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Drake Sisters #4

Dangerous Tides

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Christine Feehan introduces Libby Drake, of the magical Drake sisters—each mysterious, gifted, and enchanted by prophecies of love…

Dr. Libby Drake is sensible and practical. To her more adventurous sisters, she’s always been the “good girl”. Certainly not the kind to attract the attention of a genius like Ty Derrick—until a tragic accident leaves the handsome biochemist at her mercy.

Acting on her uncanny ability to heal, she stirs in the reawakened Ty his own long-suppressed desires for the woman who saved his life. But he’s not the only man with designs on Libby Drake. Her miraculous and selfless power has also captured the attention of a dangerously influential admirer. He’s pursuing the elementally gifted beauty for his own wicked purpose. And he’s willing to go to deadly lengths to make it happen.

374 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published June 27, 2006

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About the author

Christine Feehan

187 books52.1k followers
Christine Feehan is a #1 New York Times bestselling author multiple times over with her portfolio including over 90 published novels, including five series; Dark Series, GhostWalker Series, Leopard Series, Drake Sisters Series, the Sisters of the Heart Series, Shadow Riders and Torpedo Ink. All of her series have hit the #1 spot on the New York Times bestselling list as well. Her debut novel Dark Prince received 3 of the 9 Paranormal Excellence Awards in Romantic Literature (PEARL) in 1999. Since then she has been published by various publishing houses including Leisure Books, Pocket Books, and currently is writing for Berkley/Jove. She also has earned 7 more PEARL awards since Dark Prince.
Her series include:
The Dark Series - https://www.christinefeehan.com/darkb...
The GhostWalker series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/ghost...
The Leopard Series - https://www.christinefeehan.com/leopa...
The Shadow Series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/shado...
Torpedo Ink series- https://www.christinefeehan.com/torpe...

I've been a writer all of my life -- it is who I am. I write for myself and always have. The ability to create pictures and emotions with words is such a miracle to me. I read everything; I mean everything! All kinds of books, even encyclopedias. I am fascinated by the written word and I love storytellers. It is a great privilege to be counted one myself. (www.christinefeehan.com)

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 330 reviews
Profile Image for Azet.
1,061 reviews272 followers
July 2, 2022
”Dangerous Tides” is the fourth instalment in the ”Drake Sisters”-series,where the golden-hearted Doctor Libby Drake saves the life of scientist and adrenaline-hunter Tyson Derrick,her secret crush she has always longed for.What she didn´t know is that Tyson had become determined to pursue her…and protect her from the dark danger that is threatening to destroy them both.

This book is indeed different,but in a good way.Libby is the nicest of all the sisters who have the gift of healing.Always considered the ”good girl” among all the seven sisters,it kinda amused me that she was thrown into this adventure filled with mysteries,revelations,attempted murder,heartbreak,and the power of true love…which she finds in her beloved hero Tyson.

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Tyson is one of the most unique heroes ever!He is this beautiful man who is intellectual
and far too smart for this world.He is a walking encyclopedia and likes to close himself in his lab for weeks just experimenting. He deals with facts instead of emotions,and is very anti-social which has made him the victim of rejection ever since he was born even from his parents.Libby is the only one who has ever opened the human side of him,she opened every layers until she realized who Tyson is…and decides to take in everything that makes him Tyson.Fate has given him such luck in finding Libby,because if it weren`t for her he would have slowly got destroyed.

Tyson and Libby are very suitable as couple,with their banter and conversations about medicine and science was like rapid fire,and throughly enjoyable (even if i didn`t understand it most of the time) and the way Tyson learns to express his love was so bittersweet that my heart ached for him.I love how protective and possessive he is of her and also the way he was ready to stand up against her brother-in-laws was astounding,cuz they are pretty much dangerous men!

This book gave me so many different feels,it has so much heartbreaking angst,swoony and sexy romance,thrilling mystery crime-plot and a sister-hood bond that always makes me sigh with the beauty of it.While reading ”Dangerous Tides” i laughed,swooned and cried…and in the end i sighed with a heavy heart.The setup is done well to Jonas Harrington and Hannah Drake`s relationship for the next book in ”Safe Harbor”,and i just can`t wait for what`s coming next!
Profile Image for Becky.
1,490 reviews1,866 followers
January 8, 2024
This is one of those times when I wonder to myself whether the publisher read the same book I read. Maybe there was some devious plot afoot with two stories being switched at printing, and I just got unlucky enough to get the hideous, annoying, barely literate story instead of the beautiful, interesting and readable one. I actually have doubts as to whether editors have even heard of this book. If so, the ones responsible for giving it their stamp of approval should be fired, and probably slapped. MY inner editor was whimpering in frustration and curled up in a fetal position waiting for the pain to stop while I read this.

I'd never read Feehan before, but her Carpathians series has been recommended to me quite a few times as "Must Reads". After reading this book, which, by the way, was published in 2006, a full SEVEN YEARS after her first book, I'm thinking that's probably not gonna happen. This was just bad in so many ways, and if her writing is this bad after having so many other books published before it, I am afraid to even contemplate the writing in her early books. The fact that these books made bestseller lists, (yes PLURAL lists), baffles me and I actually feel a little nauseous thinking about it.

I'm not sure where to start here, so I guess I'll just list the things that annoyed me. Brace yourselves. This isn't going to be pretty.

Annoyance the First Holy crap, has Feehan ever held a real conversation with anyone? Or at least HEARD one? I'm not sure. The dialogue in this book was so bad, so painfully, awkwardly, uncomfortably bad, that I had to read sections of it two or three times before I believed that it made it into a published book. I've seen kindergarten drawings with better dialogue.
Take this example:
"Yes. I know him and this just doesn't sound at all like him. Whoever this John Sandoval is, he isn't associated with Ed. I'll call Ed and let him know what's going on," Ty said.
"I hope you're right," Libby replied. She turned her attention to Mason Fredrickson, a man her older sisters had gone through school with. "Thank you, Mason. It was courageous of you to back Jackson."
"I was having dinner with Sylvia and she realized you were in trouble. She could tell by your expression. I'm reserve with the sheriff and so is Mike Dangerfield, so we just kept an eye on things. I'll catch you all later." {Mason} sauntered across the room back to the small intimate table in a darker corner of the restaurant.

Ok... Problems:
1. Libby sounds like she's talking to a 5 year old who just got a tetanus shot and is telling them what a brave little boy or girl they are and just as soon as they get home they're going to get some ice cream. Adults don't talk like that to each other, especially not adults who have known each other for any length of time.
2. Mason's speech sounds like it was rehearsed in front of a mirror and then he still had to rely on cue cards to remember all those details that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the scene OR the story. A short and to the point "Sylvia noticed you looked like you could use some help," would have sufficed and been much more natural and fitting.
3. Who is Mike Dangerfield? He's not in the scene, and this is the only time he's mentioned in the entire book. I kept waiting for him to pop back up like a sly "gotcha!" reference, but no.
I know that this is part of a series, but Feehan's own website says that these are stand-alone books. So... unless I'm missing something, I can't see the point in mentioning Mr. Dangerfield at all if he has no part in the story.
4. SAUNTERED?!? Walked, jogged, moved, made his way, returned, strolled... Any of these would be a better, less effeminate choice to describe the exit of a character we are supposed to assume is at least marginally bad-ass, considering that he is a reserve with the sheriff's office and just came to help get rid of troublesome armed men.

All of that in just one section of dialogue, not even half a page... Imagine that for 353 1/2 more pages.

A huge issue throughout this book is that rather than putting in a expository paragraph, Feehan tries to jam all of a character's history into their dialogue, which comes out sounding like something Data from Star Trek TNG would say... only less human-like.

Annoyance the Second I guess this should technically be 1 1/2, but who's counting? This issue is with Libby... She's a doctor who also has a magical ability to heal people. Depending on the severity of the injuries or illness, she can either give someone energy from her own, or take on their injury in order to heal them. She is drawn to do this... She feels a kind of gravitational pull toward people who need her help. So when she finds Ty injured and near death, she... wait for it... Stops to talk to a nurse about his life history and how he came to be in the area and how he got hurt. She doesn't talk about his injuries, or his vital signs, or his prognosis, but the fact that he went to school with her, that he is brilliant, that his mind can do so much good in the biotech field, that he won the Nobel, that he is an adrenaline junkie... THIS is what she talks about while she can feel "the life ebbing away from him". Yes, those are the words used.
In what world is this scenario natural? What kind of doctor, aside from an utter quack, would shoot the shit with a nurse rehashing this meaningless trivia rather than helping someone stay alive?

Annoyance the Third. Repetition. Repetition. Repetition. ...Repetition. ...Repe-- you get the idea.
There is no substitute for good characterizations and believable characters. None. Yet Feehan seems to think that recycling scenes and reiterating character traits is plenty good enough. Every time Libby was home, there was some sort of heart-to-heart with her sisters where rivers of tea were served, and mountains of cookies floated through the air. (Apparently, this is the only food they ever ate. There is one mention of canned soup being made, but no evidence of it being consumed. I have my doubts.)
Conversations were lengthy and abundant, but there was never anything new said... No matter what, it always came back to the same topics, over and over and over.
Descriptions of actions were just as repetitive. Kissing means Ty's mouth "took possession" of Libby's. Violence is someone beating someone else into a "bloody pulp", Libby's description of Ty is always that he's "brilliant"...
It's enough to make a girl want to buy stock in thesauri.

Annoyance the Fourth Details. Between Joe Fields/Fielding/Fields/Fielding/Fields/Fielding I kind of got the impression that this hadn't been proofread all that thoroughly. In fact, I'm beginning to wonder if it's not a PNR author requirement to get at least one character's name wrong in the course of a book/series. Looking at you, Charlaine Harris.
There were so many little detail quirks and errors, and ridiculous situations, that I literally had to stop keeping track. From Ty being released from the hospital with a range of extremely painful injuries (including a broken sternum, broken ribs, torn cartilage and muscles) in less than a week, to someone knowing how many bullets had hit someone else before the paramedics actually even looked at the victim, despite the barrage of bullets fired, it just all seemed a bit much to me.
And then there's the fact that someone living in a coastal city outside of San Francisco, presumably not cheap, could say that they'd never seen $5,000 before, and that it's "So much money!". $5,000 is nothing to shake a stick at, but it's certainly not a life-changing amount of money. $50,000 and I could see that reaction. And before you go thinking it's just a typo, let me clarify, it was typed out: five thousand dollars.

Annoyance the Fifth Ty is a biochemist, working on a drug that he thinks has the potential to cure cancer. The problem is that the side-effects in teens causes severe depression and suicidal tendencies, so it's not nearly ready, but BigPharma wants it to go to testing to be put on the market. There's a lot of tension around this storyline, complete with death threats... yet this part of the story is never resolved or finished at all. The main story is wrapped up all shiny with a silver bow, but this side story is never mentioned again once the main story comes to a head. So... basically it's just a really lengthy plot device with a special bonus of being a hot topic issue to opine about.

Annoyance the Sixth I figured out the killer about halfway through. I. HATE. THAT. The clues were there, practically with neon signs blinking "Super Devious Murderer This Way". They could probably have been seen from space.

The sex was decent... It was at least fairly detailed and descriptive, although I think Feehan is paid by the number of times certain words were used. Those specific words being "shaft" and "sac".

All in all... I was not at all impressed by this book. Not at all.
Profile Image for Jo Bennesch.
214 reviews14 followers
August 8, 2024

Otro libro de las hermanas Drake que cumple con creces las expectativas.
Libby es la médica de la familia, además tiene el don de curar. Ty es un científico genio, sin habilidades sociales con una mente brillante y analítica.

La atracción entre ellos es intensa y la pasión se mezcla con la lógica. Amé cada uno de sus diálogos e interacciones, es un romance nerd con todas las letras.

Todo se da en un contexto de intriga, traiciones, persecuciones y atentados. Adrenalina + romance, simplemente adictivo.

He visto quejas x como Ty actúa, pero yo lo sentí totalmente lógico para el personaje. Él necesita desentrañar y comprender las cosas, es un científico, obviamente no va a creer en nada. Pero cuando lo haga... uno espera esa caída todo el tiempo. ❤️

Me encantó. Lo recomiendo.
Esta saga no tiene libro malo.❤️
Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,704 reviews6,442 followers
December 23, 2009
Despite a slow start, I ended up loving this book. There was much to love in it, after all. If you read this book, hang in the past the helicopter scene, which was filled with a bit too much technical information. You might like it, but I found it was a little dry for me. Shortly thereafter, things really take off.

Ty Derrick isn't your typical hero. He is extremely intelligent. So intelligent that he isn't very good at doing the normal life kinds of things. He has poor social skills, and will say exactly what he thinks. Ty is a nerd. He's a delicious nerd. I am so happy that Ms. Feehan was brave enough to write a hero who was without any doubt a big nerd. Now Ty is also gorgeous and built from his extreme sports. But the cool thing is Libby has loved him from afar in large part because of his brilliance. Although most things of normal life cannot keep his interest, Ty was always interested in Libby, but hadn't worked up the nerve to pursue her until this book starts. It's good that he finally decided that she was the woman he wanted. Ty is not an easy man to love or to live with. So it's great that Libby understands and accepts him for who he is (in ways that no one ever did, including his cousin, whom he is very close with). He's so abstract in his thinking, so absent-minded, in the ways that truly brilliant people are. However, as the book unfolds, it is clear to see the change that Libby's love makes on him, and it is realistic. Ty will always be the absent-minded professor, but Libby has become one of his major fixations, and she'll always take number one spot in his life. Ty might be a braniac, but he makes a formidable hero in pursuit, and definitely makes my possessive/jealous heroes list.

I loved seeing Libby's story. She's truly a gentle, loving person. Her gift for healing is incredible, and she uses it with profound cost to herself in this book. I am a big fan of heroines who are educated and have careers in the scientific and technical fields. I loved how she was able to meet Ty on his level, although he is more on the analytic side of science, and she is on the applied, humanistic side. Their discussions on science and medicine were interesting to me (since I am in the medical science field), and it was an excellent way to show that this couple were made for each other.

Ty and Libby is one of those couples I root for. They are very good together. They seemed to complement each other. Ty finds it hard to feel, and Libby feels maybe too much. Instead of it being the case of Ty walking all over Libby's feelings (although he seemed to say cutting things to her in school that hurt her, he didn't mean it from a cruel way, but didn't know how to talk to this girl he was in awe of), he finds the ability to open up to her and love her in ways that he never could love anyone. Ty did frustrate me how he was determined to believe that the Drake family was a bunch of shysters, but it made sense for a man so rational and used to applying the principles of science to everything, and breaking everything down to its fundamental level, would have trouble reconciling the powerful magic of the Drake family. When Ty begins to pursue Libby, he is determined to save her from her family. I am really glad that this was not dragged out too long. I like how Ms. Feehan resolved Ty's doubts about the magical abilities of Libby and her sisters. I like how Ty came to find himself the family he always felt he was denied with the Drake sisters. He becomes part of their circle of love and protection.

Ty and Libby had excellent chemistry, but also a love for each other was gentle and strong in equal measures. They cared for each other and wanted each others' happiness. The love scenes are pretty sizzling, and show that their bond is deeper than just physical. I really love how Ms. Feehan wrote the perfect hero for each sister, intensely compatible and right for these wonderful women.

I never realized how much I would come to enjoy the theme of this series. I don't want to belabor a point about my usually avoidance of witch stories. But these books really show the elemental nature of these incredible young women, how good they are, and how natural what they can do is. I truly love the scenes in which the sisters are spending time together, how deep their love and support for each other is. How much they are willing to sacrifice for each other. They really show how strong family can and should be. I liked that Jackson and Jonas were in this book a lot. They are great characters, and I can't get enough of them. You can see how important they are to the Drake sisters, although they haven't found their happy endings with their respective Drake sisters quite yet. Only brief appearances by Damon and Matt, alas.

Again, I was laughing out loud with this story. Christine Feehan is really funny. I love the humor in her books. It's just as good as all the intense passion, steamy love scenes, and tortured angst, and it's a great counterbalance to the darker, more serious and emotionally-wrenching moments.

This book had less of the supernatural darkness aspects than some of the books. It was more of a crime/mystery type plot underlying the love story. The resolution of this story was rather heartbreaking in some ways. There is a happy ending, but the betrayal that Ty faces is astounding.

I am so glad that I picked this book up again after laying it down a couple of months ago, because this time I could barely put it down. It just goes to prove what a mood reader I am. It was a bittersweet read for me, since this is the last Drake sisters book that I can read for the first time (I ended up reading this series out of order). But I have a feeling I will be rereading this series sometime in the future. And there's always Ilya's brothers' books to look forward to. Thanks for writing another excellent book, Ms. Feehan.
Profile Image for Susan.
582 reviews83 followers
April 3, 2009
Dangerous Tides is book four in Christine Feehan's Drake Sisters series. The story revolves around Libby Drake and Tyson Derrick.

Libby is the confirmed "good girl" of the Drake family. Her power lies in healing others, and she has spent her professional life as Dr. Libby Drake, traveling the world with Doctors Beyond Borders, trying to help those in need.

Tyson Derrick is a brilliant biochemist working for pharmaceutical company BioLab. Spending most of his life in a lab, Ty spends his vacation time as a rescuer with the forestry service, using the adrenaline rush to feel alive.

Libby and Ty were rivals in college. The two most brilliant minds on campus, they often crossed paths, most of the time leaving Libby in tears after Ty said something insensitive to her. Ty has always believed that Libby's family are a bunch of con artists, using slight of hand to defraud the residents of Sea Haven. He believes that he can make Libby see the truth if he can just get her away from her sisters.

Despite their history, Libby cannot resist the call to heal Ty after he suffers a deadly fall. Using magic to heal is always dangerous, and it takes a physical toll on Libby, nearly killing her. When Ty realizes that the power of the Drake sisters is authentic, he finds withing Libby's family the acceptance he has always craved. But of course, it can't be that easy - someone is trying to kill Libby and Ty, and it will take all the Drake sisters and their friends combined to make them safe again.

For the first 100 pages or so, I really didn't enjoy this book. Ty and his cousin Sam were so obstinate about the Drakes, and their persistence in believing the sisters were charlatans was really annoying! But once the sisters essentially "proved" themselves to him, the book got better. I can't say it was my favorite of the series so far, but it was still good.

Libby was a great heroine, but I never really forgave Ty for his initial prejudice. He was incredibly critical of Libby and her family in the beginning, and I just plain didn't like him. I was never able to "fall" for Ty like I have for the past heroes in the series.

Like the other books in the Drake Sisters series, Dangerous Tides was full of action: rescue attempts, shootings, car chases, etc. The story was intriguing, full of mystery and suspense. Unfortunately for me, it lacked a little bit of the magic from the other books in the series. Over all, Dangerous Tides was entertaining, but didn't live up to the rest of the series. I wish I could have given it 3.5 stars, but GoodReads doesn't have that capibility yet.
Profile Image for Maura.
3,883 reviews103 followers
May 17, 2020
On to the 4th Drake sister, Dr. Libby, healer and empath of the family. She's always had the hots for bio-chemist, Tyson Derrick, but is hurt by his seeming disdain for her. But when the brilliant scientist and forestry rescuer falls in an accident and is seriously injured, Libby can't help but risk her and her sister's lives to heal him. This more or less brings him around to show his (at least to Libby's mind) unexpected interest in her. Libby is very intrigued and turned on by his brilliant mind and arrogant attitude and this keeps her interested, despite the fact that Tyson seems to believe she's brainwashed by her family into believing in her magic and that she and her family are a bunch of dishonest charlatans. They pretty soon set him straight in time for them to discover that someone is out to kill either Tyson or Libby...or both of them. The Drake Sisters band together to take care of another villain and Libby and Tyson find love.

This was decent, but not my favorite Drake sisters story by any means. Libby is an empath, which means she's constantly making excuses for other people's awful behavior...because she knows the deep dark reasons. Basically it gives her a reason to be a doormat, even with the hero. And also, the insta-lust attraction let's her look past it too. And knowing that still didn't keep me from getting frustrated when Libby can't keep her mad going as Tyson berates her family, calls her a liar and her family a bunch of con-artists. Don't get me wrong, Tyson is attractive in his own way because he's nerdy and brilliant and so obviously socially awkward, but it doesn't also give him a pass to be an asshole. And that's what felt like was happening...like to actually love the man, she had to accept him, inconsiderate behavior and all. He's like, I'm always gonna forget stuff, I'm always gonna be unemotional and not say I love you, I'm always gonna hurt you with my self-absorption. And he does, at least twice in this story, get so caught up in his own head that she sits alone at home in tears and not once does she tell him how much his inattention hurt her because she doesn't want to add to his burden. That's not healthy. You can love a person and not like certain behaviors or personality traits...that's totally fine. And you can work together to pay attention to and change those things. There was some evidence of this towards the end as Tyson seemed more aware of others needs, but the two of them never really communicated about it.

The suspense plot was a bit predictable, but still exciting. Things really ramp up here for Jonas and Hannah...who were actually more interesting to me than Tyson and Libby...but then they always have been. Also, Elle gets more and more intriguing every day. I think the highlight of this book though was really showing the comraderie and closeness of the sisters and how they support one another. And side note...it might have just been me, but Libby SO did not feel like a doctor in this story. She definitely seemed like a healer, but aside from one diagnosis, she didn't really seem doctorish...or even seem to remember that she had a job to get back to when all the suspense was done. Seemed like she was gonna give up her career and be Tyson's lab assistant or something. I didn't like how "in the background" Libby started to feel when Tyson was around.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jenny Clark.
3,131 reviews117 followers
December 1, 2020
It was pretty good, if a tad drawn out. I did like learning more about the powers of the various Drakes. The writing itself was good, and the chemistry between Ty and Libby was there for sure. I feel like the last chapter or two were so much concise then the rest of the story. If you like romance, paranormal, or suspense, this series is worth a try.
Profile Image for Tempo de Ler.
728 reviews97 followers
June 11, 2013
Libby está farta de ser a Drake «boazinha», sempre responsável, caridosa e sem pensamentos maldosos. De regresso a Sea Haven, Libby decide que se quer tornar selvagem e imprevisível como as suas irmãs…e parece ter encontrado o homem ideal para a mudança. Ty Derrick é o oposto de Libby - convencido, arrogante e viciado em adrenalina - mas é também um génio da bioquímica que investiga os efeitos secundários depressivos que um novo medicamento aparenta provocar em pacientes oncológicos adolescentes. Um estudo cujos resultados os seus colegas cientistas não querem que vejam a luz do dia.

«Marés Perigosas» é o 4º livro da série «Drake Sisters», uma série que tem vindo a ter os seus altos e baixos… e este livro é, para mim, um dos «baixos». O principal motivo para tal, e que considero até injusto para dar poucas estrelinhas a um livro, é a desmotivação perante personagens que não me despertaram empatia alguma. Mas aliado a isso temos uma história que leva demasiado tempo a desenvolver, arrastada por diálogos repetidos entre as personagens e marcada por uma previsibilidade que corta o mistério. Lamentavelmente os personagens masculinos anteriores estão praticamente ausentes neste livro e, pior ainda, também Carol e Inez, que traziam um toque cómico fantástico à série, foram descartadas desta aventura.

No entanto, o final é positivamente enervante e cheio de acção. A autora, munida de uma boa pesquisa, mistura muito bem o quotidiano com o paranormal e a ciência, e trabalha muito bem a forte relação entre as irmãs Drake, focando sempre a importância da família.
«Marés Perigosas
Profile Image for Gina.
446 reviews138 followers
April 18, 2008
Great book! Exactly what I would have expected, just what I wanted, and exactly what I got. But then again, I've been with the Drake Sisters since the beginning, so I'm biased.

Feehan knows how to write descriptions so that a vivid picture pops into your head. I adore the banter between the sisters ~ it makes you feel close to them, as if part of the family. Libby and Ty are made for each other and balance each other very well. All the characters in the book are strong with personalities of their own. It was about halfway through when I suspected who the actual 'bad guy' was, but I was really, really surprised by his hatred for Libby, and her sisters. I couldn't have asked for better.

I'm not surprised that some didn't enjoy this as much as I did. This is the kind of subject that really, really appeals to me, and though it does seem a lot like 'Charmed', I do find several differences (one of my fave shows, so I'm not talking through my hat). Can't wait for the next book ~ and if I remember correctly, it should be Hannah's story. This ought to be interesting...!
Profile Image for Emily.
1,930 reviews37 followers
August 22, 2020
3.5 stars

Sheesh, some of the characters really took a beating in this one. I was surprised by how violent and hateful the baddie was, and maybe not 100% convinced that the character’s motives supported such extremes.
I liked Libby and Ty’s story though, especially the scenes when he got to see the Drake sisters in action and that lovely scene at the end, as they drew him into the fold. Some of the sciencey convos between the brainy lovebirds got a little silly, and Ty was so obnoxious at the beginning. But I liked his softer side, and I really felt for him by the end. Libby and her sisters are exactly what he needs.
The next book is Hannah and Jonas’s book, finally. And that boy had better start being nice!
Author 5 books42 followers
May 19, 2024
4.5 stars.

A science nerd with a surprising alpha and possessive side? Gimme! Ty's my favorite hero in this series so far, hands down. And Libby's my favorite heroine. I just found her so relatable, with her compassion and need to look on the bright side of things. Ty's need to protect Libby from her inability to say no to people was really sweet, and even though part of me wanted to be annoyed with him thinking the Drakes were con artists, it honestly made the most sense for a science genius to need to be proven wrong. And though I wasn't too surprised by the villain, by the end of this story, I just had so many feelings. This book was heartbreaking, steamy, and full of the love between the Drakes and those they accept as theirs. I'm so happy Ty found them.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,496 reviews61 followers
May 16, 2021
I actually didn't mind this one. Ty and Libby are good for each other. Ty is very open and honest. He really doesn't have a filter. He didn't have a great childhood growing up. He never really learned how to be social with people. He was ok with this until Libby came into his life. He realized for the first time what it was to be happy and he wanted that. Libby didn't realize she needed Ty in her life either. The last chapter actually had me crying at one point. I really felt for Ty.
Profile Image for Adelaide Silva.
1,214 reviews58 followers
April 14, 2024
Não sendo a minha praia, esta série tem me agradado muito. Mais uma estória das irmãs Drake, cheia de magia e intriga. Agora resta-me ler os restantes em castelhano. 🥴
Profile Image for Mojca.
2,132 reviews162 followers
February 7, 2017
Libby Drake, fourth of the seven Drake sisters, is the compassionate one, a doctor with a heart of gold, unable to say no to anyone. She can’t seem to be able to say no even to people who are vegetating in their hospital beds, more dead than alive, with their brain resembling scrambled eggs.

Well, that’s Tyson “Ty” Derrick for you. The daredevil genius researcher slash firefighter’s harness had failed while he was trying to save a teenager, and he ended up in the hospital without hope of making it through the night.

Libby goes against everything she’s been taught, risking her life and that of her sisters when she attempts to save Ty, but she does it and survives to live to tell the tale. But the two might not survive to the end of the book, since obviously there’s someone who is adamant at keeping them apart at all cost.

This fourth installment in the Drake Sisters series was quite a disappointment.

I disliked the hero. He was a jackass most of the time, preaching from his high horse, deeming everybody beneath him, thinking he could say anything he wanted because he was a genius. I couldn’t stand him most of the time, although his inability or unwillingness to believe what the Drakes could do and his constant searching for a logical explanation to it was refreshing...But it got stale pretty fast, and even as he turned into a believer, I didn’t buy it.
Because I disliked the hero, I didn’t particularly care much for the heroine either, because he allowed the jackass to walk all over her because she liked him, he was hot, and she thought, bless her heart, he was lonely. The guy called her brainwashed, an idiot, claiming her entire family were charlatans...and what does she do? She forgives him. Just like that, without argument, without several smacks to the head. I lost all respect I might have had for her the moment it first happened. She was a doormat to a jerk with a high IQ and a hot bod. Bleh.

Their dialogues were also a major turn off. There was too much data, “science-talk” and info-dumps to make the dialogues and the subsequent romance between the two very believable.
Their chemistry was non-existent, probably because I didn’t like any of them. They seemed too bland to make the “thing” between them believable. There was more chemistry, more spark, more heat in that one scene between Hannah and Jonas at the beginning of the book as they were discussing kisses. Now, that was hot!

I liked the suspense sub-plot, though. Intriguing and mysterious, keeping us guessing until the very end who was the real bad guy. It was the resolution to the plot that was lacking, though. I felt Ms Feehan didn’t deliver as well as she could and the explanation and the motive for the dastardly deeds came out of the left field, and seemed a little off to me.

Maybe not the worst in the series, but definitely one of them.
Profile Image for butterfliesandbooks .
1,679 reviews25 followers
January 24, 2020
Libby is the fourth Drake sister, doctor and healer. She uses both science and magic to aid her. Her ability to “draw” the illness or injury from the patient into herself is a dangerous one, but Libby can’t help herself, If someone is in need, she’s there to lend a helping hand.
But unlike Sarah and Joley, Libby wants a quiet life, happy to blend into the background, she leave the excitement and adventure to Elle and Sarah.

But when Libby is drawn to healing Ty (he’s had a really bad accident)? It sets up a chain reaction. He wants answers, how did she heal him? He doesn’t believe in magic, but there is something about Libby that draws him in. And then there is the reporter looking for a story, and a mother who won’t take no for an answer. Poor Libby is torn, trying to help everyone may kill her, but Libby can’t walk away.

Ty is a part time firefighter, part of a rescue team, adrenaline junkie and biochemist. His brain might run at 100 miles an hour, but his social skills are practically non existent. He doesn’t do small talk, it’s a waste of time. But Ty feels something is missing, his team mates might make fun of him, but he feels it’s time to settle down, but who will take him on?

We have a mystery to solve. We have the usual bad guy. We also have a little magic. We have the usual funny chats and fun times between the sisters. It’s great they all live close together. They all use to live on the Drake house, but as each sister finds her man they move out.

Now I have to admit, this was my least favourite book in this series. I just felt it didn’t flow as well as the others, and it did feel a little rushed in places.

Profile Image for Lynn Smith.
2,021 reviews27 followers
March 10, 2021
Enjoyable continuation of the Drake Sisters series.


Dr Libby Drake is sensible and practical. To her more adventurous sisters, she’s always been the “good girl”. Certainly not the kind to attract the attention of a genius like Ty Derrick—until a tragic accident leaves the handsome biochemist at her mercy.

Acting on her uncanny ability to heal, she stirs in the reawakened Ty his own long-suppressed desires for the woman who saved his life. But he’s not the only man with designs on Libby Drake. Her miraculous and selfless power has also captured the attention of a dangerously influential admirer. He’s pursuing the elementally gifted beauty for his own wicked purpose. And he’s willing to go to deadly lengths to make it happen.
Profile Image for Jennifer Custer.
135 reviews1 follower
March 1, 2019
Libby Drake, healer and doctor has watched Tyson Derrick from afar for years. Ty is a genius scientist trying to figure out what went wrong with a drug the company he works for is doing trials for. He has loved Libby since college and now plans to court and wed her. His only family, Sam, a cousin wants things to be the way they used to. Where Sam did everything for the absent minded Ty. Sam has a gambling problem and uses Ty's money to keep himself afloat from the lenders. He will do anything to change it all back. Ty just wants his cousin and only family in his life. Written well and really heart rending.
Profile Image for Filipa.
1,745 reviews300 followers
March 29, 2016
This is my favorite book of the series yet. I loved Tyson... he was such a great character. I loved to get to know him. The romance was perfect for these two, very well written. If only I wouldn't have guessed who the perpetrator was right in the beginning of the book... Anyway, it was a great reading for my spring break and I couldn't ask for more.
Profile Image for Ally.
917 reviews76 followers
July 18, 2008
I didn't enjoy this book as much as the previous two partly as I didn't feel you were given such a background on Libby Drake and found her character a bit lacking but still enjoyed the book.
Profile Image for Olivia.
435 reviews26 followers
January 20, 2018
“Libby wants to be a bad girl,” Sarah announced.
Jonas’s eyebrow shot up. A slow smile spread across his face. “Libby, hon, there is no way you can be corrupted by the rest of your sisters. You’re just too sweet.”
Libby glared at him, totally exasperated. “I am not. Come on! You could help out a little, Jonas. I have the ability to be just as wicked as the rest of my family.”
“Hear, hear,” Elle said.
“Well said, sister.” Joley nodded her head in agreement. “Not true, but well said,” she agreed.
-Sarah, Jonas, Libby, Elle, & Joley

“You’re so good at beating your manly chest,” Joley said. “I swear, Jonas, I’m about to swoon.”
“No one would blame you.” Jonas closed his eyes, not in the least intimidated by the women around him.
-Joley & Jonas

A slow smile softened the hard edges of his face. “I do believe that was Libby Drake, her royal highness, putting me in my place.”
He liked it, too.
-Tyson to Libby

He stopped to examine a crab and tucked her hand against his chest. “Hermit crabs are fascinating. The right claw is larger and a different shape than the left. They use it for protection and holding food while the left is used for eating.” A mischievous grin crossed his face and lit his brilliant blue eyes. “The male drags the female around with him using the smaller claw, much like a caveman.” He twisted his fingers in Libby’s silky hair. “All the while he fights off other males with his large claw, holding on to his mate until she’s ready to molt and becomes receptive and fertile.” He tugged experimentally on Libby’s hair.
“Fortunately, I’m not a female crab,” she said.
“You’re crabby,” he pointed out.
-Tyson & Libby

“Where, exactly, does Jonas fit into your family?” Ty asked. “I remember that he was always around all of you, but he isn’t related, is he?” He reached out to brush dirt from her hair. Libby raised a hand to try to tidy the mass of blue-black silk tumbling around her face. Ty caught her wrist, preventing her from fussing. “You look beautiful, even all messed up.”
Libby took a breath. Ten minutes earlier she wanted to push the man into the ocean, now all she could think about was kissing him. “That’s a nice thing to say, Ty. I’m not feeling particularly beautiful, so it means a lot that you’d say it.”
He shrugged. “I was just stating the obvious. You were telling me where Jonas fits into your family,” he reminded. He’d had several bad nights lying awake, remembering the look on Jonas Harrington’s face when he’d seen Libby crushed and bleeding on the hospital floor. Ty still hadn’t been able to erase the image of Jonas carrying Libby down the hospital hallway.
Libby shrugged. “Jonas is family whether he’s related by blood or not. He’ll always be family. I think he’d like to disown us, but he can’t. He’s stuck with us and we drive him crazy.”
He could imagine.
-Tyson & Libby

Movement behind Sarah caught his eye and he stepped closer, expecting Sarah to give way, but she held her ground dead center in the doorway. “Quit skulking like a little coward, Libby,” he said. “I’m tempted to pick your sister up and toss her into the shrubs.”
Sarah snorted derisively, but stepped back when Libby squeezed by her.
Libby’s appearance shocked him. She had always been petite, but now she was gaunt, so thin and pale she looked a wraith. There were dark circles under her eyes and shadows in them—but she was glaring at him. “Are you threatening Sarah?”
“Not yet, but I was considering it.”
“Sarah would flatten you if you touched her,” Libby said.
“Maybe, but you don’t look in any condition to flatten me, so I’ll take my chances with you.” He lifted her into his arms, removing her from the doorway and striding right into the house.
-Tyson, Libby, & Sarah

“Tyson.” Libby interrupted him, fists on hips, her head tipped back to look up at him. “You’ve finally gone completely insane. You force your way into my home, toss me over your shoulder like some ridiculous caveman—”
He held up his hand to stop her. “There’s no need for melodrama. Stick to the facts, Libby. First off, I didn’t force my way in, I stepped across the threshold like any other man. Second, I didn’t toss you over my shoulder. I cradled you against me with enormous care, despite my broken ribs, I might add.”
-Tyson & Libby

"Do you need something? Water? Tea? You always drink tea. You look more like a ghost than you usually do.” He jumped up again and rested his palm against her forehead.
Libby jerked her head away, scowling. “A ghost? I look more like a ghost than I usually do?”
He crouched down in front of her so they were eye to eye. Up close she could see he looked haggard and worn and his concern for her was etched into the lines of his face. “You’re repeating everything I say.” He enunciated each word carefully.
“Because I can’t believe you would say such a thing, even if you’re thinking it.”
He rocked back on his heels. “What did I say wrong this time?”
“Do you think a woman wants to be called a ghost? News flash, buddy, women don’t take that as a compliment. It makes me feel like a zombie walking.”
“That’s silly,” Ty replied, exasperated. “You know you’re beautiful, Libby. You can’t possibly think anything else. You’re incredibly intelligent, you actually understand what I say when I’m talking to you and when you smile, everyone around you wants to smile with you. You are pale right now. I’m thinking of calling a doctor and having you examined. What’s wrong with everyone here that they don’t see you’re ill? You need someone to take care of you.”
Libby knew her mouth had fallen open. She could only stare for a long moment, hoping a fly didn’t buzz by. The man was impossible. He was always either saying something that made her want to hit him—or something that made her want to kiss him. Right now she wasn’t certain which she wanted to do the most.
-Tyson & Libby

“The lock fell from the gate and the house let him in. There was no resistance, Libby, did you notice that?”
“I was too busy noticing how hard his body is. It isn’t fair, Sarah, he should either have brains or brawn, but not both.”
Sarah laughed.
-Sarah & Libby about Tyson

Joley glanced out the window and whistled. “Speak of the devil. Oh my, Lib, the man is looking good today.” Hannah and Joley crowded each other for space at the window.
“Get away from there before he sees you,” Libby said, mortified, yet she could feel laughter bubbling up. Her sisters loved to tease her, but already Tyson thought her family was a bunch of fruitcakes. She didn’t need him to catch them gawking at him. She bared her teeth at her two younger sisters, hoping to look fierce. “Back off, both of you. Go into the kitchen.”
“Look at that chest, Hannah. Oh, my. I feel positively faint,” Joley said, nudging the tall blond.
A faint answering smile appeared on Hannah’s face, the first real one since Jonas had been shot. “I like the way his muscles are rippling.”
“You can’t see rippling muscles,” Libby objected, straining to see.
“You just aren’t looking hard enough,” Joley said. “And he’s wearing tight jeans. Ooh la la.” She fanned herself with her hand. “Libby. You go girl.”
“That’s it. Get into the kitchen.” Libby pointed out the direction for them, trying to look stern. “Both of you.”
Joley and Hannah went, laughing out loud, peeking through the archway to watch as Libby hurried to the front door.
-Joley, Libby, & Hannah

In desperation, he framed her face with both hands and bent his head down to hers, his mouth taking possession. If he couldn’t find the right words to say, he was determined to show her exactly how he felt. Libby held herself stiff at first, although her lips were soft and she opened her mouth to his when he tugged on her lower lip. Heat blossomed and spread, from him to her. Electricity arced, small sizzling licks along his veins, from her to him. Her body softened, melted into his so he could feel her imprinted on his skin. Hell, maybe all the way to his bones. Her mouth was hot and exciting, and so responsive Tyson forgot he was in her house with her sisters close by. One hand tangled in the silk of her hair and the other slid down the curve of her spine. He swore the earth spun on its axis.
-Tyson & Libby

“I said I was sorry, what more do you want?”
“I want you to apologize to Libby for scaring the hell out of her. And I want you to acknowledge to me that you understand I will beat you to a bloody pulp if you ever come near her again.”
-Harry & Tyson

“I have no interest in your money.”
“That doesn’t make me as happy as you think it would. If you were interested in money, I’d have something to offer you.”
He was like a small boy offering her his treasures, one by one, in an attempt to entice her to stay with him. She wanted to wrap her arms around him and hold him safe forever. “I thought you said I needed you.”
“You do, but you probably aren’t ready to admit that yet.”
-Libby & Ty

"We have a prophecy in our family about a gate and finding our true love.” She laughed softly. “My sisters and I padlocked the gate just to make certain we were safe.”
He touched her face, his gloved finger tracing a path over her cheekbone. “You locked out your true loves? You’re dashing all my illusions. Aren’t women born wanting marriage?”
Libby burst out laughing. “I think men want to believe that, but no, surprisingly enough, many of us like our independence and view marriage as a male institution.”
He threw both hands into the air. “Now you’re really shaking me. How is marriage a male’s institution?”
“All the advantages are on his side. We women earn money and run our own lives now. If we take on a male, we have to still do all the other wifely chores as well as earn the money.” She grinned at him. “How is that appealing?”
“Fine, I’ll learn to cook.”
-Libby & Ty

“I thought about you so often, but you seemed to disapprove of me. I had no idea you looked at me.”
“How could I not look at you? Come on, Libby, you’re beautiful and intelligent and sexy as hell. Any man in his right mind would be looking at you."
-Libby & Tyson

He needed her skin beneath him, all of it, her body open to his, wanting his. No one in his life that he could ever remember had been his alone and he wanted Libby. This one woman.
-Tyson's thoughts

His hand slid up the inside of her thigh, knuckles brushing the sensitive bare mound between her legs. Her skin was softer than he’d ever imagined. She was so moist and ready and he hadn’t even gotten started. “I could eat you alive, Libby.”
She ran her hands over his chest, up to his neck and pressed close to him. “Now you get hungry.”
“Don’t worry.” Tyson lifted her easily into his arms. “I’ve got plans to take care of that.”
-Tyson & Libby

“You’re killing me, Lib. I can’t look at you without getting hard.”
Libby laughed softly, feeling sexy for the first time in her life. It was a feeling she could get used to. “Really?” Deliberately she allowed her gaze to drift over his body, teasing him, provoking him. Flirting. She’d never flirted. She didn’t even know how.
He came across the floor like a tiger, pouncing on her, spinning her around until she was pressed up against the glass. Both of his hands covered her breasts, his erection already thick and hard, pressed against her buttocks. “Really,” he answered, bending his head to her shoulders, giving her teasing little bites that sent shivers down her back.
-Tyson & Libby

Every time he touched her, the world fell away so that she could only feel the ebb and flow of passion, and a rush of love so deep it shook her. She hadn’t known she was falling that hard. It hadn’t come fast as she’d always imagined love would, but had happened slowly over time. All those years of watching him, thinking about him, she had tied herself to him without even knowing.
-Libby's thoughts about Tyson

Drugs, side effects, nerdy alpha, motorcycle, rescuer down, chemicals, explosions, magic, acceptance, family, bad girl, hagatha, photos, risks, & love.
3,270 reviews24 followers
June 17, 2018
Dr. Libby Drake… the good sister, of even temperament, easy to see the good & the pain in all, understanding… her talent is healing, both as a regular doctor with great intuition as well as an empath, able to sake the symptoms of the ailment to herself and healing the patient, and relying on her sisters to heal her, and she can sense danger… She travels the world with different organizations – Doctors without Borders, animal protection, indigenous people protection…

Also highlighted in this story is Hannah – shy, stutterer, world famous model, her talent? I’m not sure, she can call the wind to knock off jonas’ hat, she cooks for the family, she levitates things… she thinks little of herself as she relies on her sisters to overcome her shyness… she is getting older for a model, and is feeling pressure from her manager to be thin, etc… her counterpoint is the deputy sheriff Jonas – connected to the family forever, as an adopted brother, one who watches over them, comes to them for comfort, teases them, and rides Hannah, criticizing her… not seeing the insecurities… When he is shot, Hannah does not leave his bedside, feeding her energy to him to facilitate his healing. His bad temper at his helplessness is focused on Hannah… and Libby counsels him on how to better act around her… a turning point? Will the next book be about them? Hmmm

Joley, the musician, the bad girl of the sisters, challenging rules, authority, etc. The entertainment news makes much of her activities, all slanderous… she takes it, mostly in a good way… they allude to someone who is holding some favor over the sisters, and he has contacted Joley… obviously her love… another story… When malicious pictures of Libby & Tyson having sex are published, Joley immediately dies her hair black to match Libby, and works so that the reporters think it was her and Tyson together, so as to protect her sister…

And this story also delves a little into Elle & Jackson… Elle is the youngest, she has a little of all of the talents, and is strong as a psychic – able to read feelings (especially her sisters) and to communicate telepathically… Jackson, the sheriff’s right hand man, is a special ops guy, looking for respite… a man of few words, but he communicates with Elle – so far we are not privy to their conversations, but Elle is tied to him and not happy about it… for the Drake magic to continue, she will be the one to have 7 children, something she is not sure she wants…

Kate (the security expert), Sarah (I didn’t get to read her story), & Abigal (I didn’t get to read her story either) are all engaged… Abigal wants a quiet wedding, but Kate and Sarah are going for the big weddings… Their men don’t play a part in today’s story – I guess too many characters to juggle… and I think they want all the sisters to be engaged before there are any weddings.

And Tyson… brilliant mind, winner of the Nobel medicine prize, works for a pharmaceutical company, competitive, focused, socially inept very rich… he & Libby 1st meet in 7th grade and he generally bested her in school – even through Harvard… Although they were very aware of one another, any social discourse was awkward and Libby felt criticized… Tyson’s parents were more involved in their jet setting ways, and were often embarrassed by him and certainly did not understand him… he started to spend most of his time with Aunt Sophie and cousin Sam, where even though they didn’t get him, they did accept him… his aunt encouraged him to build a lab in her basement, Sam looked after him in school, and continued to care for him after Sophie left her home to the two of them… Tyson can go days without eating or sleeping when he is focused on unraveling a mystery… To feel alive, he pushes himself physically by racing, mountain climbing, riding motorcycles, and training and working as a volunteer rescue firefighter… He buries his feelings, preferring to deal with facts, and when in an uncomfortable social situation – which is just about any time he is around people – he pulls out random facts… (and Libby, when she understands this, just pulls out counter facts – they are amusing)…

He takes 3 months off from the lab job to volunteer, and during that time he stays with Sam… His parents died, making him a multimillionaire – and since he didn’t really care about the money, Sam stepped in handle his finances… He also takes care of Sam when he’s in one of his moods, by feeding him & trying to keep him anchored in the real world… Tyson’s scientific mind does not allow for magic, and he is sure that the Drakes are con-women – perhaps hysterically believing their own press. In college he saw the results of a car accident victim that Libby healed, seeing her with the wounds instead… and perceived it similar to an hysterical pregnancy. He wants to help Libby see reason…

However Sam is a sociopath… he is a gambler, and is embezzling money (though Tyson doesn’t care about the money), he manipulates Tyson while undermining his self confidence, and as he sees him getting closer to the Drake family & to Libby, he gets increasingly frustrated as his attempts to put Tyson off of them (making fun of their magical gifts, saying Libby is after his money, etc.). Tyson is somewhat aware of problems, but doesn’t see the depth of them, but he feels Sam is the only one who accepts him & cares for him and wants to do his best by him. To relieve him of some of the burdens he’s taken, Tyson hires an accountant to manage his money, and confesses to Sam that he is interested in Libby and he’s going to take steps to let her know… Sam, of course, is threatened by these changes.

The Drakes know that there is darkness stalking them, but they are unable to identify where it is coming from and who is targeting… Tyson falls 30 feet onto rocks in the middle of a rescue when his harness fails… his brain is damaged (along with ribs & sternum) with swelling & bleeding, and little help is held out for him… Libby is drawn to his side in the hospital, and without thought she heals him, placing herself & her sisters at risk as she is close to dying herself.

And from that point forward, they become more intertwined… their attraction is strong, and little by little they see past the attraction to what is inside of each of them – their vulnerabilities; their strengths, their weaknesses… and each feel the other needs them… As Libby becomes more tied to him, her family embraces him, bringing him another source of comfort and joy… and he finally comes to accept their magic… at first he wants to study it & harness it, but … well I can see him running tests in the future…

They overcome a few more attempts on their lives… and finally, when Tyson gives Libby an engagement ring, Sam pulls out all of the stops… They both almost die… Jackson, sent by Elle, helps them… the sisters’ power helps Libby… and they defeat Sam… leaving Tyson very sad…

But they end, hand in hand… and Libby reaches out to him as someone who loves him, not someone who can feel for him, not as someone who can heal him… only as one who loves him… And at dawn they watch the whale pod passing, in the circle of warmth & love of all the sisters together.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Skye.
1,636 reviews3 followers
July 26, 2018
Libby is so cute and sweet. A little bit annoyingly so, but that’s mostly because I can’t imagine anyone being that naïve and sweet. At all. Ever. So it was good fun and refreshing to read a tale about someone like that. But I also occasionally wanted to reach through the pages of the book and smack her for not seeing the world clearly. Probably because I am a naturally cynical and sarcastic child who doesn’t really trust anyone…

I was honestly lucky to get some sleep last night, because I started reading this just before bedtime. I got about two thirds of the way through before I decided I had to responsibly adult and go to sleep. So the first thing I did when I woke up? Finish the tale of Libby and Ty. I love that they are so different to the other couples in the Drake Sisters series so far. Ty still has the cave man, alpha male thing going on. Which in theory I hate, but when I read about it, it makes me go more than a little gooey. And then I remember that I have my own controlling caveman, and much like the Drake Sisters, I agree and then do whatever the hell I want anyway. Actually, the reason I found Libby the hardest to relate to so far is that she didn’t just shrug off what he said and do whatever, she actually listened to him and had compassion for his forceful suggestions. It’s not something I’m quite capable of myself…

As a scientist, I related to Ty incredibly. I get this insane tunnel vision and often forget to eat. I actually specifically don’t plug in my laptop and have a Fitbit that goes off every hour so that I remember things. I’m not quite so bad, I normally remember the big, important things, but the little ones like meetings and events… I do quite often forget those. The fact that Feehan obviously did a lot of research to get the experience of the science and the technicalities of Ty’s ill-fortuned rescue venture correct really read well. And they just added to the idea of his brilliance, and the completely different world that a reader will find themselves in when they are thrown into the incredibly weird world of single-minded scientists.
Profile Image for Savannah.
371 reviews35 followers
July 24, 2021
This book wasn't necessarily top-tier literature, but you know what it was? Fun. Zany. Unique. Compelling. Chock full of characters that made you want to just know what their DEAL was... even though the main characters just kind of made you want to smack them around a little bit.

What I'm saying is, that this is a romance between a human who is both the personification of The Giving Tree, and one in a line of 7 accomplished, loving witch sisters, as well as a man who can best be described as "Sexy Billionaire Sheldon Cooper," who makes up for his numerous personality defects by being both 1. a rescue helicopter volunteer for the forestry service, and 2. being a scientist trying to find a cure for leukemia.

And not only is it a 4-star romance, in my eyes, but it's also the second best out of the entire Big Box of 20 Paranormal Romance novels I've been reading through this year (#8).

The style of writing I found to be really endearing, especially when it came to dialogue. How refreshing is it to read a Romance where the issue is NOT a lack of communication, but instead, in finding an avenue for two people to effectively communicate without wanting to psychoanalyze each other. Or, as the hero remarks multiple times, hook up all of the witches' brains to EKG machines, and map how their brains function.

My only qualms have to be about figuring out who the big "malevolent force" is - as it's obvious from literal jump - and... honestly, that's it. Pacing was solid, tension crackled, stakes were high, and the action was well-plotted. Ooh! I did want to spend more time with the fiancés of the other sisters.... then again, maybe that's a good reason to pick up the other books in the series, right?

(Notable: this is not an idea I've floated for literally any other Romance I've read from the box so far.)
Profile Image for Jamoz23.
5,083 reviews46 followers
May 22, 2022
Wound me up at quite a few parts and let me down at the ending.
Libby was too much of a doormat for me. Her reasoning being that she knew people weren’t really bad due to being empathetic.
She also has a compulsion to heal and doesn’t seem able to control it. But her own sister, who is a model, seems to have a non-eating problem (hasn’t eaten for several YEARS) and nothing is done.
Ty was also hard to like but more due to his arrogance than anything else.
His nonbelief due to having a brilliant, analytical mind (and how many times was that told to us) was understandable but his rudeness in calling the sisters liars and conmen was unacceptable.
The big ending with the baddie felt a bit of a letdown and just ended too quickly.
I felt cheated at how it was just over and done so fast.
Especially as Ty risks his and Libby’s life to save the person trying to kill them.
Ty walks away with his grief, understandable, as he had been totally gutted to realise who was behind everything, then just comes back a week later.
No big confession of his feelings for Libby, just self-flagellation that he should have done more to help his sociopath relative.
The same one who tried to kill him numerous times and would have happily put a bullet in Libby.
I have read all of these interconnected series twice before and I know what will be disclosed further forward which does colour my impressions slightly.
My previous reviews from over ten years ago are missing so this review is less from the gut and more from my head. I feel that I enjoyed them more the first time around rather than as rereads.
I see these have been given new covers since I bought mine.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 330 reviews

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