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¡Último tomo! La ya histórica etapa de G. Willow Wilson como guionista de las aventuras de Kamala Khan llega a su fin. ¡Kamala ha desaparecido! ¿Dónde y por qué motivo? De cualquier forma, Jersey todavía necesita héroes y, en ausencia de Ms. Marvel, docenas de ellos tratan de llenar el hueco: son el legado de Kamala... pero ¿será un legado del que sentirse orgullosa? El pasado de Ms. Marvel choca con su futuro, y mientras sus poderes se ven alterados, sus relaciones personales cambian para siempre.

Libro de historietas encuadernado en cartoné de 384 páginas interiores en color más cubiertas que contiene la traducción de los comic books originales Ms. Marvel números 25 a 38 publicados en USA por Marvel Comics.

320 pages, Hardcover

Published August 27, 2019

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About the author

G. Willow Wilson

420 books3,255 followers
Hugo, World Fantasy and American Book Award-winning author of novels and comics, including THE BIRD KING, INVISIBLE KINGDOM, and ALIF THE UNSEEN. Co-creator of Ms Marvel. Honorary doctor of letters, Rutgers University. I accidentally started a dutch baby baking cult during quarantine. Not very active on here right now, but often found on Twitter.

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Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews
Profile Image for James.
2,473 reviews68 followers
May 29, 2022
3.5 stars. So the first 4 issues don’t even have Ms Marvel in them. She has left the school and no one has seen her. Hoping to get Ms Marvel to come back, all of her friends have donned the costume and have been patrolling the streets with the help of Red Dagger. Charming stuff seeing them rally together as they continue the search for Kamala. She eventually comes back, as does Bruno from Wakanda and so does Doc.X, the cyber villain from the last volume or so. I enjoyed all of that. Then we move into the Shocker showing up. While I enjoyed the first part of this arc, it eventually moved into some confusing territory. Not sure I was picking up everything G Willow was putting down with all the vortexes, time shifts and potential ancient relatives. The last 2 issues were 2 separated one off stories that were just ok. The first dealing with Kamala and her non-brother in law babysitting her brothers new baby while catastrophe strikes. In the end her brother finally gets a job, one that suits him perfectly. The last was the gang going in to some wormhole. This one got a little wonky for my tastes. All in all, G Willow put together an amazing run with Ms Marvel and I’d recommend it if you haven’t read it.
Profile Image for It's just Deano.
184 reviews7 followers
July 13, 2022
Ms Marvel: Volume Five finds us at the very end of G Willow Wilson's fabulous run on the series. Without a doubt she has left behind a legacy that ultimately made Kamala Khan what she is today.

That said, I'm going to be straight up here and say I did feel this went out on a strong fizzle rather than a bang. I felt the shift in pace during the previous volume, but this concluding book definitely feels less connected than the previous and it's glaringly noticeable.

Also noticeable is the absence of Adrian Alphona's artwork, which so fittingly defines the tone and visual warmth of the books in those early volumes.

It's by no means a miss here though. Volume Five still has all the heart and personality we've come to know from Wilson it just sadly doesn't strike a blow like you'd hope a finale would.

Overall, the whole series has been phenomenal, mostly due to Wilson's great writing and Kamala Khan's grounded persona, but there's no getting around the fact that this conclusion to the series feels like a humble bow rather than the mic drop it rightly deserves.

My Score: 7/10
My Goodreads: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
Profile Image for Chris Lemmerman.
Author 7 books108 followers
August 17, 2019
G. Willow Wilson's run with the character she helped co-create and take to enormous heights ends in this final volume of Ms. Marvel (at least for now).

After her burnout in the previous volume, Kamala goes on hiatus. But Jersey City still needs defenders, and so her friends all step up to prove that they can be Ms. Marvel just as well as Kamala can! All the effort Wilson has put into fleshing out Kamala's friends pays dividends when the story focuses in on them, and the fact that the villain is one of Kamala's oldest foes is a fitting challenge.

Then one of Bruno's experiments into how Kamala's powers work goes haywire, and leads to a power-fritz that makes Kamala's fight against the Shocker infinitely more difficult, before the series ends on an even higher note than usual as Kamala tries to have a slumber party, only for her Ms. Marvel life to take over. This final issue especially is wonderful, and leaves Kamala's status quo changed in a great way for new writer Saladin Ahmed to jump off of. And of course, Kamala's boundless energy and total relatability make her a wonderful protagonist to read about.

Art is mostly handled by Nico Leon, who has been around for a while now, with a return from Elmo Bondoc and a few other collaborators on the final issue of the run. Kamala's art teams have always been great, and this is of course no exception.

G Willow Wilson has left an indelible mark on the Marvel Universe with Kamala Khan, and she finishes her run with a graceful bow and just as much fun as the previous stories. It's a shame to see her go, but Kamala's story will go on, and everything that's happened to her under Wilson's watchful eye will no doubt resonate through her future adventures forevermore.
Profile Image for April Bancroft.
354 reviews
May 18, 2022
Such a good finale to the series! Now I’m ready for the Ms Marvel show to start on Disney plus!
Profile Image for Rick.
2,851 reviews
February 14, 2020
This volume has it all! A slew of Ms. Marvel replacements. Return of old villains. Red Dagger. High School high-jinx. School dance attacked by villain. First kiss. Break-ups. Romantic entanglements. A slumber party. Pocket-dimension based on video-games. Adventures in babysitting. Time travel. Historical intrigue. Street flooding in Jersey City. Science experiments gone array. Science villains running amuck. Chaos in a senior center. Family drama. Secret identity shenanigans. Oh, and a four-part showdown with that lame Spider-Man villain the Shocker. 😳 Yep, it’s got be a Ms. Marvel collection. No where are you going to get that wacky sense of irreverent humor mixed with good wholesome American teenage angst. It’s like Steve Ditko got amalgamated with Norman Rockwell and the Koran with a dash of Stan Lee and some Mary Tyler Moore and big splat of Lucille Ball and Carol Burnett. This stuff is AWESOME and FABULOUS and issue after issue it’s just brilliant. No. Sorry. It’s BRILLIANT! Who am I kidding? I love Kamala Khan. Long live Ms. Marvel!

The only thing I wasn’t happy about, was the knowledge that the creator is leaving the book. That makes me sad.
Profile Image for Chris.
255 reviews
December 17, 2020
A wonderful run for G Willow Wilson. She has captured the heart and soul of Kamala Khan and while I’m sad to see her leave, I look forward to reading on and hope that the tv show does this all justice. Great Professor X cameo!
Profile Image for Omnibuster.
137 reviews2 followers
September 6, 2019
Vol. 5 brings back what is most enjoyable about Ms. Marvel--Kamala and fun times. It begins with Kamala taking a much needed break from being Ms. Marvel and a hero after the events of Vol 4. Her three issue break leaves a void that is wonderfully filled by her friends collectively taking on the Ms. Marvel mantle and watching over Jersey City. The Kamala Korps (that's what I call them) end up taking on more than they can handle when they team up with Red Dagger and Carol Danvers to take on the Inventor. Kamala returns and realizes Jersey City needs her and she needs it.

Kamala becomes an aunt, has her first kiss which causes issues with Bruno's return from Wakanda, fights Doc.x (which I finally realized is like an Ultron virus) in a pretty funny form, learns more about love, tries to be a normal teen, helps a new Inhuman, teams up with Miles Morales, has adventures in babysitting, and debates whether or not to reveal her identity to her friends.

Bruno starts studying the nature of Kamala's powers and in the process she starts losing control of them. Then the most unlikely villain shows up to wreak havoc: The Shocker. Coincidence or sinister plot? Professor X shows up in an interesting way to help the heroes solve Ms. Marvel’s power issues.

Overall, I definitely enjoyed this volume more than 4, but it does become apparent about halfway through that Wilson was running out of ideas (she mentions this in the afterword) and wasn't really sure how to end the run. There was less emphasis on blatant social issues and was really about Kamala and her community. In fact, the entire series so far is about community and how it comprises of all types of people with an entire spectrum of beliefs and attitudes. Within any community there are heroes who shoulder more of the burden than others, and we need them; however, they need us, too, and we need each other.

I definitely look forward to what Saladin does with this character because Ms. Marvel is here to stay and we will be better for it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Joshua.
547 reviews10 followers
February 10, 2021
Just thrilled with my decision to reread this run and having read it all over the course of five days it’s crazy to look back and realize these stories originally unfolded over the course of five years. So many moments and characters that I remember and were just as charming if not more so a second time around.

There are two “jam session” type issues created here, with framing devices that throw to segments by other creative teams, and that format just isn’t my think but my only real complaint is that we don’t get more time with Kamala’s Law & Order sandwich buddy and his cousin, who were cool late additions to the cast.

I have such affection for this run.
64 reviews
July 29, 2021
Ms. Marvel issue number 1 was the first comic book I ever bought. Not only did it draw me into the marvel universe, it introduced me to my favorite hero, Kamala Khan. G. Willow Wilson created something special, and her run with this character has been heart warming, thrilling, and such a joy to read. This volume concludes Wilson's story of Kamala, and it was such a fun ride.
It may be Wilson's last story, but I'm sure shes handed of Ms. Marvel's story to someone she trusts. I look forward to what comes next!
Profile Image for Peter Evett.
269 reviews
March 13, 2022
Still excellent writing. But I really need to finally complement the art. Nico Leon is just terrific here. An excellent rendering of Ms. Marvel, great facial expressions all around, and the art on the time-travel-black hole- battle with shocker: fantastic. The multitude of asides and background images that add humor to the proceedings - outstanding. The whole series has had strong art, but this really pointed it out for me. Superb.
Profile Image for R.
708 reviews2 followers
April 2, 2024
I don't mind books written for younger audiences, but sometimes they just don't work for me. This was one of those books.

However, I do recognize that there was nothing fundamentally wrong with this story, and I do think it would be very enjoyable for children in the target age range. I simply think that it might be one of those that doesn't fall into the "everyone can enjoy" range (at least for me).
Profile Image for Tim Pieraccini.
290 reviews5 followers
April 18, 2021
Excellent, as ever, but a very slightly disappointing last issue (perhaps because I'm not any kind of a gamer). Recommended, though.
Profile Image for nafay.
140 reviews14 followers
May 12, 2023
I was not expecting to be so emotionally destroyed and broken in so many pieces that it'd be hard to pick myself up afterward when I sat down to read the final volume in the Ms. Marvel series. I mean, I expected it. I knew I was going to be emotional since one of my favorite series was ending, but to such an extent? No.

Never have I ever experienced a plethora of such contrasting emotions than I felt reading this--and in a very short time, too. This volume was so complete and so, so good. I truly was blown away. It felt like a departure, it really did. Each comic strip reminded me of that but at the same time it felt like a beginning. Kamala has a lot of new adventures ahead of her, and such a bright future, too! And with the show releasing yesterday, I am truly convinced that she is The Future.

I really, really wanted this to never end. I wasn't ready to let as great of a character as Kamala go, but you know what? The way they did it was very interesting and very satisfying. It was a goodbye in its true form. I remember bursting into tears just a couple panels in because it was so full of strong emotions. And it's full of many heartwarming and wholesome instances that man, my love for Kamala Khan just grew and grew.

Also, (spoiler alert!) I'm convinced of Bruno being her romantic interest since the story did such a good job with his character. I loved Red Dagger so much. I loved everyone and everything about this volume.

I can't wait to see what they do next in the show, and Kamala in more comics down the line.
Profile Image for Andy.
791 reviews4 followers
September 8, 2024
What an amazing end to the stellar Wilson's run. Kamala has been one of my new favorite characters in the comic book space in a while. A lot of credit to the team who never slacked on the art or writing. The characters felt complex, light-hearted, and youthful while being thrown into crazy circumstances. I don't know if I will continue reading more Ms. Marvel without Willow Wilson, but having these chapters has been an amazing treat.
Displaying 1 - 19 of 19 reviews

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