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The Borrowed World #4

No Time for Mourning

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In The Borrowed World Series, America is brought to its knees by coordinated terror attacks against the infrastructure. After spending weeks walking across a violent and horrific landscape to reach his family, Jim Powell hoped they could weather this storm on their secluded Appalachian farm. They had prepared for this. They had armed for this. They could live without power and fuel. What happens, though, when the same qualities that drew Jim to his isolated valley begin to attract another armed group looking for a place to hide from the unrest of a starving nation? Franklin Horton’s Borrowed World Series has been a bestseller in the categories of Post-Apocalyptic and Dystopian Science Fiction. He has been interviewed extensively for podcasts and for print media on the topic of preparedness. The series is noted for its realistic portrayal of how average Americans might be affected by societal collapse.

286 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 14, 2017

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About the author

Franklin Horton

54 books326 followers
Franklin Horton lives and writes in the mountains of southwestern Virginia. He attended Virginia Intermont College and Virginia Commonwealth University. In his spare time he pursues outdoor adventures with his wife and two children. His interests include camping, kayaking, backpacking, mountain biking, and shooting.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews
Profile Image for Rain.
2,119 reviews28 followers
May 4, 2024
*3.5* “Being good people doesn’t mean much anymore,” Randi said. “Bad shit can still happen to you.”

Survival is paramount and humanity is tough to find in post-apocalyptic America.

The author weaves a sometimes overly graphic picture of the brutality of a society stripped of its civility. The characters must deal with difficult moral choices and are faced with the harsh reality of a life without electricity, law-enforcement, and hospitals.

These books are so full of shooting, ammo and gun information that the author forgot about basic living. How do women handle their periods, how do the families wash their clothes? There is a tiny little bit about gardens in here, but there needs to be so much more about canning, food storage, housing, preparing for winter etc.

Golf club mayhem felt way over the top.
Profile Image for Andrew Smith.
1,169 reviews807 followers
March 1, 2017
This is the fourth chapter in an ongoing story of a group of people impacted by a ‘meltdown’ caused by terrorist activity disabling a number of key infrastructure targets in America. In previous books we witnessed the terrorist events themselves and the immediate aftermath, which amounted to the country quickly degenerating into a collective mob as food, fuel, electricity and other key supplies dried up practically overnight. The narrative is focused on a small number of people who had been stranded miles from home at a business meeting. The meeting was, of course, abandoned and their attempts to get home showed the rapid deterioration of law and order prevalent across the country. Subsequently, we’ve followed the plight of those who did manage to get back to their families as they sought to protect their loved ones and set themselves up to survive an indeterminate period of hardship and civil unrest.

It helped that two of the men we’ve been tracking are survivalists, men who had previously put much thought and effort into taking steps to address exactly this type of scenario. But even these efforts have, to a degree, been offset or negated by the damaging actions of others. This latest book picks up directly where the last book finished.

To an extent the big story was told in the first book and everything that’s followed has had an element of sameness about it. There were times here that I thought it possible to randomly select any of books 2, 3 or 4 and not notice any real disturbance to the story’s flow. That’s a bit unkind, I know, and it’s probably not strictly true either. But it’s not that far off the mark either. The saviour, however, is that I’ve become invested in the survival of the characters I’ve come to know. I want them to ‘win’, to survive and prosper against the odds.

These books do have the feel of a long running television series with rather too many episodes, but I know I’ll be tuning in for the 5th book (already promised) when it’s released. I guess that says something about both me and the rather addictive quality of these books.
Profile Image for James Maxon.
Author 9 books43 followers
June 24, 2019
The first two books center around Jim, the third Gary. This forth one we have a lot of Randy’s perspective. That, and several new characters that take a good amount of the story’s POV. The way the author pieces everything together makes the characters easy to follow, which is no small feat since the story has several of them this far into the series. I rarely found myself confused with who was who, and the plot flows smoothly enough that I never lost my interest. On the contrary, it is quite engaging, particularly toward the end. I do hope we get back to Alice though, as she was heavily featured in the previous book and not at all in this one. Looking forward to reading the fifth in this series!
12 reviews
February 25, 2017
Great read

I've recently gotten into prepper fiction and I have to say this is one of the best series I have read.
Profile Image for Val Shaw.
125 reviews3 followers
February 18, 2017

This series just keeps getting better and better. I'm a huge fan of yours now, Mr. Horton! I sure hope there's another one following. Anyone considering reading this series will definitely be pleased with it. The characters are great and the story is awesome.
Profile Image for Kayla.
54 reviews3 followers
February 18, 2017
I have really enjoyed this series. At the end of Book 3 I was so impatient for the next book. I read Locker Nine and really enjoyed that book as well. I pre-ordered this book and couldn't put it down. Franklin keeps you on the edge of the seat but not so serious that you don't laugh throughout the book. Highly recommend this series.
Profile Image for Annie.
938 reviews31 followers
September 14, 2017

Just as I suspected, and this always happens in end of the world situations...the people that are trying to survive become your enemy! JIm and his friends are doing there best to survive and protect each other...there is a lot of violence in this book...and our group was in grave danger! I was very proud of Randy, she has really came a long way, she is one tough lady and I can not wait to see where this series goes next!!!

Profile Image for Daniel Lewis.
480 reviews3 followers
September 6, 2022
Franklin Horton continues with his Borrowed World series and just keeps the issues that I had never thought of as possible problems coming. He has clearly spent a ton of time thinking this all through, what could go wrong, what you could do to react tot hat and so on. I think this was the best of the Borrowed World series so far. They have moved another family into the valley with them and are about to bring in more when another group decides that they want to shelter there. The very things that made Jim want to be there are making others want to do the same. And they are willing to kill to take the land. Suspenseful and provocative, an excellent read and I look forward to book 5 in the series.

Profile Image for Sabrina.
452 reviews11 followers
February 23, 2017
Outstanding! Mr. Horton's 'The Borrowed World series' has been one of my favorites. Read and completed in a single evening, this fourth book does not disappoint!

Jim is still working to properly defend his family's small valley and people are beginning to notice...Randi has everything she needs with her family around her.....except coffee!

As more people become aware of the permanence of this new reality, basic human courtesies will falter. There are the needs of the many, and the need for self. While Jim and his 'tribe' work together for mutual benefit, others will selfishly stake their claims and only take. Will Jim and his family and friends survive this encroachment? Will all of their preparation be for naught?

Smoothly written with a fluidity that connects the chapters as they focus on the different characters. They are expertly woven together to create a large and very detailed picture of how life continues to survive....despite the horrors of depravity. Extremely well done!
Profile Image for Chessy The Cat.
340 reviews28 followers
February 17, 2017
Jim Powell wants to further isolate the valley from outsiders by blocking the road. He only has the supplies readily available for one end. In the meantime, at the other end of the road a group from a wealthy community has discovered a cattle farm to which they want to relocate. Randi and her family have found themselves caught up in a deadly feud with neighboring scumbags. Will Jim and his tribe find the new neighbors a welcome addition to the valley or a threat to their way of life? What will Randi do to save her family?

Horton’s forth novel in The Borrowed World Series, No Time For Mourning, continues to explore how a group of friends and families might manage their lives in a post-apocalyptic collapse of society in America. Live and death decisions must be made on the spot to keep the group as a whole safe. It’s us versus them no matter how things were in the past. That can be a hard lesson for some to learn.

I can’t begin to tell you how much I am enjoying this series. It’s real. It’s gritty. And, it’s heartfelt.

5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Deirdre Toby.
63 reviews
February 24, 2017
Another great addition to the borrowed world series

I recently came across this series and have fallen in love with this story. To be honest,I usually read zombie apocalypse fiction, but I do enjoy survivalist type stories when I can find a good one.
With an easy to read writing style, and well developed characters, this series will keep you coming back for more. My only regret is that I have burned thru this four book series and now have to wait to see if there is a book 5 (I really hope it doesn't take long to come out!)
Profile Image for hardhitta.
7 reviews
November 4, 2021
Another great book in this series, loving every book. 4th book and I haven't gotten bored with it at all so that should speak volumes. They really are getting better as I go. Still not gonna give it 5 stars because I'm reserving those for my favorite books of all time.

Buddie continues to be my favorite character, and all the characters are getting more fleshed out as I go. The author is getting better with each book.

One thing I would like to see is more detail on the flashlights people are using. If you've been reading my reviews for this series then you know I'm a knife guy, well I also love flashlights! I would like to know what kind they're using and not just "extremely bright tactical flashlight". But I'm aware that non-preppers don't like when the books just seem like a list of survival items so I'm okay with leaving some stuff out for the sake of others.

For my favorite part of the reviews, the knives!
Only two new branded knives in this one but they're good ones! Both are Jim's, he upgraded his pocket knife to a Microtech LUDT, which is a knife I've always wanted. The author also put the model for the Esee Jim has been carrying, it's an Esee 4 which is actually my bug out knife, can't go wrong with Esee.

Overall, I recommend this series to anyone still. The first book is, imo, the worst but it's still very very good. You will especially enjoy these books if you're into prepping.
Profile Image for Linda Marshall.
28 reviews6 followers
May 1, 2018
Franklin Horton keeps us reading ever faster/longer so we can find answers to our many questions of a fallen modern world where we are never safe, having to depend on our wits to survive; just to eat, just to protect ourselves, just to outsmart ‘the others’ and just to try to find any semblance of normalcy, where none exists. Are you up to it? This #4 “No Time for Mourning” series continues to thrill, perhaps making you think a little harder to be more prepared about adventures that could well come your way – perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in the future and hopefully never. I have to reread this series since I have loved it so much.
Profile Image for Shawn Fahy.
153 reviews1 follower
July 23, 2024
I finished “No Time For Mourning” by Franklin Horton (2017), book 4 in the “Borrowed World” series. The story continues around the group that has gathered away from town, trying to survive in a world that no longer has power thanks to terrorist attacks on infrastructure and whose inhabitants are growing increasingly desperate and violent.

This book has some eyebrow-raising examples of human depravity. These are disturbing but I’m also glad they’re included; too many authors who try their hand at this genre are too squeamish (or ignorant) about how truly brutal human nature can be. Some of the protagonists are also prone to extreme violence when pushed to their limit, making these characters feel more real than many typical “good guys” who are pure and just to the point of unrealism.

The plot didn’t feel strained at all and there was plenty going on all the time, making this a fast and entertaining read. There were a couple of sections where an extra sentence worth of description would have made things a little less confusing but this happened only rarely and it was a minor inconvenience, not something that ruined the story by any stretch. I’ll be buying the next book in the series soon.
5 reviews
May 16, 2022
Well this is kind of an update to the review from my finishing Book 2...I am about done with 4 now...I might read 9 just to see how Mr. Horton wraps this up but I'm stopping after I finish 4...these books have become (for me) mostly a tit-for-tat kill fest...yes, maybe that's what will happen if this scenario should unfold...and I enjoyed the discussions about preparedness activities... but at this point I'm thinking much of the killing, although perhaps justifiable by the characters(I have come to dislike Jim...(: ), is gratuitously gory...
I truly believe that the "stuff" we put out into the world influences things that might happen...for lack of a better description...by continuing to produce, not just books, but TV, movies, rants...you name it...we pollute this "place" we live and we draw more of that "stuff" to us...
Thanks for the hard work of writing Mr.Horton...as it stands I've never written a book so maybe my opinion is lost for that...
I think I gave the book a 3 because I am sad about the whole thing...
5 reviews
August 31, 2017
An Excellent read...

I chose this rating of 5 stars due to more than just a good read.This book brings in the story of several more characters,some mentioned from previous books, some new. This is such a reality based series. Im on Book 5, im just ending a week of vacation, that ended up being a staycation...so I've read almost the entire series! You cant help wanting to read this and previous books for hours. These books are for real readers, 400+ pages in each! You know thats a story told in depth. There are hero's, both big and small, right up to the end.
The character development was great. You felt like one of the family members, experiencing Love and hate...and all points in between. Join this family, pick your family, there is bound to be love and tragedy! See you there!
50 reviews
July 26, 2017
Everyone should read these books

While Mr Horton may not be an elegant writer, he has a story (warning?)to tell and he does that well. His story is mostly plausible and will make you think, unless your head is totally buried in the sand. Our electrical grid is old and we don't have all the parts to fix it. Our lives run on electricity. Most people don't know how to garden or raise livestock, even if you could get it. We have lost our resourcefulness. These books tell us just what that could cost us...and would if/when it happens. Highly recommended. Note they do contain violence. They are best read in order.
Profile Image for Vickii Bendit.
211 reviews4 followers
December 28, 2017
Great continuation of the series! I cried at Places in this read. The very real reactions to danger and loss of life brings the characters to life. The bonds between the characters are growing stronger as they circle the wagons. Gary decides that his family isn’t safe at their homes, and decided to relocate to Jim’s valley, but the night before they left a devastating attack left one of his son’s-in-law dead. Even relocating to valley wasn’t without danger, as they soon learned. The residents of the valley have to make hard decisions which would impact their safety and future. A great read, and as the series progresses I’ve become more and more invested in the main characters.
176 reviews1 follower
May 18, 2022
The fastest read and most hard to out down instalment yet

Now that the fan has been hit ; the best.and worst are coming out of everyone . Death and survival are becoming the only choices that these characters must make .
You will discover more about your !most enduring and beloved characters and be introduced to a few more that will greatly halted the delicate balance of what is left of the world .
Profile Image for Matthew.
405 reviews10 followers
May 28, 2017
This is the 4th book in the series, and while it continues the storyline well enough it is neither special nor terrible. I've enjoyed the series well enough, but can not say that I would strongly recommend it to others...(The writing is average, the characters are limited, and the storyline is not terribly original...but it is not bad either.)
Profile Image for Brandon.
556 reviews33 followers
September 10, 2017
Excellent blend of prepping, action, drama, and character development. Conflict rises as Randy is forced to leave her home after a tragedy, and a double-cross nearby forces two tribes to go to war. The novel makes a good representation for how people's attitudes can easily escalate situations that should otherwise be benign. Great series.
805 reviews7 followers
June 25, 2019
Too short

I thoroughly enjoyed this book, this series and the very interesting characters Mr. Horton created. Although, I wonder if he really created them or if they are people he knows because they are so real. Jim the blunt plain spoken man, Gary the older more diplomatic man and Randi the bitter woman with the soft heart.
51 reviews
July 8, 2019
Great Ending

This saga of The Valley has quickly become a favorite of mine. It's the small things that we take for granted in life and might not be thought about much in every day living. This book reminds us that our own Tribes are important and so is what each person brings to the table. So you really know your tribe?
103 reviews
December 13, 2019
Borrowed World

Every time I think it can't get any better it does. Fantastic writing, great characters, and a all around must read. The Borrowed World series is a true testament to the strength of good hearted people in a crisis that could very possibly come about. Great read, fantastic journey and I can't wait to read the next one.
1,476 reviews23 followers
July 19, 2020
No Time For Mourning. Franklin Horton

Book four in this series. It's now a daily struggle for survival as in being prepared. Proper planning, emergency responses. The family or rather group of families have gotten stronger, determined to challenge anyone who threatens them. Another excellent read in this series!
164 reviews2 followers
August 15, 2020

After reading the first three books in this series ,the fourth one read as if it were written by a different person. The bizarre ,complicated ,methods used to kill folks in this book ,doesn't make sense and it seems like the author uses these convoluted scenarios as filling and it feels like he got lazy here. 3 stars for this effort
Profile Image for Aaron Stewart.
51 reviews
October 2, 2023
"No Time For Mourning" , book four in "The Borrowed World" series, is a good survival fiction read and doesn’t disappoint in its action and hold your breath moments. Jim Powell, his family, and their "new" community of neighbors do their best to survive in the post terrorism collapse where you can trust no one, perhaps even your neighbors.
Profile Image for Wendy Sahl.
55 reviews1 follower
August 11, 2024
Book 4

I’m still reading, a good sign. The books are written in third person and what keeps the story moving is the action more than character development. The closest you get inside of anyone is the main character and even with him you get mostly what he would say aloud. So there isn’t much character development other than an overall adaptation to the challenges they face. The action is great, well paced, and I enjoy the sort of bird’s eye view of their world.
Profile Image for Wancket Enterprises.
632 reviews6 followers
July 10, 2017
Really good

This series of books are exciting and well written. One can identify the pain the characters suffer although not with the cause. I hope we never have to. Great job Mr. Horton!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 106 reviews

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