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I shouldn’t have remembered him.
He was just a guy who walked through a restaurant. I didn't know his name. We never made eye contact. There was no connection between us at all.
But I could feel him.
The tingle down my spine. The command in his presence. The snap of tension in the air around him. That was the first time I saw him, and I was captivated.
The second time was different.
He was in the mysterious back elevator of my apartment building. Our eyes met for a fleeting second before the doors closed, and I was staggered. My breath was robbed. My senses on high alert. My body hummed.
That was just the beginning.
He was the leader of the mafia. I was about to fall in love with him, and his name…
Cole Mauricio

314 pages, Paperback

First published February 27, 2017

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Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,807 reviews2,319 followers
November 9, 2018
Currently on sale!

Addison Bowman has been through hell and survived, or at least she's trying to. After seeing her husband die in a crash it's been hard for her to move on. When her friend tells her about an exclusive apartment building that has an opening she decides it's time to move out of the house she shared with her husband, What she didn't expect though was to run into Cole, and the effect he would have on her life.

This is a book that brings a lot of questions with it and will have you captivated from the very first page. When you think you have everything figured out the story will prove you wrong and keep you begging for more. I really liked that it was able to keep me guessing and had me to invested into the characters.

Cole was an enigma and I had the biggest need to figure him and his secrets out. Even though there were a few parts near the end that i wished we had gotten more of his POV, I still really liked his character. He had that bad boy air about him that even through a book you could just feel when you read any scene he was in.

Addison was a good heroine for Cole and I liked them together. She had the ability to calm him down and bring him out of the horror that he lived in every day. They were very different and I think that's what I liked the most, the fact that they were very opposite of each other yet it worked together.

Overall, I definitely recommend this book if you're a fan of the Mafia genre. There's a cameo with Carter Reed also and if you haven't read his story then this will make you want to hurry and pick it up. At least it did for me.
Cole Playlist:
The Funeral - Band of Horses
Afraid - The Neighborhood
The Wolf - Mumford & Sons
Bad Habit - The Kooks
Blood - City and Colour
We Sink - Of Monsters and Men
I Wanna Be Yours - Arctic Monkeys

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,651 reviews4,591 followers
March 15, 2017
2.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: This just wasn't my cuppa. It's no secret that I'm not a huge fan of fade to black scenes, but this took it to another level. We have a casual sexual relationship that consists of two nights together that were faded out to spare the sex details, and then we are to believe they are all of a sudden in love? I feel like I missed a lot. And I'm not just saying the sex details. I needed to understand that progression from lust to love! Fade to black only works for me if I feel the connection between the characters -- but there really was nothing to connect me to either characters and I also never felt their connection to each other. The H was supposed to be this mysterious bad a$s guy, but I felt like he was pretty mild to be honest and just overall meh. The h was ok, but nothing about her really stands out for me to make note of, so again, meh. One good thing to note is that I didn't feel like it was overwhelmed with mafia drama and suspense, and there was what felt like a good balance between that and the romantic aspects. Many people seemed to have loved this, but it just didn't work out for me.

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Addison and Cole's story. Addison just lost her husband, and after a year her best friend talks her into moving out of their home and into an exclusive apartment. She meets Cole one morning on the running track and he pursues her. They start a casual relationship that turns into something more and they fall in love. There are big secrets revealed and some danger...but they do get a HFN ending.

POV: This alternated between Addison (mostly) and Cole's (very limited) POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Ok. It was slow at parts, and while I never skimmed -- I wanted to.

Instalove: Yes. It might've felt that way because I didn't get a sense of the progression into stronger feelings.

H rating: 3 stars. Cole. He was ok. I felt like he was pretty mild for a mafia head.

h rating: 3 stars. Addison. She was ok. I wanted her to me more honest with her best friend at times.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed


Heat level: Low. We get some descriptive foreplay, but then fade to black.

Descriptive sex: No, see above.

Safe sex: n/a

OW/OM drama: No

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had not enough closure for me, and I would call a HFN ending.

How I got it: It was part of my scribed subscription.

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
Want to read
April 3, 2017

Looking forward to meeting Cole Mauricio!

Release: February 27, 2017
Pre-order: | B&N | KOBO | iBOOKS |
Book Blurb:
I shouldn’t have remembered him.
He was just a guy who walked through a restaurant. I didn't know his name. We never made eye contact. There was no connection between us at all.
But I could feel him.
The tingle down my spine. The command in his presence. The snap of tension in the air around him. That was the first time I saw him, and I was captivated.
The second time was different.
He was in the mysterious back elevator of my apartment building. Our eyes met for a fleeting second before the doors closed, and I was staggered. My breath was robbed. My senses on high alert. My body hummed.
That was just the beginning.
He was the leader of the mafia. I was about to fall in love with him, and his name…
Cole Mauricio.
March 23, 2019
Title: ➳ ❤ Cole
Author: ➳ Tijan

ღ I cannot even tell you how great this story is! This was one of those books that you couldn’t put down easily, it is well written & very put together, the characters were so easy to fall in love ♥●•
► I am struggling with my words, so my review doesn’t reveal anything that may be a spoiler.

➳Addison Bowman/Sailor, & Liam moved to Chicago two years ago, for Liam’s job. He was the newest counselor at the Haven Center.

➳You would think that at thirty years ago she be right where she wanted to be in life. I guess its pretty damn hard to do that after she witnessed her husband dying right in front of her eyes

➳it’s a year later & now Addison felt like she might be able to start living again. She decided that she needs to move out her & Liam’s home & closer to her bff (Sia) in the city

Sia find Addison apartment in exclusive & prestigious building’ (The Mauricio“) , there is mystery surrounding this building in every aspect. where no even know who the owner is. Each tenant seems to have his own story to tell as well. The secured well its just over the top amazing..

➳Cole this man is complete mystery & I believe that I should leave it like that for you, for you to truly enjoy this read you need to slowly unravel this man’s story to properly enjoy him

❤💕 This it’s not a mafia story. Yes it does have your typical aspects of it, but I feel like It’s more of a love story or second chance story in my eyes…. But hey that’s me… Either way whatever category you wanna put it in I felt like it was good read⭐⭐⭐⭐

----------- Happy Reading -----------

📚 Hope you enjoy this read & also always keep in mind this is just my opinion

💕 ✎Paulette Review ❤💕
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,415 reviews9,971 followers
February 23, 2017
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COLE: The mafia genre is one of my highest one click fetishes, so anything mafia I tend to jump on it, add in a favourite author like Tijan and I was beyond excited to get my grabby claws onto this..

Thirty year old Addison Bowman is still recovering from a devastating blow which shook her world to the core, when she witnessed her husband dying right in front of her eyes by being taken out by a drunk driver, nothing ever prepared her for what transpired right before her very eyes.

Lost in her web of grief for over a year it's only through her best friend, Sia that she painstakingly shakes herself off and slowly moves on with life again and with that comes some big changes, first is moving out of the house her husband and her lovingly brought together and when an opportunity arises to move into The Mauricio an exclusive high rise building by invitation only she jumps at the chance.

Celebrating her new apartment at a local restaurant her eyes are drawn to a group of men that have walked through the door whom seem to dominate the whole room, her eyes are drawn to one man in particular, their eyes connect briefly and she can't help but notice how devastatingly handsome he is.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Authority and confidence emanated from him, along with an aura of danger. He moved with a grace, the others didn't have, the others walked, but he stalked in a sensual way. He moved like a predator. He was one of the best looking men I had ever seen.

This was a lot different than I had anticipated, in the beginning you completely connect with Addison’s character, Cole Mauricio is another story, so much mystery surrounds him, and for most of the story we’re not privy to his background or anything so it’s kind of like putting the pieces of a puzzle in the right places as you’re given more information about him.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic There are things about my life I can’t share. I’d like to, but I’m in a position where I can’t. Not until I trust you.

Danger oozes from him, and that comes through in the story, but as soon as Addison clapped eyes on him she was under his spell.

A few more meetings between these two and neither of them could fight their attraction, things escalated quickly, a first date to bed, and she's still in the dark of who Cole really is.

The author lulls us into a false sense of security in the beginning of the book, this is where I found it a wee bit drawn out, and slow going, it's not until you're over that half way mark where all the grit of what a good mafia read entails comes into play. And from that stage onwards I was invested into inhaling this as quickly as possible..At that stage I couldn't put it down..Things escalate, a few twists and turns had me gasping to see what the outcome was going to be.

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If you're like me and are a fan of this authors then yes definitely I highly recommend a one click come release day, you'll also be pleased to get reaquainted with Carter Reed and Emma again so well worth a read..

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Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,783 reviews2,830 followers
February 23, 2017


descriptionThis cover is just OK. It's a little boring in my opinion. Nothing about it says "READ ME" and it doesn't give a good representation of the story within. It is just kind of "MEH" overall.description

descriptionA year ago Addison lost her husband Liam to a drunk driver. Haunted by his memory and encouraged by her best friend Sia, Addi decides it is time to make some changes and moves into The Mauricio. A very exclusive, very expensive building that no one is quite sure who owns. There she runs into the attractive and mysterious owner himself COLE.

What starts off as a spark of attraction is soon a full-fledged fire, but Cole is keeping secrets. Secrets that could tear him and Addi apart. Secrets that along with Addi's past place her directly in the line of fire...


I enjoyed this one for the most part. It was well-written. The plot had a nice pace to it. The story was engaging. It had twist and turns. Interesting secondary characters (including a Carter Reed cameo). I thought Addison was a very likable heroine. Cole was interesting but a TINY bit underdeveloped to me. This could be because we get VERY little from his POV making it harder for me the reader to connect with him. I was left feeling at the end that for the most part, he was still a mystery to me.

On top of that, I also thought it was a bit on the long side with the ending feeling rushed. Again this is where I believe that it would have been helpful to have been given Cole's POV.

In any case, like I said overall I did find this an enjoyable way to spend a few hours. Two thumbs up from yours truly.description


Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
March 7, 2017
It's LIVE & on Blog Tour!

It's been a year since Addison lost her husband, Liam, to a drunk driver. She's been barely living.
"Everything was dull. Grey. Black. White."

With the support of her best friend, Sia, she takes the huge step of finally putting her house on the market in an attempt to move on. She ends up moving into a coveted unit in The Mauricio, a building that is not only expensive and exclusive, but it's shrouded in mystery. And the mystery doesn't end there because she then meets Mr. Mysterious himself, Cole, and he's holding all sorts of secrets.
"This man, whoever he was, whatever kind of man he was, could affect me like no other had in my life."

"I always felt like I was holding my breath when it came to Cole."

It's been a while since I read a Tijan story and I enjoyed the heck out of this one. I loved the sizzling connection between Addison and Cole, the injection of humor, the welcome visit with Carter, and the in-depth back story created for Cole. I found that Cole had a lot more depth to him than Addison did. Maybe his tragic past struck a chord with me but I felt that, aside from Liam's death, Addison didn't have much to save her from being a one-dimensional character. Don't get me wrong, I liked her, but I think I would have been happier to get more of Cole's perspective than hers in what was essentially his story.

Release Date: February 27, 2017
Genre: Mafia Romance
POV: Primarily heroine - 1st person
Steam: 2 out of 5
Book Type: Standalone
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
May 20, 2019
Loving the bad boy...

I'm going to be nice and leave my rating at 4-stars, but to be honest, I didn't really like the narration of Cole. I do not understand having a dual narration if the male narrator is only narrating for five minutes. Why even bother? The female narrator does an OK job but I found her voice a little too high pitched and she doesn't change it up much for each of the characters she portrays.

Listening to Cole was a little different to how I remembered the storyline when I read it. This was like throwing a 100 piece jigsaw puzzle in the air and it miraculously falling and coming together perfectly. What're the chances? Everyone and everything came together in a way that was predictable and unrealistic.

Not the worst but definitely not the best either. I should have stuck with reading it myself.

Will this new attraction be her destruction?

Would you believe this is my first story by Tijan? I know, crazy. I, unfortunately, was under the misguided impression that the author wrote high school romance. Of all places, I got the recommendation to read Cole from the weekly puzzler in my historical romance reading group on Goodreads. Thank you, Okie. Without you, I would never have known and that would have been a terrible shame. Who would have thought historical romance set me on the path towards…the MAFIA.

Of late, I’ve been going into my reads blind. Well, kind of blind. I haven’t been re-reading the blurb on books I’ve previously bought. If an ARC hits my kindle, I might look at the cover, but most times, I just start reading. A few people have asked me how I read so many books one straight after the other. Well, this is my way. Each start is a new adventure, a new love story and a new happy ever after (hopefully). Every day I get the opportunity to be adventurous, sexy, mysterious and alluring. Well, today I lived through grief, looked beyond the square walls of my existence and took a hit for love.

Addison, our main character, has lived through losing the love of her life. Now, normally, this storyline would have had me running for the hills. I was determined to keep going and not be so narrow-minded. Who am I to say that Addy had to stay miserable for the rest of her life? I know that things change, people change and life happens. You can try and avoid making connections but sometimes a fleeting moment can change your whole life. I needed to give Addison a chance to find happiness again.

A man walked into a bar…well, it was actually a restaurant, but who’s quibbling. Anyways…this man caught and held Addy’s attention. It had been a very long year since she had lost her husband and she’s only just starting to live again. Her best friend Sia has been her rock and a wealth of support. Sia has helped her sell the home she lived in with her husband and find a place without the haunting memories. They were sitting in a restaurant after the move when this man walked in. It was like everything slowed down and Addy couldn’t look away. She was mesmerised…but it felt wrong. Was it disloyal to be attracted to another man? She tells herself to forget him. But then…he appears in the same building she now lives in. Maybe it was fate.

Will this new attraction be her destruction?

Cole is the head of the “family” and his life is filled with murder, mayhem and meetings. A woman comes into his life and he is determined to keep her there. He knows it’s a risk and could put her in danger but her appeal is too great. He has to have her…he just hopes it won’t be the biggest mistake of his life.

Cole and Addy’s story was not an easy love story. Both of them have history and as the story unfolds, we find out that they are kind of connected. Their attraction to each other was easy to see and once they connect, the sizzle and spark jumped off the pages. We see loyalty between friends and family and dedication to a legacy that has been going for years. Wars between families cause death and destruction.

I really enjoyed reading Cole and I’m so glad that I was introduced to Tijan’s world. Yes, I’ll probably avoid her high school stuff but after meeting Carter Reed, it looks like I’ve got a few books ready and waiting for me.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,264 reviews711 followers
February 22, 2017

4.5 "Cole" stars

Addison Bowman/Sailor lost her husband Liam to a tragic hit and run accident, and still a whole year after she's barely living. She's there, but not really present. She's going through motion and life on authomatism more than anything else, trying to move on but not really trying per se.
Everything was dull. Grey. White.

She's hanging around her best friend Sia, who's vibrant persona keeps Addison somewhat interested in the things around her. And when Sia nudges her to make that crucial step in „moving on“, Addison eventually decides to sell her house and with her late husband's inheritance, she moves into the prestigious building „The Mauricio“. A very highy secured and well enhanced comodity of a living place with merely several tenants and with a mystery of the top floor belonging to the owner no one has ever seen.

Until one night she does.

Cole Mauricio is the last man standing, the head of the Mauricio family and highly guarded and protected by his men. His posture says it all – danger, power and more danger. When Addison sees him in a glimpse, he makes it his business to find out more. What he didn't expect is the indescribable physical attraction and chemistry they share. She affects him almost in the same crippling capacity as he affects her. And soon they engage a sexually potent relationship that soon consumes them beyond any measure and notion.

But he also tries to keep his true identity from Addison for as long as possible. She eventually finds out the truth, the primarly shock slowly subsidies when she acknowledges to herself that it's almost impossible to not convey the penetrating pull they have towards each other, and she can't stay away.

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But when the attack on Cole happens while Addison is with him, for the first time he has a different notion of what fear feels like, fear of losing another person he happens to care about.
This wasn't my first or even my second attack. I'd been in so many, and I'd survived. I 'd lived. That was what I did. But this was the first time, or the first that I remembered, when I was scared.…because of her, i knew I'd be more brutal. The need to kill was stronger than it had ever been.

But then the things start to get more complicated, as Addison finds out the whole horrid truth about her husband's family, about the concequences that would break her heart all over again, the dangerous betrayal close to Cole will pull her in the direct line of fire, involving her into the long mafia war, between two fued enemies seeking for retribution, revenge and penance.

Will she be able to live through it all, will she be able to forgive?

Could she cope with the notion that the man she now came to love, tried to set her free by lying to her in the most dreadful way…but inspite the lies, the danger, the odds and circumstances…

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Even though I have had a different idea in my head about Cole when I first met him in Carter Reed book 2, I was actually swept away by Tijan's portrayal of his character. He literally raditated with this mystic allure of danger and yet he was gentle and poised and passionate and I totally bought that. I was hooked.

I loved the interactions between Cole and Addison, the chemistry was so palpable that I could not elude the way it felt in my bones while I was reading about it, but at times I also felt there wasn't enough time for them both to grow into the „love“ until the life-threatening situation that, in fact, sped up the very process. I loved the tension, the thrill, the action (even though there could have been just a bit more of it) and the suspensful culmination of the events that was fantastically incorporated in the storytelling combining different tempo and pace.

And inspite some parts of the plot that felt a bit stretched and the quite slower and mellow ending, I truly enjoyed reading and meeting Cole Mauricio and Addison Bowman in this, in many ways, a second chance romance
Profile Image for Christine B.
529 reviews95 followers
January 7, 2020
This was a really good read, yes it was a Mafia Kingpin but a romance/love story. Addison Bowman/Sailor was a widow, she was trying to get her life back together after losing her husband Liam in a drunk driver hit & run. Thinking their house was hunted by her dead husband Addison decided to move. Addison husband Liam left her a fortune so she could go anywhere. That is when her best friend Sia gave her a lead to one of the outstanding looking buildings in Chicago downtown that they had been admiring, The Maurcio, an exclusive, prestigious building that only allows 7 tenants to live in the building.

Cole Maurcio was a presence, when he enter any room you knew he was power. Now a new tenant in his building caught his eye and from the first moment they met it was like they knew each other, however there were parts of his life he could not tell Addison. "There are things about my life I can’t share. I’d like to, but I’m in a position where I can’t. Not until I trust you". This is the beginning of the story and not the end its a Mafia war and a love story.
Profile Image for Lo Bookfrantic.
808 reviews591 followers
May 5, 2017
4 ★★★★ Stars

Genre: Romance / Mafia
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person – Dual

"I came to you, and the ghosts left me."

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Addison Bowman after the death of her husband and unable to move on; she finally decides to start fresh. Moving out of her husband's house and into an exclusive apartment building was the first step to her new life. Addison is soon to find new hope in her life and a lover she truly was not expecting.

"He was beautiful like a fallen angel, but so lethal at the same time."

Cole Mauricio is the head of the Mauricio family. He is the last man alive and because he is the last he has a lot of protection by his men. He is a man that demands – power and danger. He meets Addison and from the first time he was interested and wanted to know more about her. Cole however had no idea that what started as curiosity was going to be so much more than he expected. The physical attraction and chemistry was mutual and it was so intense and delicious.

"My life I can't talk about, But this you coming to me is like a breath of oxygen. I can breathe again."

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Cole and Addison make a perfect team for each other; I liked them together. She was the calm in his dark days. Because they were opposite from each other when you put them together is a perfect match.

"He was dangerous, mysterious, and mesmerizing, but he was more. Kind. Considerate. I saw a glimmer of someone who cared."

Overall, I really enjoyed this story; it was a mixture of suspense and romances not as much suspense as I prefer them but still well done none the less. The chemistry between Cole and Addison was fantastic. I enjoyed how they each were chasing each other; even after secrets came out they became stronger and the lust and love more intense but also dangerous. Cole decides he will protect Addison at any cost. We see some characters from Carter Reed and I was so flipping excited to get to see them here too it made this read so much enjoyable. Lovers who enjoy second chance romance will truly enjoy this book. I do recommend however; reading Carter Reed 1 & 2 prior to reading this book because you will be able to enjoy the story so much better as for the history of Cole comes up in the previews books.

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October 23, 2022
Living the high life, mafia style!

The following ratings are out of 5:
Narrator: 🎙🎙🎙🎙
Romance: 💚🖤💙💜❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📕📗📙📘📔
World building: 🌏🌍🌎🌏🌎
Character development: 😎☺️🙃😚🥰

The heroine: Addison Bowman - she moved to Chicago two years ago with her husband Liam who was a counsellor at the Haven Center. He is car was t-boned by a truck and he died right in front of Addison. Since then she has been struggling to enjoy anything. Her best friend Sia works in an art gallery and gives Addison a tip about an exclusive apartment buildings in Chicago that has a vacancy. Addison has been looking to move from the house she shared with Liam and all the memories and she had millions of dollars that Liam had left her so she decided to check it out.

The Hero: Cole Mauricio - the leader of the Mafia. We don’t find out much more about Cole until well into the audiobook. He is very secretive about everything in his life.

The Story: Addison moves in to the Mauricio building and finds that only 7 people live in the huge building, each person has their own floor and the mysterious building owner has the top 3 floors of the building. Nobody has ever seen the owner and it is quite a mystery. The first time Addison sees Cole he is surrounded by his men, but she could tell he was the boss and she was attracted to him despite herself.

The next time Addison sees Cole is when he and his men are in the elevator in her building. She is outside the elevator and he was standing close to another man, holding him up. Addison saw that one of his men had a gun and when she looked down she saw blood pooling at their feet. She sees him the next day running on the track in the gym and they start running together every day.

This book was told in dual points of view via dual narration, though the majority was told via Addison’s point of view. It was narrated by Stephen Dexter and Laura Darrell. Laura has a clear voice and sounds like a young woman, so matched Addison nicely. I have listened to Stephen Dexter many times before and I really like his narration.

I liked the story, the romance was good and a bit different for a mafia story since Addison didn’t know Cole was in the mafia until she was already well into the relationship. There was plenty of chemistry between Cole and Addison as well. The mafia storyline was great and I liked all the connections within the story. Tijan books always have terrific supporting characters and that was no different in this one.

Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,118 reviews2,567 followers
March 7, 2017
Full review posted 2/28/17
This quote sums up my thoughts perfectly. “It was breathtaking. That was the art I appreciated”

Cole Mauricio is my mother-effing dude!! If you’re looking for a dark, dangerous, and sexy AF hero; you’re talking about Cole. He did it for me in a big way!

“He was startlingly beautiful. His hair was dark, almost black, and cut short. He had chiseled cheekbones and dark eyes that weren’t like the others…They were there to take orders, and this was the guy who gave them.”

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Here’s the breakdown: Addison recently lost her husband Liam to a drunk driver accident. She’s haunted by his ghost in their shared home. She gets a tip that an exclusive building has an open apartment, so she agrees to a viewing. The apartment is perfect for her needs and just happens to be the place she sees Cole for the second time. Shortly after, they have another run in and agree to a date. Things progress from there.

I have a confession. I went into this story completely blind. I’ve only read one other book by Tijan (Kian), so I had no knowledge of the back story with Carter Reed. Guess what! That doesn’t matter at all! Because this book was totally and completely awesome! Actually, I’m planning to read any and everything in the series of books because Cole was awesome.

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Here’s what I absolutely loved: The writing and execution really did it for me. This book is perfectly plotted and executed. I was engaged from the very first sentence. The emotional pull is also a huge bonus. If you enjoy books that not only entertain, but also engage you and tug on your heart-strings….this is the one! The twists and turns also added a level of excitement and intrigue. Very well done!

Cole…my oh my did I love this character! Larger than life, sexy as sin, AND dangerous – Cole is a spectacular dark hero. His affection for and protectiveness of Addison was a major turn on.

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Addison is also an exceptional main character. She vulnerable and doesn’t come off as the super strong type, but when the shit hit the fan, she had her man’s back. You have to respect that!
When these two characters come together its electric. Their need for each other regardless of all the issues that come between them, is magnetic.

“The first time Cole and I were together, I felt possessed by him. And I claimed him back. That night had been intense, but it was just the beginning…We’d grown closer and more connected each time we were together. After last night, there was no going back. I was his. He was mine.”

Overall, this was a solid read. It nearly perfect. I loved it!

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I rate it: 4.5 Stars

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Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,955 reviews1,522 followers
July 12, 2017
I haven’t read a Tijan book in a long time. I stopped reading the Fallen Crest series and I’ve been meaning to pick something up because I know the feels this author can give me.

I will say this. I was hesitant from reading Cole because the reviews have been meh. I also didn’t want a dramatic read (based on the cover), but the cover was misleading to me (not to the general public) just to me because I mistaken this one for a darker read, which it wasn’t. Shame on me.

I liked Cole, it wasn’t like Carter Reed where I had all the FEELS, but it was good.

Let me just give you some advice, go into this book without knowing anything that is what I did. The book is a mega mystery and I really liked the first half of the book.

Addison is recovering over the death of her husband. She is recently wealthy and it just trying to move on with her life. I usually don’t like the wife trying to get over the dead husband storyline, but I didn’t mind this one. I felt for Addison’s pain and I wanted her to move on the best way she could.

She finally moves into a high security and high-end apartment where she meets Cole. Cole is the big mystery of the book. And I couldn’t get enough of him. I wanted to know his secrets, like why doesn’t he converse with anyone, why is he so guarded, why is he willing to become friends with Addison.

I did read some of the reviews while I was reading this book and it was spoiled for me who Cole was, but it wasn’t too bad.

There is a cameo of Tijan’s other characters from her other books and it makes me want to go back and read her other books now.

I do have one issue with this book and it really hindered my reading experience.

I don’t mind books without sex. I read them, they are called slow burn reads to me, BUT I don’t like it when an author writes ONE sex scene and then every other sex scene isn’t written in. Meaning, the first sex scene is written out, with all the touches and feels and orgasms and what not (so it’s like a new adult book) BUT after that every time the main characters have sex, it’s not written out. You allude to it and then it’s done.

DO NOT DO THAT EVER. Either write your sex scenes out or don’t. I don’t mind both, but I DO mind BOTH in one book. You are like a bad drug dealer giving me one hit for free and then making me pay for the rest of it.

I think I could have enjoyed it more if there was or wasn’t sex.

I’m crazy but it makes sense in my head.

I also found the second half a little slower and I wished there was more action. I’m glad we got Cole’s book though and I’m looking forward to what the author has next for us.
Profile Image for Betül.
1,041 reviews284 followers
February 22, 2017
**ARC provided in exchange for an honest review**


3.5 stars

I love mafia romances, it is one of my favorite subgenres. I was excited to get started on this book, and I really enjoyed the first half of the book. Addison was a very likable character, she had been through a very rough patch and was trying to find her way in life again. Thankfully she had her bestie Sia, who dragged her out of the house to socialize on many occasions. This book felt very mysterious, and the main male character Cole was very secretive. He was like a ghost in the first quarter of the book. But from the first moment Addison laid her eyes on him, she can't get him out of her mind. Cole was protective, sexy, attractive but not an over the top alpha male in my opinion.

"I felt him. He had power over me, and none of this made sense. He'd branded me, claiming me."

Why a 3.5 star rating you may ask or wonder. I had difficulties connecting with the characters. I did feel there was a connection between them, but I couldn't fully connect with them. The main reason for that is because I didn't have enough time with Cole. I spend a lot of time with Addison, but I would've loved if Cole played a bigger part as well. He got 2 chapters in his POV, which was not enough. I wanted to know what he was thinking. Also there was some rushing through some scenes, which made it hard for me to feel and see the development of their relationship as a couple. I loved the side characters a lot. I am especially intrigued by Dawn, and really hope she will get her own book.
Profile Image for Karen Mc .
1,022 reviews763 followers
February 27, 2017

I’ve had to do a lot of things I don’t like to do. But I’m not as black as I’m painted. I’m human. I’ve got a heart in me. ~Al Capone

I just devoured Cole by Tijan Meyer in one sitting!!! Cole was INSTA-LOVE!!! I could not stop reading. My heart is still beating out of my chest. My pulse is still pounding. This story is still spinning around in my head. What an ADRENALINE RUSH!!! Cole is a roller coaster of a mafia romance, a hypnotizing and heart-racing ride of BREATHLESS BLISS!!!

The first few pages packed a punch to the gut where I knew Cole would be a hard-fought tale, one where hell would happen before happiness. My heart was GRABBED and STABBED. I was immediately in this story’s clutches as I was CAPTIVATED, CONSUMED, and CLAIMED. Mind racing. Heart beating out of my chest. Eyes wide in anticipation, ready to flood with tears. I FELL HARD AND FAST, I FELL IN LOVE WITH COLE IMMEDIATEY.

I was EXCITED and ON EDGE as Cole pushed me to the edge, pummeling my heart and searing my soul, as it transported me to a dark mafia world where I was held in suspense, swimming in a stupor. This story seduced me, word by word, weaving me into its spell. Cole bled into me, as I was bound to Cole and didn’t want to break free. Cole was already my adrenaline...my angst...my ache...MY ALL!!!

Beautiful and blonde, Addison, has been through hell and is taking life one day at a time, trying to keep her demons at bay.

Addison is not interested in dating, as she is still in survival mode. Life is pretty grey. Grey until Addison spots a gorgeous, powerful-looking man one night. A man who impacted her without words. A man she knew, perhaps her destiny, would change her life.

This man, whoever he was, whatever kind of man he was, could affect me like no other in my life. Something had happened here, and I had a feeling everything was going to change. I just didn’t know if it would be for the better or the worse.

Another chance meeting and Addison learns that her heart-stopping man is Cole Mauricio. Cole is tall, dark, and handsome…and oh-so-dangerous. A powerful man whose power I felt through the pages. Cole is PURE PERFECTION!!!

He was beautiful, like a fallen angel, but so lethal at the same time.

These beautiful words imprinted themselves on my heart, soaring all the way to my soul.
It’s instant chemistry, so combustible between Cole and Addison…so much more.

“Do you know how beautiful you are?”

My heart skipped a beat. I couldn’t talk.

My heart skipped a beat too as these words were MAGICAL, MELTING ME. Cole tries to stay away from the beauty who has worked her way into his hardened heart after a few encounters, a few meetings that have changed his world though he doesn’t want Addison in his dark world.

He stared into me, and for a moment, I felt like I got a glimpse of the real Cole. He was dangerous, mysterious, and mesmerizing, but he was more. Kind. Considerate. I saw a glimmer of someone who cared.

Mr. Mafia doesn’t want Addison sucked into a dark hole filled with danger and demons who won’t go away, but Addison is fighting demons of her own and Cole is the color to her grey days.

“My life I can’t talk about, but this—you coming to me—is like a breath of oxygen. I can breathe again. Something pure among so much tainted.”

Together, they can help each other heal. Together, they can slay those demons. Together, they can be everything.

“I’m going to help you become Addison once more. Just you. Just me. No one else.”

And then, his mouth touched mine, gently, tenderly, he did as he’d promised.

Cole will protect Addison at all costs, even if it means killing for her.

Because of her, I knew I’d be more brutal. The need to kill was stronger than it had ever been.

When their worlds collide, it may be hard to stay together without falling apart.

I should’ve run. I didn’t. I should’ve hidden. I didn’t. I should’ve cried. I couldn’t. I should’ve raged, thrown something. My hands never left my side. I should’ve done something, anything.

I LOVED COLE!!! Powerful…penetrating…PERFECTION. I was HIGH ON THIS BOOK, my addiction. Cole was my drug, and I could not get enough of this FIX.

Cole is a thrilling, twisty, and tender tale that made my pulse pound and my heart beat out of my chest!!! I felt the current of Cole flow through me, CRUSHING ME. I knew Cole would break me, shatter my heart into pieces, and that it did. Cole BROKE ME IN THE BEST WAY!

INTOXICATING, INTENSE, and INCREDIBLE, Cole is not just a book; it is SO MUCH MORE! Cole is a pulse-pounding and heart-racing mafia meets romance—a vibrant movie that played in my head—where I felt every word leap to life, my heart leaping to life too. My heart is still stuck in this mesmerizing and magnetic mafia romance, so thrilling yet tender, where it may stay forever. ❤

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 5 thrilling and tender stars

It’s not a mafia story. It’s a love story.

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Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,466 reviews85 followers
March 21, 2019
***4 "I choose you!!!" stars***

"If you can’t numb the heartbreak, use it to fuel something productive."

And now, i have to read Carter Reed ASAP!!!!
This duet is from the books that i still haven't read by Tijan and since Carter Reed had a part on Cole, now I'm way too curious for his story!!!! Arrrr....
No, don't you worry if you haven't read Carter Reed yet, Cole is a standalone, of course!!!!
As you can understand, i liked and this book by my beloved Tijan!!!! Not as much as the Bennett Mafia, but still.. it was really good, as everything is by this woman!!!! I just LOVE her and her writing!!!!
But let's focus on the book!!!!

"Who is Cole?"

Addison lost her beloved husband before a year, but the grieve and heartbreak is still lingering inside her!!!! She had abandon everything since the day she lost him, even her life... The only person that is remaining beside her is her best friend, Sia...
And because of her, Addison's life is about to change...
And the change is starting with a new house and mysterious... Cole!!!

"Everything was dull. Grey. White."

Cole is a mystery... He is popping up all the time in front of Addison and inevitably, in some point, those two are coming closer...
But Cole has many secrets that could affect Addison... She is about to pull into his world and she is clueless.... But maybe... That pull started long before Cole???
And who is Cole??? What is he hiding???

"I came to you and the ghosts left me."

Well, i liked the storyline very much... I liked how Tijan mixed up the things and the facts...
And of course, i liked very much mysterious and dark, Cole!!!! I liked how Cole was with Addison... That different side of him.... I liked his background and i'm really wondering if we see him in Carter's book!!!! Even though Cole was in mafia, he was a very loveable person....
Hey, I'm not doing spoilers!!!! It's common knowledge that this book is about mob!!!!

"My life I can't talk about, but this -you coming to me- is like a breath of oxygen. I can breathe again... Something pure among so much tainted."

As for Addison??? I really liked her!!!!
She was so sad in the beginning... She was barely fuctioning and i felt sorry for her...
And then Cole came into her life and put color in her life... She started living again and i liked her new self... I liked how she didn't bat an eye when she learned some certain things and i understood how she lost it in the end...

"He had power over me, and none of this made sense. He'd branded me, claiming me."

As you can understand, i really liked this book!!!!
I'm a major fan on mafia romances and this book was from those that i'm really enjoying reading!!! I liked the mystery and the suspense... I liked the turns that surprised me!!!
And of course, beyond the main couple, i really liked Sia and Jake.... Sia was so full of life and i really loved her... I also liked Carter and Emma and i can't wait to learn from firsthand their story at some point...
And of course, i liked Dawn and Ken... They were sweethearts in their own way!!!!
I won't say anything about the guys that i didn't like, because they were many!!!! Bahahaha...
I just.... wish i 'd learned Liam a little bit more... He seemed an intriguing character with many hidden secrets!!!!

"I'm not scared of who you are. I'm not scared of what you can do. I'm not scared what it means to be at your side. I'm only scared of how much I can't be without you..."

***I want to thank Tijan for providing me with a copy of this book.***
April 4, 2017
This book is all about having a case of the Hot-Guy-itis. You know how when you see a guy that's so hot you know if he said come to my secluded home on an island in Greenland, you'd say YES. Whereas normally, you'd be thinking how that guy probably wants to murder you or turn you into a sex slave in his secluded island house in a country where you don't speak the language. This dude is so hot, you're ok with it.

Addison lost her husband a year ago and to get over the loss she moves into a super fancy and exclusive apt building where she sees the Hot Guy. Lucky for her, he likes her too and they strike up a flirtation that becomes a relationship. She doesn't know much about him, not even his last name, until a charity gala. Oops, now she finds out her bed buddy is part of the mafia. Oh well, he's still hot, thus they keep up the relationship. But then drama, drama, drama. And some mafia stuff, some not full truths, sadness, and HEA. The end.

Not a bad book and I enjoyed the eccentric side characters.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,433 followers
October 14, 2020
3.5 stars

I liked it enough to keep reading 'til the end, but I wish the relationship between Cole (H) and Addison (h) had more time to develop before they became a couple. I kinda just wanted them to have more scenes getting to know each other and all that. None of the side characters really stood out to me aside from Carter Reed and Emma, but it's only cause I'm aware they have their own story (which I still need to get to) lmaoo. I liked Cole but, for being the head of the mafia, I didn't feel the ruthless/intensity in him and I guess I'm just used to reading other mafia Hs who were more dark, but his backstory did make me feel for him. <3

I should have expected
December 8, 2018
4 stars

In a word: Addictive

Fair warning: once you start this book and get a couple of chapters in, you will not want to put it down. This is the first book I have read by this author, though I now realize that there are "prequels" (a couple of books about one of the "supporting cast" in this story), so I will definitely be putting them toward the top of my tbr list! But this book can easily be read as a standalone.

Addison had been widowed for a year when this story kicks off, and she is still grieving her loss as she feels her husband's presence in their home. Not only did he die in a horrific accident, she witnessed the truck t-bone his car and caught his look when he knew he was dying as he mouthed, "I lov-" --- so immediately, Addison is a sympathetic character. An opportunity to move on is presented by her best friend who received a tip: a floor has opened up in the beautiful and mysterious downtown building that Addison has admired for years, and she can't pass up the chance to at least take a peak inside. Though she is still hesitant to leave her home, she feels that the nightmares she suffers where she swears she hears her deceased husband's voice will not end unless she physically removes herself from their shared space. Though they lived a "normal" life financially speaking, Addison learned that her husband's grandmother left him $20 million that Addison now inherits, which allows her freedom to move to the impressive new digs.

Enter the mysterious Cole --- the moment Addison sees him at a restaurant near her new place, she knows he is not a "regular guy" --- he exudes power and authority, and he commands her immediate attention. She later runs into him in the building, and though he is also immediately attracted to her, he is unable to share anything about himself, even his last name. Addison, who has always been cautious, is finally feeling again for the first time in a long time, so she rolls with it and decides to see where it leads.

I liked the chemistry between the two right off the bat -- it was intense and very possessive on both sides (not in a weird way, but in a hot way if that makes sense). They were drawn to each other and unable to stay away even when it would have been healthier/safer for them to separate. The story was very fast-paced, and there was a lot of twists and action throughout. There were a few things that didn't really get explained or resolved enough for me to understand their importance in the plot ---

The other thing that didn't work for me was the steamy goodness level -- it was more anecdotal than anything - very little detail, so for this to be labeled "erotica" (as it is in many places) is erroneous, in my opinion. I could definitely have gone for more in that respect of their relationship. But otherwise, an enjoyable read that hooked me from the start!

Plot/Story Line --- 4/5
Main Characters --- 5/5
Supporting Cast --- 4/5
Steam Level --- 1.5/5
Language --- Not egregious
Violence --- It's a mob story, so yep. But nothing very descriptive (though the discussion about Cole's family's demise is rough bc it involves kids).
POV --- 1st (from Addison's POV most often; a couple times from Cole's)
Profile Image for Shannon.
475 reviews152 followers
September 7, 2017
I'm afraid I'm having a bit of a hard time with Tijan's books, in the sense that I don't really know how to feel about them. This was the second book I've read of hers in about two weeks, and I have similar problems with each.

First off, the heroine. The heroine in this book I did like better than the last, until she just stopped doing anything exciting. The first 50% or so I thought she was good! Likeable, putting her live back together, I liked her thoughts about Cole, etc. But then once this part came around and she was together with Cole, I can't actually think back to a single thing she did. I mean, sure, that's a hyperbole. I know she wrote two newspaper articles and saw some horses but really. Did she do anything of value? I feel like she stopped adding to the story.

The love story: while in theory it's there, these books feel like I don't actually see the characters fall in love. There's the lust, obviously, but then everything happens so quickly and I didn't actually get to see it. These characters had spent two days together, but between those days and with Cole being away, they had "known" each other for several weeks. Even though they weren't always communicating. So to go from this to directly falling for/in love with the guy, I don't quite get it. Especially when you don't yet know anything about him.

The storyline here actually starts quite slow, and considering this is a mafia book, nothing exciting happens until I kid you not after the halfway mark. Then it's like the mafia threw up on this book. But at this point, I had a hard time connecting the characters (except the hero) from the first half of the book to the second. It was a very drastic change. With all that was going on, did the heroine actually do anything? Anything at all? And then it's left open ended with several characters and what actually happened.

And along the same lines, when she finds out that he's mafia, she basically shrugs it off and everyone moves on. Um, I wanted her to throw a fit! Hahaha. She basically said okay, and a few days later she was holding a gun, shooting someone. And it was all fine because she loved him. Cool story, bro.

I found the feelings maybe a tad more believable from the heroes perspective, but even so, I can't get over the fact that I didn't see these two actually develop feelings and then fall for each other. I was just told it was happening in a sentence or two.

But then also coming to the end of the book, was that not just predictable and cheesy? I expected something like that from your general romance book but this is a mother effing mafia book with a killer (pun intended) hero! I was expecting epic.

Side note: if a guy I had slept with twice left on business, and I was not consistently speaking with him, I would not get on a plane to be flown out to see him because someone told me there was a car waiting. Maybe I'm a skeptic, but I think that's how people are killed these days.

Storyline, the second half did get quite exciting and quite quickly, plus the quality of the writing is definitely strong. These are the reasons for my higher type of rating even though I wasn't too keen on everything else.

Overall rating: 3.5

And yes, I'll be reading more Tijan. I'm too curious for my own good and I've got several books of hers on my TBR. 😊 Hopefully this review kind of made sense.
Profile Image for  Linathebookaddict  .
1,488 reviews397 followers
February 28, 2017
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Title: Cole
Author: Tijan
Category: Romance, Mafia
Series or Standalone: Standalone
POV: Dual POVs
Plot: 5
Characters: 5
Scorching Level: 5
HEA: Not telling


Riveting, gripping and passionate! I love Tijan's writing and this book had me hooked from the start. An excellent blend of mafia, romance and suspense!
When Addison meets the enigmatic Cole, she has no idea who he is and what he does. All she knows is that he is imposing, handsome and elusive. When their chance meeting starts becoming more, she will find out that Cole is hiding things, dangerous things. Getting involved with him is not the safest thing for her, especially when he tells her that there are things he cannot tell her. Still, the pull towards him is undeniable. Can they survive his secrets?
I love this author and the way she introduced us to these characters was amazing. I was glad to see a certain beloved character in the book as well. Addison was a great heroine and I loved how determined she was to stay in Cole's world. Their chemistry was off the characters and the storyline took us on plenty twists and turns. I simply loved it. I recommend it.

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Profile Image for *TANYA*.
1,002 reviews386 followers
July 26, 2018
Absolutely taken by surprise!!! The second half of this book was ever so endearing. I loved it. I cried and that hasn’t happened in a VERY long time lol. I will most definitely be reading more books by Tijan
Profile Image for Kay's Blushing Book Reviews.
289 reviews277 followers
February 17, 2019
Mafia romance are amongst my favorite reads and Tijan delivered all the feels in this one.
I loved the intense connect between Addison and Cole. The story created a mysteriousness that kept me intruiged and engaged right through. The Characters are well developed and grow throughout the story. I really enjoyed the natural flow to the story and Tijan's writing style, I will be looking for more books from this author !
Profile Image for Amanda Brown.
279 reviews30 followers
March 8, 2017
There have been so many great releases so far this year. I am feeling overwhelmed trying to keep up. Cole intrigued me the second I seen the cover and read the blurb. I mean, you're crazy if you weren't at least a little curious.

Although I have heard of Tijan, I have yet to read any of her books until Cole. This may have been a mistake because I should have probably started with the Carter Reed series. I have a tendency to make this mistake often. It is nearly impossible to keep track of this stuff unless you do a thorough background check on each book you read. I don't have time for that shit.

Addison is a 30-year-old doing the opposite of living it up in Chicago. She has only lived there for a couple of years after she moved with her husband when he got a new job. Unfortunately, a year ago, Liam was killed by a drunk driver who fled the scene. And although Addison wasn't in the vehicle, she seen everything. It was a very heart breaking start to a story. Since her husband's passing, she has done the typical widow thing, only getting by, not really living.

She has a best friend, the only one that stuck by her side after everything. But honestly, she was a terrible character. Super annoying, selfish, loud, and obnoxious. I don't know if Tijan wanted Sia to come across that way but she did and it made me cringe that Addison was left with one friend and she had to be like that.

After having nightmares in her home that she shared with Liam, she is reluctant but ready to move. She inherited quite the sum of money after he passed away that she was unaware he had. Seriously, the day my husband dies and I found out he had twenty mil laying around, I'm gonna be one happy widow. There is a beautiful and exclusive building downtown Chicago that has an open floor. Which she sees and moves into for a whopping 25 grand a month.

We also have Cole. He is the head of a Mafia Family. He is young and powerful and sexy af and super rich. This shouldn't have to be told, it should be obvious. You know, because he the hero of a romance novel. Duh.

Anyway. They meet. It is instant infatuation. You get the girl who loses her spine every time he walks in the room. I know I am sounding pretty critical right now. And I really like Addison but I have these little pet peeves and this book seems to have hit all of them...

-Dead Husband who she was completely in love with and who you are having to compare everything the new guy to. And then playing the "if the husband was still alive" game and trying to figure out who she would choose.
-Selfish best friend who doesn't deserve the best friend title at all.
-Heroine turns into a forgiving blabbering spineless vagina when the Hero is involved. Cole is not a bad guy, I do like him, but a girl should not have to put up with certain shit without an explanation.

I can list more but I feel like I am hopping on the negativity train. Choo choo.

What I really enjoyed was the depth of the Mafia story. I liked the twists and the actual plot was pretty good. It could and should have been written at a faster pace because it got boring every now and then and I wish there was a bit more dialogue between Cole and Addison. But the entire Mafia and families and that stuff was super interesting. And then there was that surprise that I did not see coming and that is why I am giving this book 4 stars. Obviously I am not sharing what that surprise was because it would spoil everything.

It is a standalone. And I will say that it was only written in her perspective because only two chapters or whatever were written in his perspective, so that can't count. I have always preferred dual perspectives and Addison couldn't carry this story alone. There should have been way more from Cole's perspective. He was a way better character and I feel like every complaint I have written could have been fixed if he shared half the story.

It seems it is too late and I have made this quite the negative review despite the 4 stars I gave it. I stand by everything I said. And I will stop now so I don't say anything more negative despite it's positives also.

April 18, 2017
3.5 Stars!!

Let me start by saying that this was my first Tijan book and although I didn't fall head over heels in love, I did enjoy it very much. That said, I think I would have enjoyed it more had I read the Carter Reed looks prior to this one, it seemed like Cole's story started there?

Addison (Addi) is a widow who's husband was killed by a drunk driver. She's been a widow for a year and is having difficulties moving on. She still lives in the house they shared, has frequent nightmares and thinks she can still hear his voice from time to time.

Sia, Addi's bestfriend convinces Addi to move into the exclusive, private luxury apartment building "The Mauricio". All is going well for Addi, she has met her neighbors and enjoys their company. A month after moving in, one neighbor in particular catches her eye.....Cole.

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This is not the first time she has seen her mysterious handsome neighbor, she actually seen a fleeting glimpse of him at a restaurant a month before, feeling something she never felt before when she's is instantly drawn to him. When she sees him in her building and he approaches, she takes a chance and agrees to a date.

Cole is not who he seems and apparently neither was her deceased husband Liam. Addi is thrown into a web of unanswered questions, lies, and deceptions which will put her life in jeopardy......

All-in-all, this is an enjoyable (mafia genre) read that had some violence, but, compared to some mafia books, I did not find it overwhelmingly dark and gritty, I look forward to reading more from this author but....I think need to read the Carter Reed books first!!

*Shout out to Stacey is Sassy for her fab review which convinced me to read this book, thanks Stacey!!
Profile Image for Sky- A hopeless romantic girl :D.
321 reviews121 followers
March 4, 2017
DNF @ 45%
I don't know if i am in majority or minority here but i definitely dnf this book.

To be honest i was waiting for this book to release for a week or two as recently i am not getting any good reads and then i read the blurb here and it got me intrested. So this afternoon i got my hands on it hoping to get my next dreamy book or atleast a worth read.
But what I got was Nada chemistry Between the couple as they meet like two times and then they sleep and sleep together only. No hangouts and cuddling at all and boom they got feelings. In fact heroine just knows his name and sleeps with him again nd again. And even when she knows the truth her reaction was nothing special.
tbh i was more interested in her wierd knitting neighbour's love story than her's. It was a bland read for me.
I know many would disagree and I really don't mind that.
I hope u people can enjoy it!
Profile Image for Jess☺️.
549 reviews87 followers
March 27, 2019
Cole by Tijan is the first book I've read by this author and it won't be the last as I'm looking forward to reading more.
I've not read a Mafia romance book in a long time, but this one had a bit of everything in it from heart ache , falling in love , a little naughtiness , action/suspense and a few embarrassing moments at the beginning which can make you giggle.
It's an quick easy paced book which makes it really enjoyable to read and can be read in an afternoon.
I would definitely recommend this if you're looking for a dangerous and caring sexy alpha male 💋
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,313 reviews

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