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The name on the screen was “Absinthe.” But I knew her as the sultry voice blowing up my phone for late night chats about Proust and Hemingway interspersed between the filthiest little … mutually satisfying exchanges ... I'd ever experienced in my life. We’d never met.  Until the day she walked into my office, her cherry lips wrapped around a candy apple sucker and an all too familiar voice that said, “You wanted to see me, Principal Hawthorne?” AUTHOR’S This full-length romance is a complete standalone and contains subject matter that may trigger sensitive readers. All characters are adults and all interactions are consensual. :-)

310 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 8, 2017

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Winter Renshaw

71 books4,427 followers

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Profile Image for Hulya Kara Yuksel.
1,023 reviews1,255 followers
August 24, 2017

This book was just so fucking perfect!!! I loved it... :)

And I'm sure just like me when you look at this book cover you're gonna think, hmm this must be one of those forbidden love stories and probably they're gonna bang each other with countless times... Well, let'me tell you something, this book will surprise you very much because this story was more emotional than I expected and there was less sex scenes in this book than I'd thought. And I was really okay with that. <3

Anyway long story short, I really enjoyed every moment of this story. ;)

Ps. My dearest friend Dilek have recommend this book to me and I just want to say thank you babes! ;)
You can read her AMAZING review from this link... <3
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,601 followers
February 28, 2020
4,5 stars rounded up to 5


Being alone was all I knew. I was all I had, really. That and books. Losing myself for hours in worlds that only existed in the confines of a paper jacket was my only escape from a life I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemy.


The book begins with a quote from F. Scott Fitzgerald:

“First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you.”

And it ends with a quote from Virgina Wolf:

“In case you ever foolishly forget, I am never not thinking of you.”

The rest in between is something very emotional, sad, but beautiful and poetic.

It has a HEA, don’t worry. But until it comes, the story makes you suffer as our hero and heroine suffer.


Warning: Don’t judge this book by its cover!

Don’t look at the terrible cover with the naked guy and assume that this is a hot, dirty and light book.

On the contrary, the hot scenes are actually towards the end of the book and they are rare, like one or two. At the beginning of the book, what you will find is some dirty talk on a dating app and only virtual sex on the phone, nothing more.

So if you need a hot forbidden romance, this won’t do it for you. The dirty and hot parts are mostly virtual and except for the last 20% of the book, there is no nookie at all – just a small kiss.

And when it actually happens… well, I wasn’t satisfied with what the writer gave us after all that suffering and waiting. I was kind of disappointed because the virtual ones raised my expectations so much, and I needed a bigger explosion when it really happened.

If those parts were satisfying as well, then the book would easily be solid 5 stars or more for me....


The plot:

Ford (aka Kerouac) meets Halston (aka Absinthe) first virtually on a dating web site called Karma.

Karma is an innovative dating app that forces users to earn “karma points” before certain information is revealed. For example, ten karma points allows you to see each other’s photo. Twenty karma points allows you to exchange email addresses. Thirty karma points allows you to exchange phone numbers.

Absinthe wants to meet Kerouac in real life but however much tempting it sounds, he resists because of his own issues.

They meet in real life out of their control, though, later but this time Halston is a student at the school where Ford is the principal.

Whoops, from a dirty and hot fantasy in the virtual world to a forbidden love in real life!

What changes now?

Well, when it is virtual, it is dirty and hot, with a deep emotional connection growing sneakily between them. When they meet in real life, nothing really happens because no matter how strongly she pushes, he resists! Not that he isn’t attracted as much, but because he wants to act ethically and professionally.

Well, I would have preferred if he had chosen her over his career or something like that, but whatever….


Then, shit somehow goes down and we have a long and sad part during which they are separated for 5 years because of misunderstandings and lack of communication. It is so frustrating and sad at the same time. I was mostly angry with the hero, Ford; I wanted to kick him so hard that he would come to his senses.

And all along the novel, I wanted to find Halston, hug her and try to console her, making her feel loved. I felt so so sorry for the life she had to live and I was so proud of her because of what she became in the end and how she rose above the pile of shit she was living in and became this fascinating loving woman although she wasn’t on the receiving end that much.


The HEA eventually comes after both of them suffer for 5 years… in vain…

He could have changed it but he didn’t.

I will never forgive him for that but I must say that he had his reasons so I cannot blame him all that much. I just would have preferred if he had shown the same effort that she did to be together. He never did! He suffered in his own mess, blaming her for the very wrong reasons until he came to his senses.


My rating:

Normally, when I am that angry with the hero, I do not give the book a high rating but I can’t give this beautiful book a low grade just because I was angry with him for so long.

I was also not satisfied with their intimate scenes when they finally happened towards the end but I still cannot give the book a low grade because of that disappointment of mine.

Despite its faults and shortcomings, this book still deserves a high rating in my opinion. I want more people to read it, to be aware of it. Despite its few flaws, it is still a very good book and a very beautiful story that touched my heart.

Thus, I only deduct half a point and give it 5 out of 4,5 :)


Let me advise you to watch this Youtube video about "The legend of the Absinthe: Green Fairy" before you read the book so that you can later feel how well this nickname fits Halston, the heroine.


Now, I am leaving you with some quotes from the book, which may help you decide if you want to read it or not…

“Goodbye, Kerouac. It’s been nice talking to you. I hope someday you find exactly what you were looking for. I’m sorry I couldn’t be your exception.”


I may have just broken her. “You should go now,” I say.
She does.
And the moment she’s gone, it’s as if someone’s blown a cannon-sized hole through my chest, heavy and gaping.


“I waited for you,” I say, voice breaking. “You asked me to wait for you. You said you loved me. So, I waited. I waited five fucking years.”


The last thing I need is to be reminded of everything I lost five years ago…

Exhaling, I feel a bittersweet smile curl across my lips as I think about Ford. He used to look at me like I was the only person in the room, the only thing that mattered.
For a brief sliver of my short life, that man wanted me.
And for the last five years, all I’ve wanted was to recapture that … to have that one more time.


A folded piece of hotel monogrammed paper slides out of the book, and I catch it before it lands on the floor.
I read.
And time stands still.
There are no sounds around me, no hustle and chatter of guests in the lobby, no dinging of elevators or whooshing of sliding doors.
It’s just her words on paper.



* Rape / Child abuse - Yes but it is told in reported speech, not happening in real time in graphic detail.

* Cheating – No, not in my opinion - but if you are too sensitive, her kissing some other guy may bother you. I didn't mind it because she was rejected by our hero.

* Separation - Yes, too long! 5 f*cking years!

* Celibacy - Yeap, they were miserable and celibate… both of them!



Hot alpha hero – Yes

Frustrating hero – Yes

Strong or weak heroine? – Well, that depends on your interpretation. If you ask me, she was strong enough for my taste. Her only weakness was her love for Ford. But she carried that weakness in such an amazing way that I couldn’t help but adore her.

Age difference - Yes. He is in his late twenties when they meet whereas she is 19.

Recommend it?

Well, this is not a book to be missed if you ask me… no matter how frustrating it is at times...
Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,232 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
May 30, 2022
the internalised misogyny in just the first chapter was nauseating, wow. we get it, Halston, you’re not like other girls.

her only friend is Emily, who she wouldn’t actually be friends with if she had any other options... nice. she makes Emily out to be meek, inferior and boring just bcos Emily doesn’t wanna smoke a cigarette that Halston is pressuring her to try. i mean, maybe Emily isn’t a huge fan of lung cancer, but hey! what do i know?

she rolls her eyes at Emily for not knowing how to smoke the cigarette. cos Halston is such a cool girl.

and i can see why you only have one friend if you’re this much of a pretentious bitch that you make fun of a sweet girl who’s your friend? she plans on corrupting Emily bcos she sees it as her “duty” bcos it’s in Emily’s best interest to not go off to college the way she is now? i– who put you in charge, babe?

the moment i read this sentence, i wanted to off myself ngl.
She’s a mouse; timid, quiet, with brown hair and small eyes. I’m a lion; crazy blonde mane, opinionated, and fearless.


why is being timid and quiet so repulsive?? why are we pitting two types of femininity against each other so one can come out on top and shit all over the other? you don’t need to put down the rest of your gender, Halston, to be a cool girl. you’re not “opinionated”, you’re a nasty and annoying bitch.

and y’all can come for me and say im being hypocritical and misogynistic for slating this bitch till kingdom come. well, if im the villain so fucking be it bcos it’s just straight facts :)

so i wouldn’t call Halton a “lion”... more like a dung-beetle. just carrying around a load of shit that she seems to spew on a regular basis, unprovoked, (seriously, she just said random nasty shit for no damn reason) and thinks it’s poetic and edgy. you see, she’s poetic and edgy bcos she likes Hemingway, reads The Great Gatsby and says “fuck” in class. she’s not like other teens her age.

i seriously still want to bang my head against a wall. like you don’t understand how grossly infuriating this girl was.

then, Halston goes home to see her cousin Bree... who is, according to Halston, wasting some of the best years of her life bcos she’s studying and likes to read...

hmmm, again. who put you in charge of what’s the “right” way to spend your time? god, she was insufferably pig-headed. especially since she was licking the ghost of Hemingway’s arse so good the man was probably quivering in his grave. so idk why for Bree reading and studying was a waste, but for Halston it made her edgy and cool and not-like-other-girls.

then proceeds to add (about Bree);

She’s flat-chested, thin-lipped, and a spoiled only child who’s never known what it feels like to go to bed with an empty stomach or to have to scrape mold off bread or pour expired milk onto stale cereal.

damn. would ya fuck off. i beg you. 1) why are you bringing her looks into your inner dialogue completely unprovoked? 2) she’s spoilt just bcos her parents actually care about her and she’s never had to suffer the shit you have? that makes her spoilt?? you can have your trauma without invalidating other people and their experiences, for fuck sake.

her woe is me act was just as bad as her internalised misogyny.

oh and let’s not forget her shitting on her neighbour (a single mother) bcos she likes sex? bcos she’s seen the woman have men come and go from her house? again, who made you the authority on what women should and shouldn’t do, Halston??

and that was all within the first chapter. it was suffocating. her faux-femme fatale vibes were eye-roll inducing. i couldn’t bare it, so byeeeee.

if i ever catch this bitch in the streets

Profile Image for warhawke.
1,442 reviews2,166 followers
August 20, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Dual

Halston Kessler grew up with nothing. As a high school student she aspired to change her life and be something. One impulsive moment brought her to a dating site where she found a well read man that challenge her opinion.

Ford Hawthorne had needs. Due to the sensitive nature of his new job as the principal of a prestigious school, he turned to the anonymity of online hook up. Never would he have thought the one that stirred his mind and body would be someone forbidden.

I'm not really a fan of student-teacher romance. But (beside the sexy cover) this book caught my attention with the blurb that suggested it might be something different. And it really did offer something different.

“You shouldn’t idealize anyone. That’s how people get hurt. Hearts get broken.”

Ford was not your typical principal. He was young, but took his responsibility seriously. He was firm, but without the hard edges.

And when I glance up at her, all I see is my future going down in flames because I want nothing more than to feel her naked body on mine, her hips grinding on my cock, her full breasts bouncing with each thrust as her mouth finds mine in the dark.

Halston started as a stereotypical teenager. But soon enough you'd see another side of her. While she enjoyed her life, she also knew not to risk her future.

I love the storyline. I was engrossed from the beginning to the end. It was angsty which satisfied my need for pain lol! However, I had a bit of a problem with the ending. It felt too rushed after everything they went through. Also, this is a personal preference but I'd be perfectly content without the epilogue.

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Profile Image for  Sonya ♕Chatterbooks book blog♕.
1,000 reviews1,164 followers
August 8, 2017

Before we get into this review, can we all just take a moment to appreciate this hot as hell cover?! I seriously don’t even remember half of my review when I look at this so this is going to be a difficult review. Aside from the drool worthy cover, . Absinthe wasn’t your ordinary student/ teacher romance where you’re overtaken by lust and a few complications and then you get a happily-ever-after. There were so many layers to this story and I loved getting to see them all.

Halston is the type of girl that says what she means and makes no apologies for it. Some would call her bitchy and others would probably say she has no filter but love her or hate her, she’s fearless in her words. From having a rough childhood that no one should ever have to go through to now living with her Uncle and attending the best high school in the county, Halston is well on her way to graduating and saying goodbye riddance to the rest of her family. Looking to blow off some steam before the new school year starts, Halston decides to try a dating app to talk to someone. What starts out as an instant connection but knowing they’ll never meet, will soon have their world’s colliding in more ways than one.

“Sometimes people were born with silver spoons, I was born with a rusted pairing knife.

Being the new Principal of one of the most prestigious high-school is stressful. Moving to a new town to take that job and not knowing anyone yet? That’s enough to make anyone to start drinking. So why not talk to someone online for a while to make the summer go by faster? Talking to a smart woman who quotes from some of the best literature pieces of all time? Sign him up. But when a student walks into his office for being reprimanded by her teacher, the last thing Ford expects is to hear that sultry voice that’s been a constant play in his head over the summer suddenly replaying some familiar words back to him.

One of the things that always make a great story for me is whether or not I’m going to like the female character. If I don’t have a connection with her or If I find her completely bitchy, that’s going to hinder my enjoyment of the story and ultimately make me bitchy but I’m happy to say that this did not happen. Halston was a strong lovable heroine and I felt so much for her on a deeper level. She didn’t pity herself or tried to be different in her new surroundings, she stayed true to who she was and she worked hard.

My only issue with this one was that I wanted Ford and Halston to have more time together. They were connected perfectly online and their chemistry in person was undeniable but I felt like they could’ve had more time instead of just stolen words and miscommunications. Now with that being said, if you’re a fan of student/ teacher romance, I think you’re going to like this one. It’s certainly different from what I’ve read before and I liked that. Change is good sometimes and this author definitely switched it up and put her own mark on it.

*Teaser used is from the author's page.

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Profile Image for Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••.
987 reviews1,936 followers
September 12, 2017
I didn't know what I was going to get when I went into this book. What I got was an awesome sweet surprise.

I'm not going to lie, the first bit of this book was slow for me. Then once things started happening around the 35% mark, it was amazing.

Halston had lived a life full of let downs, abuse, and learning people aren't what they say they are. So when she is taken in by her uncle and aunt she doesn't expect anything life changing to happen. Like meeting someone that will impact her life in a way she has sworn would never happen. Yeah no way.

Ford Hawthorne is starting his professional career with his dream job. He isn't about to let anything or anyone come in his way of achieving his dreams. He's determined to be the best, no matter who he leaves behind, no matter who he refuses to give attention too. When the unimaginable happens that squashes his dream, he automatically blames the only person that could have done this to him. He doesn't question, he doesn't even defend himself (which pisses me off). He just accepts and moves on.

Years go by with no contact at all. When Halston & Ford are brought back together, it's not such an easy start. Lots of misunderstanding. Some very hurtful words and some actions that are not forgettable.

After finally coming together,It ends beautifully and I think it couldn't have been any better!!
In the end, I recommend this one. The beginning may be slow but it comes together wonderfully.

Profile Image for NMmomof4.
1,652 reviews4,586 followers
August 16, 2017
2.5 Stars

Overall Opinion: I think I am just not a match with this author. In looking at my bookshelves and the books I've read in the past, sadly I've never rated one of her books higher than 3 Stars (mostly are rated 2.5).

I feel like the overall premise and the beginning was good! I was sucked in and I was really enjoying the book. But then it seemed to slam on the breaks.

I'm going to put a spoiler tag because I get a little ranty...

Brief Summary of the Storyline: This is Halston and Ford's story. They meet on a dating app under pseudonyms and start a casual virtual relationship through instant messaging and email. They connect through their love of classic literature. They are both shocked to meet in person when Halston is sent to Ford's office as her high school principal. They have to adjust to their new reality, and end up separated. Years later, they are reunited and cannot deny the strong feelings that they still have for each other. There is some family and career drama, a few sexy times...and they get a HEA ending.

POV: This alternated between Halston and Ford's POV.

Overall Pace of Story: Good. There are some significant time jumps (that I know some people have issues with). I never skimmed and I thought it flowed well. Just FYI -- It does end at 85% in my kindle app (which always annoys me when it doesn't go to the end).

Instalove: Yes! The feelings of love seemed to come out of nowhere! The instalust I understood, but not the love.

H rating: 3 stars. Ford. He was ok. His hot and cold bothered me.

h rating: 3.5 stars. Halston. I liked her for the most part. She was strong for all that she went through, but she did come across like a doormat at the end.

Sadness level: Low, no tissues needed

Push/Pull: Yes

Heat level: Good. They have some good tension, chemistry, and scenes -- but only a few scenes and not so much it takes away from the story. They take a while to be intimate for the first time (at 73% out of 85%).

Descriptive sex: Yes

Safe sex: Yes

OW/OM drama: Yes

Sex scene with OW or OM: No

Cheating: No

Separation: Yes

Possible Triggers: Yes

Closure: This had a cute epilogue with what I would call a HEA ending.

How I got it: I got it with my kindle unlimited subscription.

Safety: This one should be Safe for most safety gang readers
Profile Image for Belle.
566 reviews568 followers
May 29, 2018
1.5/5 stars

This wasn’t all together bad per say, but it wasn’t overly interesting. It took me over a week to read, which is unheard of for me, and it had nothing to do with the size of the book. I would read a few pages and then my eyes would stray, nothing captured my attention and I don’t think the author created enough depth to her characters.

The premise was something I assumed I would love; a romantic relationship between a student (over the age of eighteen) and her high school principle, all before the start of school through an anonymous dating app. But it just missed the mark for me, there were too many different plot points (present and past) that didn't have enough detail. Central characters from the beginning were discarded halfway through, never mentioned again. It quickly became very disjointed and all over the place.

There were all these hard hitting factors about the characters; Halston having had grown up with addicts for parents and had been raped multiple times when she was a young child. In hopes I don't sound like a psychopath, I didn't feel much for the character. These points were factual and strangely written, clearly there for no other reason than to create sympathy.

My heart should have been breaking for her, but all the characters came off as one-dimensional and without much emotion on paper, and the aforementioned tragedies were breezed over and never mentioned again. These were things that should have been at the forefront of her character and define the person she had become—but instead it was mentioned briefly to show how "strong" her character was because she hadn't been affected.

I don't care how strong of a person you are, being pimped out by your father when you're still a child yourself, barely in your teens, is going to have a lasting and strong impact. There are going to be psychological trauma, you're not going to smile and be off on your merry way. And you're definitely not going to be calmly discussing, a few years later, that your father wants to come back into your life after all he did.

I mean, I'm not a grudge holder by any means, but this seems like a crazily unnatural response. Is it just me? idek anymore. It just seems like a bit of a kick in the teeth to all those people who have been through something as traumatic, the fact people are writing characters who don't show the lasting psychological trauma.

It began to irritate me when the book suddenly had all these time jumps. This is a book pet peeve of mine, I feel like it’s a cheap way to show history and isn't creative. These time jumps were excessive, you got only a chapter for every “one year later” and there were six time jump chapters all together. All within the last quarter of the story.

“one year later . . .”
“one year later . . .”
“one year later . . .”

So on, so on. Enough already, geez.

Not only did the story jump around so much and not allow you to watch the characters develop or get a good sense of their personality; but nothing of consequence happened in these chapters. Halston’s were all about her trying to find Ford, and his chapters were all about him doing absolutely nothing with his life, getting drunk to deal with the fact that he ruined his career over a nineteen year old student. All of course while blaming her for his loss of career.

Despite the fact he was the mature adult in a position of power, but that doesn't matter. Logic.

The beginning of the story had good potential, and I think if I got to see the growth in the characters and their love, I would have enjoyed it more. I just didn’t enjoy that fact they’d been separated for four/five years and the second Halston writes him a letter, they’re back together again.

Very anticlimactic, in my* opinion.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Natalie  ~ The Biblioholic.
2,692 reviews1,383 followers
March 11, 2020
This story officially popped my Winter Renshaw cherry… and I have absolutely no regrets!! Gosh, where do I even start? How about that cover? They definitely didn’t make Principal’s who looked like that back in my day. Not sure how I would have been able to focus on my studies.

Yup, I would most assuredly be obsessed. Unless there was a course on how to effectively stalk his fine azz, I’d fail terribly!!

Seriously though, I enjoyed the heck out of the concept of this story. It wasn’t your typical student-teacher taboo relationship. Halston/Absinthe had it rough growing up and had moved into her uncle’s home to complete her last year of high school. She was behind a bit and so she’d be turning 19 during the school year. The reasons for her being behind are part of her back story so I won’t bother going into detail. Just know that her life wasn’t easy. Ford/Kerouac was starting a new job as a principal and was working on staying in control and keeping his life in order. That left no room for any sort of impropriety or anything that could negatively affect his reputation. He wasn’t interested in getting caught slipping, which left no room for a real-life hookup.

For the most part, the story takes place the summer before classes start. These two connect through the use of usernames on a dating app. Although they shared an instant connection, Ford made it clear that they were never going to meet. Pretty soon, these two are falling for each other, however, Ford is unwilling to bend his rules. Until he believes that ‘Absinthe’ is just the right woman to break all of them for. So what happens when Halston is sent to the Principal’s office for the first time? Heh heh, you’ll just have to read the book to find out! It’s a story full of heart, chemistry, steam, and love and a story that will leave you feeling well entertained.

Release Date: August 8, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance
POV: Dual - 1st person
Heat: 3.5 out of 5
Type: Standalone
Profile Image for ❥ KAT ❥ Kitty Kats Crazy About Books.
2,416 reviews9,973 followers
August 7, 2017
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ABSINTHE: Is a standalone forbidden romance novel by Winter Renshaw. In this we meet Ford Hawthorne in his late twenties and seventeen year old Halston, also spoken in ‘Dual Perspectives’

ab.sin.the (noun)
Highly intoxicating
Dangerously addictive
And formerly forbidden until now!

Some people were born with silver spoons. I was born with a rusted paring knife.

Halston has been under the care of her uncle her permanent residence until she graduates high school which she's behind one year due to have two meth head parents that cared more about chasing their highs to sending their only daughter to school.

Ford Hawthorne is the newly appointed Principal at at Rosefield High, new in town, lonely

These two met in the most unconventional way, two lost souls anonymous behind their computer screens sees them both signing up on a dating website for various reasons under the screen names (Absinthe and Kerouac) and form a most beautiful friendship, neither knows anything about the other, to learn more you have to earn points, 10 points gives you their profile picture, more points there email addy and then you move up to the next level where you can text. Boundaries set that they will never meet.

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Imagine his surprise when a student is represented to him for swearing and corrupting the class, as soon as she opens her mouth and speaks he knows standing in front of him is his Absinthe, the woman that got under his skin over the summer holidays. The shock, the scandal it would cause if it ever got out that he'd been chatting to a student would destroy his life, worse too if he even stepped over that line that he swears he will never step. But what if that pull is stronger than either of them?

With his chiseled jaw, dimpled chin, thick, dark hair, and hooded, honey brown eyes. Principles are supposed to be old with grey hair, glasses and dad bods. They're not supposed to look like fucking supermodels.

Lately I've been dipping my toes in all and everything forbidden so I couldn't wait to see what this new author to me threw at me.

I really loved these two characters, what I was hoping for was that feeling of trepidation as they cross the line from teacher/student into a forbidden, taboo territory but sadly it didn't go there as much as I wanted it to. But with that being said I still really really enjoyed this story, the angst, the feels, the love I felt everything this author put into words.

The story flowed effortlessly and once I got into the story I was invested to see how it all panned out. You completely connect with Halston, the girl that had a body and voice of a temptress but the tongue of a serpent, a rough, unloved, unwanted upbringing that made her into one of the most beautiful strongest heroines I've come across.

* Teaser used is off the authors facebook age *

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Profile Image for K.
391 reviews76 followers
September 29, 2017
4 Stars!

Let me say I went into this book blind and did not read the synopsis. And overall I think it was a great quick read! I really enjoyed the dating app theme with all the texting and phone calls. Something about reading texts in a book just gets me every time. So this book was about a girl, Halston aka Absinthe, who has a troubled past meets this guy, Ford aka Kerouac, on a dating app! It is an anonymous app where you dont even discover what the person on the other end looks like until you have been talking for about a week. After talking and becoming close during the entire summer, Halston and Ford find out something devastating to their relationship. Ford is the new principal at the school where Halston is a senior at! :O Talk about taboo relationship. Anyway a couple set backs happen and they are separated from each other for 5 years.

One thing I didn't like about the book was this whole 5 years later part. I feel as though the story could have been developed more so that there wasn't this random 5 year gap between the main character's interactions.

So after they meet again, of course every thing is angsty and complicated...but they end up living happily ever after. So the last couple chapters of the book are about them having children and being completely happy for once in their lives. Reminder this book is only 288 pages...so when you try to create a happy ending with marriage and babies...it comes off as a little rushed. I would have liked more detail and progression/transition between the years.

Overall I enjoyed reading this book. It had smut and angst and taboo love! Also, the author is really funny and I laughed out loud a couple times! I would recommend readers to give this one a try!
Profile Image for TJ *Book Twins Reviews*.
1,118 reviews2,567 followers
December 5, 2017
WOW! I don't even know where to start! That was an experience I won't soon forget.
I adored the main character SO MUCH!! She's brilliant, beautiful, strong, confident, and a real trooper. Despite a troubled past and not so great current situation, she perseveres and doesn't let life get the best of her. There's nothing better! I'm seriously blown away by her.

The story is entertaining, witty, and sexy. It's smart and engaging! I honestly had no idea what to expect when I went into this story, but it wasn't this. It was one of the best surprises ever. The writing, characters, and plot are the best I've read from Winter Renshaw. In fact, I'm going on record to say this is her very best work to date!

The book is edgy and seductive. I'm over the moon impressed. I won't continue to gush for long, but it's a really great student / teacher romance. The characters and the writing progresses along with the story. While I'm not a huge fan of huge time spans in romance novels, this one works. It gives the reader the additional level of angst and gut-punch they need to really feel invested and moved by the story. It's executed very well here. Kudos to Winter Renshaw for penning an amazingly engaging and sexy read. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Myla.
634 reviews120 followers
August 18, 2017

This book just blew me away! The story of Ford and Halston is enthralling the moment I started reading it! I can't put it down and losing sleep is so worth it!It's angsty and exciting at the same time to see what will happen to our Absinthe & Kerouac. As always Winter Renshaw wrote this one flawlessly. The pacing of each scene was perfect! If you haven't read a book by this author, this can your first and you'll love it. Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Geo Just Reading My Books.
1,380 reviews327 followers
January 1, 2022
Translation widget on the blog!!!
3.5* Goodreads
"Absint" se dovedește a fi un roman ușor de citit, care te prinde în mreje de la primele pagini, dar care stârgește o gamă variată de emoții cititorului aducând în prim plan diferite situații cu care se confruntă personajele.
Recenzia mea completă o găsiți aici:
Profile Image for Katerina.
796 reviews304 followers
April 17, 2018
My sister recommended this to me, but I never take her picks seriously because reads a romance book rarely. But, she promised me it's safe but I don't think she really gets the whole safety concept. And there I was pronouncing the title all wrong "ab sin thee" and she was fucking calling me a joke because it's "ab-sinth" which I'm sure everyone else but me realised.

But damn it was good. I don't think I'll be able to summarise very well but in essence Halston is a foster child, who is has moved into town recently and is now living with her maternal uncle, his wife, and daughter who is a year younger. Both of them are seniors, but Halston is nearly 19, due to her mess of a childhood hindering her education.

She joins a dating site called Karma which essentially is an anon site you gain points on, and can only talk to one user for the duration of your time on the app because it aims to build relationships. Once you stop speaking to the user you may never contact them again, and can then seek another user. Absinthe aka Halston and Kerouac aka Ford bond over their love of literature, and then become wrapped up in this online affair however they know they will never meet irl.

Not a virgin, frankly I will wave a flag up and say she was sexually abused as a child as she was pimped out by her parents for a year at 13. Incredibly strong, self aware, confrontational, "sensual"/ a bit of a loud mouth, smart.

Until she meets her principle. A man in his late twenties. And recognises his voice from the phone sex they have had. He's experienced and a complete commitment phobe.

Safe with exception. She gets a boyfriend her senior year to mess with her cousin because it's her cousins "crush". Kisses him etc in front of Ford but tbh, it was fine, because Ford wouldn't have her and I feel like she was trying to provoke him at all times. She messes with him.

He was mean to her when they reacquaint because of an obvious misunderstanding where he lost his career and she was shipped off to boarding school but he never physically touches her when she is his student. He refuses to. He totally fell in love with her, sent her a message on the app stating that he would wait, and bam their happy ending was snatched and they were separated for five years. It was her cousin who screwed shit up for them. I don't think I'm selling it well, BUT, there's a separation of five years with both parties being celibate. But good interesting story complete with kids and a HEA. Hard to explain because there's a complicated plot which made for interesting reading.
Profile Image for Vanessa Booked Up.
962 reviews458 followers
March 23, 2020
3.5 Stars

This was my first read by this author. I loved the literary references. Loved the Prologue. The book definitely hooks you in early.

This books started out so strong and had all the potential in the world to be a 5-star read. I’ve never wanted to junk punch a hero more. What an arrogant prick. I hate stories with I could've somewhat forgiven it if there was some MAJOR grovelling involved but there was not. Whatsoever.

Very frustrating. Had so much potential. Loved Halston. She was a wonderful heroine.

Enjoyed it overall, but like I said, fell flat in the end. The first 62% of this book was a full 5-star read for me.

Great audio.
Profile Image for c a r í.
916 reviews175 followers
October 11, 2020
“Some people are born with silver spoons. I was born with a rusted paring knife. And still, it didn’t break me.”

Out of all student-teacher romance out there, this book surpasses my expectation in every single way, how the story took a different turn and twist and the outcome, I wouldn't wanted it in another way. The wordplay is captivating and sensational. You can feel how compassionate Halston and Ford as a characters. How depth the plot device was. all around dynamic of the storyline singe to my heart.

Her love for me is sweet and understated yet undeniable present until the very last word on the page. And that may be the saddest part of all—she still loves me. And she gave up on me. Because I let her go.

“I’ve loved you since the very beginning. And I’ll love you until the very end.”

“Absinthe + Kerouac Always”
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,478 reviews433 followers
January 20, 2022
Great and beautiful book!
I loved the story, was the same but different!!!!
It’s worth the reading!
Profile Image for moi, k.y.a..
1,981 reviews366 followers
August 26, 2017
Hem kitap hem de karakterler hakkında tarafsızım. Kendini okuttu belki ama bana geçen bir şey olmadı. Kafama takılan yerleri sevdim/sevmedim şeklinde bırakacağım buraya, o kadar.

Sevmedim: Kahramanın dilinden anlatılan kitaplarda bakış açısı değiştirilmesinden hoşlanmıyorum. Hele hele böyle kısa bölümlerin olduğu bir kitapta, karakterler arası geçişler beni çok yordu. Bölümler biraz daha uzun tutulmuş olsaydı belki bu konu canımı bu kadar sıkmazdı elbette.

Sevdim: Karakterlerin kitaplarla bağını, Klasik Amerikan Edebiyatı’ndan yaptıkları alıntılar, göndermeler güzeldi. Yolda, okumadığım bir kitaptı, sayelerinde Eylül listemde üstelik. Bu kadar bahsi geçince Kerouac’ı tanımak farz oldu.

Sevmedim: Bir çöpçatanlık uygulaması üzerinden görüşen karakterlerimizin mesaj/e-posta görüşmelerini beğenmedim. Özellikle Halston’ın uygulamadan bir anda çıkışları yok muydu? 😩

Sevdim: Malum uygulamamız, sitenin kullanım oranını yükseltmek için puanlama sistemi kullanıyor. Belli seviyeye ulaştıkça yeni haklar kazanıyor üyeler. Sırayla şunlara erişiyorsunuz; fotoğraf, e-postası, telefon numarası. Tabii bu e-posta ve numara sanal numara gibi bir şey, kişisel numarayı vermiyor.
Bu arada, sevdiğim kısma geçmek için siteyi anlatıyorum, haberiniz olsun. askhjfjdhg
Telefon numaralarına erişim hakkı kazandıkları anda konuşmalar daha güzelleşmeye başladı bana göre.

Sevmedim: 5 yıl.
Koskoca 5 yıl.
Ve ikisi de bu kadar sadık.
Gel de inan.
Karakterlerimiz bu kadar umutsuz, ihanete uğratılmış gösterilirken neden hayatlarında kimse olmadı. Ben hiç inandırıcı bulmadım. Hiç yoktan Ford’un hayatında birileri olmalıydı. Bu kadar dağılmış olması abartı kaçmıştı sanki.

Ve Gene Sevmedim: Bu kapak ne alaka yahu?

- Halston’ın dolu dolu geçmişine üstünkörü dokunulmuştu. Yazar bu yönden deşmiş olsaydı kitap daha başka bir boyut alırdı diye düşünüyorum. Keşke yaralı ve güçlü kadın profilini öne çıkartsaydı.

- Tanıtımı nedeniyle öğretmen-öğrenci ilişkisinin olduğu bir kitap bekliyordum. Ama bu kısım (da diğerleri gibi) zayıf kalmıştı. Daha çok okul sahnesi okuyabilirdik. Daha çok komşuculuk oynayabilirlerdi.

- Beş yıl sonra olan hiçbir şey tatmin edici değildi.

Sonuç: Yazarın elinde kullanılabilecek geçmişe sahip bir karakter vardı ama bunun hakkını veremedi. Güzel bir uygulama fikri vardı, bunu eh işte, işleyebildiği kadar işledi. Öğretmen-öğrenci ilişkisi klişeydi ama işleyip zirveyi görmek yerine onu da üstünkörü geçmişti. Geriye kalan kısmı da zaten ben beğenmedim.
Asıl sonuca ulaşırsak; kendini okutan bir kalemi olmasına karşın yazar konuyu/konuları işleyememişti. Her şeyden biraz bahsedip bitirilmiş gibi geldi bana kitap.
Profile Image for Jenny - TotallybookedBlog.
1,886 reviews2,067 followers
December 22, 2018

“I’m in love with the idea of you. You’re in love with the idea of me. Now we just need a good twist and a couple of complications.”

This is our first book by Winter Renshaw and we really enjoyed this student teacher romance with a difference. We have to say it wasn’t at all what we were expecting however that did not diminish our reading experience rather it enhanced it. It was just what we were in the mood for with high angst, the forbidden and the second chance love aspect.

Absinthe was a quirky sexy and provoking read; it was well written and the characters were fun, sassy and had emotional depth. To be honest the cover doesn’t do this story justice as it was not erotica nor was it filled with nookie. It was story and character based first and foremost written around an intense attraction between Halston and Ford.

‘Some people are born with silver spoons. I was born with a rusted paring knife. And still, it didn’t break me.’

Halston is an eighteen year old girl who’s living with her uncle after a horrific childhood with her alcoholic parents. She’s an old soul and wiser beyond her years. She’s got a cold demeanour and is hard to warm to. However, that is her and whilst she’s not the kind of heroine we normally connect with we did understand her and hoped she would get the happiness and love she deserved. Joining a secret dating app under the name Absinthe she strikes up a conversation with the elusive Kerouac. Suddenly someone cares and what begins as online sexy flirting soon turns into an intense bond between two strangers. Or are they strangers….? Enter the new school Principal!

“And I don’t have a story. I’m just the girl that nobody ever wanted.”

If you enjoy high angst, forbidden love and student/teacher books then this definitely ticks those boxes, albeit quite different from others in this category as it spans years and is low on the heat factor which for us was a refreshing change.

“We were the good ones. We have good hearts and good souls and we deserve to be happy. We deserve each other.”

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Profile Image for Alaina.
6,685 reviews213 followers
March 28, 2018

I loved this because I didn't expect anything that actually happened. Nope, I thought it was going to be like a lot of the love affairs I've seen from previous books with a teacher/principle and a student. I like that Absinthe kept me on my toes. You do you book!

I loved, freaking loved, Ford and Halston. I didn't really cringe at the type of relationship they had.. but I loved it. That's all that really matters..right? They just felt like a real couple.. with realistic daily shit that every couple deals with. Then when they got back together later on in life.. okay it wasn't really that much later.. but still.. I WANTED IT SO BADLY. Hell, I shipped them so freaking hard.. I would've been so fucking pissed if they didn't end up together.

THEN there's the ending.. and I was fangirling and swooning over them. That was such a sweet happy ending. I'm happy that they got together and married.. and HAD KIDS with the cutest names ever. Again, I loved everything. So happy. I need another book ASAP by Winter.
Profile Image for Lauren Smith.
Author 139 books2,147 followers
September 16, 2017
Holy cow...

I was just spellbound by this book. I literally read this in one day and loved it so much I had to write a review. The chemistry is so explosive I physically whimpered at parts and the emotions were deep and riveting. Just wow...Halston and Ford...amazing.
Profile Image for Christine (Shh Moms Reading).
1,404 reviews568 followers
August 20, 2017
This was a short, fun taboo read.
I'm all caught up with my arcs this month and wanted to try something new.
I loved the taboo aspect of this book but what made it even better for me is that as a teacher/student relationship book, I appreciated that the author waited for the heroine to be older and legal for the something "more" to happen.
What makes it a 3 star read for me was that I felt that a lot of the book was rushed. I would have liked both characters to be developed further when they were apart and for when they finally find each other again to have more time "making up" so to speak.
I enjoyed this book and would definitely read more from this author.
Profile Image for Sedef.
375 reviews75 followers
August 24, 2017
4.5 aslında ama kanaat notuyla 5 yaptım. Yorum gelecek.
Profile Image for Kim.
742 reviews1,876 followers
October 5, 2019
I think there was not enough relationship building for all of that to happen so to me it seemed more like insta-love. They probably had a deep connection, but that wasn't explored in depth so it felt forced and way too much.
Profile Image for Liz.
202 reviews21 followers
August 24, 2017
I really enjoyed this one. However, I have to admit that around the 85% mark, the book was going at a rapid pace and it didn't live up to the first parts of the book. Overall, a very good read
Profile Image for Inna.
1,603 reviews350 followers
June 22, 2022
4 stars. Wow, this was definitely an interesting read, I have some mixed feelings, but I ultimately really ended up really enjoying this book. The angst levels are HIGH in this one.

I had a hard time with the first half (maybe even 3/4) of the story because I was so irritated with the circumstances. This is an age gap, forbidden romance between an 18 year old girl and her school’s new principal. The difference from the usual storyline comes when they meet on a dating app that keeps them anonymous, and they get to know each other by talking for months before realizing each other’s identities. I usually really enjoy a good forbidden romance, but this one really piled shit upon shit on to the heroine and made me very sad for her. I just desperately wanted to see her happy.

I really don’t want to spoil this story, bc I think that your reading experience will suffer if you read too many spoilers. I accidentally read one that I really could have done without. If you’re going to read this book, please skip the rest of this review. Safety deets will be at the bottom if you need them.

Anyways, for those of you who don’t care about spoilers, the reason why this book didn’t get a higher rating is partially bc of how the final reunion between the MCs played out. She was willing to take him back multiple times after he rejected her over and over. I really loved this heroine, but I do wish she had been stronger with the hero, and not just everyone else around her. I was annoyed that he hero wasn’t willing to even ask the proper questions, and not once did he look for her, a girl he supposedly loved. It put a slight damper on an otherwise really fantastic ending.

The other part that I didn’t care for in this book was that the relationship between the hero & heroine on the app was more telling than showing by the author. We got very brief snippets of their conversation, and they didn’t fully convince me of their magical connection.

Ms. Renshaw is clearly a very talented writer, but I’m still having a hard time finding books by her to read. It seems like she tends to write tropes, and throw in details, that turn me off of romance. If any of you have recommendations for books of hers that you loved, let me know.

Safety was fine for me, neither are virgins, hero was a manwhore but stayed celibate all through his interactions and relationship with the heroine. The heroine was mostly celibate after meeting the hero, but she did make out with and kiss an OM when the hero rejected her. This part didn’t bother me at all personally. There is a long separation and they both are celibate during that time.

TW: heroine child trafficked and sexually assaulted repeatedly in the past (off page), parental neglect and abuse (past off page), death of a parent (past off page), bullying, sexual harassment.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rochelle ♡.
406 reviews291 followers
February 25, 2024
i can see the reason this shit stayed firmly in 2018.

this contained all of the correct elements to create an irresistible, taboo romance:
- age gap
- student x principal
- delicious forbidden romance
- troubled heroine x stoic hero

the writing itself was actually alright, but the execution was a big fat fucking “bye felicia” from me. i thought this narrative was all about traversing the forbidden nature of ford and halston’s romance because nothing screams taboo more than a handsome teacher seducing a student. the school setting lasted 50% of the novel length; we were handed filler scenes of boss bitch halston or drunk loser ford and were thrown continuous “one year later” moments instead.

basically, winter renshaw introduced too many plot lines but never delved into them with extensive detail and when it felt like we were making progress, a new plot line appeared 🥴

ma’am, slow down.

the romance was convoluted and the drama was all about miscommunication. fuck that, i hate romances that dissolve because they couldn’t have a face-to-face conversation! ford and halston could’ve resolved all of the shit and issues within a 30-second window of conversation if they bothered to fucking say “hi”.

the characters

ford “kerouac” hawthorne 📚

the man’s a tosser, but ford deserved better than halston.

i love a hero with confidence but there’s so much one can take. i don’t need to be reminded that ford is smart, handsome and has succeeded in life, all before hitting the dirty thirties, for what felt like half the book. take your medal, then fuck off 🥇

Far too many careers have been ruined all because a teacher or person of authority couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

But that’s not me.

I have complete control.

good joke, ford.

halston “absinthe” kessler 🤡

someone fire this fucking bitch ass clown towards the sun. i haven’t read a romance with so much internalised sexism in a long time, it was uncomfortable and nauseating. we get it halston, you are not like other girls, you lil snowflake.

she has one friend (i can see why) who she wouldn’t bother having around if she had other choices. rather than be kind or appreciate the friendship for two bloody seconds—seeing as emily’s her one and only “friend”—she belittles the poor girl because she’s shy and timid. emily isn’t friend material because she doesn’t want to (nor how to) choke on cancer sticks, but don’t worry, this asshole will make sure emily’s changed before college. it’s her duty afterall.

halston’s nastiness extends towards her cousin bree, who isn’t nice herself, but there’s zero reason to mock the girl’s interests and assume she’s “wasting” her best years reading and studying. who the fuck cares what someone else does with their time, halston, you nasty close-minded asshole? this comes from the bitch who raves about loving hemingway, reading the great gatsby and saying “fuck” in class.

to showcase halston’s fabulous personality:

She’s a mouse; timid, quiet, with brown hair and small eyes. I’m a lion; crazy blonde mane, opinionated, and fearless.

She’s flat-chested, thin-lipped, and a spoiled only child who’s never known what it feels like to go to bed with an empty stomach or to have to scrape mold off bread or pour expired milk onto stale cereal.

society has enough issues with pitting women against other women; it’s smart to do the same with different forms of femininity, halston. you don’t need to insult others’ appearance, interests, opinions, etc. to make yourself feel validated and better than everyone else, you awful human. you can have your trauma without criticising everyone else. go fuck yourself 🙃

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