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The Baritone Voice

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This manual is designed for training the beginning and the advanced singing baritone male voices. It explains the mechanisms of the singing instrument that control range, pronunciation of pure vowels, and the full range of dynamics. Mr. Anthony Frisell has produced classics that continue to be relevant to this day--a must for all those would-be baritones who wish to excel especially in opera, operetta, oratorio, choral or solo performances.

194 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2007

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75 reviews25 followers
September 2, 2011
Frisell's approach doesn't differ from the systems I already use. I am and probably always be a student of Jaime Vendera and Robert Lunte, and this book was the perfect step further in getting to know my voice. He advocates the dominance of head voice throughout the whole register (which is a long and tedious process) for the longevity of the singer's career. Mastering the five Italian vowels is a must. Frisell doesn't dwell on breath support - he believes that it's all about the strength and coordination of vocal muscles.

The thing I liked the most about this book is the emphasis on the fact that it will take time and effort to create the voice and the technique you want. You won't sound just like your teacher right off the bat. You won't sound like the pros. But eventually, you will harvest the fruit of your hard work, and that's what having a lifetime occupation such as singing is all about.
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