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Getting close to an arrogant bad boy like him is dangerous. Too bad it’s her only choice.

Kain Badd looks great on paper: rich, handsome, and he’s even a prince. But after spending a few minutes together, Sammy sees the real him—arrogant, possessive, and too hot for his own good. If she hadn’t agreed to help plan his sister’s wedding, she could have avoided him. Instead, she’s waking up in his bed after an unforgettable night she definitely wants to forget. But he won’t let her.

When Sammy thinks her life can’t get any crazier, the wedding is raided by the police, and she spends her first-ever night in jail. The irresistible Kain isn’t just bad in name—his family is connected to a dangerous underworld. Now she’s mixed up in a power struggle between his family’s empire and their rivals. She has no choice but to put herself back in this filthy prince’s extremely capable hands.

Sammy must trust Kain to keep her safe. She’s just not sure she can trust herself to resist temptation.

268 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 1, 2017

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About the author

Nora Flite

49 books1,132 followers
A USA Today Bestselling Author, Nora Flite lives in Burbank, California where the weather is warm and she doesn't have to shovel snow—something she never grew to love in her tiny home-state of Rhode Island.
All of her romances involve passionate, filthy, and slightly obsessive heroes.

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@noraflite

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 336 reviews
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,730 followers
April 11, 2017
DNF 20%

This one isn't for me.
I don't like the pace, I don't like the heroine and I really don't like the hero. He can't decide if he's a romantic or a raging ass****. One second he says something resembling a compliment but then tops it off with a crude sexual remark. Pick a side dude. I'm just not feeling it.

It takes the heroine forever to figure out she's in a royal palace and she still hasn't figured it out by the time I dropped this book. But she did manage to get a quick nookie, so there's that.

Sorry, I tried. But I'm outta here.

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Profile Image for Nicola.
1,390 reviews277 followers
August 19, 2018
Royally Bad is a prime example of the old adage perseverance is the key to success, and after a bit of a wobbly start when I wasn’t so sure about the couple, I actually ended up enjoying this in all its OTT glory.

description I’d been thinking of her as my Cinderella. I was already a prince—in a sense—so why couldn’t it work? We’d dance, I’d put the shoes on her perfect feet, and we’d kiss and laugh, and all would be fucking sparkles and hearts.”

It wasn’t the perfect read, but Sammy and Kain grew on me as their story unfolded and by the end I loved them and Kain’s crazy extended family. And Nora Flite left enough unsaid to tempt me into reading the next book in the series.

description Before you came into my life, things were much easier.”

Profile Image for Sher❤ The Fabulous BookLover.
922 reviews582 followers
August 24, 2017
DNF @ 25%

I got a signed copy in my romance reveal box so I figured I'd give this one a try, but I'm just not feeling it. The pace was way too fast. The chemistry between the H/h was nonexistent and I'm not sure how I feel about the storyline. It wasn't realistic, it was kinda silly actually and the heroine is blindly naive. I wanted to like this one but oh well moving on....
Profile Image for ♡ Martina ♡.
244 reviews287 followers
March 6, 2022
Premetto che sono veramente poche le volte che un libro mi faccia così schifo.
Troppo cattiva? Va bene, allora partiamo con l'analisi di questo romanzo senza fare spoiler.
Il prologo: un prologo dovrebbe servire a introdurre la storia, suscitare attenzione e invogliare la lettura, bene, il prologo qui spiattella tutto ciò che succede dopo. Nei primi capitoli si ha una specie di flashback di quello che è successo prima dei fatti raccontati nel prologo, ma lo racconta male, è tutto frettoloso e abbozzato come se l'autrice volesse arrivare subito al momento clou, peccato che anche i capitoli introduttivi sono importanti e senza di essi la storia prende la forma di un'accozzaglia di cose senza senso. I personaggi sono veramente irreali, non hanno una personalità o se ce l'hanno è strutturata male. L'autrice voleva creare con Sammy una donne forte, indipendente e che non ha bisogno di nessuno ma che nei fatti si lascia imbambolare come una povera idiota dal primo uomo sexy che incontra. Kain, invece, dovrebbe essere il solito bad boy che fa sesso con tutte ed è uno stronzo fino al midollo ma che in realtà è buono, gentile, romantico e ha un passato difficile alle spalle, va bene questo tipo di personaggio fa vendere e piace molto ma dovrebbe almeno essere coerente un po', dovrebbe sviluppare un cambiamento, una specie di crescita interiore e invece niente di niente.
Gli altri personaggi? Solo uno squallidissimo contorno che alla fine non hanno un'importante fine per la storia.
I colpi di scena? Più prevedibili di così non si può, zero suspense, zero sorpresa, zero zero zero.
La cosa che più mi ha lasciata perplessa è la "storia" della famiglia reale (non è uno spoiler dato che è presente nel titolo) messa completamente a caso per dare una specie di spiegazione al loro essere ricchi e all'odio e all'invidia che la banda rivale prova nei confronti della famiglia, anche se si sa benissimo che sono una famiglia mafiosa.
Avrei molto altro da scrivere ma penso che sia giusto fermarmi qui.
Un libro del genere, per quanto mi riguarda, è veramente osceno. Una trama incoerente e piena di buchi, personaggi che hanno meno personalità di un ectoplasma e scritto in modo veramente illeggibile.
Ancora non mi spiego tutto il "successo" che ha avuto, ma penso che sia perché la scene di sesso e l'enorme pene di Kain facciano passare tutto il resto in secondo piano, ma non per me.
Profile Image for Scrill.
410 reviews227 followers
April 7, 2017
"I'd been thinking of her as my Cinderella. I was already a prince - in a sense - so why couldn't it work? We'd dance, I'd put the shoes on her prefect feet, and we'd kiss and laugh, and all would be fucking sparkles and hearts."

I really had a hard time picking between a 2 and 3 stars on this. I mean, I have a hard time judging truly because this isn't really the genre I prefer to read. Still, despite my low expectations it was surprisingly entertaining - despite the parts that made me laugh out loud and think...come on...really.

So the book is about this girl, Sammy, who becomes super involved in this family's, the Badd's, personal affairs. From making a wedding a dress, to being a brides maid, to being arrested with them. The day they Badds entered her family was the day her life changed from it's boring and quiet ways.

The plot itself was...well entertaining enough. What I mean by that was that it was enough for me to finish the book. There were a few parts that left me wondering...why? Like, the Mr. Badd didn't really know the relationship between Kain & Sammy, but still felt inclined to protect the girl because something concerning her might affect the family.....okay. It wasn't really expected considering his position. The ending was a little predictable, well part of it was, but that's okay.

The characters were so-so. Sammy was a cute little feisty girl, but was a little too trusting. Kain was sort of a d-bag. His third sentence in the book was, "Don't use the worlds 'little' and 'dick' in the same sentence with me." I mean serious eye roll, this guy is so into his penis and thinks he is all that. In fact, a lot of the things Kain says is pretty eye rolly-y. He's got that macho protector character down. At least there weren't a ton of hits-his-chest-cave-man moments.

All in all, it was a quick and easy read. Funny at some moments with a large dash of cheesy romantic scenes. My biggest problem is I can't get behind a guy who is so fully of himself and having a character change so quickly. Call me a pessimist.
Profile Image for ♥ WishfulMiss ♥ .
1,253 reviews117 followers
June 25, 2018
This was a roller coaster of twists and turns that I’m not sure really worked to make the story flow. Sammy is a struggling dress maker, she recently opened her own shop and the opening scene shows just how malleable Sammy is. Knowing she’s taking a dangerous loss (new business owner here!) Sammy caves after hearing a bride-to-be’s sob story and gifts her the wedding dress that Sammy worked weeks on and was hoping to charge a couple thousand dollars for. Her spontaneous “put others wants before hers” attitude doesn’t stop there either.

Before she knows it she’s committed herself to finishing a wedding dress in less than 3 days for Francesca Badd, stepping in last minute as the maid of honor and lastly, being locked in the family mansion for her own protection - all within like a day or two of meeting this crazy family! On top of all the wedding drama, Sammy's trying to dodge the bride-to-be’s sexy older brother, Kain from getting in her pants.

The story didn’t start off too bad but I had a really hard time warming up to any of the characters with every additional bit of info revealed. With the exception of Costello and maybe Thorne, I seemed to like everyone less and less.

Sammy was the type of heroine that needed to be rescued because she was constantly a) not taking things seriously or b) was extremely naïve to the point of TSTL moments. Kain wasn’t bad but nothing memorable either. Aside from their sexual attraction, they didn’t have a whole lot of interaction to justify the insta-love thing they had going. Then there was all the weird/silly stuff going on around regarding the Deep Shots and Sammy’s stalker that made this more comical which I don’t think is what the author was going for.

Would I recommend?
Ironically this wasn’t all the “bad” to begin with. I would recommend if you don’t mind OTT crazy and a crime/royal family that is more bark than bite. I’m gonna try the next book because Costello managed to intrigue me. I hated the way Francesca and Lula treated him and I need to know what the big ol’ secret is.

SAFETY INFO: Safe from OW/OM drama, not angst ridden and no sexual abuse.
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,339 reviews358 followers
February 4, 2021
1.5 Stars
I could say something smart-assy about the title, but I promised my kids I would strive to be more mature… but this wasn’t great. This book is kinda like when you’re channel surfing and you land on BRAVO, it’s a mess, but you blink and it’s 2 hours later. My book GF told me this was a Cinderella re-telling (I’m a sucker for fucked-up fairy tales) but this is neither fucked up or a fairy tale. Pretty much the only Cinderella-ish vibe comes from random text like….

"I'd been thinking of her as my Cinderella. I was already a prince - in a sense - so why couldn't it work? We'd dance, I'd put the shoes on her prefect feet, and we'd kiss and laugh, and all would be fucking sparkles and hearts.

Where to start… Kain Badd may not be real royalty but he has a beautiful way with words… "I'll jerk this cock off to thoughts of you, sweetheart” (they just met) OR “I want to see those tits of yours in all their glory” OR my personal favorite…"I'm going to fill you up. I'm coming, I'm coming and coming, and I'm not going to ever stop." 😏 His family’s part of a gang or mafia, but that parts a little fuzzy. Sammy is not impressed and initially bitchy…cuz he���s arrogant…but she’s attracted to him. He’s the main pursuer…she’s a flip-flopper. She’s hateful then nice…rinse and repeat.

Bottom Line-It’s a quick, easy read (I listened) that kept me entertained enough through bathing my dogs, but I never would have gotten through it had I actually read it. **I should probably 1 ⭐, but I very rarely do unless the writing is horrendous. 1.5 is code for this sucks** 😉
Profile Image for Nora Flite.
Author 49 books1,132 followers
March 8, 2017
The Bad Boy Royals are coming... April 1st 2017, meet Kain Badd.

Profile Image for bookmarkbelles.
324 reviews59 followers
March 29, 2018

I couldnt feel the connection between the two main characters 😫😭 I almost "DNF" it at 20% but switched to audiobook afterward and that seemed to help a bit. The story was just okay with some very predictable moments for me. It had potential but I was bored AF through most of it.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
April 13, 2017
DNF at 35%

Sadly, sometimes you just know when a book isn't for you. I tried to power through it, but sadly with feeling no chemistry between the MCs and feeling no connection to either the hero or the heroine, I just couldn't. I'm not sure what it was exactly that made me feel so disconnected. Maybe it was the writing style? Perhaps it was the quickness that Kain and Sammy got together? Kai's sister drove me out of my ever loving mind with the way she talks. And truth be said, the heroine wasn't my cuppa either; she was just too immature and all over the place. Le sigh. So no rating from me on this one.

I do enjoy this author's writing and will absolutely read her future books. This one was unfortunately a miss, but can't love them all.

ARC courtesy of publisher in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Mariagcri.
312 reviews24 followers
February 21, 2019
Due stelline e mezzo..il mezzo è perché l'ho letto tutto...non so manco perché...sarà che non era lunghissimo..
Una storia paradossale e assurda...mi fermo qua...inutile sparare sulla croce rossa...
Profile Image for Angie.
1,233 reviews210 followers
September 8, 2020
I’d been thinking of her as my Cinderella. I was already a prince—in a sense—so why couldn’t it work? We’d dance, I’d put the shoes on her perfect feet, and we’d kiss and laugh, and all would be fucking sparkles and hearts. Did fairy tales ever end with the prince murdering someone?

Meet the Badd family, part Royal and part mafia, these boys know how to sin... 4.5 stars!

This was one of those books that caught my attention immediately as soon as I saw the cover and title. Without reading too many reviews beforehand, I downloaded the sample and was hooked right away, and I'm so happy this series is available on KU.

Kain Badd is the charming brother of the Badd family and Francesca's twin. While escorting Fran in her search for the perfect wedding dress, Kain meets Sammy at her dress shop. While Fran falls in love with her perfect dress, Kain and Sammy are both reluctantly intrigued by the other. As Sammy finds herself sucked more and more into Kain's world of danger and deceit, she finds herself falling for Kain despite being arrested at Fran's wedding. Her life is transformed into something she never imagined, but she finds that a life with Kain is not something she can walk away from. Overall, I really enjoyed this story! Kain's reactions weren't always as alpha as I would have liked, but I loved him and Sammy together. The Badd family dynamic was also fascinating, and I can't wait to read broody Costello's story next ♡
231 reviews2 followers
February 24, 2019
Anche meno di tre stelle...
Lento, noioso, personaggi piatti... ho fatto fatica ad arrivare alla fine!!
Profile Image for Aya.
116 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2017
DNF 26%

Oookay this one is not for me.
I've been tried this more than once,twice but thrice and its not working for me.
cant feel the heroine and the hero chemistry.
did not excite me the story so I decide that I drop this.. (hate this doing it)

welp! I tried it but cant work it. time to go and moving on
Profile Image for The Reading's Love Blog.
1,339 reviews234 followers
December 16, 2019
RECENSIONE QUI: https://thereadingslove.blogspot.com/...

Vi piacciono le favole? Tutti conosciamo Cenerentola, La bella addormentata, Biancaneve ecc, in questo libro l'autrice mescola queste fantastiche favole e ci aggiunge un tocco dark, un pizzico di sangue e l'adrenalina alle stelle. Non tutti i principi sono buoni, questo è quello che pensa Sammy, la protagonista. E non può avere più ragione di così. Sammy è una sarta, ha un suo negozio ed è tornata a casa da poco per assistere la madre malata dopo la morte del padre. Ha un fardello grande quanto un palazzo sulle spalle e l'unica cosa che vuole è che la sua vita venga stravolta più di quanto già non lo sia. Un giorno, però, qualcosa succede. Nel suo negozio entrano due persone: una ragazza ed un ragazzo, che cercano disperatamente un vestito da sposa per lei. Qui ha inizio tutto. Dal vestito da sposa per Francesca, ad organizzarle la cena pre-matrimonio e farle da damigella. Perché Sammy non sa dire no e non le piace deludere la gente. In tutti questi favori gratuiti conosce Kain, il fratello di Francesca. Kain sulla carta è un gentiluomo, gentile, premuroso e dietro è un predatore. Sammy è così incasinata e piena di preoccupazioni che passare una notte con Kain, pensa, non è che uscire un po' dagli schemi. E dopo quella notte, tutto cambia. Al matrimonio i poliziotti fanno una retata, arrestano tutti inclusa Sammy. Sammy che non ha la minima idea di quello che sta succedendo. Kain è cresciuto con una vita agiata, un titolo nobiliare e la sua famiglia che faceva cose non molto da nobili. Tengono in pugno la città e questo a molti non piace. Quando portano via Sammy non vuole altro che proteggerla. Dopo averla conosciuta, dopo averci passato la notte insieme qualcosa è cambiato in lui. Kain è sempre stato freddo con le relazioni ma Sammy gli scalda il cuore. E' ingenua e gentile e sorridente, è lontana da tutto ciò che lui ha visto ed è una boccata d'aria dopo tanto tempo. "Il principe cattivo" è un libro scritto molto bene, scorrevole e dinamico. Una scena si sussegue all'altra, non c'è mai un attimo di respiro fino alla fine. La vita di Sammy è in pericolo, chi vuole colpire Kain e la sua famiglia finalmente vede in lei il tallone d'Achille. Ci sono verità nascoste che quando vengono a galla hanno il peso di una bomba…

Profile Image for ~Mandi~.
281 reviews30 followers
July 3, 2017
Royally Bad
Bad Boy Royals # 1
Nora Flite
4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Great book! Really enjoyed reading this one. A little different then I was expecting, but in a good way.

Kain Badd looks great on paper: rich, handsome, and he’s even a prince. But after spending a few minutes together, Sammy sees the real him—arrogant, possessive, and too hot for his own good. If she hadn’t agreed to help plan his sister’s wedding, she could have avoided him. Instead, she’s waking up in his bed after an unforgettable night she definitely wants to forget. But he won’t let her.

When Sammy thinks her life can’t get any crazier, the wedding is raided by the police, and she spends her first-ever night in jail. The irresistible Kain isn’t just bad in name—his family is connected to a dangerous underworld. Now she’s mixed up in a power struggle between his family’s empire and their rivals. She has no choice but to put herself back in this filthy prince’s extremely capable hands.

Sammy must trust Kain to keep her safe. She’s just not sure she can trust herself to resist temptation.

Can't wait for Book 2. Thanks NetGalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Zili.
790 reviews
April 1, 2017
3.5 Stars in my Sky!

The premise of Royally Bad is fun and entertaining. I liked the idea of the gangster prince and the wedding dress maker.

I laughed more than expected, although I have to admit, not all of my laughter was necessarily in places where it was supposed to be. Certain elements were particularly far fetched - BUT this was also what I really enjoyed about Sammy and Kain's romance. The drama and escapism.

Sammy is awkward and funny. I honestly wasn't sure what she was going to do or say next. She finds herself going from dress maker extraordinaire/unwilling wedding guest, to basically being deeply involved with the Band family and all aspects of Kain's life.

I expected to love Kain but he didn't manage to totally win me over. I wasn't sure about how he treats Sammy at times or allows others to treat her whilst claiming to want the best for her. Don't get me wrong, he does bring on the swoon and I did like him, but just didn't love him.

The story involves twists galore and although I did find some events hugely unlikely, I enjoyed the story and really wanted Sammy and Kain to find their unique HEA together...

I received a copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Tessa.
513 reviews41 followers
September 28, 2017
This was cute. I got it despite the almost scary title, (Bad Boy) and the mafia royalty mix because the premise just sounded fun. It was. I thought Sammy was strong and a little rebellious and Kain falling for her was super sweet. I did enjoy the Badd family and Fran was adorable, though like a mouse you give a cookie too.

My issues with it were that they were royals. Really, in the storyline, it wasn't important. At all. Other than telling me they were, I didn't see it. Supposedly the next book should have it considering something said towards the end. My other issue was the ending was too nice. It could have been so much more, but it felt like an "everything is now good, no bad stuff anymore" ending. Something even happened that had me rolling my eyes, though it was foretold if you read between the lines.

So, seriously cute but some bit of cheesiness that wasn't necessary.

3 stars
Profile Image for Maddy's Reading.
437 reviews2 followers
April 3, 2017
A gangster bad boy prince and a strong, hardworking wedding dress maker.
The plot was very intriguing, a combination of fairy tail and mafia romance. The Badd family is similar to a mafia and Kain Badd is the young prince. He meets Sammy in relation to his sisters wedding and soon fate is pushing Sammy & Kain together everywhere.
Their chemistry is amazing , connection strong and soon they are inseparable. Family and circumstances push them apart, can their love hold strong?
It was a nice read though I felt there were too many angles to the plot. I wouldn't mind reading about the other Badd siblings though. Should be interesting.
*~*~*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange of an honest review *~*~*
Profile Image for Giuls.
1,667 reviews136 followers
January 6, 2020
Io… Io non so davvero come commentare questo romanzo.

Partiamo da un presupposto: dopo aver letto il prologo non so bene con quale forza abbia deciso di continuare il libro e di non abbandonarlo lì; sicuramente dopo quello le mie prospettive sono finite talmente sotto i piedi che andando avanti la storia mi ha (quasi) piacevolmente stupito.
Il fatto è che l’intero romanzo è completamente senza senso, con la trama che potrebbe benissimo avere un colpo di scena iniziale, ma che in realtà non c’è perché il tutto viene raccontato nel prologo, rovinando quindi tutto il resto. Lo stesso si può dire del colpo di scena finale, dato che vi sono un paio di scene durante il romanzo che fanno accendere una lampadina e fanno quindi sospettare che cosa succederà.
Nel mezzo di questi due “cose” abbiamo scene che mi hanno lasciato a bocca aperta per quanto sono irreali, il tutto alternato a scene di senso talmente spinto da sembrare la sceneggiatura di un porno.
Ah, l’intero romanzo occupa un lasso di tempo abbastanza breve, di un po’ più di un mese, ma quasi tutto avviene nei primi giorni, tant’è che non si può parlare del mio personale odiatissimo insta-love.

La protagonista femminile è Sammy, il cui unico aggettivo che riesco a darle è cretina, scusate il francesismo. Per essere un po’ più gentile potrei darle della sprovveduta, ma non è sufficiente a descriverla. Sin dall’inizio non fa nulla per non cacciarsi nei guai, accettando qualsiasi proposta assurda le venga fatta. Andando avanti, poi, non è che migliori, cioè, s’è messa nei casini in tutti i modi possibili ed immaginabili e non fa che cercare di scavarsi sempre di più la fossa, dimostrando un istinto di sopravvivenza talmente schifoso che nemmeno i protagonisti degli horror di serie Z.
Avrei tanto, ma proprio tanto, voluto prenderla a badilate dalla prima all’ultima pagina.
La sua controfigura maschile è invece Kain Badd. Io non ho capito che cosa volesse fare di lui l’autrice, probabilmente voleva renderlo un uomo bello e dannato, con un fascino misterioso, ma in realtà con un cuore tenero (praticamente un cliché vivente). Quello che in realtà è venuto fuori è un protagonista piatto ed antipatico, freddo per l’intero romanzo e in alcune scene al limite del bipolarismo.

Detto tutto questo, perché ho dato ben due stelline? Principalmente perché alla fine si tratta di un romanzo talmente irreale che alla fine uno si ritrova persino a ridere e, dopo averci messo secoli a leggere i primi 3 capitoli, viene anche voglia di scoprire quale altra cavolata si inventerà l’autrice.
In un momento di follia in cui avrò bisogno di ridere un po’ potrei quasi tenere in considerazione gli altri libri di questa serie…
Profile Image for Emily.
5,509 reviews527 followers
July 14, 2017
Sammy is trying to make a go of her business as a fashion designer for wedding gowns. When she meets Francesca Badd who buys a dress and her brother Kain pays a huge amount of money to make sure gown is done in time. One good deed leads Sammy inserted into the Badd family and straight in the line of Kain who has made his interest clear, he wants Sammy. Sammy knows he is a bad boy with a silver tongue and Sammy is having a hard time resisting. However, things get shooken up and Sammy wonders when she can get her life back and not under the careful watch of the Badd's.

This was fun and thought it was filled with intriguing characters. I liked Kain and Sammy but had a couple of times where I scratched my head on things like her business. I would check out more in this series to see what happens with the rest of the characters.
Profile Image for Yvonne Wood.
977 reviews15 followers
March 22, 2017
Something missing with this book. It was just ok. Back to this review now I have made my apple cake and had a think. Kain and Sammy just did not connect for me. Irritated with this wishy washy gang who were not into really bad stuff like drugs and prostitutes so were really doing community service by not being as bad as the other gang. Nooooo. If you are a gang called Badd own it and if at the end you are better people then I can get it but at least run with being baaaaaaaad.
Profile Image for Chiara Ropolo.
1,323 reviews23 followers
January 13, 2020
Questo libro è assurdo, non mi viene parola migliore per descriverlo. Non è neanche brutto, ma talmente senza senso da risultare negativo.

Sammy, detta anche la regina delle stordite, confeziona abiti da sposa. Un giorno irrompe nel suo negozio Kain, figone dall’aria pericolosa e misteriosa. Dopo una miriade di rocambolesche situazioni, lei si ritrova invischiata nella sua famiglia, degna de Il padrino (ci sono anche riferimenti a teste di cavallo, giuro!). Qui succede di tutto e si scoprono altarini pure sulla famiglia di lei, segreti intuibili tipo a pagina 2. Comunque la cosa principale è la storia d’amore fra i due, degna di attrazione fatale (oggi sono in modalità film datati, portate pazienza).

La storia ha uno svolgimento che definire assurdo è riduttivo, mentre leggevo continuavo ad alzare gli occhi al cielo e a mormorare la mia incredulità. Però (c’è sempre un però), l’ho letto in poco più di un giorno. Vero è che l’ho fatto durante le vacanze, vero pure che avevo bisogno di non usare troppo la testa (si è presa una super vacanza), ma mi ha coinvolta, volevo capire fin dove si sarebbe spinta l’autrice.

Non ha tanto senso la trama, ma neppure i personaggi. Sammy veramente non può non capire alcune cose, non se la vuoi presentare così moderna e indipendente. È pure simpatica, ma veramente troppo svampita. Kain è un cliché ambulante, anche lui con una buona dose di rimbambimento. Non funziona, non regge, lo stesso però mi ha fatto ridere.

Non sono pentita di averlo letto, mi ha in qualche modo divertita, ma è completamente senza senso. Sicuramente mi ha fatto staccare la spina da tutto.
Profile Image for Tania's Book Blog.
1,674 reviews19 followers
April 5, 2017
I voluntarily received an advance reader copy.

This was not what I expected. Sammy and Kain meet when she made the wedding dress for his sister wedding. Things heated up quickly between both of them. Sammy tried avoiding Kain and Kain couldn't seem to stay away.

Then his sister wedding was raided by the cops and Sammy needed Kain protection. This story took some unexpected twists that can't be revealed without spoiling.

If you like mafia love stories with a touch of a heroine that is ballsy and a hero that is all alpha?! Grab this one.
Profile Image for Wendy.
804 reviews14 followers
March 4, 2018
Not sure what I think. I liked the romance ok and want to find out what happened between LuLu and her brother Costello, so I am going to continue the series. Was a three star read for me hope the next in the series a bit better.
Profile Image for Maria11.
1,943 reviews38 followers
September 14, 2017

Ok listen. I listened to audible version in the car to work. I never got the urge to read the end like I do with most every audible book I listen to. It didn't capture me and I wasn't too keen with the characters.

The voices make or break the story. The ones on this one had me laughing out loud at times. Not sure if I would like reading it instead of listening.

Not bad not great.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 336 reviews

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