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Cates Brothers #5.5

Wanted: Mom for Christmas

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Christmas is coming to Climax, North Carolina—and it’s delivering an unexpected second chance right to Hawk Savage’s door…
For small-town cop and single dad Hawk Savage, Christmas tends to be more hassle and worry than mistletoe and magic. His daughter, Heather, is ten going on teenager, while his son, Henry Lee, has decided he needs a mommy, ASAP. HL’s constant matchmaking is enough to break a father’s heart, but Hawk has a more immediate problem. His high-school girlfriend, Nora Joy, just arrived on his doorstep, claiming to be his family’s new Rent-A-Mom. He sure didn’t hire her, but he can’t turn Nora’s admittedly shapely tush out on the street.
Sidelined by injury, Olympic medal-winning volleyball player Nora receives a mysterious Rent-A-Mom job offer just when her finances, and her spirits, are at an all-time low. True, she’s not much for cooking. Or housekeeping. Still, it’s hard to resist Hawk’s children…and Hawk himself has changed from the lanky teenager she once knew to a strong, steady, very tempting man.
Christmas in Climax is shaping up to be full of surprises. But the biggest one of all might be the happy-ever-after that a little boy’s Christmas wish can bring…

134 pages, ebook

First published November 7, 2017

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About the author

Lee Kilraine

17 books216 followers
Lee Kilraine lives in the pine woods of North Carolina. When she isn't typing away on her computer with her golden retriever, Harley, destroying something at her feet, you might find her on her front porch swing plotting her next book while guarding her garden from the local gang of deer. She has a weakness for dogs, bacon cheeseburgers, red wine and Alpha heroes. She loves reading and writing stories with a HEA and if they make her laugh...well, that's perfect.

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Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
November 8, 2017

3.5 stars

The blurb for this book caught by eye and honestly who can resist a story about a little boy who wants a Mom for Christmas, not me and I did enjoy Wanted: A Mom for Christmas even though it was a bit too easy considering all the circumstances surrounding this couple and the hero’s two children.

Seven years ago Hawk Savage’s life was turned upside down when his wife died leaving him the single parent to a 3 year old daughter and an infant son. He managed with help of family and friends, but with his children growing older he’s beginning to doubt his ability to get through a teenage girl’s puberty and a young boy who desperately wants a mother. When laid out by the flu, a woman appears from Rent-A-Mom and nurses him back to life while delighting his son with holiday decorating and bit by bit getting his shy and unsure daughter to interact.

Olympic Medalist Nora Joy’s life implodes when she finds out the injury to her shoulder might keep her off the National Team, she walks in to find her boyfriend screwing her sand volleyball partner, and her mother/agent confesses she’s not only blown all of Nora’s money but she’s actually in debt over her head. Determined to take a hold of her life Nora applies for every job and lands one in her old hometown of Climax, North Carolina and turns up on the doorstep of her old high school boyfriend and his adorable two children.

It was easy to like both Hawk and Nora from the start of this book and feel for both of their situations although honestly, Nora’s felt a little bit over the top. Scene stealer 7 year old Henry Lee (HL) had an infectious personality and was impossible not to love from the start. Stoic, shy, and extremely intelligent 10 year old Heather, internalized everything and despite her mom being gone for seven years she still feels the loss deeply which broke my heart for her. From the minute Nora arrived on their doorstep, HL was immediately drawn to Nora and their outgoing personalities made it fun to watch them bond from the start. While Heather sat back and watched, it was easy to see that she was interested in the loud, strange, woman who came into their lives but she wasn’t ready to go “all in.” Once Hawk was up and around, their prior relationship made it easy for them to fall easily into each other’s lives.

The Christmas spirit and a bit of competitiveness has these four working together and building a family relationship before they even realize it.

Sweet, sentimental, with a bit of sexy heat, and a Christmas backdrop to boot made Wanted: Mom for Christmas a cute and entertaining holiday story.

Profile Image for Lee Kilraine.
Author 17 books216 followers
August 8, 2017
I couldn't end the Cates Brothers Series without giving Henry Lee and his dad, Hawk Savage, their own HEA. So I wrapped up their story with a big red bow and lots of Christmas magic.
Profile Image for Danielle's.
Author 1 book154 followers
October 6, 2017
Nora is losing her dream and instead of fighting it she is looking for a way out. Rent-a-mom is the job she takes and escapes her life.

Hawk tries to be the best father he can but a teenage daughter needs some female help. Luckily for him his ex-girlfriend is about to roll back into his life. These two need a little help in their lives

This is a Christmas story with lots of spirit and a sweet romance. It's about family and second chances.

It reminded me of a Hallmark Christmas movie.

4 Stars out of 5. Predictable but enjoyable.

*I received an ARC via Netgalley in exchange for a fair review. Thanks:)*
1,116 reviews21 followers
November 26, 2017
I found a new author! I'm so glad I did! This one was really good. Nora Hoy was an Olympic volleyball player. A shoulder injury has her sidelined and considering giving it up. When she discovers her mother, who is also her manager, has left Nora broke, Nora answers an ad for a Rent-A-Mom. When she shows up for an interview, she's met at the door by kids, Heather and HL. Apparently Dad is laid up with the flu. Nora immediately steps in and takes care of dad and the kids. She's stunned, however, to discover that "Dad", in this instance, is Hawk Savage, a man she had a relationship with as a teenager. She'd been in love with him then and once reunited, it doesn't take long for those old feelings to re-surface. And while both have obstacles to overcome, it's Christmas and miracles do happen.

Really enjoyed this one. The writer did a great job with the characters. Fell in love with Hawk from the get go when he endeared me to him via his relationship with his kids. Even though it's been seven years since his wife died, he's still doubting himself when it comes to raising Heather and HL. The fact Heather wants him to take her bra shopping makes him break out in a cold sweat. What happens when she wants to start dating? And HL wants another mommy but Hawk hasn't really been looking. It takes Nora's return to get him thinking about it.

Definitely recommend!
484 reviews3 followers
September 26, 2017
OK, I know, Christmas in September, right? Call me a sucker, but I absolutely love a good Christmas romance ANY time of year. But, Wanted: Mom for Christmas, it just was not a “Good” Christmas romance. It was PHENOMENAL!!!
WOW, just WOW!!!
I LOVED this book! I could go on, and on, telling you why I loved this book. I loved the way the author created the characters in the book. I love the way she built up family dynamics, even through the loss of a spouse/parent. I love the way the author created the “hope” and “belief" and “magic” of Christmas. It also shows us the readers, the true meaning of a true family and the real meaning of “winning”. This book is phenomenal!!
This is my first experience with Lee Kilraine, and I can definitely say, it will not be my last. I love her writing, and the way she puts a story together. She “sucked” me in from the very first chapter and did not let me out until the very last period. For this, I am grateful, it is a sign of a great story.
I was gifted with an ARC of Wanted: Mom for Christmas by the publisher thru NetGalley for my honest opinion. Thank you, Kensington Press, Lyrical Shine, for approving my request. This was a wonderful Christmas story.
Thank you, Ms. Kilraine, for sharing your outstanding talents with your readers.
Thank you for reading my review. Wanted: Mom for Christmas is slated to be released on Nov 7, 2017. What are you waiting for, go pre-order now, you will not be sorry?
Profile Image for Janice.
2,897 reviews
November 14, 2017
HL finally gets his mother! Nora, a volleyball Olympian goes to her home town for Christmas as a Rent-A-Mom for Hawk.
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,204 reviews187 followers
November 1, 2017
4.5 Star review of Wanted: Mom for Christmas (Cates Brothers #5.5) by Lee Kilraine
Lee Kilraine is a new author to me. Recently I have found myself gravitating to stories of single dads and when I saw the premise for this story I jumped at the chance to read.

Although not a particularly long story and part of a series, (I didn’t know that when I requested) I had no difficulty reading Wanted: Mom for Christmas.

Hawk Savage is a single dad of two, daughter Heather who is 10 and son Henry Lee (call me HL) who is 8. My heart just about broke for these children, probably as my father died when I was 9, I can empathise with the story line.

Essentially this is a second chance at love story for Hawk Savage and his teenage girl-friend Nora Joy who suddenly re appears in his life as a Rent-A-Mom.
I loved this heart warming and sensitive tale about a little boy who desperately wants a Mom for Christmas. I will admit at times I was moved to shed a few tears as this was an emotional read for me. Having said that, this was one of those books I didn't want to put down and I was annoyed when real life got in the way of finishing the book..
Hawk struggles, particularly with the fact that Heather is moving towards puberty and he feels like a failure as he tries to manoeuvre through such a challenging time in a young girls life, often feeling he has failed his children.
I loved the inter-action of Nora and Hawk and Nora and the children. The Savage family made me laugh and cry, the story line was moving and handled well and I so enjoyed this book that I am going to look into the other books in the series as soon as I can find some spare time.
I received a copy of this book through the publisher via Netgalley.
Profile Image for Terri.
703 reviews20 followers
November 1, 2017
Review also found at https://kristineandterri.blogspot.ca/...

**I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.  Thank you**

This review is going to be short as I am going to try to sum my thoughts up as briefly and concisely as possible.

This book was written for those, like myself, who are Christmas fanatics and love everything about the holiday season (well I may have a slight issue with Christmas music but that aside, love everything else).  If you, like myself, find yourself binge watching the W network and its made for TV Christmas movies, this is the book for you. In fact, Lilraine, if your people have not already pitched this, have them do it, it would be perfect!

This story has all the ingredients that make a perfect Christmas story.  Children in need of a mother, a man in need of a love and companion, a Christmas miracle and some hijinks in between.  I have been following this series but it is not required if you are simply looking for a nice Christmas read.  You can read this on its own.

Just grab a cup of hot chocolate, turn the fireplace on and grab this story!
Profile Image for Cathy Geha.
4,040 reviews105 followers
November 6, 2017
Wanted: Mom for Christmas by Lee Kilraine
Cates Brothers 5.5

Second chance at love for an Olympic medalist and a small town cop that were once high school sweethearts – will they find a HEA – probably ;)

Nora Joy had a no good very bad day that continued downhill with one hit after another until she felt she had hit rock bottom – and then – a job in her old hometown appeared as if by magic. She grabbed the job with both hands and headed to Climax, North Carolina to become rent-a-mom to the children of Jackson “Hawk” Savage. Henry Lee “HL”, at eight, is active, fun loving and desires a mother for Christmas while his sister, ten year old Heather, is quiet and shy and just his opposite.

Nora is competitive by nature so being the best rent-a-mom she can be is her goal. Sparks definitely fly as chemistry that once existed is found to still thrive. The holiday spirit, family, competition, doing one’s best, communication, grief, magic and more are part and parcel in this delightful holiday romance.

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Lyrical Shine for the ARC – This is my honest review.

3-4 Stars
Profile Image for lisa.
2,102 reviews307 followers
October 3, 2017
E-ARC is received thanks to the publisher via Netgalley.

Did I request this because the hero's name is Hawk Savage and it reminds me of my two favourite KA characters Hawk Delgado and Indy Savage? Yep.

Anyway, this is my first Lee Kilraine book, and it's a short and fast read. While I think the writing could be a little stronger, I really like Nora and the Savages, especially little Henry Lee Savage who is super adorable and a show-stealer. Hawk and Nora were high school lovers until Nora moved away and they lost contact. On the one hand, I enjoyed seeing them reconnecting and Nora bonding with Hawk's kids. On the other hand, I do feel that their relationship development is a bit rushed and Nora's unfortunate situation in the beginning of the story too contrived, but I understand the drawbacks of having to cram in everything in a novella-length story. The epilogue is a winner, though.

This book is a part of the Cates Brothers series (something I was only aware after I requested the book, LOL) but it reads just fine on its own.
Profile Image for Anne .
468 reviews73 followers
October 10, 2017

This is actually my very first read from this author and I AM NOT DISAPPOINTED!!! I'm actually questioning myself why I missed this. Because this is exactly what I needed after being burnt out reading dark books. Yep! A light but definitely sweet romance is what this book is.

You'll be sure to enjoy this book albeit a quick read because, boy, do you wish for it to be long. Or better yet a follow up book from this couple/family. A single dad raising his kids that is growing up quite fast thrown in an unexpected turn of events when her ex-girlfriend come a-knockin' on their door, literally, you sure to get swoon-y and all that jazz. Plus, it's Christmas time! A bonus for us all already hype up in the spirit of this season!

I definitely recommend this book to EVERYONE. If you are in a book slump, or you're traumatized after reading dark books, get this one! you won't be disappointed!

You can find me at curlingtoesblog.wordpress.com for more amazing reads.
Profile Image for Ally.Always.Reads.
758 reviews136 followers
September 27, 2017
Received from netgalley for honest review.

I can't say I didn't like it. But I also can't say I loved it. I don't really know how I feel about it. It's kind of one of those books where you're just like "yeah, I read it" and that's it.
I love single dads so I think that's why I really stuck with it. But it was just okay... I don't have an overwhelming need to tell people "OMG YOU HAVE TO READ IT," you know?
3,186 reviews30 followers
October 20, 2017
I had not read any books by this author, and was drawn to the title, so what better time to get started.
Well, I absolutely fell in love with the story, Nora, and the Savage family, Hawk, H.L. and Heather.
The story centers around Hawk Savage and Nora Joy. Hawk is a cop in the town Nora grew up in and also her first love. He is also a widower with two adorable kids. Nora, an Olympic medal winner, is struggling after a shoulder surgery that might affect her career, has dumbed her cheating boyfriend, and also found out her mother mismanaged her earnings. When an ad for a Rent A Mom appears, she decides to leave California and go to Climax, NC, the town she spent most of her youth in and where she fell in love for the first time.
Little did she know that she was going to meet once again, Hawk and his kids.
It’s a story about second chances, about the complexities of creating a family, about family values ,about the miracle of Christmas and last, but not least, about love and not giving up even when the going gets tough.
A heartwarming and touching story and one that allowed me to discover a very talented author.
I was gifted this copy by Netgalley and the publisher. The opinions expressed are solely my own.
Profile Image for Tracy Sylvester.
919 reviews7 followers
October 1, 2017
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book. This story was like a second chance at romance. Beautiful story about a current widowed single dad named Hawk. He has a pre-teen daughter named Heather and a young son named Henry Lee(HL). When HL asks repeatedly for a new Mom, Hawk feels a tug at his heart. Realizing that his children want a Mom makes him start to wonder if he can handle opening his heart again. When a holiday miracle happens and brings his first love to the door as a Rent A Mom he lets her help out with the children. Nora is an Olympic volleyball player who is down with an injury. She's suffered heartache in the form of a cheating ex boyfriend, a best friend/teammate that betrays her and a Mother who is less than stellar. Beautifully written romance with second chances, love, competition and miracles!
Profile Image for Kari Lemor.
Author 39 books161 followers
September 27, 2017
I couldn't have asked for a better ending to the Cates Brothers series than this. I had been loving Hawke and his son HL from the very beginning, always wondering about their story. Always a bit sad that the little boy put so much effort into finding a mom for himself and a new wife for his dad. And she was perfect! Exactly what that family needed though she didn't always believe it herself. Thank you, Lee Kilraine for such a charming series, with a town that felt like family after a while. I'm going to miss them. Maybe you'll come back and visit them someday and find us some more love?? That'd be great!
Profile Image for Bella.
1,038 reviews3 followers
November 15, 2017
This one is so sweet charming Christmas miracle story. It is also a second chance love story between single
father hawk and volleyball player in trouble Nora. They both need a miracle in their life and K.Kringel make it
possible. Both Nora and Hawk have great personality are loving and caring and easy to love. Nora truly is a
great person, not fake and is taking really seriously to be a good step in mom which we see in her actions.
Hawk is also a great parent but is struggling with teenagers problems and Nora come like a miracle and although she has no clue how to raise a child she trusts her guts and makes a right decision, except for cooking she is terrible at cooking. Their chemistry is hot and sizzling. I enjoyed reading this book.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for Netgelly
Profile Image for Gale.
1,845 reviews21 followers
September 15, 2018
Will definitely leave you with a smile!

This is a sweet, sweet story. No worries, there are plenty of people that you can boo, but this family will warm your heart. I am so happy I picked up this book and it will put you into an early Christmas spirit, too!
Profile Image for Christine Hill.
194 reviews
November 6, 2017
Cates Brothers series by Lee Kilraine
Contemporary Romance

Wanted: Mom for Christmas

I received a free copy of this book through NetGalley. I decided to post this review because I think you might enjoy this book as much as I did, if not more! This review is also up on my blog: http://www.loveserially.wordpress.com

Overall Rating: 3.5 (sXe)

Quick & Dirty summary: Nora Joy needs some time to regroup. As an Olympic volleyball player, Nora is no stranger to set backs and losses, but the problems are beginning to pile up. Taking a temporary job as Rent-A-Mom, Nora is surprised to find herself face-to-face with her high school ex-boyfriend Hawk Savage. Hawk is pretty happy with his life, despite his son’s insistence that he needs a mom. When Nora Joy shows up at exactly the right moment, Hawk can’t help but spend the holiday season reliving some of his greatest memories with her. What happens after the holidays, though, is unclear to both Hawk and Nora.

I really enjoyed this book. Nora is great. She’s a strong woman with a good head on her shoulders who is facing adversity with grace. I love how the drama in this book is straightforward. Nora and Hawk have a past. They deal with the past and move into the present quickly and realistically.

There are a bunch of components that make this story interesting and lively. The pacing of the book is quick and while there aren’t a whole lot of secondary characters that stand out, Hawk’s kids Heather and Henry are sweet. There are a few life lessons that Nora is able to pass along to the kids that deepen her relationship with the kids in great ways.

A part of me wishes this book was longer, because I loved the last chapter/epilogue. I wish I could have seen more of what life was like during their happily-ever-after, but the end left me happy and smiling. I can’t really ask for much more in a holiday romance.

Is it worth buying? (Kindle $1.99)
This is a quick read, but definitely worth buying. It’s a great Christmas story with some wholesome lessons snuck in between the naughty bits.

Something else you might enjoy:
Try the Time in Between by Kristen Ashley. It’s not a sweet holiday romance, but it does have a cute little girl who helps the romance along.
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,127 reviews79 followers
November 7, 2017
Wanted Mom For Christmas is a charming, sweet and fun holiday romance with characters I fell in love with. Although this is book 5.5 in the series it can be read as a stand alone (I did) and it's still very enjoyable. I can only imagine how much more I would have loved it if I had read the previous books.

This book centers around Hawk and his two children who's mom died several years ago a week before Christmas. Hawk and his kids really haven't been big on celebrating Christmas since then and Hawk is starting to worry a bit about how he'll manage his teen daughter as she is starting a time period where having a mother would be so helpful. His youngest son, H.L. wants a mom and is constantly asking his dad for one but Hawk isn't sure he's ready for a relationship and even if he is he needs to find a woman who will love his kids.

Enter Nora, Hawk's high school girlfriend and first love. She's going through a rough patch with her career as an Olympic tennis player and other personal issues. She finds a job as a rent-a-mom for Hawk's family.

I loved the dynamics between Nora and Hawk's kids and between Nora and Hawk. The Savage family was adorable and I especially loved the relationship that grew between Nora and H.L. There were some very amusing and sweet scenes and I loved that the competitive spirit in Nora came alive in her interactions with the family and in her wanting to be the best rent-a-mom possible. I found myself smiling through this whole book and finished it in one setting.

If you are looking for a sweet and fun Christmas story that will leave you with a smile on your face then I highly recommend Wanted: Mom For Christmas. I enjoyed it so much I'm going to go back and read the earlier books in the series!

A copy of this book was provided to me by NetGalley and the publisher with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book and my comments here are my honest opinion.
728 reviews9 followers
November 7, 2017
This is a voluntary review of an advanced copy.

I enjoy second chance romances and this was a great one! I loved that Hawk and Nora were each other's "firsts"! Due to threats, Nora could not contact Hawk again, and later heard how he became a manwhore so she left him in the past. Fast forward to years down the road, they meet again.

It was great that Nora became a Rent-a-mom, and went to the client's house only to find her old love, Hawk (she knew him as Jackson) and his two children. There is a bit of a mystery about who requested the rent-a-mom, and so Hawk had a friend investigate. The answer is a cute holiday magic which is repeated in the epilogue with a different wish!

Nora and Hawk's son, HL, really conncected and it was so funny their competitive spirit! The holiday decoration contest and the later competition showed how much they were alike and really wanted to win! It was cute that the sister, Heather, finally felt comfortable enough to join in and actually helped out in the decorating and later in keeping Nora from running away.

I about cried when Nora had the kids plant a garden for their deceased mother, Holly, and Hawk caught her talking to Holly and keeping her updated on the kids lives. Heather seemed like smaller version of Holly, and it was such a loving thing for her to wish for someone for her father (another moment that I needed a tissue!).

This was a wonderful romance and it was enhanced by all the holiday influences added and really gives the reader a feeling of holiday magic. It was also great that saw into the future that Nora was able to realize her dream, and kind of got a bit of revenge against her former volleyball partner!!
Profile Image for Nikki.
53 reviews1 follower
September 30, 2017

Every year, despite my mostly grinchy attitude, I pick up a handful of Christmas books trying to find what seems to be a needle in a haystack. Unfortunately, Wanted: A Mom for Christmas by Lee Kilraine only served up more hay. The novel, in and of itself was ok, just WAY too sweet for my tastes (if a Hallmark movie and aspartame had a baby…). Maybe it’s because this is my first read by Ms. Kilraine. Maybe it’s because I unwittingly jumped into this series at book #5.5, and had no prior connection to the characters. Maybe it’s the handful of f-bombs, making me less likely to pass this on to the few people I’d normally give my saccharine recommendations. Perhaps, I really am too “bah-humbug.”

Whatever the case, this book gets 2.5 stars from me. The story has a decent pace. Editing warrants an A-. I don’t honestly see me passing this novel around. If anyone asks me directly, “it’s a Christmas book” will be my stock answer. It’s not the best one I’ve read (or even reviewed), but it’s not the worst one I’ve picked up. Sadly, that’s about all I have to say- which is mighty strange.

I received a copy of Wanted: A Mom for Christmas by Lee Kilraine from Kensington Books via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

1,024 reviews18 followers
November 29, 2017
This is one of those holiday stories with just the tiniest of supernatural twists. It reminds me so much of those Hallmark Channel Christmas movies where Santa or an angel or a ghost helps to get the couple together for their HEA. I love those movies so that made it even more fun!

Nora is at loose ends and thanks to a little holiday magic she finds herself on Hawk’s doorstop just when he needs her. While she’s definitely not Mary Poppins she does have a HUGE heart and finds herself quickly drawn into their lives. It’s definitely hard stepping into a role that hasn’t been filled since Hawk’s wife passed away but if anyone can win over the little family it will be her.

Hawk is doing everything he can for his kids but he’s definitely finding himself stretched a little thin as his daughter approaches her teenage years and his son is desperate for a mom. When he finds himself face to face with an old girlfriend he starts thinking things he hasn’t for a very long time. He’s dedicated himself to being the best dad he can but maybe it is time to start thinking as a man too …

Short and cute and full of holiday fun, Wanted: Mom for Christmas is perfect for those (like me) who just love those feel-good, candy-sweet, made-for-tv movies :)

(Oh, and I had no idea this was a part of a series so obviously it can easily stand on its own.)
Profile Image for Bookworm027.
118 reviews21 followers
November 20, 2017
I was asked by the author for an honest review.

3.5 Stars

H.L. wants a mom more than anything else for Christmas this year, and Heather just wants to stop being sad. Now a Rent-a-Mom is at the front door and she seems to already know their dad. Just when he's about to send her packing, work circumstances change and he's all but begging her to stay. This is the story of Hawk and Nora's romance.

My first read of Kilraine's, I was very excited about this book, but there were a couple of parts that didn't quite jive for me. Nora's reaction to her mother's choices was extremely understated, and that followed by her volleyball partner's news were not true to how an actual person would react, in my opinion. But, the fun and love of Christmas shown through. I loved her interactions with Hawk's kiddos, and with him. With them she was open, loving, and understanding. The glimpses of her competitive spirit popped up every once in a while, which galvanized the rest of the family. And, the epilogue is not to be missed! I love another look at the characters a bit later in their lives. This book has is about love, Christmas, and second chances. It's a cute read with a splash of sexy heat and great to curl up with either a glass of wine of a cup of hot chocolate.
Profile Image for Jeanette Book-Reviews.
577 reviews10 followers
October 8, 2017
***4.5 Stars!***

This is the first I've read by this author.... I'm glad I took a chance, as this author will be added to my never ending TBR list lol!!

I loved reading this beautiful, short, warm and a little OTT but who cares?? I absolutely adore Christmas stories & this one certainly hits the spot!

Hawk is a widower with a 10 year old daughter - Heather & an 8 year old son- Henry Lee better known as HL.... They don't celebrate Christmas as it's so painful due to their mom dying a week before Christmas....

Along came Nora... a rent a mom, decided to take a break from her personal chaos on her life & took on a job as a rent a mom for few days... funny part is that she's not even qualified as she stated but she's got common sense lol

I adored these characters & I'm so #TeamSavage

*ARC received via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Becky.
346 reviews4 followers
October 11, 2017
Nora is in need of a new life after her old one dumped her. Nora's boyfriend and best friend/teammate left together taking her mother/manager with them. All her money is gone and unless she makes some big changes, her hopes for her career are gone. An online job search finds her going back to her home town and reconnecting with a long lost love.

Hawk, Heather, and Henry Lee are making their single parent family work but something is definately missing. When a Rent-a-Mom shows up unexpectedly Hawk doesn't know who to blame or thank.

Perfect book capturing the spirit of the holidays. This is full of competition, laughter and hope.

The name of the town is actually distracting. Climax, North Carolina. I have not read the others in the series yet. This is 5.5 so I plan on going back to the beginning.
979 reviews1 follower
October 19, 2017
You can tell the plot of this sweet Christmas story just from the title. It starts out with a common opening from romance novels when the heroine, professional beach volleyball player Nora loses her career, finds out her boyfriend is cheating on her with her supposed best friend, and loses all her money all in the same day. After this less than propitious start to her day, she eventually answers an ad to be a Rent-a-Mom to two children and their widower father who just happens to be her first boyfriend.

The kids are adorable and their father is is a hunky fireman. Everyone falls for everyone and it’s all quite sweet and lovely. If you’re in the mood for some Christmas romantic magic, this romance novel will fill the bill.

I was given a free ARC of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Bette Hansen.
5,069 reviews40 followers
November 5, 2017
I absolutely LOVED this story!! It's so sweet, fun, and perfect for the holiday season. It's wonderfully written and you will fall in love with these characters.

Nora Joy has had a rough time lately. First her Olympic dreams are on hold due to an injury she's not sure she can come back from. Then her boyfriend and her best friend and teammate betray her. The cherry on top of her craptastic life? Her manager/mother has gone through all the money she's gotten from various endorsements and she's not only broke but deeply in debt. Returning to her hometown and working as a Nanny seems like her easiest choice. That is until she meets the family she's working for. The kids seem nice enough and HL and Heather are as cute as can be. The dad - no way could this be her high school boyfriend Hawke Savage. Or could it?

Don't miss this one. I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Jackie Wright.
5,372 reviews126 followers
October 17, 2017
Wanted: Mom For Christmas is book 5.5 in the Cates Brothers Series but it can be read as a standalone, how do I know this well Lee Kilraine is a new author to me and I really enjoyed this sweet Christmas story. I’m a sucker for Christmas stories and this one really touched my heart so much so I will be looking into the other books in the series, what’s not to love about second chance romance, a single dad and two adorable children. This story captivated me and I read it in one sitting, I loved the characters, I loved the story I loved how this author described what it must be like to lose your spouse and be bringing up two children alone, how protective you become but also the hurdles you face as a single dad of a young girl that’s growing up. Great holiday read
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2,121 reviews13 followers
November 7, 2017
Lovely Sweet Story.
Wow, poor Nora. She loses her boyfriend; her best friend and volleyball partner; her mother as her manager; all her savings and gains $20,000 in debt all in one day! However her luck changes when she receives a job offer in her hometown of Climax, North Carolina. Not with her parents that she knows anything about parenting but the Rent-a-Mom offer is the only job she can find; the big surprise is that she finds herself working for her first love, now a widower with two children. Delightful story, recommended Christmas read.
I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley. I was not compensated for my review, and I was not required to write a positive review. The opinion expressed here is my own.
1,500 reviews13 followers
November 14, 2017
This was a very fun story to read. I enjoyed every page of it.
Nora was an Olympic volleyball player who had been betrayed by her partner in volleyball, her boyfriend and her mother. She is recovering from an injury and takes a job as a rent-a-mom for a police chief's 2 children. It turns out she used to date Hawk when she was a junior in HS. Hawk's kids were a hoot. HL was a mischievous little boy who really wanted a mom. Heather was a young girl just growing into a young lady and needed some guidance.
This story had so much going for it. Fun, romance, bad cooking (Nora couldn't cook to save her life) and Christmas spirit. I highly recommend. I was given this book from NetGalley for an honest review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 52 reviews

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