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Rowan Winters is completely in love. With a shifter dragon.
But the drop-dead gorgeous Skye only thinks of Rowan as her best friend. But when she turns up in his room in the middle of the night in tears, he yearns to do whatever he can to help her. Even if that means running away and letting his family think he’s dead.

Skye’s entire world turns upside down the day her scales turns black. She knows she’ll have to flee to find answers. But she wasn’t planning on Rowan coming too. She just wanted to say goodbye. He is so eager to help that she can’t leave him behind even though she knows she’ll never be able to love him in return.

Together, they fight off murderous dragons and uncover sinister plans. But can they find the answers Skye so desperately seeks? And can Rowan sacrifice everything he knows to win her heart?

194 pages, Kindle Edition

Published October 18, 2016

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About the author

Kimberly Loth

93 books919 followers
Kimberly Loth can’t decide where she wants to settle down. She’s lived in Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, Utah, California, Oregon, and South Carolina. She finally decided to make the leap and leave the U.S. behind for a few years. Currently, she lives in Cairo, Egypt with her husband and two kids.

She is a high school math teacher by day (please don’t hold that against her) and YA author by night. She loves romantic movies, chocolate, roses, and crazy adventures. Kissed is her first novel.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 147 reviews
Profile Image for Fiona.
294 reviews6 followers
February 5, 2017
Well she has done it yet again. Kimberly Loth knows how to write books in ways that will keep you captivated from beginning to end.

I have read the previous 3 books, Obsidian, Aspen & Valentine, so have already fallen in love with the main characters. I guarantee you will want to read one after the after the other until you finish but be warned when you finish book 4, Skye, you need to be patient for book 5 (there has to be a book 5 right!!).

We certainly received a shock at the end of book 3, I never saw that one coming, when we discovered who the 3rd dragon king was. I love the way your mind works Kim.
We get to meet dragons from different breeds and learn a bit about them and we also have all the main characters in the series.
I get taken along on the journey when I read Kims books, transported to the different scenes I can almost touch the trees and I often converse with the characters. Skye is a beautiful dragon who has had a major shock and is struggling to comes to terms with what it means for her. She decides to look for answers from a very knowledgeable dragon as she knows he has them. The journey revolves around Skye's search for him as he is quite the recluse. Skye happens across betrayal along the way but she has her best friend by her side and even though she does not want him there she is glad to have his help.
We see some of book 3 from Skye & Rowan's point of view in this book also which answers some of my questions from it.
I can't say more as would be giving spoilers.

I received an Arc of this book & I volunteered to leave a review.
October 18, 2016
I'll admit that this is the first story I read in the series. There was a lot of different characters that I know were from other books but I was still able to enjoy the story. I'll definitely be going back and reading the others to catch up on everything that I missed. The only thing I wished was that this book was longer I wanted more depth some of it felt rushed and left me wanting more. And then the ending! Ah! I need the next one now lol
I would recommend this book to paranormal romance lovers and especially to those that love dragons.
I was given a copy to voluntarily review.
Profile Image for Danny.
889 reviews47 followers
January 10, 2020
Wow! This one was such a rush! And that prologue made the story even more interesting. I loved it.
After reading Hazel's book, about Rowan's disappearance, so much was clarified and all the questions were answered, at least about Skye and her secrets.
I absolutely loved to see Rowan improve and become such a powerful and strong male. He deserved it!
This book had all kinds of suspense and activities, it was awesome! Also, I love how fast-paced it is, it's never a dull moment.
I'm excited to read the last book of the series and to see how the kings and queens will figure out this war, how to stop it or save the dragon race.
Profile Image for SJ.
43 reviews1 follower
September 7, 2024
Actually think this is my favorite in the collection. But truly can’t comment too much until finishing the 5th.
Profile Image for Barb.
994 reviews21 followers
May 15, 2020
Personally I liked 1 and 4 the best. For whatever reason, Skye and Rowan went on my nerves. It was still a good book, and these 2 took an interesting turn with everything
Profile Image for Seraphia.
1,972 reviews29 followers
October 19, 2016
Skye by Kimberly Loth is about the young woman named Skye who is going through some changes as she tries to decide to do with herself. She's changing but she doesn't know what it means or what to do. But what she does know is that these changes put her in some serious danger and not just her but her friend Rowan. This book starts off with her finding her friends so there is no question as to whether they are successful in doing so or not so the story back tracks to before to tell you how they get there.
I have the first book in this series but haven't had an opportunity to read it yet but after reading this book I will most definitely be doing that. I really enjoyed it and read it quickly. It really engages you as you read how Rowan has feelings for Skye but she continuously holds him at arms length. On a level she is concerned about loving him but she wants him to always love her. Can you imagine being in that type of relationship all of your life? Willing to be committed to someone, love them always but they never love you in return? Just always label you as their best friend? You begin to see things change between them gradually but it is gradual.
If you have read this series up to this book then I recommend picking it up. I will of course be back tracking and reading the other books in this series to catch up and so that I can enjoy it even more.
Profile Image for gioggisblog.
272 reviews5 followers
March 4, 2024
Inizio ringraziando la casa editrice per avermi dato la possibilità di leggere questo quarto volume. I primi tre volumi mi sono piaciuti molto ed ero molto curiosa di leggere la storia di Skye e Rowan.
(Obsidian; Aspen; Valentine).
Ammettiamolo l'entrata che fanno nel terzo volume mi aveva lasciato a bocca aperte ed ero molto curiosa di capire cosa avessero combinato.

Skye e Rowan sono personaggi che abbiamo già conosciuto nei volumi precedenti, soprattutto nei primi due. Ammetto che non mi hanno fatta impazzire, nel senso che non sono i miei personaggi preferiti. Però comunque sono una bella coppia.
Skye è la ex di Sid mentre Rowan è il gemello di Aspen, anche se i due non centrano proprio nulla l'uno con l'altro.
Skye e Rowan sono diventata fin da subito molto amici, anche se lui ha sempre provato qualcosa di più mentre lei lo ha sempre visto come un amico, anche perché dopo Obsidian per lei è impossibile pensare a qualcun altro, anche perché cosí le è stato detto.
Il loro viaggio inizia la sera dell'incoronazione di Sid e delle prove di Aspen per diventare regina, settimane prima del ritorno di Hazel.
Skye non aveva programmato di portarsi dietro Rowan nella sua fuga ma è anche vero che le è servito più di quanto mi potessi aspettare.

Finalmente in questo volume possiamo conoscere meglio sia Rowan e Skye, perché come ho detto già li conosciamo ma nei precedenti volumi sono personaggi secondari, qui sono i protagonisti.
Skye è un personaggio che non mi ha mai convinta del tutto e qui molto spesso mi ha fatta innervosire. A causa di Sid, e del fatto che lui sia diventato re ha sofferto molto. È passata per qualcosa di traumatico, come la rimozione del marchio, e capisco che il suo cuore si sia chiuso ma è anche vero che è stata una decisione sua. Nessuno l'ha obbligata a farlo, poteva aspettare, certo sarebbero stati anni difficili, però alla fine se ne sarebbe andato da solo. Invece ha voluto affrontare quel trauma e poi per non farsi mancare nulla ha deciso di andare a vivere con Sid e immischiarsi nella sua incoronazione anche se ne era completamente terrorizzata, come vediamo nel primo capitolo. E per concludere trascina Rowan con sé, senza neanche sapere esattamente cosa stia facendo, solo per il semplice fatto che non vuole stare solo e che lui è un buon amico.
Rowan è un ragazzo molto dolce. Si è chiuso molto dopo che quand'era piccolo è stato traumatizzato da due draghi. Grazie alla sorella e a Sid ha rincominciato ad uscire un po'. Ed è proprio a casa di Sid che conosce Skye. Appena l'ha vista si è preso una grandissima cotta ma essendo molto insicuro di sé non ha mai fatto il primo passo e quando lo fa viene rifiutato più e più volte da Skye, "perché sono solo amici".
In questo viaggio lo vediamo fare una crescita davvero impressionate. Per riuscire a tenere in vita sua lui che Skye dimostra di avere un gran coraggio e una grande forza. Ma per fortuna durante e varie prove che affronta riesce a non perdere la sua bontà, perché é il lato che lo caratterizza.

In questo volume poco a poco riusciamo ad incastrare alcuni tasselli che ci mancavano. Perché ogni volume, aparte i primi due, sono autoconclusivi solo per quanto riguarda la storia tra le coppie ma non lo sono affatto per la storia che li unisce. Anzi ogni romanzo ci da informazioni in più, che ci permettono di capire un po' meglio il mondo dei draghi mutaforma, ma fa anche sorge altri dubbi e domande.
Finalmente iniziamo a capire un po' meglio quello che sta succedendo, anche se ancora non sappiamo molto sulla profezia dei tre re. Capiamo anche che non bisogna fidarsi di nessuno perché chiunque è pronto a colpirti alle spalle. Ma soprattutto vediamo come la guerra sarà molto più cruenta e inminente di quanto tutti si aspettassero.
Le ultime pagine mi hanno lasciata un po' basita, chissà cosa è successo ai ragazzi. Sono proprio curiosa di scoprirlo nel prossimo e ultimo volume.
Profile Image for Chiara Verzulli.
Author 5 books11 followers
March 7, 2024
Cari lettori, siamo a quattro e la mia passione per questa serie non arretra di un millimetro, non scema, non cambia. Nel momento in cui viene annunciata l’uscita di un nuovo capitolo, smanio per la voglia di averlo tra le mani, curiosa di vedere dove l’autrice è pronta a condurci.
Logicamente sto parlando della serie The dragon kings di Kimberly Loth, stavolta tocca a Skye e io inizio a ringraziare la casa editrice Queen Edizioni per aver deciso di portare tutto questo ben di Dio in Italia.

La serie è composta da:
#1 Obsidian (25 febbraio 2021)
#2 Aspen (22 luglio 2021)
#3 Valentine (14 dicembre 2023)
#4 Skye (23 febbraio 2024)
Sul serio, non so più come ringraziare questa casa editrice per i viaggi che riesce a farmi compiere con ogni sua uscita. E questa serie è tra le mie preferite.

Una cosa che amo di questa serie di draghi è la continuità che il lettore vive passando da un volume all’altro, unendo questi libri se ne ricava una narrazione unica, che descrive, trascina, coinvolge, si scolpisce nella mente facendo volare chi legge quelle pagine nelle vallate, tra i ghiacciai, nei canyon, nelle città che chiunque di noi può andare.
Penso che siano tra i miei urban fantasy preferiti.
Tutti i personaggi sono noti, ma ognuno viene approfondito in ogni sua sfaccettatura nel proprio libro, creando una visione di insieme sempre più completa. È come se ogni libro sia una pennellata in più che porta il pittore a creare un quadro perfetto.

In questo volume è il momento di Rowan e Skye.
Il primo è il gemello di Aspen, mentre la seconda è la ex di Obsidian.
Niente in comune, due mondi a parte, eppure risultano legati da un forte legame di amicizia.
I draghi sono compagni fedeli e per tutta la vita, anime gemelle nel loro mondo; Skye sapeva questo, quindi nel momento in cui la storia con Sid si chiude, lei crede di essere “spacciata per sempre”, in fondo nella sua testa risuonavano gli insegnamenti recepiti, per lei avere al proprio fianco qualcuno di diverso da lui è fuori questione. Ha sofferto, ha vissuto il trauma della rimozione del marchio. Riusciremo a vederla lasciar cadere quel muro tirato su, lasciarsi andare a un nuovo amore travolgente, migliore del primo, reale, vivo, per sempre?

“Lei era tutto il suo mondo, non poteva lasciarlo. Rowan trovava ancora strano che fosse un drago, ma momenti come quello la facevano sembrare tanto umana, era vulnerabile e spaventata.”

Una profezia e l’avventura che i due protagonisti si ritrovano a vivere sono il nucleo attorno cui gira e si sviluppa la storia, ma il loro innamorarsi mii ha fatto pensare alla traduzione letterale di innamorarsi in inglese, ossia cadere innamorati. È stato un continuo evolversi, crescere, aumentare, che si associa, camminando di pari passo, con la crescita personale di Rowan.
Lo vediamo trasformarsi un ragazzino insicuro a un uomo in grado di fare di tutto per tenere al sicuro chi ama.

Nella storia si respira la paura di Skye del dover fare da sola, del dover rimanere sola e affrontare qualsiasi cosa senza qualcuno a cui aggrapparsi nei momenti di bisogno, essere protetta, avere una spalla. La costanza, l’ostinazione, l’ostinazione con cui Rowan vive, lui non si abbatte, continua a lottare imperterrito.

Ora… mi tocca una supplica verso la Queen per la pubblicazione del successivo. Cara casa editrice quanto ci farai sospirare e attendere per avere il seguito?
Detto questo, la ringrazio per avermi dato la possibilità di leggere questo libro in anteprima, fornendomene una copia cartacea.
Profile Image for Brie.
153 reviews5 followers
October 24, 2018
Say whaaaaaaaaaaat?! I mean I KIND of guessed maybe this could happen..but I wasn’t for sure! And honestly, if I hadn’t already seen the cover I doubt it would have crossed my mind.

I feel like I can say more about this without fear of spoiling because this entire story takes place at the same time as Valentine just obviously some place else! I already mentioned how much I loved Rowan in past reviews for this series and I’m so so tickled that we get so much of him in Skye!

So many questions were answered for me about Skye and why things are the way they are. We also meet another character for the first time, who was mentioned in other books – Kingston.

The end of the story brings us full circle into the Kings Cave with Sid, Aspen, Val and Hazel. It also takes us right into where the next book is sure to begin! I am SO excited to finish this series and see if anything I’ve created in my head happens and why it is these particular people (Aspen, Hazel and Rowan) are tied to the dragon race. I don’t know if that will even be answered, but it’s definitely something I’m curious about! We shall see!

Onward to book #5!
Profile Image for Jennifer Feltz Milkowski.
618 reviews1 follower
July 16, 2019
I don't know what to say.

I enjoyed the story of Rowan and Skye. I felt bad for Skye that she wanted to love Rowan, but wasn't able to. What she gave up to get over Sid was horrible, I understand why she did it, and it turned out fine at the end.

Rowan really grew in this book. He got over a lot of his fears and even when fearful he still pushed through to do what is better for everyone over all. (I can't wait for Hazel to kill a dragon and see how she reacts.)

I still wonder what it is that makes these siblings the rightful Queens

I feel bad for everyone that is betraying them. It really sucks that they have to be careful who to trust. I feel like in the end the Kings can only trust each other and their Queens. You figure that that Skye probably still has the loyalty crest on her and Val's father's is on Sid, so it is in all of their best interests to stay alive. With the ending that happened I can't wait to read book 5.

Good read if you have read the other Dragon Kings books.
Profile Image for Maren.
506 reviews
January 11, 2023
3.5 stars. Probably my favorite of the series in so much as I can have a favorite. I actually like both Rowen and Skye, which is more than I can say for Aspen, Sid, and Hazel - even if they have sorta grown on me to the point where I don't actively dislike them anymore.

The good:
Lots of Rowen! Yay! Enough where it could just as easily be named after him than Skye.
Character development! Yay!
Not Insta Love! Yay!

They eyerolly
C'mon, Rowan... no way to contact your family because you don't have their phone numbers memorize? Bullshit of the highest order. Even teenagers like you still need access to email for homework assignments and school news, and most hotels and all libraries have computers with internet that are free to use. Even social media is an option.

Insta Sword Skills... pulah-eeze. 😒

So much mush. Not the mushiest, but still way more than I like. Unnecessary angsting as well - if they had actually, you know, talked to eachother maybe they would've figured out how unnecessary it was before the last few chapters, too.
Profile Image for Alisha Thompson.
527 reviews11 followers
September 9, 2019
🐲I purchased the box set via audible
🐲did the same review for each book
🐲fantasy romance
🐲 3.5 star rating

This is the first Kimberly Loth books I’ve read/listened to, I enjoyed the storyline very much.

Each book must be read in order, even though books 3 and 4 are based around the other Kings relationships with their romantic counterpart, as the story continues from the previous book.

Each relationship has its own trials and tribulations to overcome but in the mean time they are fighting a war with dragons that wish to take over the world and burn everything in their wake.

The books are written well and are quite fast paced. The characters are relatable and easy to fall in love with. I was particular sad with the last book and kept hoping something would happen to alter the losses endured.

Now for the reason behind my rating:
- it was a little too easy to read between the lines, had these books been any longer I would have lost interest because it seemed you could pick out what was going to happen (a number of times I was like “I knew it!”
- because I listened to the audible versions I really had a dislike for the way Rowan was portrayed by the actors performance and made him sound like a five year old
Profile Image for Elyse.
1,246 reviews26 followers
September 3, 2018
It is quite funny how this book starts with a spoiler: Then goes with: let me tell you how it happens.

The story take place at the same time as the previous book. We follow Skye & Rowan. The love-sick puppy teenage boy decides to follow her without warning anybody. The dragon girl is being hunted because she has a loyalty seal with Obsidian.

The romance part was so cheesy, Skye spend ¾ of the book telling Rowan that she cannot love him and see him as a friend, but studently change her mind and realize he is the love of her life? Give me a break…

Well at least it was better than Valentine book. But seriously, the three sibling all bonded and connected to the 3 dragons kings? Not the most creative story line…
Profile Image for Holly Lenz.
885 reviews1 follower
October 21, 2019
Skye is a dragon shifter story with a twist- the dragon king is a... girl! This book is part of the four book Dragon Kings series, and while you could enjoy it independently, I recommend starting with the first book Obsidian. This is book four.

The story is pretty good overall. It is definitely aimed at YA audiences, though it will appeal to some adults as well. Some of the characters actions are questionable, but they are teens, so perhaps that is understandable.

Contains violence and mild sexual situations.

The narrator of the audiobook sounds friendly and does a pretty good job. If anything, she’s a little too cheerful. Her male voices could use some work as well.

I received a complimentary copy of this audiobook. This is my honest and voluntary review.
Profile Image for Silva Bagarolo.
66 reviews2 followers
March 7, 2024
Una storia che fondamentalmente ha un'ottima idea di trama ma a mio parere dovrebbe essere più descrittiva e strutturata. L'idea di tutta la serie è molto intrigante e avrei preferito che si fosse soffermata di più sui particolari ed i dettagli.
In questo specifico capitolo andiamo a ritroso rispetto al precedente per conoscere i due nuovi protagonisti: Skye e Rowan. La storia finisce che siamo a pochi capitoli in più del precedente volume. Avrei voluto andare avanti con la narrazione ma sicuramente questa scelta ti lascia con il fiato sospeso e con la voglia di scoprire cosa accadrà.
L'autrice ha un'ottima scrittura, fluida e scorrevole.
I trope sono: Fantasy romance, friends to lovers, draghi, no spicy.
Profile Image for Zoiy Galloay.
Author 7 books91 followers
September 22, 2024
The series is still good, even though this wasn't the best book of the Dragon Kings Chronicles. A lot of the conversations didn't flow, were redundance, and awkward. There were plenty of plot issues/& other things that didn't make sense, like how Skye didn't want him to contact his family to tell them he wasn't dead. Skye's justification was that his family would worry if they found out he wasn't dead and hadn't been eaten by a dragon. That made absolutely no sense! There were better ways to show why they couldn't communicate to his family that he was alive an well in order to create the suspense in book three.

Rowen experienced a lot of character development that was wonderful to witness.
Profile Image for Amanda Evans.
Author 5 books6 followers
February 4, 2020
This was heads and shoulders, knees and toes above valentine. The difference is laughable.

This story had a storyline and heart. The cliche was still there strong and at the forefront but that expected. It's the fact that the characters are actually acting as they should, the timeline was not all over the place and things made sense.

If I was talking to someone that was about to buy these books. I would ask them if they were sure and if they said yes I would let them know that the 3rd book does not actually exist. Jump from 2 to 4 and keep going.

I am tentatively hopeful but scared for the next book, which is better than dreading it, which I was feeling previously.
Profile Image for Kiranna Travellyn.
210 reviews4 followers
March 7, 2022
That was unexpected, so many things I didn't see coming in this one. I really loved seeing everything from skye's perspective, the storyline was well written and tied some things up whilst leaving other things unanswered. It was good to find out more about skye and rowan, he's grown so much throughout this series. I can honestly say this series has become my favourite Kimberly Loth series, I can't wait to listen to the other books in this series. This is definitely worth reading, the world is captivating, the dragon law is interesting. All of the characters are unique and diverse, I even loved that one of the characters cooking is worse than mine.
773 reviews1 follower
June 3, 2023
adventurous storyline

Rowan has run off with Skye. His family thinks he’s lost but he doesn’t know this. They run into enemies, and try to determine if their helper is good or bad. But there are many obstacles that are in the way. And then there is the deep secret Skye has not shared. The story ends on a weird paragraph and you have to read on because of the cliff hanger. I personally do not like cliff hangers, but these are easy read books and the series is complete so the series can be binge read. It’s YA fantasy and reads like fan fiction. It’s a simple story with multiple bad guys.
Profile Image for Silva Bagarolo.
66 reviews2 followers
February 17, 2024
Un fantasy romance che in questo quarto capitolo fa retrocedere la narrazione così da raccontare la storia di Skye e Rowan.
Alla fine di questo capitolo ci si ritrova un passo più avanti del precedente... qualche pagina di narrazione dopo e con il fiato sospeso per conoscere questa profezia che vede coinvolti tre draghi re, due maschi e una femmina, Skye.
La narrazione manca di spunti. Racconta di questo amore indiscutibile di Rowan che però deve in qualche modo scalfire la corazza di Skye. Ci sono molti dialoghi ma poco spazio alla trama.
Il finale sicuramente invoglia a scoprire il seguito.
Trope: fantasy romance, friend to love, segreti e suspance.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lynnett.
684 reviews15 followers
April 26, 2024
Skye and Rowan's story was beautiful. Behind all the secrets and pain was a story of renewal through love. Each overcame their personal demons through personal strength and or learning to rely on others. It was through this personal growth that they were able to unite the Three dragon kings.

I will say that although she was only really speaking at the end, I still hate Hazel. She needs a wake up call and I hope it is not to the detriment of the others. I love that the siblings are close and not closer than ever. But I worry what the parents will think or if they too will have to lose all their children in one way or another.

On to the last book to see how it ends!
July 9, 2024
That was unexpected, so many things I didn't see coming in this one. I really loved seeing everything from skye's perspective, the storyline was well written and tied some things up whilst leaving other things unanswered. It was good to find out more about skye and rowan, he's grown so much throughout this series. I can honestly say this series has become my favourite Kimberly Loth series, I can't wait to listen to the other books in this series. This is definitely worth reading, the world is captivating, the dragon law is interesting. All of the characters are unique and diverse, I even loved that one of the characters cooking is worse than mine.
Profile Image for Debra.
3,373 reviews10 followers
July 18, 2024
This is part 4 in the Dragon Kings Chronicles. Skye has disappeared. Ranway from the upcoming conflict that is coming. But she didn't leave alone. Rowan, Aspen's twin brother, has gone with her. And this is their story of what they see and do while on the run. The different dragons whom they encounter and the evil that follows them. Rowan had a traumatic encounter while young that shaped his self esteem. Will he be able to finally tell someone his secret? He has told no one. Can Skye overcome her flight instead of fight for what is needed. And who is the third black dragon foretold in the prophecy?
46 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2024
Che dire, amo alla follia i draghi e anche questo volume l’ho divorato con piacere. In questo volume ci sono state più forzature e incongruenze degli altri, ma giustificabili tutto sommato, ed essendo uno YA non lo vedo come un problema. Mi è piaciuto vedere la trasformazione di Rowan, ho apprezzato molto il suo pov. L'intero libro segue le vicende sue e di Skye, con tradimenti, segreti, svolte e colpi di scena piuttosto soddisfacenti.  Sid, Aspen ed Hazel fanno una comparsa brevissima solo alla fine. Sono molto curiosa di vedere come si conclude questa serie: proprio come tutti i precedenti si conclude in un cliffhanger.
Profile Image for Stephen Dahlin.
11 reviews
June 18, 2017
Dragons Part 4

Let me just say, I love Skye!!! This is the fourth part of the Dragon Book Series & tells the tale of what happened to Skye & Rowan. It takes place in the timeline @ the end of Aspen & through Valentine. It might be my favorite book in the series however I have not read the final edition yet. The author gives you all the missing pieces on both Skye & Rowan that started in both Obsidian & Aspens book. Highly recommend this series. Also who does not love freaking Dragons!!!!!
Profile Image for Sandra.
3,123 reviews12 followers
August 10, 2017
2.5 stars. Meh it was alright. Skye’s panicked flight and refusal to tell anyone what was going on was annoying as was Rowan’s magical transformation into badass dragon slayer from anxious nerd. I was fine with his gradual transition from working out and facing his fears, where it lost me was the magical dragon healing fire that miraculously cured all his problems – the wound, his bad eyesight and his anxiety. At least this time the relationship wasn’t insta-love. Skye and Rowan were actually friends who had spent a lot of time together although he had a crush from the get go.

8 reviews
April 13, 2018
I very much am enjoying Kimberly Loth's Dragon Kings series, but I must say I did not enjoy Skye as much as the others. I think it is because I just did not click with the characters in this book as well as Valentine. Once I find characters that I like, it's hard for me to get involved with additional characters. Thus, my favorite characters are Obsidian and Aspen. These books are quick and enjoyable reads and is not difficult to finish a book in one day. If you like dragons and just a fun read, this would be a nice series to try.
Profile Image for Meghan.
2,795 reviews6 followers
October 31, 2018
Skye and Rowan’s story rocked! It was great seeing what they went through and the why behind what they did. This prophecy is becoming more detailed and the flip on King is intriguing. I hope the next book explains how all queens are siblings bc that is neat but weird! Some lovely moments and sweet moments as well as some heartbreaking moments in this read as well, so be ready for an up and down adventure. Also, Runa is the VIP...she is awesome and I love the sass that she brings to the conversations!
Profile Image for shannonbookishlife.
1,065 reviews
June 4, 2020
The storyline of this book is so compelling, it is full of action and drama, a asearch for the truth.It is based around Skye and Rowan and i really enjoyed getting to know them better, you see into them more making you understand who they are and their motive which is crucial to this storyline. There are secrets around every corner and you feel that the truth will be revealed any moment. This is a major page turner due to how this was written, the more i read of Kimberly Loth’s books the more i love her work and she is definitely a favourite author of mine now
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1,376 reviews19 followers
October 21, 2021
I have very much enjoyed this entire series. Each book is just as good - if not better - than the one before it. And this one did not disappoint either! Great plot. Great characters. And it kept me turning the pages. Plus it was super clean. Yay!
This story follows Rowan and Skye as they embark on a journey to figure out why Skye's scales have changed color. It happens at the same time as the book #3 "Valentine," just in a different area of the U.S.
I've got my hands on the last book in the series "Kings" and am excited to delve into it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 147 reviews

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