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Meet Your Match #1

Prejudice Meets Pride

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After years of pinching pennies and struggling to get through art school, Emma Makie's hard work finally pays off with the offer of a dream job. But when tragedy strikes, she has no choice but to make a cross-country move to Colorado Springs to take temporary custody of her two nieces. She has no money, no job prospects, and no idea how to be a mother to two little girls, but she isn't about to let that stop her. Nor is she about to accept the help of Kevin Grantham, her handsome neighbor, who seems to think she's incapable of doing anything on her own.

Prejudice Meets Pride is the story of a guy who thinks he has it all figured out and a girl who isn't afraid to show him that he doesn't. It's about learning what it means to trust, figuring out how to give and to take, and realizing that not everyone gets to pick the person they fall in love with. Sometimes, love picks them.

247 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 18, 2014

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About the author

Rachael Anderson

29 books1,792 followers
A USA Today bestselling author of clean romance, Rachael Anderson is the mother of four and is pretty good at breaking up fights, or at least sending guilty parties to their rooms. She can't sing, doesn't dance, and despises tragedies. But she recently figured out how yeast works and can now make homemade bread, which she is really good at eating.

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5 stars
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263 (5%)
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57 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 661 reviews
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
May 31, 2016
Emma, our destitute heroine and a talented artist, gives up everything in her life to take care of her two adorable nieces for a year, but because of her pride is beyond rude to Kevin, the cute pediatric dentist next door who's just trying to help out his new neighbor. That part never worked for me--I understood why the book said her financial pride and independence were so important to her, but deep down I just wasn't really buying it.

To thicken the plot, Kevin gives Emma a job in his office, which she VERY grudgingly accepts (man, this girl can't take a helping hand from anyone), made worse by the office manager, who has a crush on Kevin and doesn't want any more help, particularly if it's from a cute girl who (a) doesn't know squat about office work and (b) is attracting Kevin's interest. Also we have Kevin's social-climbing mother, who just knows he'd be happier marrying a successful, attractive lawyer (well, I can't argue with that one) and hates the whole idea of Emma, a not-wealthy, stressed-out girl whose house is messy and lawn is dying, without even having met her.

Other than the title, her pride, and his prejudice about social status (which didn't last much longer than it took him to look into her eyes), there's no connection at all to the plot of Jane Austen's book.

This is a cute contemporary romance; it just didn't wow me. It's an easy read, on the superficial side but fine if you like reading light, clean romances. If that's your cuppa tea, don't let my review stop you from getting this; I'm a tough grader with romances.
Profile Image for Kathy.
2,741 reviews5,998 followers
June 20, 2014


Love, Love, Love!! Rachael did it again! This book is so fun.

I'm a huge Rachael Anderson fan.  The first blog tour I ever set up was one I offered to do for her book The Reluctant Bachelorette which has been my favorite book she wrote. I loved it and wanted other people to love it too so I took a leap and set up a tour for her book. Prejudice Meets Pride may have bumped The Reluctant Bachelorette off that pedestal as my favorite book by Rachael.

Take one prideful girl and cross her with one prejudice boy and you get a whole lot of fun. Romantic comedies are typically my favorite kind of romances to read so this was a bound to be a hit with me.  Laugh out loud funny this book made me smile and sigh.  Such a great read.

This book reads perfectly as a stand alone but there are 2 more books planned in the series.  They are more what I would consider companion novels as they will be based on characters who had small roles in this book.

Meet your match series


If you haven't yet read Prejudice Meets Pride you should bump it to the top of your to read list!

5 stars

Rating: 5 Stars - I loved it!

Content: Squeaky clean

Source: Review copy

Profile Image for Kathy * Bookworm Nation.
2,110 reviews662 followers
May 10, 2020
I am a huge Rachael Anderson fan, I seriously love her books. So, when I got Prejudice Meets Pride I told myself to take my time and maybe spread it out for the weekend. Nope, once I started reading I got sucked into the story like I always do and I couldn’t put it down. I guess I’ll just have to re-read it.

Emma is a really likable heroine. She really steps-up when she needs to and would do anything for those she cares about. She has a big heart, lots of talent and she can be a bit stubborn. Kevin was awesome, I really liked him. He was maybe a bit judgy at first, but he is such a sweetheart. Together Emma and Kevin really bring out the best in each other. They kind of balance out each other’s weaknesses and draw out their good qualities. They are better together than they are apart. I thought they had great chemistry, they had a bumpy start, but I liked how they are drawn to each other. They seemed very real to me, I especially liked learning about Emma and her life. She is a gifted artist and would love for her to come paint my kids rooms!

I really enjoyed the story; Emma has to move to a new town with her two nieces. Things are tights and she is under a lot of stress. I like her strong work ethic and positive outlook. Noah is doing well professionally and is happy with life. Or at least he thinks he is until Emma bursts into his life and shakes things up. I thought this story was a lot of fun; I loved the setting and side characters. I was so excited when I got to the end to see there will be two more books in the series. I can’t wait to read about Noah, he really deserves his own happiness. And Sam will be fun to read to, I love cowboy stories so I already know I will love that one.

If you love contemporary romance this is a great heartwarming story. Love it!

Content: Clean

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Profile Image for Dragana.
1,802 reviews150 followers
September 4, 2017
Just hint about Pride and Prejudice and you got me. Honestly, I am that easy. :)
But if you pull my nose and lead me to expect something and then not deliver...

So I am going with dislikes first:
- This is not a retelling of Pride and Prejudice. The story is not the least bit similar. The heroine has too much pride and hero makes his opinion of her based on prejudice, but that's it. So, the title (although it matches the story) is misleading.
- The writing was very shallow. Like something from category romance novel. While we have a big set of characters and complex plot, everything was very two-dimensional.
- For the life of me I could not get why the hero kept being nice to the heroine, since she acted like jerk to him all the time.

+ Hero set in his ways where heroine shakes his world from the roots.
"He'd always known what he wanted, and she wasn't it. And yet he still wanted her."
+ Cute kids and their shenanigans.

While the story had potential, the writing style didn't suit my taste. I doubt I will read something by Rachael Anderson again, even if it's free for Kindle, like this book.
Profile Image for Ash.
383 reviews39 followers
June 20, 2016
It was short and sweet. I think I had expected a modern day pride and prejudice story that was closely based off the original, and this wasn't it....but it was still a cute read.
Profile Image for Cyndi.
2,403 reviews106 followers
February 9, 2017
This was a cute romance, except for a few things that bugged me, and it's probably me being picky. But, the heroine's pride was a bit over the top, especially when you find out what it is based on. And no, she wasn't forced to take handouts from snide relatives. Also, the writer had a tendency to over explain things. Just say she tried to fix the mower or the sprinkler don't quote the repair manual. Even the descriptions of her art classes seemed like a how-to.
As for the hero, he went back and forth faster than a windshield wiper. First he thinks she's not classy enough, then she is, then he listens to everyone slamming her and leans their way, then back, then forth...
In the end we get to the HEA. But, I'm not sure whether she's got the best deal, or not.
Profile Image for Katie (hiding in the pages).
3,241 reviews293 followers
October 31, 2014
I thought this was a very fun book. In a way, I could relate to Emma quite well. She is taking care of these two darling little girls and bad luck seems to follow her. She hates feeling like a charity case more than anything. She hates having to ask for help or for a loan or for...well...anything. I get that. I hate having to rely on other people and to have to ask for help. I'm not good at delegating because of that pride. Sometimes pride gets in the way of letting people help a person out. In Emma's case, she sometimes took things too far, but I thought it came off across as almost funny, especially when she started realizing that. Things all become clear later on in the book. I loved the way she came off across as being very right brained--creative and artistic. My heart melted at the way she handled the girls, especially the neighbor girl, Sam.

Kevin. Could two people be more opposite? Possibly, but I loved the way he was so straight-laced and...almost boring, living his life almost exactly the way he was expected to. His left brain definitely loosened up and responded to Emma's way of life and he just couldn't help finding himself in the middle of trying to be her white knight. I loved the sparks of attraction. Both of them tried so desperately to avoid them, yet, like a moth to the flame, it was nearly impossible to do.

I love a good, clean, fun, funny romance and this one was perfect for my mood!

Content: no language or violence; lots of sweet, romantic kisses. Clean!

**I received a copy in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Braden Bell.
Author 8 books118 followers
March 7, 2014
Rachael's best work. Sympathetic, yet human characters, wonderful banter, and some fireworks-inducing kissing scenes, mix with Rachael's trademark humor and observational skills to create a truly winning book.
Profile Image for N.N. Heaven.
Author 6 books2,014 followers
May 28, 2018
A modern P&P romance that hooked me to read it from the first sentence in the blurb. Emma as a heroine, though, fell flat. Whenever she's around Kevin, she assumes he's patronizing her when all he's trying to do is be helpful. Her behavior turned me off and DNF.

My Rating: 2 stars
Profile Image for Maria.
205 reviews52 followers
November 8, 2020
Emma Mackie is a young woman who has recently graduated from a prestigious university and whose dream is to teach art. Soon after she gets her first job, one that could be exactly her dream job, she is forced to leave and take care of her brother’s daughters because something terrible happened to his family. Emma has no idea how to be a mother to those little girls but she is willing to do anything to protect and help them. The only thing she really cannot stand is accepting her handsome neighbour’s help!

This was a very cute book. I really liked getting to know Emma and Kevin and I can safely say that I had a lovely time reading their story. At first I was worried it could be a disappointment because Kevin started to feel something for Emma almost immediately, and though I believe in love at first sight I thought it was way too soon! Especially since their first encounters had not been that peaceful. But then something started to change. Emma and Kevin were clearly drawn to each other but in the right way, without the story being too hasty. They got to know each other better, he learned many fascinating things about Emma, and she started to accept his help without complaining that much. I loved to see how their friendship slowly turned into something more deep, special and totally perfect!

I liked Emma’s strength and courage at taking care of her two sweet but also mischievous nieces, and I loved the fact that she soon found new friends in a lovely family that lived right across the street from her house, who helped her out without asking nothing in exchange. That really warmed my heart!

Though I would not really call this book an Austenesque read, I think it can be considered a story inspired by “Pride and Prejudice”. Because we have a wealthy, slightly prejudiced guy who falls in love with a normal girl who is facing lots of difficulties and is not his perfect match, according to his mother (she reminded me of Lady Catherine de Bourgh in some respects). Also, this girl is a little too proud and does not think it is OK with her to accept any kind of help from her charming neighbour, and has too many family dramas to be the right woman for him. I also spotted a Caroline Bingley... they are everywhere!!

One of the parts I really loved was Kevin and Emma’s first date. It was just perfect! And since Emma is an artist and compares something that happens during that date to a painting by Leonid Afremov, I got curious and found that painting. When a book inspires me to do some research, it is definitely well worth reading! The painting is called Melody of the Night, and as soon as I looked at it I immediately understood Emma’s feelings during that specific moment. All those colours and the magic atmosphere made me dream along with her!

With its romantic and sweet scenes, its entertaining end enjoyable moments and two lovely protagonists, “Prejudice Meets Pride” is an ideal read if you want to spend some time dreaming about a fairytale life where a stunning Prince Charming might knock on your door!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Dai.
658 reviews49 followers
August 12, 2017
Aww que libro tan bonito, me mantuvo sonriendo como tonta a lo largo de toda la lectura. A pesar de que Emma me pareció un personaje bastante... molesto. Por así decirlo.
Kevin es un amor, aunque en comparación con Emma a este personaje le faltó más profundidad. Aun así lo adoro, en especial por lo ultimo que hace por ella.
Lo mejor del libro son esas niñas. Un amor las criaturitas.
Y también como que me gustó que sea una historia "inocente" sin páginas saturadas de sexo o lenguaje soez.
Profile Image for Julie Carpenter.
1,636 reviews201 followers
June 15, 2016
I loved the storyline for this book. Emma is just amazing! A little prideful at times but absolutely amazing. Her life story is slowly revealed and once it is, wow! Definitely explains why the pride and why it is hard for her to accept help. It didn't stop me though from wanting to tell her to wake up and just accept it already for heaven's sake! I love that she would drop everything because of her love for her brother and his family. She shows up in a new town in Colorado in her clunker car, moving into a nice neighborhood but of course I think you can guess it, the most run down house and yard and has two little girls in tow. To any outsider not knowing anything about her she would look like a young single mother who can't catch a break in life.

That is pretty much exactly what her new neighbor Kevin thinks. He definitely harbors some prejudice against everyone in general until he gets hit upside the head over and over again realizing that not everything is as it seems and not everything is all horrible. There is a lot of good that he glances over to see the bad. One of his shortcomings and challenges from his childhood. Which of course will be explained all in good time as you read the book. How lucky can he be to have a new neighbor who has the most horrific car and is a single mother with two children who's father is probably a deadbeat. To top that all off they'll probably leave junk and toys and who knows what else all over the yard and front of the run down little house. Welcome to the neighborhood.

Luckily to balance Emma and Kevin out, across the street we have Becky and her awesome hubby Justin and their super awesome teenage daughter Sam. Becky sees past all the outward appearances and sees Emma, a loving and amazing woman who isn't afraid to give everything she has and work very hard to take care of those she loves. Phew, so glad Becky is there otherwise Kevin might be in a bigger mess than he already is. ;-)

First meetings can most often go awry. It's just the way it is. It's not like we are always able to put our best selves forward and be on guard to do that every second and every interaction. Just not possible, so sometimes we flub up big time and give others lots to (hopefully) laugh about or (not hopefully) scrutinize. Well unfortunately for Emma, her first meeting with Kevin is the latter...a big flub up. Oh but it was humorous and witty and one of those said moments that I wanted to shake her and say wake up and don't let your pride get in the way. It's ok! I'm still smiling and chuckling about that scene and the ensuing scenes as well because honestly it was funny. How many times have I had similar crazy introductions to people that I wish I could rewind and redo. Oh way too many to count and more time than I have to expound upon here. Luckily I have a good sense of humor and can laugh it off and just chalk it up to having a new friend who knows I have a goofy side too! Ha!

Honestly I just loved this book lots. I loved Emma, I loved Kevin. They were so good and it took some time for them to see that goodness in each other, or to accept that goodness. Emma ends up with a job she feels she earned but soon feels was a hand out. So it definitely doesn't end well when she discovers the said handout. Poor Kevin, he got a little bit of a tongue lashing there. Oh and the tongue lashing he got over his mom, and the pie. Lol. Oh Emma, she isn't afraid to say it like it is or show her trued emotions. There's nothing fake or hidden about her, she is just herself for all to see.

The description of art(Emma's an artist and art teacher) is just so cool. It really made me want to brush off my art supplies and take some more classes so that I could paint some cool murals! You'll understand when you read it. Oh and can I order one fairy room for my house please? ;-)

I loved it! I've really enjoyed the books I've read of Rachel's. I actually just finished Rough around the edges(book 2 in this series) and wrote my review for that first since it was fresh in my mind. I really enjoyed it and recommend it as a follow up for several of the characters in book one. It is a completely different storyline but still great characters. If I was putting them in order of which I like better this one would win hands down. I can't wait to read the third book. I know I say this in several reviews, if you've read others of mine but I loved Rachel's book The Reluctant Bachelorette. Read it if you like a fun hometown bachelorette story.

This is a great clean read. There's some kissing but no sex or violence. I would let YA and older read it.

I downloaded this free from Amazon(sorry it's not free right now).

Happy Reading!!!
Profile Image for Tarsis.
1,151 reviews87 followers
July 15, 2017
Fue muy lindo, pero lastimosamente no se merece un cuatro o un cinco. Aunque me encantó, ciertamente, al personaje masculino le faltó mucho así como profundidad a las situaciones. Las niñas son adorables y te saca muchas sonrisas a través del libro.

El primer pensamiento de Kevin al ver aparcado en la casa de su vecina un feo carro amarillo es que le traería problemas a su tranquila y perfecta vida. El primer pensamiento de Emma al verlo es que es condenadamente guapo y perfecto, hasta que cometió el error de verla como un caso de caridad. Y de esa forma, prejuicio conoce a orgullo, la cual trae consigo dos adorables niñas y un montón de deudas detrás de ella.
Profile Image for Mela.
1,778 reviews236 followers
June 28, 2018
What a nice surprise! It was a free pick on Amazon - I am glad that I risk from time to time with free offers. Some of them are awful, some are ok, but sometimes there is this lovely surprise.

It was one of these books that are professionally written. No matter what a genre, a writer can create an even interesting story (even I can ;-) ) but you just know reading the story that it isn't written with the consideration, by someone who cares also about a form, a construction of a good novel etc. In this case, like I said, there was this care.

Now, about the story, a plot and a romance. All was really good. I have some troubles with expressing myself, apparently ;-)

The love story was believable and charming. It was funny, with a little of a family drama. No sex (only kisses), no swearing, no billionaires. I am not against it as a rule, but I simply adore chick-lit romance that is believable, that could happen to me or you.

In other words, this book got me more faith in contemporary writers of romances. I mean, I love some other writers of the genre, but they are really rare to find. So, when I find someone new I am really thrilled. I am going to try more of Rachael Anderson, that is sure.

I am giving it 5 stars because I am truly positively surprised by this cute novel.

PS I don't see here much of a connection with P&P. There were her pride and his prejudice but that was all.
Profile Image for Evie ✰.
210 reviews12 followers
September 13, 2020
it was pretty good,
Not my cup of tea, but still pretty good :)
yeah it was 100% see through but oh well

Overall, I loved the girls, they were adorable.
Profile Image for Melanie.
748 reviews22 followers
May 14, 2014
This is a fun, entertaining read! I was pulled in from the beginning with Emma rolling into Colorado Springs in a thirty-year-old Datsun and parking in front of an unkempt home. Emma is helping her brother by taking care of his two daughters, Kajsa, 6, and Adelynn, 5. Emma's great aunt Maude is now deceased and they'll be living in her home. Emma calls her brother, Noah, to tell him they got in town and we start to get more of the story but it's a while before we get a full understanding of what's going on.

Then we meet her neighbor, Kevin, a pediatric dentist who drives a fancy car and has a well maintained lawn. As he notices the house next door is now occupied and sees the car, you can imagine what his opinion was before he ever met Emma. They meet at the grocery store and get off to a rocky start. He soon realizes who she is, but she has no idea who he is. When he shows up at her door, she is less than pleased to see him. They're opposites that are off to a bumpy start so will they ever be able to give each other a chance?

I liked Emma and Kevin's different personalities and got a kick out of each of them. Emma did seem to be a bit of a mess when she first came to town. As I got to know more about her, though, I realized how amazing and talented she was and what a good fit she was for Kevin. Kevin cracked me up. He really tried to help her out, even though he knew her pride would push him away. He had his life figured out but realized that it needed to be shaken up a little bit. He was starting to date a girl named Nicole, who was perfect for him, so there were some funny scenes which involved her as well. Of course, the road to romance is not smooth so there are some hiccups along the way to a sigh worthy ending.

I also liked her neighbor, Becky, and her daughter, Sam. Emma found Becky easy to talk to and confided in her early on. There were a lot of other great supporting characters as well, which added to the story.

I started this kind of late one night and just had to finish it first thing the next morning, so once I got started, it was hard to put down. It's a clean, quick read that put a smile on my face and I am excited to read books 2 and 3!

I received a copy of this to review. My opinion is 100% my own.

Mel's Shelves
Profile Image for Sarah Aisling.
Author 7 books17 followers
May 10, 2014
Prejudice Meets Pride is a delightful, heartwarming romance. I read another of Rachael Anderson’s novels and liked it very much, so I readily agreed when the opportunity to review her newest release came up.

Emma Mackey is a stubborn woman with a heart of gold. She gives up her dream job in order to take care of her brother’s two young girls after his wife is tragically killed. An aunt bequeathed a house to Emma, and she moves there with the girls. It’s rundown and needs work. Funds are low, but Emma is determined to make the best of things for the sake of her nieces.

Kevin Grantham is a successful pediatric dentist who’s dating a woman his snobby mother approves of and believes his life is on track. He’s less than thrilled when a woman with two young children and a beat-up old car moves into the rundown house next door.

Emma doesn’t like to rely on anyone. Kevin doesn’t see anything wrong with helping out someone in need. She’s annoyed that he keeps doing things that leave her feeling indebted to him. He can’t understand why she has such a hard time accepting help. Each of them make incorrect assumptions about the other, and what ensues is a gradual and often humorous path winding toward understanding. Eventually, they both succumb to the undeniable attraction that crackles between them.

The characters, situations, and drama in Prejudice Meets Pride are lifelike and realistic. The romance is both sweet and hot. I generally enjoy love scenes on the spicier side, but Ms. Anderson has a knack for writing clean romance that pulls me in without leaving me disappointed.

If you’re looking for a well-written, well-edited, sweet romance with a healthy dollop of humor, Prejudice Meets Pride is for you! I’m looking forward to reading more from Rachael Anderson.

4.5 Stars

Profile Image for Ruth Hill.
1,115 reviews648 followers
May 15, 2014
It seems that every time Rachael Anderson writes a romance, her stories become more stellar than the last one. And this is entirely true with this amazing book! First of all, there is nothing inappropriate in this book--you always know exactly what you are getting with one of her romances. What I did not expect was the spell-binding romance that had me quivering from the inside out and the laugh-out-loud humor (I indeed struggled during one of the latter moments in the book because I was in a classroom of teenagers--I had to conceal my giggles!)

Although this book is a sweet romance with tantalizing characters and an upbeat theme, don't let that keep you from devouring it. It is a quick read that will permit you to escape the doldrums of life for a few short hours. I highly recommend this book (and all books by this author).

I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not financially compensated, and all opinions are 100 percent mine.
Profile Image for Ester.
551 reviews
March 16, 2016
oh por Dior!!!!!!! En seriooo... no podía creerlo cuando llegué al final del libro!!! Sentía que le faltaron capis...!!! Me terminé el libro a principios de la tarde... eso quiere decir que me pase de clase en clase con los dedos queriendo hacer catarsis por lo decepcionada que me sentí con el final!
Fue completa y absolutamente decepcionante!!! Muy onda y fueron felices y comieron perdices...

el resto de mi descargo, pueden leerlo en un espacio que gentilmente unas amigas me cedieron: http://lasderrapadoras.blogspot.com.a...
Profile Image for Mara.
1,261 reviews90 followers
September 6, 2017
Rachael Anderson is a fairly new author to me but I've really liked the couple of books that I've read and have several more in my TBR pile.
If you can't tell from the title, this is a modern take of Pride and Prejudice, but with a different storyline and characters. Emma has just moved to Colorado Springs with her two young nieces to help out their recently widowed father (her brother). Her car is 30 yrs old, she's out of money and getting by on her credit card, and needs a job but none of the schools are in need of an art teacher. She's always gotten by on her own and is determined to continue to do so. To say she's a little prideful would be an understatement. Kevin, her next door neighbor, is a pediatric dentist who tends to quickly judge on appearances.
Thankfully Emma has other neighbors besides Kevin, who seems to get on her wrong side every time he tries to help her. Becky, her husband Justin and their teenage daughter Samantha live across the street and become friends right away. Samantha babysits Emma's nieces in exchange for private art lessons.
I understand wanting to prove that you can do things by yourself but I felt that sometimes Emma refused help just to spite Kevin, like when he had his lawn service cut her yard since her old lawnmower didn't work. There were a few times I yelled "are you kidding me?!" at her while reading. Poor Kevin put his foot in his mouth several times which didn't help his situation with Emma. As you read you find out from their childhoods and upbringing why Emma is so prideful and Kevin tends to be prejudiced.
Luckily people can adapt and change because Emma helped Kevin see the positive side of things instead of zeroing in on the negative, and Kevin helped Emma understand that you can let people help you without keeping score. In the end he helped her realize her dream of having a job she could love in art which she loved.
This book has many funny moments, one involves a chocolate mud pie. Emma is one spunky lady who's not afraid to voice her thoughts or opinions. I loved how Kevin won her back with the notes. This is a clean romance with some toe curling kisses towards the end.
Profile Image for Juliana.
825 reviews1 follower
August 14, 2018
3.5 stars.
So, I've been going through Pride and Prejudice variations and liked the sound of this one. Honestly? It just takes the bare bones of the original and makes it something else. Emma (Elizabeth) and Kevin (Darcy) butt heads from the very start and the issues of money are immediately present. That's pretty much where it ends. Almost none of the other characters are in the book. His mom is a ghost of De Bourgh but likable in the end. Their mutual neighbor Becky is likely a rendition of Jane because she's so nice from the get-go. Emma is an artist and Kevin is a pediatric dentist. Emma has to take care of her brother's kids while he's away and moves into the house next to Kevin.
These two seriously didn't get along in the beginning. The next door neighbors aspect is always a great one, especially when they don't immediately click. Their meet-cute was unique and their chemistry was ever present. They transitioned well from enemies to friends to more. I would say that Emma is TOO proud in some instances to the point of annoyance. I felt myself siding more with Kevin in certain situations but also understanding where Emma was coming from. I wish I could see some of the art pieces that Emma drew throughout the book. I like the author's writing and style. I'm invested in the characters enough that I'd totally continue this series.
Profile Image for Sheila Majczan.
2,518 reviews182 followers
September 11, 2015
This was not going to get 5 stars...but let me explain. I'm reading along, smiling, thinking of how I was going to state that it was an enjoyable ROM-COM and a quick read when I got to about 80% on my kindle, tears began blurring my vision and by 90% I was full out sobbing and blowing my nose - 5 tissues rating! That is what my daughters will explain about their mom - she rates in tissues.

You have to understand about Emma: her parents are ones who work for charitable organizations so everything Emma gets is because of donations to the cause and she has traveled with her family from one needy nation to another. And with all this she has developed a very deep sense of pride; one in which she doesn’t want to accept anyone’s charity –going so far as to turn down any grants to help her get through the Rhode Island School of Design. Just when all her hard work seems to be paying off family disaster hits and, of course, she is going to step up to the bat. That is how she was raised. She does have a close family, all with big hearts.

Then there is Kevin, whose father is a politician and whose mother is the perfect image of the supportive wife – everything is done with an eye as to public image. The future is laid out with pride in who the family is and what they do, etc. And although as a pediatric dentist, Kevin in not as much in the public eye, his mother keeps tabs on his life and his interests and he knows when she does or does not approve.

So, although the title did lead me to expect this had a connection to my favorite novel, Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, it has really nothing to do with that except for those two emotions presenting as the protagonists’ main characteristics…it’s the classic tale of two opposites attracting.

I fell in love with Kevin, even when he ruffled Emma’s feathers the wrong way in trying to help her out…so he could get to work on time. And then when he found out she was the owner of the “condemned house” across the street, he made the mistake of jumping to conclusions about her and the 2 young girls in her care. Kevin’s quips, his teasing, his little texts and his big heart won me over.

Emma: your heart had to go out to her. She has all the right motivation for what she is doing but she keeps it all hidden as she doesn’t want any help…she is strong…and she is sure some sugar is going to drop into her life to sweeten the lemonade life has forced her to make.

Neighbor, Becky, her daughter, Sam, and those little girls, Adelynn and Kajsa (even if I couldn’t pronounce the one name) were just adorable. This one is a winner! I just may have to read more of this author even if she doesn’t write JAFF…Jane Austen Fan Fiction.
Profile Image for Julie.
Author 50 books584 followers
January 8, 2015
I've liked Rachael's books in the past, but I loved this one. I had to stand at my stove to stir my dinner so it wouldn't burn, with my Kindle in my hand because I absolutely COULD NOT put it down and needed to see how it ended. It was that good. I would even say it's Ms. Anderson's best work to date.

Our heroine is Emma Makie, a woman who has just taken temporary custody of her two young nieces after their mother passes away. Her old Aunt Maude left her a house that was in need of a lot of work, but since Emma has no money and no job, she moves there. I loved all of Emma's little quirks---like naming her car Sunshine and wanting to take care of her own problems and not take charity. Of course that last trait gets her into trouble when her handsome neighbor tries to step in and help her.

Kevin Grantham is a successful pediatric dentist who likes everything just so. He doesn't like messy and is rolling his eyes at the woman next door who seems to love everything messy. She attempts to do everything on her own from fixing a broken lawn mower or turning the sprinklers on, but every time Kevin tries to help her, he's met with fierce resistance. He can't figure out why---yet something inside him wants to get to know her better.

I loved the interactions between these two. Their dialogue was realistic and funny, their "moments" sweet and sigh-worthy to sassy. Their romance was paced so perfectly, it was a great build and I ended the book with a huge smile on my face. The obstacles were perfect, the resolution was perfect, this book was perfect.

Did I mention I loved this book?

Originally reviewed on http://ldswritermom.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Lisa  (Bookworm Lisa).
2,233 reviews200 followers
May 12, 2014
When you first see the title, the first thing that comes to mind is Jane Austen's classic "Pride and Prejudice". While there are some similarities to the classic, this book has it's own character and story.

Emma is taking care of her two nieces for her recently widowed brother. She has moved to a strange town, into a strange home, with strange neighbors. Fortunately all of the strange new things in her life work well. Her neighbors are wonderful, particularly her neighbor across the street, Becky and her daughter, Sam. They hit it off immediately, but it doesn't go as smooth for the guy who lives in the house next to hers, Kevin, they butt heads immediately.

As the title alludes, Emma is full of pride and Kevin has some prejudice. These obstacles must be overcome for them to find a happily ever after.

The writing is amazing. The story flew by as I visualized it in my head. The voiced is entertaining, I was never distracted by the writing. It was wonderful. The plot drew me in and kept me captive. I loved learning more about the depth behind each character. They both have a back story that came to light at the right moments. Every thought and action was explained in a very satisfactory manner.

If you love a great clean, fun romance. There is a high chance that this one will be just what you want.
Profile Image for Sandy.
290 reviews191 followers
June 10, 2014
I've enjoyed the other books by Rachael Anderson that I've read, but WOW this was unexpectedly terrific. Prejudice Meets Pride is Rachael's very best work (so far). I love books that ooze chemistry, and this one's got it. And the banter, the laughs, the kisses...sigh. I stayed up way too late reading this one. It's the perfect mix of sweet, silly, and swoony to get you out of a reading slump.

I can't wait for the next book in the series. I can already predict which two characters it will be about, and I NEEEED it.
Profile Image for Melissa.
2,373 reviews244 followers
May 6, 2016
Really fun book:} I like the way Rachel writes and will be reading more of her books. I don't know why it appeals to me so much to have the love interests hate each other at first or get off on the wrong foot. These two certainly had that and lots of other funny parts. These characters make the story they are rich and complex and fun to read. Clean with some great kissing:} 16 and up
Profile Image for Chantele Sedgwick.
Author 7 books362 followers
May 24, 2016
Super fun clean romance. (Which I LOVE.) Can't wait to dive into book 2!
Profile Image for Rossana.
299 reviews24 followers
November 2, 2018
4.5⭐️ — Excellent — Enjoy it! — Chick-lit

I had never read any books from Rachael Anderson and to be honest, I wasn’t looking into it. But I had seen that magic sentence in front of one of her book’s covers: “Best seller author from New York Times!”, and when this book got free in the kindle store I decided that it was the time to ”investigate” the truth, furthermore when the title refers from my second best book of Jane Austen.

Ok, the idea is the same, a prided woman meets a prejudiced man and from their first encounter no good impressions are left and both leave with the feeling that it would be better if they had never met and if they wouldn’t meet again, but being neighbors won’t really help their “resolutions”. And maybe that’s where I would tell the Austen fans that the coincidences are over if they were looking for a modern retelling of the story... although that’s not completely true, since the characters in the book, despite different in their situations and environment are very much constructed with the same personalities of their original ones, and that makes all the difference...

For my complete delight, Anderson writing is smooth and consistent. Her dialogues are smart and funny I could easily imagine this story as a Romantic Comedy in which I would be staring without blinking and laughing in a movies big screen and having a wonderful time. Actually I had while reading through every and each page and laughing by myself sometimes in the middle of strangers who looked awkwardly at me for my unexpected outbursts.

It’s probably considered a Chick-lit genre, and again will teach us the same lessons from the Original Story, but in a very simpler, lighter and funnier way.

📚 Good reading! 📚
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