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422 pages, Hardcover
First published August 1, 1991
“In this world, there were ghosts everywhere.”I think I’ve finally cracked the secret - why The Waste Lands for me has always been the high point of not just The Dark Tower series but a standout among King’s vast output. You see, while Uncle Stevie’s endings can often be a bit underwhelming (to the point where he made fun of that in his cameo in “IT” movie), he truly excels at the art of setup. And that’s really what this book is — a tantalizing setup for the rest of the story, a place where the storylines are finally emerging and plot threads are set in motion.
“It was all of a piece, he realized now; all part of some awful, decaying whole, a tattered web with the Dark Tower at its center like an incomprehensible stone spider. All of Mid-World had become one vast haunted mansion in these strange latter days; all of Mid-World had become The Drawers; all of Mid-World had become a waste land, haunting and haunted.”
“Now he saw the shattered facades and broken roofs; now he saw the shaggy birds’ nests on cornices and in glassless, gaping windows; now he allowed himself to actually smell the city, and that odor was not of fabulous spices and savory foods of the sort his mother had sometimes brought home from Zabar’s but rather the stink of a mattress that has caught fire, smouldered awhile, and then been put out with sewer-water. He suddenly understood Lud, understood it completely.”
“When is a door not a door? When it’s a jar.”
“The world has moved on, we say. When it did, it went like a great receding wave, leaving only wreckage behind ... wreckage that sometimes looks like a map.”
“Because you don’t have to drag me anymore. I’m coming of my own accord. We’re coming of our own accord. If you died in your sleep tonight, we’d bury you and then go on. We probably wouldn’t last long, but we’d die in the path of the Beam. Now do you understand?”
“You won’t let me drop this time?”
“No,” Roland said. “Not this time, not ever again.” But in the deepest darkness of his heart, he thought of the Tower and wondered.”
“And then I came with my friends—my deadly new friends, who are becoming so much like my deadly old friends. We came, weaving our magic circle around its and around everything we touch, strand by poisonous strand, and now here you lie, at our feet. The world has moved on again, and this time, old friend, it’s you who have been left behind.”
“Riddles have great power, and everyone knows one or two.”
“Even me,” Eddie said. “For instance, why did the dead baby cross the road?”
“That’s dumb, Eddie,” Susannah said, but she was smiling.
“Because it was stapled to the chicken!”
Happiness while watching the drawing of the metal plate found on the just killed bear, happiness that I feel for the unpredictable and the inexplicable. My personal journey into the world of "The Dark Tower" goes on, together with the gunslinger, Roland, escorted by Eddie and Susannah, the two tale gunners recruited in the previous chapter, The Drawing of the Three. However, there is still somebody to recruit for the company to be complete...
In the author's note at the end of the book, King predicts that some readers will probably be disappointed by the unanswered questions that this novel leaves. But actually, the philosophy of unanswered questions was the winning strategy of a lot of narrative or television series, such as the famous TV show "LOST" (which I loved), and I'm going to go out on a limb here expecting that it will be the winning strategy of "The Dark Tower" too.
Alright, cut the chatter. As Blaine the mono says:
"... let the contest begin."
Vote: 7,5
Felicità mentre osservo il disegno della targa metallica rinvenuta sull'orso appena ucciso, felicità di LOSTiana memoria che provo per l'ignoto e l'inspiegabile. Continua il mio viaggio personale nel mondo de "La Torre Nera", e continua il cammino di Roland, accompagnato da Eddie e Susannah, i due compagni di ventura reclutati nel precedente capitolo La chiamata dei tre. Tuttavia manca ancora qualcuno da reclutare affinchè la compagnia possa dirsi completa...
Nella nota dell'autore a fine libro, King prevede che probabilmente alcuni lettori saranno delusi dal fatto che Terre Desolate lascia tanti quesiti irrisolti. Beh, quella dei quesiti irrisolti è stata la filosofia vincente di tante serie narrative o televisive, come la serie cult "LOST", della quale sono stato un fan sfegatato, e mi sbilancio con ottimismo prevedendo che sarà la filosofia vincente anche de "La Torre Nera".
Okay, bando alle ciance. E come direbbe Blaine il Mono:
"...che abbia inizio la gara."
Voto: 7,5