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Fight or Flight

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A series of chance encounters leads to a sizzling new romance from the New York Times bestselling author of the On Dublin Street series.

The universe is conspiring against Ava Breevort. As if flying back to Phoenix to bury a childhood friend wasn’t hell enough, a cloud of volcanic ash traveling from overseas delayed her flight back home to Boston. Her last ditch attempt to salvage the trip was thwarted by an arrogant Scotsman, Caleb Scott, who steals a first class seat out from under her. Then over the course of their journey home, their antagonism somehow lands them in bed for the steamiest layover Ava’s ever had. And that’s all it was—until Caleb shows up on her doorstep.

When pure chance pulls Ava back into Caleb’s orbit, he proposes they enjoy their physical connection while he’s stranded in Boston. Ava agrees, knowing her heart’s in no danger since a) she barely likes Caleb and b) his existence in her life is temporary. Not long thereafter Ava realizes she’s made a terrible error because as it turns out Caleb Scott isn’t quite so unlikeable after all. When his stay in Boston becomes permanent, Ava must decide whether to fight her feelings for him or give into them. But even if she does decide to risk her heart on Caleb, there is no guarantee her stubborn Scot will want to risk his heart on her....

384 pages, ebook

First published October 9, 2018

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About the author

Samantha Young

105 books27.2k followers
Samantha is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author and a Goodreads Choice Awards Nominee. Samantha has written over 60 books and is published in 31 countries. She writes emotional and angsty romance, often set where she resides—in her beloved home country Scotland. Samantha splits her time between her family, writing and chasing after two very mischievous cavapoos.

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Find Sam online at www.authorsamanthayoung.com, and on IG, TikTok and FB @authorsamanthayoung

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Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews67 followers
August 2, 2021
It's interesting how the subtext of this story is more significant than its overarching plot.

I'm a proponent of women having the power to decide what happens with and inside their bodies. If bringing life to this world were that easy then men would have long since volunteered because, and as we all know, men know EVERYTHING and are always eager to either mansplain or show us how errant we are.

The fact that they haven't undertaken the process of incubating a live human in their bellies suggests they know they have no authority over us but are willing to push until we either fight back or acquiesce.

The entire premise is about a guy, Caleb the hero, who hates beautiful women simply because his beautiful ex-fiancee got an abortion -or as the hero says "she killed my baby". 🙄 His abusive and disparaging behaviour toward the heroine, Ava, throughout the story is unwarranted and excessive, however, it's what brings and keeps them together.

He's rude. She's ruder (is that a word?).

He's gorge. She's gorgeouser.

Then they have sex and Caleb unilaterally decides not to use condoms even going so far as to scoff at Eva when she insists otherwise.

Do you see a pattern? That's why I said the subtext is weightier than the enemies-to-lovers veneer the author wants us to see.

Despite all that, and although this is my first time reading Young, I think she's a good storyteller and I'm eager to read her other books.

One last thing. There's irony in Ava helping her BFF escape an abusive relationship while she was in an emotionally abusive one. Isn't it amazing what we choose not to see?
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,247 reviews101k followers
October 9, 2018

ARC provided by Berkley in exchange for an honest review.

“I never believed in fate until you”

Fight or Flight is an enemies to lovers romance starring two people who met during a layover in an airport under the worst of circumstances. I’ve read a few books by Samantha Young and I’ve enjoyed every one, but this one had a few aspects that really did have me side-eyeing.

Ava Breevort - Interior designer. Boston local. Grieving the loss of someone who used to mean a lot to her and is currently trying to fly back to Boston after attending a funeral.

Caleb Scott - CFO for an up and coming tech company. Visiting from Scotland. And currently at the airport and realizing that he is going to be stuck in the US for longer than he anticipated.

And I said this was an enemies to lovers story, so they obviously hate each other… at first. But they soon realize that the only way for them to stop thinking about each other is to get whatever it is out of their system. But only for one night. But after that one night, they realize that it might not be enough. Yet, both of these characters have built such walls around their hearts because of things that happened to them in their pasts. Plus, Caleb is stuck in Boston for a little longer. And he gets to see Ava for who she really is, and he gets to slowly meet the found family she has created for herself. This is really a story about fate and how sometimes unexpected things can really completely change the outcome of lives; for the better and for the worse.

“You win when you realize that anyone can hurt you, even those you never expect it from. Once you know that … you’ll never be knocked off your feet long enough to lose.”

This book was completely addicting, and I never wanted to put it down. Ever. No matter how infuriated I got at some of the things Caleb did and some of his gross actions. But I couldn’t write this review without talking about some of the gross things he did in this book. First off, during a sex scene, Ava realizes that he doesn’t have a condom on, and after asking him to go put one on, he kind of hesitates and goes for another stroke and…. *throws up forever* I can’t, friends, I really can’t. Next, he totally villainizes a woman for having an abortion. Like, there are a lot of aspects you could villainize this woman for; lying, using him, whatever really, but villainizing her for having an abortion just makes me sick to me stomach to read. Nothing, and I truly mean nothing, gives him a say in what any woman does with her body, ever. And lastly, this book is for sure an enemies to lovers storyline, but Caleb says some really horrible things to Ava about her appearance and judging her because of it. And I get it, sometimes we all have stereotypical thoughts about people at times, but Caleb turns it into “you don’t have power over me just because you look good” type of shit. And I’ve personally had dudes act like that to me before, and you know where they are? In the fucking trash where they belong. Like, no. It’s unacceptable, especially for the length that Caleb continued to judge Ava.

And I’m not going to say that Ava was my favorite protagonist of all-time or anything, but I really did love reading about her for many reasons. First off, she is successful and did it all on her own, with really shitty parental figures that didn’t do anything to help her. Next, she is just caring and reaches out to help others around her. Her and Harper’s friendship was probably my favorite aspect of the entire book. Lastly, I get that Ava is that typical blonde heroine, that’s skinny but has big boobs, but the author kind of has a unique spin on it, because Ava brings up how everything is always sexualized because of her bigger chest. And, I know this seems so small in comparison to everything else that needs representing in the world, but I used to really struggle with this growing up. My mom would always make me feel terrible, even just wearing a v-neck t-shirt. But, friends, I moved away from home and realized that was entirely her (and society’s) problem, not me or my genetics that I have no control over. Basically what I’m trying to say is that Caleb makes some questionable choices in this book, but Ava really is the shining star of it.

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The quotes above were taken from an ARC and are subject to change upon publication.

Content and trigger warnings for a lot of gross judgmental comments that rubbed me the completely wrong way, severe parental abuse, attempted sexual assault, physical abuse, domestic violence, cheating (in the past & not between the MCs), talk of miscarrying, talk of abortion, a brief and gross unprotected sex scene, slut shaming, loss of a loved one, and a lot of toxic masculinity.

Buddy Read with Lilly, Amy, & Leigh! ❤

❤ I also read this for Contemporary-a-thon!
Profile Image for Whitney Atkinson.
1,020 reviews13k followers
August 22, 2018
Netgalley provided me an e-arc of this book for review.

DNF at 33%.

This book is miserable and I don’t see it getting any better, so I give up. My list of things I hated about this book grew with every page I turned, so here’s an abridged list:

•the characters are SO snobby, entitled, privileged, and every other word to describe those miserable cranky people you see snapping at people in airports.
•the writing style was a lot of telling instead of showing, and it wrote in a lot of asides, which I think just comes of as cheesy. Was definitely not a fan of this writing style and probably wouldn’t read another book from her.
•i respect guys with scottish accents, but you can tell it was thrown into this book just for the love interest to be more of a panty dropper. the author wrote a lot of his dialogue phonetically (“tae” instead of “to”) and had him say “aye” every other word, and it just took me out of the action and made it feel….. silly? (after looking at the author’s twitter, it’s clear she has a *thing* for scottish men)
•the guy is just….. gross. i get male characters can make mistakes and say gross things and grow from it, but he’s pushy and rude and entitled and calls the mc “babe” right after they meet and stares at her boobs and ass and talks about sex with her while they’re near strangers on an airplane and none of it was charming?? if a real man did this to me, i would be highly uncomfortable instead of being like ~ooh but his accent~ He was just so RUDE!! and the main character would notice it and be like “ugh he’s horrible……. but gorgeous” and i just checked out bc rudeness is not hot at all to me.
•this book was trying to be feminist, and every now and then it would have a good line, but mostly it was just kind of obnoxious. I’m not mad that it was trying to incorporate those messages, it was just so…. obvious. It came off so preachy and hypocritical. according to the main character, telling a woman what to do is bad, but pressuring her to have sex is okay. this book excuses all the love interest’s gross behavior because he was sOOoOoOooo AtTraCTiVe
•the dialogue was horrendous. if the characters hadn’t spoken a single word to each other during sex scenes it might have been bearable, but every other line i was screaming about the sarah j maas demonic energy of these characters making dumb jokes and using such outdated lingo at each other. real human adults do not speak the way that these characters do (ie. full grown professional adults calling something “freaking epic”). and if they did, i would not want to be around them or be friends with them. so, SO annoying. at one point the guy touches her bare thigh and she goes “oh boy!” like WHAT
•there’s nothing new or special about this book. the love interest is your generic tall, muscular, accented man who ~gets what he wants~. the female main character is fake edgy “snarky,” which really just means that her dialogue is unrealistic and corny and she’s impulsive.

Was not a fan of this whatsoever, but if you don’t mind cheesy, typical romances, it might be more your cup of tea
Profile Image for Cristiina♡Reads.
587 reviews3,473 followers
October 8, 2018
➳Sometimes, banter with mixed with some fun sexy times create one of the ideal romance novels filled with so much emotional depth that one craves, and Samantha Young has done it again...

➳Someone help me, because Samantha Young has made a weak person out of me when it comes down to banter romances between two individuals who not like each other at first, and end up loving each other at the end. There is a lot to say about these kinds of romances, and I have been blessed to actually enjoy it since my type of romances that have been my favorites have been acute in a way that makes me question what is wrong with me. I have not read a Samantha Young novel in YEARS, since the DUBLIN STREET series and when requested this one, I was hesitant at first to dive in but also with an opened mind of trying to see what is to come. Thankfully Samantha did not disappoint as my adoration for this romance novel is off the roof.

➳Caleb and Ava first encountered upon an unfortunate (but one soon learns to realize it is fortunate) scene of not liking each other. When getting their anger in place, both learn soon to realize that their sexual chemistry is one that will not diminish. Keeping that alive for one un-forsakened night was not tough on them since the sparks were also flying from left and right. After said night, that's when destiny decided to come into place and kick them both in the ass...

➳When Ava is introduced to a friend of a friend, she soon learns to realize that her inner empowering woman is not going to turn down how her body's reaction towards Caleb, being that mystery friend of her friend. Everything that they both go through is just hear warming, caring, and touching in all retrospectives that an ideal romance novel should have. No matter what turn Ava would make, destiny would put Caleb in her path for her to truly question what is going on with the universe. The truth from both their pasts is revealed and my heart could not have been broken more and more after reading Ava's side of things. Seriously, my pillow was damp from all the tears running down my face making me realize how much I missed those sappy, emotional romances I used to read back in the day...

➳Overall, because I do not want to say a lot about this novel because every twist and turn is something new that everyone who is a romance reader will truly enjoy. No matter what kind of banter Caleb and Ava have, and no matter what quirky thing Ava does, these twi will always come together as one and enjoy each other deeply and passionately. Thank you for Berkley Romance for sending me a copy, I cannot wait for everyone to dive in this October!

➳ARC kindly provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review...

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Profile Image for Gabby.
1,534 reviews28.7k followers
May 2, 2019
DNF @ 130 pages
I can’t do it anymore. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this irritated with characters. They are both such privileged assholes that only care about sex and flying first class. I made a list of things that annoyed the shit out of me as I was reading so here you go:

•Both of these characters are privileged rich assholes who MUST fly first class and have $4000/month rent and designer shoes and handbags
•The way they met was him cutting her in line to get the last first class seat on the airplane
•He’s so rude and has no manners and thinks he can get away with it because he’s ~so hot
•How many fucking times is she gonna refer to him as a Viking? It’s weird
•This author needs to remind you every 5 seconds that the love interest is Scottish because she misspells everything to sound like his accent and it’s obnoxious
•You can tell the author has a THING for dudes with Scottish accents and based this entire book off a fantasy about it
•He starts calling her babe in the first five minutes of meeting it’s gross
•He doesn’t say thank you to the flight attendants or waiters and is just really rude to everyone especially her
•He stopped her from trying to get to her seat on the airplane so he could stare at her ass
•He asked her if she "wants tae sleep with him?" on the fucking plane ride when they just met
•They’re having sex by page 60 and he says: "I’m going tae ruin you." Charming.
•On page 88 she says again "he looked like someone off that show Vikings"
•The consent is blurry in this book because he’s so controlling which makes me uncomfortable

And then after that they go on to have sex again because they just ~can’t say no to each other. This book is ridiculous and one of my least favorite of the year. I’d rather stick hot pins in my eyes than read one more chapter of this crap.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
October 7, 2018
Oh God, yes.”
“You keep calling me God, lass, and my ego might get out of control,” he murmured.

*flails happily*

So much. SO. MUCH.

This book is what enemies to lovers romance dreams are made out of. It was perfect. Absolutely perfect. I fell head over ovaries for The Bastard Scott. Everything about this book was perfection: the banter, the chemistry, the hate lust, the romance, and OMG the hate lust. These two were absolutely incendiary together and I couldn't get enough of them.

Sparks fly when Ava and Caleb cross paths for the first time on a flight to Boston, and not of the sexual variety. The man steamrolls past her in line and gets her coveted first class seat. Then they end up sitting next to each other on the same flight, and the rude and crude Scott does nothing to hide his disdain for Ava. But underneath the side eyes and the insults is chemistry so potent, you can cut it with a knife. And this reader? I devoured it!!

Caleb is a bearded and tatted CFO of a successful company. He's also insufferably blunt, downright rude, and infuriatingly sexy. Ava is already flying on frayed nerves after a visit back to her hometown brings back all the painful memories she left behind. So when Caleb first manages to piss her off, it's no holds barred between them. But when the insult dust settles, the chemistry between them is undeniable. And when they realize that they're both up for a no strings attached mutually satisfying relationship for Caleb's short stay in Boston? Well, let's just say that things get interesting. REALLY interesting.

Samantha Young keeps the tension going with Ava and Caleb for almost 80% of the book, and I absolutely loved that. It's not a lets hate each other until we jump into bed together and then all is well sort of story. Both of these characters have hidden depth and even deeper hidden pain. And while Ava's surfaces for the reader gradually, its a long and painful stretch before you get to Caleb's. I loved the way that Ava was able to handle his gruff demeanor and give as good as she gets. I also loved watching Caleb fall for her through Ava's eyes. The entire story is told in Ava's POV, and while a part of me wished to be inside Caleb's head if even for a second, I can't deny that it made the story and tension that much better. You get to experience the mystery of this man through Ava's eyes and experience their highs and lows right along with her.

This was easily my favorite book by this author to date. I adored this enemies to lovers romance. It kept me reading well into the night, completely incapable to set it down for even a minute. It owned me from beginning to finish and I cannot recommend it enough.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
September 30, 2018
4 stars!

 photo IMG_1991_zpsoznn5ykr.png

I love a good enemies to lovers story. There is something about that love/hate relationship that makes me giddy. When Ava Breevort meets Caleb Scott at an airport, there is no love lost between them. Of course, they end up on the same flight sitting right next to each other. Ava has never met anyone as rude and grouchy as Caleb. He may be a bit of a bastard, but he's gorgeous, rugged, and Scottish. With all the animosity floating around them, there is a ton of chemistry, too. This lands them in bed together during an unexpected and extended layover. 

Ava is sure she'll never see Caleb again and she is fine with that. Even though it was the best sex of her life, she can't stand the guy. Fate has other plans. These two are thrust into each others lives time and time again. Though they can't seem to get along, they also can't seem to stay away from each other. There really is a very thin line between love and hate....

Ava was a heroine I really did enjoy reading about. She had this really put together outside, but she had a lot going on underneath that. I loved seeing her growth and watching her come out of her shell a bit and realize everything didn't have to be perfect all the time. She could just be herself. Then there is Caleb... Like Ava, I had a bit of a love hate relationship with this man. There were parts that I truly did love his character and I think for the most part, he's a great guy. But, there were also parts where things he said and did made me really upset and I'm surprised Ava was as forgiving as she was. I'm not sure I would have been. Still, by the end, I was very happy with  how the story turned out! 

Samantha Young's writing was fantastic as always. I don't think this author knows how to write a bad book. I've enjoyed every book of hers I've read, and I've read about them all. Fight or Flight was completely addicting and fun, but it was also emotional and sexy. Overall, this was a great read. Recommend for anyone who loves contemporary romance and a good enemies to lovers story. 
Profile Image for Shelby *trains flying monkeys*.
1,705 reviews6,409 followers
November 22, 2018
Okay...so before we begin. I'm not a normal romance reader. I don't care if the characters get a happily ever after. I don't care if they end up stabbing each other (well I probably would give an extra star for that). I HATE the twisty turny stuff that happens in romance books before the hero gets the girl. I totally just read them for the porny parts.

I have no shame either.

I do however, like for them to have SOME kind of plot going that doesn't make me go eye twitchy. This one does have that. AT TIMES
And it has a hot Scottish dude.

I know right?!

SO anyways, this book reads actually just fine. I completely had a good time reading it and against all odds I liked the female main character. Even though she is kinda a privileged little thing. She meets hot Scottish guy on a plane and they end up doing the bangy bangy. EVEN though they hate each other.
Oh and the hate each other and bang anyways? That's one of my favorite romancey storylines. So I'm all good here.

Then the universe keeps throwing our couple together because you know it must be fate. *gags but keeps reading it anyways*

We then find out that dude is one of those that just can't be in a relationship but is okay with the sexuals.

Ava, our fearless heroine is fine with that because she has a past that hurted her heart and she is a strong woman.

Now I'm gonna say why this all didn't work for me. Lover dude? He an asshole. Not just an alpha man asshole...I'm talking major asshole. So every time I thought "well maybe I can like him some" he would have a line that made me want to throat punch him.
And then his whole 'why he was so broken' reason. Nope. Nope. Can't do it.

But does this deter our heroine? Who I actually liked? Nope. She is a pretty decent character-who even with her privilege..didn't turn out so bad. She works hard. Has an amazing friendship (Best part of the whole dang book) and can stand on her own.
She just throws it away (in my head) to grovel for that asshole.

She shoulda just banged him and walked away. Why don't romance books just do that? That would be an awesome twist after the guy was a butthole.

Three stars. One because I did like the woman. One for the bestie friendship and one because I read the whole dang thing.

Booksource: Netgalley in exchange for review.
Profile Image for JenReadsRomance.
300 reviews1,584 followers
September 4, 2021
I wouldn’t call this a hate read...exactly. But considering the very rough beginning of Fight or Flight by Samantha Young, I would classify my reading mindset as “Hmm, can this be redeemed?” Turns out, it can’t. If you were curious if characters in a book could gaslight you, I’d direct you to Fight or Flight as an answer.

Ava is flying back to her home in Boston from an upsetting funeral in her childhood home of Phoenix. Ava��s at the airport and wants to try and upgrade herself to first class. Just as she’s about to reach the ticket counter, a man bumps into her, cuts her in line, and swoops in to claim the last remaining first class ticket. (My Mom worked in the travel industry for her entire career. None of what happens in the airport actually makes sense, but probably no one will really care about that but me.) Of course, this rude man is our hero, Caleb Scott.

Caleb reads as the very model of angry white male privilege; it was so over the top, I was one step away from nominating him for a Supreme Court seat. When she confronts him and the gate agent, they both act like she’s being completely unreasonable. Caleb is jaw-droppingly rude to her from the beginning, calling her a “nutjob” and “unbalanced.” Later, when they are in the same line at a coffee kiosk, Caleb cuts to the very front of the line, telling the barista he’s running late for his flight. Ava and Caleb continue to have contentious and angry exchanges through the airport and after being seated together on a rerouted flight to O’Hare. I think readers are supposed to think it’s “chemistry,” but it just felt abusive. Ava starts to take the blame for their altercations, thinking he was “terminally rude, but I’d turned it into a situation.” In 2018, this plotline just made me furious. Oh, a woman blaming herself for a man’s bad behavior. How appealing.

There were plenty of other issues with with the “meet mean” (there is nothing cute about it). There’s some mild homophobia when Ava churlishly blames the male gate agent for inappropriately flirting when he assigned the seat to Caleb. Ava justifies her decision to burn thousands of dollars to upgrade to a last minute first class seat on a case of “mild claustrophobia,” but also bemoans her overwhelming credit card debt. She’s in debt because the rent on her studio apartment in a very expensive Boston neighborhood is $4,000 per month, which makes it hard to make ends meet. For anyone facing real financial struggles, this book will likely feel offensively tone deaf. Caleb has a policy of not saying please and thank you which makes him sound like an entitled asshole. A few times, he notes how surprising it is to see her eating food and having an appetite. It’s a misogynist asshole playing his favorite tune, Not Like Other Girls.

They have to spend the night in Chicago before catching their connecting flight to Boston the next morning, and of course they run into each other at the hotel restaurant. Ava suffers through a number of dudes trying to pick her up, a scene that is a million times better in Out of Sight with Jennifer Lopez and George Clooney. Caleb saves the day and eventually suggests a one night stand. It's actually believable as a hate fuck: the sexual tension is sky high, so why not get it out of their system? Ava hasn’t had sex since a bad break up seven years ago, but she wants it and they go to his room. However, It’s baffling how the characterization required for Ava in the airport scene is completely dropped here. I don’t have a single solitary problem with anyone deciding to have a one night stand; but up to this point, Ava has been portrayed as emotionally locked-down and conservative. This is not a woman who is going to break a SEVEN YEAR dry spell with a one night hate fuck in an airport hotel room. Oh well. They have great sex and afterwards Caleb fakes being asleep so she’ll leave. What a prince.

Through a series of plot machinations, Caleb ends up in Boston for several weeks and they agree to a no-strings affair. I enjoyed these chapters because the focus switches to a fuller picture of Ava’s life. There’s some flashback chapters to her painful past in Phoenix, description of her life as an interior designer, and some great scenes of Ava with her best friend, Harper. This is where I started to really know and understand Ava and would even say that I enjoyed reading the book.

But Caleb continued to be a cipher, blowing hot and cold. Ava classifies him as someone that makes her feel safe, but it’s hard not to think she’s mistaking his brusqueness and rudeness for honesty. I would best characterize my mental state at this stage as “lost in the wilderness.” Ava describes Caleb’s behavior to Harper, who then tells Ava, “If I was telling the same story to you, you would tell me that it sounded super unhealthy, right?” THIS IS ALL OF US, AVA. THIS IS SUPER UNHEALTHY.

But I also felt emotionally manipulated as a reader. The narrative choice to have Ava describe Caleb’s cruelty afterwards rather than experiencing it in real time kept me reading far longer than I would have otherwise. She kept insisting it wasn’t that bad, but by the end, Caleb’s cruelty to her is downright punishing. When he’s still emotionally knee-capping her (and the reader) at the 90% mark, I felt like a victim of gaslighting! It’s not a classic "low moment" because his behavior at the end hadn’t significantly changed from the beginning. It was devastatingly cruel and I had no interest in seeing them back together. He engages in behavior that is frankly more like a stalker than a hero---calling her at work after she blocks his number and manipulating her by contacting her boss. None of that is okay, and romance shouldn’t normalize it. These folks need therapy and the idea that a conversation or two could miraculously "fix" their deep-seated problems seemed laughable. I was profoundly disturbed that her friends would encourage her to reconcile. It was an unpleasant and unsettling reading experience.

Now for a few other important issues that I wanted to highlight outside of the main story arc. The issues around safe-sex and condom usage were irresponsibly handled. Late in the book, Caleb is jealous and it turns into emotionally-charged sex. But, it’s this scene where Caleb unilaterally decides to stop using condoms. He says he’s “clean” and that he's seen her taking the pill. It was deeply problematic. She’s so upset about the emotional undercurrents that she acquiesces to this birth control change with no further discussion. It feels like an epic bait and switch and she deserved to make that decision separately and not while he was in a jealous rage. Several times the book implies that Ava thinks sex feels better without condoms. The first time it happens is during what she thinks will be a one night stand. Hey authors, don’t do this! Condoms are an ESSENTIAL part of practicing safe sex, and if it doesn’t feel great, maybe the answer for your characters should be *more lube* not *less condoms.*

Finally, this book needs to come with a whole set of content warnings. Ava’s parents were reckless about who was in their home, and she faced serious threats of sexual assault as a young teenager. Harper is violently attacked by a boyfriend. There’s abortion-shaming, which I'm not down for at all--and honestly as an excuse for Caleb's behavior, it was lacking. Her childhood best friend was pregnant and both she and the baby during an emergency c-section. Lots of serious stuff goes down in this book, and the blurb and cover make it seem like a light and fluffy read. It's not. That's fine---but this book was all over the place and readers should know about the many ways it can be triggering.

Most damning, it's one of the few books I could remember reading where I genuinely had trouble believing the HEA. These two would be happier apart and I don’t believe that their relationship will be successful in the long run.

ARC from NetGalley.
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,297 followers
October 9, 2018

Title: Fight or Flight
Author: Samantha Young
Release date: October 9, 2018
Cliffhanger: No

I had such high hopes for this book, and I genuinely thought I was going to love it when I started. Sadly, I left the book feeling nothing but angry and disappointed. There were so many things that didn't work for me, and the first one being where it all started: their one-night stand. Let's think about this a minute. If you encounter a man on a flight who is unbearably rude to you and makes you furious...how then do you go from that to that same night wanting to sleep with him?

I tried to remember how only a few hours ago I didn't even like this guy. But that was hard to remember when he was so yummy and Scottish and talking to me in that accent.

Right...like telling her (in his sexy accent!) that he doesn't need to like her to have sex with her. Very convincing and sexy.

They were both snapping and insulting each other on the flight and not a fun bantering sort of way. From their first interaction, their hate was mutual and fierce. If it was just a misunderstanding or a bad first impression, that's one thing. But no...he's consistently ill-mannered and selfish throughout the book. Her initial reaction towards him is understandable because she had just come from a very emotionally and physically draining funeral. Her patience was at an all-time low. What was his excuse? She dresses in high end clothes and she's well put together, so clearly she's a carbon copy of his despicable ex-fiancé. He continues with this unfair judgement of her during their short term affair while he's in town.

“You’re not my type. Your hair, your makeup, your clothes, your attitude. You’re too beautiful and you know it. And yet I’m desperate to have you again.” I glowered, hating him and hating that my body was still hot and flushed and needy for him even after he’d said that to me. “I hate you.” His jaw clenched, fire flashed in his eyes, and he growled, “Good.”

And her internal dialogue in response to this?

No one kissed me like he did. No one. It obliterated the insecurity he’d caused only moments before. It obliterated everything.

He's excused because of reasons. He's hot reasons.

Honestly I was keeping an open mind throughout this, but as they really got into their casual sex arrangement, it became glaringly clear that she was putting herself in a really unhealthy situation. As her past is revealed about the total lack of love from her parents, and the way her ex betrayed her, I was sad for Ava. All of the important people in her life (with the exception of her current best friend) have caused her to believe that she is nothing but a beautiful, empty shell. Pretty to look at, but nothing of substance on the inside. And here she is with this man who only reinforces that belief by wanting nothing from her beyond her body.

When I looked back on it, he never complimented me on anything but my face and body. He never told me I was smart or funny or kind. He’d always just whispered in my ear about how beautiful and sexy I was, how he loved my eyes, my smile, my legs, my ass. You get the picture. I’d just been so eager for the affection that I’d never noticed his preoccupation with my appearance.

He's a coward. To the extent that he had to retreat at the first sign of any warm feelings towards each other because she might get ideas about what it meant. He only reluctantly agreed to add friends into their benefits after she tried to tell him she was done with him, knowing it was unhealthy. They can be friends, as long as she understood that it didn't mean anything. This is a theme through the book: it doesn't mean anything.

Have sex at my place, and sleep over, But it doesn't mean anything.

Be nice to me, But it doesn't mean anything.

I got hurt that a woman hit on to you at your office right in front of me, But it doesn't mean anything.

You got jealous when I talked to another man, and ANGRY when I make a date with someone else, But it doesn't mean anything. You're only being possessive because of good sex.

That brings up one of the scenes I hated most. After the constant we are just sex mantra, he goes back home. They were never exclusive. He never contacted her while he was gone, and six weeks later when he suddenly reappears, he expects to pick up where they left off. Imagine his distaste when he finds out that she can't see him for sex the next night because she has a date. He treats her coldly and blows up, asking if she's had sex with the other guy. This, coming from the man who doesn't want her. BUT NO ONE ELSE CAN HAVE HER! She needs to pine away and wait for him to return. Pining in a sexual haze, not an emotional one, because that would be bad and scary. Of course, addicted to his talents in bed, she rushes to his place to tell him that she wants to now be exclusive friends with benefits. This is after he reassured her of his loyalty to her:

“I’ve been uprooting my life for the last six weeks. There wasn’t time tae find a woman.” This surprised and warmed me. But I hated the relief that shuddered through me...

Yes, such a relief that he was too busy. Let's try to take this to the next level. After being gratified she didn't go on the date, he immediately bends her over the couch for sex, and makes her feel so worthless that she starts crying. At this point, I was so extremely frustrated and mad!! Why? Why is she giving this person so much of herself, fighting so hard to hold onto someone who doesn't have the courage to face his feelings or show her that SHE MATTERS? I love angst as much as the next person, this angst is created from her getting hurt over and over by him.

At 82% after she finally gets him to open up to her about his past, he can't deal with that so he:

1) Ghosts her like the total coward he is, which makes her run to him in needy desperation to tell him that she loves him.

2) Protects himself rather than treating her with care. He hurt her in the cruelest way possible, saying exactly what will break her the most. All that mattered is making her go away.

I was holding out on judgement until his past was revealed, which to be honest, it took quite a long time because he didn't want to share anything of himself with her. After learning what it was, I was left very confused as to why this was supposed to excuse how he treated her from beginning to end.

The one thing that I loved and adored was Ava and Harper's beautiful friendship. It was an emotional bond between the two of them that really hit me right in the feels. Their complete and utter support for one another, their understanding and unconditional love made me tear up on more than one occasion. I wish I could have felt that for Ava and Caleb, but some books are not for you, and this is clearly one of them.

When it comes down to it, I just don't find this type of hero appealing, and he pushed every single button I have that turns me off. I know many people go for hate sex, douchebags, and friends with benefits, but there wasn't anything about this story I found to be romantic or loving. Many things made me uncomfortable about their non-relationship, including the underlying message in her acceptance of his behavior. That we can accept rude, offensive, hurtful behavior if they're hot and good in bed. Even at the very end after his epic mistreatment of her, she never made him work for her to get her back. This didn't sit right with me at all.

Some books of Samantha Young's have been an enthusiastic five stars for me, and others were just the opposite. There seems to be no in between with me for this author. Unfortunately, this one was a miss. I do seem to be in the minority for the most part, so take this for what it's worth. Simply one small fish's opinion in a big ocean of reviewers.



Profile Image for Astrid - The Bookish Sweet Tooth.
795 reviews896 followers
October 14, 2018


The saying to never judge a book by its cover has never been truer. This stinkin' cute book cover is a little misleading as it promises lighter literary fare like a rom-com and that's definitely not what we get with Fight or Flight. My expectations may reflect in my rating. So please make sure you read other reviews before you decide not to give this story a chance.

Ava and Caleb definitely are complex characters. Both of them marked by their pasts they are still dealing with the fall-out. Ava is a beautiful young woman with a stellar career. You know, some of us might think that being too pretty, too beautiful is not a problem but when you're treated like it's the only thing people see and otherwise you're just a body without depth...that will do a number on you. So for that Samantha Young gets brownie points - it's an issue you don't see all that often in books.

Anyhoo, when Ava and Caleb meet they get off on the wrong foot. In the beginning I found their encounters funny - although Caleb was extremely rude most of the time Ava served up the comebacks he deserved. I loved to hate his arrogant, judgmental, bitter ass but at some point it just became obnoxious. Not saying please and thank you, refusing to be polite, that's childish and a major turn-off because it means you don't have manners.

“Can we just ignore this tiny, angry person and upgrade me now?” the deep, accented voice said somewhere above my head to my right.

Burned by their respective pasts, a relationship is nothing they want or need but there is a reason they are attracted to each other so of course at some point they become more than fuck buddies. As they got closer I started to see Caleb's sweeter and softer side but I have to admit I never really warmed up to him, there was always a disconnect that I can only explain with his bitter, cruel attitude that he kept for almost the entirety of the book. A shrink would probably say that's an unhealthy relationship.
“It’s sex with a guy who somehow manages to make me feel this small”— I gestured with my forefinger and thumb—“ every time he opens his mouth."

Not only once did Caleb say something only to admit that he regretted it the moment he'd said it. I get how some people don't have a filter but when it becomes downright mean then maybe they should start working on their self restraint. At some point Caleb hurt Ava so badly, reduced her verbally to the one thing that could hurt her the most and honestly, I didn't know how they'd come back from that. Ava's best friend Harper even told her.
"A man who knows what you’ve been through, who knows what saying that to you would do to you, doesn’t deserve you."

But I soldiered on and was hoping for Caleb to get his shit together which he ultimately did.

Now, everyone knows I love a good grovel but that only works when the heroine MAKES the hero grovel. And this is where the rating dropped under 3 stars. Caleb hurt Ava so much and I expected it would take a minor miracle for him to make her forgive him.
Even if he does care about me, I couldn’t be with someone who would choose to inflict that kind of pain on me just to protect himself...

Well that didn't last long. He said sorry, she said fine and that was that. WHAT???? After all that heartbreak, the cruelty, that's all we get? BIG FAT NOPE, NO WAY! I was offended on behalf of the sisterhood.

In general I thought that Ava's tendency to drop everything when Caleb was rather off-putting. I got that she felt irresistibly drawn to him but show some pride, dammit.
Now I think that this story would have worked much better for me if it had been told from both point of views. We only learn about Caleb's heartbreak in the last 20% and it just doesn't give you the chance to feel compassion for him because I never really found a lot to like about him to begin with.

However, this story wasn't a complete loss. Some things really stood out, like Ava's friendship with her best friend Harper who I really hope to see in another book. The banter in the beginning of the book was top notch and I loved how Ava gave as good as she got. I adored her when she put her ex in his place. The angst in this story is definitely something that will keep some people glued to the pages and in that regard Samantha Young is a master - I did gobble this book up and it makes me want to read Harper's story.

Profile Image for Pavlina Read more sleep less blog  .
2,434 reviews5,105 followers
October 9, 2018
Live Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Fight-Flight-S...

5 fantastic stars

I knew this book will be amazing from the first pages!I adored Caleb and Ava and I fall in love with the story.Fight or Flight has it all,an arrogant and sexy hero, a sassy heroine and an intense romance.


The concept was brilliant and Ava with Caleb gave the perfect note to this story.I loved their chemistry and the banter was amazing.They were full of tension and it was like an explosion.At the beginning I was frustrated with Caleb but once you know him better you'll fall in love with him!

Samantha Young makes so difficult to pick only one of her books as favorite because all her books are fantastic.This time she delivers a refreshing and sexy story.


Profile Image for Patty ~ Wrapped Up In Reading Book Blog.
1,260 reviews10.2k followers
November 5, 2018
{ARC Generously Provided by Author}

It was though I couldn’t get him deep enough, close enough. As though I needed him to lock some piece of me back into place, a piece of me I’d lost when he left.

This story was INCREDIBLE!!! It brought back all of the ”feels” I got when I first read ”On Dublin Street”! I have fallen in love with Samantha Young all over again! Caleb and Ava are destined to become Samantha’s next power couple! I predict that readers are going to fall head over heels in love with them and their story! Once you pick this book up, I promise you, it will be quite impossible to put down! The angst is gut-wrenching and torturous. I literally was hyperventilating last night from anxiety. There were even a few moments that I screamed my lungs out from my exasperation with Caleb, but there’s no denying he is one FABULOUS and SWOON WORTHY Hero!! Get ready ladies, Caleb Scott will ruin you!!!

FIGHT OR FLIGHT is ”Enemies-to Lovers” at its best. If you want to see how it’s done properly, you need to read this book!! Caleb and Ava are characters who will steal a permanent piece of your hearts. Their chemistry is overpowering and their banter is so entertaining. I will admit that the angst in this book is so intense that it’s at times, painful but it hurt oh so good!

I know that a book is truly special when I fall hard for the Heroine and I truly loved Ava Breevort! I hoped that she would get the happily ever after that only a princess in a fairy tale can achieve because that’s how special this character was to me. I wouldn’t mind it if Ms. Young wrote a couple more books for this charismatic couple!! I seriously am not kidding when I say this book is on par with ”On Dublin Street”!! Ladies, you need to bump this up on your TBRs!!!

Here are my overall ratings:

Hero: 5
Heroine: 5+++++++
Plot: 5+++++++
Angst: 5++++++
Steam: 5
Chemistry Between Hero & Heroine: 5+++++++

FIGHT OR FLIGHT releases on October 9th! Make sure you one-click and get to this book asap! I promise you, you’ll be thanking me later.

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2NAIR1v

Profile Image for Rachel  L.
2,026 reviews2,452 followers
September 25, 2018
4.5 stars

“My physical appearance was just a small fraction of who I was. I was more than a pretty bauble to hang on the tree of a man’s world.”

After a horrible trip to her childhood home, Ava just wants to get the heck out of Arizona and back to her apartment in Boston. Her attempts at everything in the airport from first class upgrades to meals to the coffee cart are thwarted by a rude Scotsman…. who happens to be her seatmate on her flight. Their hatred for each other soon turns into a night neither of them will ever forget.

By chance Caleb reenters her life when Ava had thought he was just a one night stand, and the two decide to explore their physical attraction even further…

“When you were infatuated with someone, you failed to see their imperfections. When it was more than a fixation, you still cared about them in spite of their flaws.”

First off, Samantha Young is romance royalty. She delivered THE BEST ANGST in any romance novels, hands down. She’s also one of the few authors that I don’t skim sex scenes (yes I am weird and I do that most of the time). When I read a book by Young, I am enthralled from the very beginning, all the way to the last page at the end. I always say this too but I love how she manages to write characters from different countries and nails it every time, there are never cultural inaccuracies which blows my mind.

There are similarities in this book to On Dublin Street, a heroine with a messed up family past and a best friend who dies tragically (not a spoiler it’s in the beginning of both books). But the similarities end there. I loved Ava. She was such an incredible female character unlike many we see in this genre. She’s gorgeous but wants to be valued as more. She works hard but remembers to be kind. Caleb was an amazing alpha-hole, but was nice at the right points. I wish we had gotten more of his side of events but I still really loved him too.

I have two things to gripe about in this book, the first affected my rating the other did not. At the end of the book, what was done to Ava, there needed to be a lot more fucking groveling. I was actually appalled at the lack of groveling at the end considering Caleb’s words and actions. The second thing I have to gripe about, I friggin hate the cover of this book. I know it’s the newest rage in romance and we have The Hating Game to blame for it, but the cover of this book does not match the inside at all and I am looking forward to when (if) they change the cover in the future. I want to reiterate, the cover did not affect my rating.

“We’re all afraid of something, sweetheart. It’s up to us whether we stay and fight that fear… or whether we run and hide from it.”

ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. All quotes came from an unedited copy and are subject to change in final review.

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Profile Image for Auntee.
1,336 reviews1,445 followers
October 16, 2018
I Hate Myself For Loving You...

You remember that old Joan Jett song? Well that's what kept running through my mind while I was reading this book. Never had I read such animosity between the hero and heroine in a romance book. Yes, verbal sparring and snark, but this out and out rudeness and asshole behavior from the hero... jeez, I hated myself for continuing with this jerk! How are these two ever going to get along? Well, start with a good case of physical chemistry...

So continue I did, and I'm glad I did! Samantha Young has written one of my all time favorite romances (On Dublin Street) so I happen to trust her ability to make me like the characters. Eventually. Surely there was a reason for Scottish businessman Caleb Scott's boorish behavior...and I wanted to know!

Our heroine, beautiful interior designer Ava Breevort, meets our hero, sexy Viking-ish businessman Caleb Scott, in the Phoenix airport terminal where he rudely knocks into her while cutting in line. They spar, they yell, they tell each other off...yet you can also tell they are attracted to each other. And don't want to be. They meet up again in an airport restaurant (more sparring and rude comments), and end up on the same flight to Chicago (weather problems delay their eventual flight to Boston). More sparring and snark on the flight. Caleb leaves her with the line "I need you tae hate me." (This is so she won't want to sleep with him) okaaay...

Well, before leaving Chicago they meet up again (when Caleb rescues her from some unwanted advances at a restaurant.) They talk, have dinner together, and admit that while they don't really like each other, they're open to exploring their obvious chemistry. Just this once. And it was combustible. Truly epic.

I'll say no more, except to say that they meet up again in Boston (where Caleb is working temporarily) and agree to a no-strings affair. No relationship. Neither want one. Both have huge trust issues. We find out all about Ava's heart-breaking past, and all about why Caleb is such a huge asshole a lot of the times. (A woman has done him wrong!)

These two are so good together (physically), that gradually, without realizing it fully, they start to trust one another. There's a physical hunger and emotional need that develops, but it scares each of them. Which one will pull away? Can you ever go back when hurtful things are said? Is there a way to heal and move forward when the past seems to rule your present?

After a shaky start when I thought 'how am I ever going to like, let alone love, this hero" I started to get on board. The story was actually riveting--I didn't want to put it down. Samantha Young fully fleshed out the characters and gave them wonderfully detailed back stories (I love details!) and made me feel like I really knew them. Ava was a woman who was led to believe that her beauty was all that she had to offer. She liked to be in control of all things in her life and I was glad to see that she was eventually able to loosen up. I loved her relationship with her best friend, pastry chef Harper (can she please get a book?) and her past with her ex Nick and best friend Gem nearly broke my heart.

Maybe Caleb's past wasn't as fully developed, but there was enough there for me to see where his head was at and why we was initially so mistrustful of Ava and a judgmental pig. Yes, he had a heartbreaking past as well, was sorely betrayed by someone he loved, but there were times when I thought, 'you have to get past this, man. You're ruining your life.' Eventually, I ended up liking him.:)

All in all, a great read for me. While not my favorite Samantha Young characters ever, the story still packed a punch. Lots of angst, lots of hot sex, and some very, very emotional moments. I can easily recommend this one.
5 stars

My thanks to the publisher for providing an ARC via Netgalley
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,415 reviews1,487 followers
October 9, 2018
5 “You’re All I Need” Stars!
(ARC provided by Berkley Publishing Group)

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Ava Breevort is a beautiful, successful interior designer living in Boston. She unexpectedly has to travel back home to Arizona after an old friend passes away, and is forced to face the past she's tried so hard to forget. Desperate to return home to Boston, Ava is relieved to learn there is one first class seat left, that is until an arrogant Scotsman named Caleb Scott steals her seat. Things continue to go downhill from there, and she can't stop clashing with Caleb. She finds him obnoxious, offensive, rude, and uncivilized. He completely infuriates her, but also flusters her. He's like a blond, tattooed modern day viking. He's absolutely gorgeous, and she wishes she didn't feel this intense physical attraction towards him.

Their journey home is plagued by unexpected delays, and during a layover their anger turns into uncontrollable passion. They decide to explore all this sexual tension and explosive chemistry between them. They are being spontaneous and not overanalyzing things. Just enjoying each other while it lasts. He was offering her a rush and escape she couldn't turn down. No attachments, and incredible pleasure. She couldn't believe she could desire a man she disliked so much. He's not even her type, but damn is he sexy, and leaves her breathless with one touch. He gave her unbelievable no strings satisfaction while overwhelming and owning her completely. She was insatiable for him. Thank goodness it was only temporary. She would go home, never see him again, and would only have the memory of the night she'd never forget. Then Caleb unexpectedly shows up in Boston.

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-“One thing you should know about me Ava, is that I’m a very determined man. When I want something, I usually get it.”

-He wanted me just as much as I wanted him.

-We were two people giving into the power of physical attraction.

-No one kissed me like he did. No one.

-It obliterated everything.

-I was officially addicted to him.

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Ava & Caleb begin to spend some more time together now that he'll be in Boston. Something that's to remain casual soon starts to feel all too real. Ava'a faith in love had long ago been destroyed, and she'd learned the hard way love hurt too much to be worth it in the end. Caleb is turning out to be different from what she expected. As his redeeming qualities are revealed Ava realizes he could be very dangerous to her heart. Will she protect herself from being hurt or risk her heart for love?

This book was phenomenal! By far my favorite book I've read by this author, and I love Samantha Young's books! This story was incredibly sexy, full of hilarious banter, and packed with emotion. I loved everything about it! It was an easy five stars for me, and will be in my top reads for 2018.

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Profile Image for Geri Reads.
1,232 reviews2,124 followers
October 19, 2018
2.5 stars for Ava and Harper's friendship!

I finished this book a while ago but I had sat on my rating and review for days because I am honestly conflicted. On the one hand, Fight or Flight was compulsively readable. It was well paced and well plotted with great dialogue, and the chemistry between Caleb and Ava was undeniable.

That said, I thoroughly disliked the hero, Caleb Scott. I don't care if he's the hottest thing in the universe but his motivations did not wash. It was a measly excuse for his behavior, and considering he did not grovel did not endear him to me at all.

Listen, I'm all for an asshole hero. But Caleb wasn't just an asshole. He was cruel and mean most of the time. And the reason for his behavior was utterly ridiculous. I can get behind an asshole hero if I can understand his motivation. To be fair, we were given the reason for his actions. My problem is that I wasn't on board with it. I found his motivation shallow and a cliche. Like yeah, your ex-fiancee lied to you but is that a good enough reason to treat the heroine horribly?

I didn't think so. It's a motivation that's been done to death. And when you consider his age and the fact that Ava has nothing to do with his ex, his reasons doesn't hold up even more. I probably would've been more forgiving if Caleb had done emotional labor throughout his relationship with Ava. But he didn't, despite being the one in control. What I mean is, he was the one who always sets the parameters. He decided to be friends with Ava but only on his terms. The moment she pushes for emotional connection he runs the opposite way. It was exhausting. And the way he doles out his attention and his affection made me uncomfortable because it raises so many red flags for abusive behavior. I know, I know. This is fiction but that doesn't mean I have to accept it or be comfortable with it.

Like I said, I just found his behavior irrational and unfair to Ava. She has nothing to do with what your ex did. There's no reason to punish her because she made you feel things. And no one even called him out for his irrational behavior. Everyone including heroine kinda accepted it and excused him for it. Yeah, yeah. He was hurt and all but how is that the heroine's fault again? And the whole, "I'll be mean to you so you won't fall in love with me" made me roll my eyes so hard. It's so cliche and only works if your character is like 12 years old or something.

So yeah, ruined it for me. The best bit of this book is Ava's friendship with Harper. These two girls are the best. I enjoyed their interactions more than I did Caleb's. Samantha Young has consistently written complex female characters and friendships, which I loved. And despite her unfortunate attraction to Caleb, I actually liked Ava a lot. She remained resilient despite being abominably by the two men she'd chosen to give her heart to. She deserved better than Caleb.

But that's just me. I'm getting old and cranky and annoyed at man babies who can't get shit together until the last minute and doesn't even grovel. Ava was too good and deserve better is a hill now and I still sit on this hill with other readers who thinks the same. Lol.

An ARC was provided by the publisher for this review.
Profile Image for Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ.
1,012 reviews918 followers
October 4, 2018
Absolutely LOVED IT.

I was all set to post my usual teasing #CurrentlyReading statuses but somehow ended staying up all night gripping the edges of my kindle.
"Fight or Flight" by Samantha Young was an absolute delight!
High level banter, animal magnetism glueing you to the pages, devastating chemistry and voracious sex scenes will assuredly send you straight to cloud nine!
On top of this, the most excruciating case of unrequited feels sent me mile high to angst heaven.

Samantha Young made it nearly impossible to not care for these two nemesis with a case of animal attraction. Ava was an heroine I could only adore, spirited, lively, independant. Caleb was an absolute jerk, exuding arrogance, there's really no other way to put it. Actually strike that, he's a dick. A tall, bearded, tattooed, brooding one with the most charming accent (yes, y'all are trying to picture a tall brooding dick with tats right now, no? Just me then) But if like me, you like witnessing an man who seems unattainable and devoid of all emotions at first sight—a trait he shares with Ava—, little by little lowering his guard and revealing tiny cracks in his armor, then you'll probably cheer for him—for them both— to stand up and fight instead of choosing to flee at the first show of emotions.
Somehow, impossibly, I’d developed feelings for my Bastard Scot.
Feelings plus sex? Bad idea.

Enemies to lovers addicts and asshole heroes enthusiasts, do not miss this one! (For those fearing the hero might be too much, the heroine just gives as good as she gets—if not better— and hero has truly reddeming... assets. Qualities. I meant qualities. Duh.)

More reviews and book talk at :

You can find me here too ☞
Profile Image for Dee Montoya.
942 reviews597 followers
October 9, 2018
Five+++++ Wonderful Stars****

(Arc kindly provided by publisher via NetGalley)

This book was amazing from start to finish. The characters, the plot, the writing style, everything, utter perfection. Samantha Young will make you dream and search through all airports for a sexy, brooding Scotsman just like Caleb.

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Caleb and Ava met at the airport and it wasn’t a pleasant meeting. Both have been dealing with a lot, plus the stress of flying, they pretty much hated each other on sight.

People say there’s a very fine line between hate and love, and these two characters have a burning passion when it comes to either feeling, especially for one another.

The funny thing is they thought they would never have to see each other again after their airport experience, but the universe had other plans for them, and they do certainly see each other again. And they’ll explore exactly how hot they can burn together.

I love the interaction between all the characters. This book was more than a romance, it was a story about friendship, about forgiveness and acceptance. It covered so many emotions that I grew addicted to it. I’m really hoping there will be another book, for Harper, Ava’s best friend.

Amazing book. Samantha Young really nailed it with this one. Definitely going on my 2018 favorites reading shelf.

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,512 reviews5,350 followers
October 11, 2018
3.75 Stars

I very much enjoyed the first 75 percent of the story. The characters had great chemistry and the banter was terrific. However, the hero did a major push away of the heroine so very late in the story and the relationship for me.

"He chose to protect himself over protecting you and that is not okay."


It was so late in a story and I was really hoping that another character would get a real chance with the heroine. This hero should have taken some lessons from the author's beloved heroes of her prior books.

Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,245 reviews1,309 followers
March 19, 2019
✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️ ✈️




Ava is about to fly back home from Phoenix to Boston. She's been in town for a difficult family situation and she's pretty stressed already. That's when she runs into this hot guy with his sexy scottish accent. He's hot and sexy and ... nothing more! He's an idiot! Every single time she comes across him at the airport, he's such an ... grrrrrrr!

And then they even end up sitting next to each other on the plane!

Let the fun times begin! Because next to all those insults ... the sparks are flying too!

What will happen with Ava & Caleb??
Will there be a Happy End??




Awwww that was soooo adorably hilarious!!

I just adored everything about Ava and Caleb from the very first moment!

You start reading and you just love those two. Caleb is so over-the-top rude to Ava. He thinks she's this little rich girl with her expensive designer clothes. And of course Ava insults him right back. I laughed all through the beginning of the book.

But the book has some not so funny moments too. We go back in time a few times. Back to teenaged Ava and her two best friends. And there are some other exciting and even scary moments along the way.

But mostly it's about Ava and Caleb and how they're dealing with not wanting anything serious, but at the same time, they can't stay away from each other. I just loved their foreplay fighting!

Getting those two to their happily ever after will not be easy! ☺

We also get to know some more people. Like Ava's bestie Harper - I really hope we'll get her book too ... and Leo and Caleb's siblings - especially JAMIE!


If we don't get at least Harper's book, I would have to complain that we heard a tiny little bit too much about her life in this book!

And while I'm complaining about things. I think the mega-rom-com-ness from the beginning gets a bit lost along the way. I would've loved some more of that sprinkled along the story. BUT ... the story was amazing the way it was... I just missed the fun a little bit ... The book was maybe a bit too long, with all their back and forth ...

Still - amazing book. I even shed some tears! ☺


I loved Ava & Caleb and I need more from that world!

And I soooo need to see this on Netflix or the big screen!
With Sam Heughan and ... I would say a young Reese Witherspoon maybe. ☺

FIGHT OR FLIGHT was the most adorably hilarious & serious & adorable Rom-Com. Run to your nearest amazon for your own sexy Scot - he'll be sold out in no time! ☺


Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Karla.
1,229 reviews332 followers
June 11, 2019
4 solid stars!

I liked the story and the circumstances of how the main characters meet. I wouldn’t say this is a friends to enemies more like I find you hot but hate you because of misconceptions. I’m not a fan of flashbacks but I’m glad we get to see why Ava is the way she is, so guarded with her emotions and of course Caleb, as well. The pull and push surprisedly didn’t bother me with this story I felt sympathy for both and understood where they came from. But through all the mess of their situation and emotions I felt how much they needed each other. Loved Caleb, as brooding and a Jerk as he was his sexy Scottish accent just won me over. I wished though that the ending hadn’t been abrupt and maybe for the epilogue to had been a few years ahead. Other than that I really enjoyed it. I’m hoping Jaimie gets his own book with Ava’s bff, maybe?!♥️
Profile Image for ✨ A ✨ .
442 reviews2,262 followers
October 20, 2018
I read this in one sitting, it was so addictive!! I loved the hate-at-first-sight trope. It was very authentic. I needed some rom/com with added swoon and I GOT IT!

The characters were great. Yes, they sometimes made frustrating choices but hey! No one is perfect. Lots of rom/com NA cliche? Yes. But that's the stuff that hooked me.

I'm anxious for more Samantha Young!!!

Note: I adore this cover 💕 I'm so glad it's not one of those cheesy NA covers with a half naked guy XD

Pre-read Rambles
I've been anticipating this one for a while. So BRING ON THE SWOON!! I need me some good rom/com.
Profile Image for Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••.
987 reviews1,936 followers
October 24, 2018
Beautiful, sweet, and exactly what i needed.

Caleb and Ava are amazingly perfect for each other. This author can always suck me in with her stories and this one was, no different. I was sucked in from the first chapter. Her writing captivated me and kept me engaged throughout the whole book.

The relationship growth was amazing to read. Caleb and Ava both have a bitter and heartbreaking past when it comes to relationships. Of course this is unknown to each other, so it makes “relationships” a bitter subject. It makes hating and disliking so much better than like or love. But really, when you find “your person” there is nothing that can change the outcome. No matter the tears, the pain, the lies, it’ll all work out. Right???

We start with a enemies to friends relationship. It slowly but surely grows into friends with benefits. And after much heartache, tears, and slams of my kindle, we get a HEA. A beautiful one that leaves me begging and only hoping that this story will be continued 🙏🏻 maybe Jamie’s story, Harper’s? Pretty please.

Definitely a recommend from me to all you romance lovers

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Profile Image for Katie B.
1,477 reviews3,116 followers
August 29, 2018
3.5 stars

I'll admit I didn't get off to the best start with this book because I found Caleb to be such a horrible person, he almost didn't feel realistic. However, as the story progressed and you learned more about the characters and their backstories, I warmed up to him. Surprisingly, the book had some substance and wasn't just a light, fluffy romance. That isn't to say it is some heavy, depressing drama more like the author made an effort to give the characters some depth.

Ava Breevort is flying back to Boston after attending the funeral of her childhood friend. She has a run in with fellow traveler Caleb Scott, a rude Scot who snags the last first class seat on the plane. During a layover in Chicago, they end up in bed together despite the fact their hatred for one another is off the charts. Is it going to just be an amazing one night stand or will their paths eventually cross again? Come on, you know the answer.

I thought the chemistry between Ava and Caleb was pretty good and is what really drove the book. What I found to be really annoying was the idea that Ava was just so smokin' hot that she couldn't even go out in public without men hitting on her. Give me a break. However, this still was an enjoyable read and I'm curious to see if the author might write a sequel featuring Ava's friend Harper.

Thank you to First to Read for the opportunity to read an advance digital copy! I was under no obligation to post a review and all views expressed are my honest opinion.

Profile Image for Cam (justabookeater).
141 reviews270 followers
October 9, 2018
To say I’m disappointed by this book would be an understatement. The “hero” of this book is abusive but it’s passed off as “grumpiness” several times. He’s just an outright dick to heroine and we’re supposed to think it’s witty and romantic but it just left a bad taste in my mouth. There is a scene where he commits sexual assault by refusing to put on a condom even after the heroine explicitly asks him to. I can’t believe this book was published considering the atrocities women and survivors of sexual assault/rape have had to endure during this year.
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,730 followers
January 10, 2019
If you like enemies to lovers and Scottish asshole heroes, this one's for you. This book brings the feels and the angst. Really loved it. The only thing it could have benefited from was a less abrupt ending with a good dose of GROVELING.
Profile Image for Carol.
1,349 reviews256 followers
June 2, 2020
3.5 - 3.75 stars.🌟🌟🌟🌟

My second book by Samantha Young and.....

this read was a bit of a mixed bag for me...... I struggled with some parts of this book ......and yet I really loved others.....the main problem was that I didn't care for some aspects of this story...and I guess that I would have to say that it wasn't really my favorite type of story either ..... but I truly do love this author's writing style and overall there were some pretty good moments that I must confess to thoroughly enjoying.😀
For instance: the sexual tension and wicked banter was off the charts amazing!!!

Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,026 reviews

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