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Get ready to experience the heartbreakingly beautiful love story of Ollie and Reid in USA Today Bestselling Author Brooke Blaine's The Unforgettable Duet.

Three sugars, two creamers.
That’s how you took your coffee every morning at Joe’s Grab ’N Go.
But you don’t remember that.
You don’t remember anything.
Anything, that is, except me…
That day…
And the tragedy that catapulted us together.

Ollie & Reid's journey concludes in book two, Remember Me When, out now!

184 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 10, 2018

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About the author

Brooke Blaine

69 books2,212 followers
Brooke Blaine is a USA Today Bestselling Author best known for writing romantic comedy and M/M romance. Her novels lead with humor and heart, but Brooke never shies away from throwing in something extra naughty that will scandalize her conservative Southern family for life (bless their hearts).

She’s a choc-o-holic, lives for eighties bands (which means she thinks guyliner is totally underrated), believes it’s always wine o’clock, and lives with the coolest cat on the planet—her Ragdoll/Maine Coon mix, Jackson Agador Spartacus.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 555 reviews
Profile Image for ☆ Todd.
1,398 reviews1,545 followers
February 25, 2018

Dammit, dammit, DAMMIT!

Ugh, I truly hate cliffhangers with the heat of 1,000 suns!

But guys, the MC's in this story were damn near perfect, and the story was compelling and believable.

This first book had a bit of a bittersweet, sad ending, but have no fear, both MC's were alive and doing well. Or at least as good as the ending permitted. Le sigh. :- /

It's only a few days until book 2 comes out, but sweet Jesus, I want the rest of Ollie and Reid's story NOW!

I would give the book 5 stars, but... cliffhanger.


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Profile Image for Snjez.
886 reviews807 followers
March 22, 2021
This story was so sweet and adorable. I absolutely loved Ollie and Reid, especially Ollie just for being the kind of person he was.

The writing was wonderful, the scenes and dialogues flowed nicely and everything felt very natural and realistic.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and moving straight to book 2.

Re-read 3/2021
Profile Image for Shile (Hazard's Version) on-hiatus.
1,120 reviews974 followers
February 21, 2019
Audiobook - 4 stars
Story-4.3 stars

Fluff! Fluffity! Fluff! Cute and beautiful.


Ms. Brooke flying solo and she nailed her 1st solo mm story.

- Both Ollie and Reid are so lovable.

- The story is engaging, most stories with the amnesia trope are usually angsty, it was a really nice surprise that this was the complete opposite.

It ends with a cliffy. Good thing book 2 is out.

Profile Image for Simone - on indefinite hiatus  -.
725 reviews42 followers
December 7, 2018
***4.5 Stars***

Beautiful. Sweet. Cute. Great. Amazing. Wonderf... Umm, sorry, I got carried away a bit, but I could go on and on and on...

This was a touching and sometimes heart-rending story...
I need you to promise me you won’t give up on me.
Help me remember.
Help me find my way back to you.
Your Bluebird

- with a healthy dose of humor (I loved the banter!)
- a different take on the amnesia trope (medically accurate? I don't know, but I don't care!)
- two adorable characters...

- and a whut-the-whut??? ending. In case I didn't make myself clear:
I loved it!

Simone out. You can find me diving head first into the next book! ;-)
January 13, 2023
4.5***** stars
review for both parts of the duet

“Ollie? Is it always like this?”
“No, Bluebird. No, it’s never like this.”

This was such a wonderful story! With such precious characters.

Okay but first, about the books: You may ask (I did too) why the heck is a book with overall 350 pages split into a duet? Well it makes sense plotwise and also, the first one is told solely from Ollie’s POV, the second from both of them.

About the story: Ollie, a paramedic, crushes hard on this guy, Reid, he sees every day at a coffee shop. One day they finally talk. He’s handsome and in his late twenties. Then the accident happens and Ollie and his partner are the first to respond and to arrive on scene.

After a medical induced coma Reid wakes up and has lost the last ten years of his memories. So his parents look too old, his little sister is suddenly grown, he knows nothing about what he’d done with his life after high school you could say. And here is what I struggled with in the first part. How does it make Reid feel about himself inside? Does he feel like a 17-year-old now or does he still feel like an adult? Maybe it was because we haven’t gotten his POV but the author left it for the reader to guess and that felt at times a little creepy when Reid forms a friendship with Ollie (who is in his early thirties) and to more later.

Well technically Reid is 27 but with the possibility of him feeling like his teenage self I was confused a lot. Because more often than not Reid came on very mature but sometimes he also didn’t. Luckily this feeling lessened the further I got until I eventually decided that Reid felt like his true age.

Ofc the first part ends with a heartbreaking plot twist that everyone sees coming.

“I promise. I promise I’ll wake up to you.”

The first part of the duet was just a lovely romance and it lightened up heart seeing these two men fall in love hard. The second part was heartbreaking. One man deep in love, the other forgot all about him. But Ollie promised Reid that he wouldn’t give up on him, so he didn’t, even if it was hurting him.

I am very much in love with this love story, that had to happen twice. —totally recommend. ♡

“I promised I’d wake up to you. It may not have been right away, but I’m awake now, Ollie. I’m awake, and I see you. I see us.”

The Unforgettable Duet:

Part 1 - Forget Me Not
Part 2 - Remember Me When

Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,183 reviews781 followers
February 17, 2018
3.75 Stars

I went into this blind! But when I finished the story I expected more! I think What is supposed to happen in the second book I expected it in this one! In this story, we met MCs and know how they met each other and… but I should say the author did a good job on this but it’s just I wanted more! Told in single POV, 1st person. It’s the first installment in "The Unforgettable Duet" and it ends with a cliffhanger. It was a sweet read and angst-free. All in all, I liked it and hope you enjoy it as well!
March 4, 2018
Warning: Do NOT read Unforgettable Duet 1 without having Duet 2 lined up and ready to go. Forget Me Not ends with a nail-biting cliffie!

The Boyfriend of the Year award goes to . . . OLLIE!

Ollie saves the life of the man he's been fantasizing about for weeks. When Reid wakes up from a medically induced comma, he can't remember the last decade, but he remembers Ollie, his voice, his presence.

The amnesia trope in fiction is rarely realistic. I think of it as poetic license to explore the fallibility of memory and the way our experiences shape us.

Reid has never been with a man, but when he finds himself falling for Ollie, he goes for it. He's not a blank slate by any means, but he's the Reid who hasn't been jaded by life, hasn't experienced failure and disappointment.

There is only one steamy scene in this book, but the slow burn and emotional connection between the men more than make up for that.

Shout out to Ollie's friend Mike who's a well-rounded secondary characters and provides excellent comic relief.

This book ends like it begins: with Ollie saving Reid's life. But will Reid forget again?
Profile Image for Optimist ♰King's Wench♰.
1,790 reviews3,925 followers
May 29, 2018
Random thoughts (prolly nonsensical) but I ain't got time right now so...

Kind of have to suspend disbelief...


I mean, ALL THE FLUFFS: instalove, schmaltz galore, I'm sure there's some other but I'm in a hurry so, you've been warned as much as my tiny brain can come up with at this moment.

Who in the country fuck is the dude on the cover? Cuz it ain't Ollie.

Story's totally predictable AF but here I am steady strolling into the next one.

I'm somewhere between 3-4 stars on this but Imma round up because I'm nice. Sometimes.

Catch you cats on the flipside. I got some sappy reads to read.
Profile Image for ☆ cal’s spooky szn ☆.
645 reviews256 followers
September 23, 2021
overall this story is... serviceable. their romantic scenes lack build up to me. especially when they started kissing out of nowhere, i was legitimately confused.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,762 reviews379 followers
February 12, 2018
I'm dead. Brooke Blaine just killed me with this story.

I can't say much about it because it should be read without any spoilers and so there won't be any hints in this review other than that it could be my very favourite story from her full stop.

I will say one thing, it has an open ending because it is book one in a duet which tells the story of Ollie and Reid, two beautifully crafted characters who have stolen my heart completely.

Book two is coming soon so for those who can't stand a wait, buy this one now but hold off until Remember Me When releases in a few short weeks.

This whole book is a fresh look at how circumstances of fate can result in different paths being travelled and it's a romance which really did feel somewhat new and original to me in its narrative.

I loved everything about it, even the ending, which isn't usually the case when a book doesn't wrap up all its plot lines. That's how much I want more of Ollie and Reid.

The stunning cover only adds to the overall beauty of this story, one in which Brooke truly has excelled in telling a romance with a difference.

#ARC kindly received from the author in return for an honest and unbiased review.
Profile Image for Barbara➰.
1,626 reviews429 followers
February 12, 2018
Sometimes the universe gives us a new beginning. What we do with it is our choice. Maybe we can be someone different. Maybe not. Maybe we're still the same person regardless.

If you had the choice to be someone different, would you? If you had the chance to love someone you didn't think you'd ever even get to know much less love, would you take it? Or would you turn away to avoid the hurt? These are the choices Reid and Ollie face.
"There was no way to know whether he’d ever be able to fill in the holes in his memory, and I wasn’t about to give him any false hope. Then again, sometimes it seemed like he’d rather not know who he’d once been, which made me even more curious about the man sitting beside me."

This was a sweet read. Told entirely from Ollie's POV, I think it would have benefited from Reid's POV. I like what I see so far with these two but there was just something missing for me. I read a review that said this seemed like a prequel with the main story to come in book two and I agree. It was like we just scratched the surface of these two characters. Like this was the bones of the story and the meat is yet to come. I'm looking forward to the meat.
“You’re beautiful.” Beautiful. Me. This body of mine, imperfect and scarred, was somehow beautiful to this man, and it was then that I knew there’d be no holding back tonight, not for either of us."

I knew going into this it was a cliffhanger. And normally, I would have avoided it like the plague until the next book came out which is scheduled to come out 2/26/18. But something about the blurb just compelled me to pick it up right away. And I'm glad I did.

But who knew three words could hurt so much...
Profile Image for Ele.
1,312 reviews40 followers
February 25, 2018
Ok, I have no idea if the medical stuff is accurate, I normally hate amnesia tropes, I don't always click with this author, and this ends with a massive cliffhanger.

Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,245 reviews1,309 followers
February 12, 2018

I think I will not write my usual little summary - well yes, I will write it - but I'll put it in a spoiler thingy - you can read it if you want - or not - it's not spoilering too much, but even telling you about the first two chapters could be considered spoiling!


This is such an adorable story. I was soooo excited to finally get to read it. I already read the first chapter a while back and that first chapter ended on such a huge cliffy!!! Grrrrr - but now here's the whole book. And yes, there might've been another tiny little cliffy at the end of this first book! ☺ But the second one will be out in 2 weeks!

Ollie is such an amazing guy. He and his best buddy and co-worker Mike are so adorable. They have the cutest conversations. Mostly about Ollie's crush Reid. Hilarious.

I will put the next few lines as a spoiler thingy again:

Things need to change for Reid. But will they change enough for Ollie to find a place in his life and heart? We hope so! And we'll definitely find out in the 2nd book!!

I just adored this story!

The only thing I didn't like was their ages. I think Ollie's 32 years are a bit old. He should've been 26 and Reid 24 ... they both appear so much younger.

BUT the story is mega adorable and heartbreaking and moving and sweet and ugh - I just love those two and Mike! ☺ GIMMMMMEEEE BOOK 2 NOW BROOKE!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!


Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,807 reviews2,318 followers
February 11, 2018
Amazon US * Amazon UK

Forget Me Not is a book that I like to call subtly emotional. It's not full of these overly dramatic emotional scenes, but instead and what I find even better than that it shows you these quiet beautiful scenes that have your heart pounding. I loved that Reid and Ollie had a slower moving relationship and that we got to see them grow over time.

Told in Ollie's POV we get a lot of his inner struggle with wanting Reid when he didn't think he could ever have him. I really liked the push and pull that came from him and it had me captivated by his story. I thought those parts of the book tied these characters together really well and it was a big reason why I felt such a strong connection between them once they both gave in to their feelings.

Reid held my heart in this story and I felt so many emotions for what he was going through. And then the ending came and freaking broke my heart all while leaving me hanging on a giant cliff! My emotions can't take this stress dangit!
Profile Image for Elsa Bravante.
1,143 reviews203 followers
February 15, 2018
Pues no ha estado tan mal, la verdad, lo miraba con ojos muy sospechosos. Pero al final, es una historia sencilla, con muy poco angst, pero dulce y muy entretenida. Un músico, un enfermero, amnesia.
Cuidado, lo deja en cliffhanger, aunque el segundo libro saldrá en dos semanas :).
Profile Image for Virginia Cavanillas.
Author 43 books172 followers
July 10, 2018
Silent BR with one of my favorite girls in the world: patient Rosalinda.

A sweet story between two kind and cute guys who seem to have entwined paths in a life that is playing tricks on them.
Two men who deserve happiness because they really are that good and nice and you want them to have their HEA.
A light book with a picnic in an abandoned Wizard of Oz Park, a piano, a car accident and some fluffy and sexy moments to fill the vacant memories, the holes, the empty spaces. What will be waiting for Reid and Ollie at the other side of that yellow brick road?

That said, I must confess it took me 5 days to get to the first 20% (*introducing some gasps here*) and nearly another five to hit the 50% mark (*louder gasps*) but once there, it flowed easily and fast. It ends up in a huge cliffy and that was my favorite part of the story (*gasping in disbelief*). But yeah, the cliffhanger that promises a bit of angst in book two was very welcome and even if kinda predictable it was a needed move for me to buy the next installment, thing that I’ve already done.
So don’t mind me with this one, probably all the procrastination, all the “I’m not invested in the characters and story” or the comments such as “I’m not feeling it” were all my fault. A weird mood and a couple of tough weeks can reduce anyone’s reading mojo so go and read the good reviews out there that prove me wrong.

Reviews for Book Lovers
Profile Image for Rosabel.
723 reviews237 followers
March 29, 2021
This was so cute I'm melting!!! 😫🥰❤

I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't such a lovely story. A paramedic with a crush and stuff happen with said crush and and... God it was lovely, also really interesting how with the first blow Reid was open to experiment and with the second blow he already had all this preconceived notions about himself that he didn't give himself a chance to try, not only in his love life but in his work life too. That was an interesting thing to see.

Ollie it's my favorite type of main lead, a big teddy bear who loves with all his heart, it's just impossible not to fall for him, his unconditional love, patience and care? PANTIES GO DOWN!!!

Lovely story, my only complaint: it was too short. 😫😫😫
Profile Image for Lau ♡.
449 reviews469 followers
December 27, 2021
“Ollie? It is always like this?”
My arm tightened around him. “No, Bluebird. No, it’s never like this.”

It’s so heartbreaking heartwarming when you see a couple as good as this one, and you only wish to meet a love like that at least once in your life. I’m happy I’m not a doctor though, because I’m pretty sure that the probability of things happening exactly as they did here is next to zero. But at least I can pretend it is possible. Also, the way they meet! Extra points for originality -although this time I don’t want to experience that ever.
Profile Image for .Lili. .
1,260 reviews260 followers
March 7, 2018
Gosh, did I love this! The emotional connection between these two gave me butterflies.

I'm glad I waited for book 2 to be released. I would've been livid with that ending and no book 2 to immediately follow up with.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,288 reviews439 followers
February 26, 2018
This was sweet! I really like the premise of amnesia in books. But almost all the books that deal with this subject have the MC forget about the already established relationship with the other MC. I don’t like that concept. But here the MCs didn’t know each other (well) before the amnesia! So I immediately dove in when I found out. Because that I like.

Ollie is a paramedic who sees this cute guy every single day when he stops for coffee. His best friend and colleague keeps telling Ollie he has to make a move, but Ollie isn’t sure the cute guy is gay. But then one day he has an actual conversation with the guy. He finds out his name is Reid and that he is a middle school teacher.

Ollie feels his day can’t get any better now that he finally had a real conversation with Reid. But then everything goes downhill when Ollie arrives at the scene of a car crash and finds out the victim is Reid.

It turns out Reid has brain damage along with a couple of broken ribs and some other injuries. And Ollie can’t seem to let him go, even when he has delivered him to the hospital so the doctors can help Reid. And that’s why Ollie finds himself in Reid’s hospital room several days later. It’s quite the coincidence that that is the moment Reid wakes up.

It turns out Reid doesn’t remember a lot of the last 10 years and feels like he is still 17, and not 27. But for some reason Reid does seem to remember Ollie and that he was the one that saved Reid….

These guys were incredibly cute together. I really loved how they became friends so fast and how natural everything felt between them. Reid didn’t think he was gay before the accident, but he does act once he figures out his feelings for Ollie. We only get Ollie’s POV, and I was a little bit disappointed because I would have loved to read about Reid and how crazy weird his flashbacks might have made him feel. But I’m hoping we get that in the sequel.

This ends in a cliffhanger, so I’m hoping the sequel will be available later today since it’s supposed to be out on the 26th. But nothing on Amazon yet….
Profile Image for Papie.
783 reviews165 followers
July 2, 2021
Wow. I have no idea how accurate the medical stuff is. Especially the ending. WTF.

But I love Ollie and Reid so fucking much. I always love amnesia tropes and this is a slightly different take on it and it’s pretty cool.

I will say that I started the book blind and it was amazing. Then I read some reviews and realized there was a cliffhanger and spent the rest of the book freaking out and waiting for something terrible to happen. Now that it happened, I can relax, I guess. 😂😭💔

Jumping right into book 2.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Fabi.
1,031 reviews158 followers
April 15, 2019
Review after I finish the story in Remember Me When. This one is only half the story and ends in a doozy of a cliffhanger. I still have no real idea why authors choose to split their stories up into multiple books. Outside of an ongoing series, this makes no sense to me.
Profile Image for Renée.
1,107 reviews379 followers
February 27, 2018
3.5 stars

I was totally into this story, into the writing, into everything.......until the end. The end gets an entire star rounded down, which would've made this a 4.5 star read.

Look, the author is already skating the edge of reality with an amnesia trope. And she was doing a damn fine job of it.

BUT. That ending? Sorry, nope. And it's not because of being a cliffhanger. It's because we were already suspending disbelief over the amnesia. And then the author creates the most ridiculous, unlikely, manufactured to produce a second book, plotline.

I'm gonna read book 2, because I'm vested at this point. But I'm pissed.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,080 reviews460 followers
December 22, 2022
This duet right here is why I love reading, and even the dreaded cliffhanger didn't detract from the awesomeness of all that's Ollie and Reid.

The author avoided any unnecessary angst and drama and made me fall hook,line and sinker for both Ollie and Reid. I loved how the amnesia story line was written in that they didn't get to know each other till after Reid had amnesia, very different from the usual run of the mill amnesia plots. That said, the ending left me having to suspend belief ..... lightning striking twice and all that. BUT I still freaking loved it.

I'm so glad I waited till the second book was out, after that ending I needed to jump straight in to the next one.
Profile Image for Amanda.
1,392 reviews325 followers
February 8, 2018
The blurb was so vague that I don't know what to expect. Is it going to be dramatic and full of angst? Let me just say that this is pretty easy to read, low drama, low angst and kind of sweet story.

Ollie is a paramedic and he is such a caring and patient man. I live for his banter with his co-worker, Mike. An accident brought Ollie closer to the man of his dream, Reid. From then on, is a gradual friendship and then more. I will always be curious about the Reid past, but at the same time I enjoy the moment they are having now. There isn't much drama and their relationship progress without much hiccup. But the story of Ollie and Reid flow easily without any mundane moment.

The story did ended with an expected cliffhanger. Knowing the title for the next book which will be release within this month, so that wait isn't excruciating, I knew what is coming even before Reid utter the last three words. I have a feeling the next one will be much intriguing.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 555 reviews

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