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Don't Wake Up

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Alex Taylor wakes up tied to an operating table.

The man who stands over her isn't a doctor.

The offer he makes her is utterly unspeakable.

But when Alex re-awakens, she's unharmed - and no one believes her horrifying story. Ostracised by her colleagues, her family and her partner, she begins to wonder if she really is losing her mind.

And then she meets the next victim.

So compulsive you can't stop reading.

So chilling you won't stop talking about it.

A pitch-black and devastatingly original psychological thriller.

362 pages, Paperback

First published May 18, 2017

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About the author

Liz Lawler

7 books378 followers
Liz Lawler had a 20-year career as a nurse and later became a general manager of a five star hotel, followed by a stint as a flight attendant with British Airways.
Born in Kent, Liz was part of a large family having 11 siblings. She discovered the solitude of writing, after coming home from a busy nightshift in the emergency department, was a place where she could step away from an emotionally and physically demanding job.
She now lives in Bath with her family and writes in any place that has a quiet space.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,450 reviews
Profile Image for Charlotte May.
783 reviews1,259 followers
September 4, 2019
This gripped me from the get go. A woman wakes up, strapped to a bed, with no idea where she is. A man is leaning over her, threatening her with the most god-awful things. Suddenly Alex awakens once again and she is in hospital, traumatized from her experience - positive that she has been raped. But no one believes her, and there are no bruises or physical evidence to back up her story.

Alex lives in fear, that the person who attacked her is still out there and can return for her at any time, but she is also terrified that maybe she is becoming unhinged. Has she lost her mind?

Completely thrilling throughout, more and more things happen to Alex and she is certain something isn't right, but when 2 women are killed Alex is in the firing line. How can she prove she is innocent when everyone around her believes she is unstable and dangerous?

It was a solid 4 star read up until the end. As we get the final reveal things became quite implausible, and in places just plain preposterous. I know sometimes a psychopath is just a psychopath, but usually we get some valid reason for why they snapped. And this reason was just stupid IMO.


By the end I was pretty pissed off with it, and ever so slightly confused.
3 stars.


It was so good...and then suddenly, not.
I have opinions.

Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,303 reviews4,073 followers
April 14, 2017
A well-crafted thriller!

Dr. Alex Taylor awakens to find herself alone in an operating room. Strapped down to the operating table with only a sheet covering her otherwise naked body, she has no idea how she got here. Why is she here? Suddenly she sees someone in the room with her. When she calls out, the person behind the mask just stares at her. Why won’t anyone help her? All she has to do is answer one simple question.

"What does NO mean?"

When she finally comes-to in the ER, everyone around her oddly treats her as though nothing happened. Was it all a dream? Why won't anyone believe she was attacked, maybe tortured....maybe raped?

Soon there are other victims. Yet everyone still refuses to believe her story, or the probability that these other victims are related to her attack. Not her boyfriend, colleagues nor the police.

The author does a great job of keeping the tension ratcheted up. I felt a buzz as I was reading and was constantly kept on my toes trying to figure out who was behind these attacks...what motive could they have? And just when I thought I had it – nope! A little drawn out at times, but over all a very good read. A true thriller!

Thank you to NetGalley, Bonnier Zaffre and Liz Lawler for an ARC to review in exchange for an honest review.
November 25, 2017
Shockingly poor, with an increasingly preposterous plot and an awkwardly abrupt narrative, Don’t Wake Up is comparable only to the misery of a six-hour wait in A&E surrounded by inebriated football hooligans. For me, this novel sums up everything that is wrong with the over populated female friendly psychological thriller market.. far fetched scenarios, unlikely occurrences to satisfy the twist component and inane decision making by unconvincing characters devoid of both consistency and logic. That Liz Lawler’s narrative is unwieldy adds to the overriding feeling that Don’t Wake Up is an amateur attempt at capitalising on the relatively unexplored territory of dark and unsettling medical mayhem.

When twenty-eight year old Bristol based doctor, Alex Taylor, wakes up in theatre with only drapes covering her modesty, strapped to the operating table with her ankles in stirrups and two large cannulas inserted into her arms, her medical training kicks in. Struggling to drag herself from a sluggish lethargy obviously induced by anaesthesia she finds a masked figure looming over her who she assumes is a doctor, although she fails to recognise the voice. As the mystery voice threatens to staple her lips, she is told that her coil has been removed and that she is due to undergo a vulvectomy (removal of the vulva). Her only chance to halt the planned treatment comes when she is asked the question, “what does ‘no’ mean?”, the intimation of which is that saying ‘no’ whilst dressed like a strumpet is equivalent to saying ‘yes’ and leading a man on.

When she reawakens for a second time however, Alex finds herself greeted by two of her closest colleagues; her boss and senior consultant, Dr Caroline Cowan and her best friend and senior nursing sister, Fiona Woods, who are insistent that she was simply discovered in the hospital car park and suspected of being hit by a falling branch in the gale force wind. They attribute her confusion and panic to concussion and are mystified by her assertions that she has been raped. Despite their reassurances Alex insists on reporting her alleged abduction and rape to the police, for which no supporting evidence is found. Riddled with inconsistencies, the first fifty pages were enough to show me that Lawler’s developing plot owed more to being selective with the information she presents than overtly up front about the circumstances. Naturally no one believes Alex and whilst several close colleagues connect it to the unprocessed trauma of an incident a year back, knowledge of which is a closely guarded secret.

Despite this harrowing event Alex is convinced by her arrogant boyfriend of a year, vet Patrick Ford, to hightail it to Barbados for a week’s respite during which time she fails to mention the incident and is intimate with her partner, which is laughable. Back on home soil and Alex’s claims return with a vengeance and it becomes clear that both Patrick and her colleagues think she is losing the plot and suffering from post-traumatic stress. As she attempts to return to her demanding job, her colleagues reticence to engage with her and their obvious disbelief exacerbates her paranoia and as she struggles to cope she turns to both alcohol and diazepam to manage her fears. Two weeks later the emergency admission of a pregnant nurse and the young woman’s death bed words lead Alex to believe that she has been a victim of this same attacker. Reporting the death as suspicious, the police start questioning Alex’s sanity and after the blame for near-fatal drug error is laid at her door and she is present at another suspicious death, Alex wonders whom, if anyone, she can trust, and how to establish her own innocence. As she begins to suspect that the only answer is to proactively search out the psychopath intent on destroying her life the stakes become ever riskier.

As a central protagonist I was convinced by Alex’s insistence of the initial episode but it is is the rapidity of her swings in mood and distress that smack of unconvincing. From sitting fully clothed in the shower addled by vodka and taking daily doses of diazepam in order to keep some semblance of calm, Lawler manages to follow up each tale of woe with Alex needing very little persuasion to go to a nightclub or evening out with colleagues, and her seamless transference of romantic interest does nothing to make her situation more believable. The characters were largely one-dimensional, and the police and medical staff largely unprofessional, from SIO DI Greg Turner who goes weak at the knees over Dr. Taylor and is unwilling to even countenance her potential involvement, to immature DC Laura Best and her attempts at a single-handed character assassination of a talented medic, going out of her way to dig dirt and intent on claiming her scalp. From biased cops to doctors under the influence, the moral of this story seems to be steer clear of anyone working for or operating under the guise of the emergency services.

The premise of Don’t Wake Up on which the novel is marketed makes it sound like the plot has some element of substance, so despite the woefully inept opening chapters I persevered. Comically bad, the plot and execution is dire but nothing can mask the fact that there is little sleight of hand in evidence and for readers to even imagine these incidents are the work of a increasingly delusional Alex takes a massive suspension of disbelief. Seeing as these incidents did manage to confound the entire CID personnel I was clearly alone is seeing through this transparent plot and whilst clear medical know how is evident and well researched the police response (personal wild goose chases, hours of navel gazing and muck racking) is risible.

When the elaborate motive is revealed it feels desperately unlikely that a person would go to such extraordinary lengths to destroy someone’s career and sanity and stretches the bounds of credibility immensely, given that the risk reward ratio is stacked against a successful execution and that it relies on the perpetrator having superhuman powers and infinite resources to hand. Apart from the early insight into how rape crisis victims are handled and what an utterly degrading experience such a process is, Don’t Wake Up, has few redeeming aspects and my rating reflects the neatly tied up loose ends which by and large answered most of my remaining questions, although one or two still admittedly linger. Although Alex is belatedly referred to a psychoanalyst to help her tackle her problems, this line of thread is largely untapped despite its obvious potential and felt like a missed opportunity.

Abysmal writing, inane plot and come year end, a reading lowlight!
Profile Image for Sarah Joint.
445 reviews1,011 followers
October 7, 2017
The opening to this book actually made me feel a little sick imagining myself in the same predicament as the main character, Alex. It was scary, definitely started off with a bang. While I was impressed with the sick feeling the author managed to induce, it took me awhile to get seriously into the book... but once I was, I didn't want to stop reading. I found this book to be nerve-racking and unpredictable, and the last 25 percent is a complete roller coaster and actually stressed me out.

Alex is a very accomplished person at the age of 28, a well respected doctor. She's intelligent, driven, and successful. She is the kind of person people look up to... so when she suffers from an attack and no one believes her, it's harrowing. Though she's been tied to an operating table and taunted, maybe violated, she's found dumped in the hospital parking lot relatively unharmed. No one believes her crazy story because she doesn't have any injuries or any injection marks even though she insists they should be there.

When a young woman who'd been missing is brought to the hospital, she says something to Alex that makes her think she went through a similar experience. Her colleagues and partner are worried she's losing it. She has started drinking more than what could be considered healthy... maybe her story is true, but maybe she has simply snapped and needs psychological help. More incidents start to happen without explanations, and she finds herself alienated from nearly everyone.

More alone than ever, she's easier prey for the psycho after her... or is she unknowingly her own worst enemy?

I received a copy of this book from Net Galley and Bonnier Zaffre, thank you! My opinion is honest and unbiased.
Profile Image for Norma.
558 reviews13.5k followers
February 14, 2019
Edgy, mysterious, & disturbing!

DON’T WAKE UP by LIZ LAWLER is an engaging, dark, suspenseful, and intense psychological thriller that I was immediately drawn into. The subject matter is disturbingly nightmarish and terrifying to make this quite the intriguing, enjoyable and entertaining read.

This book immediately grabbed my attention but necessarily didn’t keep it all the way through though. I did get a tiny bit impatient with some aspects of the storyline as it seemed to stall a little bit but it totally grabbed me again and in the end I was thoroughly impressed with the way certain things played out.

LIZ LAWLER delivers a character-driven, interesting, and well-written read here that had me feeling anxious as well as had me questioning and suspicious of almost everything that I was reading.

The only thing that bothered me a little bit while reading this one was something to do with the investigation and the actions of the authorities. I have a reading pet-peeve when a character’s behaviour is questioned and not believed by the police. It definitely bugs me as a reader.

* This was a Traveling Sisters read *

Norma’s Stats:
Cover: Suspenseful, intriguing, mysterious, dark, eye-catching and a fitting representation to storyline.
Title: Appealing, suspenseful, disturbing, intriguing and absolutely love how the title plays so fittingly and terrifyingly into storyline.
Writing/Prose: Well-written, engaging, and captivating.
Plot: Harrowing, dark, tension-filled, suspenseful, gripping, fast-paced, clever, absorbing, enjoyable and entertaining.
Ending: An unexpected and unpredictable ending that totally took me by surprise.
Overall: I was quite delighted that the author totally took me by surprise here and I totally missed a major clue to the “who” of the “whodunit”! Loved it!!!! Would definitely recommend!

Thank you so much to Edelweiss, HarperCollins Canada & Liz Lawler for the opportunity to read an electronic ARC of this book.

Review is also posted on blog:
Profile Image for Lindsay L.
765 reviews1,467 followers
February 17, 2019
3.5 stars. Mysterious, suspenseful and chilling!

Dr. Alex Taylor wakes up under the bright lights of an operating table, groggy and confused. She is strapped down and hooked up to an IV with no sense of what happened. Assuming she had a bad accident, she asks the doctor beside her for details. The next thing she knows, she is waking up on a gurney in the hospital she works at, surrounded by her co-workers. They tell her she was found unconscious in the parking lot. What happened between those two waking moments? Alex knows she was targeted and something happened to her in that mysterious hospital operating room. She embarks on a quest to find answers and uncover the truth behind her peculiar and puzzling situation.

The first chapter starts with a bang! It pulled me right into the story, feeling the suspense and sympathizing with Alex’s situation. I applaud the author, Liz Lawler, for creating such a powerful start to this debut novel – it was unique, captivating and suspenseful. As the novel progressed, my intrigue weakened as I couldn’t fully connect to the characters and the pace slowed. There were some surprising twists in the novel which kept me on my toes, but some of the dialogue and behaviour felt unnatural and took away from my connection to the story.

Overall, I enjoyed the book, am glad I read it and would be interested in reading more from this author. Many readers have loved this one, so be sure to check out those several raving reviews!

Warning: there is a scene with animal abuse that I found difficult to read.

This was a Traveling Sister read. To find this review, please visit our blog at:


Thank you to Edelweiss and HarperCollins for providing me with an ARC to read and review!
Profile Image for Holly  B (slower pace!).
893 reviews2,484 followers
July 8, 2017
Reviewed on May 5,2017 / Publication date May 25,2017

This book gripped me from the first page! Alex is the main character. She wakes up blinded by bright lights and discovers that she is in her own hospital and her body is covered in drapes. Her arms tied down with velcro. She freezes when she discovers that she is naked and her ankles are held up in stirrups.

Very mysterious circumstances. Someone in a surgical gown is handling surgical instruments. Alex asks him "What is wrong with me." He replies in his creepy voice, "nothing is wrong with you."

I loved this thriller and the pacing is very good and some of the scenarios are pretty terrifying (waking up naked with your feet in stirrups and some creepy guy walking around)!!
Profile Image for Linda Strong.
3,878 reviews1,692 followers
March 30, 2017
When Dr. Alex Taylor wakes up, she finds herself tied to an operating table. She has no memory of how she got there, nor does she know why. There is a man standing over her ..asking one question.

When Alex awakes for a second time she is in the hospital, with her colleagues surrounding her. She was found knocked out in the parking lot next to a broken tree limb. She is unhurt other than a bump on the back of her head. But no one will believe her amazing story.

Her family and friends insist it never happened. After a while, she begins to wonder if she really is losing her mind.

Then a pregnant nurse goes missing. When found and brought to hospital, she is no longer pregnant and what she says to Alex before she dies leads Alex to believe that this woman was abducted and killed by the same man who torments her memory.

And there are other bodies ... and all have a connection to Alex. Is Alex a victim? Or is she a serial killer, as the police suspect she is?

This is a well written psychological thriller that will have you scratching your head and wondering what's real and what isn't. The ending comes fast and furious. The characters are cleverly described and not everyone is who they say they are.

This is an excellent debut novel by this author.

Many thanks to the author / Bonnier Zaffre - Twenty7 / Netgalley for the advanced digital copy of this novel. Opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
Profile Image for Liz Barnsley.
3,594 reviews1,058 followers
March 31, 2017
This was a fast read for me, in many ways your typical psychological thriller but it was superbly menacing and I give it extra points for being quite unpredictable - not necessarily on the "whodunnit" level, although Liz Lawler does a great job of obfuscating things - but more because it didn't feel at all like things would necessarily work out for our main protagonist. Did all come good in the end? Well you'll have to read to find out.

It has that addictive quality that I look for in this genre, certainly a page turner, also intensely creepy at times. Imagine you are assaulted but nobody believes you. Imagine then that at every turn you are looking more and more unbalanced but you know that you are not. That is an intriguing layer to Don't Wake Up, I also give points for the fact that the characters mostly behaved reasonably given the circumstances. If I had one bugbear it was one police officer character that was way too caricature but I won't say more because everyone reads differently

Overall Don't Wake Up is a great read, especially as a book to sit down with when you just need to read totally in the comfort zone - I have no problem recommending it to fans of this genre, whilst it may not offer anything unique, it is accomplished writing and a banging good story.

Profile Image for j e w e l s.
315 reviews2,606 followers
May 3, 2019
Thank U, NEXT👋🏼

The story is so meh, I can't even bother to write more about it.

PS: the "American" audio narrator is the worst. She sounds like a robot. M O N O T O N E. I am not kidding! It is as if she is reading the phone book to you. Ughh.

There is a British version narrator, not sure why the two versions were necessary, but only the American one was available on Overdrive to me. The British one has got to be better.

Profile Image for Mª Carmen.
747 reviews
June 28, 2023

Un thriller correcto, que se lee en dos sentadas y que me hizo pasar un buen rato. Muy adecuado para los que gustan de este género, si lo que se busca es desconectar y entretenerse sin más.

La trama se basa en una idea que sin ser original, cuando se lleva bien, funciona. Alex Taylor, una joven doctora ha sido víctima de un secuestro peculiar. Lo más aterrador no es el secuestro en sí, sino que nadie la cree.

Desde esta premisa y con un ritmo muy vivo, Liz Lawer nos sumerge en el desarrollo del caso. La parte positiva es que es entretenida y engancha. La negativa que, para los lectores habituales de thrillers de este estilo, es previsible. El quién se intuye, pese a que la autora nos presenta varios sospechosos y nos hace dudar. El porqué, en un principio me pareció que se desvelaba bastante pronto y no de la mejor manera, sin embargo, un giro posterior justifica en parte que así sea.

En una novela donde lo que prima es la intriga y la acción, los personajes, apenas esbozados, están supeditados a ello. Como lectora lo que me atrapó fue el querer saber. Tampoco eché de menos más desarrollo.

El final correcto y a tono con el resto.

En conclusión. Un thriller que se lee bien. Es entretenido sin más. Muy adecuado para esos momentos en lo que se busca precisamente eso.
Profile Image for Carolyn.
2,481 reviews695 followers
September 27, 2017
In this high tension medical psychological thriller Dr Alex Taylor finds herself in a living nightmare. Drugged and abducted in the hospital car park after work, she wakes up to find herself immobilised, naked and strapped down to an operating table in an operating theatre with a masked surgeon standing over her threatening to do her harm. After she is later found unconscious, fully dressed, she is told there is nothing wrong her and she must have suffered a bump on the head. No one believes her bizarre story and when other strange things happen and other people die she becomes the suspect. With no one standing by her, not even her colleagues and boyfriend Alex begins to wonder if she is going insane.

This book will grip you and keep you guessing as it hurtles along towards the end. Even though I had difficulty buying into the theory of why Alex would be killing people and why her friends would abandon her so easily, I didn't see the ending coming until quite late in the book so overall that makes for a pretty good thriller (and a promising debut) as long as you don't mind suspending belief just a little bit. 3.5★

With thanks to Netgalley and the publisher Bonnier Zaffre for a copy of the book to read and review
Profile Image for Natalia Luna.
322 reviews160 followers
August 12, 2023
Lectura ligera para leer a ratitos sin tener que prestar mucha atención. Según avanzaba con el libro más tenía la sensación de estar viendo un telefilm de sobremesa y de algún modo no me disgustaba. ES difícil concentrarse según en qué circunstancias y estar en la piscina y leer un ratito es una de ellas. Así que por esa parte, bien, cumplió su función.
Por otra parte, no sé si es la traducción o que me despistaba yo, hubo tramos que vi embarullados y no entendía muy bien lo que me estaban contando. Pero sin más, no afectan mucho a la lectura. Correcto, para pasar un rato.
Profile Image for Lee.
827 reviews108 followers
May 7, 2017
I enjoyed this book right from the beginning. It has a fast pace and kept making you question what was going on which always intrigues me when this happens, quite unpredictable with a mysterious edge. Bodies are piling up and it all becomes quite addictive. A well developed thriller which builds to a very exciting end. Thank you to Netgalley, the author and publisher for a chance to read this in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Zoe.
2,111 reviews291 followers
October 5, 2017
Fast-paced, gritty, and disturbingly creepy!

Don't Wake Up is a character-driven psychological thriller that highlights how fragile the mind truly is and how easily someone’s behaviour can be questioned, misinterpreted, manipulated, and used against them.

It is, ultimately, a story about jealousy, revenge, hatred, violence, and murder.

The characters are multilayered, vulnerable, and at times believably unreliable.  The writing is well done. And the plot unfolds rapidly and has a nice balance of suspense, tension, suspects, and surprises.

Overall Don't Wake Up is a compelling, well-written debut for Lawler that once started will keep you intrigued and entertained until the very end.

Thank you to NetGalley, especially Bonnier Zaffre - Twenty7 for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review.

All my reviews can be found on my blog at http://whatsbetterthanbooks.com
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,206 reviews177 followers
January 25, 2019
Alex Taylor is excited to head off to a nice dinner with her boyfriend. But instead, she wakes up strapped to an operating table. She quickly realizes the man above her isn't a doctor, but he intends to do unspeakable things to her. However, when Alex wakes up, she appears unharmed. She's back in the parking lot of the hospital where she works. Even worse, no one believes her when she shares her story. Not her boyfriend, not her friends, and not her medical colleagues. Alex becomes haunted by what happened that night, performing badly at work and becoming convinced that there are other victims like her. Did something really happen to Alex, or is she going crazy?

This was one of those books that I won on Librarything and then totally enjoyed being introduced to a new author. It was a little wild and crazy in places, but it kept me engrossed and reading, which I really appreciated. I was amazed that absolutely no one seemed to believe Alex: I understand that she had no real evidence to back up her story, but it seemed tragic to me how quickly her friends and family abandoned her to sadness and despair.

I wasn't sure I would like this book at first, because I'm not a huge fan of the unreliable narrator to begin with, especially the self-pitying alcoholic one, which seemed to fit Alex quite well. But, I won't lie, she definitely grew on me. This was *even with* the fact that something else had happened in Alex's life thirteen months ago--something that her friends and co-workers felt she had conflated with her "pretend attack," and everyone, including Alex, referred to incessantly. But, of course, it took forever for anyone to tell us what had actually happened, which drove me a little insane. There's dragging something out for suspense and then there's annoying your reader to no end!

However, I really enjoyed the fact that we couldn't trust any of our characters--even the policewoman investigating Alex's case, Laura Best, who was only out to further her career, not actually seek justice for Alex. My favorite character was Laura's boss, Greg Turner. He was a great detective, and I could totally root for him in his own series. Not being able to trust anybody else, though, was kind of fun. It kept me constantly guessing. The book was surprisingly compelling: truly a page-turner. There were some great twists and turns in this one. I guessed a couple of pieces, but not all of them. In the end, I stayed up late to finish this book, which is always a sign of a winner for me (my sleep is a precious commodity!).

Overall, this was probably a 3.5 star book in many ways, but I was impressed that this was the author's debut. I also enjoyed how it kept me madly flipping the pages, trying to figure out what happened. In the end, a 4-star rating. I see Liz Lawler has another book out now, and I'll definitely be checking that one out at some point.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Librarything in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).

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Profile Image for Eva.
901 reviews526 followers
July 14, 2017
Don’t Wake Up kicks off with the stuff of nightmares when Alex Taylor wakes up tied to an operating table. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill operation, nor is she being attended by a run-of-the-mill doctor. The person standing over her has far more sinister motives. He makes her a disturbing offer but when Alex wakes up, she’s unharmed and nobody believes her story.

If the first chapters don’t make you move to the edge of your seat, then there’s something wrong with you. It is downright scary as it plays on quite a lot of people’s fear of waking up during surgery. But then to realise there’s something even more horrifying going on, well I may just have had a heart attack right then and there.

This is one incredible tense and gripping storyline. With an intricate plot and a potentially unreliable character, it takes you on a wild ride to figuring out the truth. It’s easy to see why Alex isn’t believed and slowly but surely she finds herself without support as her boyfriend and colleagues become convinced she’s having a breakdown.

This is a dark and disturbing story with an unstoppable but very intelligent evil person running the show. Liz Lawyer managed to make me suspect just about everyone and even though I felt the actual reveal was maybe a tad far-fetched, I was completely engrossed and couldn’t put the book down until I’d reached the quite satisfying end. The plot is brilliantly constructed and incredibly clever and it will have you hooked from start to finish. Thoroughly enjoyable read!
Profile Image for Jan.
423 reviews277 followers
February 21, 2019
Man did this book annoy me.

Highly successful Dr gets attacked one night but no one believes her. She completely unravels, starts making poor decisions and of course drinking. Her relationship falls apart and her close friends start to think she’s going crazy. When others close around her start to die, she immediately becomes suspect #1 by a detective with a chip on her shoulder.

Why is it that some authors expect us to believe that this is how women behave when things get tough?

Such a tired, overused storyline, not to mention highly unrealistic. Throw in cookie cutter characters and an antagonist that screamed 'I���m the bad guy' from early introduction pretty much rounds out this soon to be forgotten read.

Others felt more strongly than I did though, so maybe it’s me....
Profile Image for Kate.
606 reviews579 followers
May 24, 2017
Saw this one on Netgalley and I thought it would be an interesting break from the norm in terms of it being a medical thriller on top of everything else. That being said, I still didn’t know what to expect with this book.

Don’t Wake Up is a very fast-paced book with plenty of action. Set in a hospital environment, it follows Dr. Alex Taylor in the aftermath of a horrifying incident that has happened to her. When those around her think she’s lying, and things start happening, she finds herself in a very scary place. There is more than enough going on and then there is the added drama that Dr Alex Taylor seems to be bringing on herself.

I don’t want to say much more because I think it’s always better to let the reader see what the author is aiming to do. I quite enjoyed the book, although in parts I found it a bit far fetched. But then again, it was a fun read from start to finish. It will keep people reading and guessing for sure!

Profile Image for BIBLIOMANIAC MJ.
91 reviews53 followers
October 1, 2017
Dark and intense, engaging and unpredictable!

Dr Alex Taylor finds herself in a horrific, true life nightmare, when she wakes up to find herself naked and strapped up on a operating table and has no idea how she got there. A masked surgeon with ominous intentions is threatening to do terrifying things to her unless she answers this one simple question correctly..." What does 'no' mean?"

When she wakes up again in the ward of the hospital in which she works, after being found unconscious in the hospital car park, fully clothed and with a mere bump on her head, her version of events seems far-fetched to the police, her colleagues and even her beloved boyfriend.

Soon, there are more questionable and suspicious incidents and we are left wondering if Alex is having a breakdown or is someone intent on destroying her. And if so, why.

From the outset, this captivating read had me feeling anxious with my heart in my mouth during this original and oh so frightening opening, playing on ones fears of waking up helpless and unable to move on a operating table.

This read will keep you on your toes, having you wonder what is real and what isn't, having you speculate whether this will turn out well for the protagonist.

With the many twists, turns and red herrings, everyone was a suspect at one stage. I was delighted that the 'who' in the 'whodunit' took me by surprise as the author slapped me in the face with it!

With the suspense building as a result of a disturbing and seemingly unstoppable person pulling the strings, I drank up the intense, nail biting and unpredictable ending, it's conclusion hitting the sweet spot.

The only niggle I had was that I found I had trouble believing Alex's loved ones and the police were so quick to dismiss her version of events, so quick to think the worst of her.

Despite that, I am so pleased I got to read this clever, disturbing, tension-filled medical psychological thriller, and I look forward to reading more of Liz Lawler's work in future.

Thank you to Netgalley, Bonnier Zaffre Twenty7 and the author for an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Sara Dahaabović.
271 reviews94 followers
May 20, 2020
Dr. Alex Taylor wakes up one day strapped on an operating table, she realizes that she is naked and that she was anesthetized, she can only see her surgeon's eyes since they have a surgical mask on, she asks them if she had been in an accident and they decline, then the surgeon asks her "what would a "No" mean?" and lets her struggle to answer then Alex dozes off.

After that Alex was found unconscious on the street! The doctors examined her and she has no signs of recent surgery, not even any needles marks! So was she abducted? did she just make all this up? or was she hallucinating?

I really enjoyed this one! couldn't stop reading I started 5 hours ago I just wanted to get an idea of the story but couldn't help but finish it. It was a good thriller, got me to gasp a few times, and had an unexpected ending, but I have to add that there were few moments/plots that had no sense at all.

Anyway, I think I tend to overrate books that I read in one sitting, so I think if I read this over days I wouldn't have given it 4 stars.

But if you want to read it, it's currently available on Netgalley :)
Profile Image for Morgan.
578 reviews32 followers
May 10, 2017
What a premise for a thriller! Waking up to discover you're incapacitated, naked and prepped for an unknown surgery, with a doctor/killer about to cut you open--then waking again fully intact with no one believing what had happened. It's still quite the premise, but one that isn't fully explored and exploited in this particular novel.
I believe one of the hooks is that with no evidence to support the kidnapping/surgery, the reader along with supporting characters is also supposed to be wondering at Alex, the protagonist's, mental state and whether it could truly all be in her head. However, even that is never fully played up to its truest potential; there is never a doubt left for the reader that she isn't telling the truth. It's a bit of a disappointment because that could have been an added component to keep a reader guessing and nervously turning the pages.
Right around the half way mark I correct figured out the whodunnit part of the story, which only left the why for me to look forward to. I still found the book to be a page turner even as the action unfolding became more and more outlandish. Had the author played up the unreliable protagonist idea, this could have been so much more nerve wracking! By the time we finally get to the climactic reveal (yep, I was right), the why and how was just friggin ridiculous. It lost a star for me right then and there. It just felt that the author had such a great "what if!" but no real idea how to fully execute it with a strong story. Instead, this ending came across as cobbled together, rushed, and in the end not satisfying. This was a likable (never good or great) book for me throughout, but one that ultimately took a nose dive with its ending.

ARC provided by NetGalley
Profile Image for Selene.
933 reviews258 followers
May 25, 2017
3.5 stars

Genre: Mystery & Thriller
Setting: Bath, England
Triggers: Yes.

Alex Taylor is a highly skilled physician with a great career and a fiancé who matches her equally in education and status. Her life seems fairly comfortable until the moment when she's kidnapped and strapped to a table in a somewhat familiar environment. She endures the torment of being bound and taunted, but is then released without knowledge of how she was kidnapped or why she's freed. Her mental deterioration soon becomes a liability to everyone around her.

This story had a strong start, shifted into a slower pace, and was more drama than thriller until the last 20% when the police procedural aspect became more exciting. Detective Inspector Turner and Laura Best were intriguing, but they seemed more like simple-minded characters and less complex. The final reveal sort of fizzled out for me, but I liked this debut novel. I especially liked the hospital setting, the medical jargon, details of the medical procedures, and the main characters, including Nathan.

◈ Looking forward to reading more of this author's work.

**ARC provided by Bonnier Zaffre via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Lori Elliott.
803 reviews2,192 followers
September 24, 2017
Not the best or worst thrilled I’ve read. I was annoyed throughout at how so many crazy things kept happening to this poor woman and no one would believe her version of what happened. Not colleagues, the police or her boyfriend. I found it unbelievable that no attention would be placed on anyone other than her. Some obvious things were overlooked & if I noticed them I am pretty sure a seasoned detective could see them. It was somewhat suspenceful and did Keep me turning the pages. 3.5.
Profile Image for Figgy.
678 reviews224 followers
September 23, 2018

The blurb sounds interesting and enticing, curious even, but I warn you, dear reader, that it does not accurately represent the events within the novel. 

Even the title doesn't really fit with the story.

There are so many things wrong with this book, rendering it one of the worst books I can remember reading. But it's getting lots of rave reviews, so what do I know?

The writing itself is horribly clunky and awkward, telling the reader what is going on rather than showing them, and often spelling things out several times, while keeping other things hush, hush and obscure when they're not particularly juicy in the first place.

The rest of this review can be found HERE!


Oooooooookay. Proper review to come.

This is going to be fun... or painful... or cathartic... or all of the above?

Honestly, probably one of the most poorly-written books I've read in at least a couple of years (Killing Monica springs to mind and the next-most-recent, next-most-painful read).

So much didn't make sense, through lack of conviction.

Characters were dull, flat, and hard to believe, the plot was hard to believe, it would possibly best be looked at as a parody/social commentary on the "Me Too" and "Time's Up" movements, on the different ways people react to it, and the ways that women from one camp treat women from another. But the writing here is too poor to make it worth reading for the social commentary alone.


Okay... at 50%, I am no longer going to quote typos and grammatical errors in statuses, because it's all too much.

I'm still going to point out where the character does or says or thinks stupid things, but again, maybe not every instance.

Ugh. Can this book be over, now? I need to finish this today.
Profile Image for Justina Neliubšienė.
317 reviews46 followers
March 27, 2022
"Protas yra trapus dalykas. Jis gali apgauti, kai mažiausiai to tikimės, ir bausti mus visiškai netikėtais būdais, kuriuos vargu ar įmanoma paaiškinti."
Oj kaip man patiko šis psichologinis trileris, įtraukė jau nuo pirmų puslapių !! 😉
Profile Image for Debra.
2,833 reviews35.9k followers
July 10, 2017
Really torn between a 2.5 and a 3 star so rounding up to a 3 star rating.

The description of this book sounded so promising. Alex Taylor, a doctor, wakes up on an operating table. She has no idea how she got there or the identity of the surgeon. Is he even a surgeon? She is tied up and frightened. He makes her an offer. She makes a choice and then wakes up unharmed. To make matter worse, no one believes her. Seriously who would go through the trouble of knocking someone out, strapping them to an operating table and leaving them unharmed. Frustrating, right? How horrible to not be believed and to doubt oneself. Is she alone? Are there other victims?

I was captivated by the description. This sounded like a really good criminal minds episode but it fizzled for me. There are other victims but still no one believed her. I found it very weak that no one saw a connection to the other victims or believed her story. She was a very reliable character. She was believable to me from page one. Perhaps if there would have been some doubt thrown in there i.e. is to make her look or seem unreliable then perhaps this book would have been more appealing to me. She goes form being disbelieved to being a suspect after unusual deaths begin to occur around the hospital. Also I found this book to be a little slow. Things seemed drawn out. Not everyone is as they seem in this book and that is a Good thing (channeling Martha Stewart).

I really wanted this book to be better. I wanted to enjoy it more. I think the description is terrific. This is a debut novel and I believe that with time this Author will really develop her craft and really deliver a psychological thriller which I will enjoy. This one did not live up to my expectations but there is a lot of promise here. I know that I am in the minority on the rating of this book. I see that most people really enjoyed this book. I did like the beginning of this book but then it failed to keep me overly engaged. It slowed and lost some of it's momentum for me.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

See more of my reviews at www.openbookpost.com

Profile Image for Tracy Fenton.
1,053 reviews200 followers
June 10, 2017
Alex Taylor is a well respected doctor who is professional and totally dedicated to her profession. Waking up in the first chapter Alex finds herself tied down on an operating table about to undergo every women’s nightmare. Don’t Wake Up is utterly gripping and gallops along at a break neck speed ensuring the reader is both captivated and horrified at the same time.

Some of the scenes are extremely graphic and deeply uncomfortable to read and imagine and I did have to pause to take a moment several times throughout the book. The author manages to create a thrilling psychological story which kept me questioning Alex’s sanity and version of events throughout.
Profile Image for Maureen.
176 reviews94 followers
September 3, 2019
I really enjoyed this book by Liz Lawler, a debut author. Dr. Alex Taylor wakes up on an operating table in the hospital she works for, with a man standing over her who is not a doctor. She has no physical evidence and all of her colleagues don't believe she was assaulted. This book was fast-paced and kept me wanting to know what happened next.. I will definitely be looking out for her next book.
Profile Image for Joanne Robertson.
1,383 reviews644 followers
June 9, 2017
I am not a huge fan of the taglines used nowadays describing how books WILL make you feel! I feel it's a challenge and one I'm usually able to dispute very quickly! But here I have to totally agree with the tagline used alongside the title of Don't Wake Up as the first chapter is addictive, gripping and downright scary as hell! My pulse rate must have been through the roof and I nearly needed a doctor myself!

Several people had recommended this book to me saying it was a perfect example of my kind of book and I have to say that they are right! Once I picked this up that first chapter grabbed me by the throat and refused to loosen its grip no matter how hard I tried to shake it off. I defy anyone to not be affected by the nightmarish scenarios that Alex has to live through here. The question is will Alex be believed and if not, how much danger will it take to change everyone's opinions. Her lover, her colleagues and her friends all think she's having a breakdown so, slowly and surely, they slip by the wayside as Alex loses their support and possibly her own mind.

Liz Lawler is going to be a name to look out for in the future! I loved her easy going and engaging writing style and her ability to totally immerse her readers in the lives of her characters. There were so many twists and turns here I was dizzy with indecision about who to trust and have to admit I had no idea who was behind this vicious campaign against Alex, or why, until it actually slapped me in the face! It then kept me guessing and on the edge of my seat even to the very end.

I loved experiencing this "nightmare in book form" and feeling unable to wake myself up from the hold it had over me! Some of the graphic and realistically described hospital scenes had me crossing my legs in fear (you will understand why when you read it!!) and at times I wanted to put this book down but it became physically impossible to do so until I found out the truth.

A thoroughly enjoyable and highly satisfying psychological thriller!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,450 reviews

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