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Secondborn #2

Traitor Born

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In the Fates Republic, Firstborns reign supreme. Secondborns kneel in servitude. Thirdborns face death. And Census shadows them all.

Secondborn Roselle St. Sismode was pressed into military service to battle the rebel uprising threatening the society that enslaves her. Now, powerful factions conspire to subvert the lines of succession, positioning Roselle to replace her mother as leader of the Republic’s armed forces. But the woman who bore her would sooner see Roselle dead than let her usurp her firstborn brother’s command.

The deadly war of intrigue between her new masters and her ruthless family is but one conflict challenging Roselle. A soldier for the rebellion has drawn her into a rogue army’s plot to overthrow the Republic and shatter its brutal caste system. Targeted by assassins and torn between allies, Roselle’s loyalty, love, and honor will be tested in the greatest battle of—and for—her life.

309 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 17, 2018

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About the author

Amy A. Bartol

17 books6,672 followers
Author of the Secondborn Series:
Secondborn (Book 1)
Traitor Born (Book 2)
Rebel Born (Book 3)

Author of the Premonition Series:
Inescapable (Book 1)
Intuition (Book 2)
Indebted (Book 3)
Incendiary (Book 4)
Iniquity (Book 5)

Author of the Kricket Series:
Under Different Stars (Book 1)
Sea of Stars (Book 2)
Darken the Stars (Book 3)

The Divided - A Science Fiction Romance short story, which is included in the Take Me To Your Reader: An Otherworld Anthology.

Amy A. Bartol is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Secondborn Series, The Premonition Series, The Kricket Series, and a short story entitled “The Divided.” She has won numerous awards for her writing and been nominated for several more. She's a graduate of Hillsdale College, which inspired the setting of her Premonition Series. Amy lives in Michigan with her husband and two sons, but she travels often, sparking her imagination to create more worlds like the ones with hidden angels, doorways to alien landscapes, and fantastical futuristic societies and technologies. To learn more, visit Amy's website at: https://www.amyabartol.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 707 reviews
Profile Image for Ashlee » libraryinthecountry.
784 reviews731 followers
April 20, 2018
5 GLORIOUS STARS - I read this book in December and STILL cannot stop thinking about it. I am not kidding when I say it's my favorite 2018 release so far, nor can I wait any longer to share my thoughts with you.

”I believe dawn is the violent overthrow of night. But night is always still there - just on the periphery - waiting ... and at the end of the day, it comes to claim us all.”

Be still, my beating heart.

This sequel was everything I had hoped for and more. Secondborn was a good start to this series, but Traitor Born has really blown it out of the water. If you were unsure of whether you wanted to start or continue this series, do it for this book alone.

The story picks up right were Secondborn left off, with our main character, Roselle St. Sismode finding herself in the Fate of Virtues, under the protection of Fabian Bowie. After the first installment, I was very curious about where the story would go, not sure who could be trusted and who was really the enemy. In the Fate of Virtues, Roselle is reunited with old friends and foes. Roselle discovers that she has been at the helm of other's plans for much longer than she had anticipated and some will stop at nothing to see those plans fulfilled or fail - no matter her opinion.

Despite the protection afforded to her, both in plain sight and in secret, danger finds its way to Roselle's doorstep. Othala St. Sismode is on a warpath and will stop and nothing to remove the threat she sees Roselle to be. Change is coming and it is more infinite than Roselle had foreseen. It's up to Roselle to decide what kind of change she stands for. Change the leadership or change the world?

Some of my favorite parts of this book were: Reykin, Roselle and Dune's relationship, Grisholm's pettiness and essentially every interaction between Roselle and Reykin. Roselle and Reykin develop a friendship based on mutual trust and a deeper connection stemming from their encounters in Secondborn. Reykin is intense and fiercely protective of Roselle because of the role the Gates of Dawn want her to play in their rebellion. That said, one begins to wonder if his actions originate from somewhere more profound.

"If you hurt her, I'll rip your heart out."
"It's already gone."

Our beloved Clifton and Hawthorne are back, though intermittently. Roselle and Clifton continue to collaborate on new weapons and technology to support the war effort, in addition to garnering more support for the Rose Garden Society. I've always loved Clifton's character, he is charming, and though his ongoing pursuit of Roselle can get tedious at times, one cannot deny the chemistry between them. Roselle and Hawthorne explore more of their relationship and its future, with the events of the last several months being at the forefront. Roselle discovers she is surrounded by supporters that do not necessarily have the same future envisioned. Part of Roselle's journey is finding the future she envisions for herself and the world.

The character development in this installment was spot-on. I highly enjoyed seeing Roselle continue to grow into the woman she has become, hardened by war and her upbringing. But my heart also broke for her as she struggled with the pressure placed upon her and found the strength to seek the help of those around her. There are a handful of secondary characters we learn much more about, something I was highly anticipating. I probably most savored learning more about Reykin, his hard exterior, his place in the Republic and the secrets he holds.

The story itself moved quickly and I felt as though something was constantly happening. There is a lot of plotting and action happening. The romance aspect of this installment was much different than that in the first book and certainly for the better. I remember feeling as if it was seemingly forced in Secondborn, but that never came to my mind in this book. Instead, it moved along at a steady pace, with distinct ups-and-downs. It's progression felt natural and never overbearing upon the story itself. I'm still reeling from the ending and the admission during the final moments. Let's face it, we all knew it, it was obvious, but that was INTENSE! The desperation in those moments was almost too much to bear! My heart broke a little and I'm ready to further delve into those stars and darkness.

The final chapters of this book moved at lightning speed and I did NOT see what developed coming at all, despite the hints dropped here and there. It's clear that something is coming, but what happens was so out of the ballpark - OMG. My review copy included an excerpt from Rebel Born and let me tell you - the next book will jump right into explaining some of the biggest questions Traitor Born will leave you with. Hold fast! There is a big storm coming and I need Roselle to burn the place to the ground! Needless to say, this may be Bartol's best book yet. Bravo!

There is much more I want to say about Traitor Born, but I can't without spoiling it for you! But I will say this: if you don't have one distinct ship by the end of this book we can't be friends anymore. You all know I love myself morally grey anti-heroes and this book certainly has a very Rhysand, Aaron Warner, Desmond Flynn-esque character. #TEAMREYKIN

I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

View review on my blog, Library in the Country
Profile Image for Rae.
221 reviews161 followers
March 7, 2018
I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

YAYY! NetGalley FINALLY approved me for an ARC! :)
I really enjoyed the first book Secondborn so I'm really excited to read this one!!

AHHHHH Amy Bartol, why do you torture me with these endings like this!!! I think the author should be dubbed The Queen Cliffhanger, because here I am again sitting all broken hearted just wishing I had some feeling of conclusion but instead, I've been thrown off the cliff, I'm not even hanging. Just tossed into the abyss of an ENTIRE YEAR to wait and find out what the heck happens next!!!! Talk about emotional abuse! Its not quite that bad, but ugh I hate cliff hangers. (and that teaser of Rebel Born at the end of this ARC did nothing but make me REALLY need it like, yesterday.)

All in all though, this book was leaps and bounds better than Secondborn. It was much more organized and the plot was clear from the very first page. I loved that the beginning included all the Fates and who was in each Fate and what part of the hierarchy they represented. Also a glossary of terms is located in the back, which is always a helpful addition when creating a new world and new type of government. It just felt different starting this book, it felt like the second half of book one actually. Just how everything finally clicked and started to work. The characters felt immensely more in depth and we were even introduced to quite a few more. Roselle continues to be a badass and take on the world with her swordsmanship and keen eye for danger ( although it seems to find her anywhere and everywhere whether she wants it or not) but she handles things with her usual finesse and attitude. I loved that Reykin had a much larger role in this book because :) ahhhh :) who doesn't love a dark haired blue eyed dreamboat !!!?? (can you tell who I might have a book crush on?) I also love Clifton and his constant safety and protection of Roselle.

I cannot wait until Rebel Born comes out to find out what happens to these characters I have really come to enjoy. This book definitely did it for me as far as making me an Amy Bartol fan and to really get me into this series. MUCH BETTER than secondborn and definitely worth a read :)
Profile Image for Sophie "Beware Of The Reader".
1,445 reviews381 followers
January 28, 2018
5 Roselle Superhero stars

ARC received in exchange of an honest review

This book is not out yet and I already need Rebel Born who will be released in 2019!!!!

Why, why do I do this to myself? Request books from series not finished yet when I know chances are high that I will love them???
Traitor Born is packed with actions, twists you never see coming, hot warrior males and a superheroine.

If you don't like badass heroines fighting like super heroes as in killing dozens of adversaries and coming out unscathed pass your way. You would hate it.

But if you are fan of James Bond using gadgets to kill his enemies or fan of warrior women undefeated or... you will lap this story like a cat is feasting on a bowl of cream.

I loved Roselle St Sismode in the first installment and I adore her in this sequel. She is an extraordinary fighter, she has a huge heart and incredible courage an endurance. She is torn between what she's been raised to do and between what her heart tells her is right. She wasn't meant to think for herself. To have a mind of her own and challenge the system. Yet she does.
She is a very important pawn in a political game. The Gate of Dawn wants her to break the regime. The Rose Garden society wants her to be the sword ruler to strengthen Firstborns domination.
But what does Roselle want? Has ever anyone thought about giving her free will? And would she know what she'd want?

The analogy with superheroes stories is not far-fetched as you have a persistent villain coming back again and again. Batman has the Joker Roselle has Census Crow.

Amy Bartol once more wrote a fast paced and enthralling story. The kind of story that has you gripping the edge of your seat. You'll fear for Roselle and her reckless acts of valor. You won't know what love interest you'd like to win her heart (I am Reykin fan).

Secrets, treasons, unforeseen dramatic twists compromising this whole world and its inhabitant, acts of valor and desperate last self-sacrificing attempt from some major character is what awaits you in this brilliant and stunning sequel. You’ll be breathless the whole read.

You will also scream with frustration when this will end on a cliffy of Hell! My kindle barely escaped unscathed.

Please Mrs Bartol writes fast!!!

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1,283 reviews5 followers
August 15, 2019
46-2019. I enjoyed this installment of the born series. The whole series is causing me to re-evaluate our society's expectations and subtle unwritten laws, not just about birth order but occupation and the male/female issue. Very very good story
Profile Image for R.K. Gold.
Author 14 books10.1k followers
May 4, 2018
This is probably a 2.5/5 too but it was better than the first so I rounded up instead of rounding down.

As I mentioned in one of my updates I feel awkward reviewing books like this because I know I couldn't do any better, and I also know I'm not the target demographic. Still, it was free on KU and the plot has been compelling enough to keep me engaged.

This review will contain spoilers so stop reading now if that bothers you.

I'll start with the things I didn't like that way this review ends with the positives. At times the writing was a little repetitive, and what made the repetition even more noticeable was how it carried over from the first book. For example, the descriptions of muscles on all the men Roselle respects or is romantically involved with. You can tell who the good guys are because they're hot and muscular. You can tell who the bad guys are because they're pure evil, usually less attractive, and very immature. Also, most people are blonde. It's not that big of a deal but it just catches my attention how even some throwaway characters who don't even need a physical description "brush their blonde hair out of their face."

I was also not a fan of the love interests (it's now a long quadrangle). Clifton, Hawthorne, and Reykin are all practically the same character because the most important thing about them is their combat competence and their physical appearance.

The villains are flat (most of the characters are) but they are still just evil for the sake of being evil.

Roselle is too perfect. She is able to kill an entire hoard of enemies at a costume party and come out with only a couple fractured ribs. Then when Clifton gives her this special body armor she is bested by two guards but is miraculously saved because of the armor. There's really no conflict because it's clear if Roselle wanted to she could kill everyone at once with ease, and I don't understand the connection she feels with her mom because we never actually saw any relationship (or lack thereof) we were just told Roselle was ignored and her mom hates her. I just mean I feel nothing for her dilemma because I never shared the same hope she had that their family would be reunited.

The only thing that gets in Roselle's way is her own naivety and it's kind of annoying because it's so out of character. She goes from this overpowered demi-god to a bumbling idiot when it's convenient for the plot or the romantic sub-plot.

It is entertaining though and there were pockets of good writing. Again I feel like I shouldn't be saying that because Bartol produced something better than I could.

As long as the third book is available on KU I will finish the series.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,833 reviews747 followers
July 3, 2019
What a fantastic read! The world building in this series is amazing. It's very creative but also a lot to learn and keep up with. This is part of a trilogy so you do need to read book 1 first. This picks right up where book 2 left off.

What draws me to this series is Roselle. She is a secondborn. This society only values the firstborn children and they are born into wealth and power. There are two reasons secondborn children are allowed to live. They are considered spares incase a firstborn dies, which then elevates the secondborn status to a firstborn status. The secondborns are mostly the working group in the society and treated as slaves. They have barely any rights and have to follow very strict rules that the firstborn do not. Thirdborns are not allowed and are executed.

I can't begin to explain the hierarchy of the standing members of the firstborn. There is a heirarchy within that hierarchy. Roselle is from The Sword. She is our main character and the reason I am loving this series. She has been trained her whole life to fight. She is practically unbeatable and the one that two rebellion groups are pinning all their hopes to change the way of life for secondborn.

Roselle is a multifaceted character. She is very strong but also fragile. She loves when she should hate. She's extremely deadly but wishes for a peaceful world. She really draws you in on the first book and has you rallying behind her 100% of the way. She has multiple men who are drawn to her but you aren't really sure who is using her and who truly wants her.

A lot happened in this book but we still have a lot to look forward too. This ended on a cliffhanger that I'm not too worried about Roselle getting out of her current predicament but I am very curious how she will do it. ARC provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Carol.
802 reviews59 followers
October 11, 2021
Omg that was so awesome!

This book was amazing read. You know from book 1 how this society is set up so you can really get to know the players more, and who is trying to used Roselle to further their own agenda. This is a fast pace read and sheds light on the people in the first book especially Roselle mentor and her brother.

This dose have cliff-hanger at the end too.

Happy Reading 📚📗📙📚📒📓📘📕📚📔📖📘📕📒📙📚📓📔📕📚📖
Profile Image for Lillian ☁ Cloud 9 Books ☁.
574 reviews344 followers
April 17, 2018
***** 5 #TeamReykin Stars *****

Cannot be read as a standalone.

I really wish book 3 was available.... RIGHT NOW!
I inhaled this in one day. Traitor Born was better than the first book. How is that even possible!?!?

War between different groups, deadly assassins, and traitors everywhere.

And let's not forget about 3 wonderful guys in love with Roselle. I know who my favorite is!!!

description description description description description

Profile Image for Alaina.
6,685 reviews213 followers
August 1, 2018

I absolutely loved this audio! I feel like I flew through it since I started and ended it today. After finishing this, well, I'm so freaking pumped to dive into the third book! However, the whole "waiting" thing has got to go!

Traitor Born doesn't fall under that terrible sequel category. NO! It was amazing! Maybe even better than the first one. Heck, I can't decide! I've enjoyed them both so much that I'm probably the worst person ever to choose my favorite from the two.

Roselle is a god damn bad ass. I love her so much that I could probably just talk about her for the rest of the review - I wont, but I could. Once she realizes that she has basically been a pawn her whole life and then how her mom and brother kind of want her dead.. well, shit kind of hit the fan. No, she didn't go on a revenge killing spree - I wish she did, but she didn't. Nope, this girl just realized that she can't trust anybody in this god damn world. There's danger every which way for this girl, which is kind of crazy since she's so "protected" throughout the book.

There's definitely some twists and turns thrown at you BUT the little romantic scenes? AMAZING. I still hate love triangles but damn, I don't know who to ship her with. There are so many things that I could dive into and write about in this review - but I wont. I just can't! Mostly because I will end up spoiling the entire book and there's really no point to do that.

Overall, I really freaking enjoyed this book and I don't know how I'm going to survive waiting for the next one.
Profile Image for Christa.
897 reviews76 followers
June 7, 2019
Wow this was a fun sequel! This one picks up where we left off. Roselle has been taken away from her ally Clifton to the Virtue Bowie’s palace. She is in charge of training his spoiled heir Grisholm.

There a lot of action, violence, and plotting in this one. The world building is excellent as alway. I’ve read a lot of Amy Bartol’s books and her world building is alway incredible. The glossary at the end is also helpful.

It’s hard to give a lot of detail about the plot of a sequel without giving away spoilers, so I’ll focus on the characters.

Roselle is a strong lead. She’s a tough and capable female character who is able to make difficult decisions without hesitation. Her struggles with PTSD felt real and well researched. Her conflicting feelings lwith her family were great to read. Her transition from a soldier following orders to thinking independently and taking charge was excellent.

Hawthorne is Roselle’s love interest. He’s probably my least favorite good guy, mainly because he’s white bread. Kind of boring but essential to the plot. I am looking forward to seeing where his character goes in book 3, he’s set up for an interesting plot.

Reykin is the rebel soldier Roselle saved in Secondborn. He didn’t have much time in book one, so I was glad to see more of him. He’s a compelling character who gets some great character development along this book.

Clifton is Roselle’s superior officer. He’s s first born whose family was disgraced, so he has made his own way as a weapons manufacturer and arms dealer. He’s ruthless but has a soft spot for Roselle. I adored his character in Secondborn, but he gets far less time in this book.

Agent Crow is still delightfully evil and petty. He’s a great villain who is making things tough for Roselle.

Phoenix is the sewer robot turned personal assistant as a cruel prank. I loved Phoenix, I cackled every time Phoenix had a part.

There are very few complaints overall. I still feel that Roselle needs a female friend. She makes one with Balmora, but that’s the only one. Also there are too many love interests. Or rather men interested in Roselle. Grisholm is delightfully uninterested, but Hawthorne is Roselle’s forbidden love interest, Clifton wants Roselle, there is obvious chemistry with Roselle and Reykin, and the villain Crow has a creepy fixation with Roselle. It’s just a bit much. The cast of characters needs some balance with a female friend.

I am hooked on this series and can’t wait to see where the next book goes. This one ends on a cliffhanger so I’ll be eagerly awaiting book three.

Thanks Netgalley and 47North for this arc!
Profile Image for Mel (Epic Reading).
1,019 reviews315 followers
July 10, 2019
With young adult/teen books a dime a dozen these days, it's seemingly difficult to parse through the many major publishing house options; never mind the independent ones out there.
I have been lucky enough to discover Amy A. Bartol's indie teen series Secondborn and even though there are so many cliche moments in this series I don't even care!
Note: This review is for book 2, there are spoilers for book 1 below.

Yummy Love Interest(s)
I feel like I need to disclose immediately how much I adore the main love interest for this series. This may mean that I am biased. There are also sooo many characters that could make for great romantic flings or engagements with our lead girl. In fact I found myself really wishing at times that she was bisexual so she could match up with anyone in the book! But I have no problem with the hetero choice Bartol has made here as it's very steamy; along with a healthy dose of teenage angst Bartol makes me feel like a teen having goofy puppy love thoughts again. This is quite the feat given that I'm approaching 40 years of age.

Forbidden Love
There is obviously something about the Romeo and Juliet set-up that holds larger than life appeal for humans. We instinctively want what we can't, or aren't, supposed to have. Now in this case, as our class system of first born, second born, etc. persists in this society, we know that if our rebels are successful they may create a new situation that allows them to be together. But first they need to survive getting there; both from their enemies and from hurting one another.
I do wonder, often, with teen books (and some adult ones) that include possible partners who are on opposite sides of a fence if there isn't an inherent biological need to reproduce that overpowers everything when we are attracted to someone 'dangerous' or 'unattainable'? I'm sure there is complex psychology behind the whole wanting what you can't have... At any rate, be prepared as the forbidden love from Book 1 continues at a heated rate here in Book 2 and gets tied up in other possible side romances.

So much happens in Traitor Born. We have many sub/side plots happening around our main gal; plus the occasional pop-up of scary, scary Crowe to be vigilant about. We see some of those we thought loyal to one side (or the other) begin to switch over to a new belief (for good or bad) and we see the evolution of our lead gal realizing she has to fight back as hard as anyone; and at great risk to her own life. Additionally the attacks and in-fighting with our lead gal's family, and those around her, intensifies and we find out some answers to mysteries in book 1. But don't worry Traitor Born leaves more than enough left unknown or to happen for Book 3 (Rebel Born) to tackle. And leaves us off on a huge cliffhanger!

While I would say Traitor Born is solidly in the category of cliche teen fantasy; it's also wonderful teen fantasy. Having read Book 1, and knowing what I was getting into, Bartol gave me exactly what I expected and wanted when I picked up Book 2. Never underestimate a good book that keeps you on your toes with plot; but has an atmosphere, characters, and emotions you are expecting. I don't fault Bartol for this cliche feel at all. In fact I commend her for having a teen fantasy series that is both totally unlike most out there and yet fits perfectly in the genre. This is what most readers want (in my opinion) or at least what I do; something unique but not too far outside what they expect given the genre and blurb provided for the story.
If you are craving some teen angst relationship drama, elaborate political scheming and a unique class-based society then Amy Bartol's Secondborn series is for you. If you enjoyed Book 1 even a little bit then you are sure to like Book 2 as I believe it is even better than it's predecessor.

To read this and more of my reviews visit my blog at Epic Reading

Please note: I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Nicki White.
Author 1 book37 followers
February 8, 2018
I struggled with rating this between 4 stars and 3 stars. I thought I finally settled on 4 stars, but then got to talking about the book and realized there was just too much that didn't connect with me but at the same time, 3 stars didn’t seem right either because I still enjoyed the book and still look for to the next installment. So that’s how I landed at 3 1/2 stars.

This is book two of what I believe is set to be a trilogy, but who knows anymore these days, authors are adding more and more books to series to accommodate their growing fan base.

But that’s a little off track, Secondborn (Book 1) I found to be amazing, that in fact why I waited for what seemed forever for Traitor born and thanks to NetGalley I didn’t even have to wait until April to read it. But it Traitor Born obviously did not meet the same fate a Secondborn on the five-star podium. Why what could drive a series to dip?

Well, it was overloaded with romance. Roselle are protagonist seem to have a budding relationship (romantically based) with what seems to be just about any male that came into the storyline. Which would have been fine by me if a relationship was already left on a cliffhanger from book one. I mean it was riddle with it, to the point I couldn’t keep track of if she was faking the relationship ( yes some a forged into the master plan) or if these were genuine feelings established. It was agonizing, to say the least. Let’s not even mention the cringe-worthy intimacy that awkwardly took place.

What I thought I was getting was a novel with high action and adventure. But what I got was an over the top romance novel. Ok, to be fair there was some really epic action scene, extremely developed, raw and at times frightful with the outcome of them that left me turning page after page to find out what had happened, who was responsible and who of a long cast as left remaining.

Now the world build was phenomenal. Great care went into its creations, so much so that it felt unbalanced. World Building Vs. Storyline. World building came out the champ. I felt that the story was good but that it seem to come second to the overbearing, constant long-winded description. Not saying it wasn’t well written, it most certainly was, it allowed for the who’s and what’s to become actively vivid, but it was a tad overbearing.

The books saving grace, however, was the unlikely twist of events that took place throughout the book. That is what has left me still wanting more. Bartol has a way of adding the perfect cliffhangers that you just can’t pass up on the book or books that will follow. I know that I for one look for Rebel Born which isn’t set to release until 2019…It’s going to be a long wait.
Profile Image for Amanda Kratz.
586 reviews49 followers
June 10, 2019
I really love this series. I shouldn’t, it has so many elements that annoy me and here I am grinning like a fool plowing through it in no time at all. I can’t help myself I like it.

Again the entire bases for book is ridiculous (1st borns privileged and 2nd borns slaves and not allowed to have kids) although in the sneak peek of the 3rd they did try to finally justify why the world is the way it is. Just ignore the concept and take it at face value.

Plot: This is book 2 in the second born series. Wait was there a plot in this one? Hmm. Well people die and Roselle flips around from guy to guy. It’s mostly power plays and political manipulation and we see how crazy her mom can get. That’s really it.

I hate love triangles. Despise them and here she has 3 guys Hawthorne, Reykin, and Clifton and she bounces around to each. (So more love square?). I should hate this, I should despise it, I should tear it to shreds and yet here I am reading and loving the angst. I’m constantly trying to figure out which guy to cheer for. (I do have a favorite). Every guy is “perfect” and devoted to her and her protection. It’s just too much and yet, I read happily.

The power plays and politics of this world really are fascinating. I love how Roselle is really being pulled at every angle. (I feel bad too, but it is interesting to see every side)

The writing is awkward at places. There are some really strange sentences that I’m not sure convey the scene well. Ex: “[spoiler]’s hand closed around the nape of my neck, gathering me to him. My cheek rests against his chest....”. It feels more like a strangling than a comforting scene.

Despite it all I personally love it and can’t wait for the next one!

Edit: yup I still see glaring world building issues but love it.
Profile Image for starryeyedjen.
1,719 reviews1,267 followers
April 20, 2018
Well, that was a doozy. Even more so than the first book, and not just because this cliffhanger was even more evil than the last. It's kind of taken a turn for the crazy, what with all the political machinations and ever-changing alliances, but I'm so invested in the outcome now, especially with what transpires in this sequel, that Bartol could have robots taking over the world and I'd still be here for it. Oh, wait. :P Anyway...if you've read previous books by this author, specifically the Kricket series, you know that there's bound to be more than one love interest, but I bet you didn't expect Roselle to have three guys on the hook by the end of the second book. Yup. And while I was favoring the weapons expert for awhile, I'm more interested in the gruff new guy. Well, technically, he's not new, but he and Roselle have become much better acquainted in this installment. ;) I love that this series is so well-rounded, so much action and intrigue with some romance peppered in, and I can't wait to read Rebel Born. I only wish I already had it in my hands...
Profile Image for Sláinte Wanderlust.
892 reviews384 followers
July 30, 2018

What a series! I only wish my kindle unlimited hadn't recommended it to me with so long to wait for the next book.
The author is amazing, I loved the story so far, I cannot wait to read more and I definitely will have a book hangover from this series...
Profile Image for Lena .
92 reviews47 followers
March 24, 2018
*ARC in exchange for an honest review*

Review of Secondborn (Secondborn #1)

I enjoyed this book so much more than the first one! I still felt like it had some major flaws but overall it was much more enjoyable than the first book. If you are like me, and you had serious doubts after reading Secondborn, I advise you to give this one a try. It's so much better.

I need to be honest and adres the things that still weren't okay for me. I'm going to try and be brief and afterwards I'm going to focus on all the things that I thought were good!
Things I hoped the second book would have, that I didn't get (or not as much as I hoped for):
- An explanation as to why secondborns are hated. I'm still guessing as to why everyone is putting so much effort in having all those rules that often aren't very practical when no one seems to know why? Isn't anyone in that world curious?
- Agent Crow, Roselle's mother, why do you hate the world? I don't really like characters that are just bad without a background story or some inkling of feeling in them. I would like to know what drives these people. You can't just be born with such strong feelings?
- Romances that were a bit more believable (everyone still kept falling in love with Roselle the moment they lay eyes upon her). I wasn't a fan of Hawthorn in the first book and I'm still not a fan of him now. I just kept cringing every time they met. Overall the romance in this second book gets even more complicated (I really didn't know that was possible). At one point something big happens in her love life (I'm staying vague to avoid spoiling!) and Roselle seems to have no opinion in the matter. My opinion of the romance in this book stays the same as it was in book 1, it would be such a better book if the romance wasn't in it.
- More explanations on the technology and less random situations. At one point Roselle casually mentions that there are some firstborn women who are over 150 years old and use technology to look like they are 30 or even younger. Uuuuum, why isn't this mentioned earlier? Why isn't everyone using this technology? Why are all the leaders just getting older and not using this technology? Things like this make the book feel like it wasn't put together with much care. You can't just trow around random facts like this in one sentences and expect no one to question them. Another example, in the first book we get reminded all the time that she is used to a privileged life and that she doesn't appreciate the secondborn food because she is used to eat in a palace. But, suddenly in this book, she doesn't know what foie gras is. Who even believes that? The amount of little mistakes is much less than in the first book, but there are still too many for me to not get a bit annoyed by them from time to time.

Like I said before, I'm not going to hammer on everything that still isn't good in the first book. If I would do that I shouldn't have read this book in the first place. So the next part of this review is about everything that I did enjoy about this book.

Roselle is a much better character now. Okay, she stays little miss perfect, but she isn't as unpredictable as in the first book. In the first book it felt like she did 180° jumps from damsel in distress to hardcore fighter to stubborn brad. In this book, she seems to be a more real person. She still is stubborn and doesn't want anyone to help her and I still wouldn't like her in real life. But, that's okay! I'm not going to hate a book just because of a character and I wouldn't be friends! So, definitely points for the better characters! The amount of perfectness is also a lot less. Only her fighting skills are still a bit too good to be true.

The only reason I read this book was because I wanted to give this author a second chance. I don't believe that one bad book makes a bad writer and I'm so happy I read this book. The reason I didn't give this book more than 3 stars is probably because a lot of the things I didn't like in the first book still lingered in this one. It would have been impossible to get rid of all those things, I know that. But, it still stops me from giving it more stars.

This book was actually a joy to read, after the ending I actually really want to know how the story continues!

I'm really curious how this story continuous!

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Profile Image for John Gilbert.
1,138 reviews170 followers
April 24, 2021
DNF 50%

First one in series ok, this one was incomprehensible and boring. Too bad as I loved the Cricket trilogy.

Hard when authors differ so much between fantasy series, but it happens.

Profile Image for Rebecca Elizabeth.
394 reviews43 followers
April 19, 2018
*I received an ARC from 47 North via Netgalley*

Why??? Why did it have to end like that? Ok, so cliffhangers like that are really the sweetest torture. I loved this one so much more than book 1. In book 2 so much happens. And can I shout my love for Reykin? So much love for him and for so many reasons. Roselle had so much to deal with and I felt everything she felt. I loved this book so much! I seriously wish I had book 3 right now! Oh! And the tension between Roselle and Reykin!!! Ahhh! So many feelings! This book is definitely going on my 2018 favorites. Great read!
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews322 followers
July 4, 2018
4.5 stars!!!

“No matter what happens, we endure. And we never stop striving for what we believe in.”

Amy Bartol never fails to kill me with her series, I could have died a thousand deaths reading this book. Action packed, on the edge of your seat, not knowing what way is up and what way is down just about sums up the gamut of emotions that I ran while reading this book. Holy freakin' hell.

Amy Bartol is a master storyteller and the way her visceral writing captures your imagination is second to none. I have said this time and time again, her books need to be made into films. The worlds she creates are so vivid that you have no issue in totally submersing yourself into the lives and situations her characters constantly find themselves in.

Roselle cannot catch a break, can anyone be trusted? Roselle is inherently strong and inherently intuitive but sometimes even she makes mistakes and as they piled up I became truly fearful. Roselle is a pawn in a huge game of chess, played from all sides and all angles unbeknown to her. As she finds herself in the middle of the game, who really does have her best interests at heart? With many "protectors" and even more foes, it seems the odds are stacked against her and this is not going to be an easy game to win. Roselle really has to dig deep in this one and work out just who and what she stands for.

Traitor Born was even better than Second Born, I felt that Amy Bartol came into her own in this book as the plot just flowed effortlessly. It was as if the world just clicked into place and her characters called the shots. I cannot wait for the next one and even though Rebel Born is a year out, I know it will be worth the wait. For a reader that never liked the fantasy genre I have loved everything this author has penned, her voice is perfection, her worlds like no other and her characters are easy to love. Bring it on Amy Bartol, I'm ready for my heart to be ripped out once again.

Profile Image for Megan.
282 reviews165 followers
June 5, 2019
And she did it again. Every. Single. Time. Amy Bartol is one of my all-time favorite authors. Her books are my go-to comfort reading. When I’m in a reading rut, when I need a pick-me-up, when I need that perfect sexual tension, her books are the ones I pick up. Something about her style, her world-building, the romance... perfection. And Traitor Born is no exception. Let me put your mind at ease, Bartol didn’t just avoid the dreaded second book slump, she decimated it. Traitor Born took all the great elements of Second Born and elevated them to a whole new level. Roselle continues to develop and realize how far she’s willing to go to right the wrongs in the Fates Republic. New characters are introduced, relationships continue to evolve and change, and the epic action scenes kept me on the edge of my seat. The world is so vivid and the love interests...watching Roselle navigate relationship dynamics with these guys and try to figure out her own feelings among the ongoing complexities of her life is my favorite, plain and simple. You won’t be disappointed with Traitor Born. From start to finish, you’ll be on edge, sweating, swooning, and enjoying every morsel of this delicious book. And that ending? Gah! I can’t even, people! If all that isn’t enough, you’ll get a sneak peek at the next book, Rebel Born, which promises to be an incredible third installment. The only downside of this book is that we’ll have to wait a whole year to get our hands on the next one! I received this copy from NetGalley and 47North in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dirty Dayna.
1,861 reviews108 followers
March 29, 2018
309 pages

4 Traitor Stars
This book picks up exactly where book 1 ends.
this is not a standalone by any measure and I would recommend a reread of book 1 to recall all of our players.
This book is a great dystopia for the YA genre in my opinion and it has aspects from the Hunger Games/Divergent that people enjoy. This book is not YA in its entirely with the deaths, murders, wrong doings etc that occur but more so the characters and low romance vibe. This book is more developed than the first book and you start to really be #TeamRoselle. This is one of those books you enjoy if you sit down and read it cover to cover but also one of those books that if you set it down you may not pick it back up.
This book starts to build a different love interest while sticking true to Hawthorne from book 1. You start really picking sides in the war and picking sides in Roselle’s love life. I was totally #TeamHawthorne in book 1… but nowwwww… #teamReykin and I think you will all find different love interests and futures for the characters.

The last few chapters of this book will have you flipping tables and screaming NOOOOOOO… and maybe even crying. I could warn you.. but whats the fun in that.

There are no warnings needing and there are no triggers to anyone but do rememeber this book is about war, death and a new regime.. so theres that!
Profile Image for Pamela.
213 reviews14 followers
April 19, 2019
Lovelovelove this series!!! Awesome heroine and thrilling plot with just the right amount of feels on top. Though I hope that there will be a happy ending with my personal favorite male character in the end as well! And in case you're wondering who my favorite might be and why I think they will eventually end up together: Can't wait for June and the final installment!
Profile Image for Camila.
325 reviews272 followers
April 18, 2018

This one was soooooo good and of-fucking-course the next book doesn’t come out until 2 0 1 9.

😭😭😭 Fuck. Why am I crying?

I already have my own theories of how this series will end. Knowing the authors style my heart will be shattered BUT ROSELLE AND REYKIN BETTER END UP TOGETHER.
Also, Team Reykin all the way. Allllll theeee way.
So glad he admitted he loved her. Now for the third book they better get married or something.

Ugh Amy you’re a damn near goddess when it comes to writing. You play my emotions like a violin though.

Not sure if book 3 is the end of the series or not. I assume it will be.
Profile Image for B.A. Wilson.
2,471 reviews279 followers
June 18, 2019
I decided to DNF this at chapter 7, because by that point, the story was basically all telling and no showing. Plus, book 1 ended roughly, so I was hoping book 2 was going to pull things back together and move in a good direction. When that didn't happen, it was hard to continue onward. I was so tired of hearing characters endlessly feed me backstory and logistics about the world. There were entire chapters of the characters just talking and telling backstory. Complete snoozefest.

And then after that, the author restated exactly what was going on and how the reader should feel about it all, as if the reader was too stupid to read and interpret the story for themselves. So frustrating when the writer assumes the reader isn't going to get it and over-explains everything. Readers are smart. We get it. And all the explaining about who people are and what they think wouldn't have even been necessary if the story had just shown us.

Plus the MC cries about every 5 seconds, which doesn’t even seem to align with her character, upbringing, or training at all. I mean, come on! She was raised up to be a badass warrior of a 2nd child, and yet she rarely behaves as such, except when it's suddenly convenient to the plot. All the emotions fail to resonate and are just random and out of the blue. I think they only exist so various males can comfort the MC, since she can’t seem to connect to people through any normal means.

Unfortunately, the longer I read this, the more frustrated and disappointed I became, so I had to cut my losses and move on. The storytelling is so iffy that I can't even tell if there's a plot beneath the tedious writing. So this one was not for me, but if you're more forgiving in terms of writing and storytelling, you might fare better with this. It's possible it turns around and becomes a better story further down the line, but that definitely doesn't happen in those first 6 chapters.
Profile Image for Kacy❁.
367 reviews45 followers
July 25, 2019
Well dang! That escalated quickly and it was awesome. Roselle reminds me of Aelin and I love it. This series definitely deserves more love!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,277 reviews57 followers
June 26, 2018
Roselle finds herself under the "protection" of the Virtue (the leader of all the Fates), though it feels more like a prison at times. The political maneuverings of both the Gates of Dawn and the Rose Garden Society continue and both groups want to see Roselle as 1st heir to the Sword; however, their end game differs vastly. Her mother is still trying to kill her, and good old Agent Crow is still trying to find a way to capture and torture her.

The ending is....Wow! I am downright pissed that I got hooked on this series now and have to wait until next year for the next book. I'm more of a binge reader - I like all the books available to me to power through at one time if I like the series. I LIKE this series!! I want to know what happens NOW. --- Although, if the author is going to break my heart like she did in the Kricket series, then I guess I will gladly wait. In fact, now that I think about it, perhaps 6 more months to cool my jets on these characters is a good idea. And if a few of my friends could read the next book before me and assure me that I'm not going to eat a tub of chocolate ice cream at the end, then I would be grateful.

Profile Image for Zuzana899.
503 reviews16 followers
January 6, 2018
5 brilliant stars

Yesterday I received this ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. And I had only 4 hours of sleep because of it. I just couldn’t put it down.

A few days ago I read the first installment /4 stars from me/, so I was truly excited to read the second book so soon. And it was even better than the first book! Honestly, what I loved the most was the romance. From the first book it was clear that the author will torture us with love triangle (or more, because there were actually 4 men that I saw as a potential love interest). But I say out loud that I am a Reykin fan. They had such a strong chemistry and I couldn’t help it, I kept highlighting scenes with them and I think I highlighted most of them :D.

“The sexual tension in here is savage. Find a way to be together so I don’t have to be subjected to your mating dance every day.”

Yes. I was hooked.

And no. I haven’t reread the favorite parts of the book 4-times. Not at all.

But besides of the romance, the story was very interesting and sometimes cute and sometimes sad and the ending was..... surprising. I didn’t expected it but thankfully there was excerpt from the third book. THANKS GOD

It’s one of the best books I’ve read lately, I added it to my favorite list.
Profile Image for Archives of Jina.
529 reviews197 followers
June 4, 2019
I hear the most amazing words leave Reykin’s lips and it’s amongst chaos. What a damn ending. I never expected so many damn people to die. Dune? Like what a horrible way to go. Agent Crow now having Roselle is also amazing and bad, he’s just such a great villain. But I know Reykin and Roselle are going to fuck shit up in the next book. I’m so excited to read it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 707 reviews

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