Discover 21 Real Techniques You Can Use To Persuade And Brainwash Anyone Maybe you’ve been led to believe that brainwashing other people is something that can only happen in movies. Maybe you think that taking advantage of the subconscious mind is something only crazy people would try to do.
The truth is, as human beings we’re imperfect. We have weaknesses. And if you study and get to know these weaknesses you’ll have a huge power in your hands. When you master the right manipulation techniques, the real ones, it is completely possible to influence other people’s thinkings and make them do what you desire.
In this book you’ll find 21 of the best manipulation techniques, the ones that can easily give you access to almost anybody’s mind. By learning and applying them, you will have the chance to create a great positive change in your life and reach your goals faster.
This Handy Manual Will Teach
21 Proven Techniques to Manipulate And Brainwash Anyone The Right Way To Disagree Without Sounding Disagreeable How To Interpret And Take Advantage Of Gestures Working Ways To Build a Relationship With Your Listener How To Mirror And Direct Others Without Anyone Noticing You Practical Strategies To Penetrate The Subconscious Using Keywords How To Set The Right Mood To Manipulate Others In A Conversation Common Mistakes And How To Avoid Them (The Majority of People Doesn’t Know This) And much, much more Learn how to get in control and live a life of happiness, success, joy, and peace. Scroll to the top and select BUY NOW!
Not the fault in the book but I expected to read more about psychologicap understanding aspect of being manipulated or manipulate. This was general book about more of convincing not as such of manipulation. Of you take each chapters title, you won't need a whole book about it. Just those pointers will be enough. This book will be good for newbies or very young who are venturing out in the world. Anyway, thanks to Amazon and the author.
Interesting short read that will arm you with the knowledge you need to either manipulate people or defend yourself against manipulation. (Please read it with good intentions) Some information is common sense, many repetitions but not bad overall.
It gives basics of what one should do to be an effective manipulator,but does not go in details.I kept feeling like I was starting the book all over again each time I started a new chapter.Otherwise it’s a good book to read.