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Crazy Love #2

Knocked Up

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First comes love. Then comes marriage. Then comes baby in a baby carriage. Just not necessarily in that order. . . .
Braxton: I should probably be dead or in jail right now. Instead, thanks to some tough love, I worked my ass off and now I own a string of tattoo parlors throughout the Pacific Northwest. And yet the one thing I’ve always wanted—a family—still seems out of reach. When my best friend gets married, I’m just hoping to blow off some steam with the super-hot maid of honor. But after Cara Thompson tracks me down to tell me she’s pregnant, she’s more surprised than I am when I tell her I’m all in.
Cara: For the first time in my life, I’m living for myself—not for my parents and their ridiculous expectations. I gave up on my MBA, dropped out of the Ivy League, and moved to Portland to pursue my dream of becoming an artist. And what’s the first thing I do? Get knocked up. For a tatted-up sex god, Braxton Henley seems way too eager to “be there for me.” Is this guy serious? Maybe. He sure is patient. Because he won’t back down until I admit what I know in my heart: that our one night stand might’ve led me to the one.

227 pages, ebook

First published June 12, 2018

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About the author

Stacey Lynn

79 books2,225 followers
Stacey Lynn likes her coffee with a dash of sugar, her heroes with a side of bossy, and her wine a deep shade of red.

The author of over thirty romance novels, many of which have been best-selling titles on Amazon, AppleBooks, and Barnes & Noble.

Born in Texas and raised in the Midwest, she now makes her home in North Carolina and loves all things Southern. Together with her ultimate tall, dark, and handsome hero, she has four children. Her life is a chaotic mess that fights with her Type-A, list-making, neurotically organized preferences and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 461 reviews
Profile Image for ellie.
335 reviews3,232 followers
December 21, 2021
dnf @ 46%

when the hero gets a boner bcos the heroine is having an internal sonogram, turned on from watching the nurse perform it on her... that’s when you know you need to fucking DIP.

but did i listen to that voice that cares about my mental stability??

no i did not :)


hero was a nauseating douchebag. he was so mean to the heroine, who was pregnant with his child, for no fucking reason. then whenever she turned it around on him and tried to stand up for herself, he got all butt hurt with his victim complex stinking up the whole damn book. then it was on her to apologise??

you’d think he was the pregnant one with all the hormones with how fucking sensitive he was.

like the man gets pissed that Cara is shocked he lives in a penthouse bcos his business is in a shady part of town— fair enough, a bit judgey on her part. but then he’s shocked to see she lives in a “shithole” and isn’t afraid to tell her so... then demands she move in with him, giving her no autonomy over the decision and being butt hurt when she’s angry and says no💀 it is a two way street, you massive knob-head. can’t handle the heat? get out the fucking kitchen.

he won’t reply to any of her texts for days when she apologises (even tho she definitely shouldn’t have had to, imo). the woman incredibly sick who is pregnant with his child.

i just wanted a quick surprise pregnancy romance and this sounded cute... but instead read about a hero in dire need of a castration. he couldn’t even keep it in his lil tighty whities for SIX WEEKS after his night with the heroine.

but it’s okay folks!! bcos he only did it to “fuck her out of his system.” and they say romance is dead😌


after he said that... that was when i fucking skedaddled out of there😭 the way the man phrased it all, saying to Cara it wasn’t fair of her to be mad since they weren’t together, i– 🥴🤨

you can’t wax poetics about how much she means to you etc etc if your dick spent more time windmilling its way through every woman it came across rather than staying all snug as a bug in your undies. she clearly didn’t mean that much to you, huh?

he even said: “Yes, Cara. Anything worth having is worth the wait.” well clearly fucking not you daft lemon.

these types of heroes truly give me a complex and i feel like i need extensive therapy to help me cope with the trauma they have caused me since i started reading romance at the age of 15.
292 reviews111 followers
May 6, 2018
3.5 Stars

This was an easy-breezy read that flowed from the beginning. If you are searching for a fun romance read, this is a good choice. Stacey Lynn is consistent with her strong characters, and the right amount of tension to elevate the HEA. Fun, enjoyable, and wanting more.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,349 reviews256 followers
May 30, 2018
4 stars.
ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Oh, blimey. I have no idea why I didn't print a review for this back in March when I finished reading it. Needless to say I can't remember all the specific quirks and reasons why it was a solid 4 stars read for me (in my defense I have read 45 books since then).
However I must say, I really do love this author's relaxed writing style and I remember reading this in one sitting and finding it totally satisfying with characters that I also really enjoyed.
Stacey Lynn writes such fun reads and I was really eager to read this after her totally wonderful 1st book in this series "Fake Wife". See link below to review


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Profile Image for Book-Bosomed  blog.
516 reviews250 followers
June 12, 2018
2.75/3 Stars

Cara Thompson, 24, and Braxton Henley, 28, shared a one night stand at mutual friends’ wedding. The night left them still lusting after each other and with a unique wedding favor.

Told via their dual first person POV, the story started out engaging, and I felt their chemistry. I could also see both sides of their conflicts. Brax was kinda hot and had a lot of potential. I liked his determination to accept the situation, his interest in the baby, his desire for Cara, and to commit.
“Sure, it happened well before I was ready, and absolutely unprepared, but life wouldn’t be life if it didn’t throw you a curveball every once in a while.”

For the most part, I liked Brax. (at that stage)

With the exception of one not so tiny character flaw—he’d been a manwhore right up until the point Cara seeks him out about the pregnancy. That of course means he also wasn’t celibate during the six weeks they didn’t see each other. I don’t know why tidbits like this are thrown into romances. And then brought up again to the reader as the romantic duo are about to get it on.

Really it just sours the romantic vibe. Is it so much to ask for a romantic hero to keep it in his pants for 6 weeks??? (Total rhetorical question for the record.)
“‘I was honestly just trying to fuck the memory of you out of my head.’”

The trite excuse of trying to get the heroine out of his mind is just clichéd writing.

Kudos though to the heroine who echoes my sentiment:
“‘That’s disgusting.’ My brows furrow. If he thinks I’ll be flattered by his admission, I’m not.”

Ah but sadly Cara’s bravado doesn’t last long and she settles back into her MO of self-doubt. Actually both Brax and Cara seem to suffer some self esteem issues. And then after a certain point in the story, Brax seems to undergo a bit of a character overhaul and not for the better.

This story definitely could have earned a higher rating if it would have abandoned some of the tropes and stereotypes that have been around the block in the romance world a million times.

Though be it a fairly popular romance scenario, I don’t think unplanned pregnancy between strangers is always the easiest to pull off, namely because the stakes are so much higher—a child’s stability hangs in the balance. The narrative has the burden of convincing the reader that these two will be compatible partners and parents. Show (through depictions) is always better than tell. But this tale contains a lot of inner monologuing—often focused on figuring each other out, which is realistic at this stage of their relationship. But back to the challenge when you introduce a bigger responsibility in the relationship, I needed to see more examples of these two prospering for the long haul, not just in the immediate insta-love/lust stage.

On the pregnancy issue, one topic of conversation kinda bugged me. And it’s not all her puking although that got old too. It was emphasis on the baby’s gender. For one, it kept reinforcing this “modern” notion that the sex must be revealed before the birth. I mean, it’s portrayed as such an agony that they don’t know how to refer to the little bundle of joy. Having had two children whose genders remained a mystery till they popped out of my body, I can affirm that it was hardly a hardship to simply refer to them as “the baby.” That nice little gender neutral noun worked just fine. And then the gender conversation for these two turned a little…sexist perhaps, definitely hypocritical, when Brax asserted that he wanted a son because basically he didn’t want to deal with the future teenage boys a daughter would eventually attract. (Which also assumes this kid’s sexuality before it’s even born).

Let’s stop and think about this message a moment. This guy has been escorting one night stands to the Uber right up until the day he found out he’s going to be a father, and yet the idea of a daughter eventually becoming a sexual being makes him…not want to deal. Sure no parent wants to think about their kids having sex anymore than a kid wants to envision their parents doing the horizontal tango; but my point is there’s no moment of revelation for this guy. No epiphany. No awakening. No point where he sees the big picture and realizes that his behavior is the very thing he’s appalled about.

Moving along, the steamy times arrive a little late in the game for the readers, problematic only because they clearly haven’t for the couple. I do wish the prologue would have been their ONS since it’s only mentioned as being quite hot but never shown. It would have also been helpful to see this pair during their initial connection, before pregnancy complicated things.

Bottom line, the having-a-baby-together plot line mixed with misunderstanding felt immature. The romantic development faltered under the weight of drama.

Safety Recap:

*I volunteered to review this ARC from Netgalley. All reviews written by Book-Bosomed Book Blog are honest opinions. In the interest of providing unbiased book reviews and to avoid misleading other readers, it is the blog’s policy not to withhold or delay any reviews no matter the star rating. To the best of my knowledge, this title was presented to the blog without any conditions or stipulations.
Profile Image for MoodyJess.
427 reviews33 followers
June 3, 2018
KNOCKED UP was everything I thought this book would be. Lighter than most, feel good, very little angst and a predictable but lovely ending.

As a first time reader for Stacy Lynn’s, I didn’t have any expectations going in. I liked the blurb a lot and was intrigued by the tattooed, brutish hottie Braxton. Though, not at all brutish, but kind and generous, loving and talented. I’m going to say he’s probably the best part of this whole book! Him and his dog, Lucy to be exact-but more on her later! Braxton was well written, I liked his detailed back story. It allowed me to empathize with him. Even when he was stupid. Which he was. But more than that, he didn’t run. He stayed. He was everything good a wonderful man should be.

Cara went on a massive journey. She left home, became independent, slept with a beautiful man at her friends wedding and wound up pregnant. Poof. Boom. Baby on the way. Once she accepted her new situation, and it all sunk in, she marched her butt right over to Braxton’s tattoo parlour and laid all her cards on the table. Noble. Honest. I liked feeling her feels and being able to relate to her pregnancy. Her unfortunate morning sickness and condition made her a more vulnerable character, but also gave her confidence in knowing that she could do this. She could be a mom. Making a family with Braxton though? Completely different story.

There was a lot going on in this book. Babies. Dogs. (Lucy is the cutest dog ever) Weddings, sub characters and side stories. But! Lynn still reined it in and brought it all back together at the end. The final 15 % did fly by, and a it could have been a bit cleaner, but all in all, I did have a great time reading this book! The “slept with my best friends friend” at a wedding has happened before, but this had its very own unique spin on it and I commend Lynn for taking a chance.

*I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book*

Reviewed by Jess from JoAndIsaLoveBooks Blog. <3
Profile Image for Tasha Mahoney.
1,209 reviews41 followers
June 15, 2018
I would start by describing this book as a reverse romance. It begins with a one night stand that results in a pregnancy. Cara has never had a one night stand before and panicking, leaves before Braxton wakes up and things get awkward. Things got a whole lot more awkward when she went to his tattoo parlour to tell him she was pregnant and threw up all over his office!

What follows is a sweet, sometimes sexy, ultimately funny getting to know you romance between two fabulous characters.

Things do not progress smoothly, there are a few gasp moments but ultimately this was a complete pleasure to read.

If you are looking for a relatively quick, fun, enjoyable read with it’s share of ups and downs then I think this may be the book for you. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this really well written tale.

I look forward to reading more work by Stacey Lynn

I received an arc copy by Stacey Lynn and Social Butterfly PR in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Wendy'sThoughts.
2,669 reviews3,277 followers
May 30, 2020
3.5 Standing Up and Figuring It Out Stars
* * * 1/2 Spoiler Free
Our need to be secure in ourselves is a serious thing. If we experience negative feelings when we are young... feeling like we aren't good enough because of no money or drug-addicted parenting... or on the flip side, feeling never enough for parents of wealth and status... the same inner self doubt has been planted. Both people may come from totally different backgrounds...but when push comes to shove...the trigger points are there and need to be handled.

Stacey Lynn uses those concerns in Knocked Up.

Weddings seem to be life-changing to more people than just the bride and groom. Braxton was there at his best friend's wedding. It was not his usual thing but he was willing to be there because of the bond he had with the guy. One of the perks was meeting the cute, kinda shy maid of honor.

Cara has made a break. She has walked away from all of the continual pressure her family has given her. Cara never fit the mold of her family's ideas of what a child should be. All of her siblings locked stepped and obeyed the parents...instead, Cara was a square peg being forced into a round hole. She had no desire to be an attorney, she was an artist and finally stepped away.

As Cara interacted with Braxton during all of the wedding activities, she sensed this tattooed, intense man was more than that. There were sparks and she decided she needed to shed her uptight ways. They hooked up.

But their hook up was more than just sex...Both experienced a connection and Braxton wanted to see what Cara would be interested in doing the next day...Only that next day never happened. Cara woke the morning after totally lost as to how to handle a one night stand. She muttered things to herself which mirrored all the negative talk she was used to saying in her head. She snuck out not knowing Braxton heard her...

Well, wasn't that just great...Braxton had been feeling good, happy even and interested in Cara but when he heard what she had said, it just lived up to another princess full of herself and looking down on him...This was a feeling he hadn't felt in a long time.

Braxton's rearing was not picture book. Abuse and a drug-addicted mom made days hard. The only way he survived was due to a man who took him under his wing. This man saw his potential and gave him the necessary tools to thrive in life. This mentor encouraged Braxton to work hard, give back and do the right things. When he passed, he left Braxton all of the wealth he had accumulated in his will. This allowed Braxton to purchase his first tattoo shop and from there a chain grew. He is set, takes care of his friends and has a carefree life.

Cara hasn't been feeling all that great. She finally goes to the Dr. and learns she is pregnant. How can that be... they used a condom! The Dr. explains they are not 100% certain. Cara is overwhelmed and needs to figure all of this out. She takes a bit of time, sucks it up and gets Braxton's info. She will go and tell him but let him know she will be doing this no matter what. She is not expecting anything, she is just going to do the right thing by letting him know.

Cara arrives at the tattoo shop and is barely able to breathe. Morning sickness is not just in the morning for her...she is having it 24/7. As she is talking to the woman in reception, she is fighting to hold it together. Once Braxton comes out and sees her...all the negative comments he heard rile him up. He isn't the most friendly and then when he sees her turn green, he ushers her into his office.

Cara tells him about the pregnancy. At first he is thinking this can't be him ...Condom Every Single Time. As Cara tries to tell him exactly the same thing the Dr told her, she is in desperate need for a bucket...

These two are tied together and we are there to see how all of these misconceptions straighten out between them. It plays on the opposites attracting, on standing up to be who you need to be, to be true to yourself. There is romance and an HEA in the end.

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Profile Image for Beneath The Covers Blog.
1,512 reviews505 followers
May 27, 2018
Undying, irrevocable, infatuated, obsessive LOVE for this book!

I want more. I WANT MORE. I. NEED. MORE! Literally, the second I started reading Knocked Up, I knew, just absolutely KNEW, I was going to enjoy it. And by the end, I LOVED it. Fell head-over-heels in love with everything this love story had to offer. Accidental pregnancy, controlling parents, miscommunication, sexy tatted-up hunk of a heartthrob….yeah, you get the idea.

And I’m just putting this out there so that EVERYONE knows….Braxton is MINE!! Now that that’s taken care of and we’re all on the same page, let’s continue with my review, shall we?

Knocked Up was beautifully written with a plethora of emotions pouring from its pages. The character dynamic played out wonderfully, showcasing how two people who appear to be complete opposites, can undoubtedly change anyone perception of what a passionate and loving relationship truly is. Braxton and Cara clashed at the worst of times, but their willingness and desire to work through their issues together as a couple really solidified the strong connection that was established at the beginning of the story. The chemistry was red-hot, and although they may look like an unexpected couple on the outside, it’s the love that radiates from their hearts that assuredly makes this story charming and romantic.

The author hooked me with Fake Wife, but she completely wrecked me with Knocked Up. This fantastically penned and memorable romance is sure to leave you hot under the collar, and incredibly anxious for the next book by the author.

5 Knock Out Stars!

*ARC provided for a voluntary honest review.* ~Kelly
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
June 14, 2018
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review


Knocked Up by Stacey Lynn is one of those cute and entertaining reads that was just fun to read. It was fast paced, sweet, and charming. What’s not to love when you have a hero that steps up to the plate and doesn’t run away from his one night stand and informs him that he will be a father. I honestly love the simplicity of the story as readers get to see a connection unfold as Cara and Braxton discover there is more than just a baby linking them but also love. So if you are looking for a fun summer read then I would recommend you to one-click this book now.

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Profile Image for Sofia Lazaridou.
2,802 reviews138 followers
August 18, 2018
“You might still be pissed when I tell you it was the night before you came into MadInk, but if I’m going to be completely honest, for the last two months, every time I was with a woman, I was honestly just trying to fuck the memory of you out of my head.” <----- Are you kidding me? Could you be more cliched Braxton? and to think that I actually liked you. Did you even wait for a week before you found another woman?

^I wrote that part when I was still reading the book and I still agree to it. I mean, come on! It had only been 2 months since he had been with Cara and he slept with a bunch of other women. Am I supposed to be ok with that? He didn't even try to make contact with Cara before he stuck it into some other woman. And one of them also happens to work in the same circle as Cara. Why do authors think that's ok? Where is the romance? Did we really need a scene where we learn that Braxton didn't even try to stay celibate for 2 months? I was loving him until that point. After that, I can only feel sorry for Cara for getting stuck with him for the rest of her life. And to be honest, if she had broken things off with him and moved on with another man, I would have been happier and that almost never happens. I am very disappointed with this book and the author. She has given us so many good books and now we get this? Braxton is easily one of the worst heroes because he seemed so nice and caring for most of the book and then he goes and says this. Just say that you wanted to get laid dude. You didn't even ask your friend for Cara's number, yet you went wherever you went and found a dozen random women in order to forget her. That makes so much sense. That's not romance. This is the second most cliche line someone could say to justify their need to sleep with other people. The first is that they had a broken heart and the one night stands help them get over it. And the worse thing is that Cara just accepted that and even had sex with him after mentioning again a few minutes before the act that he had slept with other women. How does that help the romance? It doesn't in my book and that's why I am giving 1 star to a book that was going to get 5 before that paragraph came into my life.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,834 reviews747 followers
June 3, 2018
I'm pretty sure I'm in love with Braxton. I loved that he looked like a tattoo bad boy but was big softie at heart. All he really wanted was a family of his own. With so many books where the Hero is afraid to commit, it's wonderful to find the ones who want the whole package.

Braxton is the owner of several tattoo parlors. He had an addict for a mom and dad that never stuck around. He had a role model in his life that helped him grow into a better man than his parents or his background.

Cara is the daughter of rich parents who don't see her and when they do, they expect perfection from her. It takes the death of Cara's brother to make her realize she will never be enough for them and to start living her life her way.

Cara's a good heroine but I thought she was crazy for not jumping in feet first with Braxton. She was more of a level head and wanted to take things slow. As reasonable as that is, I still wish she let Braxton in more.

This is one of my more favorite accidental pregnancy stories and that is all due to Braxton and how he handles the situation and Cara. I enjoyed seeing Jenna and Dan again and I would love to get Graham's story. ARC provided by NetGalley.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
2,448 reviews82 followers
April 22, 2018
ARC received for review

Cara and Braxton hook up after their bffs (book one which of course I didn't read) get married and then along comes a baby. She has major trust issues, but Braxton is patient and works through them all.

Side note - Cover art people and I guess the author's fault too...Braxton is tatted up from the neck down not all that blank skin shown on the cover.
Profile Image for Mandi.
2,319 reviews726 followers
June 11, 2018
I really enjoyed Fake Wife earlier this year, so I was happy to try this one. I do like this author's voice, although Knocked Up, in my opinion, is  not as good as the first book. In this one we have Braxton and Cara, who didn't know one another, and hooked up for a one night stand at a wedding. Six weeks later, Cara finds out she is pregnant. She immediately tracks down Braxton (thank goodness, I hate it when heroines keep the pregnancy a secret from the father) and tells him the news. Braxton is of course shocked.

Braxton is a big,muscled, heavily tattooed (umm....cover model is not representing Braxton well here) guy who owns a tattoo parlor. Growing up very poor with drug-addicted parents, he eventually met a man who became a father-figure to him, and who also left him millions in his will. In present day, Braxton lives in a luxurious pent-house, but doesn't look the part. It angers him when people judge him as a "thug" based on his appearance.

Cara comes from wealth, but a family who finds her art passion to be too low-class. She moved out on her own, and lives in a run-down apartment, as that is all she can afford. But she is proud to be independent of a family that doesn't want to be part of her life. When she tells Braxton she is pregnant, he immediately goes into over-protective mode. He wants her to move in with him - she stubbornly refuses, to keep some of her pride. This goes on and on until eventually she moves in. She suffers from extreme morning sickness and finds herself too weak to thrive on her own.

Although Braxton is super alpha - and he wants to basically run Cara's life for her - I still liked him. His over-protective stuff did get a bit old, and at times I think he thought he knew better in all areas. Their relationship worked for me and I like that they communicated so well, besides that darn, final chapter, predictable fight that happens in 99% of the romance books I read. Their relationship progressed pretty well but the fight at the end was pretty silly.

Cara's parents are over-done in the villain department. They felt like caricatures and not real people. We have the predictable loss or bad parents, wealthy hero, lots of tattoos, a hero swooping in to save the heroine etc.. Things could have been fleshed out more in the story, as this was a pretty quick read but I do like this author's voice. 

Grade: B-
Profile Image for Kathleen R..
1,406 reviews44 followers
June 14, 2018

Stacey Lynn isn't new to me. I've read her BDSM themed novels in the past and have enjoyed them since they were nothing like the darker themed novels of the same genre, so they gave readers a good insight on the beauty of this lifestyle. Picking up Knocked Up, i wasn't sure what type of story we'd get, not quite sure i was entirely prepared for it.

This is the unexpected pregnancy of all unexpected pregnancy romances i've read so far. It's shown me what dealing with surprises mean and how people react differently to it. First meeting Brax, i have to say he was quite a jerk towards Cara - yeah, i totally get the fact that she made a comment, but seriously, who wouldn't say that they made a mistake sleeping with someone while being drunk? I know i'd say the same thing and wouldn't even feel one iota of guilt for it. There's just some things that you shouldn't (doesn't mean you wouldn't) do and that tops my list.

But he did manage to redeem himself every so often when Cara really needed him. To all you doubters out there on whether or not morning sickness can be that bad, trust me, it can be. I needed the meds, needed the specific diet to control it and even lost so much weight the doctor yelled at me!

While some parts were a bit frustrating, the whole of the book was quite interesting and captivating. I liked the way that these two came together for one goal and to make each other better because of said goal. This author did create quite the interesting story and i'm curious to find out what else she has in store for her readers in the future.

*ARC provided by Author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Kathleen, The Small Girl from A small girl, her man and her books


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Profile Image for Shayna.
1,812 reviews618 followers
June 12, 2018
“I’m falling in love with her and it’s the easiest thing I’ve ever done in my entire life.”

Smart, sassy, charming, clever, and ALWAYS entertaining, Stacey Lynn delivers another KNOCK OUT romance with her latest romance, KNOCKED UP! Accidental pregnancy romances seem to be all the rage nowadays, but Ms. Lynn brought a little extra to Braxton and Cara’s love story. Most of the time, the hero is so quick to run away from an announcement like this, but he eventually finds his way to the love of his life and his HEA. But with Braxton and Cara’s story, Braxton was ALL IN, almost instantly! I loved that! I loved how charming and protective he was. I loved when he was gruff and I loved when he was sweet. He was the ultimate gorgeous hero package! Cara knew the score when she found out, but she did not expect Braxton to be so eager to take care of her, like any of us girls would be. Their hesitant but ultimately deep relationship flourished with each turn of the page, making their bond deeper in every single way.

Braxton and Cara’s happily ever after was so special! I loved the journey, the excitement, the ups and downs that are to be expected with this type of predicament. And it doesn’t hurt that Stacey Lynn is an amazing and talented writer, giving her fans exactly what they want, word by word. Overall, I think this was a great, entertaining, sexy, sweet, and lovely read. I had the best time diving in to this book, and I know you will too! If you’re stacking up your Summer TBR, make sure you add KNOCKED UP to the top of that list!

Profile Image for Rachael*Caribbean*girl*bibliophile.
1,951 reviews436 followers
September 27, 2019
Spoilers ahead,2.5*

H/h hookup after the wedding of their mutual friends, she sneaks out and makes a comment that he misinterprets to mean she regretted it and didn't want anything to do with him
She realizes she's pregnant and tracks him down 6 weeks- 2 months later
We meet him thinking about sex he'd had before, he's angry when he first sees her because he was hoping for more between them but thought she was a snob who was slumming with him
From the moment he realized however, that she's not only pregnant but that he was wrong about her he was in 100%
He turned into a loyal, protective and bossy Alpha hero
She's having really bad morning/all day sickness so he convinces her to move in with him
Her parents are rich judgemental idiots but she still tries to make peace with them by going to dinner
He sees her out with her gay friend and he acts like a fool
Short separation,ily, baby boy is born
The end

Even with the H being with OW after the h I liked him, he was honest and blunt about him being with OW and didn't shy away from it, the h was a whiny, crying, pathetic female of the type I really can't stand

h was celibate
H made a comment from which I inferred him to have had many ONS before the h. After the h he'd been with women with no confirmation of how many but we do get a confrontation with one
The condom broke on the first go round, second go round he used it because he hadn't been tested after being with OW
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,207 reviews158 followers
May 11, 2018
1.5 Stars

With a premise like this (knocked up by a one night stand who is also your best friend's husband's friend) you'd think there'd be plenty of story and angst without having to add the extra drama.

There was such pointless drama and angst and misunderstandings. I just wish there was an adult romance where we didn’t have to have any of these things. Or if it’s there at least it’s reasonable and they respond maturely.

The issues they went through, outside of navigating having a baby with a stranger (which was sadly rarely talked about), felt storybook to the numerous other contemporary romances I've read lately.

Overused scenarios:
Sad childhood (absentee or mean parents)
Death of a loved one
Recent ex-flame or someone trying to cause trouble
Man being really rich
Misunderstanding of one character’s night out with opposite sex

Unfortunately, I couldn't get myself to care for the characters nor the things that happened.
Profile Image for Rose  Puls .
1,867 reviews322 followers
February 29, 2020
"Heart. Melt. Puddle. Floor."

That's exactly how I felt reading this heartwarming, amusing, sexy story. Several things attracted me to this story and convinced me to read it. The cover is awesome, but it doesn't match the story, cuz Braxton is covered in tattoos, but it did get my attention. And the synopsis, cuz Braxton is covered in tattoos, that got my attention too. Yeah, I love hot guys with tattoos...sigh. And don't worry, the author does such an excellent job of describing Braxton that you won't need a cover to have that delicious image in your head.

I was first introduced to Cara as she's lamenting over multiple pregnancy tests, all positive. The good girl had one lapse, an unforgettable one-night-stand, with the best man at her bestie's wedding. She doesn't regret said unforgettable night because it was unforgettable in a good way. But now it's even more so since in about six months there will be a lifelong reminder. And once she tells her parents they won't ever let her forget either. You can imagine how much she's dreading having to notify her baby daddy, but she knows it's something she must do. He deserves to know he's going to be a father. Meeting her first and learning the result of the pregnancy test made it even more fun for me as I was able to feel like I was in on the whole big reveal. I was almost as nervous as she was when we made the trip to MadInk to break the news.

Feeling surprised is the understatement of the year when Cara shows up at Braxton's tattoo parlor. After the way she bailed on him after their unforgettable one-night-stand, he never expected to see her again. Apparently she wanted to forget it, but he wasn't so successful. That doesn't mean he wants her to know that, which is why he pretends to not remember her. Moving forward, his internal dialogue is very amusing as he observes the effects of her pregnancy. He enjoys her hormonal moods, cravings, and physical changes. But he is wise, knowing when to keep his mouth shut. Well, at least sometimes. "I'd smile at her sass if she weren't so damn angry she might twist off my balls."

Have I intrigued you yet? Let's not forget about the initial chemistry between these two. Not only were they unable to keep their hands to themselves at their best friend's wedding. The hours of passion afterward is seared into their memory banks, stuck on replay. Yes, their reunion is awkward, but their lust has not died. Of course, you won't be able to resist matchmaking as you read this amazing story. You will be sighing and melting into a puddle for sure. But it's not as easy as you may think as you are mentally planning their baby shower and HEA.

Nope, there are lots of misunderstandings that make Knocked Up a journey rather than a sprint. Both characters are broken, and they are strangers to each other. They have painful pasts that make trusting difficult. After being let down so many times by their own families, it's hard for them to see themselves as having that responsibility with their own child. Will her fear keep her from giving him a chance? Will she allow him to care for her like he wants to? Will either of them be able to convince the other that their one night together wasn't the best thing to ever happen to them? Well, I can tell you that they didn't have a chance of convincing me of that. I knew the series was called Crazy Love for a reason so I just held on and enjoyed the ride. I looking forward to my next trip. The line forms here...
Profile Image for Simply Love Book Reviews.
7,046 reviews859 followers
June 27, 2018

I’m noticing a trend in the books I read by Stacey Lynn. Her themes may not be groundbreaking, but her characters are so infinitely likeable and her writing so effortlessly readable that I don’t need a lot of flash and drama. Her stories are sweet and full of love and I can’t help but gobble them up.

Knocked Up starts with Cara already pregnant by Braxton, so we come in after the deed has been done. While I would have liked to have been a part of seeing them meet and experiencing their initial pull to one another, I think the author did a great job working it in and allowing us to see how their feelings during that initial encounter set the stage for what was to come: the attraction, the misunderstandings, the fireworks. Cara came across as so likeable and strong (although, girlfriend took so much time off from work I’m not sure how she made a living), and Braxton was the type of “can’t judge a book by its cover” guy that I love. The seemingly tough, tattooed bad boy that really had a heart of gold. These two opposites worked so well together and made for such an endearing story.

Knocked Up was one of those stories that is perfect to pick up by the pool or on a rainy day. It’s low angst, low drama, but high on the feels and the love!
Profile Image for Carol (StarAngel's Reviews) Allen.
1,688 reviews617 followers
May 31, 2020
****4 Stars****

This was a cute read with little angst. Enjoyable and quick to read without a deep development of characters which some things in the story were mentioned but not followed through completely. Besides that, overall I liked the story and especially Braxton!
Profile Image for Romance Readers Retreat.
2,346 reviews222 followers
June 4, 2018
3.5 Stars (rounded up to 4 for review purposes)

Braxton and Cara are the best friends of the two ,sin characters from the first Crazy Love book. We met them there and what was in theory a meaningless no strings attached hookup, turns into something much more complicated when Cara discovers she is pregnant. Braxton is all in for the strings that news brings since he has always wanted a family. Cara is perplexed by his willingness to be a dad. Shouldn’t someone that sexy and with all those tattoos be desperate to remain single and unencumbered? Surely another shoe will be dropping, except the only thing he seems to be waiting in is Cara to realize that one night stand was the start of her future - a future meant to be with Braxton.

On paper, I thought I would really love this book and while I did enjoyed it, I much prefer book one. There was some drama that felt unneeded and a few story inconsistencies that I got hung up on. I liked Cara and Braxton together, but they never quite had that special connection I look for in my couples. I think this will be an enjoyable read for anyone wanting a romance that isn’t too complicated or heavy, but book one is my favorite in this standalone series still.
Profile Image for Kimberly / Love Notes Book Blog.
2,482 reviews145 followers
June 12, 2018
2.5-2.75 stars. This book was not really my cup of tea. This is Braxton and Cara's story. Braxton, a rich tattoo artist and business owner, meets Cara, a poor artist, when their best friends get married. At the wedding, they find they really like each other and have a connection, so they spend a hot night together. But Cara pulls a runner, because she is not very experienced, embarrassed and unsure how to act the morning after. Braxton is mad. He wanted more from Cara, but thinks she ended up being just a stuck up rich girl who went slumming. When she finds out a few weeks later that she is pregnant, she goes to Braxton and he treats her very poorly. He does eventually decide to step up to the plate, but continues to treat her poorly. They do eventually begin a relationship and fall for each other, but there is a lot of drama and angst along the way.

I have read and really enjoyed this author's Rough Riders series, but I keep trying other books by her and none are as good. I'm starting to believe those books were flukes. Braxton was an ass most of the time, with a bad temper and judgemental attitude. I liked Cara and felt really bad for the way he treated her. He never truly apologizes believably for his behavior. He is so cocky and sure that she will forgive him for anything. He is talked up as being such a great guy, but I never saw it and did not like his character at all. The whole book was entirely too over-dramatic and angsty. There is a lot of OW drama too. I was not at all confident in their HEA. Braxton kept constantly hurting Cara and her forgiving him, over and over, leading me to believe they would continue in that pattern throughout their relationship.

Overall, I didn't enjoy this book very much. I really like the surprise baby trope, but Braxton's character pretty much ruined the book for me. I'm not sure if I will read more from this author in the future.

*arc provided by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Ayekah.
1,121 reviews
June 13, 2018
Cara meets Braxton at her best friend Jenna's wedding. A few dances and drinks and they end up spending the weekend together. Cara has never had a one night stand. She slips away without saying anything because she's unsure what to say or do.
Fast forward 2 months and with the worst case of morning sickness ever and Jenna rubbing her back every single pregnancy test she took was positive. But then she knew that. The morning sickness is overwhelming. She doesn't want to tell Jenna who the father is, but she has to. Jenna's husband Dan and Brax are best friends and she needs to contact him, feeling he's got a right to know she's pregnant. Anything beyond that, Cara isn't sure. All she knows is she's sick day and night. Brax owns a tattoo parlor and she goes to pay a visit. Greeted by a not so friendly Stella, who really doesn't want this girl who looks like she's from the better part of town talking to Brax, seeing Cara isn't leaving, she caves in. Brax comes out and Cara is met with a blank look. Like he doesn't recognize her. "We need to talk." So they head to his office and Cara once again sick and Brax holding the garbage can for her, she tells him the news. Brax's reaction isn't bad, nor is it good. It's neutral, noncommittal and more like a ok maybe. When Cara faints in his office he takes her to the hospital, she's dehydrated, the weight loss and other issues puts her at risk. They give her meds for her nausea and discharge her. Brax takes her home. She lives in a tiny one room studio on the top floor which she has to climb the stairs and a bad neighborhood to boot. The place is such a mess Brax thinks she's been robbed. He's confused. Confused by this little girl who comes from money who's living like this. Who he thinks ran out on him because he wasn't good enough. He takes her home to his penthouse apartment so he can look after her for a couple days, they need to talk about what they're going to do.
Cara is so busy running offense that she doesn't really give Brax any wiggle room. When he does get some, she slams things shut. Brax really is a good guy. She wore me out, I can only imagine how Brax felt. Though they go to the Dr together, these two have some major issues to work through, including her parents she hasn't spoken to in months, Stella blowing crap in Brax's head and meanwhile every step forward seemed to push two steps back. Angst... plenty. I like low angst. This one has it in spades. Much different from Stacey's norm. After a major blow out after things have gone along so well, Cara leaves. Brax is left holding his dick. Read the book to find out the details on that little sail along with me.... to the pit of hell. Stella was a Botch. I didn't like her and there's nothing she could do to redeem herself right from the very beginning. We don't see much of Jenna and Dan, but good people. It really pains me to say that while yes I you should read this, it's not her best book and I'm a huge fan of everything she writes. It just fell a little short for me. Sigh.
3.5 stars

**arc from NetGalley and Loveswept for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own**
Profile Image for Romance Between The Sheets.
1,175 reviews65 followers
June 13, 2018
If you’re looking for a sweet and easy read, one that flows well and has just the right amount tension, then KNOCKED UP is for you. It has an enjoyable story, likable and honest main characters, a believable conflict, a sweet resolution and finally, a HEA for Braxton and Cara.

However, I do feel it’s important to point out that the man on the cover looks nothing like Braxton should, who is described as having tattoos that cover his entire torso and arms, from his neck to his knuckles. It’s probably something the author can’t control, but the couple on the cover should look somewhat similar to how they’re described on the inside.

KNOCKED UP is told in dual POVs and while it is part of a series, it can be read as a stand-alone. From memory, this is an entirely new set of characters that are in no way connected to the first book.

For more reviews, please visit our website: http://romancebetweenthesheets.com/re...

I was given an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Liz.
3,575 reviews59 followers
June 12, 2018
Knocked Up by Stacey Lynn was a fun read with great characters and an easy story to get lost in. Braxton turned his life around and is now a successful businessman running tattoo parlors. But he is ready for more. But when he gave in and had some fun at his best-friend’s wedding with the maid-of-honor, he did not expect the consequences. But he is ready to be all in.

Cara is doing what she wants and ready to live her life her way. The last thing she ever expected was to end up pregnant after one night at a wedding. But Braxton keeps insisting he is all in and ready to step up. Is he for real?

Knocked Up was such a fun and light read. I loved the chemistry and banter between Braxton and Cara. They did not always agree but wanted to do the right thing.

Read and reviewed for Sultry Sirens Book Blog.

Happy reading!
Profile Image for Stace.
1,490 reviews22 followers
April 14, 2018
Requested and received an ARC from Netgalley

I’m reviewing this on 4/14 and it’s not due out until June so let’s keep our fingers crossed that they fix some of the plot holes prior to actual release.

First...the cover model. The guy is hot and it’s a cute picture but that gut is NOT Braxton. Braxton is described as having black hair, olive skin and is covered neck to knuckles in tattoos...so art department epic failure on that one.

Second....let’s talk about Lucy. I know it’s just a fictional dog, but I love dogs and I know breeds so when you describe her first as a bullmastiff THEN much much later as a pit bull mix I'm going to notice. I love both breeds but make up your mind. Oh and what was her fate? I can guess but it would have been nice to have it confirmed.

Third....I know that Cara and Braxton are hot for each other...I do, I promise! I do NOT need it reiterated over and over agin bu the both of them.

So overall I think the story was cute. I wouldn’t say it covered any new ground in a new way, but I think it would make a pretty good beach read....or if you live in the north where winter has decided to never end...it took up an afternoon of relaxation after shoveling out a driveway. Braxton is your typical alpha bad boy and Cara is a passable heroine. A little too poor little rich girl for me but I would have probably liked her more if there were less plot holes.

So the plot holes I’m going to pick on in no particular order:
1. If Braxton could afford the penthouse why did Stella need to invest in MadInk?
2. There was talk of Braxton owning multiple shops and all the traveling he had to do BEFORE he and Cara hooked up but no mention of either afterwards?
3. What was the point of Anna as conflict in Cara’s work environment the one time when it was hinted that she would cause future trouble but we never heard about her again?
4.Cara had a particular dream but after everything with Braxton we never hear about it again which by far bothered me the most. I don’t think it was right that her goals all fell to the wayside because of Braxton and pregnancy and there was no mention of her dreams again or even if Braxton ever fulfilled his idea to let Luca in on her dream. I’d have liked to see her grow in confidence in her art and ability and go with it....even if it had just been mentioned in the epilogue. I just think a great opportunity was missed when you could show a woman growing into her possibility instead of leaving her hanging onto the arm of a strong man...I want a heroine that can also be the rock when necessary.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,703 reviews156 followers
October 12, 2018
I really quite liked this romance but didn't expect to enjoy it quite so much. Although the premise isn't unique (one night stand leading to pregnancy), I think that the way this was written is what I appreciated about it. I adored Braxton - he was the stand out of this novel. It's impossible not like this character - he's a stand-up guy but with an edge, a complexity. The guy from the wrong side of the tracks falls in love with a wealthy woman with a heart trope is well done here. I really enjoyed this entertaining story! This is the second in a series (although it read just fine as a stand-alone) but I plan to go back and read the first in the series since I liked this one so much.

NOTE: Thank you to the publisher for providing me a free copy of this book for an honest review.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
June 16, 2018
4 Stars
Review by Jen Skewes

I loved this book. From the moment I started reading it I was completely sucked in. I think it may have something to do with Braxton, the sexy tattoed hero of this story. But this book is the reason why I have always loved Stacey Lynn’s writing. It’s the fun, sweet moments that are filled with witty banter. The dynamic between two characters who seem to be complete opposites, but growing up on opposite sides of the tracks. A fun, sweet, beautiful story that will make you laugh, swoon, and also feel with these characters.

Cara is the girl who has never had a one-night stand, ever!!! On the night of her best friend’s wedding, with a little liquid coverage she sleeps with the groom’s best friend. Waking up the next morning, she has no idea to handle this situation, so she leaves while he is still asleep. Weeks later she finds out that her one-night stand has left her with pregnant and not knowing what to do. She has to tell Braxton that he is going to be a father, but first she needs to comes to terms with this surprise news herself.

Braxton is a sexy tattoo artist who is not normally the guy that Cara goes for. But that night one night with him completely rocked her world. She has thought of him since but never thought she would see him again. But now she must face him and tell him that she is carrying his baby. At first she is a little caught off guard by his reaction to her being there. But when he later tells her that he is all in, she is eve more surprised. Can they make it work between the two of them when they seem to be doing things a little backwards? Braxton is all in, but is Cara?

I have to say that Braxton is the perfect book boyfriend. He is sexy, covered in tattoos and my God when he says he wants to take care of Cara, he does in a way that will make you swoon. He certainly swept me off my feet. He had a tough childhood but the man that he has become is someone that you will adore. He is sweet an caring, sexy and hot and will just capture your heart.

Cara grew up in a completely different world than Braxton did, but the connection between the two of them worked. I think in ways they understood each other and their pasts and their family did not define who they were. Cara was a great heroine who I loved. She is sweet and independent in a way that is new to her but she learned how to ask for help. she had a gorgeous man ready to be there for her and she had reservations but at the same time wanted to be all in. These two were so perfect for each other. Their connection alone is what I loved about them, the ease that they felt with each other and the back and forth banter just made me smile.

Knocked Up was a fun and witty read with just the right amount of drama. I loved feeling what these characters felt, even in the moments when they talked about their past, I felt what they went through. I loved the story, the writing and I loved the characters. Great job!!!
Profile Image for Brianna at Renee Entress's Blog.
3,852 reviews116 followers
June 15, 2018
5 Stars!

Sexy. Sweet. Such a feel good romance. Knocked Up completely knocked me off my feet...

Stacey Lynn has always been good and someone I come back for but wow this book is my favorite by her. Knocked Up was a sexy, sweet, fun, emotional romance with one accidental pregnancy that is going go give them more than just a baby... it's gonna give them love.

After their best friends get married, they have an unforgettable one night stand. One that six weeks later results in a bundle to be. She's strong, independent, and resilient to her upbringing. He's smart, intense and honest from his past. He wants everything and she's taking baby steps.

But Braxton is all in and he'll do anything to prove it to Cara... but not without a few bumps, complications, and misunderstandings. But together they after undeniable and so damn irresistible. Every moment they gave was beautiful.

This book... so brilliant. One guy that will make you swoon, even with his imperfections and one girl that's gonna make you high five (a time or ten)!

I highly recommend this book.

Reviewed for Renee Entress's Blog
Displaying 1 - 30 of 461 reviews

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