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Forever and Ever #1

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La primera entrega de la serie Para toda la eternidad.

Cayson está enamorado de Skye Preston, su mejor amiga desde hace más de veinte años. Crecieron juntos, se bañaban juntos y pasaban juntos todas las vacaciones. Guardar el secreto no ha sido nada fácil para Cayson: cada vez que la ve con un novio, le entran ganas de dar un puñetazo a la pared.

Pero jamás podría contarle la verdad.

La fuerte amistad que los une es demasiado valiosa como para arriesgarse a estropearla. ¿Quién sabe cómo cambiaría si le confesara sus sentimientos? Quizá la perdiera del todo...

Pero todo cambia cuando Cayson se encuentra en una fiesta con Skye borracha y diciendo incoherencias. Incapaz de mantenerse en pie y con el aliento apestando a alcohol, es presa fácil para los hombres que no apartan la mirada de su impresionante delantera. De inmediato, Cayson la coge en brazos y se la lleva a casa, pero cuando llegan allí, Skye no quiere ir a dormir. En lugar de eso, desea a Cayson de un modo en que nunca lo había hecho antes.

¿Qué significará aquello para su relación? ¿Será el comienzo de algo con lo que Cayson siempre ha soñado? ¿O será el final?


388 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 6, 2014

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About the author

E.L. Todd

235 books2,654 followers
USA Today Bestselling Author, E. L. Todd is one of the most prolific authors of her genre, having published over a hundred novels. With over one million copies sold, she writes romance stories ranging from contemporary romance, new adult romance, and fantasy romance. She's best known for her Forever and Always Series as well as her Timeless Series.

She loves coffee, ice cream, and anything with sugar.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 530 reviews
Profile Image for Carol [Goodreads Addict].
2,707 reviews25.1k followers
January 21, 2015

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All I Want Is You is by E.L. Todd. This is a friends to lovers New Adult story of two 21 year old college students that have known each other their entire lives. They played in sand boxes together. Their parents are best friends. There came a point, though, when one of them began to notice the other in a different way.

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Cayson and Skye (I love these names by the way) are best friends. They tell each other everything. Their families are best friends. They attend the same college. But about five years ago, Cayson’s feelings towards Skye began to evolve from friendship to something more. For the last six months he has had to endure the torture of watching her with her latest boyfriend, Zack. In his opinion, Zack doesn’t treat her nearly how she should be treated. There comes a point when Cayson finally thinks he will have his chance with Skye, that his dreams might finally come true only to have his hope shattered once again. He finally decides he has to force himself to move on. That Skye will never feel anything more than brotherly towards him. So he enters into a relationship with Jasmine. From the start, he is completely honest with her, letting her know that his heart belongs elsewhere.

“She was my muse, a work of art I loved to stare at. I wished she meant nothing to me. Because I would never mean anything to her.”

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Skye knows her relationship with Zack is unfulfilling. But she tries to stick it out with him until a shocking realization finally opens her eyes. When she finally realizes she might feel more than friendship for her life long best friend, Cayson, he is with someone else. So she is determined to keep her feelings hidden, not to come between Cayson and Jasmine.

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So, the reason for my lower rating for this book is just that I had trouble connecting at all with the characters. Both of these families were very wealthy and both sets of parents were very protective of their children and very close knit and loving. But, at times, the conversations between the kids and their parents were just like…ewwww, way too much information. I mean, some things are just better left unsaid. As a reader, sometimes I just felt awkward. I did really like the relationship Skye had with her mother. The way she shared the details of her life with her. I am a mother of two adult children and they share very little of their private lives so I enjoyed that aspect. I also felt really sorry for Jasmine. Her life had little joy as it was and even though she went into the thing with Cayson knowing full well how he felt, I still felt really bad for her.

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On the flip side, there were some sweet moments as well. And I really liked the way the author concluded things. Cayson is probably every father’s dream for their daughter. He is thoughtful and caring and I love what he did at the very end. Just for me, I felt the conversations were awkward and I just never fully connected with the characters. It is a quick read, though, and I did enjoy getting to know Cayson and Skye.
Profile Image for Gabby.
482 reviews90 followers
January 5, 2017
I liked it, but I can't deny I've got some issues with it. Might write a review later on.

This wasn't a terrible book, and I don't know if it was me reading it early hours in the morning that made me extra picky towards this. But WOW. Sometimes, all I could think about some of the remarks that the characters made, that this totally has an echo of Donald Trump and his "locker room" talk. Errrm, no. The way these male characters talked about the females was so sexually objectified (I've never heard such continuous talk of tits before, or maybe I'm just hanging around in the wrong circles) and it was so derogatory to women who worked for a living (and contradictory, characters couldn't make up their mind on what they thought of waitresses - their opinions changed so suit what they wanted).

I'm going to throw you some quotes to show what I mean:

So, this is a quote from Cayson, the main male protagonist and the "love interest":
Jasmine wasn't my usual type. There was nothing wrong with being a waitress but I preferred intellectuals. But Jasmine was smart, too smart to be waiting on people.

I'd say I get what he's trying to say but I don't. Yeah, he thinks Jasmine is smart and "too smart" to be a waitress, but DUDE. NOW COMPLIMENTING HER INTELLIGENCE DOESN'T MAKE WHAT YOU SAID COOL. YOU'RE IMPLYING ALL WAITRESSES ARE DUMB. Go get stuffed. Just because you're a waitress does not mean you're dumb. GO GET STUFF YOU RICH AND POMPOUS ASS.

Then, further on in the book we get this (quote, again by Cayson):
"Someone like her? What the hell is that supposed to mean? There's nothing wrong with being a waitress. Mom doesn't work. She stays home all day. Isn't that worse?"
WELL DONE, BUDDY. YOU MADE IT WORSE. Once again, I guess he was trying to go with a good sentiment, but...failed. Yeah, his mum's rich so she doesn't have to work, okay, but she chose to stay at home. CHOSE. Sorry (not sorry) for my feminist rant, BUT STOP DEMEANING AND PITTING WOMEN AGAINST EACH OTHER AGAINST THEIR RIGHT TO PERSONAL CHOICES. UGH. I'll fight you. I'm small, *Thor voice* BUT I AM MIGHTY.

I don't want to spoil but the way Cayson treats Jasmine is horrible. Cayson excuses his way of treating her because he was always "honest". Okay, you laid the cards straight. Doesn't give you an excuse to be a shit now, does it.

Also, the plot twist with Skye and Zack. Called it. So obvious. These characters are in Harvard or whatever and THEY ARE SO FREAKING THICK BECAUSE THEY CAN'T FIGURE IT OUT. UGH.

ALSOOOOO, I get parents being protective. I do. It's your child, you want to keep them safe. Same with your partner, BUT OH MY GOD. GOING BORDERLINE STALKERISH IS NOT COOL. NAHHHHH. NOT DOWN WITH IT. SORRY. QUOTES AHEAD TO SHOW YOU WHAT THE HELL I MEAN:

So this a line said by Skye's mother to her father -
"You have a tracker on my phone so I'm sure you already knew that."
Oh ay, let's just check her movements to see i she made it okay. I mean I guess it could be cute in the aw-he-cares-about-her-deeply-way but this just seems way too controlling to me? Yeah it comes from good intentions, but good intentions don't always mean good things/good outcomes... #deepthoughtsofthedaybroughtbyyourstruly

At one point she says "I know the drill, babe," AY AY YOU DO YOU GOOD LITTLE GIRL (a grown ass woman). I don't know, like I said before - good intentions, he cares, but isn't this just a little bit weird?? Calling and checking up on each other is fine, but this seems extreme. (Although it is hinted it's like this because of some dark past, but this 'dark past' changes shapes so many times I'm sure they must be on a telenovela).

"Unlike women, men get better looking with age, and your father has definitely become even more handsome. Plus, he's one of the richest men in the world. I'm not ignorant to the intents of other women."
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is so annoying. AM I PICKY? I JUST. THIS DOESN'T SOUND COOL TO ME. How empowering is this to women? NOT. Oh ay, women just waste away until they're nothing ay and the big bad men just keep growing stronger????? stop, please. I can't take it. AND OH AY BECAUSE HE'S RICH ALL THE WOMAN WANT HIM. GURL, YOU SOUND LIKE TRUMP.

Other general annoyances in this book:

- I don't know if it's me picking on things that probably aren't there, but is this an error??
In case you haven't noticed, a lot of us our related to each other here."
Am I really thick, or is it meant to be are? We are related - it would be "our" if it were "this is our family." Idk. I'm fed up.

- FRIENDSHIP. HA HA HA HA HA H A H A H A. How Cayson and Skye are apparently the bestest friends in the world and have been since they were literally is hilarious. I'VE MORE A CLOSE FRIENDSHIP WITH MY iPHONE CHARGER THAN THOSE TWO. (YEAH, I WENT THERE).

- Yeah. I don't know who anyone is. Or how they're all related. Honestly, I no longer began to care. People popped up and disappeared and went away. I thought people secretly liked each other but they were siblings. WHO KNOWS?

- Characters completely change. One minute I'm like "maybe you do have some redeemable qualities" then five minutes later they'd be back to talking about girls as "bitches" and how easy they are and whatever, and I was like, nopeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Doneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. It's a shame because some of them - like Roland, I suppose - had the potential to be decent human beings.

- EGOTISTICAL. UGH. Cayson comments on how he's perfect. HE'S HANDSOME, SMART, NICE, WHAT'S THERE NOT TO LIKE? IDK - YOUR GENERAL SHITTY PERSONALITY AND YOUR TREATMENT TOWARDS WOMAN MAYBE?? Funniest thing is, other characters praised him on how good, how nice, and what a decent guy he was. Yeah. When he wanted to be.

- Skye & Cayson both needed to get a grip (: (: hypocritical lil bitches, I'm telling you.

This review is ending here. I think I've made enough points. Also, I originally rated this two stars but with my list of complaints, I think it's being demoted to one and I'm definitely in no rush what-so-ever to pick up book number 2. I don't know if my phone had a malfunction, but it told me to check out the other 47?! books in this series. Yeah. No thanks.

If you came this far, thank you (: (:
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews760 followers
September 15, 2016
3.5~4 stars

Looking for a sweet, love story where there's none of that instant love? Well, this is the story for you. Skye has a best friend, a best friend a girl could ask for. He’s supportive, thoughtful, understanding and kind. Her relationship with Cayson has always been easy and caring, but when Cayson starts to see her as more than a friend, things become a whole lot more complicated.

The story is so cliché because of the best friends turn into lovers’ kind of thing. However, the author brings out a story that makes me feel the sweetness of falling in love again and again. It’s emotional and heartwarming and sucked me in right from the get go. Cayson was absolutely adorable and fine, he's a bit too good to be true but I immediately loved him. Overall I did enjoy this book. It is BEAUTIFULLY written.

Complimentary copy kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Thank you.

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Profile Image for Maida.
1,066 reviews
December 12, 2015

- Excessive talk about the heroine’s breasts.
- Juvenile dialogue.
- I felt as if I were reading a novel about a group of 13-year olds, as opposed to reading about the lives of adults in their 20’s.

*1/5 stars*
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,833 reviews747 followers
September 9, 2016
There is something about E.L. Todd's writing that gets me every time. I can appreciate a good angsty read but I don't usually seek them out. If someone were to tell me what her books were about, I would probably think it had too much angst and move on. I can honestly say I'm glad I never got that warning. I have read several of her books now and I love them. Yes, they have a lot of angst. The couples usually have a lot of miscommunication or a belief that they are not good enough for the one they love and the story is all about their struggle and I'm sucked in every time!

E.L. Todd just has a way of making me so invested in these characters that I need to see them to their happily ever after. Are they perfect? NO. I don't love everything about them but I still get sucked in. This couple is no different. Actually, Cayson was almost pretty damn perfect. If someone asked what I want in a man, it would be him. If he was a bit more Alpha, he would truly be the perfect man. For those of you ladies who want a gentleman who loves wholeheartedly and protects with a fierceness, that is Cayson. I also liked Skye. I wasn't a fan of her when she was with her first boyfriend but I do get that she needed to see what she didn't want before she could recognize what she did want. Also, I just have to say this...Skye's dad...WOW! He was intense! He was very protective of Skye, his whole family really. I've never read a better version of a father in a book and I'm so intrigued with his and Skye's mom's story.

For those of you who don't want a series, this ended in a way that you don't have to continue. It can be treated as a standalone, although I don't know how you will stop from continuing on to the next story though.
Profile Image for Lauryn Wasil.
85 reviews
April 22, 2024
Goodreads needs to update the cover - not what mine looked like 😂 But overall a good romantic story!
Profile Image for Rosemary.
650 reviews
December 19, 2014
I received this book from the author for an honest review. I've read books written by this author before and I really enjoyed them. Unfortunately, this book did not have the same effect on me. Cayson and Skye have been lifelong best friends. The thing is...Cayson has been in love with Skye for just as long. The problem - Skye has no idea and only sees Cayson as a brother. Everyone in their circle of friends knows that Cayson has always held a torch for Skye, but since she has yet to reciprocate, they constantly tell him to let her go. Skye is dating a complete jerk of a boyfriend. She has attempted to break it off with him multiple times, but he somehow gets her to stay. One drunken night when Skye reveals her true feelings to Cayson, he has hope that things will finally turn around...except she doesn't remember anything from that night. Cayson then decides he's done waiting around for Skye and ends up "dating" a bartender named Jasmine. She is completely smitten with him but he has told her right off the bat that this will only be sexual and he will never love her. She agrees, even though she is already half way in love with him.

So, drama, drama, drama! 1) I didn't like the names of the all the characters: Cayson, Skye, Trinity, Slade, Roland, etc. It was just way too hippie or hipster or unique. Everyone had a crazy unique name. It got to the point I had to truly think about who the character was and how they were related. It only one or two characters could have had a "unique" name, then I would have read the story a little bit easier. 2) I disliked the two main characters immensely. It didn't start out that way. Skye just seemed so ignorant and also afraid of rocking the boat. She wanted to break up with her boyfriend, but then wouldn't because he could make out fantastically (but was horrible in bed?). She denied her feelings for Cayson even though everyone told her that Cayson loved her. 3) She was so stubborn that it made me so mad. Open your eyes! And Cayson wasn't any better. I understand the unrequited love, but then when he decides to just do it with Jasmine and blatantly tell her that it is nothing more knowing that Jasmine has feelings for him...completely douche. I don't care what kind of intentions he has, that ends horribly for everyone. Cayson will never fall in love with Jasmine and Jasmine is already there but she will be heartbroken. he should have known better.

Although the ending is a HEA, I was still so sorely disappointed. The 2 characters didn't even get together until the last couple of chapters. It as just frustrating because even though they are life long friends, I wanted to see them together. This just wasn't my cup of tea.
Profile Image for Sonyreader.
187 reviews114 followers
August 17, 2018
Ha sido un libro maravilloso. Los personajes, tanto la pareja principal como los secundarios, han sido increíbles. He adorado la unión y la relación entre ellos. Si he de escoger un personaje, mi favorito ha sido Cayson♥️. La historia es una preciosidad, siendo la amistad y el amor los temas principales, y me ha enamorado desde la primera página. Tiene diálogos totalmente divertidos y frases románticas que te harán suspirar. Además, la prosa de la autora me ha gustado. Seguiré leyendo más libros de esta autora.
Profile Image for ☆ Susana ☆ .
517 reviews194 followers
December 27, 2018
Empezó bien, reconozco que me enganchó pero a medida que avanzaba ha tenido cosas que no me han gustado nada. Comentarios machistas, faltas de respeto verbales que no venían a cuento, frases ofensivas metidas con calzador y un largo etcétera. A eso hay que añadir que la autora da demasiadas vueltas sobre lo mismo todo el rato sabiendo el lector desde el principio el final de la historia (no hay que ser un lince para averiguarlo). No me han quedado ganas para seguir con la serie, ninguna.
Profile Image for Sharni.
41 reviews
February 10, 2017
I know it's against popular opinion, but I almost stopped reading a few time. It was just so slow and there was not one time in the book where I liked all the main characters.
You know what was going to happen and I kept on thinking 'hopefully this chapter so something else can happen'
Disappointed and I won't continue with the series.
Profile Image for Lola D..
343 reviews46 followers
March 7, 2021
J'avais une petite baisse de moral après avoir fini laborieusement Rilke, donc j'ai décidé d'utiliser un remède de cheval, une petite romance sympa et mignonne entre deux meilleurs amis...

C'était vraiment pas très bon, mais qu'est-ce que j'ai ri ! Je devais sûrement avoir l'air d'une folle furieuse, mais mon Dieu, les dialogues étaient tellement hallucinants parfois, que de surprise je hoquetais bruyamment, en relisant une deuxième fois pour être sûr que quelqu'un avait bien écrit ça CONSCIEMMENT !

L'auteure tente de nous persuader qu'elle a bien compris l'importance du respect et du consentement dans un couple en nous dépeignant le protagoniste masculin comme la perfection faite homme (c'est à dire qu'il est comme un valet de pied, avec l'option massages). Mais comme elle n'arrive pas à concilier le désir masculin et le respect, le pauvre (oui, je plains le personnage, quel est le problème ?) il dit les phrases les plus maladroites et les plus sexistes qu'un personnage ait pu prononcé dans une romance. Tous les autres hommes sont obsédés sexuels, mais hilarants, donc ils sont pardonnés. Les parents sont protecteurs, c'est-à-dire psychopathes (tout le monde se traque grâce à des applications GPS, et espionnent la vie des autres en toute tranquillité). Tout tourne autour du sexe, si bien que les phrases tendres tombent toujours comme un cheveu sur la soupe.

Franchement, arrêtez d'écrire des romances "safes" (ou de les réclamer), elles sont bien plus choquantes (tordantes ?) que mes petits harlequins de supérette ! Dire que des bouquins supers ne passent plus les barrages renforcées des maisons d'édition, pour lutter contre les discriminations de tout poil, et que ça, sous prétexte qu'on dit toutes les cinq minutes que la fille est intelligente, et que le héros promis juré il l'aime pour autre chose que son buste plantureux, d'ailleurs son regard ne descend jamais plus bas que son nez (le pauvre, il est fou de désir pour elle, mais il ne l'a jamais vu en entier), alors tout va bien ! D'ailleurs évidemment, pas une seule scène charnelle, mais mon Dieu vous êtes fou, on peut parler de sodomie en famille mais quoi, faire l'amour à une fille qu'on aime, à ça JAMAIS ?! Il aurait fallu la regarder nue, et ça aurait sûrement été un peu lui manquer de respect quand même !

Le pire ? Si j'ai le temps, je vais sûrement lire la suite. Pourquoi ? Parce que j'ai l'humour d'une petite cuillère, donc pour me faire rire, surtout dans un bouquin, faut se lever tôt le matin, vous comprendrez qu'une occasion pareille, je ne vais pas la laisser filer.
Profile Image for Romance Rehab.
350 reviews76 followers
March 1, 2017
First of all, I really like this author. I LOVED her Beautiful Entourage series. But this book...yikes. I can really only pinpoint 3 major positives that this book has going for it:

1. It was free
2. The writing mechanics are solid (no errors, smooth pacing, realistic dialogue)
3. Cayson is a rarity among new adult romance heroes. He’s a true old-fashioned gentleman. He’s the type of guy all dads want their daughters to marry.

But after that…

Here’s a list (because there’s so many I can’t put them in paragraph form) of all the crap that bothered me and almost made me DNF the book:
1. The entire plot of this book wouldn’t exist if the 2 main characters were capable of an open, honest, ADULT conversation. Their complete lack of communication was totally unrealistic, even for a couple of college kids.

2. Jasmine. Get some self-esteem, girlfriend. Don’t hook up and fall in love with an emotionally unavailable dude, no matter how honest he is about his feelings. Move on. You can do better.

3. There are pages upon pages of this book devoted to the kids’ parents and how cool and badass and in love they are. Is there a point to this? I can only assume that they are featured in the author’s other books. If not, this was just super weird.

4. About boobs...OK, we get it. Skye has great boobs. But they were mentioned so many times that if I played a drinking game in which I took a shot for every time the magnificence of Skye’s boobs was discussed, I would’ve been drunk off my ass by chapter 4. (And also: C-cups are nice. But they aren’t so huge that too many women would suffer near-debilitating pain as a result of having them. Haul around some DD’s for a while and then we’ll talk, Skye.)

5. The slippery dolphin. First of all: gross. Second of all: if anyone tried this with me without a warning or consent, I’d go full-on Lorena Bobbit on him. (Note: this move was not suggested by the hero)

6. Skye. At a couple of points in the book, someone called Skye stupid. I have to agree. She stayed in a sexual relationship for months with a guy who didn’t treat her right, who she didn’t really like very much, who was selfish in bed, because...I dunno. Laziness? Fear of hurting the douchebag’s feelings? It’s never really explained. She should’ve dumped him immediately.

7. Skye. Seriously, girl, you don’t know that Cayson is crazy in love with you? Do you think most girls have strictly platonic guy friends who hold them while they sleep and rub their feet? Um...no. That doesn’t happen. Get your head out of your ass and pay attention to what’s going on around you, Skye.

8. Skye. All your friends have been telling you for years that Cayson is in love with you, and you ignore them. Then, when you finally get your head out of your ass and realize you love him too, you won’t tell him because he has a girlfriend. A girlfriend, mind you, who all your friends tell you he’s not really serious about. But do you believe them? Nope. Learn from experience, Skye. You’re an idiot, and your friends are right. Just do what they tell you to and you’ll be fine.

9. Skye. You get blackout drunk at a frat party wearing nothing but a bikini? Good call. ‘Cause nothing bad ever happens to drunk girls at frat parties.

In case I didn’t make myself clear, I hated the heroine, Skye. She might be my least favorite romance heroine of all time. And that’s saying a lot, people. I’ve read A LOT of books. I’ve seen things that can’t be unseen.

So, long-story-short: if I were you, I’d skip this one, folks.
Profile Image for mavi.
103 reviews
July 30, 2019
I think I can safely say this was the most misogynistic book I've ever had the displeasure of reading! Want to know why? Here goes:

1. All the male characters knowingly use girls for sex and then toss them aside
2. The female characters are habitually called sluts for partaking in sexual activities
3. When a male protagonist sees two drunk girls in bikinis, he unironically calls them "easy targets" for him to hook-up with, and then says about them, "I guess if she was dressed like this, she didn't want to be respected"
4. Turns out one of two girls who are shit-faced is Skye, the love interest. When Cayson, the character mentioned above, takes her home, she drunkenly tries to kiss him and Cayson responds by jumping on her, making out with her (full tongue), taking off her bikini, and groping her. While she is too drunk to even respond. And when she didn't remember in the morning, Cayson got mad at her for "leading him on", completely skipping over the sexual assault part.
5. The term "sexist pig" is used as a throwaway response to things like "annoying brat" and "whore". This book makes sexism into a MILDLY annoying trait instead of a moral flaw.

Other than that, the writing was terrible. This book read like a Wattpad fic, but of the worst kind. If this was on Wattpad, it would be the worst I ever read on there.

Lastly: all these despicable characters are filthy rich and their richness is flaunted to us in a super annoying way. Every time an outfit is described, it must be noted that a silver Rolex is included in the OOTD. *insert eye roll*

If you're thinking about reading this book: PLEASE DON'T! (for your own mental sanity and wellbeing)
November 13, 2014
I am in LOVE with the Forever and Ever series! Absolutely in LOVE! "All I Want Is You" was amazing, extraordinary, and totally blew me away. I mean I read it in one day, if that's saying anything. The characters and storyline were superb; better than I could have hoped for. I loved and enjoyed the friendship and relationship between Skye and Cayson, among all of their other close friends and family. I loved that all of their names were so unique as well. I also LOVED how this was a spin-off to the Forever and Always series, but about twenty-one years later. And it was the story of everyone's kids from that series. But you were also able to see the original characters from Forever and Always from time to time as well. "All I Want Is You" was truly phenomenal and I couldn't have asked for anything better from the wonderfully talented, E.L. Todd. I can't wait to read more in the Forever and Ever series. I'm thoroughly hooked! :)
Profile Image for Mary Edna Gayton.
16 reviews1 follower
November 14, 2016

I'm glad this book was free. It took the whole book for them to get together. I felt like I was reading the minute to minute account of a bunch of rich kids. I kept reading expecting it to get better. Won't be reading anymore.
Profile Image for Katerina.
796 reviews304 followers
November 22, 2016
Pretentious, shallow, judgemental group of fucking rich weeeeirdo's. Discerning, not normal - and honestly careless people who haven't worked a day in their lives. "Love" (scoffs)
4 reviews
January 8, 2017
I expected more.

This book was very boring and the writing was bland. I expected more out of the book. I won't be buying the others.
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews601 followers
December 6, 2014
For their entire lives, Cayson and Skye have shared everything, done everything together and for all intents and purposes, are like true a brother and sister, or are they? Cayson has been in love with Skye, for as long as he can remember but the only way to stay close to her is to be her best friend and her confidant as she goes from one relationship to the next, filled with all of the teen angst and pain of growing up. How much more can he take keeping his feelings to himself?

But it all changed the night Skye had a few too many drinks and he had to be her knight in shining armor, taking her home to sleep it off. But that night could be the most dramatic of their lives. Will it change the closeness they have always shared? How has Skye not noticed the brilliant, handsome and charming young man Cayson has become? How has she not seen how he looks at her? How has she missed what everyone else already knows?

In All I Want is You E. L. Todd has given us a true hero to fall for with Cayson, a wonderful change from the classic bad boy, a true knight in shining armor willing to suffer in silence than risk losing the closeness eh shares with Skye. She allowed him to be “that boy,” the one your parents want you to find, undamaged from a brutal and wretched past, unapologetic for his family’s wealth, but not one to flaunt it. Skye is the independent one, unafraid to just be herself, speak her mind. And talk about the perfect family portrait! Both families are close, involved, and respectful, as well as filled with love. So they have a ton of money, somebody has to do it! Did I forget to mention the humor? Get ready to chuckle at the antics of youth!

Ms. Todd’s world is positive, bright and a refreshing change as she extends an invitation to us to enter and feel the moments of love, tension and resolution. More than just another love story, this is a story of life, coming of age and opening up to the joys of living. I absolutely loved E.L. Todd’s positively wonderful new read that still has me grinning!

I received this copy from the author in exchange for my honest review.

Series: Forever and Ever Series - Book 1
Publication Date: November 10, 2014
Publisher: E. L. Todd/Fallen Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Print Length: 391 pages
Available from: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Reviewed for: http://tometender.blogspot.com

Profile Image for Bing.
346 reviews24 followers
November 14, 2014

The new generation of Forever and Always is here!

(To those familiar with E.L. Todd's Forever and Always series, this is a spin-off about Sean, Mike and Cortland's children. But this is a stand alone so you won't feel confused even of you haven't read any of the books in the series).

How do you act on your feelings if being "family" is all you've ever known? Yet how can you not act on it when you've been holding a torch for the girl for most of your life? This was the predicament Cayson was facing when it comes to Skye. They grew up together, their families were like extension of each other's.

Cayson was funny, goodlooking and smart - like really freaking smart, but he was humble and even shy about it. He was not a player despite being hit on wherever he went. I get why readers loved the manwhores, the bad guys, the cavemen.. I loved them too. But there was something refreshing about a good guy who didn't come off as boring. Cayson was one of those guys. His manners and overall good guy demeanor was endearing. One of the things I really admired about him was his respect for his parents and his easy banter with his dad. He was always the voice of reason when his group of friends would whine about their parents. I loved the message that the book was giving - you don't need to be a rebel to be cool.

Skye - independent, loyal and had a very strong character. If you're looking for a damsel in distress, you won't find it in Skye. She was more a damsel in shining armor ready to attack. Despite being the princess of one of the wealthiest businessmen in the country, she was down to earth and unaffected by their wealth. And I loved her parents! If you haven't read their own book, you'll want to after reading this one.

Cayson and Skye had rapport and easy camaraderie honed by knowing each other "since birth." I loved how he knew what she needed without her saying anything.

There were other interesting characters who were also part of their extended family that made the story even better. Cayson and Slade's banter were always hilarious, esp the part when they were talking about halloween costumes.

This was not just a story about best friends falling in love. It was about family. Their love, the lessons and leading the children by example. Maybe because the parents here were characters from E.L. Todd's earlier series, their characters were firmly developed. It was obvious the author knew her characters well. Each character was not just there to add spice to the story. They made an impact and leave a lasting impression.

I really enjoyed the crazy but loving extended family in this book, and I definitely look forward to more books about them.
Profile Image for Anna.
21 reviews
January 11, 2015
I've read other works by E.L.Todd, but I think this is one of my favourites.

It's always the hardest for me to write reviews for the books that I really love, because when a book captures me I don't pay attention to the details. This book is a page-turner, I read it in a day and just couldn't stop, kind of sad now that it's over, I just want to keep reading more.
I loved how realistic and witty the conversations are, some of them made me laugh out loud (not "lol" because usually people say it with a straight face) and I even got teary at one point of the book.
The funny part is that the story resonates very well with my current situation, not as dramatic, but close enough, so I think this encouraged me to look at my situation from a different angle.
Trying not to give spoilers, but the best friend thing usually is written very predictively, but this one was different, it still was very cheesy, but in a good way. The only thing that I wanted different - I wanted the ending to be a bit longer and more precise, if you know what I mean. It wasn't a cliff-hanger, but I wanted it to be slightly longer.
Profile Image for Sonja Schultz.
320 reviews
December 23, 2016
I enjoyed the read, hardly any romance between Skye and Caysen wich really annoyed me, they spent to much time avoiding there feelings and being with others than being together. the end of the book is left open for another, but I read the reviews for the next book and find out that there romance is progressing but they don't sleep together, and the third book I find out may have to leave her! I decided because of how much drama and little romance there is I'm going to pass for the rest of the series..
Profile Image for Cheryl   Graham-Petit.
4,115 reviews24 followers
September 9, 2016
E.L. Todd has that little something that lets you know that she loves to write. She weaves a best friends to lovers story filled with drama, jealousy, heartache, banter, some twists and turns, unrequited love, passion, family, a great story-line, and interesting and intriguing characters you can relate to.

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Chloe Anne.
8 reviews1 follower
December 22, 2016

I'm not a fan of writing reviews but this book is poorly written... very repetitive and flat out unrealistic. The characters had no depth and ALL of the adults had the perfect life who loved their wives with everything they had. They are all SO in love and had great sex all the time... it was very predictable... I would not recommend.
Profile Image for Beverly.
1,200 reviews
January 14, 2017
Not for me! Did not like the author's writing style. Seemed very childish. The author tried too hard to make it seem modern. Felt like I was reading a book for junior high students--although I would not recommend it since the author seemed preoccupied with sex. It is not a very good love story.
Profile Image for Dawn Gaskin.
145 reviews2 followers
February 14, 2017
I got this book for free. New author for me, haven't read any other novels by E.L. Todd. I did not finish it because I found reading this novel to be extremely annoying. The writing was sophomoric; dialogue was so juvenile you'd have thought the characters were in their early teens. If this is indicative of this author's writing style, I have had enough, thank you.
Profile Image for Beth.
765 reviews136 followers
February 7, 2017
4 All in the Family Stars

I love a good friends to lovers story. I love the big family story. I love the interwoven plot stories. I love the second generation stories. Check Check Check. This one checked off all the boxes.

Profile Image for Noa.
244 reviews57 followers
May 13, 2018
Deseando que llegue el 27 de mayo para que salga la 2 parte!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 530 reviews

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