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This is an alternate cover edition for B00AGX677G

When ghosts begin to disappear from the Otherworld, Emily Chambers and her friends must hunt down those responsible before every last spirit, including Jacob Beaufort, is destroyed and Emily's livelihood along with them. But there is one thing stopping them - Jacob's killer.

Weakened and fading fast, the ghost of Jacob Beaufort is determined to save Emily from a bleak and uncertain future. With her family facing financial ruin and the Otherworld in chaos, he knows her only hope is to wed Theo.

As lives and afterlives hang in the balance, Emily is forced to make the ultimate sacrifice, or lose everything she loves.

216 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 1, 2012

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About the author

C.J. Archer

90 books4,687 followers
Over 3 MILLION books sold!

C.J. Archer is the USA Today bestselling author of historical mystery and historical fantasy novels including the GLASS AND STEELE series, the CLEOPATRA FOX MYSTERIES, the MINISTRY OF CURIOSITIES and the FREAK HOUSE books.

C.J. Archer has loved history and books for as long as she can remember and feels fortunate that she found a way to combine the two. She spent her early childhood in the dramatic beauty of outback Queensland, Australia, but now lives in suburban Melbourne with her husband, two children and a black & white cat named Coco.

Subscribe to C.J.'s newsletter through her website to be notified when she releases a new book, as well as get access to exclusive content. Her website also contains up to date details on all her books: http://cjarcher.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 154 reviews
Profile Image for Sue Gerhardt Griffiths.
1,042 reviews56 followers
February 24, 2023
This book concludes the Emily Chamber Spirit Medium trilogy and what a conclusion! Stupendous!

I love a good ghost story and this one was pretty remarkable.

Jacob, Emily’s ghost is gradually fading as are other spirits in the Waiting Area.

Emily and her delightful friends must find the counter curse to save the spirits from vanishing.

Emily is still on the hunt to find Jacob’s killer, but time is running out.

Excellent twists.

A romance that’s to swoon for.

The ending was out of this world.
Profile Image for Nemo (The ☾Moonlight☾ Library).
697 reviews317 followers
June 7, 2018
Ghosts are disappearing in both the mortal world and the Waiting Area, and it’s up to Emily to figure out why before her beloved Jacob ceases to exist. Also, will Celia please stop pressuring her to marry Theo? Jeez.

Evermore, like Possession and The Medium before it, gives us more of the same that we crave and love. The esxuisite manners of the 19th centur mean that sometimes Emil doesn’t get to join in on the fun that George and Theo do. Jacob is somewhat less brooding and more desperate to be with Emily. The gang uncovers who the true villain is, but only after asking loads of questions, being frustrated at every turn, and then eventually someone comes to them of their own free will to ‘help.’

One of the big events is Adelaide’s ball, but we don’t get to spend much time there because unfortunately bad guy shave no sense of timing and don’t believe in taking the day off.

One of the things I enjoyed about this book was how events from the first book related all the way through to this one, and how some things were revealed in this one that spread all the way back to the first one.

Of course a romance between a spirit and a medium is doomed from the start unless one of them is willing to give something up – be it their immortality or their life. We see this trope repeated in Twilight with Bell and Edward, and even as far back as Arwen and Aragorn in Lord of the Rings. How on earth are we supposed to find a happy ending for Emily and Jacob? Will Emily be left with no choice but to marry someone she doesn’t love or end up like her spinster sister? I am pleased to say that I found the ending very satisfactory for all parties concerned and I even had a little bit of a cry, I think maybe from relief.

The Emily Chambers Spirit Medium Trilogy is highly enjoyable because of its eclectic mix of supernatural, paranormal, science, nineteenth century setting and the memorable characters led by the spunky and brave Emily, a girl out of her own time who has way too much to deal with for any seventeen year old, let alone a half-breed orphan who can see ghosts. I recommend these books to people who enjoy historical romances and historical paranormal/supernatural stuff.
Profile Image for Verity Brown.
Author 1 book12 followers
April 8, 2014

This book started out well, with a promising new problem to solve: why are ghosts fading and even disappearing, including Jacob? The tangled web gets more and more interestingly tangled, and then....

Ouch. The plot unravels impossibly as everyone's motivations and machinations are revealed. Most of this revealed behavior is based on people doing things that Victorian people simply wouldn't do. Victorian women don't leave their husbands just because they don't love each other anymore. Victorian men don't randomly change their last name. And you don't conveniently store a body instead of burying it if you believed, at the time when you killed that person, they were really dead. I was horribly disappointed to see the whole structure of the mystery come crashing down in a big improbable mess. *facepalm*

As tempted as I am to read The Wrong Girl, after the way this story fell apart at the end, I'm hesitant.
Profile Image for Deborah.
34 reviews
March 15, 2013
I really liked this trilogy and the author has me hooked enough to want to read some her other stories. Unluckily, the ending lost it's way as the author tied up the threads of the story line in a droopy little bow. All was revealed, but too briefly and with almost no enhancements to explain the "why's" and " how's". Even as a paranormal story, it stretched the boundaries a little too far and was too simplistic. A disappointing ending to a good series.
Profile Image for angela .
785 reviews158 followers
June 18, 2017
Superb trilogy

What an excellent trilogy. It was a great mystery, romance, supernatural story, with one thing after another to solve. Of friendships and love interests made, then watching them flourish, discovering family members. This was just an all around great series that keeps you interested throughout, always wondering how they'll solve the next problem. I thoroughly enjoyed this trilogy.
Profile Image for T.J.
95 reviews3 followers
November 20, 2021
2/5 ⭐️ |

⭐️ I respect Emily a lot as a character. She’s loyal, brave, and compassionate. She’a unique, and she uses her supernatural medium abilities to save the world despite the danger that it inevitably introduces.

⭐️ The beginning of this novel was promising. There was so much foreshadowing that I actually guessed two of the three big “plot twists.” Even though I figured out a lot of the mysteries in this trilogy, I still enjoyed the moment when I realized what was going on, despite the fact that I wasn’t surprised during the actual “reveal.”

‼️ The heavy foreshadowing in the beginning was forgivable. What was unforgivable was the rushed and sloppy, “Scooby Doo”-like enemy and plot twist reveals. The last 1/3 of this novel was poorly written, and I even spotted a few typos.

‼️ The culturally and racially ignorant moments and sentences were far more abundant in this novel. The author refers to Emily’s African descent and ancestry from an unnamed “African tribe” without tact or sensitivity.

I will say though, that I genuinely adore Emily, Jacob, Adelaide, and George. *heart eyes*

I’m thankful to C.J. Archer for allowing me to follow their story, despite its imperfection.
Profile Image for Rachel.
469 reviews31 followers
February 24, 2013
Of the three books in the trilogy, this one was my least favorite. I will say I was glad to see all the issues finally wrapped up, however, there was far less character development this time. I liked being able to see the true friendship that developed between Emily and George, but was disappointed by some of the other characters. The story is very fast-paced, so it does keep you reading, and ultimately it's still a good story, just a little disappointing.


I was really really disappointed at the absurdity of the secrets revealed in this part of the trilogy. To make the reason behind Jacob's death something so crazy as that Frederick was in love with Jacob, and yet just gloss over it in a matter of two sentences was just jarring. The reason for Frederick's suicide is given, everyone is aghast and says "oh how horrible" then it's on to the next bit of the story. Also, I could have done without the big secret revealed about Louis, Emily's father. That also I found kind of absurd to just toss in there at the end. It wasn't done terribly, I just felt like that end of the plot could have been wrapped up a little neater and in a more satisfying way if there had been some other explanation.

I also felt like there were a lot of plot holes as far as characters' motives and the whole curses and killing people and bringing them back to life, not to mention the idea of leaving someone in what amounts to a coma for months and them coming back with virtually no ill effects other than some stiff muscles. I'm all for suspending reality, that's why I read fiction, especially paranormal and magical fiction, but there are some things that simply can't be overlooked if no alternate supernatural explanation is given.
Profile Image for Regina.
431 reviews9 followers
August 8, 2013
OOH i loved this series. Warning! may have very very slight spoilers. Emily and Jacob made such a great pair. I bought this book as a triology with book 1-3 put together and these books did not disappoint. There were times where Emily did some immature thinking but other than that she was resourceful and brave. Jacob was our tortured soul of a hero and he really pulled on my heartstrings as a ghost. All of the other characters were great too. Emily's sister is very protective and sweet. I guess Jacob's father was the only spiteful character but even he's not so bad. I think the whole mystery part of the novel kept me on my toes but when they finally revealed whodunnit,I felt like it could have been done better. Overall I am satisfied with the ending of the series and was sad to leave it.
Profile Image for Annika.
266 reviews1 follower
September 6, 2013
Why must it end!?!?!
Evermore has captured my heart in every way. That was seriously the best ending ever. I could re-read it five million times and it'd always make my heart flutter.
I want more! I need more! I love Jacob Beaufort with a freaking passion!!
The Emily Chambers Spirit Medium Trilogy is a trilogy you will not regret reading!
Profile Image for Mirela.
129 reviews26 followers
February 13, 2020
Very predictable ending but still entertaining. To be true 3 major "secrets" are obvious from first book but it still kept my interest to read it. Writing was decent for young adult novel so that is plus. I will probably read some more of this author when l need some easy -light -brain rest reading..
Profile Image for Crystal.
74 reviews
January 21, 2019
The book was a little slow at the beginning but the end made it worth while. Good ending.
Profile Image for Mischa.
983 reviews
March 25, 2018
I was really torn with rating this one, because on one hand, I feel like the only good thing I can say about this series is that it's over for me now. But on the other hand, it didn't make me want to jump out a window. Which I'm aware is a very weird way of summing up a book, but there you have it.

Oh my, what to say about this? For starters, the thing I suspected of being , you know, a thing, ever since the first installment, is actually revealed in this one (what an absolute shock!). Having something I called since the first book confirmed really did not add to the quality of the series. The entire "Jacob" conclusion also wasn't anything I didn't suspect (I mean, really. It's a pretty naïve book, so to speak, so I would have been really surprised if the author actually did something drastic), so the overall mystery part of the plot really didn't do much for me.

Not really sure what to say about the characters - they were bland, boring and stupid before, and that didn't change in this book, either. In fact, they probably annoyed me even more. I was also pretty disappointed (but, once again, not surprised) how the author resolved the whole Theo thing - would have liked to see a little raw emotion in that, perhaps a little heartbreak. Literally anything to get rid of the blandness of the story, really.

All in all, this was quite a mess, so to speak. The characters did not go together, the story did not go together, the whole impression I had of this series was something that was so unremarkable I already don't remember half of it. But CJ can write if nothing else, and it didn't particularly offend me (or force me to resist jumping out a window), so I still don't quite feel like giving it less than three stars. But they are definitely the worse kind of three stars, than the nice, good one.
Profile Image for Roth.
203 reviews8 followers
December 31, 2016
I expected this trilogy to be mainly Ghosts! (with romance), instead I found it to be more Romance! (with ghosts). As I really wasn't on board with the main romantic pairing, reading this got a bit arduous at times. I also thought the pacing was a little off; there were a lot of ~reveals~ in the final quarter (several of which I saw coming a mile away), and it felt like 'we don't know anything. Oh wait, here is a person who will tell us everything'.

I also wasn't that impressed with the way that Rroma people were used as a plot device (with the inclusion of g**sy curses), and that the only character mentioned who wasn't straight died before the events of this trilogy, and his death was directly linked to his loving a dude.

The writing was easy to read, and I liked a lot of the characters, but this series wasn't what I was expecting, and it ended up being a disappointment overall. I'm sure someone who is more into romance with broody possessive dudes will enjoy it more than I did.
Profile Image for Kira.
325 reviews7 followers
February 7, 2013
Jacobs murderer is still on the loose and causing havoc. There is a problem in the Waiting Area and the Otherworld. Ghosts are disappearing and Emily and Celia's business is suffering as a result. It seems a curse has been unleashed in the Waiting Area. Can Emily, her family (including her newly returned father) and friends find the murderer along with a counter-curse and deliver it in time to save the Otherworld?

This was a good ending to the series. I really enjoyed the mystery although I felt a little disappointed in who the final villain was. I had also figured out most of the plot twists beforehand although there were one or two I missed and I otherwise enjoyed reading them. A wonderful series all in all.
Profile Image for Al.
228 reviews1 follower
May 26, 2017
The similarity to other stories are pretty striking, most especially Sense and Sensibility. Complete with Marianne (Emily), Elinor(Celia) and the introduction of Margaret (Clara) in the second book. There is even a Willoughby character although he is a bit more proper (but no less an ass).

The two "surprise" twists at the end weren't very surprising, with one being fairly obvious from the beginning and the other as soon as the character is met. I won't spoon feed you the name of the movie that the same plot twist was used, but it was some time ago (2005).

That said, this book was slightly better than the previous two and I give it 3.5 stars. Had all three books had been only one book (as it should have been), I might have given it 4 stars.
Profile Image for Korey.
584 reviews17 followers
February 7, 2014
An improvement over the lackluster second installment. The plot wraps up satisfactorily even if the exposition is a little clumsy. Jacob and Emily directly interact with each other less this time out, resulting in less heartsick simpering and leaving more narrative room for plot development and a larger role for some interesting supporting characters. This series lacks the complexity and depth necessary to elevate it from good to 4 or 5 star level but I am glad I read it.
Profile Image for Ixtzel Recarte.
8 reviews1 follower
April 10, 2013
It was a great ending to the trilogy!!! I loved how the some of the characters were a bit more developed on this last book and I loved the happy ending for Emily and Jacob...the only thing I wasn't too happy about was the reason Jacob was hurt to begin with. It just seems so far fetched but this is fiction so in the end I loved it!
Profile Image for M.
219 reviews13 followers
July 10, 2018
General monologue:
If a book has been sitting on my TBR for more than what I call "enough time" then it usually ends up getting deleted from my thoughts about reading it and my GR TBR shelf too! But this book has seen both the worst and the best of my mood swings. I have played a relentless volley of "read" and "delete from my shelf" with this book sometimes hoping and sometimes losing all hope to ever read the book and complete the series and now that I have completed it, I think it's just wow. The feeling of finishing a series after so long, over the span of so many years, it's so satisfying...*closes eyes in satisfaction* :)

Since I had once read the excerpt of the book, I knew Jacob's and Otherworld's fate, naturally the spoiler of who killed Jacob and why was he killed was also known to me. What was interesting, however, was the parentage of Emily Chambers/Moreau, and as it turns out she had a father, a mother(I know!), a ten year old aunt and a seventeen year old fiancé, at the end of the book. A light YA Romance/Supernatural book that I enjoyed.
Finally, all the three books in the series sit as FINISHED in my ebook reader shelf!!!
- M. K
Profile Image for Amelia.
20 reviews1 follower
September 17, 2019
I have thoroughly enjoyed the Emily Chambers Spirit Medium series and highly recommend these books to others.
C J Archer keeps you engaged throughout this trilogy and I especially loved the third book 'Evermore' and final conclusion I was desperately hoping for.
In this series Archer describes everything beautifully, supplying an excellent range of characters and always keeping you guessing of who is 'involved' in murders, possessions and curses. The addition of Adelaide's ball was a great opportunity to explore some of the social expectations and high society of the time, empathising with characters frustrations, fears and romantic feelings.
I felt Emily's character really shined in this last book, showing her true feelings about her medium talents and enjoyed reading her thoughts about the other characters.
This book nicely wrapped up lots of unanswered questions from 'Medium' and 'possession' and I pleased to find my suspicions about Celia were true.
Evermore was a nice easy read, fast paced and a perfect balance of action and emotions, which I devoured completly in one day, happily curled up comfortably on the sofa.
Profile Image for Robin.
917 reviews27 followers
March 24, 2024
Lots of action in Evermore, the last of the Emily Chambers Spirit Medium series. Despite a gaping plot hole (unknown identity that would have been known) and some stereotyping on the villain end, I enjoyed the book. The plot continued to move forward throughout, without too much stalling with descriptions of the protagonist fawning over the ghost, can’t live or function without him, etc.

A few surprises, but not including the so-called surprise ending for the ghost’s family. The protagonist ought to have guessed it, as did most readers. But as I’ve said about previous books, she isn’t the brightest.

It sounds like I didn’t like this much, but several non-main characters saved the day. Louis, the long-lost father, and George, the intellectual with knowledge of the occult, delivered intelligent conclusions and direct action. Adelaide, the ghost’s sister, broke out of her traditional Victorian woman’s role to defy her parents’ expectations for her.

Not my favorite C.J. Archer series, but a decent conclusion.
Profile Image for Erin.
444 reviews180 followers
December 8, 2021
What an ending. Things did not go exactly how I thought they would. Some mysteries I totally had figured out, but the overarching one was a bit difficult.


Another great Archer series to add. I can't remember if these are the characters we meet in The Queen's Necromancer series. I will just have to re-read it and see.

SPOILERS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

So I figured out a while ago that the sister was actually the mom. But I am glad the dad came back and she was able to have a good ending.

I also knew Jacob was still somewhat alive. I mean he had to be to get the Happily Ever After. But the whole ending was a bit confusing. I did not think it was going to be Price at all. And the nurse was a bit of a surprise. Especially when she actually ended up being good in the end. So a bit convoluted, but I didn't see it coming, so that was fun.
Profile Image for Janine.
488 reviews
September 3, 2021
I was trying not to scream at the characters in this book to just get on with it. It was more fast paced than the other two - which I was grateful for. It is more like the 'Teenagers" are solving the mystery. I only finished this book because it was the last of 3.
I'll agree with Kirsten when she reviewed the first book - The Medium - "This book plods along and doesn't ever really fulfill itself as a romance or a mystery. There was no real character development. I wasn't rooting for the main characters and their romance because honestly I found them to be annoying. I found myself just skimming the pages towards the end to just discover who the bad guy was. " That's how I felt through the entire series. I just hate to put down a book that I started with out finishing it. I think I have only done that once in my life. I almost made it twice...
Profile Image for Mili Fay.
Author 24 books13 followers
June 27, 2018
Writing: 4 Stars;
Characters: 4.5 Stars;
Plot: 4 Stars;
Entertaining: 4 Stars;
Read Again? No.

Total: 4 Stars

This is an enjoyable series that ends well. However, it is too predictable. All the mysteries were not surprising at all. Too much was revealed for the element of surprise to work. The mysteries felt forced and unnatural. Also, I question the characters’ logic. Their behaviour makes no sense, and unlike real life fiction has to make sense.

Other than that, I also found the story lacked believability for the time period. The behaviour of the characters felt too casual and modern for what I have come to expect reading Austin, Dickens, Bronte...

If those issues are taken out of the equation, the story is enjoyable. I just think it could have been much better.
Profile Image for Camilla.
1,464 reviews10 followers
October 8, 2019
What a fantastic conclusion! I'm starting to see that my faith in the author is well founded. She writes wonderful, clean romance and truly exciting fantasy. There's an enormous danger in the spirit world that Emily has to help eradicate, but she's hampered by being the only real medium in the city and therefore the only one who can listen to the warnings of the dead. Add to her difficulties the situation with her father and her dead boyfriend and you get a pretty dramatic story. I absolutely loved the ending because it was so impossibly romantic and sweet and I left the story feeling contented. A great trilogy.
Profile Image for Marisca.
75 reviews
August 13, 2023
I won't say the book was horribly bad I just got bored with it at the end of book 2. With this one I stared to read and realized I don't really care about what is going on so I skipped to the last 4 chapters just to see how it ends and if what I suspected was correct. It was! I was correct about the killers, Emily's parentage and the situation with Jacob, I was even correct about a few other things but I don't want to reveal anything. I think that's why I was so uninterested with reading this one, I had it all figured out by the beginning of book two. A few things I guessed at the end of book one. On a good note I do enjoy the Glass Library series.
Profile Image for Kelsey.
23 reviews
February 7, 2018
This book was the best out of the trilogy simply because it wrapped up the story. There was a wonderful twist at the end regarding Celia and it had a happy ending. It was incredibly difficult to look past the major error of calling Mrs. Stanley by the wrong name (Mrs. Stanton). I have never seen that kind of mistake in any other books and I had to jump back a few pages to double check that another character wasn't introduced and I missed it. All in all, the series was alright and kept me intrigued. I was glad it was only a trilogy though.
Profile Image for Aliki Spanos.
94 reviews
May 2, 2018
So this is more of a young adult historical paranormal romance. If you read the first book, like myself, I was hooked regardless (even though typically I go for a more typical pnr). This book has mystery, magic (through spells and curses), and let's not forget Jacob (MC) who sounds yummy....I love when he gets growly and possessive. For those of you that wanted spoilers like myself this does have a happy ending and the mc's end up together. Some parts felt rushed, especially at the end, but regardless of that I still enjoyed thoroughly.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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