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All Laced Up #1

All Laced Up

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Everyone loves hockey superstar Pierce Miller. Everyone except Lia Bailey.

When the two are forced to teach a skating class to save the rink, Lia’s not sure she’ll survive the pressure of Nationals and Pierce’s ego. Not only can’t he remember her name, he signed her bottle of water like she was one of his groupies. Ugh.

But if there’s one thing Lia knows better than figure skating, it’s hockey. Hoping to take his ego down a notch—or seven—she logs into his team website under an anonymous name to give him pointers on his less-than-stellar playing.

Turns out, Pierce isn’t arrogant at all. And they have a lot in common. Too bad he’s falling for the anonymous girl online. No matter how much fun they’re starting to have in real life, she’s afraid he’s going to choose fake-Lia over the real one…

Disclaimer: This book contains a swoony hockey player (and his equally swoony friends!), one-too-many social media accounts, kisses that’ll melt ice, and a secret identity that might not be so secret after all…


First published October 10, 2016

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Erin Fletcher

7 books225 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 408 reviews
Profile Image for Silvia .
672 reviews1,631 followers
April 20, 2017
Not terrible, but not great either. Would have been a 3 stars if it wasn't for a couple of seriously annoying/harmful things.

This was well written and ultimately a nice and light read, but nothing more. What I really liked was the setting (let's be real the only reason I got this is because the MC is a figure skater) and the fact that the romantic relationship develops for the most part online.

It was certainly a bit cliched but nothing I wasn't ready for.

However, what really bothered me to the point where I couldn't look past it was

the constant use of gender stereotypes for the sake of...what? Being funny? It was just super annoying.
Evidence #1:
Robbie: "Liar. You're crying into your pillow."
Me: "Like a girl."

Uh, thank you so much for promoting the stereotype that boys don't cry, that's not harmful at all!

Evidence #2:
The house always smelled like Tide on Thursday afternoons. It was probably my most girly feature, but I kind of loved it. I loved the predictability of laundry day.


Evidence #3: The good ol'
He's a boy. He has hormones. He has...needs.

Because hormones are exclusive to boys. Because "hormones" is not a generic biological term and is only used when we want to blame those evil little biochemical things that make you want to have sex. But only if you're a boy, of course. Because if you're a girl you don't have hormones or needs. Gotcha.

Evidence #4:
"Your hamstrings are tight. Here, sit up. She stood and walked behind me. "Okay, point your toes a little."
"Only because I'm secure in my masculinity." I could practically hear her eye-roll.

I'm pretty sure you heard mine too, Pierce. 100% sure. What the hell does that even mean or how it should be funny I will never understad.

the ableism / use of a person with a disability as a plot device to make one of the MCs shine in the eye of the girl (and supposedly the reader) . That's honestly the worst. I don't even want to quote it all, just this:
"I just feel bad for him, you know? Life is so much harder than it needs to be."

That sentence is wrong on so many levels it makes me want to take away one more star tbh.

Profile Image for enqi ☾⋆˚*̣̩✩.
336 reviews1,000 followers
July 13, 2023
All Laced Up was short, sweet, and every bit of predictable I expected it to be, but it was no less adorable and satisfying nonetheless. This story was a purely cute, humorous romance that developed at the right pace and made me smile so widely watching it progress.


The YA contemporaries I've read lately have been pretty enjoyable, including this one. I liked all the characters, especially Lia and Pierce, and there was nothing that threw me off. Despite the book being about hockey players/figure skaters, there weren't any technical terms that were too much of a mouthful and although I didn't understand some of the terminology, I was still compelled to keep reading. And I couldn't stop smiling throughout the book.

Four years at the same school and the same rink and he could only get 66 percent of the letters in my name correct?

There's lots of similar banter in the rest of the book. I giggled so much reading this honestly. It's light-hearted, funny, and an appealing story that won't fail to make you grin. If you're feeling down, finished a tough book, or are in a book slump, this is a must-read!
Profile Image for Fafa's Book Corner.
514 reviews346 followers
October 17, 2016
Mini review:


I received this E-ARC via Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

When I started reading this I felt that it was going to overly dramatic. Something about it read like a joke. Thus I could not bring myself to continue.

I still recommend.
Profile Image for Sophie.
1,321 reviews557 followers
October 1, 2016

I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher via NetGalley. This in no way impacted on my view.

The other day, I was browsing through NetGalley and the cover of this book caught my eye. I don't think I've ever read anything about figure skating, but loved the Disney movies Ice Princess and Go Figure when I was younger. I started this book one morning, and was finished with it in just a few hours.

The main characters, Lia and Pierce hate each other. One's a figure skater, the other a hockey player, and they just clash one just about everything. When they are forced to work together to teach a class to youngsters at their local rink, they realise that their original issues might just not be important. However, Lia anonymously ridiculed Pierce's game performance, but rather than get angry, he replies with thanks for the criticism, and a online relationship grows. Lia starts to realise that she's falling with him both in person, and on the computer. Pierce, on the other hand, falls for Lia, and his mystery online penpal.

When I saw the aspect of a online, anonymous romance, I was apprehensive, as I'd read another Entangled book that didn't do that well, at all. However, Fletcher wrote this book perfectly, and both characters actually spoke with each other about their issues, and didn't just ignore them and let them fester.

Also, the characters got together before the end of the book, so we saw how their relationship could grow, and not just the very beginnings of the romance. I found myself swooning when reading the book, and hope that this is the beginning of a series, because I can't wait to read about about them.
Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews116 followers
November 4, 2016

If I had to sum up this book in one word, it would be: Aaaaawwwwww.

This was quirky and cute and fluffy and exactly what I needed after a month of arduous brain work. And to think I wouldn't have read it had I known this was Contemporary Young Adult... Maybe I should reconsider my tough stance on that genre.
I loved all the characters, particularly the two leads Lia and Pierce, who were adorable and surprisingly mature. There was no slut shaming, no dramatic teen angst, no bitchy ex and no petty intrigues, and still I felt thoroughly entertained from the first to the last page.

A very enjoyable feel-good read that will leave you with a smile on your face.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kadi P.
816 reviews133 followers
April 25, 2023
I was going to give this book 4 stars, but after thinking about it I realised the problems with it were too plentiful to warrant anything more than 3 stars.

This was an alright skating romance that was enjoyable at times, but it could have been better developed.

For one, the relationship came out of nowhere. The two protagonists had no chemistry at all until after they randomly kissed for the first time. And they had no chemistry because they had extremely similar traits of uncertainty and natural talent on the ice. If the girl’s entire personality didn’t consist of her dad’s death, her and the boy could’ve been the same person.

And for another, the female protagonist was okay, but she sometimes bordered on outright annoying. She was entirely too judgemental throughout the entire book and illogical, too. Her reasoning behind keeping her true identity from the guy she liked was wafer-thin. In truth, it was less that she was a bit of a coward, and more that the plot needed a reason to prolong the reveal until the end of the book. That slowed down the pacing which was a ridiculous decision from the author because the male love interest had already solved the mystery of her true identity by the book’s midpoint. Everything between that and the end was just dragging out the inevitable.
Profile Image for Moriah Chavis.
Author 7 books173 followers
October 11, 2016
*This review will also appear on A Leisure Moment*

**I received an e-copy of this book via NetGalley as part of the blog tour**

Lia Bailey did not like Pierce Miller. He was the arrogant, pompous jerk that couldn’t even bother to show up on time for the workshop she got roped into teaching alongside him. It spelled the perfect enemies to lovers trope and did not disappoint in swoony kisses and meaningful conversations, with a little mystery thrown into the mix.

If only I didn’t have wobbly ankles, this could be my story. Ha! No. I have no coordination and strong ankles wouldn’t help much. First, I loved how the story was built. Fletcher gave us a hockey prodigy and an insecure ice skater and threw them together without their consent. I loved it. It was told in dual perspectives, which is always a favorite of mine, and I enjoyed getting to know the characters beyond how they saw each other. Lia had a lot of misconceptions about Pierce, and Pierce had his head in the clouds, steadily riding with his fame that a dose of reality (through his brother) and a girl like Lia were just what he needed.

Lia spoke to the insecure girls of the world, the ones that, even though everyone argues that it is not the case, still don’t see themselves as the amazing women they are. She was real, and her ability on the ice didn’t give her an inflated ego but kept her on steady ground—steady skates, if you will. Her voice was fresh and honest, and I liked that even though she felt more comfortable with a toe pick, she knew hockey.

Lia introduced Pierce, so I didn’t know what to expect from him. At first, I thought he was going to be the stereotypical jock—in love with himself and only the game matters—but he was so much more than that. He was the jock, hockey player to be specific, that we all dream about whenever we dive into a sports romance. His inflated ego covered so much of his actual self, and the scenes with his little brother, when he chatted with Superfan01, and when he finally let Lia in, were what made his side of the story so wonderful.

There were a few cases of bad communication in the story, but they didn’t deduct from the plot but strengthened it. Lia and Pierce made decisions that every teenager would and had a believable quality, even though they were incredibly talented on the ice. They showed that talent doesn’t take you everywhere, and those that really want to succeed have to work for it.

Oh goodness, this story was just too darn adorable. It had heart and meaning, realistic family dynamics, and a romance that is sure to have you squealing with delight. All Laced Up is a one-click buy that you’re going to want to indulge in.

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Profile Image for Hristina.
529 reviews79 followers
October 6, 2016
I honestly love this story, I can't stop thinking about it.
Each aspect of the book is amazingly done, from Mrs. Fletcher's incredible style, the great characters, to plot points that are tricky to execute. Everything was on point, especially the chemistry between the main characters, their hate to love relationship.
This book is a fun read with a beautifully executed fluffy story-line, and I couldn't get enough of it. I definitely recommend this book, and I can't wait for the sequel.
Profile Image for Deniz.
1,189 reviews98 followers
October 10, 2016
I had high hopes for this one..
I got exactly what I was hoping for and then some.

Fletcher did an great job at telling as sweet story, keeping it light and yet insightful. Being raised in Heidiland means I am not only fond of winter sports, but I have lots of personal experience with it.
This being a skating novel means there is lots of sport bits I can relate to. Fletcher showed the beauty of it, but also the pressures and to a degree the ugly. It's one of my favorite bits of this novel. The descriptions of the skating are simply perfect!
The writing style reflects all of this. It's easy yet beautiful and insightful.

The story line is sweet, fun, cute, swoony- exactly what I want in a cute & fluffy. I literally read this in one go. I just couldn't put it down. I was captivated and when I finished all I wanted was the next novel!

As the blurb says, everybody loves Pierce, I'm not being an exception here. I was won over by Pierce right from the first POV. He is sweet, thoughtful, funny, strong, clever and a Hockey player.
Lia is interesting. Because to be honest, at first I found her so conceited. She was so opinionated and rater presumptuous. I love her feistiness and her strength of character.
The novel has interesting characters. All of which are well rounded. The support cast is interesting. I found myself hoping that Fletcher will write book on basically the entire support cast.
Another aspect I loved were the families. It's interesting to see Pierce and Lia interact with their families, there past and trying to cope with their future. It felt real and it felt grounded. Wonderful aspect of the novel.

This a feel good, swoony cute & fluffy that left me with a big smile and eager anticipation for the next installment!
Profile Image for Thamy.
526 reviews26 followers
September 30, 2016
Review based on an ARC provided by Netgalley. I want to also thank the publisher for giving me this opportunity.

A cute romance with complicating factors such as a secret online identity.

Actual rating is 3.5.

Lia is so angry at Pierce for not helping at the class they were supposed to teach together, that when she learns about his loss at the hockey, she can't help but use her secret knowledge to anonymously point out his mistakes online. However, the online Pierce has the opposite effect on her feelings, and it's hard being face-to-face with his real life persona.

This is just the type of YA romance I love. Lia feels like a real character and Pierce is a great candidate for book boyfriend, so charming and charismatic. Although there were some partsin the beginning that had made me think I was going to get the good old main-character-hates-the-guy-and-gets-into-silly-arguments-for-every-little-thing, they moved on quickly.

Another plus is the family love here. So many details that kept charming me! Pierce cares a lot for his brother, who suffers from sensory processing disorder. I just melted during those scenes. And Lia is a pretty badass older sister, made me rethink the ways I have been a crappy one while growing up. I wish I had found her and learned from it back then. Also her relationship with her mother was pure win, I found the rule of having to show the cell phone when prompted very interesting—although I was thankful it wasn't really enforced during the story because that would be a teenager nightmare! And I digress.

If you like swooning over YA contemporary romances, this is the book for you. It really excels itself in what it does.There is some discussion on self-esteem that could be recommendable for teens as well but it's overall a romance. A sweet one.

I'll be looking forward to this author's next release, she has a good style.
Profile Image for Danielle's.
Author 1 book154 followers
July 5, 2017
This book ticked all the right boxes for me; Sports Romance; Sweet teen story with more than meets the eye and opposites attract.

The local ice rink is in need of some new members and the owner has the perfect plan to get the customers in. He enlists Lia and Pierce to teach newbies to skate. Lia is the smart, figure skater and Pierce is the loud, well-loved hockey player. Lia is not impressed with Pierce over confident arrogance and cannot resist taking her opportunity to knock him down a peg or two. She uses an online forum to point out his latest hockey mistake but maybe Pierce is misunderstood. Both have their secrets. This romance is about to unravel both on the ice and off.
This book loosely reminded me of the film You’ve got Mail. It’s suitable for all ages (Clean read) and kept me hooked from the first word. I loved it 5 stars out of 5.

*I received this book in exchange for an honest review via Netgalley*
Profile Image for Melinda Howard.
413 reviews59 followers
September 22, 2016
*This book was received via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

I liked this book although it was slow in some parts and some of the issues created in the story were simply due to a lack of communication or miscommunication. While often in life this is the case, that problems arise due to miscommunication, I found myself annoyed that Lia just didn't talk to the people around her to sort out her issues. I liked the chapters that alternated between being written from Lia's and Pierce's point of view. The plot itself, beside my annoyance at the lack of communication, was quite enjoyable to read and the romance was sweet and cute. Overall, this was a mostly enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Melissa.
804 reviews150 followers
December 8, 2016
Great characters, swoony kissing scenes, and tons of figure skating and hockey make All Laced Up a great read. It's like The Cutting Edge before the leads had their Olympic and NHL dreams come true. Can't wait to read the next book in the series, especially if it follows Lia's BFF, Embry. She deserves a great guy in her life. Maybe Jackson?
Profile Image for Nasty Lady MJ.
1,090 reviews16 followers
October 21, 2016
Eh. Why can't YA figure skating books get it right? You know, I like YA books about gymnastics. There's actually been some decent ones there, not so much with figure skating my favorite sport. Again, the romance with this one is a little stilted. Full review to come.
Profile Image for Sarah Beth G. (a.neverending.tbr).
621 reviews12 followers
June 21, 2023
Go into this one with a YA book expectation and it is quite enjoyable. I listened to this in one day on a road trip so it’s a quick, sweet listen. It is a dual point of view, YA, sports romance and there were some really great moments. Lia has some preconceived notions of Pierce that she quickly learns aren’t the whole picture as well as some healing needed from a loss. Pierce was such a sweet character with his care for his brother and interest in pushing Lia to pursue a dream. The Internet forum has You’ve Got Mail vibes and was an interesting way for them to connect. Loved the skate flirting scene - it was so cute.

Content Note: Kisses, mild language, loss of a parent, brief mentions of sex/underage drinking

Profile Image for Megan | The Mood Read Queen.
443 reviews10 followers
May 26, 2023
This was so bad. I don't even know I kept listening, but I did and here I am. Things that were kinda good: representation of kids with sensory sensitivity with Pierce's younger brother Carson. Things that were not kinda good: some borderline toxic masculinity (all sorts of jokes about dating men and being girly and it was bad), the pure idiocy of Lia (Pierce wasn't much better, but he was still better), the fact that they were actually still in high school and were therefore crazy immature, the unfulfilled opportunity to actually read about Lia's uncle's story instead and learn about how he dealt with the loss of his brother and how he helps with his niece and nephew and how he really just wants a family...actually, I want that story. Give me that story. The end.
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,282 reviews
May 15, 2017
I love figure skating, hockey and this type of story so this book was a perfect fit for me. Lia and Pierce are likeable characters and I enjoyed their romance. I adored how patient and kind Pierce was with his younger brother. It was so sweet. I am looking forward to more in the series. I hope to see more of Pierce's friend Jackson and Lia's friend Embry. Also, I wouldn't mind a book about Lia's brother Adam once he gets a little older.
Profile Image for Elísa Sif Rannveigardóttir.
231 reviews45 followers
May 11, 2024
Ok so it’s short and sweet, the huge miscommunication is understandable when you realize they’re seventeen and have literally no experience in the real world. Lia says in the beginning that he’s the devil etc etc and they kiss like 10 chapters later.

Kinda bugs me that Pierce’s brother is very obviously autistic and is struggling but it’s played off like his quirks that make Pierce a good brother and “oh my dad wants him to be normal”.
268 reviews
November 9, 2023
3.5 stars

I thought it was really cute, don’t get me wrong. I just struggled to not hate Lia for causing every single problem in this book and then not understanding why her life sucked. I also hated how she needed people to tell her she was pretty constantly. And I just feel like cat fishing is a red flag. That’s all.
Profile Image for Zach Rogers.
72 reviews1 follower
May 8, 2024
Such a cute story, and so easy to get through. I loved the double life side of the book, and they hate and love that these 2 have for eachother.
Both have many obstacles and such a beautiful family life as well.
If you love a hockey romance this is for you.
Profile Image for Jordan Wilson.
327 reviews10 followers
December 30, 2023
**3.75 stars**

Honestly, my hopes weren’t too high for this because I picked it up on a whim and knew nothing about it prior but it was a super solid YA romance! It was heartfelt, decently well written, and the characters were all believable (and had flaws) while also being kind, good-hearted people. It wasn’t super original by any means, but if you want a cute ice skater + hockey romance this one probably won’t disappoint!
Profile Image for Emalie.
484 reviews42 followers
September 20, 2016
~ Book provided by NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion

All Laced Up was exactly what I needed - a sweet and cute YA romance. Erin Fletcher's writing style drew me in right away. The pages flew by so fast that I was a bit surprised when I hit the end.

Also can you believe she actually wrote about teenagers that knew how to solve their problems through talking. I feel that nowadays in YA books there is way too much drama and not enough talking problems out. Not in All Laced Up, the drama in this book made perfectly sense in regards to the story and it was just a teeny tiny bit of drama, not a big chunk.

Both the main characters, Lia and Pierce, were really relatable and their interaction was fun to read and their romance was really cute.

When I started All Laced Up I wasn't sure if I would like the way the whole "anonymous internet romance" thing would work out, but Erin Fletcher solved that situation really good and it felt natural.

On Goodreads it says this will be a series and if this really is the case, sign me up!

Fun and adorable read with a light feature of ice-themed sports (ice hockey and figure skating), which I liked a lot :) can't wait for the next one.

Rating: 3,75 stars
Profile Image for Diane Lynch Lynch.
1,811 reviews46 followers
October 10, 2016
All Laced Up (Breakaway #1) by Erin Fletcher Erin Fletcher’s ALL LACED UP is an amazing start to the Breakaway series.  Figure skater Lia Baily is forced to teach a skating class with rising hockey star Pierce Miller.  She is not looking forward to dealing with the egotistical hockey player, but soon discovers that there is more to him then she previously suspected.  This contemporary sports romance is suitable for young adults.  It takes place in Michigan.
I liked both Lia and Pierce.  Lia is a good teacher and is very knowledgeable about hockey.  Pierce is a talented hockey player on USA Hockey’s U18 National Team Development Program.  Both characters have some issues that they need to overcome to get back on track with their sports.  They help each other and become stronger for it. 
Both Pierce and Lia have wonderful families.  Pierce is a great big brother to Carson.  Carson has sensory issues.  I love how patient Pierce is with him and how he understands him.  I also appreciated how Lia and Carson interact with one another.   Lia still mourns her father’s death.  I respected that her uncle is around to help out. I liked how Lia’s brother Adam grew up in the story.
I thought the website aspect of ALL LACED UP was clever.  I respected that Pierce was open to the constructive criticism.  I enjoyed how Lia’s and Pierce’s online relationship developed.  It was an interesting situation that was well resolved. 
I like Mr. Kozlov.  It is great that people like him are around to help support young athletes and people in the community.  I like that both Lia and Pierce help him to try to save the ice rink.
ALL LACED UP is a heartwarming story that I could not put down.  Erin Fletcher does a great job with both her character development and plot.  Both are believable.  I loved the characters.  They had problems to conquer and grew throughout the novel.  I loved the ending.  I’m looking forward to the next book in the series.
Complimentary copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Pamela Lilley.
2,086 reviews38 followers
September 19, 2016
This novel forms part of Entangled Publishing teen crush books, and I'm sure I will be reading more of these. It was a truly enjoyable easy young adult romance. The story follows superstar hockey player Pierce Miller, and hopeful Olympic figure skater, Lia Bailey, both 17, both in the same high school and both of whom use the same ice rink. In an attempt to help out the owner of the ice rink they both agree to teach children to skate in a promotional programme on a Saturday morning. Pierce has no clue who Lia is, Lia knows everything about Pierce and his super huge ego and she is not happy about his input in the Saturday morning beginners classes. As the weeks go on, Pierce realises he actually likes Lea, even though she is not his usual type. Lea also realises that maybe there's more to Pierce than she first thought. As well as Saturday morning skating lessons they continue to enjoy their friendship at school on a more personal level learning about each other's hopes, dreams and fears. Slight problem. Lea has also been engaging with Pierce online as an anonymous critique and now friend discussing hockey strategies, Pierce is falling for both Girls in his life, he has an inkling that they are one and the same, but how is he going to prove that? I loved the interaction between the characters, the story was funny and at times a little Emotional, it definitely made my heart go pitter patter. Told in dual POV, a firm recommendation from me. I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Tiana.
Author 4 books284 followers
March 20, 2017
Cute read! I liked watching their character progression and how they each came to confront their own demons. It was super fast to read, it only took me two days once I actually started.

I was impressed that the author seemed to know her stuff about both figure skating and hockey. Either it was well-researched or the author had some experience on the ice. Of course, this is coming from someone who doesn't really know anything about those sports, so regardless, at least it was written in a way that didn't make me question the facts.

Content-wise, there were a few swear words but not really enough for me to notice or hesitate giving it to my friends to read. Kisses were all clean.

I was given an advanced copy from Netgalley to review. My opinion is my own.
Profile Image for Jackie - Fire & Ice Book Reviews.
545 reviews149 followers
October 15, 2016
All Laced Up was an awesome read.

I adored the characters. Lia was sassy but shy at the same time. I loved how she encouraged Pierce, and in return he encouraged her. Pierce was a sweet guy. I loved how he opened up to Lia. Together they were cute.

This is my first book I have read by Erin Fletcher, but definitely not my last. If you are a young adult fan and love hockey books, then this book is for you!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 408 reviews

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