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The Ghost, The Owl

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On a cool evening on the swamp, a figure appears dancing across the water. A human figure, but far from a human form. A Ghost, a young girl spirit that seems to have lost its way. A good Samaritan owl decides to help against the wishes of his animal brethren. What mysteries does the ghost girl hold the secrets to and what will happen when she and the owl unlock them together? Will they find out what happened to her? Will she find her way to where she needs to be? What will happen to the animals in the swamp and surrounding forest? An adventure with the most unlikely of pairs, The Ghost, the Owl.

53 pages, Hardcover

First published May 8, 2018

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About the author


296 books13 followers
Franco Aureliani, known professionally as Franco, is an American comic book writer/artist, best known for writing the DC Comics series Tiny Titans, for which he won two Eisner Awards in 2009 and 2011. Tiny Titans also won a Harvey award in 2011. He was also nominated for another Harvey in 2013 for another project from DC Comics, Superman Family Adventures. He and longtime writing partner and friend, Art Baltazar, won their third Eisner in 2014 for the Dark Horse Comics children's series Itty Bitty Hellboy. He also teaches art at Carmel High School.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 143 reviews
Profile Image for Trish.
2,224 reviews3,687 followers
April 1, 2018
This is a really cool story about a ghost suddenly appearing in a swamp.

The only animal willing to help is the owl. By doing so, the owl gets to reconnect with a bit of its own past and stop evil.

Without spoilers, it's hard to say more about this short but lovely story. Suffice it to say that it's about helping others and not accepting artificial boundaries (the typical "them vs us").

Astonishing about this book is not the story though. The story was solid althought the reason for the ghost to appear was a bit far-fetched. No, what makes me love this story so much is the setting (the swamp and forest with all the animals) as well as the gorgeous art!
I'm not an expert but since I'm an owl lover, I know that not many artists always get owls right, especially when portraying them in motion, but this artist did and it's fantastic!

Not to mention that Southern White-Faced Owls are one of my favourite breeds so the book got automatic bonus points. ;)

This is a short book but it teaches about compassion and staying true to who you are.

I was provided a free copy in exchange for an honest review - you know how it goes.
Profile Image for Silvia .
672 reviews1,631 followers
April 12, 2018
I was sent this book as an advanced copy by the publisher via NetGalley for reviewing purposes, but all opinions are my own.

This was a stunning graphic novel with a simple but captivating plot about generosity and how much a single kind act can do.

The art is however what's truly magnificent about it. It's worth spending a good minute or two studying every detail of each page. I've only read an e-copy but I would love owning the physical product.

Definitely get this if you're looking for a graphic novel that's not only good but also utterly beautiful.
Profile Image for ♥ Sandi ❣	.
1,478 reviews52 followers
May 16, 2018
4.5 stars Thank you to NetGalley and Diamond Book Distributors for allowing me to read and review this book. Published May 8, 2018.

A review that I accidentally skipped over - Read March 28. 2018.

What a gorgeous book. The illustrations in this short book are simply wonderful. Everything swirls together and runs across the page as it morphs into the next scene. Simply stunning.

The story is about helping others - how the owl helps the ghost remember who she is and where she belongs, even after coming in front of the council for speaking with humans. Doing good is the owls purpose in life and due to past favors he is helped by a number of the other animals of the woods.

I have to go back to the illustrations in this book. The story tells a parable, but the color and pictures in the book are mesmerizing. They fully cover each page and just flow from scene to scene. The pages bloom right in front of your eyes. Wonderful illustration by Sara Richard.

Profile Image for Darinda.
8,780 reviews158 followers
March 23, 2018
One evening, a ghost of a young girl appears in a swamp. She doesn't remember who she is or why she is there, and a kindly owl offers to help her.

A short graphic novel. I liked the artwork, but wasn't a fan of how the ghost was drawn. Everything else was excellent though.

A simple and quick read. A ghost needs to find closure. An owl offers to help, despite the fact that animals are not to interfere in human affairs. As they search for answers about the ghost, they are led to a nearby cabin, where a human is in danger.

Good for older kids. This story has a great message of kindness, but gets a little dark.

I received a digital copy of this graphic novel from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This book's expected publication is in May 2018.
Profile Image for ♛ Garima ♛.
963 reviews183 followers
March 7, 2018
It is very simple ghost story. A small girl's ghost playing on the pond, not remembering how she got there. Owl helped her to find the closure and along with that finds adventure of his own.
It is rather small story, I read it in 10-15 minutes less. Art is amazing and very beautiful illustrations.
Profile Image for Dani ❤️ Perspective of a Writer.
1,512 reviews5 followers
April 24, 2018
Check out more graphic novel reviews @ Perspective of a Writer...

A lost young girl appears in the swamp one evening. An owl realizing it is a ghost decided to help against the wishes of his brethren.

I really thought I was going to be blown away by the art in this graphic novel. The cover has this realistic style contrasted to a more fanciful style that is the ghost. But yeah, I wasn't a fan. The main problem I had was the heavy use of black with what was a fairy tale sort of environment. The two didn't go together and it felt heavy and oppressive even though this was meant to be a story about the power of friendship.

I quite liked the owl and his passion for helping the two humans he had contact with... I wanted to root for him and to see him succeed. The ghost girl was drawn in such a way that I wanted to like her too. Why the ghost was there and why the owl ended up helping... their motivations were just not there. I know this is a graphic novel but story craft is still applicable to move events along.

The plot was a little simplistic but there was creativity to it. I liked how the characters became connected and and that their actions helped someone in need. If we want children to read this and learn something we've got to go a little deeper, make things a little more specific and not so stereotypical. It's not surprising to me that many YA readers are loving anti-heroes nowadays... and that is because heroes are seen as simple souls who only are motivated because good guys help others.

The tension wasn't here for me. It's pretty obvious how this was going to end... And while its not bad, its too simple and too easy. Everyone was so black and white that there was no other outcome possible. We need a little doubt for a story to truly be compelling.

I really wish that I loved this story better! It has such creativity... a few missteps in the art and story and it wasn't as powerful a story as I thought it would be.

⋆ ⋆⭐⭐⭐ Authenticity
⋆ ⋆ ⋆⭐⭐ Tension
⋆ ⋆⭐⭐⭐ Plot
⋆ ⋆⭐⭐⭐ Art

BOTTOM LINE: With art not to my taste and a simple story I wasn't blow away by this graphic novel...

Thanks to Edelweiss and the publisher for providing me with a copy in exchange for an honest review. This has not influenced my opinion.

You can find this review and many others on my book blog @ Perspective of a Writer. See my manga and graphic novel reviews below under: What is a manga?
Profile Image for Matt.
695 reviews
August 7, 2019
One night a ghost of a little girl appears dancing across a lake getting the attention of an owl, while other animals ignore her the owl decides to help her. Using little bits of information that each has and their own pasts, the two discover why the ghost appeared along with a threat to the owl’s forest home. Despite threats from others, the owl continues to the help the little ghost who can protect the person that brought her spirit out from the grave to wander the woods that she did when alive. The Ghost, The Owl is a 48-page book wonderfully written by Franco and beautifully illustrated by Sara Richard, but it is the latter’s drawing that makes this a must buy and read.
Profile Image for Tyler Gray.
Author 2 books274 followers
August 8, 2019
tw: fire

This had me in tears. So sweet. So amazing what a simple act of kindness can do. It's simplistic but I loved it for that. But I have questions. Who is Jessica to Eleanor? Who is that awful man and why did he want the house? But ultimately a very sweet short graphic novel about kindness. Loved the art and story.
Profile Image for Laura.
2,980 reviews88 followers
March 24, 2018
This is an amazing graphic novel, so beautifully illustrated, of an owl who helps a ghost find her home, so to speak. The owl has been helping since he himself was rescued and helped when he was an owlet.

If I say to much about this very short graphic novel, I give too much away, but look at these pages below. Look at that art. It fairly swirls around.

The only issue I have with this book is the threat to the owl, that is built up half-way through the book, either it wasn't a real threat, or there is something left out of the ending. Either way, it should be addressed.

All in all, a good, quick read, and the art is so gorgeous.

The Ghost and the Owl

The Ghost, The OWl

Thanks to Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.
Profile Image for Nicole (TheBookWormDrinketh) .
223 reviews37 followers
May 23, 2018
Well, I’m going to keep this short and sweet because this was a short and sweet story!

It is the story of helping others no matter what. Standing up for what you believe in and going against the wishes of others to lend a helping hand should not be tied to a certain species, if we ignore the plight of others than nothing will ever be solved in the world.

And… THIS ARTWORK!!! WHAT CAN I SAY??? WOW! It is truly gorgeous!
Profile Image for Chad.
9,153 reviews1,001 followers
August 15, 2022
A short little story about an owl who helps a ghost and the woman who helped the owl when it was just an owlet. Read almost like more of a children's book than a graphic novel. Full of gorgeous, swirling art.
Profile Image for stefiereads.
339 reviews120 followers
March 15, 2018
4.5 stars

Simple and yet so lovely.
"Never underestimate a power of kindness". This is what the book taught me.
It's like a reminder to always be kind to others, to help others without expecting anything back.
I love this graphic novel a lot. It is short and a bit strange. But I did not expect that I would like it so much. Plus, seriously... the illustration?! SUPER BEAUTIFUL.

*The e-copy is provided by NetGalley in exchange for honest opinion.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
3,910 reviews3,248 followers
March 12, 2018
A kind-hearted owl decides to help the ghost of a little girl remember where she came from and what happened to her. With the assistance of his fellow woodland and swamp creatures, they locate a nearby cottage that happens to hold significance for both the ghost and the owl; its human resident is in danger, but with some quick thinking they might just save her and find a way for the ghost to lay her memories to rest. I loved the swirly backdrops and the illustrations of the animals and the natural surroundings, but the ghost girl is drawn in a manga-type style that does not seem to fit with the rest. On the whole the plot is a little thin, but this was still a quick and enjoyable read.
Profile Image for Isa.
564 reviews316 followers
March 18, 2018


Three stars exclusively for Sara Richard's illustrations, because the story is underdeveloped and mediocre.

And even Richard's illustrations, though absolutely amazing when depicting the forest animals, were a bit incongruous when it came to the ghost girl, who looked like some kind of manga fanart.

The dialogue was very simplistic and sometimes grammatically unsound, like when the owl refers to something as "more strange" instead of stranger.

All in all, Richard's art deserved a much better story.
Profile Image for Christine.
6,970 reviews535 followers
March 8, 2018
Disclaimer: ARC via Netgalley

The owl has long had a connection to the dead, in many cultures and myths. It is hardly surprising that it makes an appearance here.

The owl is in the forest and discovers the ghost of a young girl, and this new arrival puzzles the animals of the forest. The only one willing to help the young ghost girl is the owl. Instead of being a simple tale of a spirit finding its place in the afterlife, the tale becomes one of light versus dark, and how things are interconnected even when they do not seem to be.

The artwork is stunning. The story beautiful.
Profile Image for Brooke.
156 reviews13 followers
March 16, 2018
I love how cute and whimsical the art style is! This was so charming and cute! 100% recommend for a cute, fun, and adorable read!
Profile Image for Anna.
512 reviews77 followers
April 7, 2018
I have some mixed feelings about this one. According to the publisher it's supposed to be for children but I'm not really sure about it. The story seems a bit too heavy and creepy in my opinion. I don't think kids shouldn't read scary stuff - if they like it like I did when I was a kid then sure, why not. But the violence against the woman and the heavy sexual undertones seemed like way too much. On the other hand, it was too underdeveloped to be directed at adults so... I really don't know.

BUT - using capslock because it's a really huge BUT - the art? It's seriously stunning. Some of the pages are too beautiful for words and I could look at them over and over again and never get bored of all that beauty. A-m-a-z-i-n-g.
Profile Image for Callum McLaughlin.
Author 4 books92 followers
November 30, 2019
I picked this graphic novel up on a whim after seeing some of the art online a while ago and thinking it looked gorgeous. Very fable-esque in tone, it centres around an owl helping a ghost to make peace with her life and death, and struggling with the rule that forbids animals from interfering with human lives. Story-wise, it was fine. Things felt a bit rushed and there were a couple of plot holes (even within the context of such a whimsical story), but I did like the allegorical message about overcoming difference so we can stand together against injustice. The highlight was definitely Sara Richard’s art, however. She forgoes traditional panels entirely, the whole thing blending together into one continuously flowing visual narrative. The attention to detail is stunning, and I would certainly seek out more of her work.
Profile Image for Kate.
1,362 reviews2,195 followers
March 18, 2018

This is a really, REALLY short little graphic novel that I got off NetGalley. It was honestly absolutely beautiful - the art really blew me away. But, I was confused as to what the audience was. It seemed extremely young and cheesey with the whole "oh I have my friends to help me" and stuff, but then it also had some very dark elements to it also. It was also just a little too short in my opinion, which pulled it down a bit. But overall it was a very cute, short, beautiful little book
Profile Image for Marianna.
346 reviews28 followers
April 20, 2018
This graphic novel is absolutely stunning. I kept staring at the drawings for many minutes: their author is a master, she perfectly knows how to make the colors and the expressions communicate emotions just with a couple of traits. The pencils are just WOW.
The story too is a lovely one. I missed reading something like a fairytale, a paranormal book which both cured the plot and the setting with lightness and attention.
Since I loved it, I have nothing more to say. Great compliments to both the writer and the cartoonist for this work. (And many thanks to NetGalley and the authors for giving me a free copy of this.)
Profile Image for Andie.
14 reviews
March 2, 2018
Overall, I liked the story- the message it conveyed was beautiful and I loved the Owl's strong set of beliefs. The illustrations were gorgeous- they turned a bit gory at some point, but not anything that would go over the normal limit. While I wasn't particularly struck by the feeling I couldn't put the book down, I got into the story easily.
The graphic novel was very original- I haven't seen anything similar before and the novelty of the idea was highly appreciated. // review taken from my Edelweiss account
Profile Image for Olivia Elizabeth.
123 reviews40 followers
January 18, 2019
The Ghost, The Owl is an incredibly imaginative graphic novel by Franco and illustrated by Sara Richard.

Owl and the other animals in the swamp are going about their day when a ghost appears seemingly out of nowhere. No one has seen her before and she herself can't recall where she came from. Owl decides to take it upon himself to figure out her origins and help her find her way despite the warnings of the other animals.  A mystery begins to unfold involving a young woman in a house by the swamp, a vicious man, and a family forgotten years ago.

Despite how short this book is (around 50 pages) there's a surprising amount of complexity to Owl's character. We learn he is a fearless defender of the defenseless and he has a history of selfless acts among the animals in the swamp. When the Parliament, a group of owls who rule over the swamp demand that the ghost is to be ignored, Owl risks life and limb to get to the bottom of the mystery anyway.

The story seamlessly flows together in a wispy (ghostly), art style that is both a pleasure to read and to look at. As far as graphic novels go, this is a hidden gem and I couldn't be more pleased to add it to my own personal collection.
Profile Image for Navi.
112 reviews208 followers
April 19, 2018
This is a short graphic novel that really packs a punch. It is about the unlikely friendship between an owl and a ghost. After seeing a ghost wandering in the woods, an owl decides to befriend her. The ghost is lost and confused so the owl tries to help her remember. Things progress from here.

The plot is simple but what completely blew me away was the beautiful artwork. The blue-green undertones give an ethereal and eerie beauty to the pages which help bring the story to life.

I will say that there are some dark, creepy bits that may not be suitable for some younger readers.

Thanks to NetGalley for providing a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
Profile Image for Heather.
1,091 reviews30 followers
April 3, 2018
”Helping is what is necessary. It shouldn’t matter whom or what you are helping.”

This is easily the most beautiful story I’ve ever read.

The Artwork is so whimsical, and lovely. From the very first page I was mesmerized and brought into a new world. I loved the details from the huge landscape pages, to the close-up detailed pages.

The story was a good one to be told and features such a small cast of characters, and is told in such a short amount of time, that is truly amazing how much hope can be spread at the end.

The writing wasn’t my favorite and felt choppy at times, but all-in-all, this was a great book.

*i received this book from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
October 13, 2020
The artwork was beautiful!
It's a story about a girl and an owl trying to find out who she is.
I read this in about 10 minutes and I think it would be nice for more stories, but they could be longer.
Profile Image for Jessica Strider.
523 reviews62 followers
May 15, 2018
Pros: gorgeous artwork

Cons: the story jumps around

A ghost girl who doesn’t remember her past is aided by a friendly owl. Meanwhile, the woman who lives nearby is being menaced by an angry man.

The artwork is gorgeous. It’s all flowing waves of monochrome and colour that gives the book a surreal feel. I loved how the waves join objects (like the panel where one eye belongs to the owl, the other to the crow, with the beak being the owl in flight). The animals look realistic, even as the ghost has a dreamy look to her.

The story jumped around a fair bit, bringing in a lot of details but not explaining much. Several things relied more on cliches than development in the story. I did like the idea that your actions can have long term consequences - the owl has helped others and they willingly help him because of that. I was left wondering why the animals didn’t want the owl to help the woman. Sure, they’re different species, but she treats the land much better than the man would.

If you like the cover’s style, the artwork is definitely worth it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 143 reviews

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