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Jane, Unlimited

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If you could change your story, would you?

Jane has lived a mostly ordinary life, raised by her recently deceased aunt Magnolia, whom she counted on to turn life into an adventure. Without Aunt Magnolia, Jane is directionless. Then an old acquaintance, the glamorous and capricious Kiran Thrash, blows back into Jane’s life and invites her to a gala at the Thrashes’ extravagant island mansion called Tu Reviens. Jane remembers her aunt telling her: “If anyone ever invites you to Tu Reviens, promise me that you’ll go.”

What Jane doesn’t know is that at Tu Reviens her story will change; the house will offer her five choices that could ultimately determine the course of her untethered life. But every choice comes with a price. She might fall in love, she might lose her life, she might come face-to-face with herself. At Tu Reviens, anything is possible.

464 pages, Hardcover

First published September 19, 2017

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About the author

Kristin Cashore

21 books16.8k followers
Kristin Cashore grew up in the northeast Pennsylvania countryside as the second of four daughters. She received a bachelor's degree from Williams College and a master's from the Center for the Study of Children's Literature at Simmons College. She currently lives in the Boston area.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,797 reviews
Profile Image for Elle (ellexamines on TT & Substack).
1,131 reviews19k followers
December 16, 2023
It is the year of our lord 2023, and still, no one understands Jane Unlimited like I do.

If I were to try and summarize this book, it would probably go something like this:
A girl plays choose your own adventure at a mysterious mansion her aunt told her to visit, causing some really weird shit to go down. And there are girls kissing.

If that summary doesn't excite you at least a little bit, this will not be your thing. But if that sounds cool? You are going to love this.

Jane Unlimited is a far departure from the fantasy Kristin Cashore has written before, but it's got her trademark strong characters and clever plotting. This book is basically a masterpiece of creative storytelling. Jane Unlimited is split into six sections: an introduction and five stories, each one following Jane through a different paths and a different genre.

Kristin Cashore is an absolute master at tying different clues and hints of a story together into one compelling mystery. This book instantly reminded me of her earlier book, the equally well thought-out Bitterblue, yet better paced. While Bitterblue was undeniably a bit of a slog, brilliant as it was, this book gets going even faster. I loved seeing every little thread get tied together over time. And while each section is clever in its own way, the true strength of this book is seeing how each section ties together: all of the weird reveals are true throughout the book, and you can tell.

THE MISSING MASTERPIECE - Agatha-Christie-style mystery
This chapter is interesting and builds up the rest of the book very well. Also, Ivy and Jane are adorable.

Again, builds up the rest of the book very well. I liked the buildup of characters here a lot. Kiran's character especially got to me.

As an individual story, I loved this a lot, though I do think it's slightly unfitting for the book itself. This one is terrifying. I want to give points for the terrifying nature, but I want to take away points for the odd and unfitting nature.

JANE, UNLIMITED - speculative sci-fi
This is probably my favorite individual story; it's so meaningful it could probably stand on its own. I can't say anything because spoilers but oh man, Jane and Ivy and Ravi and Kiran and Patrick and... everyone. I just love these characters so much.

The introduction to this chapter is so awesome once you finish! Honestly, my favorite part of this was the ending. I don't mean this as an insult to the novella; it's creative and interesting, although very weird. But the ending fits this book so perfectly and made the whole story worth it.

What I loved most about this book, aside from the reveals, were the dynamic side characters. Tu Reviens is home to a host of odd ducks.
➽ Our main character Jane, our slightly quirky and completely hilarious bi lead
➽ Twins Ravi and Kiran, the children of patriarch Octavian with his first wife Catherine.
➽ Their missing stepmother Charlotte, a character who's hard to pin down
➽ Ravi's girlfriend Lucy and Kiran's boyfriend Colin, who are... actually cousins. Imagine being someone's brother-in-law's wife and their actual sister at the same time. I honestly don't know, buddy.
➽ Kiran's old flame Patrick, a servant of the house
➽ Patrick's sister Ivy, one of my absolute FAVORITES.
It sounds confusing, yes, but these characters are so individually compelling and mysterious that it's easy to fall in love. I'd read an entire book about almost all of the side characters.

TL;DR: After around five years of waiting desperately for Kristin Cashore's new book, this didn't let me down at all. I don't know how talk about a book that's so close to perfect. No way did I get through this review without going all over the place; this is one of the most weirdly good books ever written. I definitely have to recommend this one to any fans of Kristin Cashore. With clever twists and brilliant plotting, it's a must-read.

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Profile Image for Cece (ProblemsOfaBookNerd).
339 reviews6,997 followers
October 10, 2017

This was a bizarrely delightful puzzle box of a book and I enjoyed every second of it.

Part Gothic mystery, part choose your own adventure, Jane, Unlimited is full of more stories than should possibly be able to be contained in a single novel. Jane is feeling lost in the world. Her beloved guardian aunt recently died, and she's dropped out of college, which leaves her drifting. She is grieving, and doesn't know where her life is going to lead her next. And then she gets invited to Tu Reviens, an island mansion, and she is faced with a choice that will drastically alter her life, no matter what decision she makes.

From the very beginning, I knew this book would be special. It is unbelievably odd, but fits together so many stories in a way that is always unexpected. With each choice Jane makes, she is thrust not only into a different version of her life, but also into a different genre. From a fast-paced spy thriller to a psychological horror story to a science-fiction adventure, each version of Jane's life is absolutely unique. And the most impressive part is how they all fit together, how you can see details from each different choice carried across the stories. They read as individual concepts, while also being detailed and layered enough to see the connections between them. I think my favorite was the second story, "Lies Without Boarders", but I really feel like every story has something completely unique to offer.

The most striking element of this book is Jane. She is processing grief, trying to figure out where her life is going next, and reconciling her relationship with her aunt. She's creative, and has a passion for making unusual umbrellas. She's also branching out and trying to make new connections through the entire book. Some are platonic and some that are potentially romantic. There's just so much to Jane as a character. And the side characters are also all incredible! My favorites are Kiran, Jane's old tutor, and Ivy, a girl who works at Tu Reviens and is a love interest for Jane. But while these two are my favorite, this book is absolutely bursting with other fascinating side characters.

I think the thing that pulled me in first was the fact that it is, on occasion, effortlessly nerdy.There's a conversation in the first section about favorite companions in Doctor Who, little asides about Harry Potter, and Ivy is mentioned as having a Lord of the Rings ringtone on her phone. These little moments endeared me to Ivy, and later to Jane as she is thrown into various situations, usually while she's still wearing her TARDIS pajama pants.

There's so much more I could gush about, like the fact that the beginning feels like you've been dumped into an Agatha Christie novel, or how well the different story threads about art are threaded through the book, or Jane having a crush on another girl and it's just so normalized that I could cry. Not only that, but her being attracted to a man is also mentioned but that in no way leads to a story about questioning sexuality. Jane likes Ivy. Jane also maybe kind likes Ravi. I was utterly captivated by how sexuality was included without ever being made a central theme. Of course, if you know me as a reader, I live for sexuality being the main point of a story. But to have a bizarre, gothic, adventure novel and just let the main character be effortlessly queer? It made me hope for the future of YA.

I just absolutely loved every part of this book, and I can't wait to revisit it in the future. It is definitely a book made for rereading.
Profile Image for Samantha.
455 reviews16.5k followers
May 12, 2018
3.5 stars!

I loved the first 60% of this book. But it's not as if the ending is bad, it's just that this book is a series of stories within a story and I preferred the earlier stories. As such, this feels like reviewing a mix of a short story collection and a novel, with my star rating being the average of all the stories.

This is such a creative premise though and one I would recommend going in fairly blind to and seeing how you feel. Video review to come for those interested.
Profile Image for Tatiana.
1,482 reviews11.3k followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
September 20, 2017
I am 25% in and I have no patience left for this book.

I think if you liked "Bitterblue," you will like "Jane, Unlimited." It has the same annoying to me qualities - it's overwritten, it's unnecessarily convoluted, oversmart, "quirky" (aka "ridiculous"), and often tremendously boring. Just like "Bitterblue," this novel spends too much time on the main character running around and puzzling at everything weird that's going on. It's frustrating and tedious.

But a lot of librarians love it. So clearly there is something brilliant about this book that I didn't get personally.
Profile Image for hpboy13.
950 reviews46 followers
June 26, 2017
Kristin Cashore’s Graceling was a thrilling YA fantasy when it debuted nine years ago. And I was perfectly happy to stay in the Graceling realm for Cashore’s next two books, where she continued to show off her chops at YA high fantasy. But there was a different sort of excitement for Jane, Unlimited, Cashore’s first foray outside the Graceling Realm, and her first book in five years. I fought tooth and nail to get an ARC at BookCon, and it was the first book I read out of my 30-plus pile of books from the convention. And… oy vey.

If I’m being wholly honest, the only reason I finished this book is because of a loyalty I feel to Kristin Cashore. Surely, I thought, the book would get better eventually! Surely, there would be a point! Nope. It just kept derailing further and further.

In the book, Jane is an umbrella artist, grieving the death of her Aunt Magnolia. She’s invited by a friend to a very fancy mansion, full of curious goings on. And once she gets there and is introduced to everyone… there are five versions of the second half of the book.

Cashore states in the acknowledgements that this book was originally conceived as a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure book, and Cashore boiled that down to a single choice. First of all, without getting into the details of the book, this format just doesn’t work. None of the five endings are developed enough to be wholly satisfying. It’s annoyingly repetitive. And there’s really no reason to read five endings to the same story – I thought that perhaps there would be payoff when one of the endings introduced a multiverse, but nope, that didn’t connect with the other four endings at all. The book didn’t even attempt an If/Then style narrative about how choices lead us down different paths. I can’t help but feel that this book could have been a compelling linear narrative with multiple subplots, instead of five half-baked narratives.

Then there is the narratives themselves. They start out pretty reasonable – the world of art thievery, then the world of espionage. But then they become so absurd, it pretty much devolves into crackfic. Murderous demonic houses! Aliens! Talking dogs from alternate worlds! It honestly felt like Cashore was trolling me for the latter half of the book, until I remembered that this was actually going to be published and people would presumably pay money for it. Which I can’t recommend anyone do.

In terms of the characters… most of them are pretty underdeveloped. Cashore gets lots of bonus points for diversity, both racial and LGBT. But is it so much to ask that diverse books be halfway decent? Veteran YA readers will enjoy seeing the cliché quirky YA male love interest as a woman – all the boxes are checked, from a meet-cute to the verbal diarrhea, complete with a quirk that’s presented as adorable but is actually irritating. (She is thinking of scrabble words when people are trying to have a conversation with her.) But beyond the novelty of the gender-swap, many of the characters are far too trope-y to be interesting.

Honestly, I’m shocked at just how bad this book was. But to my fellow Graceling fans… temper your expectations, and hope the next one will be a return to form.
Profile Image for Trina.
915 reviews3,882 followers
August 24, 2018
This is the strangest thing I've ever read. AND I LOVED IT.

It's brilliant. This is what fiction is made for! I was bewildered by most of the story but realized how much I loved it when I tried to explain it to my husband and ended up nonsensically gushing.

A tip: This isn't a linear story and so the audiobook was not the best format for this story, for me. While the narrator is perfect, it took me half of the book to realize what was going on. Once I got my hands on a print copy, and could see the layout and flip back to specific scenes, it was MUCH more enjoyable. While listening, I didn't catch that this wasn't linear, so I didn't notice where things had split off and couldn't easily find my way back. I do think this comes off better in print, so I would advise that format if possible.
Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,053 reviews2,471 followers
July 7, 2017
4.5 stars

“People tell you that what happens to you is a direct result of the choices you make, but that’s not fair. Half the time, you don’t even realize that the choice you’re about to make is significant.”

Jane Unlimited is the story of a college dropout, still grieving the death of her beloved aunt, who accepts an invitation from a family friend to stay at her estate Tu Reviens. Before Jane’s aunt died, she made Jane promise that if she ever was invited to Tu Reviens, she must accept. And so Jane embarks on a journey to a new place filled with people she doesn’t know.

Once Jane is inside Tu Reviens, she is confronted with a choice, between five different options. From there, we see what happens with each of those choices, and how something so simple can alter the course of one’s life.

“I feel all over the place, like my parts are spinning away.”

I read the acknowledgments at the end before I started the book and I am so very glad I did. In them Cashore wrote that this book originally began as a choose your own adventure novel, and I feel that provides a lot of insight into how this book is structured. I can only imagine that this book must have been a beast for Cashore to write, because there are so many intricacies and important facts to remember and she pulled it off so, so well.

First off, I really want to commend the writing in this book, from the very beginning it felt like I had stepped into a classic novel, along the lines of Jane Eyre or Rebecca. And well, it fits the theme of those classics a bit with the orphan coming to the manor. The book did start out a bit slow, but I reminded myself that Graceling did as well, and I knew once I got the hang of things it would flow, and that’s exactly what happened. I devoured this book, finding it very hard to put down.

I also fell in love with each and every single one of the side characters, honestly I wish they all could get their own novel, or at least a novella. But this really is Cashore’s strong point in her writing, I felt the same way about her Graceling series, every character became precious to me.

I loved the first half of this book, to the point where this was going to be one of my top favorite novels. Then I read the second half of the book and while it wasn’t bad in any way, it was extremely…….. odd. To explain the structure a bit, we get our introduction to this world and the characters in it, and then the rest of the book is split into Jane’s five choices, but told as five different stories. I loved the first two stories, I felt they were phenomenal. The third, fourth and fifth…. Were a bit beyond me and not was I expected. One of them was downright terrifying, and the other two were bizarre. Not in a bad way, but I really wasn’t expecting those aspects in this book. I wouldn’t say it took away from my enjoyment of this book, but what was a five star read went down to a four point five if that makes any sense.

“I’m finding that despite everything, I’m glad to live in this universe.”

ARC provided by the publisher. All quotes in this review came from an advance unedited copy and may be subject to change in the final draft.

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756 reviews2,536 followers
December 21, 2017
My favorite reviewer, Elise, said this is her favorite book about girls kissing and how can I not read this, is the real question.
Profile Image for Alyssa.
1,069 reviews856 followers
Want to read
May 29, 2017
UPDATE, May 27th, 2017: Y'ALL. I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHARE WITH YOU. SOON. VERY SOON. *is a merciless tease*


UPDATE, April 22nd, 2017: I thought I'd share this because MY HEART IS SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW.


My ARC set is complete! (For now. Of course I need the full-cover shiny ARC. NEED. But later.)


Also, fear not! I've got hardcovers of the Graceling trilogy, and I'll have a hardcover of Jane, Unlimited heading my way in September. It's not just the ARCs I own! =)

UPDATE, April 7th, 2017: Guess what I just had the pleasure of doing? Adding the cover of this book to Goodreads! You read that correctly - EW revealed the cover today!




Okay. Okay okay okay okay. I knew Cashore was writing a new book but I didn't know it was on Goodreads.



Profile Image for Yodamom.
2,113 reviews210 followers
October 25, 2017
Quit at 46%. I struggled to get involved in the story and failed to develop any interest in the characters at almost 1/2 way through the book. The dialog between the characters was odd and felt disjointed. Really it felt so weird to this reader. I was left at this stage in the book still not sure what the book was about. When it started with some secret spy group story that just didn't fit at all for me, I lost all interest. I should have quit sooner but I loved this author's other series, but this is not in that style at all.
January 22, 2018
DNF so far.
It's good and twisted and bad and weird and unusual... And unusually it didn't click with me. Grrr. Maybe some other time.
Aunt Magnolia had said. “I want you to make me a promise.”
“If anyone ever invites you to Tu Reviens,” she’d said, “promise me that you’ll go.”
“Okay,” Jane had said. “Um, why?”
“I’ve heard it’s a place of opportunity.” ... “You know I get wild ideas sometimes.” (c)
“How will we get to the house?” she asks. She can see no road. “Will we ascend through the rain, like scuba divers?”
Kiran snorts, then surprises Jane by shooting her a small, approving smile. “By car,” she says, not elaborating. “I’ve missed the funny way you talk. Your clothes too.” (c)
Jane is fishing, because she’s trying to figure out how these servant relationships work, when one person is so rich. (c)
How disorienting it had been to attend the classes she’d watched enviously through the windows her whole life, and wind up miserable. ...feeling like she was living a parallel version of her own life, one that didn’t fit her skin. Like she was a puzzle piece from the wrong puzzle. (c)
Her apartment-mates were a lot older than she and too pompously focused on their abstruse intellectual pursuits to bother with cooking, or cleaning, or showering. It was like living with self-important Owl from Winnie-the-Pooh, except that their hygiene was worse and there were three of them. (c)
Kiran was from the time when life had made sense (c)
I apply for things now and then, but it never comes through, and I’ll be honest, I’m always kind of relieved. (c)
Kiran’s invitation brought Aunt Magnolia near in a way that nothing else had in the four months since. (c)
Profile Image for Simona B.
915 reviews3,119 followers
November 8, 2017

“A bell rings somewhere in the depths of the house...”

Why does this have such a low avg rating? I honestly don't see why. It's such a unique book. Don't heed that measly 3.5 and go read it now.

Profile Image for Scarllet ✦ iamlitandwit.
152 reviews90 followers
March 21, 2019
The fact that this book has a Goodreads average rating of 3.37 is a travesty, a travesty I tell you. It's honestly one of my favorite books I've read in 2018 (so much a favorite that I pulled a reread a year later ^.^) I also got it signed and personalized!! 📚💓☂️ I really enjoyed this article on Jane, Unlimited. I rec reading that after checking out the book!!
Jane suddenly feels like a character in a novel by Edith Wharton or the Brontës. I'm a young woman of reduced circumstances, with no family and no prospects, invited by a wealthy family to their glamorous estate. Could this be my heroic journey?

4.5/5 🌟!

Reading Jane, Unlimited was a journey through different types of genres with a variety of strange and mysterious characters in tow. I was SO enthralled from the first page to the last and I truly know that I'll come back to reread this story one day.

The basic premise revolves around Jane, or Janie, who dropped out of college after her aunt Magnolia died in Antarctica in one of her expeditions. Aunt Magnolia was a marine photographer — there's a lot of marine biology and deep-sea photographs threaded throughout. Umbrellas are also a big part of the plot, Janie has a thing about them. Creating them, designing them, loving them. They resemble jellyfish, don't they? (take a deep jellyfish breath, my most favorite phrase ever, from one anxious girl to another).

Janie deals with a lot of grieving and not knowing how to keep on, being lost in herself (which I found to be SO relatable and tugged at my heartstrings). She is invited by her rich, and equally as directionless, friend Kiran to her island home, Tu Reviens, and she agrees because she's in limbo and because her aunt had made her promise to go to Tu Reviens if she was ever invited. And that's where things take a turn for the weird and interesting.

Tu Reviens is a more than a mansion, more than a house. It's a being that has been created by different parts from all across the world. Janie meets and befriends a cast of characters, including:

Ravi, Karin's twin brother. He is all about the art and very charismatic.

Ivy, scrabble enthusiast. She is as quirky as Jane and forms an instant connection with her too.

Jasper, basset hound. He just won't leave Jane alone! Janie doesn't mind.. much.

And so many others that Janie just can't stop observing and trying to figure out.

I can't talk about the plot too much because I think this is one of those books that you have to just read without any knowledge of what is going to happen. Well, other than the fact that there is going to be some sort of genre-bending throughout the narrative... but even then, you just can't know how Kristin Cashore is spinning it until you're reading it and you're just like "WHAT IS HAPPENING?" There's intrigue and umbrellas and mystery and drama.

I just.. what a creative narrative! I was just so in awe whenever I opened the book up and realized the many levels within each subplot. Each path continuously adds information and you learn more and more about the lives of those who are staying in Tu Reviens and even aunt Magnolia herself. This story is definitely fantastical and so weird that all you can do in certain parts is laugh. By the end, though, I was holding the book to my chest, tears in my eyes, just in shock about things that happened at the beginning that make sense in the light of what is revealed to us. I was so emotional about Jane's journey in grieving for her aunt and trying to understand where it leaves her and what she is supposed to do.

I couldn't begin to tell you who my favorite character is (though Janie is a very formidable main character) or what my favorite path is (I won't even see the word Charlotte the same again) because I truly LOVED my ride and thought that every character added to the story.

The only real flaw that I could find, though, was the 'she says, he says' dialogue tags that sometimes took me out of the story. There wasn't much variety in the dialogue tags, which I noticed because it was so repetitive.

Other than that, I just recommend this book to anyone and everyone, and then once you're done, come gush with me about everything. This book healed something within me somehow and I'll forever treasure Jane, Unlimited for its strangeness and it's utter unabashed uniqueness.

•— •— •— •— •— •— •— •— •— •— •— •— •—

Goodreads: You finished Jane, Unlimited. What's next?

Me: I don't know! I'm just so in love with this book, nothing can be next after this!
Profile Image for prag ♻.
627 reviews621 followers
November 24, 2017

someone give kristin cashore a fucking award for writing the craziest book that shouldn't make sense but has the best character set to ever exist

sometimes you read a book where you see yourself in it; sometimes you read a book where you hope you’ll see yourself someday — this is both.

it’s a rather confusing set of stories that are in continuation: while there is one introduction and several ways paths might diverge after that as each story, there are meant to be read in order (i learned that the hard way

and sure, the blurb doesn’t make much sense, and neither does the plot of some of them, but the real power this book has over its readers is through its characters.

ivy and kiran are engaging side characters and i simultaneously want to embody them AND be them. as far as main characters go? jane is a pretty damn good protagonist.

-1 star for the last story: let’s just say…
Profile Image for Krys.
784 reviews167 followers
April 18, 2017

I think it's safe to say that we have all been awaiting a new book by Kristin Cashore. I was delighted to see that there is a new one on the horizon for fall of this year. The book, titled Jane, Unlimited, has very little description to recommend it. That said, it's become one of the most sought after books of 2017 on pure hype alone. I understand very well, because I, myself, both read and adored Cashore's previous trilogy, including Graceling, Fire, and Bitterblue. I have been looking forward to something by her since I read an arc of Bitterblue back in 2012.

A few weeks ago, a very plain, very unadorned advanced copy of the book showed up at my work place. I took it home immediately and began to read it almost as fast. Two nights ago, I finished the book, and I have been trying to frame my thoughts around it ever since.

It starts with an ordinary girl named Jane; a young woman newly aggrieved by the death of her beloved Aunt Magnolia; an animal photographer attempting to save the oceans by raising awareness. Jane is eighteen and does not know what to do with her life after the tragedy. She makes umbrellas for fun and has kissed both a boy and a girl. She has dropped out of college, unmoored and directionless by the death of her aunt.

When a friend, Kiran Thrash, invites Jane to her home, Jane reluctantly agrees. Tu Reviens is not an ordinary place. It is a sprawling estate, luxurious, foreboding, and not without its own secrets. Upon arrival, Jane meets a host of characters who reside there; some family, some caretakers, and some who just happen to be about. You have Ravi, Kiran's twin brother, their father Octavian, who is reeling from the recent absence of his wife, Charlotte, who left him. There is Kiran's partner, Colin, and Ravi's partner, Lucy, a woman who solves art thefts. There is Patrick who works for them and his sister Ivy, who fascinates Jane. There are the Okadas, Philip and Phoebe. Then there are the mythical Panzavecchias, who everyone mentions frequently, though in absentia.

Everything is going well until suddenly two famous pieces of art go missing. That is when this novel kicks into gear, and when we discover what is really at stake in Tu Reviens.

Jane, Unlimited is, at its core, a mystery novel, a whodunit in a very classic way. However, it is also a Science Fiction novel, a Contemporary Fiction, a Spy Thriller, a philosophic Coming-of-Age story, and a bit of a Romance tale packed into one book. There are six distinct parts to the book and, surprisingly, you get six different types of book within. Ultimately though, it begins with a quandary - who stole a Vermeer painting and a Brancusi fish sculpture? Where it diverges from the formula into other genres is in the unraveling of the case itself. Instead of giving us a traditional linear format, Cashore works out-of-sequence and solves the mystery for us up front. She then provides detailed information in a series of revealing sequences that fill out the story afterwards. As such, she sometimes repeats information that disorients the reader, making them feels as if they have lived this life before, been there and done that. However, every time she does this she also adds a new element that feeds into the overarching plot and takes the book in a totally new direction both in structure and in feeling. It takes some getting used to. In fact, it took me half the book before I really had an inkling that this was what she was doing - that she was playing tricks on me, repeating herself, Groundhog Day-ing me.

This method of revelation defies tradition. Instead of happening upon clues and building up the case, Cashore works by subtraction, giving us scenes ahead of schedule that never feel forced. Typically, I myself am not the biggest mystery fan, as I find it very easy to solve things as the details are collected. In this case, my attention was kept because I didn't have that formula to rely upon any longer. She kept changing things about and reinventing how the info was presented. This simple twist allowed me to wander through this mystery naturally, to come to terms with it and put the pieces together in a very different way. It broke the mold for me in a way that I, granted in my very limited mystery reading experience, had never seen before. I don't know that this has been attempted previously, but the fact that I have not seen it yet made it new and fresh. I couldn't stop reading, and I have not been in that head space for some time - that I had to keep reading to find out what was happening.

There is, of course, a reason for everything. There is a catch to Tu Reviens that makes it special, that makes this novel special, and magical, and transcendent, but I can't tell you why it is. If the cat is let out of the bag, it ruins the entire novel. Believe me when I tell you to avoid all spoilers possible and just immerse yourself in this book. It's a very odd book, one that requires devotion, but it's very worth it. You will feel like it's not what you want it to be, and yet it's an immensely satisfying book.

But, and here is a fair warning, it's extremely character driven, and you have to make it through the first hundred pages to get anywhere. I anticipate that this may frustrate some readers.

Lest you feel like I have not said enough, here are a few images from the novel to whet your interest - a room of opened umbrellas, a night's chase in a bay, scrabble words with high points, a painting that you can reach through, two kidnapped children, a young man with graying temples, Winnie-the-Pooh, underwater photography, an ongoing Beetles play list, a lovable basset hound and his strayhound counterpart, an Edith Wharton novel, lovers on the outs, a gunshot wound, Unlimited vs. Limited, elaborate art ruses and heists, a fateful ride in a dumb-waiter, mafioso connections, the reason little black dresses were invented, UD17, sea bears...I could go on and on and on.

Jane, Unlimited is not your average novel. It's defiant in that it won't meet any of your expectations, so it's best to remove any before you open the book. It's a lovely novel about the power of space and time, and the many layers that occur between close-knit family and the friends they keep. It is a multi-dimensional thrill ride with unique and varied worlds to explore. And, when it comes down to it, it's about a young woman name Jane - grief-stricken, rudderless, and barely coping - and seeing if she makes a successful go of it. It's unique, unlike any book I have ever read, and I won't forget it any time soon.

5 out of 5 stars.

- review courtesy of www.bibliopunkkreads.com
Profile Image for Jane.
386 reviews588 followers
February 25, 2018
Oh good grief! I just can't take any more of this book. DNF at 25%

The premise is interesting enough -- the author originally started writing this as a choose-your-own-adventure book, but then eventually worked it into a lemme-tell-you-multiple-possible-plotlines book. The potential was tremendous! Set in a unique mansion located on a remote island, the story focuses on a tragic (but quirky!) main character. I love books that weave complicated stories in clever ways. Unfortunately, this book is neither complicated nor clever and it turns out the main character was just tragically infuriating.

Our protagonist, Jane, is clearly descended from Alice (of Wonderland), and must also be related to Scarlett (of Caraval). She's not only naive and stupid, she's also incredibly rude. (Although, to be fair, the rest of the characters are pretty inconsiderate and annoying, too.) The author set Jane up as a sympathetic character (an orphan struggling to find her place in the world now that her beloved guardian, Aunt Magnolia, has also died), but then allowed her to become a shallow, air-headed twit. But she's quirky! So I guess that makes it all ok?

So far, Jane has wandered around this magnificent mansion puzzling about seemingly mysterious things (while being oblivious to other, more interesting, mysterious things). At times she's too shy to ask questions (that would, you know, clear up some of those mysteries), while other times she smugly blurts things out to purposely spite people. The few times she does get her act together and manages to ask pertinent questions, the other characters blatantly sidestep and give her non-relevant responses. Seriously, when it got to the point that I realized she had no manners whatsoever, I wondered why she wasn't just smacking people upside the head when they gave her such ridiculous non-answers.

I never figured out who the target audience for this book is. Some of the content seems a bit mature for YA, but OMG, the pacing and story seem to be at a middle grade level (though From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, that I read just last week, treated its readers more intelligently than Jane, Unlimited). All I know is that *I* am definitely not the right audience.
Profile Image for Monica.
Author 16 books307 followers
December 3, 2018
No sé por dónde empezar con este libro...
La primera parte es muy buena, me gustó mucho y pensé que el resto de la historia sería igual de increíble pero por desgracia las cosas se fueron tornando muy extrañas.
La ciencia ficción no es lo que suelo leer pero la premisa era atrayente y al comenzar los párrafos las expectativas daban para mucho, porque la trama que comenzaba a tomar forma era muy consistente y los personajes enigmáticos, muy místico, repleto de elementos que juntos prometían una historia fantástica, pero pasando a la segunda parte la cosa cambió de forma radical.
Poco a poco la trama original se fue desdibujando hasta desaparecer, mientras nos daban toneladas de información que no tenía nada que ver, y al pasar páginas las cosas se fueron enredando y un pequeño pero persistente dolor de cabeza apareció para continuar hasta el final.
Las cosas perdieron el rumbo y llegó un momento en la que ya no tenía idea de lo que estaba leyendo, del porque la historia había llegado a ese punto, sin comprender los motivos de los personajes ni de sus acciones, fue muy abrupto, es complicado de explicar pero fue tan absurdo como que la historia contaba las aventuras de cierta chica que debía emprender una aventura en una isla lejana y exótica, en la que descubriría misterios, historias y personas que jamás imaginó y en cada paso vería que nada es lo que parece, hasta ahí todo bien, pero de pronto ese mundo quedó atrás y ahora estamos en un universo alocado en el que un perro puede ser tu alma gemela y que a su vez el mundo que conoces no tiene sentido y pasa lo mismo una y otra vez, al menos cuatro o cinco veces, para terminar en un universo raro donde la forma de vida es deforme y el punto es algo tan sin sentido que hasta parece una broma.
¿los confundí? Bueno este libro así fue para mi.
Profile Image for Abigail.
1,079 reviews
September 28, 2017
I feel guilty about how deeply I disliked this book. I LOVE the Graceling trilogy - especially the latter two books, Fire and Bitterblue. But IMO, this book is kind of a hot and unlikeable mess.

For starters, let me say that the structure is really, really cool. It's an amazing premise. Tu Reviens is awesome and complicated, the book starts out well - I sensed promise for the characters and complications in their interactions.

But oh my God. The weirdness and surplus of strange detail way, way overwhelms the book, to the point that a) I didn't care about a single characters (and, in truth, really detested spending time in Jane's head) and b) the plot structure, which could've been a major star in the story's functioning, fell by the wayside. It was also irritating because you could practically feel the book thinking that all its odds and ends obsessions were interesting - when in fact they detracted from what might've been far more interesting, actual characters to invest in and brilliant, clever plot structure.

Forgetting that, the stories themselves, if they had been read in isolation, were for the most part irritating and tiresome.

I have been waiting eagerly for this book for, like, six years, and was so sad about how much I disliked it. Ah well.
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,919 reviews749 followers
September 23, 2017
I loved the premise of this and I know so many people love Kristin’s other books, so I was interested.

I really liked Jane. She’s inquisitive and maybe a bit snarky and a genuinely nice person. There are a lot of characters in this story and a lot of working parts and I struggled to keep everyone straight.

Plot wise, it is intriguing and yet, it’s quite dense in parts. It’s almost like a Choose Your Own Adventure book and while I loved the idea, I did get bored in some sections. It’s just...a lot.

Overall, it was something unique to me and I did enjoy it; however, if not for the last choice section, I may have rated this 3 stars.

**Huge thanks to Kathy Dawson Books for providing the arc free of charge**
Profile Image for Gretchen Alice.
1,171 reviews119 followers
May 4, 2017
That was quite like nothing I've ever read before. I'm not sure I was entirely prepared for it, either, but the end result was so worth it. I know that I'm being vague and I'm honestly not sure how much to talk about Jane, Unlimited because it's better just to read it. But since it doesn't come out for a few months, here's what you need to know.

1. Jane has recently lost her Aunt Magnolia, who raised her for most of her life. Her aunt once told her to never turn down an invitation to the glamorous island mansion Tu Reviens. Jane has also recently received one such invitation.
2. This book is everything I wanted Choose-Your-Own Adventure stories to be when I was young.
3. There is a dog named Jasper and he is The Best.
4. This book will make you think more about umbrellas than you ever have in your life. And that's a good thing.
5. There are some marvelous LGBT elements to the story.
6. I wasn't enamored with the cover when I first saw it but now that I've read the book, I love the cover.
7. I want to make a TV miniseries out of this book.
8. Do you enjoy fine art, Winnie-the-Pooh, the novel Rebecca, eccentric parties, The Beatles, and/or unsolved mysteries? This may be the book for you.
9. At first you're going to wonder where she's going with all of this. Stick with it. It'll all come together.
10. Pre-order Jane, Unlimited today.

(Initial response: There's a new Kristin Cashore book coming out and now I feel like I can breathe again.)
Profile Image for Cori Reed.
1,135 reviews378 followers
October 14, 2017
My gut instinct was to rate this three stars, but the more I sit on it, the more I appreciate the sheer writing talent it took to write this book.

I was lucky enough to get to hear Kristin Cashore talk about this book several months ago at a breakfast at BookExpo in New York. She sold it as almost a chose your own adventure, but the adventure is Jane's. Each section of this book is a different genre, based on the decision that Jane makes. It's fascinating and well crafted, and Jane herself is a complex and interesting character.

I enjoyed each story and genre differently, but overall this was one of the most unique methods of storytelling I've ever experienced. Definitely check it out!
Profile Image for Justine.
1,308 reviews355 followers
December 23, 2017
DNF 45%

Maybe it's because I have the flu, but I don't like any of the characters and they are all so rude to each other. I'm finding it quite grating to read.

I really don't want to go through this business of choosing different paths on the same story over and over to see where they lead. Halfway through the second thread I decided that once through this story was enough for me.
Profile Image for Bookteafull (Danny).
388 reviews110 followers
February 14, 2020
“Do you ever feel,” she says to Jane, “like you’re trapped in the wrong version of your life?”

I'm just gunna come right out and say it: the concept behind this narrative would have been better executed by another author; specifically someone who writes for adult scifi fiction. Maybe that way I would have actually received a solid foundation and portrayal for multiverse-travel.

In this verse, at the very least, Cashore definitely did not astound me with her narrative structuring skills or writing style.


◘ I read this book in audio format, narrated by Rebecca Soler - who was, quite frankly, kinda horrible with character voices outside of the main protagonist's. I lowkey found most of the characters annoying but Rebecca's voices for them amped up my dislike for sure.

◘ Since this is a 'Choose your own Adventure' type of story, the transition into other universes based on decisions made at the central point of the narrative just weren't clear via audio. If you weren't paying sole attention to the book, its 100% guaranteed that you'll miss the switch up to an alternative timeline and become confused by the storyline's progression. (NGL, had I not been informed about the summary ahead of time, I probably would have either DNF this book or taken a break to research it on GRs.)

◘ I have no idea how the physical novel is structured, but when I hear "Choose your own Adventure" as a stylistic choice, I think of being provided with a list of options (at one point or another), being able to choose one, and then following the narrative from thereon out. I assumed that at the story's focal point, the audio would accurately depict this style by informing listeners to skip ahead to specific chapters based on the listener's preferred decision for the main protagonist. But nooooope. Instead we dive into verse A, then verse B, C and D with only half-ass transitions in the form of a chapter header: Jane Decides.

I do not recommend the audio format.

In regard to the verses depicted, here are my general thoughts simplified:

◘ Verse the first, Jane Focuses on Missing Artwork: slow, but fine and realistic. Healthier relationship bonds this time around. Kinda enjoyed it, tbh.

◘ Verse the second, Jane Focuses on Grace: fast paced and action packed, but incredibly obnoxious to listen to since this timeline included the narrator's most annoying character voices the most. You also find out how the household is run and its connection to espionage.

◘ Verse the third, Jane Focuses on Charlotte: TRIPPY AF. I genuinely enjoyed this timeline except for it's ending. Cashore briefly explored Jane's darker side but it was mostly touch and go, which was ultimately disappointing. Essentially, the concepts played within this verse had SO MUCH POTENTIAL but wasn't fully executed in a thorough manner (i.e. negative selves, self-doubt, and loss of sanity). I'm choosing to ignore that BS roof absorption scene tho, since that ending felt like Cashore had no idea where she herself was heading with that timeline and just needed a quick closure.

◘ Verse the fourth & fifth, Jane Consciously Dives into the Multiverse & Umbrella Portrait: I didn't catch if these parts were separate or intertwined together but, regardless, this was were I kinda gave up on the book. Cashore just made such a HUGE leap from the previous timelines - what with space pirates, clown outfits, and alien planets - that I could no longer take the book seriously or genuinely invest my full attention to it. This should have been the timeline I most appreciated, but instead it was the worst. I was intrigued at first, but the second space-pirates-who-aren't-actually-space-pirates was introduced, I mentally yeeted the fuck out.

Overall, it was a neat idea. Especially since Cashore additionally attempted to write each alternative timeline as a new genre, but I do think she bit off more than she could chew.

Intriguing at first, slightly disappointed, but not actually displeased with the novel as a whole lol, dem be my feels.

Profile Image for Keertana.
1,139 reviews2,279 followers
October 9, 2017
What a strange novel. Anyone who knows me knows that Kristin Cashore's Graceling and Fire rank among my favorite books of all time. Which, coming from someone who reads as voraciously as I do, is saying something. Needless to say, I've been excited about Jane, Unlimited for quite awhile but I confess that I'm at odds about how I feel about this book.

On one hand, Jane, Unlimited made me feel like a child again. It gave me back that feeling of childhood reading where every page is a surprise and, because you've read so few books in your life, all of the plot threads are plot twists. I felt amazement and awe and sheer wonder. In a sea of rather predictable YA stories, Jane, Unlimited stands out for being truly unique. It's a novel that, after a rather hefty opening, breaks off into five separate stories--each caused by a different choice our protagonist, Jane, makes--and in each multiverse, Jane solves a different aspect of the puzzle of Tu Reviens, the mansion her recently-deceased aunt made her promise her she would visit if she ever received an invitation. Whether it be a mystery of stolen artwork, the Italian mafia, physics or lore, I thoroughly enjoyed each new facet of the novel that was revealed.

Cashore has carefully plotted and written this book, ensuring that all the pieces fit together, for the reader, by the end. Unlike other multiverse books which can become cumbersome through repetition, Jane, Unlimited sets up a common base with its opening chapter which allows the consequent multiverses to avoid repetition, picking up from where we left off and diverging quite thoroughly. The characters, too, never become predictable from having known them in previous multiverses, which is another testament to Cashore's writing. Truly, they feel believable while maintaining their unique quirks and oddities and I unexpectedly found myself caring for them. Jane, especially, is endearing--grieving, trying to find herself both sexually and emotionally, and immensely intelligent and talented. I was never frustrated with her for being obtuse and overlooking major clues in this mystery; she's a protagonist who would have acted as any independent, strong-willed young woman would do.

Yet, I will say that while Cashore's debut and sophomore novel are close to my heart, Jane, Unlimited is not a novel I necessarily want to re-read. The ending is ever-so-slightly unsettling, only because each version of Jane lives a truly different life, and I've found myself confused as to how I truly feel about this book. I enjoyed it, certainly, but I didn't love the characters or plot. I think it's incredibly unique, especially in the YA genre, and I whole-heartedly recommend it, but I did want more from Cashore after waiting all these years for her next release.

Jane, Unlimited is a whimsy of a tale, more akin to Sarah Rees Brennan or Jaclyn Moriarty's writing styles than Cashore's. It's an impressive feat, that Cashore has managed to write such an original novel in a completely different style or genre from her previous works--and a good book, at that, too. Compared to her character-driven novels of before, it's the plot that shines here--its sheer unpredictability and fun--but I find myself missing those deeper connections to characters that I'm used to from Cashore's work. Certainly, we see many facets to these characters and I found myself caring for them, but definitely not to the degree I would have liked. Nevertheless, this book is a gem. Read it and I think you'll be filled mostly with awe and wonder, feelings that will overlook any faults within this narrative.
Profile Image for Sara the Librarian.
815 reviews725 followers
October 25, 2017
This brilliant book almost defies description and certainly defies my poor skills as a reviewer. Kristin Cashore established herself as a bonafide genius of young adult fantasy writing with the outstanding "Graceling" and "Fire" but she's positively transcended this (and every other) universe with this whimsical, wonderful coming of age fairy tale that somehow manages to be a spy thriller, a multiverse traveling sci fi epic, a truly chilling ghost story, a sweet love story, and a fantastical journey to a magical other world all in one book.

They say we are defined not by who we are but by what we do. If that’s true then every single decision we make from what side of the bed to get out of to whether to say yes to a marriage proposal has the potential to completely and irrevocably change the course of our lives and maybe the course of the world.

In the world of Jane Unlimited it’s a very small decision that will send somewhat eccentric, shy umbrella maker Jane careening into interdimensional portals, into illicit romances, through haunted libraries, and smack dab into an entirely different world depending on who she decides to start a conversation with at the enchanting (and very possibly enchanted) estate called Tu Reviens.

This haunting, haunted mansion sits on its own island far out to sea and its inhabitants, a motley crew of the wealthiest of the wealthy and their mysterious, not at all super suspicious staff of servants, may hold the answers to the disappearance of Jane’s beloved aunt who’s last words to Jane were a plea to travel to Tu Reviens for the answers to ‘everything.’

Tu Reviens.

You come back.

And so Jane does, again, and again, and again, cycling through just a few of the seemingly endless possible lives that might result from such a simple, small choice. Each story is more fantastic than the last but all are tied together by faint but vital threads. Finding those points of connection is delightful because it grants the reader just a taste of how truly brilliant Cashore is as a writer to pull something like this off.

The book is a technical marvel even without the wonderful writing, fascinating cast of characters, and astounding attention to even the smallest details. That it is also a breathtaking, joyous, astonishing read is nothing short of extraordinary.

Cashore's wonderful gift for quippy and clever but never corny dialogue is well in evidence as is her virtuoso level skill as a world builder, she is the absolute queen of giving the reader just enough to see everything perfectly in the mind's eye with just a tad left to the imagination. She writes Jane so effortlessly it feels at times like you’re reading an autobiography, she’s that real.

I'm honestly a bit in awe of what she's pulled off here. To write a story that has so much honest emotion and such believable characters flying through the most fantastic scenarios and worlds is really, truly amazing.

This is a book I'll read and read and read again knowing there will always be something new to find in its dizzying worlds and twilight kingdoms. It's at once a true fantastical epic and a sweet, simple story that I dearly hope many, many people read.
Profile Image for LW.
280 reviews81 followers
May 23, 2021
This book feels like it was written by Maggie Steifvater and Madeleine L'Engle--meaning it was super weird and totally amazing.

What genre is this book? Well, part of it is a mystery, part is a spy thriller, then there's a horror section, and then sci-fi with a multiverse, and finally Alice in Wonderland. Essentially, this book is totally crazy and has a bit of everything.

Jane is a great character, and while the plot started slow, I'm so glad I stuck with it. I don't even really know how to describe this book, but it was all-consuming, confusing, and perfect.

(And Jasper is my favorite dog character of all time.)

Read it, and be aware that it's crazy, and gets better the further you read. Kristin Cashore has written a book so different from Graceling, but also so good.
Profile Image for Kate♡.
1,396 reviews2,178 followers
January 7, 2018

siiiiiiiiigh. Kicking off 2018 with two wonderful books, and two big disappointments.

I was looking forward to this for SO LONG. Kristin Cashore wrote one of my favorite series from my middle school/high school years, and when I heard about this book i was so excited to be getting another from her after SO long. Not gonna lie, I was pretty disappointed that it wasn't another Graceling Realm book, but I was still excited to read this.

This book didn't WORK for so many reason:
- way too many characters
- all of the character's sounded/acted EXACTLY the same
- all of the characters were attractive and perfect and quirky and wayyyy to much of mary-sues
- as a reader who gets the majority of her reading done in single sittings of binging an entire book this CANNOT be read all at once unless you want to rip your face off from the repetitiveness. She should have made it an ACTUAL chose your own adventure oR MAKE IT A NORMAL BOOK.
- that being said, generally speaking each "book" you could read from this was under 200 pages if you take part one and then put it with any of the "endings" and WAY TOO MUCH HAPPENED IN THAT AMOUNT OF PAGES. I swear I was getting whiplash from how fast everything and everyone changed at the drop of a hat.
- the writing was so choppy and SO MUCH UNNECESSARY DIALOGUE
- Trying wayyyy too hard to be quirky and relevant with the harry potter and doctor who crap because literally any reader who doesn't care about that stuff is gonna be rolling their eyes (example: me)

overall just very VERY disappointed in this one...
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,825 reviews1,618 followers
September 29, 2017
3.75 Take a Jellyfish Breath Stars

I first was introduced to Kristen Cashore when I read her Graceling Series. I enjoyed her worldbuilding and imagination in those stories. That series was very much fantasy, this is contemporary UF with a twist. I’m not even sure I can explain the twist because that would totally give away some of the magic of the story. It’s a little like Clue meets Groundhogs Day. Let’s just say that Jane is a girl who is at a spot in her life where she could make a lot of choices. Each choice will lead her on a different path. Some of those paths are wondrous, some are crazy odd and others lead to certain death.


Jane takes a minute to get used to. She is a little bit sad and a little bit quirky. She is like a modern day heroine out of something like Jane Eyre or Pride and Prejudice.
Jane suddenly feels like a character in a novel by Edith Wharton or the Brontes. I’m a young woman of reduced circumstances, with no family and no prospects, invited by a wealthy family to their glamorous estate. Could this be my heroic journey.

But once you lock into her straight man sense of humor and dry wit she is extraordinarily wonderful and I just wanted to help her through some of the grief she was feeling after the loss of her aunt who raised her. Also I really want a Jane, Unlimited Umbrella of my very own. They seemed so wondrous and it was such a different little niche for a character to focus on and be good at. Plus armed with a larger umbrella who knows what you could fight off.
”I’ll drink to that,” she said, then threw back her drink, leaned over the bar, reached into a container of paper umbrellas, and selected one, blue and black to match Jane’s shirt and her tattoo tentacles. Opening it carefully, she twisted it between her fingers, then presented it to Jane.
“Protection,” Kiran announced.
“From what?” Jane asked, examining the umbrella’s delicate working interior.
“From Bullshit,” said Kiran.
“Wow,” Jane said. “All this time, I could’ve been stopping bullshit with a cocktail umbrella?”
“It might only work for really small bullshit.”

There are some really funny side characters throughout the story. Jasper the basset hound beset by gravity was really my favorite side character in this. The whole time I was thinking he was more than just a dog. I even harbored hopes that he was secretly a shifter hound (he isn’t) but I would have been on board if he was.

There were two potentialish love interests but I want to point out that they were very minor and I believe there were two (possibly three) kisses in this. There was absolutely no love triangle so don’t worry about that. But the two possibilities were exceptionally different. One was the dashingly handsome, wealthy playboy Ravi and the other was the wordsmithing, not what she appears to be Ivy. Yes you got that right one was male and one female. This is an equal opportunity book and Jane is in her college years so you should try everything at least once…right? I wasn’t extremely interested in Jane with anyone actually. I was deeply interested in Kiran’s love life but that was a different story completely. Still it was unusual but possibly fitting since Jane is at an age where she is finding herself. Both are very likable in their own ways and I could see how they could each have had a place in Jane’s life so it wasn’t disconcerting.

Kiran is a character I wasn’t sure if I was going to like in the beginning of the book. She is a bit short and harsh but later that is totally part of her charm. She definitely grew on me and I was very interesting in what was going on in the strange house that she brought Jane to. But once you get to see Kiran interact with her twin it makes a little more sense why she is so dry and it made her all the more likable.
“Hmph!” says Ravi. “You’re lucky I need to keep you around, in case I ever need a kidney.”
“Like I’d ever give you my kidney.”
“You would totally give me your kidney.”
“There’s totally a universe somewhere where I’ve refused to give you my kidney,” says Kiran.
Ravi is smiling. “Let’s go get that Kiran’s kidney, just to spite her. We could keep it on ice until one of us needs it.”
“That’s a disturbing idea,” Kiran says. “But practical.”

The house Tu Reviens was a character all its own. Nothing was what it seemed and it took a while for Kristen Cashore to tease the full story out about what is going on with all the characters and the actual house. But I loved how it was described most of the time with all the different pieces kind of thrown together. It seemed like it was a character part of the story.
“Charlotte kept saying that the house is made of orphaned pieces,” says Kiran.
“Orphaned pieces?” I’m an orphaned piece, aren’t I?
“Yeah. Charlotte said the only thing unifying all the parts is pain. That the house is in constant agony. Charlotte wanted to find another way to unify the house, to bind its pieces. So the house can rest.”

This book is hard to rate because it feels so disjointed in some ways. Everything is interconnected but at the same time some of the stories seem so separate. I will say I loved the beginning and enjoyed most of various turns in the book. The story involving Charlotte was completely disturbing and I will never think of Winnie the Pooh the same again. But overall it is different and strange and I do applaud that.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,797 reviews

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