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Bitter Legacy #1

Bitter Legacy

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Detective Sergeant James Henderson of London's Metropolitan Police Murder Investigation Team is no ordinary police officer. His remarkable gut instincts and relentless detective work have put him on a three-year fast track to becoming an inspector. When the murder of barrister Maria Curzon-Whyte lands in his lap, he finds himself drawn back into the insidious world of London's privileged elite where men like James's father possess wealth and power enough to hold the law in contempt. As James navigates the promiscuous, secretive and corrupt spheres of the rich, the murderer strikes again. Soon James begins to fear that these crimes lead dangerously close to his own heart and home. And now, he risks losing everything he's made of his life unless he can expose the sordid truths that have bred this bitter legacy.

350 pages, Paperback

First published October 4, 2016

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About the author

Dal Maclean

11 books339 followers
Dal Maclean comes from Scotland. Her background is in journalism, and she has an undying passion for history, the more gossipy and scandalous the better. Dal has lived in Asia and worked all over the world, but home is now the UK. She dislikes the Tragic Gay trope, but loves imperfect characters, unreliable narrators and genuine emotional conflict in romantic fiction. As an author, and a reader, she believes it’s worth a bit of work to reach a happy ending. Agatha Christie, English gardens and ill-advised cocktails are three fatal weaknesses, though not usually all at the same time.
Her first book, "Bitter Legacy", was a 2017 Lambda Literary Award Finalist for best Gay Mystery, and was chosen by the American Libraries Association for their 2018 Over The Rainbow Recommended Books List.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 432 reviews
Profile Image for Judith.
724 reviews2,876 followers
February 6, 2017
5 Stars.

I've seen this one around a lot lately,I bought it a while ago but didn't immediately start it and I really don't know why because it's brilliant.I don't think I've read anything in a while that completely captivated me and once I started it I couldn't put it down.It's definitely one of those where you think,one more chapter and you're still reading it hours later.

For me,this was such a refreshing change to the MM books I normally read.Some of the characters are so flawed,so damaged but that just made it all the more compelling.

Jamie is a Detective Sergeant in the London Police Department.One of the good guys,he cuts quite a lonely figure.He knows he's gay but has never been with a man......that's about to change,in dramatic fashion,when he meets Ben.

Ben is stunningly beautiful and flirtatious.Men are drawn to him like a moth to light and once he's entrapped them they are powerless to resist and Jamie is no exception.When the current murder investigation Jamie is working on leads him to the apartments Ben lives in,Jamie is almost instantly captivated by Ben.Ben is looking for a flatmate,Jamie is looking for a new apartment so they find themselves living together.

Ben is highly promiscuous and is very open about it but the more Jamie is around Ben his common sense is non existent,he simply can't resist him.So when they become an item Jamie,stupidly,expects monogamy even though he knows exactly what Ben is like.

This was painful and heart breaking to read at times and while I was really enjoying it,at one point I did consider not going on with it..........Now the contentious issue....cheating

Was it cheating? Ben was totally upfront about his sexuality and never made any promises about being exclusive,but it still hurt to read.

Running along side the two men's relationship was an extremely good murder/mystery plot and just when I thought I'd worked it out,I found out I was wrong.The writing and story telling was truly captivating.Right up until the end I had no idea which way their relationship would turn out or the murder investigation.

This book is just brilliant,definitely one of my favourite reads so far this year.

Highly recommended.....
Profile Image for LenaRibka.
1,461 reviews425 followers
March 15, 2017
I'm soo glad that this book made a finalist of the 29th Annual Lambda Literary Award in the category Gay Mystery. And my review was the first one posted on GR!!! Congratulations, Dal!

WOW! WOW! WOW! What a brilliant debut!

Honestly, I didn’t expect to love this book as much as I do, when I started reading it. Already at 50% I knew it was a 5 stars read, at 80% I lost my connection to the outside world, at 90% I wanted to rush to find out what happened next and at the same time I didn't want this book to end, and at 100% I felt sad...because it was over.

Dear Mrs.MacLean, please, don't stop writing. With your brilliant book- I really can't believe that it is a debut novel!- you captured my heart and surely won a new fan.

It's not a secret that English is not my first language. (Here it will be a suitable opportunity to beg your pardons for all my orthographic and grammatical errors, but believe me, I always try to do my best), but I explained often enough, that my reading English is much better than my writing English, and normally I seldom use a dictionary while reading books in English. Bitter Legacy put my vocabulary to the test: I don't remember EVER, well at least for the last ten years, to use a dictionary that often as I did while reading this book. But instead of becoming frustrating and annoying by many interruptions of my reading process - especially at the beginning, because it took me some pages to get used to the author’s writing style, or better to say, to accept my questionable British(?) English knowledge - I was falling more and more in love with this EXCLUSIVE and beautiful writing, and I’d like to thank the author very sincerely for educating me in such a great manner.

This book is RICH in many many things: In language, wording, plot, emotions, intensity, character’s development, atmosphere and last but not least, in literary quality. In EVERYTHING. I.LOVE.EVERY.MINUTE.OF.IT.

It is not easy to review a mystery book, to talk about the plot without spoiling anything. In this book a mystery part and a romance part are so closely intertwined with each other that it is almost impossible to separate them. I am pretty sure that this book will satisfied both lager: an experienced gay mystery reader, as well as a passionate MM romance reader. It is one of those rare books where a quality of a mystery part throughout the whole story remains on a very high level while a romance part, a relationship DRMA (I mean it, really, but ONLY positive in this case!) becomes slowly but surely a dominant theme.

The sexual tension and a sloooooow build up between the main characters are exemplary!
I honestly didn’t expect this mystery novel to turn into such an intense love story.


A short insight into the story:

Detective Sergeant James Henderson, twenty eight, is very attractive. He is a very talented investigator with a mysterious background. (I’m not going to spoil you anything, but my guess at the beginning was that he had come out to his family and they threw him out. My suggestion was not completely wrong, though it turned out to be more complicated than just a coming-out-topic.)

In spite of his excellent investigating skills and remarkable instincts, he seems to be a bit out of place, a bit too posh within the walls of the Metropolitan Police. Who is this young man? A secret aristocrat or simply an intellectual cop?

What though is clear from the very first pages: he is committed to his career, he is a gay newbie, he lives in a shithole outside from London, and he tries, still without success, to find a new living possibility in the city he can afford. We all know how extremely expensive London is!

When Maria Curzon-Whytea, a young barrister, is brutally murdered at the entrance of her house, James Henderson has been assigned to the case, that attracts immediately a lot of media attention. But the case proves to be extremely difficult: the killer leaves no traces behind, it looks like whoever it was, is probably “forensic aware”, and James’ Murder Investigation Team checks every single lead they can get. Like a handwritten note with an address in a noble neighborhood of London. It appears to be a dead end again. Two of three tenants have never met the victim (at least it is what they claim), and the third one is out of country. But. There is a room to rent. And there is...Ben Morgan.

...twenty-eight, an openly gay freelance photographer, who makes most of money working on fashion shoot, and who happens to rent out a room in his apartment to pay the mortgage and who mistakes James for a visitor from his LOOONG list of those who interest in the room.

Now I have to stop.

I want you to find out yourselves what happens next. I want you to WANT to know what it is about.
I want you to read it and I want you to love it. Oh, and...I want you BADLY to feel it. Like I did.
I LOVE THIS BOOK SOOOOOOO MUCH, now it is your turn.

This book goes DIRECTLY to my favorite read-shelf.

I can't believe it is a debut novel!

I can't recommend it highly enough.

BRAVO MRS.MacLean!!!

***ARC provided to Gay Book Reviews by the author in exchange for an honest review.***
Profile Image for Baba  .
858 reviews3,964 followers
October 21, 2016
3.5 stars. Review posted October 21, 2016

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Considering that Bitter Legacy is a debut, it was well done and it kept me reading till the end.

I really liked the writing, though according to my tastes, there were too many analogies. Also, emotions and the characters' states of mind were described till kingdom come. Even though the storyline was engaging, I just wished it had moved forward at a faster pace and would have been less long-winded. Parts of the story came off as boring and the constant back and forth between Ben and James was bloody exhausting and pesky.

Very sad, indeed. Pathetic, indeed.

Ben cupped his jaw. "You're amazing."
"You're inflating both my heads," James managed.
"Someone needs to, Jamie," Ben returned. "Somebody needs to make you see you're incredible. You're wasting who you are."

Yeah, James wasted a lot of precious time and energy on Ben.

James was the equivalent of a cute devoted puppy Where was James's self-preservation, his self-awareness, his pride, and, most importantly, his self-love? He He made a choice even though I sometimes felt like he was kind of On the other hand, I wanted to yell at James to make his choice already.

The mystery as a whole was very good, but dragged at times. While I dug the

That Surely, though, one would think they wanted the crime solved as soon as possible. Also, if a (read the next quote), we can neglect the little fact that the ...

Arrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh. *bangs head on table*

Well, this provoked a strong reaction from me, alrighty. Fuck me sideways. Are you bloody kidding me?


...was the moment where it was very obvious to me who

As for the sex? It was good but there is definitely potential for improvement. It wasn't anything outrageously hot. I would also have liked better chemistry. By the way, some authors write fantastic smexy scenes without being overly explicit and I'm fine with that. I guess it's all about C'est le ton qui fait la musique.

It looks like the Gay World is spiked with men who're all out-of-this-world beautiful and physically perfect. To top it off, one has to struggle through incessant amounts of descriptions of how attractive and beautiful those guys are. I'm like, "Yeah, got it - let's move on now coz it's so bloody trivial." And, obviously, gay men are used to the term "lovely" to describe other gay men (a lovely big cock, a lovely torso, lovely green-blue eyes, and a lovely full mouth). I'm honestly past caring that every fictional gay guy (or hero) looks like the GQ Model of The Year. It's not why I'm reading, you know?

Bitter Legacy could have benefitted from better editing. Here are only a few examples for your perusal:

Fuck--he'd watched her only her hours before.

James looked away and grabbed of a set of prints lying on his desk.

"Let's say I'm not planning on pissing you off you any time soon."

The humiliation and anguish James felt seemed his just desserts.

if will help you. (…)"

He face twisted painfully.

The ending was the run-of-the-mill cheesy, rushed, and totally unbelievable happily ever after. Same as in 1,345,894 other books. That's not why I'm reading either.

Bottom line
I really liked it, but it is unfortunate that I did not end up loving it. This being said, I'm definitely interested to give this author another try.

If you can deal with , then go read it and make up your own mind.


While I was reading the book:

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First page and I knew I'd like the writing…

The quiet, innocuous, very expensive cul-de-sac sat tucked away behind the flashy roar of Brompton Road: on one side, an elegantly painted Georgian mews terrace, on the other, a red-brick monstrosity of doubtful lineage. Now though, two silent blue-flashing patrol cars disfigured the subdued wealth of the street. Garish-yellow crime-scene tape cordoned off a large area of the pavement in front of a shiny, black front door. All very vulgar.

I can't help and wonder how the author is going to handle this…

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“SHAFTAs,” he heard behind him. “Gay SHAFTAs actually.” James turned his head from the small forest of ornamental penises to listen to Nicholas. Somehow he managed to keep a straight face. “Soft and Hard Adult Film and Television Awards,” Nicholas went on airily. “You don’t get one without… believe me, Sergeant… a lot of hard work.”
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
March 26, 2020
5+++++++++ brilliant writing stars

Warning! Long review ahead Proceed with caution.

Unrequited love at its best.

This book! This fucking book!


But then he asked himself, brutally, how wanted was he when Ben had blown off their plans to have sex with someone else?
What had he thought anyway? That someone as spectacular as Ben would be as affected by James as James had been affected by him? That James, in all his embarrassing inexperience, would somehow stand out to him?

I can’t believe I postponed reading this for a long time. I kept chickening out every time I started reading it. Well huge mistake!


This book is perfection, and come to think of it this happens in RL.

The writing

It was perfection, and the flow from page to page kept me glued, and to think this is a debut novel, I just can’t wait to read more from this author. Fingers crossed the flawless writing continues.

That his father’s generational prejudice toward homosexuality had laced through his childhood and adolescence like dripped poison, and it had stunted him. That a childhood filled with expectation and little affection had stunted him.

The Characters


Oh my! what an amazing, complex, flawed,real character. I loved him. James the copper, who left his lavish lifestyle to join the police force. He is an inexperienced gay man who is just looking for a connection. So when he meets Ben during and investigation, he becomes enchanted with Ben’s charisma, and his beauty. And to say that was the beginning of a disaster will be the understatement of the year. At some point I wanted to smack James so hard and tell him he deserves better, then again, I did understand him. Ben was the first guy he was intimate with, he formed an attachment that was difficult to let go. James trying to convince himself that he was the one for Ben was so heart-breaking and difficult to read.

He hadn’t expected the touch of Ben’s long fingers on his bare wrist, a gesture of solidarity, or sympathy. It took all of James’s concentration not to stare at them, not to shake them off. The easy, casual touch felt alien to him.


Damn! Ben! Ben! Why Ben? Why? Agrhhhh! The beautiful, elusive photographer, flirty by nature character. I know guys like Ben, they are like magnets hard to resist, and James was no exception, I hated him so much, I wanted Jamie to revenge and hurt him so bad. I wanted to strangle him for treating James the way he did but I came to understand him, and i liked him a bit, he just wanted to be loved but was afraid of love.He was so insecure, self-deprecating and I pitied him. I am still not sure if I have fully forgiven him, because up to now I have not completely forgiven Jake for hurting Adrien. Maybe I will some day but for now Ben and Jake are on my shit-list of names


Ben had the ability to make anyone feel that they were the most important person in his world at a given moment—the definition of charisma. Galaxies out of James’s league.

The Chemistry

It was there from the first time these two meet. I felt it. The sex scenes were engaging and hot! Sensual and hurtful at the same time.
The first kiss, oh!

It felt different from the kisses he’d had with women, chemistry perhaps, but the feel of Ben’s mouth pressed against his own, the slow, liquid, confident lick of his tongue, the light prickle of evening stubble, sent a shuddering, uncompromising excitement through every cell. He’d never had a kiss that affected him so overwhelmingly, as if every hair on his body were rising to stand on end. His heart pummeled against his ribcage like a crazed bird. Everything felt unreal, distant.


The Mystery

Let’s just say for someone who has watched every British detective series known to man, this did not disappoint at all. It was right up my alley. Then I wanted to punch the author towards the end for what she did. It was Ned Stark all over again. I saw the hints, it was coming and i wished it away, I held my breath because No! No! No! just No!


My heart broke and I cried for the bad guy.. like really! I should have celebrated but instead I mourned and cursed the author.

A moment of silent for our beloved killer!


And let’s not forget Ingham what an amazing boss character, I ended up loving Sir.Magnus and Ben’s circle of friends.

Ok if I got through this I can get through the rest of Special Forces books. 😎 Ha!

Highly recommended! BUT if you cannot stand any form of cheating in a book, don’t read this you may be tempted to commit character murder.

This part made me so angry at Ben for being a dick and James for being so stupid that I had to put the book on hold and stay mad for a while: 😬😬

That’s all. Oh! And this!

He’d let himself hope again. In fact—he had to face it—he’d been hoping ever since Ben climbed back into his bed. He’d even thought deep down that Ben’s affection for his dog—the one he refused to replace—might be indicative of some capacity for singular, devoted love. But James had chosen to forget that dogs loved unconditionally. They didn’t expect anything back.
What had just happened had been almost as cruel and brutal an awakening as discovering Ben’s infidelity in the Trafalgar toilets. Now he wondered if Ben had set up both situations to show the truth to a man who refused to see or believe.
The humiliation and anguish James felt seemed his just desserts.
But he knew what he had to do.

Off to watch Isak and Even 😉😊 videos to calm down! And get back into reading mode.😇😇
Profile Image for Renée.
1,107 reviews379 followers
February 4, 2022
This is a debut novel????

What the hell did I just read? I'm still kinda gobsmacked if I'm being honest. Well done, Ms. Maclean. Well done, indeed.

I thought I knew where the story was going; every chapter I'd change my mind. And I was sometimes right, but mostly wrong. Talk about keeping me on the edge of my seat.

But see - at first I put this on my "Nope" shelf. The reviews say rampant cheating, and that is pretty much an automatic emphatic

But then more reviews started rolling in. And then some more. And everyone said "it's worth it." Right after they gave this book 4 or 5 stars. So I decided to take the leap. And my girl, Ele, totally held my hand while we read this together. Thank fuck for friends, cuz there were times where we were both imagining our Kindles in shattered pieces at the bottom of the nearest wall.

Was it worth it? Hell yes, it was. This book was anything but perfect. It's not all tied in a nice, little bow at the end. But was I satisfied? Abso-fuckin-lutely.

Jamie is a London homicide detective. And he needs a new flat. After moving in with Ben, he falls for him pretty instantly. What starts as a crush, giving into those feelings and lust, turns to more.

Nothing is ever easy, though, is it? Jamie is a serial monogamist, and Ben.....isn't. Let me be clear. Ben is upfront about this from the beginning. And Jamie is also upfront with Ben about what he wants in a relationship. You can, and probably will blame Ben for pursuing Jamie after everything initiates from Jamie's side. If he doesn't want to be monogamous, he shouldn't go after a guy looking for a relationship. Especially when that guy is a friend and roommate. You could also blame Jamie for being a doormat, knowing what to expect from Ben, and having unrealistic expectations for Ben anyway.

Ben had the ability to make anyone feel that they were the most important person in his world at any given moment - the definition of charisma.

Ben goes from sincere and caring most moments to the cold hard slap in the face that Jamie doesn't want to hear.

"The whole heteronormative....romance...monogamy thing. It's...We don't need to do that".

And Jamie, poor sweet delusional Jamie, his ex-girlfriend told him he was "emotionally innocent." And she was right. This is Jamie's first foray into any kind of relationship as an out gay man. He thinks just like I did with my first crush/feelings for someone as a teenager. So I gave him some leeway. Some.

He needed Ben, more than he needed him to be faithful. And how fucking sad was that?

But he wasn't a total doormat. He does stand up for himself. For his newfound self-respect. And I was really proud of him.

The entire time Jamie and Ben are doing their push-pull game, Jamie is trying to solve a string of homicides. It's how those homicides take a turn into Jamie's personal life that had me sitting up and paying close attention.

The first half of the book was spent on character development and relationship building with Jamie and Ben, and with Jamie's murder investigations. But it's the second half, and the last quarter in particular, where the WTF moments came into play. This author is a brilliant storyteller. I can't say anything else.

Ben is not like we're led to believe. Without giving spoilers, I will say I was satisfied with the way it played out. He's not innocent, but he's not a bad guy, either. And he may or may not have a jealous streak. I so love when Ben got a taste of his own medicine.

I will share that we definitely get a strong HFN. And I believe more of a HEA, thanks to the additional coda on the author's website. I don't forgive Ben, or Jamie frankly, for everything. But I definitely understand.

This author is officially on my radar. I can't wait to see what she writes next!
~BR with my bestie, Ele, because she loves me and wouldn't make me do this on my own.~
Profile Image for Gigi.
2,148 reviews1,034 followers
Shelved as 'dnf-not-4-me'
September 19, 2016
This book was not for me. Stopped at 60%. Massive spoilers, please do not read as it will most likely spoil your enjoyment of the book.

This is a relationship spoiler only.

I did skim to the end to see the resolution. Speaking only for myself, I was reduced to tears (sobs) at the progression of James and Ben's relationship. I really, really liked both men, but agree that if this book was glossed over to fit into my (small) M/M romance box, it would have been a different book entirely, given what happened to these men in the past.

It was too much for me to bare, but I know there will be a large fan-base for this book. It was beautifully written.

No rating since I DNF.
Profile Image for Nark.
700 reviews1,538 followers
October 19, 2021
4 stars.

this was a really solid, enjoyable read.

first of all, this had great writing and i definitely wanna check out more books by this author.

i’ve been having a lot of trouble lately finding books that would interest me and not bore me to tears by the 15% mark. so imagine my surprise when i got invested in this book from the very first chapter and actually got even more and more intrigued the more that i read.

i very quickly started to care about the mc James. he really is just such a good, kind-hearted person. it was really sad seeing him go through everything with Ben.

speaking of Ben… he’s basically the other mc in this book and the love interest, and i can honestly declare that i hated him for most of this book. the way he treated Jamie was so fucking heartless… but if you’ve read this book, i suppose you know why he is the way he is.

good news - i don’t actually hate him now that i know his full story and have finished the book lol. but honestly i still don’t really like him as a person.

speaking of Jamie/Ben and their relationship - if you want a romance heavy book, this isn’t actually a great choice. the romance we did get was infuriating and pretty painful tbh. unrequited love at its finest.

i’ve let this book marinate in my brain for a bit in the hopes that it would make me reconsider Jamie/Ben, but that didn’t really happen. i sadly still don’t really love their relationship, even if they do get their HEA and move on from the past.

me not loving the romance in this book didn’t hinder my enjoyment overall though. the mystery was pretty fucking great. this book is actually focused more on the mystery/crime solving more than anything, so if you’re not into that, you might not like this. i, however, loved the mystery and stayed up way too late reading just to finally get all the answers.

most people probably will see the plot twists coming from a mile away just like i did. but even if i did see them coming, it didn’t hinder my enjoyment. the way the author weaved everything together was pretty damn great regardless.

anyway, to sum up, this was a great book and i’m very grateful to the author for finally getting me out of my reading slump.🥰
Profile Image for K.J. Charles.
Author 63 books10.5k followers
August 29, 2017
This has got a lot of stellar reviews and I can see why. Good clear writing, very likeable central hero, extremely vivid setting, well paced. Astonishingly good for a first book, really assured. Very much an author with places to go.

Loved James, a wonderful character. Ben didn't work so well for me: Each to their own, though and it was very definitely nice to see a romance MC challenging heteronormative monogamy HEAs in principle, even if

But, though. Massive spoiler follows.

Heh. Lots to think about, and very much a book where the things that bothered me might not be an issue at all for others. It is a very good book, remarkable for a first novel, and I'm really looking forward to what the author does next.
May 13, 2020
Audio – 5++++ Stars. Gary Furlong’s performance made the wait on the audio worth it.

Story – 4 Frustrating AF Stars

The writing – 5 stars

The mystery – 5 stars

The romance – asshole meets doormat – 1 star
-I can deal with an asshole, but I have little sympathy for a doormat. As individuals, I really liked the MCs, as a couple…*rolled my eyes*

The villain – 5 stars…I felt sympathy and heartbroken for that poor soul, who, in my opinion, was also a victim.

I loved the epilogue, but it was too damn short. After putting up with ALL that MESS in ALL the chapters before, it left me wanting more.
Profile Image for mwana .
420 reviews222 followers
January 18, 2021
Once upon a time, a girl came upon a book blurb that seemed to make no sense. The premise was simple. A Met copper, DS James Henderson, is on the trail of a murderer who had killed two women. One of whom will put him in the crossroads of a seedy underworld worthy of an Elmore Leonard cameo.

Upon the happening of the second murder, “Soon James begins to fear that these crimes lead dangerously close to his own heart and home. And now, he risks losing everything he's made of his life unless he can expose the sordid truths that have bred this bitter legacy.

A girl shelved the book as maybe. And so it passed that the book was mentioned to her when she was in a reading slump by a well-wishing reading buddy.

“It’s like those Agatha Christies you love,” she said, “Only this time with the sex you’re always complaining about that it’s missing.”

However, the asexuality of Christie’s sleuths, victims and coppers isn’t so much a pet peeve so much as it is a girl is just an incorrigible horndog.

“What kind of sex?” a girl asked.

“The kind that will break your heart,” the reading buddy answered.

A girl still hesitated, “What kind of mystery is it?”

The reading buddy answered patiently, “Murder mystery dear.”

“Yeah, but what kind? Police procedural? Cozy? Noir?”

“It is a police procedural set in England dear.”

A girl felt patronized, so a girl kept the book shelved in the maybe pile. A girl was stupid.

When she finally got around to wanting it, she couldn’t afford it. In a karmic stroke of misfortune, no one was willing to buy her the book. Including the reading buddy.

“Just wait until you get your sodding pay check,” the reading buddy said.

A girl begged. It was ugly. Disgusting. Heart breaking.

“You’re just like the fools in that book. Wait for your pay check,” the reading buddy declared unflinchingly.

And so a girl waited. Then she bought it. It came. She read. And she saw. Agatha Christie would be proud. I think. A girl doesn’t talk with dead people.

A girl needs to go mend her heart. A girl couldn't figure out who the murderer was before DS Henderson. A girl hasn’t been this blown apart since Mufasa was thrown off a cliff.

Profile Image for CrabbyPatty.
1,676 reviews182 followers
August 7, 2021
I am stunned that Bitter Legacy is Dal Maclean's first published work. This is a complex work involving a series of murders in London investigated by DS James Henderson, interwoven with James' personal life as he navigates his first relationship since coming out as a gay man. There are no easy answers, no simple truths and nothing is as it seems.

If you are a fan of BBC police procedurals, this book is totally in your wheelhouse. DS Henderson is a young cop on a rapid trajectory within the South Kensington Murder Investigation Team. He has a quick mind and an intuitive grasp of police work and is heading up his first major investigation - the senseless murder of a young barrister. Through a weird coincidence, an address that comes up in their investigation solves James' search for a new flat, and he becomes the roommate of Ben Morgan, a black-haired gorgeous gay photographer with an entourage of friends.

I can't tell you more about the story or its impact as the plot unwinds ... and twists ... and leaves you feeling at one moment positive you know what is happening, and at the next completely stunned. James thinks at one point in the investigation:
But he couldn’t deny he’d sunk in deeper with these cases than he ever had before. [...] And always in his quietest moments, something nagging at him—something he told himself he should be seeing, except it danced just outside the corner of his eye.
And that feeling holds true for his relationship with Ben as well.

I highly recommend this book and give it 5+ stars. Read this book .... stick with it when you are ready to give up ... keep with it as it breaks your heart.

I received an ARC of this book from the publisher, Blind Eye Books, in exchange for an honest review.

Visit my blog, Sinfully Good Gay Book Reviews
Profile Image for Dia.
534 reviews145 followers
January 25, 2019

This book kept me glued to the pages from the first page to the last. So I've read it in one sitting.
I started reading it in one evening, planning to read only a little, but after a few slow chapters at the beginning I was so involved in the action that I found if super hard to put it down. I kept reading and reading until 4 AM, knowing well that I still need to go to work in a few hours. So that's how much I loved it!

I really enjoyed the suspense here. I knew the crimes had to be linked somehow and I just couldn't wait to discover the killer. Well even if I had a feeling who it might be, it still hurt in the end. So, so much! Crazy how much I enjoyed the character until the very end.

James - He was a great detective, well known for his good instincts. He was very dedicated to his work and had a non-existent personal life. His background isn't revealed until later. So I loved the mystery.

Ben - I really don't know how to explain how much I LOVED this character even if I wanted to kill him slowly so many times. There were SO many scenes that made me want to hug him and cherish him and tell him he is a wonderful photographer and doesn't need all that promiscuity to fill his life.
BUT I also was murderous because of his stupidity!!! I was SO angry with him!!! He definitely had an intriguing personality, he was very sociable and likable. You just couldn't NOT adore him. BUT, when he started to hurt James, repeatedly, I wanted him out of the picture so bad!

We get suspense, we get super HOT scenes, but we also get extremely painful scenes. My heart broke for James over and over again. I might sound crazy but I understood his choices. When you really love someone you're not thinking clearly. You just want to do anything in your power to have the person you love in your life. Anyway you can. It happened to me before so I know it's wrong and it's painful, but that's how our stupid brains just stop working! So it really was hard to witness his pain and the dynamics between them.

The ending was a little abrupt. We get unexpected surprises. Some were super hard to accept.

I would have wanted Ben to grovel more. But knowing his past and everything he suffered, I kind of forgave him. Kind of. Well not completely, but if James forgave him I am not complaining.

Brilliant writing. Brilliant development of the story and characters. It's one of those books that will stay with you for a long time, even if it's because it hurt you. But I think it is worth it. For me it worked. I'll be re-reading this book at some point and I am not a fan of re-reading. I already miss James and Ben!
Profile Image for Virginia Cavanillas.
Author 43 books172 followers
May 21, 2018
So good. So, so good.

Greatness in the storyline and in the mystery development, with the perfect amount of clues here and there. The perfect timing to introduce each one of them too and in a era where romance and a good thriller seems to be at odds with each other, finding a terrific suspense novel with some resemblance to Fincher’s work was refreshing and an awesome surprise.

Greatness in the couple, the angst, the exquisite rejection, the well written conflict, the unexpected in every day that goes by . You never know what James is gonna find every time he arrives home and that constant what now? keeps you there, invested and terrified about what is gonna happen next.
And James is gold. James is pure paradox. We have that vision of this brave cop, trusting in his guts, showing confidence and a smart attitude as detective, with a terrific instinct ... and then we see the reflection of this sweet lost man with a cute tendency to blush, naive, romantic, clueless about gay relationships... he’s such a good person.

When I surprised myself thinking about the characters, their smiles, the last moment shared between them I knew we were talking serious here.

When I started plotting how to take my kindle to the shower to use some extra minutes of reading is when I knew I was way lost in the story.

When I could visualize perfectly a police station, a street, a flat and even a photograph on the wall is when I knew a great author was delivering precisely that: greatness. So the writing needs some praises too, the oh so British writing. It was delicious and I could almost hear the accents, smell Ben’s cooking and get burned by the fire between the couple. I could picture myself perfectly in that Trafalgar pub, drinking pints, ebook in hand.

So yeah, GREATNESS everywhere. A more than highly recommend read. One of the best MM books I ever read.
I need more stories and plots like this. I need more of this kind of confrontations between my MCs. So, so good.

Reviews for Book Lovers

April 19, 2018: Christelle, this gift means so much! Thank you luv.
Profile Image for Kaje Harper.
Author 83 books2,637 followers
November 18, 2016
This is the kind of book you'd look for, when wishing that PD James's Adam Dalgliesh was gay. A solid police procedural mystery, with a handsome, educated, reserved, and honorable Detective Sergeant, whose first steps into life as an out gay man have to fit in around murder investigations.

James Henderson joined the police force in London despite total disapproval from his wealthy father, in search of something meaningful to do with his abilities. James has dedicated himself to his job - so much so that he hasn't made any time for a personal life. He's just reached the point where he needs more than the tiny flat he's been camping out in, and a narrow life with nothing but work colleagues in it.

When investigation into a murder case takes him to a nice flat, with a room conveniently for rent, he's tempted. When it turns out the flat owner and a neighbor are both attractive gay men, he's even more taken with the idea. Luckily, they are cleared enough of suspicion to let James feel all right about applying for the extra room. He moves in, and begins falling hard for his landlord and flatmate, Ben.

The murder case turns into two murders, which may or may not be related. The investigation drags on, through false leads and twists, and maybe another linked death. But while his professional life is frustrating and murky, James thinks he finally has a shot at a real personal life with Ben. Unfortunately, Ben has different ideas about what is going on between them, and what a gay man's life should look like.

James is headed for a collision of his dreams, his ideals, his job, and his newfound friends. And when he finally sees where the pieces belong, nothing may be exactly what he envisioned.

I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well done, the murder mystery was nicely twisty and filled with red herrings, and James is a very appealing main character. There was perhaps an overload of coincidences by the end, in tweaking the plot around through multiple surprise twists. But it was such a fun ride, with enough satisfying emotional depth, that I was happy to go along with it. There was a very nice balance of plot and character development, with just enough appropriately relevant sex scenes, to create a satisfying whole. Recommended for all fans of police-procedural mystery romance.
Profile Image for Kat.
939 reviews
December 26, 2017
1.5 It’s that time again! Dissenting opinion time!

My attempt to genuinely enjoy this book was effectively sabotaged by the author’s writing style, both the crime and romance plot, the main character, and the book’s length. And did I mention that price tag?

I go back far enough to have altered my expectations when it comes to the quality of writing in this genre. So I was pleasantly surprised when this author seemed to have made a serious attempt at writing well. Not for long. I’m fond of rich, somewhat dense writing (Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier is one of my favorite books). And rich and dense it was, but... something was off to the extent that I had trouble following the actual story; the commas and adjectives riddled sentences constantly tried to gallop away from me. Independently, each sentence was actually alright? It’s when they're thrown together that you not only end up with a 250 pages too long book, but also with a needlessly exhausting reading experience.

”James had been in awe of his generosity, but Scrivenor had confided that the endless reforms imposed by the Met since he’d joined had long since left him ready to accept his career could be leapfrogged by an influx of prima ballerinas at any moment. (...)Unfortunately for him, James’s attempt at cultivating a “just another copper” demeanour had never quite recovered from the ingratiating gesture he’d made on his first day at the MIT, when he’d made the basic mistake of buying a pair of expensive lattes for Scrivenor and himself, from a branch of Costa on the way to work, rather than grabbig two bog-standard coffees from the vending machine in the corridor.”

Curiously enough, the author’s writing style might be somewhat smarter than your average M/M romance, the actual characters and their behavior are childlike in their simplicity. The author relies entirely on two elements to bring across chemistry and push the romance between her MCs: 1) her MC’s physical reaction to his love interest: he blushes & flushes and “freezes like a cornered rat” whenever he’s confronted with the other guy, and 2) the love interest’s “disturbing beauty”. Among many other spectacularly appealing features, he has “fine-pored skin, insanely thick black lashes, full pink lips” and... you get the picture?

The author made me get it. Repeatedly.

On top of that, the love interest’s friends are all “unnaturally attractive” as well. In turn, they find the MC outrageously handsome too, what with his “most amazing silver dark-ringed eyes” etc. etc. There is therefore such an—unexpected—infatuated teen feel to Bitter Legacy: it’s like reading a Stephenie Meyer novel in disguise.

Anyway, I was buddy reading this book with DD and the MC got on both our nerves so much that I have depleted frustrated GIFs on Telegram. Here we have another author who makes that common mistake of creating a MC who’s told to be a smart cookie, a high potential: he’s a 28 years old cop who’s on the fast lane to success. Unfortunately, whenever he so much as receives a telephone call from his love interest his face turns as red as a Baboon’s butt. These are all quotes from one single page (the MC is casually being asked the apparently heart-stopping and impertinent question if he's seeing anyone).

“The “heat of his face could fry an egg”, “blood flooded his neck and face“, “his mortification was still so intense his skin was actually prickling like a heat rash”, “his flush deepened like a Victorian virgin.”

And that last line, I think, quite nicely captures the essence of the issue: the author does make her so-called tough copper MC into a Victorian virgin (on a side note: when someone tells the MC he’s an “adult actor”, the MC replies with “as opposed to a child actor?” then blushes & flushes ketchup red when he’s set straight). In the real world, I’m pretty sure a tough street-wise copper + blushing & flushing boy are mutually exclusive concepts.

Also, I don’t think grown-ass men who freak out when you're in close proximity and who've never even heard of the concept “adult actor” can be good in bed, but of course that’s just an assumption.

Add to that the fact that the crime plot is dull as dishwater—what do I care about some Jane Doe who’s murdered by some John Doe killer and a MC who’s only partly invested in the investigation because of his unearthly gorgeous crush?—and I’m biting the dust.

To think that I didn't even make it to the cheating and doormat antics.

Earlier ramblings
Just when I'd paid 8 euros for this, I was pointed out this cheesy-ass quote from the book:

Ben cupped his jaw. "You're amazing."
"You're inflating both my heads," James managed.
"Someone needs to, Jamie," Ben returned. "Somebody needs to make you see you're incredible. You're wasting who you are."

Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,716 followers
November 18, 2016
This is a tough one to rate.

The writing and mystery elements on this one were top notch. As for the romance....

And normally I don't care for romantic suspense books that lack in the romance department. So the fact that I am still willing to give this one 4 stars says something about the writing and the suspense aspect.

This book will not be for everyone.

There is "cheating". I use that term a bit loosely though. I could forgive this aspect in some regards. Ben is the cheating MC and we don't get his POV. And honestly Ben gave no indication to Jamie that they were in any kind of relationship, that they were serious, that they weren't just sleeping together.

We do get Jamie's POV and it's apparent how he feels about Ben. It was big time insta-love on his part. And he was a doormat. Does that make the cheating okay? No. Does it mean I was okay with it? No. I really liked Jamie.

I guess I read this one more for the mystery aspect....which had me guessing to the very end.

Not for one minute did I believe in Ben and Jamie as a couple. Nor did I believe Ben's personality change at the end of the book, despite the things that were revealed. In fact, at one point I had hoped that Ben might end up being the bad guy.

That's never a good sign.

This was a long book. 8,000+ locations and not once did I want to skim or quit. So take that as you will....

I would definitely read this author again, I just hope the romance aspect is improved.
Profile Image for JAN.
1,198 reviews919 followers
February 4, 2017

What a fabulous journey! And to think that I almost skipped it! Thanks to Simone, Ariana and Judith for the little push with their reviews.

Cutting to the chase:
Bitter Legacy was an overdose of feelings. Euphoric feelings with WTF moments, hysterical feelings, anxious feelings, rage feelings with WTF moments, compassion feelings, tenderness feelings, sadness feelings, thrilling feelings, did I mention the WTF moments?? yes? ok but I want to do it again because What.The.Actual.Fuck!?

I was utterly drawn to Jamie, overwhelmingly connected. I felt him with my heart.

The other MC - Ben - left me growling like a rabid dog.

Despite the completely opposite reactions, they hit me with the same extent of passion. 

With Jamie, my passion went to the extent of wanting to take my heart out and handing it over to him.

Whereas with Ben, the passion drove me to the extent of hysteric rages.

It hurt me so much when Jamie tried to keep up with Ben’s wicked life style.

Not him though. He didn't play it well and that's the reason it was so painful to watch that.

There were no dull moments plot wise. In fact, It was all too much, but in a very good way. The result was powerful, intense and overwhelming.

The secondary characters were meticulously crafted and I want to mention how much I liked them all. Kudos to Ingham as we rarely have a chance to see a leading female boss in a predominant male world.

####From now on this review contain spoilers####

Now, let me show you my ugly side. I basically went until the end of the story rooting for the beautiful moment where I would finally see Ben crawling and begging for a chance with Jamie. But my pitiful feelings have changed of course; at the very end, when it all came to light.  I don’t believe you can delete memories of your first 9 years of life, especially when what you have lived through was so out of sorts. I am not talking about parental neglect here. I am talking about a bat shit crazy hold-on-your-bits-I-am-going-to-cut-your-balls-out mother.

Can we forget this kind of abuse with a brand new set of lovely parents? Fuck, no! These memories will get tattooed on your skin, mind and soul.  Somehow it will shape you for better or worst. For this reason, I don’t believe Ben being the result of it, volatile and promiscuous the way he was, would have changed in a blink.

That being said, I love a book that can make me feel the way Bitter Legacy did, tying me in knots like a pretzel, toying with my emotions effortlessly. Therefore, despite my criticism about wishing a bit more time to assimilate Ben’s transformation in the end I will give it 5 Stars, because it’s a remarkable story. Its impact was too big to get less than that. It will stay with me for a while.

If I recommend it?

Profile Image for Teal.
608 reviews236 followers
November 16, 2021
That was grueling.

James and Ben, the couple from hell. I don't respect human doormats. I don't respect manipulative users. And when two such people come together in a massively unbalanced relationship, I have no sympathy whatsoever for their tedious and immature dramas. No sympathy, no respect, no patience, no interest.

Ugh. I spent the entire book wishing them apart. My idea of an HEA would have been for them to separate immediately after meeting and never cross paths again. Or, alternatively, die slow and horrible deaths.

This left me so drained that I don't have much energy left for a review. I will say that the characterizations felt off. James, a former party-boy turned homicide detective, is a constantly-blushing virginal ninny with the emotional fortitude of a delicate flower. And Ben, who constantly turns the tables on James by playing the sad-eyed victim whenever his actions hurt James — such that James rushes to make excuses for Ben's appalling cruelties — and then emotes powerfully about how Ben is such a good, kind, caring, decent man — aaagh, I lost my place in that sentence but suffice it to say that Ben is a worthless piece of shit and Jamie is a delusional moron and I hated every minute of their pathetic excuse for a relationship.

Oh yeah, and there was a mystery in there too.

Normally this would have been a DNF for me, probably at about the 25% point, but I had personal reasons for wanting to finish it — so finish it I did. Now I'm pathetically grateful it's over, and grateful too that I managed to refrain from throwing my Kindle across the room. I limited myself to shouting obscenities instead. Scared the cat, but saved the Kindle.

*whispers: It's over. It's over, Teal. You're free now. Go crawl under the covers and let the healing begin.*
Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
725 reviews42 followers
December 12, 2016

First of all, if there is one thing I hate in my books it would be cheating. I could instantly name you two quite popular series I will probably never read because of this fact alone. So you can imagine that I was more than just a little bit torn about reading this book. I have read other reviews that mentioned exactly this would happen here, but two of my close friends were absolutely thrilled and I resolved –although a bit reluctantly at first- to give it a go since there is always the option to give up.

Hahaha, that was a good one, Simone! No way I could have put this book down, once I picked it up. I was hooked from the beginning and absolute determined to pull it through, no matter what. The main reasons were the great writing style for one thing, although I have to admit that at first I had some issues with the Scottish accent of Jamie’s partner. It took me a while to juggle the strange vowels into the pronunciation I’m used to. ;-)

On the other hand there is Jamie…

Hotshot Detective Sergeant with the London Police Department and on a fast-track promotion to Detective Inspector. He is working on a murder case that is getting more and more complex by the minute and ends by pure chance as Ben’s flatmate while following a lead. I loved Jamie from his first appearance. He is gay, but very unexperienced on this matter and desperately searching for friends outside from work with who he can be himself. He virtually radiates loneliness and his situation leads to a kind of insta-attraction for Ben I could totally relate to, by the way. Ben’s description alone made me almost drool all over my Kindle… ;-)

Jamie fells really hard and fast and initiates a sexual relationship with Ben, although he knows about Ben’s affairs with other men. Of course he hopes for more and quite honestly, who would not? His struggle to make this relationship work was sometimes quite hard to take and needless to say that I was really mad at Ben for making Jamie suffer. Ben’s ‘cheating’ was no reason for me to give up on this book, though. For me, cheating requires an established relationship to start with and at no point Ben implies being in a relationship with Jamie. We only get Jamie’s POV and he simply assumes this being the case. Well, this does not make it any easier and I hated that Jamie got hurt in the process, but somehow from the very beginning I had a feeling that there is more to Ben than he lets on, regarding his personality, but also his feelings for Jamie. It felt as if he wanted to keep Jamie at distance because his own feelings were too deep and he wants to assure himself that he would be in control over his emotions that way. The only way to accomplish that for him would be to lash out. As I learned towards the end I was right and the reason for his behavior is evoked by and buried deep in his past. Of course that is no excuse, but I could empathize somehow…

As for the case, the murder investigation is just that, an investigation. You get no wild pursuits (okay, maybe except for one) and no overly nail-biting situations, but solid police work with lots of footwork, internet research, interviews of witnesses and so on. Nevertheless, I was a nervous wreck when the case hits very close to home for Jamie and the resolution of the investigation almost wrecked me. I never hated so much being right about a killer and I probably never had so much compassion for one, either. He almost broke my heart…

What I loved the most about the ending was that Jamie and Ben got a second chance at their love, even though it felt more like a solid HFN than a HEA, but still… I hope to see it turn into a HEA someday.

Highly recommended!

This review has been posted on Dirty Books Obsession
Profile Image for Ariana  (mostly offline).
1,511 reviews70 followers
February 16, 2018
*5 stars +++*

Reread Feb 2018, a year after the first time and this is still as brilliant as the first time round. In fact I had to add a few +++ after the 5 stars. As always rereading was a joy, allowing time to closely look at both, the mystery plot and James and Ben's relationship.

Here is my original review:

My first book of the year and I’m slayed. This was awesome!

I can honestly say I was reading most of it with my fingernails firmly gripped to the edge of the sofa. And that’s only for the brilliantly executed crime plot. Bitter Legacy is – by all means and purposes - a proper Whodunnit, nothing shy of an Agatha Christie, Hercule Poirot etc etc. novel. Suspense and tension kept me totally hooked throughout, leaving me seriously impressed by Dal Maclean’s writing and ingenuity.

And then of course, there are Ben and James. The chemistry between them is off the charts right from the first time they meet. I could feel electricity crackling in every pore of their existence (not even to mention the sizzle and steam in their sexual encounters).

For James, who has never explored his life as a gay man, that attraction quickly turns into more, and he has no idea how to deal with it because he is a virgin in pretty much everything, even down to just meeting gay guys!

James, aka Jamie, is the sweetest, most genuine and honest guy you could ever meet, and his feelings for Ben are as sweet and real. Unfortunately it is clear (to us) from the beginning that something isn’t quite right about Ben and the way he behaves round James. Sigh. And yes. This is the BIG issue in this book.

There is a LOT of cheating. And it hurts. Even though Ben tries to be ‘honest’ with it. As funny as this may sound. You would think that James, being a cop and an utterly sensible guy otherwise, would just see the light and tell Ben to f*** off. That’s what I wanted him to do. It is not as easy as that.

Be prepared for huge heapfuls of anguish, gut-wrenching soul searching and acute emotional agony. I actually might have thrown something at 60% (it was not my kindle). I admit to shouting at James. I admit to hating Ben. I admit to gleefully watching on when it seemed that he might get some of his own medicine.

But then, when we find out what happened in his past, and why he lives like he does, you can’t help understanding. And feel for him. Still, I must say that James has a heart the size of a universe. So big and open and full of shiny stars. (Sorry. LOL. He really is THAT awesome, inside and out! ) I reckoned, if he could forgive Ben, then so could I. And so I did. There really is a VERY good reason for Ben’s actions. So don't throw the towel too soon, even if you hate cheating.
And in a way it is not even 'real' cheating because Ben makes very clear from the beginning what he is about and the two men are not in a committed relationship. (doesn't mean it hurts less for James!!!)

I would have given a lot to be in Ben’s mind. I would have loved to know what torment he goes through during his relationship with Ben. It might have helped further to see the good side of him.

This is an amazing debut for Dal Maclean. Bitter Legacy is brilliantly thought out, beautifully angsty and intensely emotional.

Profile Image for Mo.
1,390 reviews2 followers
February 5, 2017
4.5 stars

Some books leave me with a splitting, stress headache. This was one of them. Dear Lord, talk about being put through the wringer - yes, parts of the book annoyed me and I felt like giving up a few times. But overall, a fantastic read. Not going to say too much. Better off just going in blind, like I did.



"There is a difference between not being able to love, and not having the guts to try."

Romance, a love story? It is much more than that.

Sorry if I am being a bit vague but you are better off not knowing too much.

Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
February 6, 2017
Brillante. Soy lectora de novelas de misterio desde hace muchísimos años y por eso suelo evitar los libros de romántica que tienen trama policiaca, lo más habitual es que sea muy débil por no decir ridícula y al final lo que haces es leer de corrido hasta que llegas a las partes románticas. Vi las buenas críticas que tuvo Bitter Legacy cuando salió, pero no me animaba, hasta que al final leí una de alguien de la que me fío mucho y decidí intentarlo. Qué buena decisión, uno de los mejores libros que he leído con trama de misterio y de romance entrelazadas.

No quiero decir nada del plot, en este caso los posibles spoilers serían más que molestos. Tan solo comentar que el libro me ha parecido muy inteligente, muy complejo y muy emotivo. El misterio está muy bien trabajado, con mucho detalle, realista, en ningún momento sospechas todo lo que está por venir, puede que alguna idea suelta, pero nada más, hubo momentos en que me recordó mucho a los libros de Elizabeth George con toques de Agatha Christie. Por otro lado, y entrelazada de una forma brillante, la autora siempre consigue mantener la novela balanceada, está la historia historia de amor. No es una historia de amor convencional, no es lo que estamos acostumbrados a ver, me imagino que habrá muchos lectores que hayan levantado el grito en el cielo, pero yo encuentro que tanto Jamie como Ben, sobre todo el primero, es fiel a sí mismo, es fácil comprenderle, entender lo vulnerable que podemos ser, las decisiones equivocadadas que podemos tomar, leyendo a Jamie debo confesar que ha habido momentos en que se me ha caído la lagrimita. Ben es más complicado, hasta que deja de serlo, hubiera sido bonito tener su POV, pero eso habría implicado que no descubriríamos todo poco a poco con Jamie, siendo su cómplice.

No me voy a cansar de recomendarlo, y a todos los que lo habéis leído, no os olvidéis leer el Coda que tiene la autora en su web, es maravilloso leer cómo Jamie y Ben avanzan en su relación.

Profile Image for Ele.
1,312 reviews40 followers
January 9, 2017

~BR with my Renee, because I couldn't have done this on my own. Her review says it much better.~

I'm stunned that this is a debut novel. STUNNED! I would have never guessed. The writing is superb, and the mystery gets 5++++++ stars. What a freaking wild ride. Surprising at every turn, and masterfully crafted. I'm still speechless with how the mystery resolved.

Now about the romance...hmm...not sure I'm convinced. I understand Ben, and the ending was lovely. But I'm not sure I believe this change of heart from a man who, unnecessarily and insensitively, kept hurting Jaimie, claimed that he liked the way his life was, and sprew out this bullshit about gay men "not needing the monogamy".

In any case, this was good stuff. I'm definitely looking forward to reading more from the author.
Profile Image for Line.
1,082 reviews164 followers
June 25, 2019
Normally a book with this kind of MC, would be a DNF or a very low rating for me.
At one point I was SO ready to throw this book away and call it quits, but I kept reading because of the case and because I hoped that James would find some BALLS somewhere.
I ended up LOVING it, even though this story was a rollercoaster-ride (with a lot of dizzying loops along the way) from beginning to end...

So James is a cop in London. He's a good-looking guy from a posh background, he's gay, he's smart and he has a very good intuition for solving crime. James has a strained relationship with his father, which I actually kind of liked in this story. All in all, James is a GREAT MC, or he was, until he meets Ben.
Ben is everything I hate in a MC; he's a liar, a cheat, a manipulator and so freaking selfish!
They meet when James is investigating the murder of a barrister from one of the more well-off families in London.
When James rings Ben's doorbell (a case of clumsy fingers) he is also looking for a new place to stay, and what do you know, Ben has an available room...
So James moves in, and they start up some sort of 'thing'... This is where my hatred of Ben started, and where I lost most of my respect for James.

The reason I kept reading, even though I had some serious hateful thoughts towards Ben, was the murder case.
I have ended up in a MM-mystery-detective-hole, and I really don't want to leave.
This story was a great mystery; I had no clue where it was going, and the descriptions of London, the surrounding characters and James (mostly) had me HOOKED!
I don't want to spoil anything from the murder case, since that was the reason I kept reading, so for future readers please note: great mystery, HORRIBLE MC.

And then, then we neared the end, and I was gobsmacked and thrilled and impressed!
THIS, THIS is what I want in a mystery!
If Ben had been more likeable it would have been a CLEAR 5-star read for me, but I came soooo close to putting the book down, and that's a problem when it's one of the MCs and not the 'bad guy' who provokes those feelings.

However I did finish, and I'm glad I did.
I'm hoping this will be a series, if it does, the next one will be a one-click buy for me... Holy shizzle a ride!
Profile Image for Bev .
2,080 reviews460 followers
October 13, 2020
All the stars, because hellooooo mother of all book hangovers! Gah, this book!!! Truly amazing and one of the best MM books I've read. Angsty AF, push and pull AF, gorgeous characterisation, suspense that kept me guessing and great writing, even though this book left me absolutely knackered with Ben's antics.

Freaking LOVED it!!!!!
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews165 followers
November 12, 2021
Wow. This book completely blew me away. I made the mistake of reading too many reviews and I am annoyed that it might have altered my reading experience, so
dont do that. I still loved every page but I wish I’d have experienced it blind.

The murder investigation was so good. So real. So many leads. So many dead ends. I really felt their frustration and despair, how time was running and they couldn’t pin the murderer down.

The romance. I loved it. It was obsession more than love. It was so toxic. I loved everything about it. I love reading about love so intense, you lose yourself. You lose your mind. It’s fascinating and it really tugs at my heartstrings. Toxic relationships are my jam, don’t judge me.
Profile Image for Sofia.
1,269 reviews256 followers
February 4, 2017

Anger was inner pain turned outwards

I've just finished the last half of this very aptly named book on a marathon read today. And now I feel happy, sad and exhausted. Maclean took me with her Jamie on a journey through the human psyche, why we persist with wanting what hurts, why we obsess, why we hurt, why we get angry, why we love, how we continue, survive.

After grabbing me and holding me hostage to this book Maclean took me on a ride of clues, signals, perceptions, interpretation, manipulation, doubts, like, dislike, love, hate, sorrow, sadness, happiness. Am I willing to let her do this again, oh yes please ..................

Good writing that touched the right spots for me. With growth in both characters and story with all it's twists and turns. She was able to mirror the story in her characters and I found myself examing each and every aspect because she made them all matter. It's like being in a hall of mirrors and seeing fragments of the picture which is then given in whole in a gran finale. In her bio Ms Maclean mentions her love of Christie and it is in one particular Christie Mrs. McGinty's Dead that I see her influence reflected here. Bravo. I'm quite willing to suspend belief in reality and believe in happy resolutions for her brand of writing.

Great great read with Ira

Profile Image for Mark.
357 reviews165 followers
October 4, 2016
Oh my goodness, this book………. I mean………. THIS BOOK! If you don’t read any other book for the rest of this year then you have to read THIS BOOK! That’s my mantra - THIS BOOK - I’m sticking to it and making no apologies. Why all the excitement? Well, when you pick up a book from a debut author introducing her first book you always take a chance. However, no risk no fun, right? After reading the first chapter I was shouting from the rooftops with joy! I had already decided that unless something totally disastrous happens, unless there is a total apocalypse, then THIS BOOK for me shot right to five stars without passing go! It’s such a rare and precious thing when I feel so sure about a book being a huge hit with me so soon. But when it happens it’s like striking gold. THIS BOOK is pure gold; my precious!

The book begins with the discovery of a body in London that has been strangled. Nothing really new there to start a murder / mystery book with a dead body. A plot ploy that has been used time and again. It throws the reader straight into the thick of things and it introduces our main character Detective Sergeant James Henderson perfectly. However, as always in life, it’s not what you do but the way that you do it! The writing style is like none other I have read, powerful, evocative, descriptive but not too much, an exquisite use of language and sentence construction. A masterful style as the author plays her reader like a puppet with her easy, professional and well rounded narrative. A style that I can’t even begin to sing its accolades loud enough. I bow to this author’s talent. It is as good as, if not better than any big, mainstream, best selling author I have ever read. Where have you been hiding all this time Ms Maclean? So thrilled you have decided to share your unbelievable talent with the rest of us. One book and I’m already a die hard fan! I couldn’t believe that this is a debut author. Yes, as I said……. struck gold!

DS James Henderson is one of the fast tracked, high flyers on the force and a member of the murder investigation team in his part of London. However, there’s no arrogance with him, he is immediately likable, just a hard working kind of guy doing the best he can at his job. He is “out” at work and that’s no issue. I think today on the police force in the UK there is no issue being gay and found it totally correct from the author not to make this an issue. Gives the reader the chance to concentrate on the murder / mystery itself. Just a man doing his job and his sexuality not playing a role in that discussion anymore. I loved the myriad of characters on his team, his boss Ingham who is feisty, hard but fair. His colleague Scrivenor, a rough around the edges Glaswegian, but with a heart the size of a big cuddly bear, someone who is older than Henderson but with a lot of experience who got to where he is by doing things the hard way. Oh and he constantly gives Henderson some good natured ribbing too! Then there is Sameer who is intelligent, quick off the mark and a whiz at digging up information. I loved the dynamics of this team and could just feel how well they all worked together while trying to solve the murder cases turning up on their beat.

James is looking for new digs as where he’s currently staying isn’t very nice but trying to find something affordable in London that is decent and not a shit hole is almost an impossible task. His investigation takes him to a house in a nice part of town and while he is there meets one of the flat owners, Ben Morgan, who has a room to rent. Ben is interested in the room but he is obviously more interested in the charismatic Ben Morgan. James is a gay newbie in many respects, due to his family background and expectations he had tried and failed miserably at the whole pretence needed to have a wife, 2.5 kids and a golden retriever. Therefore he had turned his back on his family, doing his own thing and being true to himself. Needless to say daddy was not best pleased, especially when we learn who is father actually is. But by end of the book there is some heart warming closure on that front. But I’m side tracking, back to charming Ben.

This is where the relationship that develops between Ben and James becomes just a big mind fuck. As tortured and twisted as the murder investigation itself. James is drawn to Ben like a moth to a flame. He sees something in Ben that is irresistible, sexy, hot and totally desirable. And he is! Ben also had me drawn in hook, line and sinker. When these two get it on it’s off the heat scale. But what do two people do when they want completely different things? James is a one man guy and wants the traditional loving and caring relationship. Ben doesn’t believe that men can be faithful and wants an open relationship. So there we have it! This leads to an emotional roller coaster ride, especially on the side of James. James is prepared to give it a go, although trying to cope with Ben’s lifestyle it feels like he sells a part of his own soul, comprising his own integrity and moral codex which causes him a lot of internal hurt and suffering. He tries to be the stoic copper about it all but even the police are human beings with feelings which can hurt. Well, needless to say that things don’t go well, James is hurting, frustrated and before he gets hurt anymore decides to call it a day, move out and concentrate on his work.

Ben was the mystery for me though, although he says he doesn’t believe in monogamy, is open about it with others and James, I always got the feeling that there were depths to Ben that yet have to be uncovered. Does his belief against a traditional relationship come from a more deep rooted cynicism? Is he just afraid of commitment and all the responsibility that comes with it? What influences were there as a child, / young adult to give him his set of values or lack of he has today? No one can say he is not true to himself but what happens when others get hurt? He seems to be oblivious to the trail of emotional shipwrecks he leaves in his wake. Cheating? No, how can it be when he’s totally open and honest about it. However, I just kept getting that feeling that despite all he says and the way he behaves there’s something lying under the surface that Ben isn’t telling. James also senses this but drives him to despair in the meantime trying to crack this nut open. As the story unfolds Ben’s layers are gradually peeled back one by one and by the end we get to see the whole Ben.

He always manages to make James feel wanted and loved, brings him around to his way of thinking and then goes off with other guys. No wonder the breaking point came with James after a certain amount of time.There is only so much James could take. From James’ perspective the relationship was seriously psycho, just when you think it’s safe to go back into the shower……… the next surprise is waiting around the corner to give you a good slap in the face. However, Ben for me was NOT unlikable as a character either, to be honest I loved him. He is a complete charmer! So there we have it once again! Paradox. A relationship that is intricate and complex, as infuriating as it is tender and loving at times, just when you think it’s on it’s off, leading down so many dead ends it kind of mirrored everything that was going on with the murder investigation.

I LOVED the way this whole book is plotted. The murder / mystery is realistic, at least for me, in the very best British tradition of all those TV shows like Taggart, Inspector Morse, The Bill, Silent Witness etc. All murders solved, the killer caught and oh my what a final scene. Could I understand the motive of the murderer? Totally! I actually felt sorry for him in a way. A pure victim of circumstance. It would still never excuse his deeds though. The plot is detailed and challenging, keeping the reader on their toes all the time. First the MIT team think they have their suspect, question him, then they don’t , then they do. A lot also revolves around James' almost sixth sense with people, always getting the feeling that something doesn’t add up which brings him to another revelation in the investigation. He drives his boss Ingham, who I adored, absolutely potty. Just when she thinks everything is hung cut and dried she has to go back upstairs to explain to the top brass that maybe it’s not all over yet. Loved it. However, she believes in his talent and that's why she put him in charge of this investigation. All brilliantly plotted out and crafted. As far as motives are concerned all plausible and enough there to lead anyone down the wrong path.I defy anyone who can say or work out who the murderer is in this story before at least 75% of the book has been read. But even then, just as you think they have their man, James has one more last minute revelation that turns everything on its head and the final twist in the story had me on the edge of my seat until the very end. SUPERB!

The romance and murder / mystery part is well balanced out. I love it where a book doesn’t try to give the one or the other more importance. A true romantic thriller in all senses.

So what about any HEA for Ben and James? Is there one? Well, the only thing I’m going to give away is …… yes there is! So no worries for all those readers who need a HEA. You’ll get it, it’s a long time in coming and it may seem absolutely impossible at times, but it happens and makes it all the more worth it.

At the end of the day after everything has been said, I’m sure you have the general idea if you’ve read my review this far. Don’t delay, go get yourself a copy and read……………..THIS BOOK!

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Profile Image for Lisazj1.
2,072 reviews181 followers
February 6, 2017
*Spoiler warnng* I made them public, but do not read my kindle notes if you didn't read the book, because I highlighted a whole freaking lot of book and they are spoilery as fuck. Just sayin'.

Holy bleeding hell. No exaggeration, I am fucking shredded. So I am going to review later but right now I just cannot. Briefly though. This is brilliant, in its entirety. Everything. The characterizations, and not just the MCs, the plot, the heartrending angst, the investigation, the twist & turns. I'm not sure I've ever been so impressed with a debut author. Dal Maclean, you have set your own bar waaaaay high. I mean, damn!

More when my brain and emotions are unsnarled.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,831 reviews115 followers
March 29, 2020
Reread 2020 during apocalypse. 🧟‍♀️

This is definitely on my favourite list for 2016. Some seriously smooth and slick crime writing with an edge that kept me glued to my seat reading. I'm a huge Brit crime tv junkie, I subject my partner to it regularly, and this kept me guessing with beautiful pacing, that didn't drag.

James is a beautifully written character, who I totally fell for.(I'm really hoping this is the first in a series. I felt there was more to his story... a slightly less grim Tennyson!) I also felt Ben had such depth, was not at all two dimensional and a perfect counterpart for James. He was incredibly sympathetic, even when he was a total shit. Clever writing. Romantic, tense, angst and action. Absolutely brilliant.

I'm always hugely impressed with the calibre of authors at Blind Eye Books. They write smart fantasy, Sci Fi and contemporary novels. I seriously wish there were more, because I read fast! Now to find a paperback copy, because this book needs to be on my shelf now. blindeyebooks.com

Do check out their website and books. I have reviews for several of them on my goodreads shelves. http://blindeyebooks.com

Re read in December. Loved it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 432 reviews

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