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My best friend is married.
Everyone I know is married. It doesn’t bother me. I like my life the way it is.

Since I’m single though, when my best friend and her husband finally decide to go on their dream honeymoon, she asks me to watch their three-year-old son.

Of course I say yes.

What my best friend neglects to tell me is that I won’t be babysitting alone.

Feeling Max might be too much for me to handle, her husband asks his only single friend to help.

Nick Carrington and I have met a couple of dozen times. I’ve never really given him a second thought—other than to say he’s kind of a jerk. Out loud. So he can hear. Sure, he’s tall, dark, and handsome. And yes, he has the best ass I’ve ever seen, and I mean ever seen quite literally. You see he mooned me at last year’s Fourth of July barbecue because, like I said, he’s a jerk.

He always has to be the life of the party.
He’s also arrogant.
And a playboy.
I’d even go as far as to say he’s a manwhore.

Yet somehow before I know it, this manwhore and I are co-parenting. Living under the same roof. Eating meals together and yes, talking.

Don’t look at me like that—it’s not like I had a choice. Even though I knew every minute would be hell, I had to say yes.

But after two weeks what I didn’t expect to discover is that I’d been wrong about him.
That under his smart-ass exterior, he’s quite charming.
That his arrogance is really confidence.
And that the sight of his naked body would do really bad things to me.

So yes, I’d misjudged him. And yes, I like him. Really like him. Although I might still think he’s a jerk…I now think he’s a sexy jerk.
And I want more of him.

The question is—does he want more of me?

First published May 25, 2017

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About the author

Kim Karr

70 books4,559 followers
Reader * Chocolate Lover * Writer * Coffee Lover * Romantic * Beach Lover * Yoga Beginner

Kim Karr is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of eighteen novels. Best known for writing sexy contemporary love stories, she enjoys bringing flawed characters to life.

Her romances are raw, real, and explosive.
Her characters will make you laugh, make you cry, make you feel.
And her happily-ever-afters are always swoon worthy.

From the brooding rock star to the arrogant millionaire. From the witty damsel-in-distress to the sassy high-powered business woman. No two storylines are ever alike.

Get ready to fall in love.

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15.1k followers
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May 25, 2017


My best friend is married.
Everyone I know is married. It doesn’t bother me. I like my life the way it is.
Since I’m single though, when my best friend and her husband finally decide to go on their dream honeymoon, she asks me to watch their three-year-old son.
Of course I say yes.
What my best friend neglects to tell me is that I won’t be babysitting alone.
Feeling Max might be too much for me to handle, her husband asks his only single friend to help.
Nick Carrington and I have met a couple of dozen times. I’ve never really given him a second thought—other than to say he’s kind of a jerk. Out loud. So he can hear. Sure, he’s tall, dark, and handsome. And yes, he has the best ass I’ve ever seen, and I mean ever seen quite literally. You see he mooned me at last year’s Fourth of July barbecue because, like I said, he’s a jerk.
He always has to be the life of the party.
He’s also arrogant.
And a playboy.
I’d even go as far as to say he’s a manwhore.
Yet somehow before I know it, this manwhore and I are co-parenting. Living under the same roof. Eating meals together and yes, talking.
Don’t look at me like that—it’s not like I had a choice. Even though I knew every minute would be hell, I had to say yes.
But after two weeks what I didn’t expect to discover is that I’d been wrong about him.
That under his smart-ass exterior, he’s quite charming.
That his arrogance is really confidence.
And that the sight of his naked body would do really bad things to me.
So yes, I’d misjudged him. And yes, I like him. Really like him. Although I might still think he’s a jerk…I now think he’s a sexy jerk.
And I want more of him.
The question is—does he want more of me?
Profile Image for Nissa | Of Pens and Pages Book Blog.
337 reviews1,027 followers
May 28, 2017
3.5 stars!

Review at Of Pens and Pages.

After a rough break-up with her long-term, French boyfriend, Tess Winters is back in Chicago to start anew. First step is to rent a place so she can open a cafe. Second is to renovate it and make it look the best it can be. But before she can get on with that, she promises her best friend, Fiona, to babysit her son while she and her husband go on a much-needed honeymoon.

No big deal. Tess adores her godson, Max, and she knows she can take care of the toddler. But apparently, Fiona’s husband, Ethan, doesn’t think so and enlists the help of his own best friend Nick Carrington. The same Nick Carrington who mooned her a few years ago.

She can't stand Nick and things he's a jerk, but they will have to play nice if they have to co-babysit Max. She has no choice but to spend time with him, stay together at Ethan and Fiona's place, and take care of Max together. She realizes soon it isn't so bad, and she finds herself actually enjoying his company.

It took me a while to warm up to Tess. At the start of the story, she obviously willfully misunderstands Nick at every opportunity and attacks him for it. But as days pass and they spend time in each other's company, she sees that Nick is nothing like the man she thought he was, and that the man he truly is someone she really likes. When she finally warms up to him, she becomes less judgy and more understanding.

I love Nick! He's unapologetically him without looking like a f*ckboy. He's charming, confident, and sexy as hell. Obviously, Tess didn't think he's that great (she was a little too judgmental at first), but as they got to know each other, Nick proved her wrong and charmed her pants off. I wouldn't be able to resist him lol.

Their chemistry and sexual tension are off the charts. They also have a great rapport going on especially when Tess was no longer hissing at him. There's a certain ease to it that you'd think they've been together for a long time. And I love it when they're teasing each other. Never failed to put a smile on my face.

While the pacing was steady most of the story, I couldn't help but feel like the conflict was rushed and not completely resolved. We never saw how it was fixed; it was just mentioned somewhere in the epilogue. I don't know how I feel about that.

Sexy Jerk is a standalone novel told in alternating POVs. It's a fun, light, and fast-paced story that fans of enemies-to-lovers romance will enjoy.

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review.

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Profile Image for The Sassy Bookworm.
3,783 reviews2,830 followers
May 18, 2017


descriptionI like this cover. It's not really how "I" pictured Nick, but it's a yummy cover. It has fairly good composition. I think it would have been more visually pleasing to have the author's name under the title and the photo centered more. I love the font and the title work.description

descriptionI am starting to think this author cannot write a bad book. Again as with the case of her previous two releases, I found myself enjoying this one immensely. The writing was fantastic. The pace was spot on. There was very little angst. No OW/OM drama. The sex scenes were hot. There were a nice array of interesting side characters. Nick and Tess were both extremely likable characters. I particularly loved that the misconceptions they both had about the other was cleared up quickly and apologies made. It's refreshing in romancelandia when adults act like adults. *lol* All wrapped up in an OK epilogue.


All in all a very enjoyable way to spend a few hours. NOW...it pains me to say that after reading the little preview for the next book and seeing who the heroine is going to be. It is most likely going to be a pass for me. I was super interested in Jace even with the whole "dead wife" thing against him. BUT after finding out description


Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
May 25, 2017
4.5 "Sexy Jerk turned Sexy Forever" stars!

Ever meet someone who gets on your last damn nerve? Someone who, no matter what, never leaves you with a good impression of them? Imagine being stuck with this person while babysitting your bestie's child for two weeks. Oh, the horror.

Well, Tess has always viewed Nick as a jerk. There was absolutely no love lost between them because Nick thought she was a stuck-up something or other. But he didn't really think that. He thought she was not only sexy and stunning, he knew the awesomeness that she was. Unfortunately, Tess was a judgmental tool and based her entire perception of Nick on face value. She almost cost this story its 5 star rating, truth be told. Most people who read my reviews know that I'm quite picky when it comes to the heroines I like or love or would rather pass on. This is mainly because as a woman, I find that I'm more likely to want to connect to the female lead than the male. Obviously. So when a heroine is depicted as someone who would be irksome in real life, someone who I wouldn't associate with, I'm like...

That's just me. I don't have time to suffer small or closed-minded fools. Anyhoo, if you don't believe me about Tess, Nick summed her up quite nicely:
"She's a little too uptight.
Bitchy even.

Catch my drift?

So... in the beginning I didn't much like Tess, but towards the end, I realized that she really grew on me. I think a lot of that had to do with the way she tried to put aside her assumptions and opinions and snap judgments and have a more open mind.

I had no problem with Nick. Bash me all you want. I don't give a fluck. I didn't have a problem with him at all. He was handsome, sexy, dirty, successful, cautious, had some mommy issues, and he was most definitely multi-layered like an onion. I loved the chemistry between him and Tess and how the author allowed them to take a leap of faith with each other. This story was hot, sweet, and messily romantic and I can't wait to get to see more of these characters and get to know one of the side characters a little better. Jace is next in Big Shot.

Release Date: May 25, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Steam: 4 out of 5
Book Type: Standalone
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,245 reviews1,309 followers
May 25, 2017



Tessa has just broken up with her french chef boyfriend of six years and left New York to go back home to Chicago. She's planning on opening her own little Café.
But first she'll play 24-hour-Nanny for two weeks for her best friend Fiona's three-year-old son Max.
What she didn't know before signing up for that job is, that Nick will be her co-manny!
Nick. Best friend of Fiona's hubby Ethan. And she can't stand the guy! He's a horrbile manwhore and just a plain jerk!!
But of course after living with him for a couple of days, and after he helped her out with finding an affordable place for her Café, she starts seeing different sides of him.
He's still that cocky jerk. But he's also a very adorable and sweet jerk. He's sooo cute with the kid and he's listening to her and helping her. But he's also dropping one sexual innuendo after the other!!! And the looks he's throwing at her .... grrrrrr - the same ones she's throwing at him.... ☺





Such an adorable book!!!!


You immediately like Nick and Tess. And you also immediately hate Tess's ex. The stupid, cheating ass of a french guy!
Nick and Tessa met dozens of times at various events their friends hosted. But they never liked each other. There was attraction - mega attraction even - but she though he was a cocky manwhore and he thought she was a stuck-up bitch! Adorable!
But now's the right time for them!! They only have to get to know the real person behind the one they always disliked!
And they're doing that in such an adorable way for the reader to witness. Babysitting cutie Max and trying to find grown-up moments while he's asleep! Too cute.
And we also have a tiny little suspensy/criminal side-story happening!
Exciting stuff!
Great romance with a great cast - can't wait to see what Jace & Lucas will have to tell us!!!!

SEXY JERK was such an adorable and funny and erotic and exciting enemies to friends to lovers romance!!!! Run to your nearest amazon for your own Nick - this one is MINE!!!!


Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Shayna.
1,812 reviews618 followers
May 21, 2017
I'm in LOVE! I'm absolutely head over heels in LOVE with these characters and this world that Kim Karr has created! SEXY JERK is one of three romantic standalones that Ms. Karr will bring us from this Sexy Jerk world, based in Chicago. First up, we have Nick Carrington and Tess Winters, two people who did not start off on the best of terms. They've known each other for years, but they were never close because of the pre-judging they both did with one another. Tess thought Nick was an arrogant playboy manwhore. And Nick thought Tess was an uptight shrew. But when their friends force them to come together to babysit their son, it begins to GET REAL! SEXY JERK is a sexy and enticing journey where enemies become so much more than lovers. It's a journey where they both learn that there is so much more to each other than the preconceived notions they both had. It's a sexy journey...an emotional journey...a journey full of heart and laughter.

"Patience, beautiful. I plan to take my time with you tonight."

Oh Nick Carrington is a freaking dreamboat. He may speak before he thinks, but what comes out of the mouth is filthy and I absolutely LOVED it! I swooned hard for Nick, ladies, and I believe you will too! And Tess Winters has wasted years of her life with the wrong man, and she is not about to go through that again. But once Nick has a taste, he is determined to be what Tess needs...to make her forget and to make her lose herself in their connection. These two...wow! The sensual tension just radiated off of every single page. It was a toe-curling, sexy as sin, swoon-worthy good time!

"What I want, is not to fuck you, but to make love to you. All night long."

See what I mean?! Hot damn Nick!

Kim Karr always puts her heart and soul in her romances and it shows with each turn of the page. I absolutely ADORED this new world she has created and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. Keep your eye on Jace Bennett while you read this story, because I believe his story is up next in this world and my God, I just know it's going to be an emotional one. Fall in love, one page at a time, with the newest romantic standalone by the ever so talented Kim Karr. It was just BRILLIANT!

Romantic couple touching and kissing each other

Profile Image for Kim Karr.
Author 70 books4,559 followers
December 29, 2017
Rare personal note ahead...

When Sexy Jerk releases on May 25th, it will be my 14th full length novel release. I started this writing process 5 years ago this month and I have to tell you, I have loved every minute of it and every book is dear to me. However, the three that will come in the next six months are especially so.

This year has been a difficult one for me as my husband suffered a heart attack right before my Hollywood Prince release. He was lucky in that he survived, but he almost didn't. It was wake up call, needless to say.

He is 49, I'm 50, and since then we have made a number of changes to our lives to help reduce stress. One is that I have resumed my job full-time in his office. In addition, we have both also put a huge effort in becoming healthy. We want to be around for our four kids. With that, we workout and walk, (I even started running, he hates running) at least one hour a day, sometimes two. And of course we eat smart foods.

All of these really great things leave me little time for writing and connecting with everyone, so when I finished Sexy Jerk, and had been still able to keep up with the changes my husband and I had made, I felt like wow, I did it!

I did it!!

For five years I'd sat at my computer and neglected exercise and not always ate the best things because I thought I didn't have time, but it turns out I do. Yah!!!

And with that time I created The Sexy Jerk World. Each character one I have fallen in love with. The Sexy Jerk World is set in Chicago and centers around three college buddies, all very different from each other in terms of background, but all standup guys in their own right.

Sexy Jerk brings you Nick Carrington, a guy whose mouth gets him in trouble more times than not. Big Shot brings you Jace Bennett, a widower whose guilt over moving on with the first woman he ever loved is something he can't shake. And then there's Hot Stuff. Hot Stuff brings you Nick's much younger brother, Lucas. He's a rookie for the Chicago Bears with a huge chip on his shoulder, one that the coach's daughter intends to knock right off his very broad muscular build. Or that is until she falls for him. :)

These stand alones are very different. Some funnier, some more emotional, but all written with the same heart I've put into every one of my books. I hope you enjoy them. And if you received an ARC of Sexy Jerk...a huge thank you for reading and reviewing.

Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,652 reviews4,587 followers
January 29, 2018
3 Stars

Overall Opinion: I think if you go into this one expecting a fun, hot read you will not be completely disappointed. Don't go into it thinking you are going to get something deep and meaningful -- that's not what I found here! I think for what it was, it was enjoyable. I think I felt like it was ruined mainly because I didn't like the big conflict at all and I felt like it was "fixed" too neatly and quickly. I also struggled with the h and her judgments, and wanted more interactions with the kid. Overall-- I didn't love it or hate it, earning it 3 "just okay" stars from me. There was a lot of pretty good sex scenes, so there is that I guess....🤷🏻‍♀️

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Tess and Nick's story. Both of them are asked to care for their godson when his parents are going on a much needed (and delayed) honeymoon. They have always butted heads since Tess is convinced that Nick is a manwhore jerk, and Nick thinks Tess is uptight. After spending more time together, they soon realize that there is more to one another than their assumptions made them out to be. They give in to their strong attraction and start a sexual relationship that eventually turns into more. There is some work and friend drama, and some sexy times....and they get a HEA ending.

POV: This alternated between Tess and Nick's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good until the ending (see closure section below). I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well otherwise.

Instalove: No, kind of a hate-to-f-buddy-to-love type situation.

H rating: 3 stars. Nick. He was okay. I didn't like his behavior toward the end.

h rating: 2.5 stars. Tess. She was okay. I didn't like the way she was judgmental at times with the H and of her friend.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Hot. They have some hot tension, chemistry, and scenes -- I do feel like it was a little much at times and did take away from the storyline some.

Descriptive sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had alright closure with what I would call a HEA ending . I did feel like it ended way too cleanly and abruptly though.

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews505 followers
May 24, 2017
Sexy, fun read!

Tess has been burned, so what does a scorn woman do? Move back home to be near her best friend. BUT what happens when her best friend and her best friend's husband go on vacation for two weeks and she has to babysit their child with a big jerk, who happens to be sexy.

Tess and Nick's dislike for each other was fun to read because you knew deep down they were attracted to each other. When they finally did realize their attraction to one another it was hot!

the story was cute, and they were so good together that you can't help but root for them.

all in all a very hot, sweet story.

*ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.* ~Alison
Profile Image for Jo - •.★Reading Is My Bliss★.•.
2,419 reviews236 followers
May 23, 2017
You know sometimes you meet someone and they just rub you the wrong way? You just don’t get good juju from them? Sometimes it is because you have heard things about them so already have a preconceived idea about them? Well this story is about to blow that notion away.

Tess has recently moved to New York city after a long term relationship ended horribly, with a man she gave six years of her life to. She is now looking to open her own café, using old family baking recipes. Tess is excited to be moving forward with her life and the bonus is that she is in the same city as her best friend Fiona.

Fiona and her husband Ethan were pregnant not long after they began dating so after a quick marriage they settled into their new life as parents. However, one thing they haven’t got to is their honeymoon, so four years later they are about to go on their dream holiday together and have asked Tess to look after their son Max for them.

Tess is thrilled to be able to help out her friends and excited about looking after three year old Max. However, the first day she arrives back at their home with Max in tow she is surprised to find Nick Carrington in the house, semi naked. WTF is he doing there? Turns out that they have both been asked to stay and look after Max – co-parenting. Tess is fuming but eventually comes around.

Tess thinks that Nick is an ‘arrogant, rich playboy.’ Okay, he is a very good looking man too, she is not blind but his reputation precedes him. He is a jerk. Nick thinks that Tess is very judgemental and walks around with a stick up her butt. However it is funny how things can change when you are out of your comfort zone and put into a completely different environment.

These two are now ‘playing house’ together. Max adores Nick and they all find that instead of splitting their times with Max they are spending more and more time together as a ‘family.’ All those preconceived notions that they had about each other are slowing being torn away and they find that they actually like each other.

When I say like, I mean ‘like like’ as in, I want to kiss you, touch and do naughty things with you. Hang on a minute, these two are supposed to despise each other right? This little two week romance is about to head into relationship territory but will it still feel the same way when they are back in their real worlds or will it be once a jerk, always a jerk?

‘ You’re doing something to me that scares the shit out of me. You’re making me feel things I never have, think things I never thought I would in a million years, and there are times I want to run as far away from you as I can, but then not having you with me scares me even more.’
Profile Image for Kim.
2,698 reviews168 followers
May 21, 2017
4.5+ stars
Tess Winters is starting her life over in Chicago after a bad break up that also took everything she had built up in her career with it. But she is now living close to her best friend, Fiona, and her young family. She is working towards a new business dream., and she is starting to move on. She is scheduled to babysit Fiona's son while the couple go on a long awaited tropical honeymoon.

Color her surprised when she finds out that Fiona's husband has requested a co-babysitter who will now be staying with her and little Max. And he is someone that seems to thrive on making her angry and she sees him as the sexy jerk best friend of her best friend's husband. She thinks he is arrogant, cocky, and a manwhore. He thinks she is hot, but she has always been uptight and judgmental around him.

Nick Carrington is handsome, funny, successful, and bossy. But he never really corrected the other adverse opinions she had of him and his personal life. Even though he has been attracted to Tess from the beginning, she always had a boyfriend, so it did not really matter. And he does have up guards to protect his heart and he has reason to. He works hard and plays hard.

They are set up by their friends as adversaries in adventures in babysitting. But as they develop a routine of taking care of Max and actually getting to know each other, Tess begins to see that Nick has a lot of good qualities and there is a lot she just assumed. And Nick is even more fascinated by the woman that caught his eye and likes her funnier and friendlier personality too. They talk. They laugh. They support each other. They have oodles of sexual tension and chemistry. So their baby sitting morphs from nannies-by-day and secret-lovers-by-night.

They challenge each other. They battle for control, but know when to give in. They spark passion and surprising feelings in the other. But what happens with their little vacation from reality is over and their friends return?

But she has trust issues and for all intents and purposes Nick should just be her rebound guy. And he has never done attachments or real relationships. They actually scare themselves and each other with the situation they seem to be sliding into without a safety net. And they both have a lot going on in their lives due to work issues and some surrounding drama.

I really liked these two. Nick was really a total sweetheart who deep down just wanted to be loved and accepted. He was all about taking risks to reap the rewards. But emotions and relationships are a foreign arena for him. But with that being said, Nick could also be totally swoon-worthy. And she was sassy and smart, and was not afraid to challenge him. They brought out more in each other than expected. I enjoyed getting their dual points of view. In the beginning it was important due to their conflicts and later on it was needed to really understand their growing attachment and fears.

I liked the side characters in their group Fiona, Ethan, little Max, and Jace. They had an interesting stories going on in the background. I would like to know more about Jace especially and Nick also has a younger brother, Lucas. The group was tight knit and their relationships and history were well developed.

This was feisty, funny, sexy, and sweet. It was fast-paced and kept me interested. It made me laugh and touched my heart. I totally fell for the characters and hope we see them again.

I was gifted a review copy in exchange for an honest review.
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Profile Image for Syndi.
3,287 reviews957 followers
April 17, 2019
Nope. This book does not work to me. It is quite wasting my time finishing listen to the audiobook. The banter, conversation, that sexy moves, the push and pull are all dry and 1 dimensional. There is no character development as well as the story. The author tries to pull more trick by putting layer upon layer of unnecessary twist. Its so bad.

Again, not working for me.

2 stars
Profile Image for Moon .
3,350 reviews230 followers
May 18, 2017
4.5 stars!

I devoured this book in a couple of hours. It was funny, hot, sweet, and with just a little mystery and suspense! I was very happily surprised with how this book started. It seemed things blossomed between Nick and Tess pretty quickly once they were thrown together. And even though Tess was nursing a broken heart, she quickly realized there was something more to Nick than the sexy jerk she'd seen in the past. And I don't just mean personality wise.

I enjoyed their finding out about each other, as much as I enjoyed their times in the sheets. It was nice to see Tess realize almost all of her assumptions about Nick were wrong, and for Nick to realize the reasons he feared sharing his heart and feelings wouldn't be the same as in his past.

Perhaps the most surprising aspect of the book was not the hot tension between Nick and Tess, but between Nick and someone else. It wasn't even romantic, but it was competitive and it played a large role in Nick and Tess's relationship. I mean it was a slow build-up in the book, but when it reached it's peak, the magnitude of the response was anti-climatic. I hope the books following Sexy Jerk and featuring some of the characters in it, will fill in a lot, if not all, of what's missing.

But it was a really enjoyable read and Kim Karr really knows how to mix passion and an edge extremely well. I'm surprised every time and and am looking forward to reading Big Shot!
Profile Image for KDRBCK.
6,614 reviews55 followers
May 18, 2017
Sexy Jerk by Kim Karr is a stand alone romance novel.

I love Kim Karr´s books. Crazy In Love is one of my favorite reads ever. I read and reread these books all the time.
And Sexy Jerk is no exception.
Meet Tess Winters and Nick Carrington. Tess is happily single and godmother to a little boy. A little boy she agreed on to babysit for two weeks.
The parents also put Nick in charge. Nick has his own real estate company; is rich and hansome- mouthwatering handsome.
Both doesn´t like the other very much- at the beginning. That changes really quickly.

It was very entertaining to read how these two struggle and find their HEA.
There is drama, danger and hilarious situations.
I really loved this book and give 5 Stars. Thank you Kim Karr !
Profile Image for Bookgasms Book Blog.
2,858 reviews1,490 followers
May 25, 2017
As far as enemies-to-lovers books go, Sexy Jerk was the best kind. Never too antagonistic, never cruel in a way that is impossible to come back from, the story is relatively low angst which means that there was virtually nothing standing in my way when it came to falling in love with Tess & Nick’s love story.

It’s got a very lighthearted feel, even as it touches on some heavier subject matter. It’s quick and easy read – but completely satisfying. I loved how Nick & Tess progressed – quickly, but without feeling rushed – from barely tolerable acquaintances, to an easy (if sexually-charged) friendship, to more – all while behaving like grown-ups with nary a miscommunication or drama filled lie to be found. This doesn’t mean there weren’t bumps in the road, they stumbled over themselves more than once, but it always resolved in a way that didn’t take away from how great either character was and so, in the end, each little bumble only made me love them more.

If you’re looking for something dead sexy and fun, Sexy Jerk is right up your alley. This book was so much hotter than I expected it to be – and the series itself appears set up to get hotter still. I’m so intrigued by where it’s going to go from here, and I’m fully on board to find out (especially if it means more where this book came from!). In the end, Sexy Jerk was a completely satisfying story that left me with an elevated heart rate, a giant smile on my face, and my grabby little hands out for more! ~ Shelly, 4 Stars


If anyone was to ask me what my favorite trope is, it would without a doubt be the "enemies to lovers" storyline. I love the fiery chemistry, combustible banter and the sexually charged moments between the hero and heroine. Sexy Jerk is a perfect example of this. Tess and Nick have a fun and snappy back and forth that I loved! And um hi. The Sexy times? Scorching!! Karr definitely hit it out of the park with this one. It was a light-hearted and low-angst winning combination for this hot and sexy gem!

Nick and Tess have had a cantankerous relationship over the years. As they share mutual friends and are fellow Godparents to their three year old child, they have done their share of interacting over the years. Unfortunately (To Tess) Nick garnered the reputation of a playboy and indiscriminate manwhore whereas he always came to think of her as an argumentative uptight shrew. But what happens when they are forced to live under the same roof and babysit their Godson? FIREWORKS, folks!! But can their romance last past the two weeks or will the "Sexy Jerk" come out and strike again?

I really enjoyed this story. I thought the characters were engaging, their banter so fun and their chemistry was combustible! I also enjoyed the kinky facet to Tess' personality as it provided an added depth to her character and a spiciness to her relationship with Nick. The additional suspense element to the story was also a bonus as it was an exciting complement to the story. All in all this was a fantastic read and I look forward to Jace's story with Hannah! 4 stars ~Ratula


I love a brilliantly written enemies to lovers story. The tension, the sexual chemistry, the explosive coupling. Swoon. I got this and more with Kim Karr’s Sexy Jerk.

Tess is something else. She’s back in Chicago nursing a bit of a broken heart. Trying to figure out her future and now she’s stuck babysitting her best friend’s son alongside the biggest jerk she’s ever met –Nick Carrington. But is Nick really the jerk that Tess has built up in her head? Sure, he’s gorgeous and knows it, but he’s also ridiculously charming and really amazing with small children. And he’s sexy AF.

I really enjoyed the quick, smooth movement from enemies to friends to lovers. The relationship was perfectly paced and oh so very sexy. It was such fun witnessing Tess and Nick acknowledge and act on their feelings. There was very little drama, and the drama that was presented was quickly resolved in a fully adult manner. Something I greatly appreciated.

If you’re looking for a truly satisfying, quick, fun, sexy read, be sure to pick up Sexy Jerk and enjoy every indulgent moment with Tess and Nick. ~ Missy, 4 stars
Profile Image for Sandy S.
7,384 reviews189 followers
June 4, 2017
4 stars

ABOUT THE BOOK: Release Date May 25, 2017

My best friend is married.
Everyone I know is married. It doesn’t bother me. I like my life the way it is.

Since I’m single though, when my best friend and her husband finally decide to go on their dream honeymoon, she asks me to watch their three-year-old son.

Of course I say yes.

What my best friend neglects to tell me is that I won’t be babysitting alone.

Feeling Max might be too much for me to handle, her husband asks his only single friend to help.

Nick Carrington and I have met a couple of dozen times. I’ve never really given him a second thought—other than to say he’s kind of a jerk. Out loud. So he can hear. Sure, he’s tall, dark, and handsome. And yes, he has the best ass I’ve ever seen, and I mean ever seen quite literally. You see he mooned me at last year’s Fourth of July barbecue because, like I said, he’s a jerk.

He always has to be the life of the party.
He’s also arrogant.
And a playboy.
I’d even go as far as to say he’s a manwhore.

Yet somehow before I know it, this manwhore and I are co-parenting. Living under the same roof. Eating meals together and yes, talking.

Don’t look at me like that—it’s not like I had a choice. Even though I knew every minute would be hell, I had to say yes.

But after two weeks what I didn’t expect to discover is that I’d been wrong about him.
That under his smart-ass exterior, he’s quite charming.
That his arrogance is really confidence.
And that the sight of his naked body would do really bad things to me.

So yes, I’d misjudged him. And yes, I like him. Really like him. Although I might still think he’s a jerk…I now think he’s a sexy jerk.
And I want more of him.

The question is—does he want more of me?


REVIEW: SEXY JERK by Kim Karr is a stand alone, erotic, romance story line focusing on real estate developer Nick Carrington, and restaurant manager Tess Winters.

Told from dual first person points of view (Nick and Tess) SEXY JERK looks at the enemies to friends to lovers relationship between real estate developer Nick Carrington, and restaurant manager Tess Winters. Following the break up of her recent relationship Tess makes a decision to open her own eatery and café but is having difficulty closing the deal on a piece of property of which she is interested. Enter Nick Carrington, real estate developer, and the bane of our heroine’s existence. When their mutual friends (Fiona and Ethan) take a much needed vacation and long over due honeymoon Tess finds herself co-babysitting Fi and Ethan’s three year old son Max, alongside Nick Carrington. What ensues is the building relationship between Tess and Nick, and Nick’s battle behind the scenes battle with an enemy that makes things personal for our leading couple.

Nick Carrington has been attracted to Tess Winters since the first time they met but Nick made a less than perfect impression and Tess wants nothing to do with our leading hero. In each other’s presence, the sexual tension is high but the sarcasm, and back and forth sass builds with each encounter. Their attraction to one another intensifies as they work together to look after their best friends’ son. The $ex scenes are intimate, erotic and intense.

We are introduced Nick and Tess’s friends Fiona and Ethan, as well as their three year old son Max; Fiona and Ethan’s friend Jace Bennett; and competing real estate developer Mathias Bigelow. Jace’s story line is next in Big Shot

The world building looks at the enemies to lovers relationship between Tess and Nick, Tess’s misconceptions about the man with whom she will fall in love, and Nick’s inability to let go of the past.

SEXY JERK is a story with a little bit of everything: friendship, romance, love, conflict, fun and frustration. The premise is entertaining, lighthearted and hopeful; the characters are colorful, energetic and dynamic; the romance is edgy, passionate and playful. SEXY JERK is a provocative story line that will captivate your attention with it’s sexy hero, strong willed heroine, and fated love.

Copy supplied for review

Profile Image for Jan .
2,156 reviews45 followers
May 24, 2017
3.5 Sexy stars

Firstly I love this cover
Secondly, this book is written by Kim Karr so I dived right in.
Thirdly, Sexy Jerk is a hate to lovers romance so again another reason to dive right in, So thats three ticks before i even read the book.

However, I didn’t think Nick was a jerk at all, the sexy part is right, he just did what single blokes do, yes,he had commitment issues due to something in his past but overall he's a nice guy.

Tess and Nick are already in the same circles Tess and Nick share the same godson and best friends.

Tess agrees to watch her godson Max for two weeks while her best friend and her husband finally get the chance to go on an overdue honeymoon, what Tess isn't aware of until she gets to Fiona's house is the babysitting duties are going to be shared with Nick Carrington the guy she pegged as a jerk,a manwhore and arrogant.

Tess begins to discover that maybe she read Nick all wrong and Nick is on a mission to also prove her wrong.

Nick is sweet,caring and has a hot dirty mouth.

Once the man-whore blinkers are removed from Tess's eyes she wants him and a hot relationship develops.

Sexy Jerk is a slow start to anything that had me excitedly or eagerly turning the pages except the hot sex scenes, a high percentage of the book is two people getting to know each other,figuring each other out,dating and discovering each others bodies.

Both characters are likeable,witty and are made for each other.

Tess wanted to start a new chapter in her life after her break up and she did all the way to a hea with Nick.

Sexy Jerk is a pleasant read classed as a Rom Com but it wasn't that funny just a light read, told in dual pov's with no heavy angst or drama, an ideal Sunday read.

Arc gratefully received for review purposes
Profile Image for Angel.
1,237 reviews40 followers
May 21, 2017
This is a book you won't put down. I couldn't stop turning the pages.
Nick had me at that smirk, I swear I could see it while reading,
He's got all the swoon factors your looking for. He will melt your heart and your panties.

Loving how these two were thrown together I couldn't wait to see how this would play out, and play they did. I loved their games. I loved seeing how
They discovered things about each other's lives and realizing they were wrong about one another. So much SEXUAL TENSION I could feel the heat radiating off them.

This story is full on fun and sweet, it's also funny in ways I couldn't imagine. You'd be surprised at the sex scenes that had me giggling. Nick and his choice of words and dominance in the bedroom will have you sizzle and chuckle. I had so many favorite scenes in this book.

I adored Max, he's the reason Nick and Tess are together after all.
He is such an adorable sweet little boy, add Nick to the equation SWOOOON. I with Tess could feel my heart flutter when he played with Max. He's was perfection. There is nothing sexier than a man with a child.

Oh I almost left out an important part of the story, Tess's friends? You know Fiona and Ethan? HOT. That's all you get.

I loved everything about this book from the cover to the blurb right down to the story. It's a definite page turner, I couldn't put it down and at the same time I wanted to savor every word. I love Kim's books and she also happens to write some of my favorite men and woman. She even has some of my favorite secondary characters, oh yeah especially in this book. HOT!
Get ready ladies cause this SEXY JERK is gonna steal your heart.

I can't wait for Jace's Story.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,464 reviews112 followers
May 25, 2017
***ARC Provided by the Author and The Next Step PR***

The enemies to lovers story isn't a new one, so in order to enjoy it, there needs to be something about it to make it feel different, or there need to be characters you connect with and the writing needs to be strong.

This has all 3. Nick and Tess are essentially thrown together to be responsible for the child of mutual friends. in the interest of making sure the vacation happens, neither of their friends are all that concerned with letting Nick and Tess know of the arrangement, or particularly remorseful about what they did. I liked this. It was a different situation, and one in which neither of them could feel ok with walking away from, so the spending time with the enemy worked.

I liked Nick and Tess. I liked that they both had impressions of the other that were not entirely accurate, and I liked that both of them, with a little annoyance, were willing to put this aside in order to keep their promise to their friends. And, I liked this. I liked that we didn't spend a lot of time with them continuing to hate one another and being difficult to one another. While that works, it also gets old. And, this story was about 2 adults, at least most of the time. This appealed to me.

Kim Karr is a wonderful writer. I have enjoyed all of the books of hers that I have read, as her characters are enjoyable, the story is told well, and the reactions of the characters are believable. In this case, I had a small issue with the pacing at the end, as it seemed to really speed up in the last 20% of the book, but other than that, this was a wonderful read.

I recommend this book.
Profile Image for Nancy Metsch.
1,368 reviews3 followers
May 20, 2017
where do I even start this review.
** spoiler free review**
In my opinion Kim truly stepped out of the box with his one. There were subjects that she wrote about that were new to me as a fan. And she did not disappoint at all.
Nick Carrington is Tall, Dark, handsome and an idiot. sometimes he acted this way on purpose other times he doesn't even realize it.
Tess Winters comes back to her home town in Chicago after she gets her heart broken.. What I l9ved about the two of them is that there was sexual tension brewing for awhile. Let me just say I will never think of a snow storm as something bad ever again.
Profile Image for Sam I AMNreader.
1,496 reviews315 followers
Shelved as 'life-is-too-short'
December 18, 2018
Meh. Started skimming by 12% and by 30% don't have patience anymore.
Profile Image for Athena Stephenson.
696 reviews2 followers
May 19, 2017
Loved this story! It was light hearted, sweet, hilarious with a touch of drama and of course some hot sexy time! Kim Karr always knows what to do to keep you falling in love with her characters! Can't wait to read more about this gang in the next book!
Profile Image for Romance Between The Sheets.
1,175 reviews65 followers
January 29, 2018
I’ve been struggling for days with what to rate SEXY JERK, and in the end I’ve decided to give it just 2❤️, because days after finishing the book, all I can think about are the issues I had with this story.

Character wise, I liked Nick, but I didn’t like Tess. She was irrational and very easy to anger and upset. Tess has hated Nick since the first time they met because he was a jerk, which makes no sense because we learn about their first meeting, and Nick was really nice. He asked if he could buy her a drink, she said yes, he went to get it, then her boyfriend comes over and takes her away. But somehow he’s a jerk? Personally, I think she’s a bitch for accepting a drink from another man when she has a boyfriend.

Speaking of jerk, I get that Nick is supposed to be a jerk (he’s not), but I got annoyed at how many times he was called one throughout this story. At my count, he was called a jerk twenty-two times.

There are two threesome scenes that didn’t work for me, and I’m wondering if they were added purely to increase the kink factor. The first scene was when Tess reminisces about her first sexual experience, which was with twin brothers when she was just seventeen. That scene came out of nowhere and really threw the story off. It seemed to make sense a few chapters later when Tess thinks to herself that Nick brings out her kinky side, a side she’s been suppressing since her time with the twins. The second scene involved their friends: Fiona, Ethan and Jace. Fiona and Ethan are happily married with a child, but one day they just decide they want to bring Jace into their bed. Why? Because he and Ethan used to share women in college, and since Ethan’s wife died, he’s been lonely and they don’t want him to feel lonely anymore. Again, it came out of nowhere, did not fit with the story and I thought it was weird and icky.

I like sex with my romance, but there was a lot of sex in this story. A lot. I started skimming through them because I had reached my limit and just wanted to get back to the story. Even the epilogue had a sex scene that spanned several pages.

There’s a suspense element that involved Nick’s biggest real estate rival, which I thought was promising. But after watching the suspense build throughout the story, it was anticlimactic to see it quickly tidied up in the epilogue. There was even another person close to Nick who was involved, but you never hear about him again once Nick realizes what the “double agent” has been doing. So even though the rival issue was resolved, it had an unfinished feel to it. Almost like the author hit a wall and just decided to throw on the ending.

SEXY JERK is told in dual POVs and does come with a HEA for Nick and Tess. While I didn’t enjoy this book, I would give this author another go, but I won’t be continuing on with this series.

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Profile Image for Cocktails and Books.
4,113 reviews325 followers
May 25, 2017
This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

I do love a Kim Karr book and SEXY JERK does not disappoint!

Nick and Tess are forced to spent two weeks together babysitting their godson while his parents take their much-needed honeymoon. Tess may think Nick is nothing more than a sexy playboy jerk, she discovers all the things she thought about his are not exactly true. And that Nick just may be the person who helps her become the person she was meant to be.

I liked Nick and Tess together. Even when Tess was at her nastiness, Nick was there to charm her into realizing what she was doing. He liked her sassiness but called her out when she was being bitchy. Tess turned the tables on Nick making it hard (sometimes) for him to use his charm to get what he wants. These two worked together. It may have taken a little boy to help bridge the gap between them, but they figured it out pretty quickly.

While most of the story was centered around the relationship with Tess and Nick, there were some very interesting side characters and secondary storylines. I'm completely intrigued by Jace, one of Nick's friends, and need to know more about him. There is an interesting dynamic there and I'm we get to jump more into his story.

The only thing I wish we had more of in this book was the Bigelow storyline. It was secondary to the romance, but I felt like that was rushed through at the end of the book. I wanted a little bit more details and not just a quick blurb in the epilogue. Given what the man was doing and how that affected both Tess and Nick, I wanted just a bit more to feel he really did get what he deserved.

SEXY JERK was another great read by Kim Karr. Nick and Tess are hard to resist and this fast-paced read was simply hard to put down.
Profile Image for Laurie.
346 reviews14 followers
June 2, 2017
What happened?!!!

I feel like I've read 2 books in one!! The first part was okay, kind of funny, just what I expected when I read the plot. But then, the author decided that she wanted to add some kink to it and although I have no problem with reading about kinky things but here, it just came out of the blue and just looked ridiculous. It's like, the author started to write this and then she might have dreamed about something kinky and suddenly, everyone wants to have threesomes. Suddenly, we learn that Tess, the main character, almost had a threesome for her first sexual relation and then, her best friend who looked happily married with a child decides to have a threesome, in the same house her son is sleepping in, with her husband's bestfriend who just lost his wife. I don't know if the problem is coming from me but I couldn't help but find this very stupid and very reckless. I mean, your kid is basically sleeping in the room next door and you're having sex with your husband and his best friend whom we also learn used to do this in high school but are in no way attracted to each other.
Truthfully, I lost interest in this book the moment said best friend started to describe with details, how it happened.

Then, there was this mess with the realtor of whatever the f*** he was who got mad because Tess didn't buy his property - after he basically threatened her - and that was just ridiculous too because, dude, chill out, you're just a real estate agent.

This book should be called "How to fuck up a nice story".
Profile Image for Melanie (mells_view).
1,813 reviews377 followers
June 7, 2017
Well... he was definitely a sexy jerk. A swoony one too!

Kim Karr is always good for a hot read about two people who TRY to resist each other.

Sexy Jerk was not exception. I really enjoyed Nick and Tess's story. How they had a bit of a back story, and even though their relationship started off a bit tense it wasn't OTT. It was reasonable and relationship that ANY two friends of friends could have. Nick and Tess have separate pasts that have given them hesitancy on relationships and their confidence in them, or they lack of them. It's interesting seeing how these two come together and move past those things for the right person!

The love story is fun and sweet. The naughty bits are hot and steamy. The side plot is a bit over the top towards the end, but still ended up enjoyable.

Sidenote- I am so excited to read Big Shot! It already sounds amazing!
Profile Image for Lorena.
154 reviews27 followers
May 2, 2018
Meh...not very good, it was just ok.
It felt like a superficial read. I tried to connect more deeply with the MCs and the story, but I could not :(
I didn't enjoy the plot very much either, it was dull.
I like this author but this was not her best book in my opinion...

POV: dual
Enjoyment: 2/5
Writing style: 3/5
Storyline: 2/5
Hero: 2/5
Heroine: 2/5
Secondary characters: 2/5
Romance/chemistry: 3/5
Hotness/Sex scenes: 2/5
Angst: 2/5
Drama level: 0/5
Humor level: 2/5
Depth of the book: 0/5
Closure: HFN
Profile Image for ✰  BJ's Book Blog ✰Janeane ✰.
2,900 reviews12 followers
May 19, 2017
4.5 sexy jerky stars

ARC received for an honest review

There is such a fine line between love and hate - or lust and hate.

Right from the start you couldn't help but adore Tess and Nick, and hate the man who screwed Tess over. There is wit and spark and banter out the wazoo with this pair.

I adored seeing them strip each others layers until they find the man and woman beneath the hatred they have for each other. And then stripping each other's clothes off! The sexy times are off the charts hot!

The scene stealer in this book is their charge, their best friends little boy Max. Oh my gosh that kid as freaking adorable!

There's also a bit of suspensey stuff that happens in the background that brings our lovelies closer together.

I loved the secondary characters. Fiona and Ethan have taken each other off the market, but I can't wait to see what happens with their friends Jace and Lucas down the track.

Please don't make us wait too long Ms Karr.

Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Alecia (The Staircase Reader).
1,065 reviews71 followers
May 24, 2017
3.5 stars

I received an arc of Sexy Jerk from Kim Karr and The Next Step PR.

Sexy Jerk is the story of Nick and Tess.

Nick has wanted Tess for years, but she's always been just out of arms reach and unavailable. He did things to make her notice him earning him the nickname 'Jerk'.

Tess just moved back to Chicago after getting her heart stomped on by her ex-boyfriend who also happened to be her business partner. She decides to open a restaurant all on her own. She's also agreed to watch her godson for two weeks so her best friends Fiona and Fiona's husband Ethan can go on a long overdue romantic getaway. Of course Tess is all for it, until Fiona informs her that she will be co-babysitting with Ethan's annoyingly good-looking and jerk of best friend Nick.

Now that Tess is available Nick tries to fight every feeling he has for her. Tess's views on Nick change the more times she spends with him. Her feelings start to build for him and the lust between the two gets unbearable. It's not long before they find themselves burning up the sheets with the combustible passion.

There is a threat on the surface. Someone doesn't want Tess to open a restaurant. Someone doesn't like the fact that Nick offered Tess a building at a lower lease rate. When that threat shows his face, will Tess be able to make it out of this war alive and with her heart still intact.

I loved Tess and Nick's soul searing romance. Nick was protective and honestly an all around good guy. So, if you're expecting an alpha male ass you won't find it in this novel. But I still loved Nick and the 'Sexy' is spot on! HOT DAMN.

A major issue I had with Sexy Jerk was the ending. It felt a tad bit rushed and I wanted more from a few key moments of the story.

Overall, I liked this story, It had a few minor issues that aren't really worth mentioning it's just my selfish preferences. But Tess and Nick's relationship was fun to read. Their connection was spot on and I honestly flew through this novel.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 361 reviews

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