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A deadly new species has been discovered in the Multiverse: The POISONS! Capable of consuming symbiotic heroes and absorbing their abilities, the Poisons got their first taste of superpowers in VENOMVERSE and POISON-X. But they've been waiting, biding their time, and preparing for their greatest feast yet: THE HEROES OF THE MARVEL UNIVERSE!


136 pages, Paperback

First published July 25, 2018

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About the author

Cullen Bunn

1,997 books983 followers
Cullen grew up in rural North Carolina, but now lives in the St. Louis area with his wife Cindy and his son Jackson. His noir/horror comic (and first collaboration with Brian Hurtt), The Damned, was published in 2007 by Oni Press. The follow-up, The Damned: Prodigal Sons, was released in 2008. In addition to The Sixth Gun, his current projects include Crooked Hills, a middle reader horror prose series from Evileye Books; The Tooth, an original graphic novel from Oni Press; and various work for Marvel and DC. Somewhere along the way, Cullen founded Undaunted Press and edited the critically acclaimed small press horror magazine, Whispers from the Shattered Forum.

All writers must pay their dues, and Cullen has worked various odd jobs, including Alien Autopsy Specialist, Rodeo Clown, Professional Wrestler Manager, and Sasquatch Wrangler.

And, yes, he has fought for his life against mountain lions and he did perform on stage as the World's Youngest Hypnotist. Buy him a drink sometime, and he'll tell you all about it.

Visit his website at www.cullenbunn.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews
Profile Image for Tiag⊗ the Mutant.
738 reviews28 followers
January 23, 2021
A bunch of Marvel heroes get venomized, they fight other heroes for five issues, in a clusterfuck of cheap symbiote designs and bad dialogue with no regard for continuity with their respective series, and... the end.
Profile Image for Dimitris Papastergiou.
2,271 reviews76 followers
January 2, 2022
I think I liked it? But I read it like 4-5 days ago and I don't remember what the hell was happening in there.. so I decided it was just ok. If I can't remember if I liked it and why, then sorry, but I can't give this more than that.

It had nice artwork, and I still hated the poison villains. It mainly was just mindless action and lots of characters becoming venom and then something more than that.

Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books108 followers
August 10, 2018
[Read as single issues]
After Venomverse and Poison-X, comes Venomized! The Poisons and their interdimensional villainy has finally arrived on Earth-616, and now the Marvel Universe is under siege, and for every fallen hero, a new villain takes their place. But the only heroes equipped to deal with the Poisons, namely Venom and the original five X-Men, are still halfway across the galaxy. Gulp.

Venomverse’s problem was that it built up a lot of momentum and then squandered it all in the final issue. Poison-X’s problem was that it spun its wheels for five issues and didn’t go anywhere. Venomized’s problem is that…well, it’s just kind of boring, which is probably the worst problem to have, especially as the finale of a trilogy.

The stakes should feel super high at this point, but as soon as we start losing heroes left, right, and centre, the whole point of the Poisons falls apart – we know that once they’ve bonded with a hero, they kill the person underneath. That’s why it was such a big deal when Jean Grey was taken during Poison-X. As soon as half the Marvel Universe becomes a Poison, we know that it’ll all shake out alright at the end, so there’s no sense of concern about the characters any more. The fact that they all escape their fate without a proper explanation other than ‘because’ compounds the problem.

This is mostly an extended fight scene, as the Poisons swarm over the world and the heroes attempt to deal with it, before Venom and friends return to try and fix things. There are glimmers of something deeper, like how Poison-Thanos and Poison-Doom are being manipulated, and how Carnage has been targeted specifically since he was used as a secret weapon in Venomverse, but nothing’s ever really explored in favour of more fighting instead.

Cullen Bunn is a writer who very clearly has favourite characters. Unfortunately this works against him as he seems focused on using the cast of Monsters Unleashed in pivotal roles in this story, and if you’ve not read Monsters Unleashed (like me), then you’ve got no idea who they are or why you should care about them. The Poisons sight Kid Kaiju as a major player, but his powers and importance aren’t ever addressed either, so I was personally totally lost again as to why I should care about them.

Iban Coello, artist of Venomverse, takes four of the five issues here with Kevin Libranda penciling the spare. Coello’s design work is good for the most part, differentiating between the symbiote and Poison heroes fairly easily, but some characters aren’t clear as to who they are underneath either, especially those with more generic colour schemes. Libranda slots into Coello’s style quite well too; he’s becoming another of Marvel’s resident chameleon fill-in artists.

Venomverse had so much potential, but by the time we’ve gotten to Venomized it’s all been wasted. It’s a damn shame, because there are some solid ideas in here, but they’re unfortunately buried under dreck. If you want a mindless good time you’ll be in good company, but I really wanted so much more from this.
Profile Image for Javier Lárraga.
290 reviews20 followers
July 13, 2021
Pues estuvo malo, que ganas de cerrar algo a las prisas y desperdiciar una historia que potencialmente pudo haber explorado un montón de cosas y ser genuinamente entretenida.

Venomized es una secuela directa a Venomverse, evento en el cual Venom debe unirse con otros Venoms del multiverso para combatir a la raza alienígena de los poisons, unos seres capaces de asimilar a los poseedores de un simbionte para convertirse en una criatura que sirve al enjambre poison. En esta nueva aventura los poisons han llegado a la tierra 616 comenzando su cruzada en el espacio secuestrando simbiontes mientras que Venom y los jovenes X Men estan en una mision de rescate. Al volver a la tierra se dan cuenta de que los poisons ya han infectado a gran parte de los héroes con un simbionte y estan planeando una invasion para apoderarse de los cuerpos de los héroes-simbiontes de una vez por todas.

No les voy a mentir, el evento es puro relleno y es una oda a desaprovechar ideas que no llegan a nada. Para empezar la dinámica entre Venom y los X Men no funciona, los X Men no matan, Venom si, entonces es obvio que la mayoría de dialogos serían de Venom y los X Men peleando porque métodos aplicar en su misión, quería que el guionista Cullen Bunn me sorprendiera con un giro pero no, la historia es predecible a más no poder y estiran el chicle de "ay Venom era malo no le hagan caso" demasiado, luego los poisons invaden la tierra y ya, no hay trama, desperdician por completo a Thanos y Dr. Doom poison, hay un fanservice con Carnage y un montón de personajes peleando pero sin ninguna consecuencia, por no decir que el final se resuelve con un deus ex machina bastante descarado.

El dibujo tampoco destaca, es un estilo que parece toon y que termina por estilizar demasiado a los personajes, muy genérico, no brilla para nada en una historia de simbiontes asesinos y los diseños de los poisons siendo bastante congruentes con el evento anterior siguen siendo Venoms blancos con púas pero aca tienen tanto armatoste que ni se parecen a sus viejos yo cuando eran héroes salvo algunos que tienen logos muy evidentes.

No lo recomiendo para nada, Venom apenas pelea, Spider man tiene una extraña actitud intolerante a los aliens, usan personajes para nada icónicos dentro del canon actual de Marvel y como dije antes, desperdician enteramente a personajes que pudieron ser algo más, si lo dejo en 2 estrellas es porque al menos me hizo desestresarme un rato y su lectura fue rápida, por no decir que me encantaron las portadas, pero nada más, ni para evento palomero...
Profile Image for Michael Hicks.
Author 37 books475 followers
December 26, 2019
And the Venomverse epic comes to a close with action, action, and more action as Venomized Marvel superheroes fight Poisoned alternate reality heroes and villains when Poison comes to Earth in an attempt to conquer the galaxy and the multiverse. This one picks up right on the heels of Venom & X-Men: Poison-X and wraps up that story's loose ends with a pretty satisfying finish. Honestly, though, there's not a lot else to say about this book, really. Like Venomverse, it's five issues of fighting, but at least the book has no pretensions about being more than it is. It's a chaotic mess of violence and that's about all it aspires to be, but at least does it so in a moderately entertaining way.
Profile Image for Robert Kirwan.
325 reviews53 followers
September 30, 2018
Fun romp with interesting art!! Best part of the story and art was seeing all the marvel characters we know and love as their venom versions!!

Otherwise a little generic and nothing special. Definitely not invested in Venom as a character and the volumes with the X-Men wouldn’t make me want to read venom!!
Profile Image for Willow.
532 reviews14 followers
February 16, 2022
This wasn't bad but it also wasn't much of anything... very little actually happens except one important story point resolution from Poison-X. Idk, I don't regret reading it, but it also wasn't something I'd suggest, especially not as a big climactic ending to a set of story arcs.
Profile Image for Oneirosophos.
1,470 reviews70 followers
June 23, 2021
And thus, the generic trilogy ends, with an epic finale.

Profile Image for Jesús De la Jara.
753 reviews96 followers
May 6, 2018
Una saga que continúa donde se quedó X-Men Blue 22. Estando Jean Grey convertida en una poison (especie de colmena alien especialista en derrotar a los simbiotes) el equipo de los X-Men Blue con Venom vuelven a la tierra para advertirles que se viene la invasión a cargo de los Poisons. Sin embargo es demasiado tarde y muchos héroes son posesionados por los simbiotes para luego algunos ser cazados por los Poisons y volverlos sus esclavos, peleando para su causa.
Los números iniciales estuvieron regular e interesante porque hay una gran variedad incluso de Avengers que participan, el número final sobre todo para mí fue muy impactante y dramático aunque el desenlace y la unidad en general de la historia no fue tan de mi agrado.
Profile Image for Senyazel.
61 reviews15 followers
July 10, 2021
“Otro simbionte ha sido reclamado. Otra arma arrebatada. ¡Otro guerrero nacido! El desove ha rendido frutos una vez más”

Durante una batalla de rutina nuestros protagonistas (Venom y Eddie) son transportados a un mundo lejano para enterarse de la existencia de una especie nueva llamada Poisons que se encargan de cazar simbiontes. Atrapados fuera de su realidad y de la mano de un grupo variado de héroes (mejorados simbióticamente) no hay más opción que organizar una contraofensiva y hallar una forma de volver a casa.

He encontrado este cómic en dos libros recopilatorios en pasta dura en los cuales, de la mano de un excelente puñado de escritores e ilustradores, vamos conociendo como es que diversos héroes se unen a sus simbiontes y a los Poisons para ser reclutados en esta guerra. Si bien no creo que sea una historia/trama que cambia vidas, es entretenida pues se entiende la buena y mala química entre algunos personajes e incluso sobre ello haya la forma de formar un equipo para su fin en común; incluso si no conoces a todos los personajes tienes un preámbulo suficiente para lamentar sus acontecimientos y vivencias, esperando ver cómo es que termina esta historia que entrelaza variadas realidades.

Sin duda quede atrapada instantáneamente en esta lectura y me quede con ganas de más, no solo de Venom sino de cada héroe y su propio simbionte, por lo que espero tener la oportunidad de encontrar más y más historias similares. Fue una muy buena compra y sin duda recomiendo al 100% estas ediciones recopilatorias en pasta dura, las cuales incluyen artes conceptuales más que espectaculares.
Profile Image for Rolando Marono.
1,853 reviews17 followers
December 16, 2018
Este evento me pareció muy agridulce. En primer momento, es mejor que Venomverse; bastante mejor que venomverse. Lamentablemente no es suficientemente bueno para decir que es un gran evento.
La premisa es retomada del final de Venomverse, los poisons sobrevivieron y vemos que quien está realmente jalando las cuerdas es un Thanos poison.
El preludio a este evento se encuentra en los tomos de x-men blue y de venom. En este preludio podemos ver una aventura de ese equipo y el simbionte favorito en el espacio. Esa aventura deriva en que Jean Grey sea infectada por un poison y al retornar a la tierra, comienza Venomized.
Este tomo tiene todo para poder considerarlo un "evento" de Marvel cómics: fan service, una cantidad estúpida de personajes, los personajes de moda, una trama de guerra masiva, súper héroes peleando contra súper héroes, ediciones "nuevas" de héroes conocidos para vender juguetes, etc. Y como un buen evento de Marvel, es muy entretenido. Desde el primer momento tenemos acción, la invasión de los poison se da en varios lugares al mismo tiempo, y consta de infectar de simbiontes modificados a los héroes.
El resto de la premisa es bastante simple, peleas tras peleas. Cullen Bunn lo hace bien, le añade algunos giros para mantener las peleas frescas, los protagonistas de la historia son muy interesantes y me gustó mucho ver interactuar a Venom con otros personajes como spider man o anti venom. Bunn logra sacar el verdadero anti héroe de Venom, no lo escribe como un villano y tampoco le da los tintes heroicos de otras series o de la misma película de Venom.
Si evaluamos este cómic como meramente entretenido, lo hace muy bien hasta el final. El asunto con los poison se resuelve en las últimas páginas y eso es todo. Pareciera que una varita mágica arregló todo el desastre y las muertes que sucedieron y listo, fin de la historia. Se me hizo muy anticlimática la batalla final y la resolución del problema. Mínimo un epílogo o algo que ayudara a amarrar la historia.
Debo de leer más cómics de X-men porque hubo varios personajes que no reconocí y tenía años que eso no me sucedía.
Profile Image for Subham.
2,963 reviews83 followers
June 1, 2023
This was an okay ending I guess. It continues from Poison X story and we see the Poison invading the main marvel universe and it starts with them symbiote-ifying every hero they can find and we see the coalition of heroes come together to knock down these threats or try to and there is some funny moments between Spider-man and Venom again which was the best part and then seeing the real plan of Poisons: to symbiote-ify them and then let the Poison consume them to add to the hive, just like in Venom-verse story but this time its the main marvel universe and the story goes as expected as you think it will.. The end fight of Thanos-Poison was kinda cool but it should have been expanded upon rather than it being just 2-3 pages long.

The Scott-Jean love angle was fun but then again it felt like an abrupt ending with how Jean ends it quickly, it felt like the writer backed himself in a corner and couldn't figure out the ending and so used Deus-ex-machina to end it but then again maybe its showing the real power of Jean, considering its an omega telepath mutant.

The status quo at the end was interesting but then again they never did much with it, but knowing Death of the venomverse is coming in Summer 2023.. then it will be fun to see if this story continues or is it just a spiritual sequel.

But this story if you have read the previous 2.. do give it a read!
Profile Image for Jo.
369 reviews18 followers
August 23, 2019
A pesar de que me haya dejado bastante frío el final, el cómic entretiene con una historia en la que su desarrollo es bastante superior a su abrupta resolución. La idea de que una plaga de simbiontes controlados para servir a una mente colmena ataque (¡y asimile!) a lo bestia a varios superhéroes marvelitas, con muchos dejes del género de zombis, no resultará especialmente original, pero funciona sin problemas. Hay buena química entre los personajes (el trío de Spider-Man, Venom y Anti-Venom es fantásticos), y resultan muy atractivas las versiones "simbiontizadas" (Thor) y "poisonizadas" (Thor, Thanos...) de muchos de ellos.

Un par de muertes, incluso aunque no conozcas bien a los personajes, están contadas con mucho acierto, y conmueven sin problema. El arte, por otra parte, corre al cargo de Iban Coello, y va perfectamente de la mano de la narrativa de Cullen Bunn. En general, el producto final es de un acabado entretenido y convincente, aunque una conclusión apresurada y confusa (al igual que el inicio, si no has leído los números anteriores) hace que quede en poco más que una curiosidad relativamente bien hecha. Si te interesa el Venomverso, es probable que te guste; si no, no es una obra prioritaria.

Profile Image for Guilherme Smee.
Author 26 books155 followers
April 5, 2019
Vamos lá... Só acabei comprando esta edição aqui porque, de alguma forma, ela encerraria a trama começada em Venom/X-Men: Peçonha-X, que já não é lá aquelas coisas de roteiro e arte. Mas ok né, se a pessoa se obriga a acompanhar tudo dos X-Men, bem, ela tem que fazer alguns sacrifícios (e sacrilégios). E aí que esse Venomizados é só mais um daqueles crossovers com brigas de heróis e coisetal e talicoisa. E que também é bem dispensável para qualquer um. Contudo, lá pelas tantas me bateu uma nostalgia, uma sensação de empolgação que reuniões de heróis desse jeito não me dava desde que li Guerra Infinita lá nos anos 90. É porque Venomizados realmente lembra Guerra Infinita. A questão do espaço, a questão das contrapartes do heróis vindo atacar os heróis na própria Terra. O problema é que lembra Guerra Infinita naquilo de pior e sem inspiração que ela tinha a oferecer, infelizmente. Eu imagino que um pré-adolescente de 12, 13 anos como eu tinha na época que li Guerra Infinita possa vibrar com Venomizados, mas não consigo entender como alguém que já tenha um bom lastro de leitura de super-heróis possa perceber esse evento como algo legal.
Profile Image for Lillian Francis.
Author 17 books102 followers
August 17, 2019
Blah, blah, blah, Jean Grey saves the day again. All hail JG. What a wonderful character she is, so effing perfect.
In case the heavy sarcasm doesn't come across I'm pissed at how this ended. The whole roster of heroes were present, why did it have to be JG that was the saviour. (And I still don't understand what she did, or why she didn't do it sooner!)
No idea who the kid with the drawing pad was or why he was soooooo important to the poisons.
The art was good, but the writing was meh. No explanation as to how the symbiote suits were removed from the heroes that didn't get transformed into poisons.
I like Venom with a conscience. And his scenes with Spidey were good.
I'm hoping D man and Rage survived as poisons as well as Jimmy and Carnage. And eye boy too. Although I'm pretty sure he's died before...

Just in case you're wondering if I liked it, I did for the most part. It's mindless fun and easy on the eye with a consistent art style throughout.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rangga Sukmawijaya.
1,509 reviews7 followers
September 21, 2021
Bumi diserang oleh ras alien yang disebut Poisons. Ras yang bisa berpindah-pindah dimensi itu sebenarnya tidak terlalu kuat, tapi kemampuannya untuk memanfaatkan ras Klyntar, ras alien yang merupakan sumber asal pakaian symbiote yang dipakai oleh Venom, untuk menginfeksi para pahlawan super dari berbagai jagat dan mengubah mereka untuk tunduk kepada perintah Hive, membuat pahlawan super di bumi kewalahan. Poisons yang sudah menginfeksi Thanos, Doctor Doom, dan Jean Grey bermaksud menaklukkan bumi dan menjadikan semua orang berkekuatan super tunduk kepada Hive. Seri Venomized ini juga bersinggungan dengan serial X-Men: Blue di mana dalam seri Venomized ini Jean Grey bisa hidup kembali.
Profile Image for Ian.
61 reviews3 followers
August 9, 2018
The Venomverse event has been pretty disappointing, but this finale worst of all. The biggest problem was that Cullen Bunn just doesn’t seem to know how to use Venom. In his name-titled event, he’s only a supporting character. In some instances, Spider-Man, Captain America and the young X-Men have much more dominant roles.

It was a wasted opportunity to show Eddie Brock take center stage and have his own brand of justice save the day or bring them all to the next best thing. Instead, he just gets lost in the background of big action scenes following lame new characters like “Kid Kaiju”.
Profile Image for Alex Dove.
Author 3 books4 followers
May 4, 2018
Obviously didn't read the volume, but just find it easier to rate this way than each individual book if I am going to read a volumes worth of issues at once, especially a mini series like this.
On to the review for this book specifically. Very entertaining, especially seeing venomized/evil versions of characters you wouldn't normally expect, but the multidimensional aspect does make it difficult sometimes to follow which hero has been taken or which was already part of the Hive.
Profile Image for Adam Fisher.
3,208 reviews17 followers
October 3, 2018
With as good as the first two parts of this story are (Venomverse and Poison-X), I expected this Volume to take it up a notch again and perhaps end with some long-lasting consequences. What happened is a good story, lots of fighting, an unclear resolution, but lots and lots of Marvel characters being "Venomized", which is visually cool in its own way, but shouldn't be the purpose for a title.
Recommend, but only if the concept interests you.
Profile Image for Simon Turner.
51 reviews
December 30, 2018
An enjoyable end to a story that expanded across Monsters Unleashed, Venomverse and Poisen X. As a stand alone story, it doesn't hold up great. But as a conclusion to the previously mentioned stories, it wraps it up nicely. The only criticism I'd have is that the ending feels a bit rushed as if they realised they only had a couple of pages left. But venom is my favourite marvel character so I found it enjoyable.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Patrick.
2,147 reviews21 followers
May 6, 2018
You know what? That wasn't half bad. Bunn has written some Venom in the past, so that probably helped things along.

The setup was solid, the follow-through was fun, but the landing was a little shaky.

Considering how much I've disliked much of the Venom stuff since coming back to Earth, I'll take this as a victory.
Profile Image for Andy.
791 reviews4 followers
November 6, 2018
It started off entertaining enough, but boy did it get predictable, cluttered, and boring. Constant conflict with no levity to develop the story, villains 'let's conquer the world' motives, and a satisfying ending; cause that was not it. I liked the characters who came together and most of their interactions with each other but I wish it would have been for a better reason.
Profile Image for Lisa.
2,147 reviews23 followers
January 3, 2019
I was a little confused at the beginning, on how all of these heroes became venomized, then I realized that these were heroes from other universes. I thought the storyline was interesting, but in the end I thought it seemed to just happen all of the sudden and then it was over. I think fo4 the ending I just wanted more.
Profile Image for Matt.
2,505 reviews28 followers
January 3, 2019
Collects Venomized issues #1-5

This is the big finale to the recent Venom Trilogy. I would rank them:

1. Venomverse
2. Venomized
3. Poison-X

"Venomverse" was a ton of fun, but the rest of the Trilogy was never as good as the intrigue introduced in that early story. "Venomized" had some good moments, but overall, it wasn't a very strong story.
Profile Image for Nathanael.
176 reviews
July 16, 2021
When you’ve done THREE crossovers in a row that consisted entirely of slapping symbiotes onto random characters, maybe try finding some new ideas? About the only entertaining part of this storyline was watching characters that would normally have no problem avoiding being shot suddenly lose the ability to dodge what’s essentially a really big paintball.
Profile Image for Sean.
3,603 reviews27 followers
December 30, 2022
This was hot garbage. Cullen Bunn shows exactly why Venomized versions of characters are a terrible idea. This plot was such nonsense. I can't explain how much this bothered me. Why was this made? The art, mostly by Iban Coello, was solid. I felt bad he had to deal with this ludicrous story. Overall, abysmal.
Profile Image for Dave Relph.
193 reviews
August 11, 2018
Better than the Venom/X-Men crossover, but not up to the standard of Venomverse. With more than a couple of plot holes, this barely scrapes 'average' as a Marvel event volume, if only just for being an action packed conclusion to this fairly woeful arc.
Profile Image for Adan.
Author 26 books25 followers
January 21, 2020
And the final part of this not very good trilogy of Venom event books. This one features the time-displaced X-Men since they also featured in the Poison-X crossover that preceded this. It’s all fine, I guess, but I wasn’t super interested in most of it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 45 reviews

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