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All the Rage

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Er bringt ihre Welt ins Wanken ... Die 19-jährige Rage kennt als Auftragskillerin keine Gnade, keine Reue - und keine Gefühle. Doch das ändert sich, als sie Nolan, ihr nächstes Zielobjekt, kennenlernt. Nolan ist so anders als alle Männer, die sie in ihrer rauen und gefährliche Welt um Logan's Beach bisher kennengelernt hat, und er berührt etwas in ihr, das sie noch nie zuvor gespürt hat. Rage steht vor der größten Entscheidung, die sie jemals treffen musste. Eins von beidem muss sie für immer hinter ich lassen: Nolan oder das Leben, das sie bisher geführt hat. Egal, wie sie sich auch entscheidet, den Abzug muss sie ganz alleine bedienen ...

8 pages, Audible Audio

First published June 7, 2016

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About the author

T.M. Frazier

44 books12.5k followers
T.M. (Tracey Marie) Frazier never dreamed that a single person would ever read a word she wrote when she published her first book. Now, she is a eight-time USA Today bestselling author and her books have been translated into numerous languages and published all around the world.

T.M. enjoys writing what she calls ‘wrong side of the tracks romance’ with morally corrupt anti-heroes and ballsy heroines.

Her books have been described as raw, dark and gritty. Basically, what that means, is while some authors are great at describing a flower as it blooms, T.M. is better at describing it in the final stages of decay.

She loves meeting her readers, but if you see her at an event please don’t pinch her because she's not ready to wake up from this amazing dream.

Join T.M. in Frazierland! www.facebook.com/groups/tmfrazierland

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,415 reviews
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,812 reviews618 followers
June 5, 2016
T.M. Frazier gives us some of her BEST WORK in ALL THE RAGE! It was rough. It was beautiful. It was pretty damn EPIC! These characters....are EVERYTHING! Their story...will TEAR at your soul. Their kind of love...will have your heart bursting by the final page. I let this story completely consume me. Nothing else will matter once you turn the very first page.

For those of you familiar with Frazier's KING series, you might remember the spitfire they called Rage. If you haven't read Frazier's KING series, what the hell are you waiting for?! I'm just kidding! No, but seriously, that is one fucking awesome series, BUT you absolutely DO NOT need to read it before ALL THE RAGE. This book is a complete standalone with intense and gritty scenes, but it also has a beautiful, yet brutal love story between two people who house plenty of demons. Out in the world, they sometimes have to hide their demons, but with each other, they can let their demons consume them while helping one another stay grounded. It's tragic...it's savage...it's ruthless, BUT it's theirs.

"You need to call on those inner demons I love of yours cause them bitches need to know it's time to come out and play."

This is a dark and gritty romance that will consume every second of your time. I was pretty much a mess the whole way through, taking breaks and throwing my head back in frustration and elation. Rage is a heroine you WILL NEVER forget. And when you meet Nolan, you will see exactly why these two make a perfect match. ALL THE RAGE was an adrenaline filled, mind-blowing thrill-ride that kept me on the edge of my seat with my mind and my heart at war with each other. This author knows what she is doing in this genre and always gives us the BEST dark reads...ALL THE RAGE is absolutely NO EXCEPTION to that.

Loving Young Couple Kissing Outdoors

*Gifted copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
September 9, 2017
4.5 stars!!!


From the moment I met Rage in Soulless, I knew I wanted more! I was so glad to hear she was getting her own book. Rage is different than any character TM has written. She’s not her normal heroine. And I loved that about her. I also loved that she met someone like Nolan.
The only think Nolan Archer would need saving from… was me.

Rage… what can I say about this girl? Rage isn’t a bad person, she’s just unfeeling. She’s missing that gene that makes her care about people, feelings etc. She lacks empathy and that normal reaction to people being hurt, sick etc. It’s the way she was born and that won’t change. Rage took the hand that was dealt to her and became a total bad ass. I loved that about her. She could have gone in an entirely different direction, but the path she chose was perfect for her.

Nolan Archer is back home after an injury stunted his college hockey career. He has questionable characters as parents and Rage is sent to find out more about them. Nolan starts out as any other ‘job’ to Rage. She’s assigned to get answers from him, and once she finds those answers out, she’ll get her orders. She doesn't expect to be stuck with him for as long as she is. And she really doesn’t expect to ‘feel’ anything at all for him. It’s just not in her nature. Never has been. But for some reason, she does feel something. Is it friendship? Is it more? All Rage knows is she doesn’t want to kill Nolan and that is something big for her.


I loved delving into Nolan’s past and finding out more about this guy. He is not all that he seems. He’s a great guy, yes, but he’s not as normal as he comes across at first. He’s got his own secrets. He may be more of a match for our Rage than I first thought….
“You think I’m a normal guy, huh?” he asks with a wicked smile. “You’re not the only one with secrets, Rage.”

Nolan and Rage’s chemistry was different than most couples I read about. Because Rage is different. It may not have been as instantaneous or strong at first, but it grew into an inferno and for Rage, that’s a huge deal. The best part of this story for me was seeing the growth Rage had. There was this whole other part of herself that Nolan opened up and it was great to see. Even with these changes, I love that she didn’t lose herself. Rage is who she is and she’s not going to completely change for anyone. And he wouldn’t want her to.

All the Rage is unpredictable. It’s dark and gritty like I’ve come to know and love from all of Ms. Frazier’s books, and it’s also sexy and funny. The story itself was interesting and unputdownable. I had to know what was going to happen. I loved both the hero and the heroine. It’s a must-read if you’re looking for a dark romance! Just an FYI- this story is loosely connected to Bear’s books but can most definitely be read as a standalone.

Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,602 followers
February 10, 2017
3.5-3.75 Stars!!


'All the Rage' was my first book by this author and for sure it won’t be my last. I enjoyed Mrs. Frazier’s writing and storytelling, so I’m really looking forward to try more of her work. The author delivered an intriguing tale that will grip you from the very beginning. The story was a great mix of craziness and sexiness that were well balanced, a great, engaging plot and two fascinating characters that will blow your mind.

“My story is different than most. I’m different than most. Because in my story, if you love someone enough, you should first drop the gun.”

Ever since she was a child, Rage had known she was different. She lacks empathy, so she doesn’t care about anyone, except her family. As much as her parents tried to change who she is over the years, Rage didn’t change. She embraced who she is, accepting that she’s different, anger being the only emotion she had feel since she was a child, itching to break free. Rage is a killer, a bada$$, a nineteen years old girl who doesn’t fear anything or anyone.


Rage meets Nolan when he becomes her next mission. She has to babysit this college boy to get some information about his parents. At first Rage treats Nolan like any other job, but as time passes, she realizes Nolan may be different from any other boy she met so far. He’s not as ordinary as she initially thought he is. She’s taken aback not only by Nolan’s good looks and personality, but also by the fact that she actually can feel…something…for this boy. Her feelings are blurry, but she knows one thing for sure, she doesn’t want to kill him.

“I wanted him.
I didn’t want to want him.
I wanted to want to kill him.”

Like I mentioned above, I enjoyed the author’s storytelling and I have to say the story was pretty addictive and intriguing. The plot was well developed and unpredictable, which I loved and the two main characters were simply fascinating.

Rage was a well written, unique character. I loved her portrayal and the fact that she had so many layers. She wasn’t a bad person, not at all, she was just…a little crazy. From the outside she seems just like any teenager, but Rage is an insane dangerous killer. I loved how strong and fierce she was and I also liked the fact that she had a softer side. It made her more endearing somehow. I’ve never expected Nolan to end up being like he was. He was as fascinating as Rage and perfect for her in every way. I liked his backstory and I loved the effect he has on our heroine. He was sweet and protective, commanding and loyal and like I said, perfect for Rage, accepting her craziness from the beginning.

“She was so tiny, so powerless, yet so strong and so powerful. She was anger and beauty and lust wrapped up in one fierce package.”

I liked how these two characters’ unconventional relationship unfolded. Their chemistry was off the charts at times and the sex scenes between them were smocking hot.

What didn’t work for me was the plot twist in the end. It my opinion it wasn’t interesting at all. I expected the story to unfold in a total different way, so I found it to be pure and simple ridiculous.

Overall, an interesting, well-paced, unpredictable dark and gritty tale!

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,733 followers
June 20, 2016
If you've read 'Soulless', you'll remember Rage as the quirky, petite, badass hired to babysit Bear's girlfriend. I knew when I finished it that I wanted to learn more about the cute little blonde that instilled such fear into the hearts of all those tough guys. I was not disappointed. Ms. Frazier has delivered another fantastic story!

Beginning when Rage is a young girl, the story follows her throughout her troubled youth and into adulthood. It is clear from a young age that Rage doesn't "feel" the same as others. She lacks empathy and is emotionally detached from other people. Aside from her parents and one close friend, Cody, she doesn't care for others.

Despite her attempts to blend in, Rage cannot deny the violent urges coursing through her. When she meets a killer one night, he offers her a way out. She leaves her life and begins her training as an assassin.

Years later, Rage has established a formidable reputation as a killer. When her mentor, Smokey, assigns her to watch over an injured college hockey player, Nolan, she is bored out of her mind. However, when fate has her rescuing the handsome stranger, the dynamics of the relationship change drastically.

Rage moves in with Nolan under false pretenses. Soon, they are engaging in flirty banter and breaking through each other's barriers. In more ways than one, they healed each other.

However, it wouldn't be a T. M. Frazier book if there wasn't some suspense and a few big twists. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but I will say that there is some darker content. Personally, I'm a huge fan of dark, gritty stories that mess with your head, but I know that isn't for everyone.

Overall, I found the story to be great! I loved Nolan and Rage. My only complaint is that there were several typos and grammatical errors. This didn't take away from the overall experience for me, but it was noticeable. However, this may be an issue that will be resolved in future editions, when there isn't the rush to meet the release date.

Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,486 reviews487 followers
July 18, 2017
The surprise for me here isn't the knowingly unstable Rage, but Nolan. Based on how he was in the beginning, I wouldn't have pegged him for what he turned out to be which is the best part. It almost felt like I was reading about two different people. These two were meant for each other and I'm glad Rage wasn't able to come unto herself until him. Nolan is pretty darn special. He sees beyond the facade Rage shows the world, even when she's not faking emotion, to the woman she is inside. The antagonist was a little surprising and even more so the extent he went through to get to her. The writing was good though I caught a few grammar things here and there. The plot was interesting. The characters extremely unique and vastly complex. I can't wait to read what's next! Safety: No OW/Sharing, though H had called a girl over to get laid and Rage scared her off. The OM was not by choice so yes there is rape. There is abuse. Of other people. By Rage lol No condoms. Yes to pushing away.
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,049 followers
June 15, 2016
4 expect the unexpected stars

All her life Hope was forced to face the fact she wasn't like other girls, knowing the real her made everyone around her nervous or uncomfortable she attempted to conform, but a girl could only take so much. Her true self wanted to break free, so after her last ditch effort at being normal, she took her shot and free she was. Leaving Hope behind

and letting Rage take over.

Finding her nitch she turns her need into a business, "creating my art in the form of destruction", one that earned her a reputation to fear. There is nothing in the world that phases her, nothing in the world that she fears...until Nolan.
“Well, then. I guess it’s nice to meet you, Rage-not-your-real-name, germaphobe-hypochondriac with anger issues, no last name, not running from anything anymore. I’m Nolan, recently injured, ex-fuck buddy decided to become a cum dumpster online, lost my hockey scholarship, wallowing in self pity, alcohol most certainly is a food group, Archer.”

For Nolan, Rage was a "innocent"-beautiful-destructive-distraction from his pity party. His injury may have threw his life off course, but now a new plan is brewing, she just doesn't know it yet. After all she isn't the only one keeping a secret.
“You and I are going to have a coming-to-Jesus moment. You’re gonna tell me your shit. I’m gonna tell you my shit, and then I’m going to fuck you. Long and hard, until you don’t remember your real name or the one you chose to go by because you’ll be too busy screaming mine.”

Too bad the past never forgets and messes up their happy place of chaos.

All the Rage gives us the "in" on Rage, she is who she is and I for one was glad she was able to free herself from the norm. Quite an interesting story, one you gotta take for what it is and not rationalize too much about. Nolan's character I think I was too quick to judge and therefore when the real Nolan was introduced it was a very welcomed changed but made for an awkward transition for me, if that makes any sense. Inside their happy place of chaos, I loved everything about them, the perfect compliment to the others madness. Their story is told from both their POV which helped understand where they were both coming from. Rage was a complex character but the author did an amazing job bringing her to life, making us feel all her emotions. Nolan is dominant and sexy as hell, he was the perfect man to calm the fire within Rage.

This spin off has me reeling, wondering what's next. There are some stories in the works and hopefully one of them is Smoke's, he's another man I wouldn't mind taking for a ride.

ARC kindly provided by the author, via *Sixty First Reads*, in exchange for an honest review.

***Quotes above are taken from the ARC version of the book and may differ upon publication.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
June 13, 2016
3.5 Stars

I'd never seen anything like the girl in my arms. Beautiful. Strong. Fierce and fiery. A force greater than any storm and twice as destructive.

Well hot damn! I need more anti-heroines in my life because Rage? Rage was freaking kick-ass! If you've read any of my reviews then you already know I'm usually a total heroine hater. If they're weak, sniveling doormats, it's a recipe for disaster for me. But not Rage. Nope! This woman was killer. Pun intended.
Sometimes the anger came on like an attack and sometimes it simmered under the surface until it exploded.

I was super curious to see how the author would handle Rage falling in love considering she's describe as essentially a borderline sociopath. As hard as it was for me to shut off my logical brain, I took the character for what she way...a whole lot of gray area. Is she a sociopath that has no feeling of empathy? A cold blooded killer that gets her rocks off on death and destruction? Someone that has barely restrained rage that she can only control by giving in and feeding? Heck if I know. Basically she's something in the middle, and that's where I left it.
She didn't know it yet, but Rage was about to become mine. In every way.

Rage gets sent on a bit of a babysitting mission to keep an eye on Nolan Archer. She knows nothing more about him other than he's seemingly normal and is a person of interest to a man that basically mentored her how to channel her rage. But what happens when the seemingly normal Nolan is hiding secrets of his very own?

All The Rage starts off somewhat slow but then quickly picks up steam right around the 70% mark and boy do things escalate quickly from there.
...we didn't just kiss, we tore each other apart. It wasn't just passion. It was a fucking war. An all out fight for a piece of one another.

In typical T.M. fashion, the author crafts a twisted and gritty tale that packs a whole lot of surprises that you never see coming. Nolan is certainly not at all what he seems to be and I loved it when he lets that inner bad boy out. The man can dirty talk the panties off of anyone within a 50 mi radius.

So why not rate higher? A few reason. One, no matter how much I tried to shut off my disbelief it was still hard to wrap my mind around how someone like Rage could actually feel love. Considering the woman can barely feel empathy or any emotion of any kind, it was difficult to believe that she'd fall for Nolan. Yes, he was exactly the sort of man she needed and he understood her and accepted her for what she was, but still, my logical brain wouldn't shut off. This was really a minor thing though. What ultimately caused me to lower my rating was one particular scene at the end. I won't spoiler it for you, but I will say that I didn't find it necessary at all for it to go THERE. Not for the plot and not for the characters. It only served to take away a little bit of Rage's bad-ass for me. I felt like it could have gone an entirely different direction all together and it just left me with a weird taste in my mouth. I suppose it may have set up the plot for a future book, but again, for my personal tastes I didn't feel it needed to go there. Not like that.

All things considered, I did still really enjoy the story. T.M. is one of my go-to authors for dark romance because the woman can write one hell of a twisty and gritty tale and I love her for it. If a sexy dark romance with a kick-ass heroine and a bad-ass hero is what you're in the mood for, you can't go wrong with this one. And if you read Bear's book, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the parallel running story line.
I'm going to fuck the anger out of you."

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,601 followers
December 24, 2020
4,5 stars

Well, as the blurb says, you will be reading the story of Rage, who says, “I’m a girl. I’m nineteen. And I'm a killer.”

This sentence was what made me want to read this book initially because I thought this would be an unconventional book and it so was!

The book begins by giving us a glimpse of her life when she was 10 and 16 years old first so that we get to know her better. Then present day begins...


Rage is a weird girl. She is incapable of feeling most human emotions such as love, pity or affection and she has episodes of rage during which she can be unbelievably destructive.

Her real name is Hope but she likes to be called Rage.

Even with the help and support of her only friend Cody, she cannot do the “normal” her parents expect, and then, at the age of 16, she leaves home to find her own “normal”.

And she becomes “The Angel of Death”...


This is my blonde devil Rage, with her innocent beauty...

Before reading this novel, I really wondered how the male character was going to be, what kind of a hero would make a good match to her and Nolan... Oh Nolan was... well, I don't want to give any spoilers so let me just say he was "THE perfect match"!

And this is my Nolan, the one and only :)

Both characters, Rage and Nolan were unique, complex and well-developed. Especially, Nolan was a big surprise for me.

Rage and Nolan are not the type of hero and heroine we are used to in romance novels. They are unconventional. And theirs isn’t a soft romance, it is a dark romance with brutally hot scenes, really scorching ones.


The pain I had to endure in this novel was sometimes too much; however, it was a different book with its unique plot and characters so I embraced the whole thing.

The book is told by dual point of view. I liked to be in the minds of both characters, especially Nolan’s, who had a funny way of telling his story.

I liked the plot line and even the plot twist was good, something I never expected to happen. Although the situation was unbearably painful, it was a plot twist that was unpredictable, so kudos to the writer for inventing such a sick but shocking plot twist.


All in all, that was a weird, different and out-of-the-box story, which gave me a hell of a ride.

I am not a fan of crazy, dark or violent and this had it all in it, the dark, the violent and the crazy but the weird thing is, I found myself enjoying this freaking twisted story of Rage and Nolan and I couldn’t put the book down until I consumed it in one sitting. I think that says something about its writing: It was so unique that I had to appreciate it.


If you want to have an idea about the tone of the book and the way the characters reveal themselves, have a look at these quotes:

I’d never seen anything like the girl in my arms. Beautiful. Strong. Fierce and Fiery. A force greater than any storm and twice as destructive. In some ways, she was naive. Innocent even. In other ways, she was the devil himself. I’d never wanted anyone more. I didn’t know how deep her secrets ran, but I had a feeling that if they were as deep as my own, there was a different kind of storm coming. One I hoped we could weather. Together.


She didn’t know it yet, but Rage was about to become mine. In every way.


His lips descended on mine and we didn’t just kiss, we tore each other apart. It wasn’t just passion. It was fucking war. An all out fight for a piece of one another. A piece I knew I wanted but didn’t think I could have.
“You still feeling it, Rage? That anger of yours still boiling inside of you?”
I nodded ...
“Good,” Nolan said, staring deep into my eyes... “Because I’m about to fuck the anger right out of you.”


“My leg may have issues, but you underestimate the fact that I’d break it all over again for you.”


She was mine.
I didn’t want to control her.
I wanted to own her.


That’s the moment I felt my heart actually break. It actually fucking hurt. I bent in half and grabbed my chest as if I’d been shot. I wish she had shot me. It would have hurt less. I was shattered…


It was time to find my girl. I was willing to do more than move heaven and earth. I was willing to walk through hell and back.


“Baby, when you feel that temper of yours crossing over to that point of no return, then you take that shit out on me. If you have to unleash whatever is going on in that pretty brain of yours, then you unleash it on me. You give ME your anger and you don't leave me out again. You hear what I'm saying? Come at me, Rage. Give me all you fucking got, and I'll give it right back. Take it out on me. On my body. I promise, I can take it. I want to take it.”

Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,375 reviews1,343 followers
June 12, 2016
"In some ways, she was naive. Innocent even. In other ways, she was the devil himself."

T.M. Frazier has done it again! All the Rage is another masterpiece full of action, dark romance, and complex characters that never disappoint! This is one stand-alone you need to bless your KINDLE with now!

"I soaked in and reveled in the whole body shudder that consumed me with want. The want to destroy. The want to kill."
Rage is not your ordinary girl. Although she has tried her to "act normal" she simply cannot escape her need to kill and destroy. No matter how hard she has tried to find a true connection with another individual either for romance or just good old fashioned lust, Rage is destined to find her way alone. Instead, she has found solace as a private contractor killing, hunting, and blowing stuff up! However, when her mentor and friend Smoke sends her on a job to "babysit" a male suspect suddenly everything changes.
"Moving forward, the only thing Nolan Archer would need saving from....was me."
"It's cute how you thought I was actually going to let you go."
Nolan is an injured college athlete. Although he is just a job to Rage, she is instantly drawn to him and feels something "different" when they are together. Nolan is overtaken with lust and intrigued by Rage. She is like a beautiful present that he wants to rip open and devour. Rage is instantly torn between protecting herself and letting Nolan in. Nolan was a strong counterpoint for Rage, and when everything is revealed, he is not willing to let her go.
"This girl is going to fucking kill me."
"I'd never seen anything like the girl in my arms. Beautiful. Strong. Fierce and Fiery. A force greater than any storm and twice as destructive."
Told in dual POV, All the Rage was full of grit, humour, action, and some smoking hot sex! I was instantly drawn to Rage when we met her in Lawless. She is such a quirky character with so much depth. I wanted her to find love and peace in a person that could accept her and not try to change her. Initially, I was worried that Nolan was going to be "too weak" for her. How could anyone match up to her greatness? On the contrary, Nolan turned out to be as strong and "bad ass" as Rage, therefore, making it a match made in heaven (or hell...)! I was beyond satisfied with the way these two came together. In true T.M. style, the plot is well developed, the supporting characters enhance the story nicely, and there is ample action and suspense that will keep you glued to the pages until the very last word!
"Whatever was happening between us was more than bodies and orgasms-it was like we were crashing into one another and holding on for our fucking lives."

Overall, I highly recommend All the Rage to my darker romance fans. If you are looking for a strong heroine and one wild ride, fasten your seatbelt and dive on in. For grit, action, and smokin hot romance T.M. knows how to deliver!!!!

*ARC graciously provided via TRSOR in exchange for an honest review!

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
June 8, 2016

“My story is different than most. I’m different than most. Because in my story, if you love someone enough, you should first drop the gun.”


Fans have already meet Rage,the nineteen years old deadly blonde beauty who lacks empathy and has strong killing tendencies in Soulless. The author gifts us her backstory of how this young beauty ended up taking jobs from MCs and other questionable people on the road.


Tired of trying to be ‘normal’ Rage flees her life with her parents and best friend for a life on the road. She takes jobs and kills without remorse until the day she is assigned to check out Nolan Archer, her oh so yummy love interest. Nolan and Rage were terrific together and their fall into love and secret reveals were well done.

”You think I’m a normal guy, huh?” he asked with a wicked smile. “You’re not the only one with secrets, Rage.”


Nolan is a great hero and had an interesting backstory. What didn’t work for me in this book was the bad guy reveal. *

Overall this is an unpredictable, sexy, quick read, that also tempts a reader into finding more about Smoke, Rage’s business associate who I’m excited to hear will be featured in his own story in the near future.
Profile Image for T.M. Frazier.
Author 44 books12.5k followers
December 21, 2016

All the Rage
Coming June 7th
Copyright T.M. FRAZIER 2016

“What you don’t seem to understand is all that matters right now is standing right fucking here,” Nolan said, his voice thick and deep. His eyes were the darkest I’d ever seen them, glimmering with wicked intent. One side of his full lips curled upward in a devilish smirk.

I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t think. I was consumed by him.

Or at least, from the way he continued to fuck me with his eyes, I knew I was about to be.

Nolan took a step forward and I took two back. Our little dance made him chuckle, the sound coming from deep within his throat. With just that little laugh my insides clenched so hard I gasped.

Nolan’s smirk grew into a knowing smile. His eyes darted to the space between my legs where my shorts had ridden up, exposing every inch of my shaking thighs.

He licked his bottom lip, tracing it with the tip of his tongue.

My inner battle raged on between wanting to run away from him, and wanting to run straight into him. Although, it wasn’t like it mattered which option won out in the end. The pier was narrow, and Nolan was blocking my only way out.

He reached down and unbuckled his belt, sliding it out through the loops. Folding it in half, he snapped the leather together. The sound an echoing crack through the damp night air.

Our dance continued as he took another step toward me and I again retreated. “Since you don't seem to feel the same way, let me tell you what’s going to happen right now," Nolan started. "I’m going to make you come on my fingers.” Step. “On my tongue.” Step. “And around my cock.” His last step closed the space between us.

My back hit the railing, trapping me between the end of the pier and his hard wall of a chest. My breathing became even more labored, my chest rising and falling in quick succession against his. Pressing against my stomach I could feel the heat of his hard cock through the worn fabric of his jeans. My nipples hardened as the ache in my core grew into need. “I’m going to fuck you. Hard. And I'm not going to stop fucking you until you realize that this shit between us is all that matters.”
That's when I realized there would be no escaping this time.

From him.
From this.
From us.

iBooks Preorder: https://goo.gl/KP37R5

 photo new rage teaser.jpg

"When you feel that temper of yours crossing over that point of no return then you take that shit out on me. If you have to unleash whatever is going on in that pretty brain of yours, then you unleash it on me. You give me your anger and you don’t leave again. You hear what I'm saying? Come at me, Rage. Give me all you fucking got and I’ll give it right back. Take it out on me. On my body. I promise, I can take it." Nolan paused, running his gaze over my body, licking me up and down with his hazel eyes. "I WANT to take it."
 photo rage teaser for goodreads.jpg
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,807 reviews2,319 followers
February 19, 2018
Re-read 2/18/18

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4.5 'I'm going to fuck the anger out of you' Stars
I honestly have no idea how T.M Frazier writes these characters. It must be some sort of witch power or something because I've never read another author that has characters this insane, yet amazing. When I was first introduced to her characters with Jake in The Dark Light of Day, I was blown away with how much I liked him. And it had to just be a fluke, right? I mean, no one can do a character that captivating more than once. Wrong. Because then I met King, Bear, and Preppy and realized it's just this author - she is just that amazing.

Now comes Rage, who if you met her in Soulless you know is an insane, germaphobe, killer. Oh and just nineteen years old. I know some are thinking that there's no way a nineteen year old girl could be this notorious killer that even King and Bear trust. Well again, wrong. In her own story we learn that she's not a normal teenager trying to figure out their life, boys, school, what the future will bring. Oh no, not Rage. Rage is a teenage girl version of King. Lawless, insane, powerful, and lives without regret. With Rage, you can't let the pink Vespa fool you, she'd kill a man just for sneezing and wouldn't blink an eye.

Her next mission is Nolan. Just a simple babysitting job to get information about his parents. Or so she thought. Then she gets close to him and realizes he is far from the typical college boy. Like her, he has hidden depths under his good guy looks and none of what he hides is good. Their secrets might bring them together, but they also might be the downfall for both of them.

Rage was one of the best heroines I've ever read. I loved that she had this innocence about her when it came to relationships and being around other people, but at the same time she was this hardened killer, unfeeling to what she was doing. The way those two very different personalities came together and yet never canceled each other out, was amazing. Yes she had a soft side, but even during the moments that you for to see that side, there was still the underlying craziness to her. I'm in love with this Rage, plain and simple.

Nolan came out of no where and kicked some ass. When I first started the book I had no clue that he would end up being like he was. I started to get my suspicions about him a little into it, but it still shocked me. And I love to be surprised with my books, so he was just another reason this book was so amazing. Seeing him calm the anger in Rage, I never thought was possible, but turns out he was the perfect person for the job.

And you may go into this story with the same thoughts I had, that Nolan would be just another guy, and that the story would mostly revolve around Rage. Well yet again, I was wrong because Nolan had a lot to do with this book and his character never got pushed into the background. By the end I was pretty much ready to load up the weapons and fight Rage for him.

Bottom line, this book was pure greatness, and I loved it. I highly recommend this book and author to every single person I know. Even if the killing and insanity is out of your comfort zone, All the Rage is still worth a try.

ARC kindly provided by TRSOR PR in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,105 followers
June 7, 2016
5 Rage Stars <33

All the Rage is one of the best books from T.M. Frazier! I have loved all her books and read all of them but this one is by far my favourite! I freaking loved this story, it's epic, captivating, amazing and super hot! With the best heroine I've ever read about in a story! Rage is something else...this girl..


Rage is like no other girl. She is badass, independent,messed up, she can not feel any emotion and she never sleeps. She is different from the others and I loved reading her POV, her thoughts fascinate me and it was nice reading her story! But all this changed once she gets her new job from Smoke, her new target, Nolan! The feelings I have for him were unexpected, I didn't believe that I would like him so much! He has his owns secrets..He is sweet, protective, super hot and fierce. I really enjoyed their banter, they were funny and super hot together.Seriously the hotness between them was off the charts!


I don't know what to expect from T.M. Frazier anymore...she has blown my mind every time! She is brilliant and I love her writing a lot! I can't wait to see what she will have for us next!!!

*An advance reading copy was generously provided to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.*

Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 43 books1,220 followers
June 5, 2016

If you met Rage in Soulless then you know that this girl needs no introduction. Like Preppy and Bear in King, she’s one fucking standout character. And as soon as she stepped onto the scene, I wanted to know her story.

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Rage is truly an unique character with her innocence on the outside: blonde pigtails, big blue eyes and youth. But on the inside, this girl is feral, anger personified and dangerous. As you can imagine, she’s one wildly lethal weapon. With her looks, her targets never see her coming.

Nolan Archer is just another job for Rage, until he’s not. Nolan's no ordinary job. Lines are crossed and things get blurry when Rage's body and mind react to Nolan in ways she's never experienced before. So this is what attraction feels like? Lust?

"His lips descended on mine and we didn't just kiss, we tore each other apart. It wasn't just passion. It was fucking war. An all out fight for a piece of one another. A piece I knew I wanted but didn't think I could have."

Nolan's another unsuspecting character. At first, while I really liked him, I didn't know how Rage would fit with him. I can't say more without giving anything away. But I really connected with all facets of his character and as more and more about him is revealed, I was a goner. And as for Rage, ditto, she was drawn to Nolan, like no other. And while she was a pro at murder and mayhem, she was so innocent when it came to matters of the heart.

"I'm going to fuck the anger out of you."

"I wanted her. Body, heart and fucking soul."

Having read several TM Frazier's books, I knew she'd throw in a surprise or two and so I was prepared. And while I saw some coming, she still gave lots of twists and turns that kept me wanting more. She really knocked it out of the park with this one. This was a maelstrom of love and hate, rage and peace, and dark and light.

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I highly recommend this. I have to say as of now, this is my favourite book by this author. Checked all my boxes and kept me attached to my Kindle to the very end.

**ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.**

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Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
January 27, 2020
David Carradine as a peace-loving Shaolin monk in TV series “Kung Fu” used to claim:
“If you save a person’s life, then forever after, you will be responsible for them to protect and keep safe.”

So what happens if you save a man’s life and his dog’s life? And what if this man that you have just saved his life could be potentially your target? And his dog is full of germs and you really don’t want to be near him ever again. How are you supposed to protect them and keep them both safe?

Well, there in only one way these two could be saved: If Rage just run away from them as far away as possible and never see them again –especially Nolan.

Unfortunately Nolan has stake his claim to her and no place is far away enough.

Meet Rage who is different: Not really her real name. No last name. She has issues, anger-type issues, a small case of OCD, mild to sometimes major germaphobia and hypochondria (Her words, not mine).

Meet Nolan who appears normal: Sometimes called Goon. Last name Archer. He is recently injured, ex-fuck buddy, a cum dumpster online, lost his hockey scholarship, wallowing in self pity and alcohol (His words, not mine).

Let’s start from the beginning.

Rage’s real name is Hope. Her best friend is Cody, a very clever kid who teaches her how to appear normal, although she loves killing and she doesn’t feel anything for anybody. She could be a sociopath or even a psychopath. She is constant worry for her parents until she becomes 16 years old. After that she runs away from home and she learns how to be a killer. Smoke will be her mentor and her boss and she will finally find where she belongs.

During one of her assignments, she saves Nolan and his dog from drowning in the swimming pool and then she realizes that she can actually feel something. She tries to resist to her feelings and the situation becomes worst.

A lot of twists in the story. I have to admit the only person who was not lying is Rage. She is totally honest and real to everybody. If she cannot tell the truth she just runs and avoids it. She actually runs away many times in the book. I won’t really reveal much if I tell you that she is always caught. You kind of expect that.

All the others keep lying. You may need to return back when you finish the book and reread paragraphs.

The book is entwined with book “Soulless”. Of course it can be read as a standalone. But if you have read Bear’s books first, you will have many aha moments when you read “All the Rage”.

I wish there will be a book about Smoke in the future. Things stopped a bit sudden for him. There could be definitely a story about him. As long as he doesn’t come near Nolan for any reason ever again.
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
February 18, 2018

Rage is the wicked superhero dressed in pink

While reading All the Rage, I couldn’t help but think of Rage as being a miniature, dressed in pink, Hulk. She has an extremely short fuse, goes into a killing zone with no fear and blocks out all around except her target. At other times, I thought she was a little like Spiderman with her superhuman strength, athletic ability and talent for sneaking up behind people. Then Rage all of a sudden turns into The Black Widow with her ability to lure her victims into a trap, follow them home and watch as everything gets blown to smithereens. All of these abilities make Rage very special…unusual…weird…evil. Rage does not use her abilities to fight justice, clean up evil or save the world. Rage uses these abilities because it puts a smile on her face, makes her feel whole and proud to be The Angel of Death…

Rage was only little when the doctors appointments started. Her loving parents wanted to know what was wrong with their beautiful daughter. There was just something not right with her. She was violent, distant and unemotional. The more doctors Rage went to, the more frustrated she became. See, Rage didn’t think there was anything wrong. She didn’t see what the big deal was. Her violence was only sparked when someone annoyed her. Plain and simple…they shouldn’t annoy her. She loved her parents and felt bad that they struggled. In some ways she wished she could be that little girl they wanted her to be but she just didn’t seem to have it in her to be someone else. Luckily, Rage had a best friend, Cody, who understood her. He helped Rage by being a good listener and helped her find ways to hide her true nature. Together they wrote out rules for Rage to follow. For awhile it worked…until one day she’d had enough. At the age of 16, she found someone who REALLY got her. Smoke took her away, gave her a safe haven and taught her how to use that violence and anger to make a living. Smoke helped Rage to become The Angel of Death…

Nolan is having a bit of a rough trot. He WAS a hockey star at College and was looking towards a career in his favourite sport until one day he gets hurt and told his hockey dreams were never going to happen. Feeling sorry for himself, he moves back into his Grandparents (who had passed) old shack by the beach and drinks away his sorrows. One day he lets his dog out and the silly thing falls into their pool which is green and gross. Nolan, who is stuck in a wheelchair because of his injury, tries to save him and ends up falling in himself. Because of the weight in his cast, he sinks straight to the bottom of the pool and realises not only is his hockey career ended, looks like life might be coming to an end too. Then all of a sudden…an angel appears and saves him.

Rage and Nolan start out as friends but it’s not long before the attraction they feel for each other cannot be denied. Considering Rage and her evil ways, she doesn’t have a lot of friends. Nolan, on the other hand, seems to be the life of any party. The more we get to know them the more we realise that both of them are hiding A LOT!! Their journey of discovery is at times funny, at times sad and at times so passionate that you can feel the emotions that are getting churned up. While Rage struggles, Nolan recognises the emotions and fights tooth and nail for Rage to accept them because there is no way he’s giving her up. He’s keeping her even if he has to fight her himself.

Now, I ended up liking All the Rage, but I did struggle with it in the beginning. In all the previous books I’ve read from this author, I was always overwhelmed with the amount of passion, fear and horror they made me feel. In All the Rage it seemed to be lacking that a bit. I never felt scared for Rage or felt she was vulnerable.

To me, Nolan was the shining spark in this story. He turns out to be more than just a hockey star with connections that surprised me. I loved his passion and devotion to Rage. I loved his determination to make Rage conquer her need to hide her true self. I loved his willingness to be the person she RAGED on.

In the end, I really enjoyed All the Rage and again I was drawn into this gritty and violent world. Do I dream of becoming someone like Rage? Hell NO!! What she has seen...what she has done...I'm not sure I could handle that. Do I want a hero just like Nolan? Probably not. I wouldn’t mind his devotion, but I’ll pass on some of the other stuff. T.M. Frazier does not write fairytales with hearts aflutter and posies handed over by princes to young maidens. What you get is a rough world where loyalty is something you pay for with blood and your family is not always by blood, it's the one who has your back in good times and bad. In All the Rage even the rough world is a little scared of…The Angel of Death.

To buy All the Rage from Amazon - http://amzn.to/1TSYsBn


I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
June 12, 2016
This was an awesome read by the beautiful T.M Frazier! I adored Nolan...at first I thought that there was no way that he was made for our heroine; who's name is "Rage," and believe me...that name fits her very well!! Once the story progresses though, Nolan evolves into this majorly hardcore possessive and controlling dude! I loved every minute of his alpha personality!!! Seriously!! On one of my updates I had posted that this book should come with a warning: DO NOT READ while going for a walk, as it will be hazardous to your health. Why you might ask?? Well, I might have got so into the story, I forgot where I was...and suddenly look up and I almost ran into a moving car....EEK!!! Believe it or not, I walk and read all of the time...and that has never happened to me...LMAO! It just gives you an idea of the kind of book we are discussing here!

Next question might be; why only four stars. To be honest, the main reason for that is the spelling and grammatical errors. When I purchase a book, I do expect it to be edited properly. I can easily overlook one or two mistakes; but when it becomes more and more, it begins to irritate me. That is all I will say about that, because the fact is, I did love this story. I have loved everything that T.M. Frazier has wrote, and she seems to be getting better and better!

I am not giving away any of the storyline. There is lots to learn about Rage and Nolan, and it is way better to learn as you go along. A must read for the people who love their romances on the darker side of things. The sex and passion are through the roof too, just the way I like it!!!

Thank you for the Buddy Read Steph, and thanks for letting me vent to you as I was reading that explosive ending....Holy hell that was something!!!
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
June 7, 2016
Here is what I love about T.M. Frazier’s books, they are suspenseful, but you don’t even feel it until you are so into it you can’t quit if you tried. Let me explain, so you start the book and it’s sexy and your watching the couple meet. Then you watch them get to know each other and you are just basking in the happiness and sexiness that is her books, then boom you are in the midst of angst, suspense and a thrilling read!

Rage has never been like other girls, she spent her childhood lying to everyone and trying to be a normal girl. Eventually she decides to runaway and be the person she is, a badass enforcer, fighter, a killer.

Nolan Archer is a college hockey player who was recently injured and is now back home healing in his grandparent's home. He is Rage’s latest job. She has been tasked with watching and getting information from him. She never expects to fall for him. She has never had feelings for anyone, so why would he be different.

While these two may seem to be complete opposites, but they are actually cut from the same cloth. I loved watching them fall in love and even just get to know each other. I wasn’t even sure how Rage and Nolan would go together, let alone be more. That’s where the expected suspense comes in and I loved it.

This book is different from her others, it actually wasn’t as gritty in the beginning and I was wondering what direction it was taking. Then as the story progressed I got more and more into the story and gradually could see it coming together. I loved how the story wasn’t your typical romance, but was raw, gritty and darker. I also loved how this story filled in the breaks from Lawless and it all made so much sense.

This story connects to Lawless, but can be read as a standalone. Rage is told from dual POV.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Teaser created by me with stock images purchased from depositphotos.

Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews51 followers
August 7, 2018

Rage Almighty!

I’m a HUGE fan of T.M. Frazier’s work and her sinfully heroes! She never fails to deliver a solid, unconventional, captivating and addictive story. I have loved the King series to pieces and when I first officially met Rage in Soulless, I was intrigued by her badass attitude and wanted to know more about her story. All The Rage is a dark and gritty well-written romance which told the story of Hope Michaels (aka Rage) and Nolan Archer (aka Goon).

Hope is no ordinary girl. She has issues, anger-type issues. To top it off she has small case of OCD, she doesn’t sleep and she’s a major germaphobic. Since her childhood, Rage had always known she was different. She lacks remorse, empathy, and a general lack toward human life. No matter how hard she tries to pretend with the help of her only friend Cody, faking emotions to appear normal for the sake of her parents, she realizes that normality will never be her choice of life. She’s just sixteen years old when she meets her mentor Smoke. She doesn’t want to be anything, except to be her. She takes the decision to fly, to run toward a new life and to fully embrace her inner person. She becomes Rage the “Angel of Death”, a weapon of destruction, a combinaison of anger and beauty, all wrapped up in one fierce package.

Three years later, Rage is still working with Smoke. She turned her need to destroy into a thriving business that got her over the past year a solide reputation for getting the job well done. Anonymity being the key to her success. One day she’s assigned to a new job, to keep an eye on hockey player Nolan and to gain information from him about where his parents are holed up.

I adored Nolan from the start. He was utterly amazing and nothing I expected him to be ! When we first meet him at the very beginning, he sounded like someone who was vulnerable and almost weak, drowning his sorrows in alcohol, after suffering an injury putting a brake on his future professional career in the NHL. Gradually, as the story unfolds, we discover a whole different aspect of his character. He’s like a force of nature-dangerous, yet compelling because of its fierce, wild, and raw power. He’s my kind of Alpha male. A possessive, demanding and dominating sexy man capable to grab hold of and never let go. I loved how Nolan accepted Rage, the whole package. He freaking adored the sexy, feminine, quirky bundle of anger that made her uniquely…Rage. 

"I'd never seen anything like the girl in my arms. Beautiful. Strong. Fierce and Fiery. A force greater than any storm and twice as destructive."

“Baby, when you feel that temper of yours crossing over to that point of no return, then you take that shit out on me. If you have to unleash whatever is going on in that pretty brain of yours, then you unleash it on me »

Nolan and Rage both have secrets that could destroy them. They were incredible together and I really enjoyed the way their story played out. Nothing in this story is hurried or instantaneous. Their bond only grew stronger over time. There is a slow and intense build up with palpable tension and undeniable chemistry and around the 70% mark, everything becomes nuclear between them ! Their pull towards one another is primal and sexy as hell. For the first time in her life, Rage experiences foreign feelings and emotions. She is trapped with no way out.

"I wanted him. I didn't want to want him. I wanted to want to kill him."

“I’m going to fuck you, baby. Hard. And I’m not going to stop fucking you until you realize that this shit between us is all that matters.”

While I truly loved this book, I must mention that the only reason I am withholding a perfect rating is because of one particular twisted scene toward the end that bugged me. In my opinion, it was unnecessary. That being said, T.M. Frazier is a brillant storyteller and I definitely recommend this gripping story and pure adrenaline rush of a read !
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews760 followers
June 11, 2016
5+ night and day stars

In the mood for an intense and smoldering sexy read that may have you gasping for breath? T.M. Frazier delivers this in ways you can’t imagine with All the Rage.

This story is about Rage, the dark, badass, ruthless -and always angry- cold-blooded killer you’d be well-advised to steer clear of. Nolan Archer is just another job for her and the longer she stays close to him, the harder it is to resist her desire for him. When danger meets desire, will Nolan be able to protect the woman who’s stolen his heart?

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She was anger and beauty and lust wrapped up in one fierce package.

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The author did an amazing job of showing Rage emotionally vulnerable but still strong when she is with Nolan. I loved how Nolan is showing respect to Rage and is lurking in the dark corners of her mind. Trust is a fragile thing and he realizes that he has to be careful with her in order to win her body and soul. He has a strong character and he always hands out equal doses of care and discipline to Rage. As they strip away each other's secrets in a storm of raw emotion, they must also ready themselves for a far more ferocious fight. Headstrong Rage is going be the death of Nolan. Literally or not, Nolan believes it’s a risk worth taking!

You and I are going to have a coming-to-Jesus moment. You’re gonna tell me your shit. I’m gonna tell you my shit, and then I’m going to f*ck you. Long and hard, until you don’t remember your real name or the one you chose to go by because you’ll be too busy screaming mine.

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Speaking of breaking Rage, this book did a really good job with sexual tension. The tension was great and the payoff worth it. I loved the inter-play between them, the gradually escalating conflict and finally Nolan’s success to tame her wild heart.

You give ME your anger and you don’t leave again. You hear what I’m saying? Come at me, Rage. Give me all you f*cking got, and I’ll give it right back. Take it out on me. On my body, I promise, I can take it. I want to take it.

I’m going to f*ck the anger out of you.

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All the Rage was an amazing, well written, awesome world building book that I couldn’t put down.

The author excels in writing such interesting characters, from sexy, tough Nolan who walks a fine line into villainy, to Rage who puts all other hot, bad ass heroines to shame. There was not a dull moment in the book, it just kept on going. This novel is a treat and will forever be on my keeper shelf!

ARC kindly provided in exchange for my honest review.
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Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,416 reviews9,973 followers
June 9, 2016
༺**Complimentary Copy**༺ Provided by the author
"T.M. Frazier" in exchange for an honest review..Thank you!!

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TITLE: All the Rage
AUTHORS: T.M. Frazier
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: June 07th, 2016

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I have read and fan-girled over everything this author has written and have loved each and every single thing she has published, I can not wait to see what journey she takes me on with this book..

will finish my review in the morning

ALL THE RAGE: We first met the broken parts of Rage at the ripe age of Ten, she strives to be normal, to feel all things emotional like normal people, but atlas she's not wired that way.

After many many doctors visits it was just decided by herself and her best friend to fake being normal.

You've got to remember that you're different, not broken.
We just gotta fix you up a bit.
Make it so others don't see all the different inside you.

The psychologists said I lacked remorse, empathy,
and a general lack of respect toward human life.

If you've read any previous books by this author you'll remember "Rage" in "Soulless" with her pigtails and bright blue eyes your forgiven thinking she's an angel fallen from heaven, she's far from the innocent girl she presents to the world, this girl is the devil impersonate, she's beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside.

At age sixteen Rage was unleashing all the ugly within

I go by Rage,
a nickname I was given as a kid because I have issues.
That's of course on top of the small case of OCD,
mild to sometimes major germaphobia and hypochondria.

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Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
June 10, 2016
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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Ever since T.M. Frazier introduced this fireball known as Rage in Soulless, I knew that I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her story and discover why she is ALL THE RAGE.

 photo 4ff0be9429d8516a5d67654b41378b_zpshu0l5p3n.gif “My story is different than most. I’m different than most. Because in my story, if you love someone enough, you should first drop the gun.”

Hope is different. She does not conform to what others expect of her. She has a different way of thinking and feeling. She doesn’t see sadness, despair, or loss when she witnesses death or violence. She doesn’t shy away from pain, hurt, or destruction. Her anger fuels her. It makes her different. Hope was just her given name but in true form she was Rage.

 photo 4ff0be9429d8516a5d67654b41378b_zpshu0l5p3n.gif “The feeling in my stomach, the pull I felt as he stalked toward me, only confirmed what I already knew. I wanted him. I didn't want to want him. I wanted to want to kill him.”


So when Rage embarked on her new life shedding any evidence of Hope, she lived the life she felt was meant for her. The only piece of Hope that existed was with her parents in whom she kept in contact with but they didn’t know the real Hope that embraced her new identity as Rage, a nineteen year old killer.

 photo 4ff0be9429d8516a5d67654b41378b_zpshu0l5p3n.gif “Baby, when you feel that temper of yours crossing over to that point of no return, then you take that shit out on me. If you have to unleash whatever is going on in that pretty brain of yours, then you unleash it on me. You give ME your anger and you don’t leave again. You hear what I'm saying? Come at me, Rage. Give me all you fucking got, and I’ll give it right back. Take it out on me. On my body. I promise, I can take it.”

When Rage meets Smoke, he changed her life and helped her to be the person that she is today. Someone who is efficient and gets the job done. If you wanted someone to kill someone without a remote of conscience, Rage is that person. And so when Smoke assigns her to watch over this guy and get details on where his parents are, Rage begins to feel something.

 photo 4ff0be9429d8516a5d67654b41378b_zpshu0l5p3n.gif “I'm going to fuck the anger out of you.”


Nolan was just supposed to be a target. Get the information and when the order came to kill him there should be no hesitation. But Nolan was different. He challenged Rage. He gotten under her skin. Nolan saw the real Rage. And soon all the walls that Rage built up with lies soon began to crumble. Cracks on her solid foundation began to show. And when Nolan stripped off Rage’s vulnerability, he saw her. Truly saw the real Rage. The real Hope. He saw the woman that was meant to be his. So will Rage be able to let Nolan in or will she be forced to kill the only man that she truly loved? Her first love?

 photo 4ff0be9429d8516a5d67654b41378b_zpshu0l5p3n.gif “I planned on spending the rest of the day showing her one truth though. The truth that I'd known since the day we met. The one I felt in my gut and understood better than anything I've ever understood in my entire life. She was mine”

All the Rage was everything and so much more. Ms. Frazier truly delivered a heroine that was badass and yet that had the soft side. I loved that Ms. Frazier was able to strip down her characters and show every facets of them from the good, the bad, and the ugly. Tracey has a way of making her imperfect characters truly perfect as she grips and consumes her readers to feel all the passion, the heat, intensity, and of course all the rage. The writing and story line of this book was on another level where Ms. Frazier slowly dissected every facets that makes up Rage, in which allows readers to see that she is who she is. So if you are ready to find out what’s all the rage about Rage and Nolan then I urge you to read this book because in true T.M. Frazier fashion, she delivers a story with epic proportions of heart, grit, intensity, and passion.

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Review can also be found on Four Chicks Flipping Pages: http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly...
Profile Image for Emma.
12 reviews22 followers
July 4, 2016
I want to go back in time - ask me why...

So I can become Rage. This way I have bad assery nailed down. Then I want to meet Nolan, who will sweep my feet away. But I know me and Nolan would have swept me away before Rage even started to budge (*shake my head lol). So I will put my husband in training with bad assery skills I learned from Rage and then I will live out my dream. And that's all I have to say about this book.

P.S.: read this book if you haven't. =)
Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
June 6, 2016
★★★★4 Raging Stars★★★★

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Well any thoughts I've ever had about Rage being certifiable, has now been confirmed. This girl is one bad ass cray cray, and I sure as hell don't want to get on her wrong side because I actually like all my body parts intact thank you very much. Ms.Frazier delivered one hell of a strong,feisty, take no sh*t, she would burn ALL your sh*t, female character that you will never forget. Just know this: They don't call her "Rage" for nothing.

After being introduced to her in "Soulless, I've been patiently waiting for Rage's story. There was something so different about her and the way she handled herself that made me take immediate notice of her character. She was a category eight hurricane and I knew that her past and present were filled with nothing but utter destruction and I couldn't wait to uncover what kind of torment she left behind.

After being away from her family for the past three years, Rage has developed quite the reputation of being one of the most feared people in her line of work. She's takes pride in her job and she loves what she does so when her friend asks her for a favor,she reluctantly agrees. What she didn't plan on was getting too close to her target and Nolan Archer became THE very definition of close.

"You'll learn that when it comes to you, I'm going to do what I want to, and more than that, ...."You're gonna love what I want to do to you".

Nolan hasn't had it easy for the past couple of months. He has been in a constant state of "DONT GIVE A F*CK" and everything that he thought was messed up, is going to pale in comparison when he meets the infamous Rage. But attraction is a B* and passion? That's one of the deadly things and when you mix that in with Forbiddenness? It all goes BOOM. Those two we're like fireworks when they got together and I feared for every object that surrounded them. They were HAWT!!

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I LOVED that this story was different from the previous books but at the same time, it had the same depth as the others. Nolan was such a lovable character and he really held his own in this one and I also liked that he never tried to change Rage. He accepted her all her craziness and he became something she never knew she wanted which was a partner, a lover and a friend. If you've read any of the previous books, then you don't want to miss out on this one.

*Arc kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews67 followers
May 14, 2017
In the last week I have read:

The Bad Ones
This is War Baby/This is Love Baby
All The Rage

And they all seem derived from similar characterization, premise, and plot. I'm not saying this is necessarily a bad thing, just that reading them back-to-back has my senses in overload but All the Rage has finally pushed too far.

On to my review. Some Spoilers

First off, Rage is 18/19 and whatshisname is 21. They supposedly have this mad and intense love even though Rage has never felt normal human emotions such as love, joy, empathy etc. Yet, upon meeting whatshisname, she experiences insta-lust/love? Hmmm...

Secondly, I feel insulted when authors vilify the heroine's previous love interest without justifiable reasons. Further, these villains (i.e. Cody in "Rage"; Brandon in This is Love, Baby) are far too young to have the expertise (and dare I say competence/intelligence) for the heinous crimes attributed to them. It all seems contrived.

Lastly, Rage went from this psychotic need-to-draw-blood kinda person to baking cakes, cleaning .... blah blah. Un-freaking-believable.
Profile Image for Elle aka Leftie aka Shoebelle.
673 reviews125 followers
May 7, 2017
*ARC received from author via TRSOR as part of blog tour*

WOOOOOT!!!! What a ride!!!

If you're a TM fan like me and have read Soulless as part of the King series, you would have met Rage, and from that short glimpse of her, you can tell she's as crazy as crazy come, and you gotta love her for it!

Rage is different, that's for sure. To say she has anger issues is an understatement. Neither a sociopath or psychopath, but there's definitely a personality disorder albeit with a heart, if that even makes sense. There is innocence to her thoughts despite the violence she surrounded herself with. On the one hand, she has no remorse, or morals to a degree, but she has a code she lives by and unconsciously cares for a select few. She does her business and moves on to the next. Until she met Nolan.

Nolan, who at first appeared to be just this collegiate boy, turned out to be the perfect fit for Rage. He understood Rage's anger; he gets her, end of. Not just that, turned out he had secrets of his own.

Interestingly enough, for all of Rage's edges, she was cute with some of her thoughts. She's funny, she's tough, she's quirky, she's resilient. And Nolan, ooh boy, can this kid can talk the dirty talk and take charge/care of Rage or what! Hot dang! Oh, and I'm not even gonna touch their times together. Ay papi!

I seriously don't know how TM does it. Her stories are demented in a delicious way, scary in a fun way, and twisted in a hot way. She makes me cringe with the violence, makes me care for her perfectly flawed characters, makes me engrossed with where she takes her characters and makes me fan myself for the yummy way her characters come together. Dang! This book is another perfect example. That's all imma say...
Profile Image for Rebecca Woodward.
276 reviews177 followers
September 30, 2016
5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I love this Authors writing skills!! She gives us characters we can't help but fall in love with. This story is filled with hot moments and lots of wows!!!! I love Rage and her sassy attitude. For a woman who thinks she can't feel she sure bounced of these pages. And her so called job! (hot guy) is swoonalicious!! I loved the way the story builds up into the upmost "oh shit" moment. And I was left a little heartbroken for her main character. But in the end she was given her HEA. Or did she? Fabulous story!! A must read!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews675 followers
June 9, 2016

♥ ♥ ♥ 4.25 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

'I'd never seen anything like the girl in my arms. Beautiful. Strong. Fierce and fiery. A force greater than any storm and twice as destructive. In some ways, she was naive. Innocent even. In other ways, she was the devil himself. I'd never wanted anyone more.'

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

If you have read Soulless, then you are familiar with the character Rage. As soon as I met her, I wanted to know everything about her. She was mysterious and bad-ass. I was so intrigued.

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'I am Rage. A tracker. A killer. I am strong. I am capable. I do what it takes to get the fucking job done.'

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

Rage is not your typical heroine, she has a problem feeling anything. Throughout her life she has been hiding this by faking it in front of others. She got tired of living her life as a lie and chose to instead embrace the only emotion she is capable of feeling, anger. Years later, Rage has made a name for herself as a deadly assassin. Everyone knows of her and fears her. Rage works for no one, but does do favors for a select few, one of them being the man that taught her to be her true self, Smoke. When he calls her for a favor, she agrees to do it, she just never expected it to be practically a "babysitting" job. Rage is to befriend Nolan and find out the whereabouts of his parents.

Nolan is a man with a broken leg, an injury which could cause him to lose hockey forever, that is living in his grandparents cottage with his dog Murray. He never expected to find himself wallowing in self pity. He also didn't expected to find himself near death, drowning in his pool because he was trying to save his dog. Neither did he think that as he felt death slowly approaching, that there would a beautiful woman with a face of an angel standing by his pool watching him and ultimately saving him.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

'I wanted to punish her. Devour her. Take her in every way there was to take her.

●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●  ●

This book was amazingly dark and gritty and everything I love about a T.M. Frazier novel. The beginning of the book was a bit on the slow side, but things did pick up in the second half. I became enthralled by it. Nolan turned out to be a big pleasant surprise. There was so much more to him than I ever thought. He was sexy and alpha, and just complemented Rage so well. These two were intensely passionate and raw, and just perfect together. I loved them both as a couple and as individuals.

The story was really great and I loved how it all loosely connected with Bear's books. I don't want to give anything away, trust me you're gonna want to read all the awesomeness yourself. So, if you want a great dark romance with bad-ass main characters and smoking hot steam, then this one would be the one.

Profile Image for Ashleyjo.
826 reviews495 followers
June 21, 2016
So Hope has a problem. She doesn't feel like " normal" people feel. Not to mention she's a germaphobe, antisocial, a smartass, has anger management and impulse issues, <- You get the point? She's a sociopath with quirks. Thus, the nickname of Rage.


I find her funny, but I have a dark sense of humor and share many of the quirks....


The need is real!


I just don't want to make a bloody mess outta them... Well, not always;)


She makes it through childhood with the help of her friend, Cody. He alone can help her reign in the Rage and put on her pretend face.

" So if you don't want to go see the doctors, then don't flip over your desk anymore when Mrs. Carmine tells you not {to?} carve into it with your pencil, or better yet, don't try and push Jimmy Meyers in front of the school bus again. "

Eventually, Cody wants more. He wants her romantic love, which she can't give. Romantic, even lustful, feelings just isn't something in her arsenal.

Done pretending, off she goes to live her life her way. No parents. No Cody. Just freedom....


Fast forward a couple years, and she's now blowing shit and people up.

She meets Nolan - a job.

I wanted him.
I didn't want to want him.
I wanted to want to kill him.

Oh, Nolan. I want a Nolan. Nolan is the fucking awesomesauce of the perfect chili dog. He's the hot dog that peeps stand in line an hour to get. Okay?!?


"You and I are going to have a coming-to-Jesus moment. You're gonna tell me your shit. I'm gonna tell you my shit, and then I'm going to fuck you. Long and hard, until you don't remember your real name or the one you chose to go by because you'll be too busy screaming mine."


What follows is what happens when secrets collide and intersect, a sociopath finds something beyond anger and numbness, and scorned love turns vengeful.

Why 3.5 Stars


I have two plot and character problems that prevented me from giving this a 4 star rating:

1. From her being brought to her parent's home to her parent's reactions, the twilight zone moment with the parents felt completely unnatural to this story. Like a unicorn trying to take a shit on an Edgar Allen Poe poem.



Way too many editing mistakes for this to be 4-5 stars, such as:

"More and more frequently he used only one crutch, and some times I caught him limping around with only one."

"...wishes she'd have finished the jon (job.)

"That's when I realized that when I didn't take my shoes or my bag."

"After I got hurt I ready to come back here and jump right back..."

"...save two of the three only men I'd ever cared about."

"He rolled o to his side..."

Bottom Line


I loved Rage and Nolan. Interesting characters that didn't follow any damn formula.

It's dark theme'd, but it's done in an almost slapstick kinda humorous, absurd, twisted way that I enjoyed.

The plot is fabulous until the spoiler above.

The HEA was well done and left me satisfied with the characters lives and romance.

This author has 12 published books, and there is absolutely NO excuse for the amount of typos, dropped words, shuffled swords, & grammar and punctuation mistakes in this book.

This isn't something I'd consider safe for safety gang folks because of OM scenes.
Profile Image for Alex is The Romance Fox.
1,461 reviews1,193 followers
February 11, 2017
2,5 stars

After reading so many glowing reviews about this book, I just wanted to read it right now.

I was pulled into the story from the first page. I found the main character Rage unique and interesting. This is a person with zero emotions...totally OCC about germs.........the conversation she has with her best friend, Cody, in the first chapter was absolutely stunning.

Let me just say that I am not a fan of MC stories...but hey, I kinda engaged with Nolan, the other main character in the story....and of course his dog as well!!

Whilst there were some unforgettable scenes...my most...when Nolan falls into the pool trying to save his dog and in turn is on the verge of drowning himself....he sees Rage above the water, yakking away on her mobile...and the part where she holds up her finger and tells him to wait!!! Beyond hilarious.

What spoilt this story for me was how it ended!!! It fell flat for me. And there were one or two scenes that I found I bit off putting.

I did like the book cover!!!

I do like this author's writing but I am not sure if I am going to read any other books of hers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,415 reviews

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