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El jardín de las mentiras

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La agencia de secretarias de Ursula Kern proporciona servicios profesionales a una exclusiva clientela, y Anne Clifton era una de sus mejores empleadas. Sin embargo, la señorita Clifton ha sufrido un trágico destino, y Ursula está convencida de que no se debe a causas naturales.

Slater Roxton, arqueólogo y aventurero, cree que la señora Kern se está inmiscuyendo en un asunto demasiado peligroso. Si la misteriosa y guapísima viuda insiste en agitar el avispero, no tendrá más remedio que estar cerca de ella mientras ambos deambulan por el lado más tenebroso de la alta sociedad. Para descubrir la identidad del asesino, tal vez tengan que desvelar sus propios secretos…

352 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 21, 2015

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About the author

Amanda Quick

124 books5,316 followers
Pseudonym of Jayne Ann Krentz

The author of over 40 consecutive New York Times bestsellers, JAYNE ANN KRENTZ writes romantic-suspense, often with a psychic and paranormal twist, in three different worlds: Contemporary (as Jayne Ann Krentz), historical (as Amanda Quick) and futuristic (as Jayne Castle). There are over 30 million copies of her books in print.

She earned a B.A. in History from the University of California at Santa Cruz and went on to obtain a Masters degree in Library Science from San Jose State University in California. Before she began writing full time she worked as a librarian in both academic and corporate libraries.

Ms. Krentz is married and lives with her husband, Frank, in Seattle, Washington.

Jayne Ann Krentz
Jayne Castle
Stephanie James
Jayne Bentley
Jayne Taylor
Amanda Glass

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 761 reviews
Profile Image for Beatriz.
917 reviews827 followers
November 23, 2017
Una novela que rompe varios paradigmas en el género romántico y en eso radica su principal atractivo.

Los personajes principales, Ursula y Slater, han tenido que rearmarse después de experiencias bastante trágicas, lo que les ha dado una visión más pragmática de la vida y los ha transformado en personas muy lógicas y racionales. Esto, combinado con la pasión y sentimientos que empiezan a nacer entre ellos, genera unos diálogos y escenas de lo más singulares.

Sin embargo, su relación está más bien en un segundo plano, ya que el protagonismo de la historia lo tiene la investigación en que se ven envueltos producto de las extrañas circunstancias en que muere una de las colaboradoras y amigas de Ursula. Esta parte está bien, pero tampoco destaca especialmente, diría que es más bien básica.

La sensación que me deja el libro es que fue un plumazo superficial para todo, para lo romántico, para el pasado de ambos personajes, para el misterio asociado a los asesinatos que investigan, para la relación de Slater con su antiguo socio y con sus hermanastros… había mucho material para hacer una novela mucho más contundente.

Otro aprobado justito para este año.
Profile Image for Floripiquita.
1,391 reviews160 followers
May 15, 2018
Realmente 3,5. Hace años era muy fan de Amanda Quick y he leído muchos libros suyos. Con alguna excepción, casi todos comparten características: una trama de misterio con algún que otro asesinato, protagonistas atípicos para la época victoriana (ni ellos son aristócratas ni ellas ladies, normalmente todas sus mujeres trabajan y no pertenecen a la clase alta) y muchas referencias a innovaciones de la época (desde el uso médico de vibradores para tratar la mal llamada histeria femenina hasta el auge de los alienistas, los detectives privados y la prensa sensacionalista). Este libro es un buen ejemplo de ello. La trama policiaca no está mal, se lee fácil y bien, pero he echado en falta más profundidad en los temas y un mayor desarrollo de la historia de amor.
Profile Image for Magdalena aka A Bookaholic Swede.
1,973 reviews846 followers
November 25, 2015
Ursula Kern is mourning a colleague and a friend who recently died. She is also quite certain that Anne Clifton, the friend in question, didn't kill herself; she was murdered and Ursula set out to prove her point. What she didn't expect was that she would have help to do it, but archaeologist and adventurer Slater Roxton isn't letting Ursula put herself in danger without him by her side. The mysterious and attractive Slater will prove to be a great asset to Ursula as they try to find out the truth about Anne's death.

I felt that I need to read something a little less emotional draining after reading The Missing and the dead by Stuart McBride. I needed to read something that didn't leave me with an emptiness that you get when you read a book over several days that pull you in and when you're done you feel lost! So when I was asked a months or so back if I wanted to read an Amanda Quick book was I quick to answer yes. (Pun intended)

Anyway The Garden of Lies is the kind of book that I like to read when I need something a lighter, but not too light when I want a crime novel that will not leave me emotionally scarred or depressed.

Amanda Quick is one author that works for me when it comes to lighter fiction. Her books have, romance, mystery and crime set in a historical milieu and I love to read her books when I'm in need to be cheered up a bit.

The mystery isn't that spectacle in this book, nor is it that surprising, but it's enjoyable. It's true that I really didn't connect full heartily with the story and characters, but I liked Slater and Ursula. I like that Amanda Quick writes about independent women that are headstrong and stubborn that doesn't hesitate to confront people that tries to blackmail them (like in this book, Ursula isn't the right women to try to squeeze a few pounds from).

Thank you Piatkus for providing me with a free copy for an honest review!

Profile Image for Pepa.
1,001 reviews261 followers
November 28, 2016
3.5 para una novela con el indiscutible sello de esta autora.
Tiene muchos de los detalles que siempre encontramos en sus novelas. Ambos me han gustado, sobre todo algunos diálogos del principio que me han arrancado alguna sonrisa.
El es de esos hombres que conquistan por su mente y su sobriedad, no es simpático, pero con ella resulta un encanto y, como no, desde el principio ya lo tenemos enamoradito... aunque con disimulo
Ella una mujer resolutiva e independiente dispuesta a hacer lo necesario para averiguar la verdad sobre la muerte de una amiga y empleada
Misterio de fondo y ambos dispuestos a unir fuerzas. Todo dispuesto par el cocktail!!
Resulta una novela muy entretenida, que recomiendo. No es que sea una gran experta en esta autora porque tampoco he leído muchos de sus títulos, pero creo que esta es de las que aprueban con nota.
Profile Image for Olga.
1,047 reviews158 followers
December 13, 2016
Me ha gustado mucho el libro, tiene de todo, misterio, accion, amor y mucho humor... Slater no es el tipico caballero ingles ( me ha recordado un poco a Sheldon de Big Bang ) y Ursula es una todo terreno.... los segundarios de lujo y la trama es de las mejores que he leido en mucho tiempo...

Un libro que se lee muy bien y te mantiene enganchada hasta el final, animaros por que merece la pena leerlo!!!
Profile Image for Lois Bujold.
Author 203 books38.5k followers
August 3, 2015
More of Amanda Quick's 19th C.-setting Victorian romance-melodramas. Pretty much all her usual elements deployed here, although the hero managed to be slightly more human, or at least have a live mother with whom he has a good relationship, so kudos for that. About 90% self-pastiche, 10% new stuff, which is about average for recent Krentz/Quick/Castle. I find her "Quick" voice perhaps the most readable of the three, but then I grew up on Conan Doyle and the like.

I have always wondered about the heavy strategic use of fog in her books. Avoiding having to describe the scenery, or just an effect of living in the Pacific Northwest...?

Wait Until Midnight or Lie By Moonlight are also both fun ones in this vein to start with.

Ta, L.
Profile Image for Myself.
256 reviews7 followers
May 6, 2018
La recomiendo. Es lo primero que leo de esta autora y me ha gustado mucho esta mezcla de novela romántica-policiaca histórica. Aunque tiene más de policiaca que de romántica para mi gusto.
Un misterio muy bien resuelto y unos protagonistas que encajan perfectamente desde el principio. Él me enamora desde el prólogo.
Los secundarios también muy buenos.
Me gustaría leer otra aventura de la pareja, la verdad, pero no he visto que haya ningún otro libro sobre ellos.
Profile Image for Yolanda.
666 reviews186 followers
December 15, 2016
muy recomendable, he pasado muy buen rato. Los protagonistas no son los típicos, acción, intriga y unos buenos ratos de humor.
Me ha gustado mucho.
Profile Image for Daniella.
256 reviews600 followers
July 28, 2015
Fans of Amanda Quick, especially those acquainted with her recent works, are sure to find a pattern in her books. She follows a formula in writing her novels: an independent heroine, a calculating hero, and a mystery that binds them together. Some may see this as a fault, complaining that it's a "lack of creativity" on her part, while there are those who love her for it.

I belong in the second category. Amanda Quick stories give me a sense of security. I like the constancy in the plot structure; the mystery elements may change, but the characterisation stays the same. What ultimately differentiates her books is how well she applied the formula.

Garden of Lies, sadly, fell short in the execution. It was a pale representation of her usual brilliance. The romance wasn't properly carried out, and the passion between Ursula and Slater was not entirely convincing. It seemed that Ms. Quick focused too much on the mystery to the detriment of the romance between the two leads. That's rather a waste since I liked the chemistry between them. In addition, the mystery in this book wasn't as compelling as those in her other works.

All in all, this was still a very entertaining read. I liked it, and I will definitely read this again in the future. It's just that, as an avid fan of the writer, I expected more.
Profile Image for Nuria Llop.
Author 11 books119 followers
March 10, 2017
Una de las mejores novelas que se se han publicado en castellano últimamente de esta autora. La trama de misterio es compleja pero muy bien llevada, y la pareja protagonista encaja a la perfección, tanto entre ellos como con ese misterio que intentan resolver. Ella es la protagonista típica de Quick, él también está en la línea de uno de sus habituales tipos masculinos (la autora tiene varios "clichés" para ellos): el tímido. Y me ha enamorado ya en el prólogo. Unos secundarios estupendos, una ambientación que te envuelve y que aporta detalles curiosos y muy interesantes de la época, unos diálogos dinámicos con sus toques de humor y una historia de amor secundaria (!ojalá la hubiera desarrollado un poco más!) me han hecho sumergirme en esta novela sin darme cuenta y disfrutarla desde el principio hasta el final. Muy recomendable, incluso para las que no os guste mucho la romántica histórica, pues la trama de intriga te mantiene en vilo. Imprescindible para las fans de Quick.
Profile Image for Irene.
501 reviews100 followers
October 17, 2020
Una aventura de misterio y pasión en el Londres victoriano.
Genial novela romántica con tintes detectivescos muy entretenida.

Profile Image for Lady Gabriella of Awesomeness (SLOW).
522 reviews822 followers
November 17, 2016
★★2 Meh Stars ★★

*Sign* Where do I start? I could describe this book in a few limited words,for sure.BUT Quick would defiantly not be one of them (Pun intended.)

I usually devour Ms.Quick's read the moment I get my hands on them. Fast paced with interesting characters and a strong plot,her books always made for a delicious read.But not this time.
Choosing the The Garden of lies for my day-off read, Defiantly felt like I picked the short end of the stick this time around,unfortunately.

Literally NOTHING happened plot-wise in the first 40% of this book,just a lot of unnecessary and SLOW world building in my opinion. The first exciting twist of the story took place around 50% in, both mystery and chemistry wise,after which the book slightly picked up pace and finished unimpressively.

Was there Crime? Well Yes.. Murder ? Sure ! But no 'Mystery' or 'Suspense' as such.
As readers,We pretty much know who the villain is,halfway through the book.And the little twist the author gave the climax in the book felt a bit unbelievable and far-fetched to me. It almost felt like a desperate last minute plot twist the author had come up with,because her editor felt like the climax just not shocking enough. *grimace*

Would I recommend it ?
Well If your a big Quick reader,like me. There's pretty much nothing I can say that would prevent you from just trying this read out anyway.Which I totally get,so no worries ;)
BUT, if your new to AMANDA QUICK and want to try out her novels.I would probably recommend NOT starting with read. Try Ravished or Dangerous instead.There my absolute two favorites !
Profile Image for Alba Turunen.
759 reviews240 followers
February 4, 2017
He disfrutado mucho de éste libro. Sabía lo que iba a encontrarme y no me ha decepcionado. No son muchos los libros que he leído de Amanda Quick, pero casi todos siguen un patrón parecido, un misterioso asesinato, la investigación que rodea a los protagonistas. En éste libro encontramos ésos y más ingredientes.

Como dice la sinopsis, Ursula Kern regenta una agencia de secretarias, y una de sus chicas y amiga ha fallecido, pero Ursula está segura de que su amiga no se suicidó, cree que fue asesinada, y para ello pide la colaboración del protagonista; Slater Roxton, arqueólogo y aventurero, con un pasado misterioso y fama de excéntrico. En lo concerniente a Slater, creo que lo que más he disfrutado de él son los chismorreos que se cuentan sobre los exóticos rituales sexuales que practica con mujeres ingenuas en su sótano.

No es una novela al 100% romántica, aviso que no estamos ante un romance al uso. Sí, tenemos unos protagonistas que se admiran y se desean, pero no sabes muy bien cómo y cuándo ocurre su historia, y lo curioso del libro, si no eres muy quisquilloso en el asunto, es que te da igual todo eso. En éste libro lo que importa es toda la trama de misterio. A mí me ha tenido toda la novela en vilo, pues es lo que realmente me ha enganchado.

Y algo más, éste es sin duda un libro de personajes. Muchas veces gusta un libro por la historia en sí, pero no conectas con los personajes. En mi caso he conectado con la historia, me ha enganchado un montón el misterio, pero es que además los protagonistas me han encantado, tienen algunos de los diálogos de histórica más ingeniosos que he tenido el placer de leer, sobre todo los de los primeros capítulos, son una delicia.

Para mí el libro ha funcionado, y seguiré teniendo a Amanda Quick como una de mis escritoras pendientes para cuando me apetezca algún libro de su estilo. Sobre éste libro en concreto, repito, si no eres muy tiquismiquis, y sabes a lo que vas, lo vas a disfrutar bastante.
Profile Image for ♥ WishfulMiss ♥ .
1,253 reviews117 followers
February 27, 2017
I liked this one, but it still was just okay for me. I didn’t skim, it held my attention and it followed the same routine as AQ’s other books just without stand out characters. Ursula ran too hot and cold for me and Slater, although the perfect brooding silent H, at times seemed too much a push over. I love Amanda Quick, her books are simple (no OW/OM drama, no cheating and no manwhore Hs) they always have a cool murder/mystery that needs solving and there is humor and just the right amount of heat and romance to move the story along. That said, I enjoyed all of that (to some degree) in Garden of Lies but nothing that left a lasting impression.

*** Side Note: what was up with the name Ursula? I kept remembering this scene from Easy A -->  photo 7C601CC3-9E4C-4E10-8EFB-604408A0E95D_zpsqjhbvc2p.gif

Because who wants to scream out "Ursula" during climax? Right??? Lol that name choice was just too weird!
Profile Image for Susan.
194 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2015
She does it again

No matter the name no matter the time period or even the planet this author never fails to write an exceptional love story. Wonderful heroes smart heroines strong secondary characters good mystery and wonderful escape in the words of a book that can be enjoyed many times over. If you have not tried Amanda Quick or Jayne Ann Krentz do yourself a favor and become acquainted with this talented author. She never fails to deliver.
This one is a historical but no matter the time period the enjoyment is the same. Exceptional!
Profile Image for ☕️Kimberly  (Caffeinated Reviewer).
3,294 reviews735 followers
March 15, 2016
Ursula Kern owns the Kern Secretarial Agency in London. Her business has earned a reputation as both reliable and professional. When Anne Clifton one of her most dependable secretaries is found dead of an apparent suicide Ursula believes foul play to be involved. Left with some clues, Ursula plans to take over Anne’s duties to a wealthy client, but to do so; she must take a leave of absences from her current position with the eccentric Slater Roxton. He of course demands an explanation and thinking to seek his advice she confesses her plans. Ursula soon finds herself with a partner and the tale that unfolds leads them into danger and an unexpected courtship.

Amanda Quick tends to be a formulaic writer and it is one of the things I actually like about her. Each book features a strong heroine and a dark, dangerous hero. She then weaves this couple into a mystery creating all the elements I love in romantic suspense. Garden of Lies was no exception. Ursula is strong, independent and quick-witted. Slater Roxton is a bit of a mystery and rumors in the rags will have you giggling. This green-eyed archeologist had me swooning from his James Bond skills to the passionate way he looked at Ursula.

The mystery offered twists and turns creating danger for both characters. I loved the secondary characters, particularly Griffin, Slater’s driver and his staff. Although I yearned for more details. The villains and suspects were colorful and the places we traveled ramped up the suspense. The link between the clues Ursula found and the mystery were clever, despite feeling disappointingly familiar.

The romance had a delicious amount of heat, and felt genuine. I found the banter between Ursula and Slater heartwarming. At times hilarious their interactions were hilarious and I found myself grinning. We do see some bumps in the relationship as Slater and Ursula go through some growing pains. Quick gave us their back-stories, weaving them into the tale and it allowed me to connect. I would like another book based solely on Slater Roxton and his past. It sounds like it was quite the adventure.

Garden of Lies delivered a heated romance wrapped in a clever mystery. It offered me just the escape I was looking for. This review was originally posted on Caffeinated Book Reviewer
Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
June 16, 2015
Garden of Lies by Amanda Quick is a 2015 G.P Putnam's Son publication.

I can't remember the last time I read an Amanda Quick novel. I remember I used to never miss one back when the historical novels tied in with the contemporary and the futuristic books by Jayne Ann Krentz and Jayne Castle. But, somewhere along the way I lost track of this author, so while browsing through the Overdrive library I found this one which is a fairly new release- April 2015- so I snapped it up feeling absolutely delighted to be reconnecting with this author again after such a lengthy absence.

When Ursula's secretary, Anne, dies under mysterious circumstances, Ursula is convinced she was murdered. In order to investigate, Ursula will have to quit her current position, but her employer, Slater Roxton, demands to know why she is leaving. So, when Ursula confides in Slater and tell him of her plan, naturally, he thinks Ursula could be in danger and proposes they work together to discover the truth.

This book didn't have a lot of the same elements I remembered from years ago, since I seem to remember a slight paranormal element mixed in, but this one did have some philosophical aspects, which could be considered as such, but other than that, the mystery was just little bit dull in some places and predictable as well, however... I have been so disappointed in romance recently, no matter which genre I have chosen to read in and I have to say reading this book was a vast relief for me. This author blends romance and historical mystery in an authentic way, with both the male and female protagonist on equal footing, no hysterical angst or over the top conflict, adult characters who behave as such and the romance... real honest to goodness romance, with deeply sensual lingering kisses and embraces, smoldering eye contact, and great passion!!! YES!!!

So, while the mystery was just a little weak, the romance was just the way I like it. I'm so glad I found this one. 4 stars
Profile Image for Cheri.
507 reviews77 followers
August 25, 2017
I have never really read AQ except for the Arcane Society novels. I prefer JAK or JC books. I did a lot of yawning in the beginning of this book. The middle started to interest me and by the end I was liking it. I did not think the "who dunnit" was who did it though. For that I give her 3 stars on this one.
Profile Image for Caz.
2,988 reviews1,115 followers
September 13, 2016
I've given this a C- for narration and a C for content at AAR.

I suspect that even the most devoted of Amanda Quick’s fans would agree that her books tend to the formulaic. That’s not a criticism – there are times we all want to read or listen to something in which we know in advance what we’re going to get and that we’re likely to enjoy, and Ms Quick’s legion of fans clearly demonstrates that the pattern she employs in her historical romantic mysteries works for large numbers of readers and listeners. I’ve enjoyed several of her books and audiobooks myself, but the problem with sticking to a formula is that because the story is, for the most part, eminently predictable, it needs to be populated with interesting, strongly written characters – and I’m afraid that Garden of Lies doesn’t deliver on that. It also doesn’t deliver on the romance, which is unconvincing and feels as though it has been “tacked on”.

Add to the lack of particularly strongly developed characters and romance a performance which is decent, but not sufficiently engaging as to hold my interest through those portions of the story which dragged somewhat, and I’m afraid that the audiobook of Garden of Lies is a disappointment all around.

That’s not to say that new-to-me narrator Louisa Jane Underwood delivers a terrible performance. She differentiates well between all the characters and uses a variety of accents – some more successfully than others; she reads with a lot of expression and the narrative is well-paced. But I really disliked the way she voices the hero, and the more romantic aspects of the story are severely underplayed.

Slater Roxton is an expert in antiquities who was accidentally trapped in an underground tomb on the remote Fever Island during an expedition. By a lucky twist of fate, he managed to find his way out of the labyrinth, but was then stranded on the island as the rest of his party had departed, presuming him dead.

The story then jumps ahead several years, where Slater, having recently returned to England, has employed Mrs Ursula Kern of the successful and highly recommended Kern Secretarial Agency, to assist him with cataloguing the various artefacts he has brought back from his travels. Ursula informs Slater that she needs to terminate her contract of employment with him – or at least, take a hiatus – while she attends to some urgent personal business. He is not at all happy with her giving her notice as they have barely started upon the work, and eventually gets her to tell him just what is so important that she is prepared to abandon him. And his project, of course.

Ursula Kern was widowed some years before, and following a scandal not of her making, disappeared and re-established herself under a new identity, setting up the Kern Secretarial Agency as a way of supporting herself. The agency quickly flourished, earning a sterling reputation along the way, and Ursula now has a number of employees. One of these, Anne Clifton was recently discovered dead and various pieces of information have led Ursula to believe that Anne was murdered. Having counted Anne as her closest friend, Ursula naturally wants to find out the truth and, if Anne was indeed murdered, find out who did it and bring them to justice.

Intrigued by the mystery – and wanting to find a way to stay close to Ursula, to whom he has been attracted since their first meeting – Slater offers his help, and the pair embarks upon their investigation. This turns out to be a tangled web of blackmail, prostitution, drugs, and organized crime, and along the way, they also begin a romantic and sexual relationship. Ursula’s late husband was a gambler and womaniser and she swore off men as a result, yet there’s something in Slater Roxton, an air of danger, of passion tightly leashed behind an iron control that she finds incredibly attractive. For his part, Slater’s time on the island and then in a monastery, in which he found a sense of purpose, have taught him the dangers of strong emotions – but Ursula has re-awakened desire within him, and the strength of it unnerves him.

Ursula is an entrepreneur, a woman ahead of her time, and I liked her no-nonsense attitude. She dresses severely in black and always wears a thick veil, giving the impression of a woman in deep mourning, but in reality, she wears her clothes like a shield. In much the same way, Slater does, too, hiding in plain sight behind spectacles he doesn’t need and concealing his true nature beneath a tightly controlled, unemotional exterior. The bastard son of a wealthy lord and an actress, he doesn’t quite fit into the boxes so beloved of society; he is wealthy and an imposing personality, but not one of the ton given the circumstances of his birth. I did like him as a character, especially his wry sense of humour when confronted with some of the outlandish rumours about his penchant for practicing exotic sexual rituals upon young women in his basement! – and because while he wants to protect Ursula, he recognises her need to act on behalf of her deceased friend and therefore doesn’t try to keep her wrapped in cotton wool.

The problem, as I said above, is with Ms Underwood’s portrayal of him. She doesn’t appear to have a wide vocal range when it comes to pitch, so she isn’t able to alter that very much and instead makes Slater sound a bit gruff – which is fine – but in trying to adopt a more resonant tone, she makes him sound elderly, puffed-up and portly most of the time. This being the case, the more flirtatious portions of dialogue just fall flat, and she has also completely missed the dry humour he displays, which is one of his most attractive qualities. The secondary male characters are not well performed either – and I admit I found myself laughing at the New York accent adopted for the villain of the piece, which sounds like it was picked up from “Gangsters ‘R’ Us”.

Overall, Ms Underwood’s performance is almost too enthusiastic. Her voice is naturally bright and she rarely varies her timbre for any of the characters, so the whole thing sounds as though it’s stepped straight out of “Girl’s Own Adventures”, complete with jolly hockey sticks and lashings of ginger beer.

I can’t recommend this audiobook, because I found the performance so difficult to listen to. I may read the book at some point as I suspect there’s a decent story there, but when I want to listen to Amanda Quick in audio, I’ll be returning to Michael Page’s narration of The Paid Companion(sadly, no longer available), because that’s the yardstick by which all the others are judged. By me, at any rate.
Profile Image for Alloverthebooks ✎.
395 reviews36 followers
July 29, 2021
Je voulais lire une romance historique sur un fond de thriller, et je n'ai pas été déçue. Cela dit, c'est plutôt un policier avec un peu de romance. Mais les deux mélangés ont fait bon ménage. J'ai adoré la dynamique du roman. C'est le premier roman d'Amanda Quick que j'ai l'occasion de lire et je peux dire que sa plume est relativement fluide. J'ai pu m'immerger dans l'univers du roman très facilement ainsi que rapidement.

L'intrigue est bien pensée, je trouve. On ne découvre pas par nous-même directement le coupable, on doit vraiment attendre avant d'avoir toutes les informations. Pour moi, cela a été un bon moteur pour dire de continuer ma lecture.

Les protagonistes sont vraiment mignons et attachants. Même les personnages secondaires font leur petit effet.

J'étais un peu triste de quitter le roman tellement j'avais bien aimé l'univers au complet de ce roman !
Profile Image for Iradai.
272 reviews28 followers
October 7, 2017
Me ha gustado leer esta autora,creo que no había leído nada suyo,y ya iba siendo hora,con toda la bibliografía que tiene.
No es la típica historia romántica,sino que se centra en una investigación que tienen que resolver,quedando la parte romántica en un segundo plano.
Me ha dejado buen sabor de boca,sin duda probaré pronto otro libro suyo,si sabéis de alguno bueno ponédmelo en los comentarios 🙏👇👇👇🙏
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 14 books605 followers
May 23, 2015
Review posted on Got Fiction? book blog

This book started off with an incredible beginning! But pretty much after that it completely slowed down. It picked up again, but it took a while.

Quick version is that Slater Roxton is an adventurer and archaeologist. He is trapped in a cave-in, and although he does escape, he’s been abandoned on Fever Island for about a year before a ship takes him back to London.

Ursula Kern runs a secretarial business. She is helping Roxton catalogue artifacts when one of her secretaries is found dead of apparent suicide. But Ursula knows better. After letting Slater know she has to leave, he convinces her to tell him why and is not only appalled that she wants to go undercover into the household her dead friend worked in, but he demands she let him be a part of her investigation.

Their investigation leads them into danger and intrigue, both of which nearly cause their deaths.

There is a drug that is being sold in certain areas and used as an aphrodisiac. There is only one place to buy it, and it’s being used mostly in party/orgy settings. The death is connected to this drug, and there are suddenly more murders taking place. With so much going on, this book should have been a page-turner. Instead, it felt...sort of meh.

What I had a hard time with in this book was that even though it began with a bang, it just was so incredibly slow. The romance was sort of back burner, and for this particular author (who I know can write a good romance!) this felt…boring. No book full of danger and intrigue should feel boring.

It picked up again, and I really did like the plot. I only wish it had progressed more quickly.

***ARC courtesy of Penguin
Profile Image for BookAddict  ✒ La Crimson Femme.
6,826 reviews1,400 followers
February 20, 2016
I finally secured a copy of this book. I enjoyed it. This story's style is the patented Ms. Quick style. Set in a historical England in about the late 1700s and early 1800s, Ursula Kern is an independent woman who reinvented herself. As a single woman, there are not many jobs to sustain her livelihood. She cleverly starts up a secretarial temp business using the new fangled technology - a typewriter. Everything is going well until one of her employee's dies. Determined to figure out why Anne died, Ursula ends her contract with Slater Roxton to go undercover.

As usual, the female character in the story is loyal and a bit headstrong with foolish plans. Ursula is sweet and a bit naive. Fortunately for her, Slater is able to handle all the dangerous of tracking down a killer. With both Ursula and Slater's unconventional ways, they are drawn to each other. What is interesting about this story and reminds me how lucky I am to born in this age, is how restricted it was back then. The avenue to support oneself is not easy. In addition, the way one must talk in polite society is so convoluted I would scream in frustration. Ms. Quick does a lovely job in showcasing society's rules back then.

The story pace moves at a nice medium pace. The ending is as expected with no surprises. The sexual tension between Ursula and Slater is nicely restrained. Overall, another good book under this pen name by the talented Ms. Krentz. Recommended for historical romance lovers who enjoy a bit of suspense.
Profile Image for Sombra.
342 reviews43 followers
March 23, 2017
En realidad son 3,5 pero me lo he pasado tan bien leyéndolo a pesar de que era bastante predecible, que le pongo las 4 estrellas.

Amanda Quick es una autora que acabo de “descubrir” hace relativamente poco, pero siempre es una autora segura cuando quiero leer misterio en plena época victoriana, porque nunca me decepciona.

Slater, el protagonista principal ha sido la mayor sorpresa de la historia. Ya que no se trata del típico heredero de una gran fortuna que ayuda a una mujer en problemas. Sino que a lo Indiana Jones, su trabajo consistía en descubrir civilizaciones y tesoros ocultos.
Úrsula, su pareja también me ha parecido un personaje muy bien trazado y con las ideas claras y todos y cada uno de los personajes secundarios han sido claves e inolvidables a su manera en esta trama.

Si hay que ponerle peros, es que como he dicho antes la trama de misterio y la situación de algunos personajes era demasiado predecible y no estabas con esa “tensión” de saber qué podría pasar ahora o quién sería el siguiente en ser eliminado del mapa.
Profile Image for Linda.
2,042 reviews62 followers
October 20, 2015
When Ursula´s employee turns up murdered, she decides to take matters in her own hand and investigate what really happened, by taking her place at her work.
But Slater, Ursula´s current assignment, isn´t ready to let Ursula put herself at risk, so together they undertake this problem solving, that turns out to be harder and more dangerous than they ever could think.
Historical romance, suspense and smutty fluff in a great combo, listened to the audio version, and the narrator was great, too.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,209 reviews
December 14, 2021
I love finding an Amanda Quick book that I haven't read before. Great mystery coupled with terrific characters and such well crafted, amusing dialogue.
Profile Image for Inna.
1,603 reviews350 followers
July 12, 2021
3 stars, this story was pretty decent overall… I liked the storyline and the mystery, even though murder mysteries aren’t usually my thing. The heroine was different from the usual AQ heroine… but in a good way. She wasn’t overly stubborn, used her common sense, and made *mostly* good decisions. She also wasn’t a virgin, but that meant nothing since she didn’t know what an orgasm was until being with the hero. However, the romance part of this book fell short. I didn’t feel a connection between the MCs, and the ending was very disappointing and abrupt.

Safe; heroine widowed but didn’t love husband, hero not a manwhore
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Fabiola Chenet.
Author 19 books30 followers
November 19, 2018
Un Amanda Quick classique. Pour celles qui n'aiment pas cet auteur, passez votre chemin. En ce qui me concerne, c'est toujours un super plaisir de lire ses romances toutes simples avec un brin de suspense. Ma note est donc à la hauteur de mes attentes (et pas très objectives diront probablement certaines lol)
Profile Image for Christa.
2,217 reviews589 followers
May 11, 2015
I have always enjoyed this author's books, whether she is writing under Amanda Quick, Jayne Anne Krentz, or Jayne Castle, and this one was no exception. I am a fan of historical romance, and I really liked the time period and the setting, as well as all of the details about both. Slater Roxton was a great hero, and a wonderful counterpart to Ursula Kern, a top notch heroine. I liked that neither of them were typical, with his background as an archaeologist and hers as the owner of a secretarial agency. The storyline kept me interested and entertained throughout the book.

Urusla Kern is devastated upon the death of her employee and friend, Anne Clifton. She doesn't believe for a second that Anne took her own life, as the authorities have determined. When Ursula resigns a job for Slater Roxton in order to put herself in a position to investigate Anne's life, she ends up telling him what is behind her leaving his employment. Slater is very interested in and attracted to Ursula, so he steps up and offered to help her. Together they will uncover some shocking secrets as they try to find out the truth while guarding their own lives.

This was a fun book to read. I liked the two main characters and enjoyed the interaction between them and their developing relationship. They both had very admirable qualities. The search for the killer had plenty of action and moved along at a perfect pace. The story had a nice balance of romance and suspense. This is another winner by Amanda Quick.
Profile Image for Sue.
1,127 reviews10 followers
March 7, 2016
Story was quite good, less of the "meta-physical" which thank god for... that "term" was driving me nuts in AQ's works. Glad to see it only mentioned once and not by the primary couple.

Went back the style I so enjoyed the "Lake & March" series, where there was a real mystery and a crime to solve. And the paranormal had very little place, again thank you AQ. I was getting entirely to bored with that.

Romance was good, but I'll be frank the "acts" were rushed and not all that sensual. Again like Lake & March...rushed, but the sensuality was there... not so much in this novel.

Narrator note, female voicing excellent... males not so much.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 761 reviews

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