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Christmas Hope #3

The Christmas Hope

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Patricia and Mark Addison have long given up the hope of having a meaningful Christmas. But this year, Patricia's job as a social worker will lead her to a very special five-year-old. Against her better judgment, Patricia bends the rules and takes the little girl to her own home.

Through the presence of Emily in their house, and her penetrating questions about heaven, the Addisons learn that there is no sorrow so great that faith cannot help you find your way through. And Christmas will once more be a time of joy in their home.

213 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2005

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About the author

Donna VanLiere

70 books1,240 followers
Donna is a New York Times and USA Today best-selling author. She's an in-demand conference speaker and gifted teacher and has 14 published books including four that have been adapted into movies.

Donna is the recipient of multiple industry awards including a Retailer's Choice Award for Fiction, a Dove Award, a Silver Angel Award, two Audie Awards for best inspirational fiction, a nominee for a Gold Medallion Book of the Year and is an inductee in the Ohio Foundation of Independent Colleges Hall of Excellence joining such luminaries as Coretta Scott King, Hugh Downs, Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Senator John Glenn.

Learn more about Donna by visiting www.DonnaVanLiere.com and stay up-to-date and in-touch by subscribing to her free Friendship List.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 520 reviews
Profile Image for Kay.
2,183 reviews1,121 followers
December 21, 2021
Beautiful and inspirational Christmas story. This story deals with loss, hope, and healing. A holiday tearjerker. 🎄
I would prefer the author using a narrator instead of reading it herself though, just IMHO.
Profile Image for Kat.
Author 12 books557 followers
February 28, 2024
Patricia is struggling in her personal and professional life. As a social worker, she feels the full force of the pain of the children she has been charged with protecting every time they are taken from one home to another and their lives are disrupted. Her marriage to her husband is also struggling due to the fact that four years ago, they lost their college aged son right around Christmas, driving home from school. At Christmastime, she takes Emily, one of her foster children, into her home. This was one of the most heartwarming stories I read this Christmas season, with Emily bringing so much Christmas joy back into the lives of a couple who needed it most. I also love the way that the characters from earlier books come back for little easter egg appearances!
Profile Image for Darla.
4,103 reviews962 followers
December 14, 2022
Children are God's apostles, day by day
Sent forth to preach of love, and hope, and peace.
~ James Russell Lowell

This is my second book in just as many days that features children who need foster homes. Patricia Addison is a social worker and we witness firsthand the heartbreak of little ones losing parents and needing a home and hope for better days. Ironically, Patricia's home is without hope. She and her husband Mark have been grieving separately over a loss from years ago. I absolutely loved this story. There are some harsh realities to deal with, but with the help of some wonderful family and friends and an angel or two, hope blooms again. This series is so well named. I am glad to be working through all the installments I missed years ago. It is a wonderful way to contemplate the gift of Christmas during this Advent season.
Profile Image for Christine.
618 reviews1,350 followers
December 9, 2022
4.5 rounded to 4 stars

The Christmas Hope is book 3 of a wonderful 10-book Christmas series by Donna VanLiere. I have really enjoyed all 4 books I have read so far. These novels are all about people facing huge challenges in their lives and how they evolve in inspiring and heartwarming ways to be able to move on with their lives. This book is no exception. Not surprisingly, 3 of the first four books have been made into popular Hallmark movies.

There are several things I love about “The Christmas” series. Each story starts out with a prologue set one year after the main story begins. Every chapter is opened by a lovely inspiring quote from another author or well-known person. There is almost always an epilogue—I love epilogues. Epilogues take the sting out of saying goodbye to characters I love as does the author’s custom of having major cast members popping up in more minor roles in subsequent novels.

The Christmas Hope focuses on social worker Patricia whose life is slowly crumbling and the fate of two sweet little girls in need of families to care for them. Can Patricia find a way to get each of these little ones a loving family? Can she then somehow shed her own albatrosses and save herself? The journey to find out the answers to these questions kept me glued to the book.

I am pleased to have discovered this author and plan to eventually complete the entire Christmas series. For those of you who love warm, heartfelt stories over the holiday season, this series is definitely for you! Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Madeline .
1,840 reviews128 followers
November 16, 2016
Yes, I'm giving a Christmas novella 5 stars! Totally unheard of, but true!

This is more than a fun, sappy, romance, under the mistletoe story. This is a story of love, loss, and HOPE. I believe that without hope, you have nothing.

It's a beautiful love story on so many levels, I cried and cried and cried.

If you only read one Christmas novel this year, read this one. (I read it in one evening.)

(This story is number 3 in a series, but it reads like a stand alone novel.)
Profile Image for Brianna Hart.
450 reviews51 followers
October 14, 2022
Donna’s Christmas stories will tear at your heart strings. They are so sad and yet so beautiful at the same time. They give me hope and remind me what the Christmas season is all about.
Profile Image for Julianna.
Author 5 books1,336 followers
December 24, 2011
Reviewed for THC Reviews
I loved the first two books in Donna VanLiere's Christmas Hope series, and now I can add The Christmas Hope to my list of all-time favorite holiday-themed stories. In spite of my Christian background, I often find it difficult to read inspirational fiction, because it too frequently seems trite, vapid and/or preachy to me. Not so with Donna VanLiere's books. She somehow manages to impart an inspiring message full of depth and meaning that utterly warms my heart without making me feel like I'm being beaten over the head with it. In my opinion, she doesn't water down the faith aspect of her stories, but neither is it exactly overt which I think makes the books accessible to people of many different faiths and backgrounds. Ms. VanLiere just has a very gentle way about her writing that really speaks to me.

The Christmas Hope is told primarily in first-person from the main protagonist, Patricia's point of view. Patricia is a dedicated social worker who goes above and beyond the call of duty in loving and caring for the kids she helps. She had a rather rough life growing up. When her father left them, it was only through the kindness of strangers that her mother, brother and she survived. Now she seems to be paying it forward to other people through her work, but when the story opens, she has no Christmas spirit left and hasn't celebrated the holiday in four years. Patricia is a little on the OCD side, but I later came to understand that her obsession with tidiness was her way of trying to feel in control after the chaos that has been wreaked on her life by the death of her son. Her marriage is failing, with she and her husband acting like little more than polite strangers which I found quite sad especially after learning about their closeness and the very romantic start to their relationship. Everyone grieves in their own way, but I occasionally had a hard time relating to Patricia's way of dealing (or not, as the case may be). On the surface, she seems to have it all together, but inside she had buried herself so deeply in her grief that she wouldn't let anyone in to share it, not even her husband. Patricia frustrated me a little when she kept saying that she didn't know what to do to stop her marriage from crumbling and her husband from leaving, but her friend and co-worker, Roy, had it right when he said that she did know. It was at those moments that I kept wanting to jump into the story and tell her, "Just do it! Just hug him or do something, anything, to show him you still care." Luckily, a sweet little girl named Emily came along to gently wiggle her way into Patricia's closed-off heart when she least expected it, and a Christmas “miracle” finally brought closure to her deep-seated grief.

Patricia's husband, Mark, seemed like a really great guy who was very kind and loving. Since we don't get any scenes from his point of view, I can't be absolutely certain what he was thinking, but I always got the feeling that he didn't really want his marriage to be over. He was just at the end of his rope and didn't know what to do to reach his wife and couldn't stand living in the same house like strangers anymore. Emily inspires Mark every bit as much as she inspires Patricia, and he seemed a little quicker to respond. He saw what Emily needed and was ready to give her that long before Patricia was willing to admit it. He really got into the holiday spirit, buying the perfect gifts for Emily like a regular Santa's helper and excitedly putting up decorations. I just love how when the door opened a crack he eagerly walked through it, more than happy to soak up the love Emily gave and give it in return, as well as being there for Patricia when she was finally ready.

Emily was an absolutely adorable little girl who was a ray of sunshine in Patricia and Mark's lives. Even though she's been through a lot, she has a generosity of spirit and a peace about her that is like a gentle rain on this couple's parched souls. In fact, she touches the lives of so many people just by being herself. Emily's youthful wisdom reminds me of the Bible verse, “...and a little child shall lead them,” because she certainly did lead Patricia and Mark out of a very dark time in their lives and into a brighter future.

Since the main characters weren't familiar to me when I started The Christmas Hope, I wasn't sure if it had a direct connection to the first two books of the series or not. I was very pleasantly surprised when Nathan and Megan Andrews (The Christmas Blessing) showed up, eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child. Nathan also has another unexpected connection to Patricia which he slowly figures out when she brings another of her “kids” to him for treatment of a heart condition. Nathan is a wonderful doctor who is amazing with children. It's obvious that he's finally found his true calling in life. Another former protagonist, Robert Layton (The Christmas Shoes), also shows up in a brief cameo role.

It almost seems like Donna VanLiere has a preoccupation with death especially around Christmastime, but I have to admit that I really like the way she handles this ofttimes difficult topic. As someone who has had trouble with this issue, I can say that she really imparts an inspiring message about death being another step in life. It also wasn't quite as sad for me in The Christmas Hope, because no major characters were dying. In fact, I was surprised to find that this book actually had some lighthearted moments too, with characters gently teasing each other which made me smile. Overall, The Christmas Hope was a heartwarming story that was an inspiration to read, and I'm proud to put it on my keeper shelf to be enjoyed again and again during future holiday seasons. I love Donna VanLiere's way with creating stories in which the characters lives intricately intertwine in wonderful, miraculous and unexpected ways. I can't wait to see what's in store for the next book of the Christmas Hope series.
Profile Image for Nick-library .
15 reviews1 follower
December 14, 2022
One of my most loving feelings is celebrating Christmas holiday alongside with my whole extended FAMILY.., meeting with the newly Borns (niece and nephew) from different sister's and brothers and mostly sharing lovingly gifts (books) to every one of my niece and nephews
Profile Image for Dawn.
841 reviews42 followers
December 31, 2015
Although I've enjoyed the first two books in the series, so far, this one has been my favorite. It didn't make me cry like the first book (The Christmas Shoes), but I was really invested in what happened to the main characters in this story. Nathan, the young boy from "The Christmas Shoes" makes a few appearances during this story. I like how it keeps you updated on his life now as a doctor and I hope he is in the rest of the Christmas Hope series. This book makes you realize that God gives us hope to get us through the dark times. There may be events in your life that will make you not want to continue living, but God just might send you an angel to help you through and see the hope for your future. A beautiful story!
14 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2015
This one was definitely more tear jerking than the other ones but it is also more about children, which I have a special place for in my heart. It was beautiful and tragic and a book full of miracles. I also like how the author somehow ties all the characters together. So great!
Profile Image for Carole.
350 reviews38 followers
December 17, 2016
If you're in the middle of a busy Christmas season, and want a short, sweet, touching Christmas story, look no further! It's about loss, hope & love. It brought a tear or two, and touched my heart. The perfect December book!
Profile Image for Judy.
1,814 reviews26 followers
December 17, 2021
A moving story, but I get a little weary of so many sad stories. I loved The Christmas Shoes, and have enjoyed other books by VanLiere. For some reason this one didn’t seem as good. Maybe I’ve read enough Christmas books this year.
Profile Image for Loraine.
3,243 reviews
December 9, 2012
Once again Donna Van Liere has penned a lovely Christmas story. Just as Jesus came into the world to give us second hope, joy and light, Emily and Mia come into Patricia and Mark's lives at Christmas and lead the way to second chances, hope, peace, and light in the darkness restoring the miracle and true spirit of Christmas.
Profile Image for Betsy.
524 reviews88 followers
November 18, 2014
The Christmas Hope is the 3rd book in Donna VanLiere's Christmas Hope series. The story is touching and shows how God can bring hope into your life when you least expect it. Another good story. 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Laura Robinson (naptimereaders).
296 reviews177 followers
December 23, 2023
I have become the biggest fan of Donna. She knows how to write a Christmas book! And you WILL cry. Every. Time.

A beautiful story about a sweet couple who was in the verge of divorce due to the loss of someone close to them. But due to a little girl that had just become an orphan, their family can breathe again.

Adoption and foster care are talked about in this sweet story.

I also really loved narrator!! She did an amazing job! There were times I thought she was crying too!
I truly loved every single second of it. On to the next
Donna VanLiere book. ❤️
Profile Image for Lorraine.
1,346 reviews39 followers
December 23, 2020
I have found a new Christmas author I am now in love with. Donna VanLiere is exceptional! Her books are so tender and heart warming, for me she includes all the elements of what the holidays represent to me.
Profile Image for Dharshini.
8 reviews1 follower
December 6, 2017
These Christmas series books are cliche and designed to touch the heart strings, but in good way! Loved it! We all need a feel good pick me up book once in a while.
Profile Image for Staci.
2,046 reviews602 followers
December 4, 2015
What a heartwarming story! Another well done Christmas story by the author of The Christmas Shoes.
Profile Image for Chloe (Always Booked).
2,585 reviews131 followers
December 25, 2018
I really liked this book! 4.75 stars. This one is about Patricia Addison. She is a social worker who is in a struggling marriage. She lost her son years ago in a car accident (he was on his way home for Christmas) and her marriage fell apart when he died. They didn't know how to deal with grief and they let it destroy them. In present day, we see her interacting with some of the kids that are her clients. There is one in particular named Emily who really captures her heart. Emily's mom was a hard worker who was trying to do the best she could, but she was a single mom with no husband or family to support her. She did have their wonderful elderly neighbors who often took care of 5 year old Emily. One night it is their anniversary and she doesn't want to impose so she says she will find another sitter while she's at work. However, she can't find anyone else so she leaves Emily alone. She tells her when to go to bed and makes sure she's as safe as possible and knows not to answer the door, etc. but what she didn't plan on was dying in a car crash on the way home. Now Emily is left parentless and alone the week before Christmas. So, Patricia breaks the rules and lets Emily stay at her house. The 2 bond in such a beautiful way-- I loved reading it! What follows is the growth of what would end up being a mother/daughter relationship. They continue to bond and Mark (Patricia's husband) comes home and falls in love with Emily as well. She is such a blessing to them because she teaches Patricia that she can love a child like her own and it brings back the joy in her marriage. Throughout their time together, they have to take a baby, Mia, to the hospital because she's super sick and her foster mom can't do it. She expects to hear that its the flu or something like that, but turns out Mia has a heart condition that needs immediate surgery. Patricia and Emily visit her every day and Emily's little girl compassion is so sweet. I can just imagine her and I wanted to hug her! I totally can understand how Patricia and Mark fell in love with such a kind and empathetic little girl. Her doctor is none other than Nathan Andrews from the previous book. He and Meghan (the runner with a heart condition) are married and expecting their first kid (a little girl thats born on Christmas!). He was also the doctor that tried to help Patricia's son when he came in to the ER after his accident, but the connections aren't made until the end. He had been holding on to a gift that he found in the ER but didn't know who it belonged to. Come to find out it was a watch that the son had gotten Patricia so Nathan finally delivered it to her and brought her great peace (there was a note with it from her son).
In the very end, Mark and Patricia get back together and adopt Emily then shortly after they adopt Mia and live happily ever after. The lawyer that did their paperwork was Mr. Robert Layton from the first book (and a little in the 2nd book). Love how this series connects just enough!
Highly recommend-- can't wait to read on in the series! My only complaint is that Patricia was breaking the rules pretty severely by keeping Emily, even if it was over the holidays. She talks about how she could lose her job, etc. but then theres never any mention of consequences. Her boss finds out when she brings the adoption papers to him, but there's not even a mention of the risk. It seemed a little unrealistic, but I don't know enough about the job to know.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kate.
1,700 reviews56 followers
November 14, 2020
What a beautiful story! I love that Patricia and Mark were able to find hope even in the darkness, and realise that hope is always based on the greatest Gift our world will ever know.
(I also enjoyed the 'cameo' appearances of Nathan Andrews and Robert Layton!)
Profile Image for Kim. E..
282 reviews31 followers
December 30, 2017
In my prior life as a professional, I was a social worker and later an intensely trained clinician that provided special care to the most vulnerable and endangered in our human population. This book was not only a spirit of hope and love, but of the everyday miracles that come in this field.

This series has been the greatest surprise for me throughout this holiday season, and a gift I will hold onto so much longer than a new pair of pajamas or a piece of my favorite pie only served on Christmas Eve.

Family is messy, and we all do not live in Norman Rockwell paintings, but this series is the closest I have found. Next year this series will be sitting on my own bookcase, waiting for further discovery.
526 reviews11 followers
December 28, 2019
This story reads like a Hallmark movie. I could not help loving all of its characters. It is a story about healing, hope, and believing.

Profile Image for Alison Bos.
61 reviews
December 26, 2023
4.5 🥹 great quick and easy read. Perfect for around the holidays with such great lessons and meanings.
Profile Image for Kristi Wicks.
67 reviews6 followers
December 23, 2021
I enjoy reading her books as they often include Christmastime grief and I never tire of stories of people working through their grief
Profile Image for Sandra Nedopričljivica.
718 reviews76 followers
January 6, 2018
"Dear Mom, You always told me that the best Christmas gift I could ever give was the one I couldn't wrap - the gift of time."
It is true, indeed. Time spent with persons you love is definitely priceless.

I adore Donna's books, because she always brings hope, especially during holidays.

"The word which God has written on the brow of every man is Hope." (Victor Hugo)
Profile Image for Julie.
273 reviews4 followers
April 16, 2022
Another great Christmas book by Donna VanLiere!

Patricia is a social worker that is struggling with the upcoming Christmas holiday. In addition, she is in a strained relationship with her husband, Mark. Five-year old Emily is in a foster home but unfortunately the foster parents need Patricia to pick her up right away due to a family emergency. Since it is so close to Christmas Patricia is unable to find a foster home to place Emily so she takes her home. Emily ends up being the one that helps restore Patricia's Christmas spirit and saves her marriage.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
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