your spirit that fights. Every single part of you is what I love. What I accept. What I want to help heal.”

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

My handsome, arrogant rougue.
A little cocky.
A lot imperfect.
And completely mine.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Colton goes through a really tough time in this book. It was time for him to finally face all of the demons that had haunted him for most of his life. He was stubborn, hurtful, and frustrating. But this was the only way he knew how to cope with how he was feeling. It was really hard for him, but I am proud of him for accomplishing what he did by the end of the book. I LOVED seeing him open up to Rylee in a way he never had before. He was just so awesome and romantic...who knew? And he said he didn't have it in him. Lies!! Because I seriously loved him so much. He may have broken my heart a few times, but he also made me sigh, pant, and swoon like crazy.

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“You were the one thing I never wanted—never, ever expected in my life—an fuck if I can live without you now. You test me and tempt me and make me look at the truth I don’t want to face and are stubborn as hell, but God, baby, I wouldn’t want you any other way. Wouldn’t want us any other way.”

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Overall, this book was a tear jerking riot of emotions. It was a long journey for both of them to finally heal. I am quite exhausted now that I have finished it, but I am also so freaking happy for them. There was quite a bit of sex in this book, but for the most part it wasn't those filler types of scenes, they meant something to them. It was a way to show the connection between them. Yes, this book contained a lot of sadness, but there was plenty of happy, playful banter times as well. There was also some sweet and cheesy moments--that I would usually not enjoy--but because of all the tears it worked well here. So, it ended up not bothering me, but instead I ended up liking it. I loved every character and the role they played in the story. What really made me happy was the TWO epilogues. One was in Rylee's perspective, and the other in Colton's--but both were not of the same scene. It was beautiful and perfect and warmed my heart. I cried too, but thankfully they were HAPPY tears this time...ha! I loved this last book and I am hoping Becks and Haddie get their own book.

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“I want to be your first, your last, and every fucking thing in between.”

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Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,886 reviews2,067 followers
March 3, 2014
4.5 Stars


Jenny: I have to say, I experienced mixed emotions picking up this final installment in the Driven Trilogy. There was jubilation at the thought of spending more time with Rylee, Colton and the gang, yet sadness in thinking…this is it. This is the final installment in a series that gripped me and held me captive all the way through…from the first page of Driven to the last page of Crashed and we’ve been there from its beginning to its conclusion. It’s always tough saying goodbye to characters when they have cemented a place in your heart.

Help me. Save me. Redeem me.

Crashed picked up right where we were left gasping and peeling our fingers off our Kindles in Fueled. K Bromberg has certainly given us some heart palpitating moments and her cliffhangers are legendary! But we always forgave her because what she achieved through those cliffys was to build up the anticipation for the next book, and luckily for us, she never kept us waiting too long. One thing for certain…she certainly made us want to dive straight in after she left us hanging!

“Relationships aren’t easy. They’re hard and can be brutal at times…but those are the times you learn the most about yourself….”

First up, that prologue. Wow! K Bromberg, you never fail to hook me in with your engrossing prologues and Crashed was no exception. What a way to kick it off! Seriously, I don’t think I moved except to turn the page. It was tragic, heartbreaking, moving and the suspense garnered in those scenes had me riveted and on the edge of my seat.

“I can’t be your spark if I can’t feel yours, so don’t you dare burn out on me.”

Rylee’s pain and heartbreak seeps through the pages of Crashed as you feel the fragile grip she has on her sanity and her heart during some heart stopping moments. Rylee’s strength amazed me and she really digs deep in Crashed. To experience Colton’s fears first hand, his fear of life, his fear of love, his fear of happiness and his fear of facing his past was powerful to say the least and it’s all brought together so poignantly and beautifully in Crashed. K Bromberg really has done her readers proud in this final instalment.

“How could I walk away from those eyes and the smile I knew was hiding somewhere beneath the fear and shame”

There were times in Crashed when I found myself clutching my chest with anticipation and there were times when the pure emotion of some scenes would come crashing down on me. Rylee and Colton’s story is brought to a gripping and moving conclusion that had my heart racing a few times and relishing in the growth between Rylee and Colton. I have to say, the moments between Colton and his father reduced me to a snivelling wreck. This instalment was an emotionally charged, adrenaline filled, steamy and passionate read with the trademark cheekiness, humor and warmth we’ve come to love. Yep! I “race” this series!

Gitte: I’m always filled with trepidation before starting the third and last book in a trilogy I love. The apprehension stemming from falling in love with the characters, living what seems a life-time with them, crying, laughing, swooning and fearing with and over them. However, once I started Crashed I felt like it was only yesterday we were left in that horrible freeze frame moment that tore our hearts out. But not only that, I have to say K. Bromberg is the Queen of Prologues in my opinion, no question about it.

Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman.

She sucks you into the story again within a few words, and that’s you hooked all over again inhaling every word feeling warm and possessive over Rylee and Carlton. Because truly I do, this couple have cemented their place in the top of my list of all-time favourite couples. I love them with all my heart.

“You came from a place of unfathomable pain and yet you…you’re this incredible light who has helped to heal me, has helped to heal my boys.”

Seriously, how much have we been through with these two, all of it so heart breaking yet so passion-filled and emotional. Nevertheless, there’s so much still for them to resolve within themselves and with others, in order to find their true happiness without living in the shadows of the past and in the shadows of the ones who wronged them.

‘…we need to crack. We need to break. Only then can we pick up each other’s pieces and make each other whole again.’

Oh and then there’s that ‘little’ issue of how we were left at the end of Fueled!! My pulse was racing…..pun totally intended!

Colton broke me, he reduced me to a crying mess and at times I truly wished I could’ve jumped into the kindle and demanded calm – order and maybe a few hits. Oh and in between the heart-break we had the passionate all-consuming sex on bloody legs who reduced me to a puddle…on a spoon….that…yeah I’m going to stop here!

“..I want to be your first, your last, and every fucking thing in between.” – Colton

Colton went through the ringer in Crashed, but he needed to in order to resolve his emotions, learn who he truly is and realise that what others may have inflicted on you does not determine the man you become. Only you determine that. You chose your destiny when you realise the man you want to be; what prints you want to leave in life. Now that is not an easy feat nor is it something that just happens, it’s bloody hard all things considering, so bless our Rylee.

“Why do you love me, Rylee?”

Rylee truly grew in Crashed and showed Carlton what an amazing man he is, how much he’s loved and how he inspires everything good in those who love him who are loved by him in return. She also went through one hell of a journey in Crashed; so many obstacles, so much pain and heart-ache. Yet she fought like a soldier and stood steadfast when everything around her crumbled. I cried many tears alongside her.

“Don’t you know? You’re my motherfucking chequered flag.”

There were so many scenes of astounding sublime genius where you hold your breath, your heart bleeds and you feel every single word. Scenes where you watch as events play out before you and you marvel at the brilliance of K. Bromberg. I ‘lego’ this series to the moon and back and I ‘race’ Colton and Rylee!

“A to the motherfucking Z “ … Kristy!!!! Oh and “…you will never be inconsequential.”

J&G: We can’t help but marvel at the growth K Bromberg has shown as an author since we first sampled her writing when we devoured Driven mid last year. Not only that, but she has allowed her characters to grow right along with her.

Rylee and Colton’s story has been tumultuous, passionate, engrossing, emotional and beautiful, with a heat factor that has been off the charts. It has become one of our favourite series, and one we’ve never hesitated in recommending to our fellow readers.

In this final installment K Bromberg delivered. She encapsulated the trials and tribulations, the pitfalls and successes, the love and the heartbreak that has been Colton and Rylee’s journey in The Driven Trilogy and we’re so happy to have been there from the start of the race to the chequered flag!

‘Fuck if she’s not everything I need and nothing that I deserve.’

So why not a 5 star you ask. Whilst Crashed delivered on so many counts there were a couple of sub plots we felt stilted the flow of the story for us. We did however find ourselves a little conflicted on these because the eventual conclusions were an integral part of the story and the relationship between Rylee and Colton and what transpired from them did have us clutching our hearts and sobbing.

“Remember, hurting is feeling and feeling is living and isn’t it good to be alive?”

Ohhh that Epilogue…it was pure perfection! Sigh………It’s with a heavy heart that we bid Rylee and Colton farewell. You’ll be missed guys.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
254 reviews396 followers
March 3, 2014

A Book, that needs not to be reviewed but to sit in post reading after math and bask in all it's GLORY!

Brilliant, absolutely brilliant….
This series will forever be in my heart.
Cause K.Bromberg….

You captured my heart, stole it, broke it, healed it, and will forever own a part of it.

Have you ever experienced something that you wish you had the power to un-experience just to experience it all over again?
This was one of those times for me. Colton and Rylee's journey is one that will honestly stay with me forever.

"What do you mean?"
"Are you okay?"he asks again.
"You seem kind of broken."

K. Bromberg is the master of story telling, it's more than words in a book, its the emotion and the journey, the absolute pull she has on you. She delivers the kind of intensity rarely seen in today's Romantic Genre.

I've been robbed of every emotion but fear.

I'm blown away by her respect to her readers in delivering the ending that Colton and Rylee deserves.
And the respect to the power of her words, the power to break you down, tear you apart, then slowly and carefully put you back together.
Her dedication to the relationship of Colton and Rylee, is one that very few can master. Reading and experiencing Crashed hurt to read, you physically ache! K. draws so much raw emotion from you, you don't know how you will ever recover. And that's REAL. It's real and devastatingly ugly yet so amazingly beautiful.
It's intimate and heartbreaking, and one of the most unbelievable things you will ever read.

"Hurting is feeling and feeling is living, and isn't it good to be alive?"

Hands down there will be no other. She came she wrote and she concurred.

Now the question for all those die hard fans. Can it match the previous books?
I guarantee come day after release you will have thousands of readers walking on air saying,
I read it, I experienced it, and I still don't believe it!

And then you Crashed into my life….

Bravo K.Bromberg, the Queen of Prologues, Master of Epilogues, and and ruler of everything in between. From the bottom of my heart you my friend have set the bar so very high, people will have to scale buildings to reach it…..

✦★☆ 10 There will be NO OTHER Stars ☆✦★

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Love it

Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
March 25, 2014
"Life isn't about how you survive the storm,
but rather how you dance in the rain."

I have been absolutely brought to my knees with the final installment to this highly emotional,sexy, and romantic story. "Crashed" was by far the most intense book of the trilogy, and my absolute favorite. This conclusion to Rylee and Colton's love affair was a journey of extreme highs and lows...in the end though the pain that this couple endured and suffered through, carried them all of the way to the finish line; which was a thing of beauty when all was said and done. K. Bromberg is an amazing author who delivered a series that most readers will find impossible to forget. Her characters came to life and they will be forever etched into my heart for years to come.

This book was heavy duty, and at times I became an emotional wreck. Colton and Rylee are given more than their fair share of angst; but I was amazed at the strength both of them had to pull through and fight for each other. In the beginning of the story Colton is the one that is down, and Rylee is devastated that she may lose him. When I say that she was devastated; that is definitely an understatment. I seriously though that she was going to fall apart and never be able to pick up the pieces ever again. I will say that Rylee gave me a huge surprise when she eventually pulled up her big girl panties and fought hard for Colton in a variety of different ways. Rylee is by far one of the most strongest heroine's I have ever read about, and it was wonderful to see her transformation from the first book all the way to the last. She had her work cut out for her with Colton always trying to put up road blocks when he felt he was getting too emotionally vulnerable. Not only would Colton shut down; but he could be down right cruel, and Rylee never backed down. Becks, who was Colton's closest friend, also played a huge role in trying to keep Rylee and Colton on the right track. He was fundamental in their success, and I hear there will be a book coming out about him and I will be standing in line for that one for sure!

Colton was the one that showed the most transformation. He went from being majorly damaged to realizing his extreme love for Rylee. His journey had me close to tears more than once, and it was heartbreaking to hear what this guy had happen to him as a child. I was glued to the pages during most of Colton's journey, and the author did such a good job with writing the scenes I could taste his pain and frustration. I felt like I was living right alongside of Colton and it broke my heart. (I sat in the parking lot at the grocery store for a few hours because I couldn't put the book down!!) I realize I am not giving any details to the story; but it is a trilogy that I wouldn't want to disclose any details to someone who is thinking of reading it. This is a series that I highly recommend, and I promise you won't be disappointed!

I will say the scavenger hunt at the end of Crashed was so heartwarming. It was a bittersweet ending to the series and I loved the uniqueness of it! To take us down memory lane through all three books was brilliant.It was a beautiful reminder of what these two had gone through to get them to where they were at this time!
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,809 reviews2,320 followers
September 29, 2018
Get it here:
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I am calling out all of my "friends" who have read these books and saying how dare you not tie me down and force me to read this trilogy before now. I honestly don't know why I waited so long to start the books but once I did I literally could not put them down. After I picked up Driven I stayed up all night reading until the very end of Crashed. I was just completely hooked and Colton and Rylee had me begging for more.

Their story was emotional and sweet but with that bad boy hotness added to it to bring all the sexiness. There was drama thrown in but it was so well done that it was never too much that it overwhelmed the romance part of the book. Instead I really enjoyed it and loved how K. Bromberg had me on the edge of my seat practically dying to get all of the answers about these characters.

I honestly don't even know what to say to describe how much I enjoyed this reading experience so I'll just leave this review at saying that if you haven't picked these books up yet you are majorly missing out. Colton and Rylee are definitely a couple you need to read about.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,023 reviews968 followers
August 3, 2016
A definite 6 star book for me...ending this series that became one of my all time favorite series ever...

"I want to be your mother fucking checkered flag, Rylee. Your pace car to lead you through tough times,your pit stop when you need a break, your start line, your finish line, your goddamn victory lane..

So f'king amazing.. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough.. I was hooked, enthralled, gutted and captivated by this amazing story.. all 3 books were beyond what I could have imagined. I waited until this last book in the series was out so I could enjoy them all together and I'm so glad I did. I would have died a bit having to wait between each story. Absofreaking died..

So sad it's over.....but what a beautiful epilogue..

Thank you K., for such and amazing story..you've found a fan for life... xoxoxoxoxo

Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
March 9, 2014
"4 A to the Motherfucking Z Stars"

We were left with a bit of a huge cliffy at the end of "Driven", and it was torture waiting all these long months for "Crashed".
We had to wait to find out the fate of Colton.

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Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman.

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Colton is rushed to the hospital after being critically injured in that Crash at the end of book 2.
Rylee is hanging on by a thread.
Her whole life has been flipped on its axis.
Just when she and Colton were taking their relationship to the next level, tragedy strikes

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It's pretty early on in the book and so you're safe in assuming that Colton is going to pull through.
The only issue is he has a bit of memory loss but he still remembers Rylee and their time together.
He just doesn't remember something important he said to her just before he got into his car at the beginning of the race.

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This story was very well written and I love how the author creates secondary characters who are so memorable and bring some really touching moments to the story.
I loved the interactions between Colton and his father.
Some scenes had me in tears.

Colton is finally getting his act together in this one.
He tries his bullshit with pushing Rylee away, but she's not having any of it.
I loved Ryles for her strength and tenacity.
She knows in her heart that this man loves her, even if he can't say the words, and this time she's willing to stand up and fight for their love.

Of course the sex is off the charts HOT again.
Was there ever any doubt?
These two have such combustible chemistry and you will be fanning yourself tons while reading this book.

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Everything can't be all rainbows and unicorns in this story.
If you've read the first two books, you will know K. Bromberg is very good at dishing out the "ANGST".
And there was a TREMENDOUS amount of angst in this last installment.
I found myself needing to take a breather quite often from the whiplash I was getting from it.
Every time it seemed Colton and Rylee made it through one fucked up situation, another one was right around the corner waiting to stir shit up again.

Tawny, was a straight up bitch and I was glad how things ended up where she's concerned.

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Even though I really did love this one.
I couldn't give it a five.
My god this was one long book.
I think it should have been shortened just a little bit.

There was waaaaaaay too much angst.
I love angst.
I really do!!
It was just all too much.
I was feeling so bad for these two.
They never could catch a break.

Colton is the one who changes the most in this last installment.
I loved seeing his walls come down.
He finally realizes that Rylee is the love of his life and his savior.

Everyone who has fallen in love with this series since "Driven", will absolutely love this conclusion.
The Epilogues, yes there are two epilogues, were perfect!

Call me a pussy, but I swear to God she's the only air my body can breathe. Fuck if she's not everything I need and nothing that I deserve.

Her eyes finally find and lock onto mine. All I see is my future, my salvation, my singular chance at redemption.

"Well, if you think I fuck like I drive, you should see me drop the hammer and race you to the finish line."

"I'm the only one that's allowed to drive you to the motherfucking checkered flag."

Those violet eyes of hers--the only ones that have ever been able to see straight into my soul and see everything I've hidden--blink back tears and try to process what I've been telling her I've never wanted, I now want with her.
A fucking future.
The ultimate motherfucking checkered flag.
Profile Image for Michelle Valentine.
Author 41 books6,247 followers
February 25, 2014
Thank you for the ARC, Kristy! I race Colton Donovan so hard. This book was super emotional and devlivered another beautiful story in the Driven Trilogy. Krsity could write the phone book and I'd be entertained. **Full Review to come after release**
Profile Image for Gitte TotallyBookedBlog.
2,050 reviews942 followers
March 3, 2014

J&G: 4.5 Stars

I have to say, I experienced mixed emotions picking up this final instalment in the Driven Trilogy. There was jubilation at the thought of spending more time with Rylee, Colton and the gang, yet sadness in thinking…this is it. This is the final instalment in a series that gripped me and held me captive all the way through…from the first page of Driven to the last page of Crashed and we’ve been there from its beginning to its conclusion. It’s always tough saying goodbye to characters when they have cemented a place in your heart.

Help me. Save me. Redeem me.

Crashed picked up right where we were left gasping and peeling our fingers off our Kindles in Fueled. K Bromberg has certainly given us some heart palpitating moments and her cliffhangers are legendary! But we always forgave her because what she achieved through those cliffys was to build up the anticipation for the next book, and luckily for us, she never kept us waiting too long. One thing for certain…she certainly made us want to dive straight in after she left us hanging!

“Relationships aren’t easy. They’re hard and can be brutal at times…but those are the times you learn the most about yourself….”

First up, that prologue. Wow! K Bromberg, you never fail to hook me in with your engrossing prologues and Crashed was no exception. What a way to kick it off! Seriously, I don’t think I moved except to turn the page. It was tragic, heartbreaking, moving and the suspense garnered in those scenes had me riveted and on the edge of my seat.

“I can’t be your spark if I can’t feel yours, so don’t you dare burn out on me.”

Rylee’s pain and heartbreak seeps through the pages of Crashed as you feel the fragile grip she has on her sanity and her heart during some heart stopping moments. Rylee’s strength amazed me and she really digs deep in Crashed. To experience Colton’s fears first hand, his fear of life, his fear of love, his fear of happiness and his fear of facing his past was powerful to say the least and it’s all brought together so poignantly and beautifully in Crashed. K Bromberg really has done her readers proud in this final instalment.

“How could I walk away from those eyes and the smile I knew was hiding somewhere beneath the fear and shame”

There were times in Crashed when I found myself clutching my chest with anticipation and there were times when the pure emotion of some scenes would come crashing down on me. Rylee and Colton’s story is brought to a gripping and moving conclusion that had my heart racing a few times and relishing in the growth between Rylee and Colton. I have to say, the moments between Colton and his father reduced me to a snivelling wreck. This instalment was an emotionally charged, adrenaline filled, steamy and passionate read with the trademark cheekiness, humor and warmth we’ve come to love. Yep! I “race” this series!

Gitte: I’m always filled with trepidation before starting the third and last book in a trilogy I love. The apprehension stemming from falling in love with the characters, living what seems a life-time with them, crying, laughing, swooning and fearing with and over them. However, once I started Crashed I felt like it was only yesterday we were left in that horrible freeze frame moment that tore our hearts out. But not only that, I have to say K. Bromberg is the Queen of Prologues in my opinion, no question about it.

Spiderman. Batman. Superman. Ironman.

She sucks you into the story again within a few words, and that’s you hooked all over again inhaling every word feeling warm and possessive over Rylee and Carlton. Because truly I do, this couple have cemented their place in the top of my list of all-time favourite couples. I love them with all my heart.

“You came from a place of unfathomable pain and yet you…you’re this incredible light who has helped to heal me, has helped to heal my boys.”

Seriously, how much have we been through with these two, all of it so heart breaking yet so passion-filled and emotional. Nevertheless, there’s so much still for them to resolve within themselves and with others, in order to find their true happiness without living in the shadows of the past and in the shadows of the ones who wronged them.

‘…we need to crack. We need to break. Only then can we pick up each other’s pieces and make each other whole again.’

Oh and then there’s that ‘little’ issue of how we were left at the end of Fueled!! My pulse was racing…..pun totally intended!

Colton broke me, he reduced me to a crying mess and at times I truly wished I could’ve jumped into the kindle and demanded calm – order and maybe a few hits. Oh and in between the heart-break we had the passionate all-consuming sex on bloody legs who reduced me to a puddle…on a spoon….that…yeah I’m going to stop here!

“..I want to be your first, your last, and every fucking thing in between.” – Colton

Colton went through the ringer in Crashed, but he needed to in order to resolve his emotions, learn who he truly is and realise that what others may have inflicted on you does not determine the man you become. Only you determine that. You chose your destiny when you realise the man you want to be; what prints you want to leave in life. Now that is not an easy feat nor is it something that just happens, it’s bloody hard all things considering, so bless our Rylee.

“Why do you love me, Rylee?”

Rylee truly grew in Crashed and showed Carlton what an amazing man he is, how much he’s loved and how he inspires everything good in those who love him who are loved by him in return. She also went through one hell of a journey in Crashed; so many obstacles, so much pain and heart-ache. Yet she fought like a soldier and stood steadfast when everything around her crumbled. I cried many tears alongside her.

“Don’t you know? You’re my motherfucking chequered flag.”

There were so many scenes of astounding sublime genius where you hold your breath, your heart bleeds and you feel every single word. Scenes where you watch as events play out before you and you marvel at the brilliance of K. Bromberg. I ‘lego’ this series to the moon and back and I ‘race’ Colton and Rylee!

“A to the motherfucking Z “… Kristy!!!! Oh and “…you will never be inconsequential.”

We can’t help but marvel at the growth K Bromberg has shown as an author since we first sampled her writing when we devoured Driven mid last year. Not only that, but she has allowed her characters to grow right along with her.

Rylee and Colton’s story has been tumultuous, passionate, engrossing, emotional and beautiful, with a heat factor that has been off the charts. It has become one of our favourite series, and one we’ve never hesitated in recommending to our fellow readers.

In this final instalment K Bromberg delivered. She encapsulated the trials and tribulations, the pitfalls and successes, the love and the heartbreak that has been Colton and Rylee’s journey in The Driven Trilogy and we’re so happy to have been there from the start of the race to the chequered flag!

‘Fuck if she’s not everything I need and nothing that I deserve.’

So why not a 5 star you ask. Whilst Crashed delivered on so many counts there were a couple of sub plots we felt stilted the flow of the story for us. We did however find ourselves a little conflicted on these because the eventual conclusions were an integral part of the story and the relationship between Rylee and Colton and what transpired from them did have us clutching our hearts and sobbing.

“Remember, hurting is feeling and feeling is living and isn’t it good to be alive?”

Ohhh that Epilogue….it was pure perfection! Sigh……….It’s with a heavy heart that we bid Rylee and Colton farewell. You’ll be missed guys.

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Hanne.
658 reviews70 followers
August 31, 2017
I was so glad that I already owned this book after that cliffhanger of Fueled. I was still shocked about what happened and I needed to know what happened next, so I started this book immediately. I was hooked from the start and I didn’t want to put this book down. Crashed was amazing!

There were many beautiful, romantic, touching and hot moments in this book. My favorite moment and the one I still remember clearly after weeks of being finished, is Colton’s last date. It was so swoony, adorable, beautiful and absolutely perfect.

Rylee and Colton are incredible characters. Rylee is sweet, patient, caring, selfless and loving. She’s the perfect woman for Colton. Colton changes a lot, but he’s better now. Rylee makes him think about things he never thought about before. Racing is no longer the only thing that matters in Colton’s life. He would do anything for Rylee. He loves her so much, just like Rylee loves him so much.

I absolutely love Rylee and Colton together! They are made for each other. Their relationship wasn’t always easy in the past and their love will even be tested in this book, but both of them fight for their love. Everything was worth it in the end. Their love is strong, beautiful, perfect and solid.

Rylee and Colton’s love story was one I’ve been wanting to read for years. I was determined to read it this year and I’m so happy that I did. I’m of course kicking myself for not reading it sooner, but better late than never, right? Each book was better than the previous one. Crashed is my favorite book and deserves more than 5 stars. Crashed has a beautiful epilogue that also was the perfect ending of Rylee and Colton’s love story. I won’t mind rereading this love story at all.

This series has some amazing secondary characters. I can’t help but feel sad for the little boys. Rylee is close with all of them and she would do anything for them. Colton is also amazing with those boys. My favorite secondary character would be Becks. I already love him and I can’t wait to read his story (Slow Burn). I love his friendship with Colton. Becks knows him through and through and he would always have his back.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,740 reviews

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