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Twice as Hard

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They caught me. Naked, shivering and dripping after a spontaneous swim in the forest. Two rugged men whose hard gazes captivated and scared me all at once. They warned me. Told me I was on private property and I needed to obey the law…or I would be punished. The idea of them both punishing me, pleasuring me, kept tormenting me. I couldn't want them. I shouldn't. But I did. I didn't mean to trespass again. I thought I could retreat without notice. But they're coming for me. To show me the pleasure in pain. To show me just how right forbidden can feel. And to love me twice as hard as I ever fantasized.   This book is approximately 26,000 words  One-click with confidence. This title is part of the Carina Press Romance Promise: all the romance you're looking for with an HEA/HFN. It's a promise!

110 pages, ebook

Published March 2, 2017

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About the author

Amber A. Bardan

15 books731 followers
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Amber is a #1 Amazon Bestselling, award winning, author, and member of Romance Writers of Australia, Melbourne Romance Writers Guild, and Writers Victoria.
After spending years imagining fictional adventures, Amber finally found a way to turn daydreaming into a productive habit. She now spends her time in a coffee-fuelled adrenaline haze, writing romance with a thriller edge.
She lives with her husband and children in semi-rural Australia, where if she peers outside at the right moment she might just see a kangaroo bounce by.
Find out more about Amber by visiting www.amberabardan.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,965 reviews33.8k followers
March 21, 2017
4 - 4.5 Smut Scale Stars

Before I get started, I should let you all know that I am having internet problems today.

I had to uninstall/reinstall shit, upgrade my browser, and a lot of other techy nonsense I don't really understand.

What this means, in short, is that I lost and re-wrote this review...


Three. Fucking. Times.

And lemme tell you.

This shit got more shiteous every time I attempted to re-write what I wrote.

And I give up.

So here is the lackluster, shitty review for this awesome slice of smutty erotic goodness. Don't let my craptastic review take away from what was a fun little slice of smut heaven.

That said, I have another confession to make.

In the time between getting this ARC and actually reading this ARC...I had completely forgotten what the hell this book was even about.


So when homie-blog-boss-Maria reminded me that I was supposed to have read and reviewed this thing by TODAY, I knew I had better...read and review this thing.



Thus, being that I was in a bit of a hurry, I didn't re-acquaint myself with the blurb before cracking it open.

Meaning I had no idea what the fuck this thing was about.

And you know what?

I had a great fucking time as a result.

This thing was seriously scrumptious.


I wanted to eat it.

Much like this poor child:


Bless her heart.

And I feel like going in blind made it even better for me.

In fact I would recommend that you go into this one a little blind too. Reading any spoilers on this one will kind of lessen the experience on this, in my opinion.


Just sayin.

This was my first read by this author and I look forward to checking out more of her stuff.
So imagine my excitement when I realized I already have another ARC from her on deck?


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Profile Image for Isabella. R.
992 reviews1,904 followers
June 21, 2021
5 Two of a Good Thing Stars ⭐

"What do you really need from me?"

Twice as Hard is an erotic menage romance that was imaginative, poignant, sexy as hell and so much more then you ever think it will be. In fact it's one of the best. Fair warning you'll wish it wasn't novella length!

With her husband Dean having left a month prior, letters begin arriving with sets of instructions for Gabby to follow. It's his way of getting them to reconnect with a twist.

This is how Gabby finds herself alone up on Hunter Mountain skinny dipping while trespassing on private property.

When she is detained by two roughneck brothers who are intent on teaching her a valuable lesson, it ultimately takes a wicked turn. Gabby will be forced to confront her innermost fears and desires in the most unconventional way.

"I’ve spent all my life never feeling wanted, but in this moment I’m claimed."

I am not going to spoil this for you, but it's a love story you want to go into blind. This author was able to turn a darkish tale into something far beyond your fantasies. I loved it to bits. 🔥🔥
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
April 10, 2017
Surprisingly good smut!

I am not sure how I can review the story without giving away some major spoilers. The book is just full of twists.

A woman in the beginning of the book trespasses a private property, has a swim naked under a small waterfall and gets caught by the two owners of the land. She is warned never to be back. But yes she will be back no necessarily because it is her fault.
Add to this mess that:
- The woman is already married but her husband abandoned her and now he just sends notes with instructions to her.
-The two owners are brothers.

“We warned you anything could happen if you came back here��
So I can only assume that you want to be here…
Does your husband appreciate what a wicked little whore he has?…
Don’t worry, honey… We know exactly how to take proper care of you.”

Let’s just say that there are two parts in the book.

The first part is mainly a fantasy that involves ménage, forced seduction and being lost somewhere in the woods.
So if you have any kind of triggers concerning these facts consider yourself warned. If on the other hand you like reading about this kind of fantasies, get ready for some hot scenes, dirty talking and two over the top alpha males. Very well written smut.

The second part, although it is still extremely hot and sexy, it is also very emotional.
The three players will be still the same, but this time they will talk about truth, emotions, their past and their future. Decisions have to be taken.

So somewhere in the middle of the book, be prepared to rub your eyes and to go back and reread the first part. I actually did this, before I continued the story.
I couldn’t believe that I missed all the clues!

I am definitely reading more by this author. I have already lined up the “King’s Captive”.
Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,783 reviews2,830 followers
March 10, 2017


descriptionThis cover is pretty good. It has a vibe about it that represents the story well. The composition is good. The typography is interesting. The "TWICE AS" is a bit too large IMO and ever so slightly too far to the right causing the "S" to be cut off a tiny bit. Overall though a fairly decent cover.description

descriptionSo WOW this book was not exactly what I expected it to be. What I thought was going to be a quick little smut read proved to be a whole lot more complicated. I don't want to give too much away, so I am going to keep this review fairly brief.


I pretty much enjoyed every minute of this one. In fact, I kind of wish that this had been a full-length book. I wanted more background on these characters. I wanted the plot to be a little more fleshed out. That said, it was still a very well-written book. It was nicely paced. It had some insanely hot sex scenes. It had interesting characters. It had some twist and turns (one I figured out early on the other took me by surprise.) Two thumbs up from yours truly.description


Profile Image for Heather K (dentist in my spare time).
3,999 reviews6,259 followers
March 16, 2017
This was a really weird book for me. I think buried in the story was something worth reading, but I had a lot of issues with the execution.

I'm going to try to not reveal any spoilers, but that's especially hard with a story like this one. All I knew going into it was that it was going to be a M/F/M story, and that's basically it.

A few things you should know. For one, I wouldn't even classify this story as a romance. It is really erotica with some scant romance traces. It is much, MUCH more about the sex than the relationships. Also, it is KINKY. Twice as Hard is squarely in the BDSM genre.

The book is really split into two sections. The first section was really hard for me to read. I won't reveal exactly why, but it stressed me out a LOT, even though I knew in my heart that things couldn't be exactly how they appeared. Still, I hate when we are in a character's head and they tell "us" false information. It seems like the characters aren't being honest with the reader, and that bugs me.

The second half of the book was also problematic. It was angstier than I was anticipating, and the poly relationship seemed forced and based just on kink and less on romance. I also don't like it when there is a ménage situation and two of the people in the threesome aren't romantically or physically involved. In this case, neither guy was attracted to one another and they were both just into the female. I only like ménages when all three are into the entire relationship, so that was a bummer.

Some of the sex scenes were hot near the end (I had to skim the ones in the beginning because they stressed me out), but the book felt disjointed because it was split into two totally distinct sections. I just wanted more out of the whole story.

*Copy provided in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Ari Reavis.
Author 20 books158 followers
March 20, 2017
*ARC received from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review*

HOT DAMN, this book was so sexy.
I'm always wary of menage romances because most of the time one guy ends up seeming like a 3rd wheel. Or the girl likes one more than the other. But ohhhh, this book really hit the spot (in more ways than one). Neither man was left out, in any sense of the word. I was impressed with the level of heat in the sex scenes. They were scorchers. I was reading them thinking, 'This author done good.'. Just when you're thinking this book is all sex, the drama comes.
I was so surprised about everything that got revealed and who the 2 men really were that I didn't mind the drama at all. It added some really great emotion to the book. The epilogue tied everything up in a nice, sexy bow.

For my original gif filled review of this click here:
Profile Image for Lana *Lifeinwordsandlyricscom*.
652 reviews148 followers
April 4, 2017
!!!Holy Tink's pantalones, that was HOT!!!

I didn't mean to trespass again. I thought I could retreat without notice. But they're coming for me.
To show me the pleasure in pain. To show me just how right forbidden can feel. And to love me twice as hard as I ever fantasized.

Gabby hit the motherload of jackpots when she trasspassed to their property, I tell you. No, scratch that, she hit that motherload way before that, but no spoilers. All I'm going to say is whatever reservations you may have about the dubious consent - throw them out the window. Like right now.

It was dirty, it was intense, it was exactly what I wanted from this book and more. Holy mother of all that is steamy did I get satisfied.

Be prepared to use some ice cubes to cool yourself off, 'cause the temperature in this book is off the charts. I'm talking self combustion levels.

I wonder what she used those fingers for. Hmmm, just saying...

Over and out
Profile Image for emtee .
207 reviews93 followers
October 5, 2022
3.5 stars rounded up

Good girl. Beautiful. Amazing. Theirs. There’s a fullness inside me both where he is and where his words land, that makes me feel like I’ll never be empty again.

Wow… super smokin hot, and one of THE best twisty-twists at the halfway point. A real “gotcha” that I didn’t see coming and totally loved. Pretty amazing storytelling!

Hot AF *and* feels is always a winning combination for me ❤️

I like having two of a good thing.

Two of a bad, bad thing.

(Edited to add a TW for non-consent)
Profile Image for Melanie A..
1,184 reviews517 followers
July 25, 2022
I'm so glad I didn't DNF this sexy little novella!!

The first half of the story isn't very believable, but there's a nice twist at the mid-way point that explains everything - I totally dug it!
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews726 followers
August 4, 2017
This is SUPER dirty over the top fun. I enjoyed.

Note - there are some grey areas regarding consent in the beginning that was making me very squirmy - but just keep reading....it works out/gets explained.
Profile Image for Dawn West.
538 reviews42 followers
February 14, 2017

**Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy of this book.**

My thoughts are conflicted.

Gabby followed written directions that led her onto private property, with two owners who both scare and arouse her with their warnings to stay away unless she wants to be properly punished. Her instinct is to run away but there is something in the back of her mind that tells her to run toward them, instead.

After her dog mysteriously leads her back to the forbidden place she's been daydreaming about, Gabby is immediately seized by the two scruffy men. The pair are opposites in most every way, yet both stir a similar feeling of lust inside Gabby. Their methods of pleasing her, however, do not involve her consent. As she fights to escape, she realizes there is no way out of her current predicament and she's not entirely sure she wants to go.

To be honest, I haven't read a lot of menage themed books as of yet, but my problematic thoughts on this book surprisingly didn't stem from the whole "how do three people make a relationship work?" angle. I actually really liked the second half of this book, when our threesome becomes a real and working partnership. I could see the love on all sides and this might be one of the few times I could actually see a long-term situation being feasible.

However, I struggled to accept the first half of this story and almost stopped reading because involuntary forced play is too much like rape for me to enjoy. Though we can hear Gabby's thoughts about her actual enjoyment, she only voices against the acts, never for them. It's hard to encourage this behavior when she is fighting back so much and barely acknowledges her secret desire for it to continue.

Even though there is a big twist and the story takes a sharp turn in a different direction, I still couldn't seem to forget about the first half of the book and the few instances where I eternally cringed. It left a bad taste in my mouth that even loving and caring interactions couldn't overshadow.

Thus, my confliction.

The forced parts were so raw and believable that I had a hard time adjusting to the rest of the story. I guess that's both good and bad. It was definitely written in a way that made it real. And when it no longer was, I couldn't erase my initial reaction.

In closing...
Kudos to the author for tripping me up on this one. It was definitely a new reading experience. I have read (and loved) another of Amber Bardan's books, so this won't be the last for me. However, I will adjust my expectations in the future and be ready for... well, anything. Three suns!

Full review on blog: http://uptildawnbookblog.blogspot.com/2017/02/review-twice-as-hard-by-amber-bardan.html
Profile Image for Mariya.
169 reviews55 followers
April 10, 2017

The best thing in this book was the smut. My need was satisfied. Still I was considering to drop it because of the first few chapters. Why? Well.. because the story felt a bit creepy to me. You're in the mountain doing stuff your husband left you in notes but then you came across two strangers. The men own the land and everything on it..... They taint you, they scare you, they make you feel crazy things. By chance the men caught you and do things again your will. That was my turning point. I don't really like it when someone is forced. The vibes from these first sex scenes were intense and consuming. In the middle of the book some things were revealed which made me re-read the first half. Yeah, great twist, I didn't see it coming. From now on the plot becomes heavy, emotional and slightly dramatic. Some of the issues rub me the wrong way. That doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy reading the book, but it's unlikely to read it again.


Profile Image for Maria11.
1,943 reviews38 followers
December 8, 2018
Well that was very interesting. Really can't say much because it will give everything away.

If you want Three-way smutty sex this is for you. It starts a tad rough, but it smooths out in the end. I have to say it was very interesting plot twist. I usually predict but heck it threw me for a loop.

Received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.
Profile Image for Steph.
993 reviews85 followers
March 6, 2017
4 dangerously delicious stars for TWICE AS HARD!

When Gabby is sent on a scavenger hunt by her estranged husband, she winds up naked and enjoying a waterfall...something she's always wanted to do. Until two rough mountain men catch her trespassing, warning her that very bad things could happen to her if she's caught there again. After she's caught there once again, the men make good on their promise: anything on their land belongs to them. Gabby hates what the men are doing to her...right? She's not this dirty little slut begging for their touch...is she? Gabby knows that her every fantasy is in reach, but does she have the courage to reach out and grab it?

Ms. Bardan always writes the most twisty turny stories that suck me in and don't let up until the very last page, and TWICE AS HARD is no exception! You have a feeling about what's going on in the book, but she doesn't let up the pressure until the end, giving us a suspense and lust-filled story that makes you think of very dirty things. I liked how the story unfolded and developed, like the proverbial peeling of an onion, there was depth in all of the characters that was as surprising as it was sexy. My only wish was that the dudes weren't stepbrothers (NOT my fave), especially since there was some serious chemistry between them! I'm a huge fan of Ms. Bardan's and anxiously lap up every single thing she puts out!

Bottom Line: No OM/OW; sharing (MMF, MF); condom use; BDSM/kink; no sexual assault; no violence/murder. - See more at: http://www.theromancereviews.com/view...

The Romance Review - See more at: http://www.theromancereviews.com/view...
Profile Image for Mary.
166 reviews2 followers
July 2, 2022
Actually read this many years ago even tho multiple partners/poly couples in romance is definitely not my favorite thing and I'll avoid it if I can, but I will read just about anything by this author. She's one of my top favorites ever but unfortunately she retired in 2019 causing me immense heartbreak 😿
Every now and then I'll go back and re-read her books when I need to cleanse my soul, her writing is absolutely sublime and I miss it so much :(

100% would recommend if you're in for a short book with super hot sex without compromising great plot and character depth!
Profile Image for Grace.
72 reviews3 followers
October 15, 2020
Wow, didn't expect the twist in the story, got me confused I had to reread that part.
I didn't like the first part where they forced her.
But this was an interesting read, better grabbing it without reading any spoilers.
Profile Image for Meggie.
528 reviews109 followers
March 29, 2018
4.5 stars!

“I like having two of a good thing.”

This was a fantastic little book, a short story that was kinky, hot, exciting, and surprisingly profound. I don't want to give too much away because the best part of this story is the way everything unfolds. Honestly, if you haven't read this book and you like kinky menage stories, I implore you to stop reading and go purchase this RIGHT NOW.

This story starts with Gabby, a woman who travels to a cabin in the woods after the man in her life left their home a month ago. She's alone except for her Rottweiler puppy named Pippa. After a series of events, she ends up on the side of the mountain where two brothers live. Not only do they own the land, but they also are under the impression that they own everything and everyone on their private property... which, eventually, includes Gabby. Things get filthy fast, and holy shit it's hot.

Take note, there are some definite dub/non-con elements to this story. Make no mistake about it; force definitely plays a part in their little group dynamic. That being said, things aren't always what they seem. Everything eventually unravels and I was surprised the amount of emotion I felt from this kinky, sexy novella. The writing was excellent and the story moved in the right pace. Honestly, I could've enjoyed more of it; it felt like there was enough substance here to fill a full-length novel.

I highly recommend this book for anyone who likes menage or dub-con! Yes, it's more than just erotica, but God DAMN are the sex scenes explosive.
Profile Image for ~ Cariad ~.
1,912 reviews54 followers
September 28, 2019
Exactly as I suspected for my first AB read... Filth! Absolute filth!!...So good, I REALLY enjoyed it!!
Profile Image for Christina.
632 reviews24 followers
February 19, 2017
4 Stars - 4 Flames

Batta Bing, Batta Bang! And just like that, we're pulled in to a fantasy that becomes extremely real.

When I first started this, I kept thinking about how this was an awesome thriller, turning into an even cooler fantasy. But then....WHAT??? The script flips and I'm backtracking trying to figure out what just happened. And then the "ah ha" moment happens and I was like, "wowza". Don't worry, you'll totally understand what I'm talking about when you read this. LOL.

I'm not even going to go into the characters and who they are or what they are going through. That's something that you'll need to figure out on your own while reading it, just like the rest of us. I will say this though. I wish it was just a little bit longer. Maybe flashing back to both Dean AND Abel situations. I felt like we only got to experience the Dean flashback of when they first bet.

This is a pretty short read. I think I finished it in less than 3 hours (damn kids). Plenty of hot and heavy scenes that will leave you panting. And I'm glad everyone got their HEA.

*I received this book from the Jeep Diva in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Beanimous.
1,025 reviews14 followers
September 13, 2017
This is a steamy dirty dirty fun read.

This is a dirty book, that kind of book that I will not mention that I was reading to my book club, that kind of book that it will make my sisters blush (they are both mums), that kind of book that I will recommend to my friend in Goodreads.......

The book is fun, sexy, steamy, dirty and very well written, oh! it needs to be mentioned that this book is not for the faint of hearts, it described three ways in vivid details and featured unconventional relationships. For the more opened minded reader like me, I love this refreshing book, I was riveted and totally captivated by the story, I can not read it fast enough!

I have not had the best of luck with this author's other books, but this book properly captured my attention...will seek out more books from this author for sure....
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
March 21, 2017
Paige's review:

Twice as Hard is a short kinky read containing plot twists that were unexpected.

The book is broken into two parts fantasy and reality. The fantasy that played out between the 3 was hot and kinky. I loved the menage fantasy and the scenario that played out between the trio.

I was scared for Gabby at times. She went down a dark and emotional path but was able to breakthrough and find the light and peace with her feelings.

I thought the author does a good job with the character connections despite the length of the book. They worked well and we’re also given a perfect HEA for this MFM relationship.

Review copy provided for a voluntary review.
Profile Image for Cécile Smits .
1,264 reviews232 followers
January 13, 2019
My head is still spinning.....what a twist in this story!

Gabby is married,but as she’s been given a time out by her husband,she meets two men.....
Two men that don’t seem to care she’s married. That warn her if she enters their territory again,there will be consequenses. She can’t help her dog running off though,can she? But when those two men catch her,that excuse is ignored and she is helpless as they take what they want.

And then.....there comes the twist! One that turns everything upside down. That gives this story a whole different end than i expected. But.....i loved it!
Profile Image for Shannon Youngblood.
Author 36 books414 followers
March 14, 2017
***5 Bad Ass Bitch Stars***
 photo 5 Buttons_zpsu895julz.jpg

WELL---DAMN!!! Talk about giving the reader the absolute shivers..... I wanna trade places with Gabby... I want my own Dean and Abel..... I mean Clarke and Luke..... Efffffff----I don't wanna give anything away, but a pair of mountain men taking me and having their wicked way with me? YES PLEASE!!! SOOOO HOT!

 photo 5 Orgasm Button_zpsm0jqyhvr.jpg

It's so hard to write this review without giving something away, so I'm just going to say this. If you like rugged, if you like dogs, if you like a good MMF, and some good, hot, dirty sexy time, do NOT skip over this book. Bardan has a way of pulling you into her story and making you forget you're not the main characters... it was HAWT!

5 Stars! Totally recommend!

ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest bitchin’ review.
Reviewed by The Royal Bitch from Bitches N’ Books
 photo Shannon Button_zpskqnv23v2.jpg
Profile Image for Chani.
Author 51 books1,069 followers
March 22, 2017
*This is a Window Seat Blog Review http://readinginthewindowseat.blogspo... *

This book is about so much more than the blurb let's on. So much more. And I loved every single page of it. Bardan is a word wizard, seriously, for being able to pack in so many different things into such a short book (it's about 110 pages). Obviously, seeing as how this is an erotica, there's lots of sex. But there's also a really interesting and complex story going on involving all of these characters that help breath an extra layer of life into it. It isn't just about the sex, as great as those scenes are written (and wow are they). I loved all of these characters and found myself rooting for them. They had such great, individual, and believable personalities, that it made it impossible for me to put this down to even use the bathroom. I read the whole thing in one sitting, because I just wanted to know what was going to happen next. I like reading erotica because it's real in a way that some regular romance books don't get to: I like that we can see them be intimate and kinky and out there, because the world isn't made of vanilla. But, with that in mind, I'm also huge on plot. I love books in general, and all genres, so it's no surprise that even when I'm reading an erotica, I hope for a good story to go along with my smut. Bardan delivers. And not just with this book either. I've now read three and I can tell you, I am hooked. I saw this plot twist coming, but even then, how it's done is so seamless. There's kink, but there's also a heavy layer of love, and erotica writers aren't always able to capture those two things together. Basically, if you love good story telling, and also happen to love good sex scenes, pick this up!
Profile Image for Anna's Herding Cats.
1,274 reviews313 followers
April 13, 2017

Reviewed for herding cats & burning soup.
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2l2g44z

Oh my. Twice As Hard was sexy as all get out. A heroine captured. Two rugged men. Fantasies played out. A little twist on who the men really were. *bites lip*

Emotional turmoil, lives and futures on the line. This was an exciting little adventure as Gabby accidentally crosses into a neighboring property and gets herself captured by two big burly men who kinda force her into playing out one of her darkest fantasies-- being with two men at the same time. Whew boy the scenes were hot, the guys yummy, a little tease with letters being left for her. It was a good time. And had a nice twist with the relationship, too. Some wording now and again struck me as a bit off--I think because the author was from another country--but it wasn't enough to lessen the enjoyment. I'd read more from Bardan for sure.
Profile Image for Ctrl, Alt Books!.
162 reviews10 followers
February 1, 2017
When I read the synopsis of Twice as Hard, I wasn’t immediately interested. Ménage storylines aren’t something I’ve really read or taken too much of an interest in. I found out that this was part of an anthology that I had already started and decided to give this a shot. Honestly, I’m really glad I did because I ended up loving it!

Twice as Hard takes such a pleasantly surprising turn and the synopsis does not do the story justice. The sex scenes were raunchy and erotic as hell. I thought with it being a shorter story (36k words) that the plot wouldn’t be well developed. I’m happy to say that this is not the case. It was very well written, the story was not just about the sex, but that was obviously a huge part of it. There was back story, the characters were developed and not just blank slates. I went into this with hardly any expectations, but I ended up invested in this story. It was a quick read, you can read it in one sitting, I know I did.

Profile Image for Kazen.
1,444 reviews307 followers
June 28, 2019
I knew I was getting into an erotic, possibly slightly taboo story, but I was not expecting the mind fuck - for the reader, not the heroine.

There are people out there who will enjoy it so I don't want to give it away, but the first half of this book made me uneasy around issues of consent. And the heroine straight up lies in her inner monologue, compounding the problem. I love a good mind fuck when it's directed at a character (see The Chateau by Tiffany Reisz) but this isn't quite for me.

If you know what you're getting into with BDSM kink you may want to try Twice as Hard, but proceed with caution.
Profile Image for Karine.
479 reviews35 followers
March 15, 2017
OMG! Yes this book is so what I needed right now to get me out of a book funk. It was all kinds of dirty and hot, but still had such a gripping story line.

The synopsis is the first thing that grabbed me when I saw this book. It was intriguing and I didn't really know what to think. There was just something about those few words that really want to make me find out what would happen to the poor girl once she was kidnapped. And boy did I find out!

But then I was like 'What? Where did that come from?' Yes, I loved the little twist that the author through into the story and then I just had to read it all to find out what would happen.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 113 reviews

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