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Ava's about to learn the hard way that you can't keep secrets from your Alpha.As the alpha wolf leader of Savage Brotherhood MC, my club means everything to me. They are my family, my home, my shelter. I'd lie my life down for them, and that's about to be put to the test. Literally.I've always said whoever comes between us is messing with the wrong wolf...but then, Ava comes along to prove me wrong. The beautiful, curvy, passionate kitten hits all the right spots and knocks down all my best defenses.One night with her leaves me weak. But now, a vampire is targeting her, and I need to regain my focus. I can't give her my soft side when my brutality might be the only thing that can save her.The vampires have pushed things too far, and I'm ready to fight them once and for all. But something feels off... I can tell Ava is hiding something. A secret so powerful it could bring me to my knees. And once I know what it is, one thing becomes certain...The stakes to defeat these vampires just doubled.Fans of Terry Bolryder, Charlene Hartnady, and Zoe Chant won't be able to satiate their hunger for the wolves of the Savage Brotherhood! Scroll up and one click to start reading this high heat, dark paranormal romance series from Jasmine Wylder today!

139 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 16, 2018

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About the author

Jasmine Wylder

124 books366 followers
Jasmine Wylder is a renown paranormal romance writer who is proud to have published dozens books ever since she came out with her debut novel in 2016.

This former mechanical engineer loves finding inspiration in her day-to-day life while walking her dogs in the moonlight, exploring the countryside she lives in, as well as travelling and discovering new foods and cultures. She’s always found comfort in fantasy: dreaming about vampires, shifters, and dragons (her favorite).

Her love for books comes second only to her love for her two sons and amazing husband, whom she enjoys spending time with when she’s not busy crafting beautiful worlds and universes for her readers to dive into.

Interested? Then make sure to join Jasmine’s Reader Group to get a free eBook!: https://dl.bookfunnel.com/axs2m4x1fg

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews
Profile Image for Anna.
733 reviews70 followers
April 16, 2018
For whatever fucked up reason, I was pretty exited for this book. Even more so when I opened it up and saw 300+ pages count. So imagine my disappointment when I realized that, out of those 300+ pages only 80 were part of the actual story. I absolutely hate it when that happens. And it wouldn't have been that bad, if the story itself was good. But no, the story was shitty as well. The idea for the plot was cliché, the execution pretty out there and everything was extremely rushed. And gods, it was so fucking dramatic.
“Now… you have five minutes to say your goodbyes and then I’m going to kill you.” Major eye-roll.
The characters might have been good, but the relationship between them sprang out of nowhere. They had one night stand, and one or two barely there conversations after that, but suddenly they're in love. Like, wtf! Even the MC couldn't believe it:
“Besides, it wasn’t as though a few weeks in heart-stopping danger was enough to turn lust into love.” also, heart-stopping danger? Please.

So, in the end, the book that I was pretty exited for, turned out to be a big fat disappointment.
Profile Image for Romanticamente Fantasy.
7,291 reviews216 followers
May 28, 2019
3.5 - Voto.
SimoG - per RFS
È il primo libro della serie Club Motociclistico della Fratellanza Selvaggia, abbastanza piacevole nella lettura ma… sono fiduciosa, e mi aspetto sviluppi più interessanti nei prossimi libri.

Jackson “Tornado” e Ava inizialmente sono i due soliti bellocci, lui motociclista tatuato, alias mutaforma lupo, lei cameriera con un prorompente fisico da pin-up, alias mutaforma pantera. Mi sono detta “ecco la solita trama”, invece più la storia si sviluppava e s’intrecciava più ho iniziato ad appassionarmi a loro. Jackson è il capo di una gang, “la Fratellanza Selvaggia”, composta da mutaforma che sembrano dediti al commercio di droga, ma in realtà è solo una copertura. Lo scopo principale della gang è proteggere il mondo dai vampiri, e per questo hanno stretto con loro un trattato di pace, in cui i vampiri s’impegnano a cacciare solo nei territori a loro concessi e a lasciare in pace quelli protetti dalla fratellanza. Ava lavora come cameriera in una caffetteria vicino al bar di ritrovo della gang. Una sera, uscita dal lavoro, si ferma in questo bar un po’ per curiosità, un po’ perché in cerca di novità avventurose.

I protagonisti si conoscono lì, 10 minuti in tutto e fanno subito sesso, le prime 5 pagine del romanzo viaggiano su questi binari, lei poi viene aggredita da un vampiro e da lì inizia tutta l’avventura.

L’inizio mi ha lasciata un po’ spiazzata, non si riesce a capire tutto questo trasporto tra due che si conoscono solamente da una sera. La scena di sesso iniziale non viene minimamente descritta. Loro escono dal bar in cui si sono incontrati per andare a fare una corsa nel bosco nella loro forma di lupo e pantera. Si passa poi subito ai saluti finali in cui lui le dice ”tanti saluti e grazie” (un vero gentiluomo insomma!)

Questa volta i vampiri sono i cattivi, e già questo mi ha un po’ turbata essendo fan sfegatata della Ward! I vampiri hanno un rito da compiere per ritornare a essere i padroni del mondo. Per compierlo servono una pantera, un nibbio, un leone e il sangue di una donna incinta affinché possano nutrire il re dei vampiri che dovrebbe risorgere dopo il rito. Ava ricopre un ruolo importante in questo, poiché il suo animale è una pantera. Per difendere lei dai loro attacchi Jackson “Tornado” è disposto a tutto, anche a mettere in discussione il suo ruolo di Alfa nella Fratellanza Selvaggia.

Il libro è scritto bene, lettura scorrevole senza giri di parole o frasi infinitamente complesse, anche se ho trovato alcuni refusi e ripetizioni, non so se dipenda dalla traduzione o dall’editing, per una “pignola” come me, trovarli, mi provocava ogni volta un picco di stress!!!

Una scena mi ha fatto veramente sorridere: Tornado sta litigando con sua sorella Val in salotto, mentre Ava è sul divano, tutto a un tratto scatta il momento romantico in cui si confessano i loro sentimenti e si baciano davanti alla sorella che commenta semplicemente con “che schifo”, da lì cominciano a fare sesso (e la sorella dov’è andata???). Finito il momento hot Val ricomincia a parlare! Quindi, è rimasta tutto il tempo a guardare? Oppure era in cucina a farsi un panino???

Ho riso un sacco!

Nel complesso il libro mi è piaciuto, è divertente e scorrevole.

Attendo di leggere i prossimi libri per vedere cosa succederà!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lyn Mckenzie.
868 reviews16 followers
April 17, 2018
I fell in love with this story very very quickly, its only the second book I have read by the author but I can wholeheartedly say that I adore the way that she writes, it is spellbinding and captivating god the reader making you not only unable to stop turning pages but also badly want to read the rest of her work!

I just loved this storyline….. What is fated to be will be… it's a story about two people from two completely different lifestyles, two people who are so different the you add in danger to life , a protective alpha as well as stubbornness from both parties and potential war between two races and bam…. What an amazing storyline…. Then you add in the fact that this author was obviously just born to write with an extremely vivid imagination with the ability to transfer that to the written word and you have an outstanding book!!!!

I loved Ada, especially her fiery nature and her inability to show what she she is really thinking and feeling, throughout this book you see her strengths shining through especially in situations that she never thought she would ever be in. Jackson definitely made me smile, especially with his refusal to accept certain situation that are blatantly obvious to everyone around him. I lived how passionate and wrote give his nature is which becomes more and more obvious throughout the book.

That is definitely a 5* book and I highly recommend this book to everyone, I will say that if you are not keen on sex scenes then this book probably isn't for you but it definitely shows you a different dynamic between the characters.
Profile Image for Charlotte.
2,119 reviews80 followers
August 29, 2018
For adult readers due to sexual content.
Jackson Masters, or Tornado is the alpha wolf shifter of the Coalfell chapter MC. Tornado and his MC protect the shifters and humans of the town from the vampire, the town just doesn't know it. The MC also does less noble things as well. Jackson is content with this life until he sees Ava, a Panthers shifter in the bar. Now Jackson is a love them and then them type, so after he had sex with Ava, he figures he is done. Jackson was drawn back to Eva's house to discover she being attacked by the vampire king.
I think this book had a great balance of action, romance and paranormals. This story wasn't all sex, it had substance. There is a great story line and plot to this book. This has a few characters that I love to hate, which is great!
I would recommend this book to any reader ages 17 and up.
Profile Image for Secret Girls.
254 reviews7 followers
March 10, 2022
recensione completa sul blog https://t.ly/cAgG

Questo paranormal romance ha come protagonista Ava, la bella pantera mutaforma e Jackson, Tornado, il sexy motociclista tatuato e lupo mannaro.

Una sera, uscita dal lavoro, si ferma in un bar un po’ per curiosità e po perché ha bisogno di evadere dalla noia. Inizialmente sono rimasta un attimo allucinata, in meno di 10 pagine si conoscono, fanno sesso, si mandano a quel paese e lui la cerca. Niente in contrario all’avventura di una notte, anzi! Ma… almeno qualche dettaglio si poteva mettere.

Tornando è a capo della gang, e uno dei loro scopi è proteggere le loro terre dai vampiri, e quando Astrophel, appunto un vampiro, reclama Ava come pagamento per un attacco ad un suo simile, ha inizio il fulcro del racconto.
Profile Image for lisa jung.
4,722 reviews42 followers
November 3, 2018
Shifter book set

This is a combination of different shifter book. The first one is a dragon human matchmaking short book -cute. I found the title misleading as what was inside
Profile Image for Beth.
500 reviews21 followers
April 11, 2018
I received an Advance Reader Copy of this book, and I am leaving my voluntary review.

A small town, not much happening here. Working at the local coffee shop and living in her own house is all Ava does. She did notice that bar, and even asked her friend to go in with her. That bar apparently is not a good place, and has a gang. Who knew by just the outside. Feeling a bit restless Ava decides to go in and check out this bar, despite her friends warning. Once inside she can understand what her friend was talking about, but too late, she is already inside. Have one drink and go, that was her plan, initially.

This bar is where his Motorcycle Club hang out, it is their turf. Jackson, aka Tornado, notices the young pretty woman that just walked in. He is drawn to her instantly, and taking note of the shifter inside of her, he invites her to go for a walk. Hesitant as she was Jackson was thrilled when she said yes. Their walk turns into a lot more than a walk, very fiery and passionate. Just as their little jaunt was over he sends her on her way, to leave him be, he got what he was after. What he wasn't after was the hurt and anger in her eyes when she left.

Feeling a bit out of sorts by his actions, Jackson decides to go see Ava, somehow apologize without really apologizing for what happened early, but how he dismissed her afterwards. What meets him when he pulls his bike up to her house is something that sets him into a rage. Her front door is open a bit, and he can hear sounds from inside, a scream....that is it, in he goes. What he finds is Ava being overtaken by "the corpse" and he is one bad vampire. Words are exchanged between Jackson and the vampire. Nothing else concerns him more at this moment than getting the vampire away from her and him taking her somewhere safe and help her heal. She has after all been bitten by that vampire.

Once he gets her to the safe house, things start to fall apart quickly. Jackson is around the clock watching over Ava, cleaning her up, feeding her. He had to taken the poison out of her himself. He doesn't know what is happening or why he feels so drawn to help her, be near her, but he does and is. She comes to and then passes out again. Each time noticing that Jackson is always right there. The next time she wakes though she is feeling better health wise, but a part of her, a very big part of her is missing. She and Jackson both are shifters. She is a panther, he is a wolf. She is trying to leave, to go back home and forget all of this, but Jackson is fighting her on that. He wants to and needs to protect her.

Things start changing, Jackson is having some hardship with the leaders due to the way he handled this situation he is currently in. His sister comes in to help and reveals a secret of Ava's, which is another big thing. Vampires are calling for war, and their claim is this girl with no real clear reasoning for her being the chosen one, but there really is a back story to that, and Jackson decides to tell Ava. Ava makes a decision, she leaves. She tells Jackson why and they part ways. It isn't until a little while later that Jackson is back at her door, coming to take her back to the safe house. There are threats again, against her. He is greeted by a large surprise and when he asks her specifically about it, she is honest and tells him what he already felt was happening. Lots has changed since they both had been around one another, and now that her changes are out in the open, it opens the door for Jackson to let her in on a few things, but not everything....at least not yet.

The day everyone has been dreading happens, only this is worse than planned for and as things were getting weird among the shifters, the enemy barges in full force. Fighting and protecting ensues, shifters are bit and the venom runs in their blood. Eventually there is darkness, from Jackson. But he awakens and knows that Ava is there. He feels good that on the drive to the safe house he opened up about his feelings, he really knows that Ava is his mate, and he is not afraid to tell her. But the last part of his secret was revealed right before the vampires showed up. Now with nothing between them they fight in battle and the no longer fight their feelings for one another. They also do not fight the winnings from that battle, and the beginning of their happy ever after. Jackson makes sure to have the best way of ushering them into that happy ending too.
3,359 reviews34 followers
April 10, 2018
Can Jackson save Ava from a vengeful vampire?😱
April 8, 2018
Format: Paperback

I've read alot of books by this author and enjoyed them. This one has plenty of suspense, action and steam, but for some reason I just never connected with the MCs. The main thread of the plot, with shifters in a constant struggle against encroachment by vampires in their communities, was good unless you have a deep-seated fondness and sympathy for vampires, which are villains through and through in this story.

I usually steer away from Motorcycle Club and Mafia tropes because I am not into all of the criminal subculture and macho posing, but this one was fine with not much focus on that. The MC club was more of a mixed shifter pack that stayed in the fringes of the central story.

Some areas that brought my rating down:
Jackson, the wolf shifter hero, goes from "sorry, I'm a one night stand guy" to "protect you to the death" love for heroine Ava with no obvious reason for the transition. As for heroine Ava, I think I preferred tough talking Val, Jackson's sister; she appeared to have a more interesting backstory (although it's only hinted at in this first story of this new series).

I felt there were some choppy parts, like a scene where the name for a baby is selected. It seemed like the scene had been fully written and then the author realized a brief baby naming moment was needed so it was just squeezed in with no context.
The transition to the steamy scenes also seemed a bit rushed.

In sum, a fine, short paranormal romantic adventure but not one of my favorites.

I read a complimentary copy of the book provided by the author; this is my voluntary and honest review.
October 17, 2020

Tornado de @Jasmine.Wylder.

Je remercie chaleureusement l’auteure pour ce nouveau service presse.

Mon résumé :.

Jackson ‘Tornado’ Masters est l’un des Alpha de la Confrérie des Sauvages, un club de moto. Les métamorphes loups tentent de maintenir la paix entre eux et les Vampires, mais c’est difficile. Lorsque Jackson fait la connaissance d’Ava, une animorphe panthère, tout dégénère.

Jackson est un métamorphe loup, Alpha de la Confrérie des Sauvages. Avec Val, sa sœur, Basil, Tony et Éric, ses hommes, il protègent les habitants de leur petit ville. Cunningam, le shérif les supportent tant bien que mal. Lorsqu’ Astrophel, un vampire sanguinaire, décide de s’en prendre à Ava, la compagne de Jackson, celui-ci jure de la protéger, envers et contre tout. Même si cela implique de se faire virer de la bande.

Mon ressenti final :.

Partenaire habituelle de Jasmine, je découvre cette nouvelle série avec grand plaisir.

J’aime beaucoup les romans de métamorphes et ce premier tome est très prometteur. Jackson est tout ce que j’aime : grand, bourru mais avec un grand cœur, il se donne corps et âme dans sa relation avec Ava. La jeune femme est éprise du beau loup mais est réfractaire à vivre dans un gang.

L’auteure possède toujours cette plume agréable et lisse, qui permet une lecture facile et addictive. Le sujet est maîtrisé et intéressant. L’écriture est fluide, précise et riche en émotions. J’ai beaucoup aimé le couple, mais également les personnages secondaires. J’ai hâte de découvrir le tome 2 !
Profile Image for Roxie's Reviews.
1,041 reviews23 followers
April 23, 2018
"A Fantastic MC shifter Romance series"
If you love MC and Shifter Romances you will love this story! The storyline is exciting and awesome. The characters are fantastic.
Ava is a spunky panther shifter. She has just moved to the little town of Coalfell. The town is ran and protected by the MC club the Savage Brotherhood. One day she stops at a bar that is frequented by the Brotherhood. There she meets the sexy Wolf shifter Jackson aka Tornado. He is the leader of the Savage Brotherhood charter. They hook up for a wild night of sex. Afterwards Tornado acts like a jerk. Ava had been sure they had a connection, and he was her fated mate. She is so upset she rushed back home. When she left Tornado felt so bad he followed her home. There he finds her being attacked by a vampire. She gets bitten and vampire bites are toxic to shiters. Tornado rushes her to the Brotherhood safe house. He just hopes he can save her!
You will love this super exciting,funny,suspenseful,thrilling,and scorching hot MC shifter Romance series. It is a five star plus story.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
611 reviews3 followers
May 5, 2018
This is Jackson and Ava's story . Deciding to go to a bar after just seeing someone who scared her Ava runs into Jackson and after a few drinks they decide to go out the back for a run . After fun times Jackson makes some comments that offend her and she leaves . Jackson for some reason feeling bad that he hurt her decides to go to her place to say sorry . Once there he smells something sweet and hears a scream ! He takes off and finds a vampire there . Upon learning that a shifter has killed a vamp and that the vamp has decided that Ava should be his to claim in place of the death Jackson refuses to let him take her and decides to do all he can to help her . But this King vampire will not be denied ! Once Ava feels better she is upset that she can not feel her cat . This book is a bit different from a lot out there in that Jackson is the Alpha of his chapter and yes they deal in crime while Ava does not want anything to do with crime . I just had to read this in one sitting since it is so well written and engaging !! I strongly recommend this to everyone !!
Profile Image for Leslie Sanchez.
1,774 reviews2 followers
April 16, 2018
This is a wonderful beginning to a cool new MC series. Jackson is a wolf shifter and alpha of the local chapter of the Savage Brotherhood MC. The MC may deal in criminal activities, but it also has a noble calling. They protect humanity from vampires, as much as possible. Ava is a panther shifter and meets Jackson one night at the club's main hangout. After a wonderful romp together, Ava becomes the victim of the local vampire master. After saving her, Jackson must find a way to keep Ava safe not only from the vampires, but his own brothers. Jackson and Ava are good together. Val, his sister, seems to have a handle on everything happening. She may not be the cuddliest, but she is definitely one to have on your side, as Ava learns. I am curious about what's between Val and the sheriff (an ex-club member). There is a lot of action and even some fun with Val and her girls. I recommend it. I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book.
445 reviews3 followers
June 20, 2019
Fabulous introduction to the Savage Brotherhood!!

Loved reading Ava and Tornado's (Jackson) story. We are introduced to a world where the Biker gang is not just the bad guys but the good guys as well: carrying out minor crimes but protecting the people of Coalfell Town from the dreaded Vampires. The Bikers too have a secret. They are shifters. Yet they are sworn to protect the humans and the shifters, the good people of the town. Jackson's one night stand with Ave brings out more than just a personal secret but the vampires use this opportunity to attack Ava as she is associated with Tornado the vampires sworn enemy. Sit down with a cool drink a nd enjoy the ride as we meet not only the people of Coalfell but some of the main characters who will form the basis of many of the books in this series. Great start to this series with aggressive yet vulnerable wolf shifters and snappy kittens!!
Profile Image for PepperP0t .
4,766 reviews82 followers
September 11, 2021
New in town, panther, Ava shared a drink and a mind-blowing orgasm or two with wolf, Jackson ‘Tornado' Masters. Afterward Ava’s butt-hurt when Jackson cruelly rejects her for which he feels guilt, declaring her off limits for his club. But Ava’s caught the eye of the local Vampire king, Astrophel, who demands Ava as payment for a violation of the shifter/vampire treat.

Jackson’s convinced Ava was chosen because Astrophel somehow has guessed his interest in Ava but in any event, he refuses to give her up to the vampires. The leader of the MC has given Jackson a narrow window to prove the shifter that actually broke the treaty is alive and available as payment to the vampires. Confirming Jackson’s point, Astrophel refuses relinquish his claim to Ava.
Rating: 3.5stars
Profile Image for wolfwoman1958 Patricia Kieffer.
682 reviews3 followers
April 12, 2018
Tornado by Jasmine Wylder

Ava works at a café with her friend Melanie in the small town of Coalfall. One night on the way home Ava decides to stop at a bar and have a drink. She is a panther shifter and this is a shifters bar home to the Savage Brotherhood Motorcycles club. Jackson is a wolf shifter and is sitting at the bar having a drink, he notice Ava right away. This story if full of shifters and vampires. It is a fast past story and hard to put down. This story has lots of twist and turns and you never know what will happen next. I enjoyed this story very much and the way the story played out. I received an ARC and have voluntarily left a review.
Profile Image for Denise.
1,268 reviews3 followers
April 20, 2018
This is a NON-SPOILER REVIEW. Tornado is Book One in the Savage Brotherhood MC series by Jasmine Wylder. Here's a super quick, Saturday or Sunday morning read that will have you smiling the rest of the day. I devoured this book in about an hour and was rather surly when I was interrupted. From the beginning, the chemistry between Jackson and Ava is off the charts. (This is a Mature Readers Only read.) Add a dash of mayhem, a splash of vengeance and a cast of secondary characters that you want more of and you have a Jasmine Wylder hit series starter. This read has enough background and resolution to be read as stand alone.
Profile Image for CharmaineW .
2,111 reviews11 followers
April 30, 2018
I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book
Oh wow, who knew a curvy panther (Ava) and an alpha wolf (Jackson/Tornado) would Link up and have such powerful chemistry and a powerful love that they would need for the times ahead. One time, that’s all it took from Ava and Jackson to meet and that was it...wham..Ava is pregnant. Now the fun begins.
Jackson wants her but so does someone else but for different reasons. The most disgusting, evil, slimy vampire ever....Astrophel. Just reading about him makes your flesh crawl. Now Jackson has a fight on his hands to protect Ava and their baby. A fantastic read, loved it.
Profile Image for Julia Murdock.
348 reviews
June 7, 2018
I must say this is a totally different (Bear) to tangle from Ms. Wylder. This story was swiftly exciting and had a lot of love and intrigue. This story gives you Tornade an Alpha wolf shifter. He was in command of his chapter and knew how to settle a score. In comes Ava. a panther shifter. Independent. Wild. Full of sass. The two came together like fire and oil. THeir adventures sink them in the the horrid world of Vampires. Who wanted to rule the worl. With burgeoning love and the hot pursuit of vampires; they built for life and love. This novel is exciting and very different for Jasmine Wylder. A very good story.
Profile Image for Christina Luberts.
2,484 reviews6 followers
April 11, 2018
WOW, This short read kept me reading, could not put it down. We have Ava a panther who is a waitress. Jackson (Tornado) who is alpha of Savage Brotherhood. Ave decides to check out a bar by her house even though her friend told her to stay away. They hook up and things get out of control and then she takes off mad and goes home to be attacked by a vampire. Then things start to get messy. We have love, suspense, mystery, hate and more. This book is so well written I think anyone that likes shifter books will love this one. I received an arc copy for my honest review.
2,414 reviews10 followers
April 11, 2018
This is a different take on a shifter book for Jasmine Wylder than any of her other books. Within this book you have so many different kinds of shifters as well as vampires. Jackson and Ava meet in a bar and have one night of passion then go their separate ways. That is until Jackson "Tornado" goes to find her to apologize and realizes that she was bitten by the vampire king. Will he be able to help her? What will happen when the vampire wants her for himself? It's an interesting set of events and it will be interesting to see where the series goes form here.
Profile Image for Heather Hackett.
288 reviews2 followers
April 14, 2018
Ava had moved to a little town to start out on her own and one night decides to go into a bar that is not a normal bar but one for shifters like her but with one big difference they belong to the MC that stay close to town. When a handsome but offers to run with her things don't end as planed. Tornado (Jackson) is the alpha of the MC but their not just a gang they are so much more. When one of his a vampire takes an interest in the woman her ran with he can't help but protect her. Story that has twist and turns that make it hard to put down. Loved the characters and the story.
Profile Image for Jan Janus.
871 reviews14 followers
April 22, 2018
This is going to be a great new series. This one starts off with Jackson and Ava, good girl goes to a bar, meets a bad boy biker and they clash. SHe is head strong and stubborn he is Alpha and thinks he is the bomb, she'll show him or will she. Vampires are an issue in this series, so the gang really has to make sure to protect the innocent and keep the peace between their territories, and something goes haywire. Now that I gave a snippet, grab a copy and read for yourself, because I really hate to give a great book a spoiler. Enjoy

I voluntarily received an ARC copy of this book for review.
Profile Image for Tex.
159 reviews
April 29, 2018
Romance Twisting In The Wind
(Disclaimer: I received an Advanced Readers Copy (ARC) of the book. Read it. Decided to provide my honest review). Tornado, A Paranormal Romance by Jasmine Wylder is a quick and easy read that can be completed in one sitting. Even though the storyline is thin, the book is lighthearted with humor, various paranormals, and the typical behavioral framework of shifter mating. Overall, this is a good book for relaxing at the beach, by the pool, or while travelling in a plane, train or automobile. MY RECOMMENDATION: Neutral –Tex
Profile Image for Nan.
1,187 reviews3 followers
May 28, 2018

Ava is a panther shifter working at a coffee shop. Jackson is a wolf who is part of an MC which is actually a group of shifter guardians against vampires. Most shifters don’t even know vampires exist and it’s a rude awakening for Ava when she becomes the target of a vampire king. Things are further complicated by the treaty between vampires and shifters and personal histories. Ms. Wylder keeps the action moving and the main characters likable. I look forward to reading more stories about the Brotherhood. I received an arc of this story and voluntarily left an honest review.
Profile Image for Tammy.
646 reviews8 followers
April 19, 2018
I liked the story and thought it had a nice steady pace to it. I loved the characters in the story. The story has Wolves, Panthers and Vampires, oh my.
Ava and Tornado had great chemistry. Once I started reading the story I couldn’t stop till the end. Wishing there was more to the story about them since they were great characters that you wanted to know more about them. Can’t wait to see what the author comes up with next. Very good read.

Thank you for sharing your book with us.
73 reviews2 followers
July 12, 2018
Wow, Thunder is sexy and such a bad boy! And Melanie needed a bad boy, she just didn't know it till he showed up and hid her in mama's house... But that ended up being a good thing. Especially when Thunder was poisoned by Eldrich's vampire venom. They saved each other in many ways. This was a great read. Jasmine always delivers a great paranormal romance. Can't wait to read another!!
I own this book and chose to leave a review for the author.
Profile Image for LaGina.
1,988 reviews40 followers
September 23, 2018
I have to start off by saying that I havent read this series in the order they are numbered and I 'm still getting the full effect of the read. I dont feel like because I am reading them out of order I have missed anything and that feels good. But I'm trying to get back on track..lol My heart just went out to Tornado and I think he is my #1 guy in this series so far but then again I have only read 2. Once I read the others I might have to change my mind.
Profile Image for Silvia.
53 reviews
December 30, 2020
Ero indecisa se dargli 2 o 3 stelle.
Carino come romanzo, si legge in fretta e non ha avuto colpi di scena eclatanti.
Scritto male però (non so se sia per la traduzione fatta con i piedi), molte parole non centravano nulla con il contesto, troppi lui-lei-lui-lei, moltissime ripetizioni.
Ho trovato alcuni passaggi lasciati a metà, ad esempio quando Jackson e Ava iniziano a fare cosacce nella baita con Val(la sorella di lui) accanto che si allontana, ma dillo che se ne va proprio! Che se mi scrivi che si allontana io me la immagino sempre nella stanza🤣😅
Profile Image for Coline.
1,001 reviews11 followers
October 6, 2021
Ava/Jackson j’ai bien aimée les personnages, le couple et l’histoire.
On a un aperçu des personnages des autres tomes dans ce livre et un peu une ouverture sur le prochain livre.
Simple, sans prise de tête et rapide à lire.

C’est sympa et y’a de l’action après vu que c’est un livre très court y’a peu de développement mais ça m’a pas dérangée.

C’est super pour faire une pause entre des gros livres, des thèmes fort ou quand on a pas trop le temps de lire.
609 reviews1 follower
April 15, 2018
Ava's luck certainly changed when she met Jackson, and not all for the better. Ava had her hands full with trying not to get killed and dealing with warring factions. Not to mention falling for her mate and hiding a huge secret from him. At least Jackson was able to get help from an unlikely source when he needed it most.

'I received an ARC of this book and voluntarily reviewed it.'
Displaying 1 - 30 of 76 reviews

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