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Holy Hustle: Embracing a Work-Hard, Rest-Well Life

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Work without Shame,
Rest without Guilt Balance. It's what we long for in our lives as we hear shouts of "Work harder!" in one ear, and whispers to "rest more" in the other. What if God's plan for us isn't just one way or the other?

Enter the holy hustle .

Crystal Stine followed the path to success as she climbed the corporate ladder. Now she explores "hustle" in a new light as a self-employed, work-from-home mom. She invites you to join her in experiencing... You were created to work with enthusiasm for the right reasons—and you were also made with a need to rest. Discover the place where these two sides meet in a happy, holy hustle.

208 pages, Paperback

Published June 5, 2018

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About the author

Crystal Stine

11 books38 followers
Crystal’s passion is encouraging, equipping and inspiring women of all ages to embrace a work hard, rest well lifestyle that honors God - so they can work without shame and rest without guilt.

Her first book, “Holy Hustle: Embracing a Work Hard, Rest Well Lifestyle” released June 5, 2018 (Harvest House), followed by "Quieting the Shout of Should" (Oct 2020, Harvest House) and a "Holy Hustle" planner (January 2021, Harvest House).

You can connect with Crystal online at crystalstine.me, learn more about her book at holyhustlebook.com, get a sneak peek of her books & planner through three free devotionals of the same names on YouVersion, or find her on Instagram @crystalstine.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews
Profile Image for Darcy Schock.
364 reviews14 followers
June 2, 2018
Holy Hustle came at a perfect time in my life. I had been struggling to find a balance between family and work. I felt guilty working because I worried I was neglecting my kids, but if I just played with them, I felt like I was being unproductive and wasting my time. I picked up this book because I wanted a healthy balance so bad. I wanted to fight off all the guilt I was feeling and step into healthy work/rest balance.

Not only did this book speak truth and life into my heart on the work/rest balance, it also lifted me up out of a lie I was believing. The lie that my work wasn’t good enough, or big enough. Crystal spoke to my heart in ways I didn’t know it needed spoken to. She spoke on the truth that whatever work we do, if it is for the glory of God, it is important, significant, and enough. It doesn’t matter how big or small from human eyes it is, if it is for God’s kingdom it is important.

When I first picked up this book, I assumed it was for working women. That is not the case, this book is for every woman out there because we all work whether that work is paid or unpaid. This book is for the stay at home mom to the working business woman. I recommend it to every woman because not only is it easy to get caught up in too much rest or too much work, can also believe the lie that our work isn’t good enough.

I love this book because the content is amazing and speaks so much truth, but I also love it because of how it is structured. In every chapter Crystal includes a Holy Hustle story from someone, scripture to dig deeper, and a reflection section with journaling space. Not only do you read this book, you interact with it. If you are a woman struggling to find balance between rest and work, this book is for you. But it doesn’t end there, this book is for every woman out there because it is a book on much more than just work and rest. It weaves scriptural truth into our daily lives in an incredible way, and is a push of confidence to move us forward in our calling in God’s kingdom.

I received a copy for free in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own. It was an amazing book!
Profile Image for Brianna | briannas_books.
381 reviews22 followers
June 14, 2019
If I’m being honest I think this was more of a two or 2.5 star read. It had some really good attributes however I just don’t think the message was something meant for me. I could relate to some of it but the majority of the time I was reading I felt “this is for someone else.” Which is fine and I definitely see how this book is important and can change someone’s life. I think the author did a good job relating her message to the real world. The only other issue I had with it was that I felt like the writing was a little jumpy and didn’t really flow as nicely as I had expected it to.
2 reviews1 follower
June 6, 2018
I'll be honest. Even reading the word 'hustle' brings up feelings of stress, endless to-do lists, and a tightening in my shoulders. I used to use the word proudly, but then found it caused a certain discomfort. Hustle felt hard. Hustle felt frantic and feverish. Hustle felt...unholy.

When I first saw the title of Crystal's book, I felt hope shifting in me. As I opened the very first pages, I was greeted by a beautiful call to the redemption of the word hustle. A redemption that asks us to consider what it means to value hard work in a way that honors God. To give ourselves completely to the things God has set before us, not by striving, but by submitting our own agendas and fears to God's desires for the work in our life.

Why do we work?

Crystal invites us into a journey, and her beautiful book creates physical journal space for us to process and uncover God's holy design for a work hard - rest well life. Rather than days that end with guilt or shame, we learn how to embrace work well. And rest in a way that refuels us. By caring four our hearts and souls, we can find life in the work we do.
174 reviews2 followers
June 6, 2018
I have been trying to advocate rest within my ministry group for a while but it feels like a losing battle but this book seems to articulate a lot of what I have been trying to say. True if we are called to a task we should be diligent but when we overextend and overwork we are doing ourselves a disservice. The writer takes us through this book with a nice flow as she guides us to lean on God, trust Him with His plan for us. To work well and to rest well also. Work is good, rest is holy.
This book is divided into ten chapters but don't skip the forward or introduction. Each chapter begins with a short quote to the top, then the meat of the chapter, a digging deeper section, then a Holy Hustle Story, and finally a reflection with questions. This is not a book to just read through. No you work through this book, work through your thoughts, perspective and life stage to get to what works best for you. Holy Hustles is not a one size fits all and working through this book helps you to get to what fits you and your life.
I received this book free from NetGalley and Harvest House Publishers for my honest opinion
Profile Image for Tammy Mashburn.
Author 1 book6 followers
June 7, 2018
Holy Hustle is moving from the hamster wheel of life, where we are overwhelmed and soul empty, to an experience of working hard and resting well. Each chapter contains Scripture reading and practical application. You will be confronted with choices to make changes in your life as you are encouraged by the tried and true wisdom from Crystal.
Reading this book was as if Crystal were sitting in the room with me holding my secret struggles with her words.
I love Holy Hustle and would recommend it to anyone who is moving too fast through life, empty and overwhelmed, in need of direction which leads to a better way of life.
Profile Image for Melissa Henderson.
Author 7 books171 followers
May 10, 2018
In Holy Hustle, the author gives great insight highlighting how we can glorify God in all our actions and words. In each moment of each day, we are given opportunity to share the love of God in our professions, our home life, our everyday living. No matter what our life may include, there are ways to work hard and rest well, with His help. This book is inspirational and encouraging. I received a copy of the book and this is my honest personal opinion. No review was required.
Profile Image for Ginger Harrington.
Author 7 books15 followers
September 2, 2018
Inspiring and relevant, Holy Hustle addresses the challenging balance between work and rest. Geared for the woman who struggles to work well and rest well in faith, Crystal Stine speaks to the heart of today's Christian woman. I found encouragement and inspiration in the points, illustrations, and Scripture that filled this highly enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Jennifer Widmer.
47 reviews
August 9, 2020
I loved this book! I've been blessed by the wisdom in Crystal's words. I'm not good at resting but God has been teaching me to work hard and rest well. You don't regret reading this book.
Profile Image for Amanda.
175 reviews35 followers
October 7, 2018
Excellent book for working moms, women in ministry, and any woman tryin to balance the busyness of life!
Profile Image for Aminata Coote.
Author 39 books56 followers
July 5, 2018
I didn’t know that hustle could be holy. I grew up thinking that “hustling” was limited to those who were trying to get rich doing non-traditional jobs – things like selling goods on the sidewalks. I thought it was limited to those who started dozens of companies always with a new idea to make some money but never enough oomph to sustain it. I didn’t realize that I was “hustling” too.
Hustle means doing a whole lot of things (usually at the same time). Somehow we have redefined hustle and made it into a dirty word. “Let’s redeem hustle” Crystal invites us, “by recognizing how God has uniquely created us with talents that are to be used for his glory.” While we are learning to use our talents for God’s glory we also need to learn how to rest. We rest by modeling the example set by our Creator.
Crystal shows the readers of Holy Hustle new ways of looking at the work that they are called to do. She invites them to look at their motivations, intentions and goals … why do you do the things you do? Then she shows us new ways to look at the way we do those things.
Know God – Each chapter ends with a section that invites us to dig deeper. We are invited to get our Bibles and read a teaching on the topic that we covered.
Know yourself – Sprinkled throughout the book are questions that prompt us to introspection. We are given the chance to ask ourselves some frank questions. The answers, if we’re honest, can change the way we look at things and how we approach work and rest.
Run your race – As one half of an identical set of twins, Crystal knows how the importance of remaining true to your identity. She encourages her readers to use the gifts they have been given to do the work that they have been called to do.
Profile Image for Leah.
283 reviews5 followers
June 5, 2018
Everyone in LA has multiple hustles. Because it costs so much to survive? More likely because the energy, ethnic and cultural diversity, and (probably) the anonymity of the second largest city in the USA attracts ambitious creatives. I routinely inform anyone who'll listen I have several hustles: I mainly hustle as a graphic artist-designer; theology's a not too far behind side hustle; I'd love to make my only very occasional music hustle more central. They're all freelance, so those hustles absolutely require my ongoing initiative and imagination—you can't expect gigs to fall out of the sky, though the best ones sometimes do.

Crystal writes about getting laid off or fired a couple of times; like Crystal and many others, I've had my share of jobs not continuing, maybe most significantly when I was working in industry as a designer and then – due to crashes of overall economy and housing markets coupled with internet expansion to third world countries – along with several thousand other North American designers, I found myself pushed hard into far more freelancing than I'd anticipated. In turn that pushed me into hustling harder than I otherwise might have done.

Chapter 5: "Our holy hustle is not limited by our vocation or our location." [page 90]
"What field has God given you to work in, in this season?" [page 91]

The estimated 30%-35% of North Americans of both genders who work at least part-time in the freelance economy would benefit from reading Holy Hustle, though when Crystal Stine assembled her launch team, she particularly wanted as many women as possible to know how possible it is to embrace (to hug!) "a work-hard, rest-well life." Nothing in her short, scripture-grounded, highly reflective book wouldn't equally apply to most guys, but from my own experience and from observing other women, it's clear we have a stronger, more persistent inclination or leaning toward believing we need to try as hard as possible, produce more than imaginable. Maybe you've heard, "Women need to be twice as good at what they do in order to be considered half as good as men. Luckily, that is not difficult."

To hustle means to work quickly and energetically—doesn't imply anything about productivity. God commands us, "You shall be holy, for I your God am holy." We accurately can define holy as set apart from others by one's attributes or set apart for a purpose; however, more than anything, in Jesus of Nazareth we acknowledge as the ultimate revelation of the Holy God, we recognize holiness as life lived for others (for the neighbor, for all creation) in full communion with God. Crystal explains it perfectly on page 161: "Holy hustle means using your light to brighten the lives of others while shining the spotlight on God." The author sharing her own recent experiences and including hustle-and-rest vignettes from several others gives the book value it might not have if it had originated even during the end of the last century. The times they sure have changed!

Although with my attempts to reclaim a full life of service to others and participation in the world outside my immediate 'hood I already knew almost everything Crystal wrote, I'll still reread Holy Hustle every so often. It would be an excellent gift—not in the least because of the appealing cover design.

Remember, "Just as striving is the 'gone too far' side of serving [hustling], laziness is the 'gone too far' side of rest." [page 176]

From chapter 5: "Our holy hustle is not limited by our vocation or our location." [page 90}
"What field has God given you to work in, in this season?" [page 91]

Notice of material connection: I received a pre-publication copy of this book from the author with no obligation to write a positive review. As always, my opinions are my own.
Profile Image for JENNIFER COOK.
72 reviews24 followers
June 7, 2018
Crystal shares real words from her heart about the Word of God in respect to us, women.
"maybe God has brought you to a new place, and your dreams of doing impressive work that would bring recognition and fame have been replaced with a call to serve in a much smaller way. Maybe you’ve been serving faithfully in a role that you love but feel frustrated that you don't see the fruit of your work.
When we stop striving and start serving, we begin to trust God to harvest what we’re faithfully planting. "

She writes passages like this which make you think about your own life, and it puts our faith in perspective alongside world views. In comparison to a Disney movie Monsters Inc. she places this nugget:
"The internet gives us the ability to see the doors God is opening for other people around the world, and we lose sight of the one door God wants us to step through in faith. Not every door is meant for us. Not every door leads us home." Doors on Disney are kind of similar to our real life choices of which path do I take today? Now?

I'm in awe of Crystal's "holy hustle" concept. Reading this book has created a desire in my heart to slow down. Accepting where God has me right now, I learn to resist the hustle in exchange for some holy moments I'd otherwise miss.

Would you miss a moment to give if you were too busy working on your own needs? Would you strive for the bigger pay check or bonus just to buy more "stuff?" This example she gives in a part about a sermon on giving. The pastor asks what your family would do with one hundred dollars.

"Would you do it? Would you use $100 for no other purpose than to outdo someone in honor and love by blessing them when God says “Give”?"

Crystal Stine encourages us to seek more to give than to receive. Easier said than done in this "me first" world I feel a part of. Do I save even $10 to give away at the unexpected moment? I can. But, I often don't.

"....Community is the essential ingredient that sets holy hustle apart from the way the rest of the world works. It looks more like collaboration, care, and conversation than targeting customers."

Her quotes can be numerous. You can highlight away or journal them down. It is a gift to read this book. I'm thankful it fell into my hands. I hope it changes my heart to love others more and be kind. Also, I can go easy on myself with the grace to find holy AND hustle as God directs my steps.
Profile Image for Maria Marino.
25 reviews
June 13, 2018
I’ve been rubbing my hands in eager anticipation for Holy Hustle to make its debut. For more than a year. It sure was worth the wait! I just finished re-reading the parts I highlighted and have been inspired, encouraged, and helped all over again.

Realizing we need work-rest balance is not rocket-science, but knowing how to achieve it can be a daunting challenge. That’s what makes this book so valuable and useful. It comes alongside you like a companion with a compass and all the tools you need to get to that sweet-spot.

It’s a smart, practical softcover you get to work through and learn much from. Each chapter includes Crystal’s life, lessons, failures, and insights, Digging Deeper with biblical reference, a Holy Hustle Story from diverse women in different walks of life, space to engage with Reflection and plenty of journalling pages.

What I love best about this book is how it simply gets to the heart of the matter by offering perspective and wisdom. If you’ve ever wondered what God’s Word says about work and rest, Holy Hustle has you covered. If you’ve ever questioned at what point working hard ventures into striving or rest drifts into laziness, Crystal spells it out for you. She clarifies what work looks like and what rest is. You’ll be happy to hear its not the same for all of us.

As you go through this book you’ll discover more about the superpower of serving and claiming the freedom to work without guilt, rest without shame. You’ll find hope for the future and peace in your present circumstance with the reassurance your work matters and has great worth whether you’re preparing a meal with love, scrubbing a toilet, or running a multi-million dollar corporation. With joy and gratitude, work will take on new meaning and success a new look.

By the time you turn the last page you’ll be fully equipped to answer what holy hustle means to you and embrace a fresh, new beginning to the days ahead, working hard with all your heart, and resting well. For the glory of God.

I received an advanced copy from the publisher. This unbiased review reflects my own thoughts and opinions.
Profile Image for Taylor Phillips.
Author 3 books1 follower
May 6, 2019
“When we have confidence in the call God has placed on our lives, it changes not only the way we take up physical space, but how we claim space in other ways for God’s kingdom.” #HolyHustleBook by Crystal Stine

“Holy Hustle” has been an answer to a prayer that I didn’t even know I was praying. I recently entered into a new season of life where my “work,” doesn’t look like the world. When people ask “what do you do,” I stare blankly at them trying to come up with a description of something I do to make them think that I’m not staying at home being lazy.

Crystal’s message in this book is finding the balance between work and rest—a holy hustle. Working well and hard in what God has called you to, but resting in His goodness and His equipping you for the task. She tears down the status quo of what we’re “supposed” to do and replaces it with doing what God has called to do—and that every ounce of that work matters.

I honestly struggled writing this review. Not because this book wasn’t good, but because it was GREAT. I so want to convey that this book is EVERYTHING you need to hear in whatever season you’re in. Whether you’re working and you wonder if your work matters, or you’re striving and you’re exhausted but don’t know what to do, or you just need good reading material. “Holy Hustle” has opened my eyes to things I’ve hidden in shame that I’ve honestly thought I dealt with. But it was so full of grace and mercy when it was brought to my attention, I realized that it’s not a point of shame, but redemption.

I highly, highly, HIGHLY recommend this book. I even read some to my husband and he enjoyed it and was challenged to make a change. It released me to do the work I was called to do.

Maybe you’re a mom boss, or a boss babe, or a CEO. I encourage anyone who WORKS to read this book.
Profile Image for Jenifer Metzger.
Author 6 books8 followers
June 5, 2018
I long for days of prayer and Bible reading. Not just the "quiet time" I spend with God in the morning, but entire days with worship music, vases of flowers, and burning candles while I spend my waking hours with nothing but prayer, Bible reading, in depth Bible study, singing worship, and just being alone with God all day long with nothing on the agenda.

That is certainly not my reality. And I'm sure it's not yours. The reality is laundry to wash, dry, fold, and put away. The reality is meals to cook and dishes to wash. The reality is school, sports, vehicle maintenance, errands to run, doctor appointments to attend, jobs to show up to, and the list continues to the point of exhaustion.

Crystal Stine knows all about this hustle of life while desiring the holiness of life. In her new book Holy Hustle, she says, "What if there was another way to live? A place where we can find ourselves embracing the work God has given us while honoring His command to rest - holy hustle?" Crystal says, "Tucked into holy hustle is a freedom that takes away the guilt of work and the shame of rest."

In Holy Hustle, Crystal teaches us how to stop the striving and harvest the blessing. Through her own life experiences, reflection, and Scripture, she gets us past the point of living a life of chaotic hustle and helps us transition into a holy hustle. A hustle that honors God's call in our lives while also honoring His command to rest. Whether you are in a season of hustle or feel as though your life has been nothing but hustle, Holy Hustle will help you embrace the work and the rest of the Lord.
Profile Image for Angela Sangalang.
57 reviews5 followers
June 13, 2018
"Holy Hustle" by Crystal Stine arrived at just the right moment for me. I'm in a season of working hard and hustling, only to realize that I need margin in my life to rest and breathe. Finding that margin isn't easy, but this book is helping me through it. Crystal's message of embracing a work-hard and rest-well life and how to do just that is like a friend who gently interrupts your hustle to take you out for coffee and remind you to find and lean into the holy.

One of the things I love about this book is Crystal's Scripture references and insights. These are not just one verse Bible references, but entire chapters that she unpacks in the light of what holy hustle could be in our lives.

Crystal also includes reflection questions and exercises that help me slow down and think through the points she brings up. I am especially grateful for the space she provides in this book to write down my thoughts and answers. This is a good book to mark up!

Another thing I enjoyed in "Holy Hustle" is reading the stories of other women and what holy hustle looks like in their lives. I'm amazed at how Crystal shares her book and platform with other women to encourage and show readers that we're not alone. In this season of my life where I'm trying to figure out what holy hustle looks like for me, it's motivating to hear other women's stories.

I recommend "Holy Hustle" to anyone who wants to find that intersection where work and rest coexist so that you're not just surviving through life, you're thriving in it.

I received an advanced copy of this book, but also purchased a copy of my own because Crystal's message is worth hearing. All opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Heather.
205 reviews20 followers
October 2, 2018
Stine's engaging writing held my full attention for this refreshingly short and to-the-point book emphasizing the importance of harmony between rest and work. Holy Hustle gives great perspective on how we need to avoid laziness and cling to rest while also avoiding striving in favor of hustling. Drawing from multiple stories from the Old and New Testaments and much of the teaching of Jesus himself, Stine marries practical advice for balancing rest and work with the theology behind it. She includes many self-evaluations, writing prompts, and Bible reading assignments to guide the reader in their own discovery of what their personal rest and work will look like - Stine recognizes that each person rests and works in a unique way!

While Stine makes many key observations throughout the book, the most prominent is this: work is good, and rest is holy. Work is a mission field meant to bring glory to God! And we must use rest to be refilled, not as an excuse to be lazy.

Two of my favorite quotes:

Holy hustle means understanding the part of the work we're responsible for.

We don't need to do it all. We just need to do all of what God is giving us in this season.

I would highly recommend pairing with the 10-day YouVersion app devotional, or using the devotional as a follow-up to what you learn from the book.
Profile Image for Christine Balaty.
8 reviews3 followers
January 4, 2021
I'm not one who has ever been known to "strive", so I couldn't really identify with the nuances between striving (greed) and "Holy Hustle" or between "resting well" and laziness. The Scripture references from versions such as The Message or NLT take a lot of liberties as far as translation; some were not even remotely similar to my NAB revised edition or RSV. I wondered, "Is this REALLY what God is saying here? Of course the idea of a work/rest balance is good, but I didn't think this book really hit the mark as far as outlining what exactly that looks like. The promise of the beginning of the book was never realized by the end. Some truths that do come through: Make room for God; let God lead you to and through the work He has given you; our work is not for our personal glory, but rather for God's glory; our work/rest pattern should follow God's work/rest model in Creation... even God had to rest! Anyway, I'm sure this book is an ok entry point for the strivers out there who labor 24/7 and do whatever it takes to get the job done without taking a time-out for God, or realize that whatever work they do, they should do their best all for the glory of God (not out of greed for material goods/wealth). I didn't learn anything about the work/rest balance that was promised at the beginning of the book. I was looking for nuts and bolts. Instead I got life experiences I couldn't really relate to. I was disappointed.
Profile Image for Dorina Gilmore-Young.
Author 8 books57 followers
June 11, 2018
Do you need to work harder? Do you need to rest more? What shapes your ideas about work? What if you could redeem hustle for God’s glory? These are just a few of the questions Crystal Stine is tackling in her newly-released book, Holy Hustle.

Crystal presents a challenging and refreshing examination of the roles of work and rest in our lives. Her central message is that we should “work without shame and rest without guilt” for the glory of God.

I love the way Crystal holds both of these ideas in tandem. Crystal encourages women to pursue “holy hustle,” a word-hard, rest-well lifestyle that chases faith instead of fame.

Each chapter of the book includes Crystal’s personal narrative, an inspiring quote, a section that digs deeper into a Bible story or passage, a Holy Hustle story about another woman practicing this lifestyle, and pages for reflection and journaling.

This book comes at the end of the school year and the start of summer – a perfect time for reexamining my own work rhythms and expectations with my three daughters home. I highly recommend grabbing a copy of this book and heading for the beach or your favorite spot to read and rest.
Profile Image for Missy.
12 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2018
Go, go, go…that’s what society says. The busier we are the better. The higher you climb the more it matters. But are we like a hamster running on our own wheel of life or are we actually working towards God’s glory? In this book, Crystal isn’t saying that working hard is wrong, she’s simply sharing that rest is necessary to be our best self. “The work is good but the rest is Holy.”
Crystal understands the value of hard work but also recognizes the need for rest. She gently reminds us it’s important to keep God at the forefront of all we do and constantly “check in” with Him. She also reminds us that whatever our “work” is, it matters and we should do it to the best of our ability and for the glory of God. This book is for everyone: young, old, stay at home moms, work outside of the home moms, single women, married women without children, grandmas, retirees or those who wished they were. What’s the hold up? You need this book!
I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
10 reviews4 followers
June 7, 2018
I can’t begin to tell you how I am soaking up Crystal’s words in her new book, Holy Hustle!

Here are a few gems I am steeping my heart in:
“Leaning into a right here faith means choosing the small moments over the popular ones because of the legacy it will leave for God’s kingdom.”

Do you ever wrestle with laying down a “work” you have always done? “Sometimes God makes space in our lives so that we can claim the space into which he has called us.”

Do you long to have an impact on the world around you? “
We have a greater impact on eternity when we go where we’ve been called.”

Each of these and more call me to look just a bit deeper into my heart. They remind me it’s possible to hustle and do my best, while I stay in His holy and perfect plan. Perfection is not what I am called to. I am called to submit my heart to Him and trust Him to perfect the plan and my heart.
Grab this one and get ready for all the possibilities God wants to bring forth in you.
Profile Image for Beth.
19 reviews2 followers
July 1, 2018
Holy Hustle came at the perfect time in my life. As I juggle an out of the home job, graduate school, trying to maintain a home and be a good wife and mother, not only do I feel like I need to "do it all", but I often feel like I'm failing in one or more areas of my life.

As a type-A achiever who battles with perfectionism, this book spoke to how important it is to find balance. A balance between rest and what Crystal Stine coins as "holy hustle". It's not the same kind of hustle we all know: that do more, try harder, be more type of hustle. This is hustle that honors the work God has called us to do in our lives, without falling into bed exhausted at the end of the day. That's exactly the kind of life I"m looking for.

The words in this book were just what I needed to hear and I can't recommend it enough.

I received an advanced reader copy from the publisher, but all views and opinions provided are my own.
Profile Image for Tiffany Tubville.
131 reviews
November 3, 2021
Really good book about the balance between work that God has called us to (and make sure our motives are not our own striving or selfish ambition) and rest so we can refill, refuel, refresh our spirit as we abide in Him (but not going so far into rest that it’s laziness). It’s a topic that’s needed for women because many of us are struggling with being good stewards of our time. Burn out, exhaustion and depletion are the result of working outside of where our calling is or trying to meet everyone’s needs and expectations at a pace without rest.
“We need to slow down, spend time in the Word, and be quiet enough to hear God’s voice so we are better equipped to do the work He’s calling us to do. When I try to go 24/7 without a break, not only do I burn out, neglect my family, and serve as a poor steward of my health, but I start to make hurried decisions based on my agenda and dreams instead of listening to God’s quiet guidance.”
March 30, 2023
Timing is everything. I recently felt called to serve the sisters in my faith community. Putting my trust in God, I have given my all to loving and supporting women and their families in various circumstances. My days have become busy as I balance feeding my soul, family time, running a business and service. Each day is a stream of inspired actions to be taken and finding physical rest isn’t always possible on the day the Lord has set apart for rest. I find emotional and spiritual rest in every private moment spent with God on His Holy day and remember Jesus Christ as I thank Him for His sacrifice and for trusting me with this season of service.
The Holy Hustle reminds me to take time to fill my cup by physically resting and in doing what brings me joy. Finding opportunities to laugh, breathe deeply, read, be in nature and pamper myself are much needed. It was inspiring to read of women who are following their heart in doing what they can in their circle of influence to glorify God and His Son, Jesus Christ while honouring the sacredness of rest.
Profile Image for Jacquelyn.
5 reviews
May 30, 2018
Just what I needed! My every day Holy Hustle was lagging. I did things sometimes on the fly, then I'd fall flat on my face with discontent and disappointment because I felt that I didn't do enough. I'd then cover it up and pretended that it would be different tomorrow, and with no preparation, I'd fail. Holy Hustle is about taking those failures and turning them into lessons that help you change your thinking in a way that makes you realize that, with Jesus, you have the power to change course. Holy Hustle helps you understand that your failures don't define you and that you can move forward and be a winner with your father in heaven. This phenomenal book is what is needed to help give you the push you need to fulfill your God given plan. Super powerful!

I received a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Kim Stewart.
48 reviews2 followers
June 5, 2018
I have followed Crystal for a while now and have seen her live out the message of Holy Hustle. I am so thankful that God gave her this message to share with women like me. I relate to the struggle to strive and “keep up with the Joneses” in the workforce all the while knowing that God is calling me to rest. “Hustle” is a word often used for entrepreneurs but Crystal adds the word “Holy” to it and shows us what it means to Hustle for our Lord. Some of my favorite quotes are:

"Holy hustle means standing firm and taking up the space God has called you to, choosing a life of faith, even if it never brings fame."

"When we strive to fix things on our own in big ways, we miss the small gifts God has set in place for us."

I HIGHLY recommend this book! Grab your girlfriends together for a book club, or Bible study this summer, you won’t be disappointed!
Profile Image for Leann.
196 reviews5 followers
June 11, 2018
Crystal Stine introduces us to a more balanced scriptural way to approach our lives. There must be balance. We must do the work God calls us to do… not more and not less… not what the world tells us to do…. just what God tells us to do in whatever season of life we are in. If we work too hard or rest too much both extremes can be damaging to us. This approach is nothing new but it is something that is not talked about much… we see all of this in scripture. God’s way of doing business and daily life should be all about living a life surrendered to Him and His purpose for our life. If we live out His plan instead of our plan or the world’s plan there is joy, success, and true rest.

For the full review head over to my blog... Some Days There's Pie
Profile Image for Niki Clark.
59 reviews
July 12, 2020
I wish I could give this book 100 stars.

If you have ever wondered how you can hustle but then embrace rest and not lose your mind in doing both, read this book.

The hip word is hustle. Work hard. Keep going. Don't stop. Early mornings and late nights. Rest is for the weak. This is all a lie. God wants us to work hard for His kingdom and in doing so, work hard here on earth, but it does not mean work so hard at the expense of your health, your life, and your family. On the seventh day He rested and we too must rest.

So how do you figure out this "holy hustle" thing? Definitely read this book. You will learn why your passion is a gift from God and how to use it for His kingdom. And you will also learn to not beat yourself up for resting.

Trust me - all 187 pages are highlight worthy!
Profile Image for Trisha.
66 reviews1 follower
May 31, 2018
Holy Hustle is a book that will challenge you in how you view your every day life and what you do. Crystal Stine is an excellent author and ready to tackle what "Holy Hustle" means by sharing God's Word, personal experience, and advice on how to "Work without shame. Rest without guilt." Because friends, it is hard for all of us to find a balance, but when we stop and dig into God's Word and learn what "Holy Hustle" means, we will realize that it is all about bringing God glory through our work and our rest, not us.

Read Crystal's book, and if you are like me, may you find your freedom in "Holy Hustle" like I did.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Harvest House Publishers through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
Profile Image for Beth.
Author 5 books7 followers
June 8, 2018
What I loved most about Holy Hustle is how relatable Crystal Stine is. Her transparency and vulnerability allowed for me to see how my life journey has run parallel to hers and even times I've caught myself in the same cycles of running the race (or hustle) the world sees as necessary.

I've spent the majority of my life since college seeking to position myself to fully understand and live God's calling for my life. Holy Hustle was perfectly timed as a reminder that our yeses and nos are important both in work and life.

Crystal does a beautiful job of tying in what scripture says about work and life balance. In this year of striving to simplify life Holy Hustle was the perfect mid-year affirmation I needed.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 80 reviews

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