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Facing the Giants

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IT’S BEEN SIX YEARS without a winning season and Coach Grant Taylor's job is on the line. Unless the Shiloh Christian Eagles turn things around—and fast—he's history. Unfortunately, their leading scorer has just left for a rival school and the team has lost its drive. The pressure is on.

On the home front, things aren't much better for Grant. His house is falling apart. His old clunker of a car keeps dying, and the coach and his wife have been unsuccessful in their attempts to start a family.

But God is on the move—in many ways.

When Grant receives a message from an unexpected visitor, he searches for a stronger purpose for his football team. When faced with unbelievable odds, Grant and his Shiloh Eagles must rise above their fear and step up to their greatest test of strength and courage.

329 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 2007

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About the author

Eric Wilson

110 books459 followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Eric Wilson is a NY Times bestselling author with 21 published books in over a dozen languages. He writes fiction (suspense, mystery, supernatural), film novelizations, and nonfiction (biography, memoir, travel). He has another book being pitched to publishers, and he's already working on more.


Eric's books, in order of publication:

Dark to Mortal Eyes
Expiration Date
The Best of Evil
A Shred of Truth
Facing the Giants
Field of Blood
Haunt of Jackals
Valley of Bones
One Step Away
Two Seconds Late
Three Fatal Blows (cancelled)
October Baby
The Eagle's Nest (cancelled)
Amelia's Last Secret
Alice Goes the Way of the Maya
Taming the Beast: The Untold Story of Team Tyson
Minutes Before Midnight (cancelled)
From Chains to Change: One Man's Journey from God-Hater to God-Follower
American Leftovers: Surviving Family, Religion, & the American Dream
What Are You Going to Do?
Confessions of a Former Prosecutor

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34 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews
January 19, 2024
Two disclaimers: First off, it has been several years since I last saw the film Facing the Giants, so, I can't comment on how it differs from this novelization. Also, football is not my thing; I've never been big on sports to begin with, but, after having it thrown in my face and shoved down my throat countless times, I dislike football more than other sports.

That said, this was a great story; I have to give credit where credit is due. If you're an NFL fan, you'll probably have more fun with this than I did; still, the overall theme of overcoming dire circumstances with God's help is fabulous.
Profile Image for Jessica Lu.
150 reviews14 followers
June 10, 2013
Although the book was a post-movie work, it was more enjoyable than the movie. I am grad that I watched the movie first as it helped me to get through the book easily.

There were great thoughts putting in structuring the novel. The chapters followed the football's timeline. Each sub-chapter was given a good title and with sessions named with the characters' to tell the story. The whole story flows beautifully and develops to the highly intensive ending victory.

Along the story, the motivative lessons are learned:
- Prepare your fields as an act of faith for the rain.
- Love your God with your mind, heart and soul by giving your best in everything you do.
- Base faith in God not just for what He does for us, but because of who He is.
- Do not judge others by their actions and judge yourself by your intentions. It should be the other way around.
- God said many times: Do not fear! Especially when things get tough!
- God has uniquely pre-wired each child with special gifts, talents and passions. Wise parents (or teachers, trainers, coaches and mentors) will discover the blueprints and cultivate them.
- We're talking about a relationship with Jesus. Refocus your passion toward the higher purpose (glorifying God) not just for your own temporary fulfillment in this life.

Yes, it is a religion-purpose story. But I do enjoy very much the motivating encouragements and the spiritual wanders of God's blessings. These 2 elements have created the elements of this novel.
Profile Image for Elaine.
2,258 reviews2 followers
November 23, 2008
(book, DVD, fiction)
a. I’ve watched the movie more than once so that in itself has to say something about this marvelously done movie and book. While the cover shows a football game, this story is not particularly about football. It’s about loving God in the midst of trials when things seem hopeless. Someone had asked Grant’s wife if she would still love God even if she might never have a child. After yet another negative pregnancy test, she tells God “I’ll still love you.”
b. The main character Grant Taylor is the head coach for the Christian school’s football team.

Profile Image for Nolan.
14 reviews3 followers
October 17, 2010
This book made me cry. No joke, tears where crawling out of my eyes. The theme of this book is to never give up, to have a positive look on the future and ask God for help when you need him most because he will answer your prayers. This book is about a coach at a high school who is a major christian. His team is not doing so great and hasn't won a game for 2 years. He is about to get fired because of this. On the other hand he has a beautiful wife who helps him succeed. This is an amazing story.

The team looses one of their best players gets in an accident. The team of course is bummed out but they dont give up, they fight back with even more intensity. They all pray for him. The school kids all even ditch class and go on the football field and they make prayer groups. The teachers do not stop this because one of the students said that they weren't just praying for him, but for everybody. The football coach starts making a new game plan that has to do with God first, everything they do is for God. He reads the bible everyday and see's the greatness within him.

Towards the end of the story, the team has won every game and is going to the championship against their cross town rivals. I am not going to ruin the book for you so I will stop there. The rest is for you to find out. Also to me, this book got me to look into the greatness of God more, so I encourage you to read it, and if you are a girl, 100% positive it will make you cry wether you like football or not.
Profile Image for sarah.
69 reviews2 followers
January 3, 2022
I’ve watched the movie countless times so I definitely knew what was happening, but, honestly, it helped to have watched the movie before because I’m not a football enthusiast and didn’t understand all of the technical terms used in this book to describe each play.

1000/10. One of the few Christian fiction books I will highly recommend. Demonstration of a powerful message that this world knows of but has stopped believing in. “With God, nothing is impossible.” ✊🏼
Profile Image for Jeannie Faulkner Barber.
Author 7 books162 followers
February 18, 2009
Even if I weren't a huge football fan, I'd have fallen in love with this story. Again, Eric Wilson weaves a fast-paced, heart-touching story that easily explains the crucial need to let God be the center of everything in your life. The movie is just as emotionally swept as the book. I'm the proud owner of all three of Mr. Wilson's books AND the movies!
235 reviews
April 26, 2017
(April 2017 - Audiobook) - Random shelf pull of a short sports book. It was a good story and a little more religious than I expected, but good story about good/evil, power of positive thinking and beliefs.
27 reviews
October 13, 2008
A great book about overcoming odds and winning a state championship.
Profile Image for Jonathan.
Author 28 books19 followers
February 14, 2010
I love the movie and the book is great too (includes some stuff not in the movie)! I would highly recommend this to everyone! It provides a great Christ-centered philosophy on life!
1 review
March 22, 2017
I would like to write a review about the book Facing The Giants. It is written by Michael Catt, Alex Kendrick, Stephen Kendrick, and Lisa Harper. I think the most impressive aspect of this book was its theme. The concept of this novel is to show the mightiness and positives of god. It is a religious novel therefore it includes the idea of christianity. This book would be highly recommended for all Middle schoolers and above but especially to Christians because the book is about the beliefs of christianity.

The setting for this book was in a christian based high school with no titles from football for 6 years in a row. As the football team starts to break down externally and internally due to football, is when the key idea of believe in god comes in. From the believing of god miracles began to happen throughout the course of the book which I highly assure is very touching.

Lastly, the ending in this book was very easy to guess because throughout the book small but very meaningful miracles began to occur slowly affecting all the characters in the book. Also, the ending was very touching especially because of how the main character benefited the most from gods miracles. I would also want to recommend the movie because it was really enjoyable and the movie also does not lose to the power of the book.
Profile Image for Jody.
589 reviews6 followers
January 8, 2013
I know everyone, including myself, went crazy over this movie a few years ago. It was really good. But just as good as the movie was, this book was way better. It was better because I am way more of a book guy than a movie guy. If they never made another movie that would be fine with me. It seems that all they are doing now days is re-making the old ones. I remember bringing this movie home and sitting beside my wife while she cried her way through the tender parts. Yes, it was one of those movies. Since I have been reading this book, my wife has caught me wiping tears from my eyes because, yes, it is one of those books. I very rarely give 5 stars. Not because I am a pretentious punk, but because I am always afraid the next book I read is going to be way better than the one I just read. If I gave the one I just read 5 stars then how am I going to be able to rate the one I am reading higher than that? What a conundrum I have found myself in! When I finished this book I was able to give it 5 stars without any thought. It is that good and you would do yourself a great service by reading this and why not throw Fireproof in while you are at it. Did I mention I cried? Enough said.
Profile Image for Makevel.
1 review
November 19, 2016
I didn't finish the whole book but I'm at page 189 .. This book is very motivational and inspiring . It has football language so i recommend it to football players to read it .. i can relate to this book a lot because its the same with my school. This book is divided into a game and has different prospectives throughout the book . It may cause confusion but you can sum it up pretty easily .. This book is also religious . "Dear lord, help my husband. Wherever he is, please be with him.(Pg74) " .. It brings God in the text too "Whats God doing? (Pg85)" I like this book a lot and will continue on to finish it . It has to be one of my favorites .Its more than football it teaches you to never give up and to fight through any obstacles you face in life .
Profile Image for Carol.
2,488 reviews13 followers
May 20, 2011
I recommend this book!!!!!! Story is one of triumph over great odds because this little football team gave the glory to God win or lose. The writing was just OK but the story made it well worth reading. And the part at the end where the 2 authors who are brothers write about: How Dad Taught us to Face Our Giants is the best part because it's a real story! Real is always better in faith promoting stories! This is a great book for young boys who like football or anyone who likes to see the underdog WIN!

There is also a movies and the story of how the movie was made and the success it became it another faith building story!
2 reviews
February 25, 2019
Facing the Giants is an inspiring football Book about the life of Grant Taylor. Who went to a new school (The Shiloh Eagles) to become the coach. But it hasn't been going well with His job on the line because they haven't been doing well and their best scorer transferred to the rival school. Not to mention his car not working and his efforts to start a family failing and his house breaking down his life is in a pretty low spot. I would say the biggest quote from the book is "we serve a god that opens doors that no one can shut and closes doors no one can open" this was a quote that was extremely important to the book.
Profile Image for Sarah.
652 reviews68 followers
June 19, 2019
Facing the Giants is one of my favorite movies, and this book was just as good as the movie, with little extra tidbits and character backstories thrown in. I love this story. It's a reminder to give God your very best effort and trust Him with the outcome. It's a reminder I need often, sometimes daily. This book, this story, is full of encouragement for everyone struggling with their own giants, whatever they may be - attitude, temptation, finances, or whatever. A must-read for those who need an extra dose of encouragement.
Profile Image for Wayne.
9 reviews1 follower
December 28, 2012
There is no better way to prove your faith than by showing guts and determination for wht you believe in. Whether it is on the sports field, at work or in life, if you have faith and give it your all and your best, then put the rest in God's hands and expect a miracle. Jay Austin dicovered this in Flywheel and now Grant Taylor has discovered it in Facing the Giants. This book will allow you to discover it too.
6 reviews
January 31, 2014
This book is fantastic. The fact that this book is about the best sport football makes it the best. This book is very christian based and teaches great principles that we need to include in our lives. Facing the Giants is inspirational and shows us that we can do anything with God on our side, and I really like how they show that life will still be hard but will be okay when we turn to God. Everyone should read this book it is amazing.
October 29, 2015
Well this book was actually really good it fascinated me the way it spoke Gods word through pages on a book it actually renewed my faith kinda. It made me remember how how god can do great things when he showed that kid that he can go a hundred yards when he only thought he could go twenty five. I thought it was inspirational how after 6 years of not winning a game how all they had to do was come together on one common thing Jesus Christ i think thats pretty cool
Profile Image for Laura Gomes.
40 reviews
June 2, 2012

This book in part can remind me why God is so good! Although the style of how this book was written, seemed messy, maybe because it's more of a movie script. But the message is there and you can relate to the characters in the book. If you like American football, and like to hear about how God can work through difficulties than you should read this.
82 reviews
June 26, 2012
This book was a good read. The book seems lengthy when you pick it up, but it moves quickly. It is an inspirational story tucked into football. You don't have to know much about football or really like football to enjoy this story. If you like books that involve inspiration and the role of God in ones life, you will like this book.
Profile Image for Danny.
4 reviews
May 8, 2014
This book is about the trials of life and how religion is important. Grant is a coach for a catholic school and his life starts crumbling down after all these problems start coming up. On top of that his football team keeps losing, grant must talk with his lord and ask for help. During the course of this book we see the hand of god begin to work and help Grant with his challenges.
Profile Image for Thebarrys10.
366 reviews3 followers
May 31, 2011
I am thankful for books that remind me of my CHristian beliefs and help to make them stronger. SOme Christians do a really good job of 'talking of CHrist, rejoicing in Christ and worshiping Him ' no matter the outcome. THat is the central message of this book. So good!
Profile Image for Angie.
275 reviews
March 27, 2012
This book tells us a little more about Grant, Brooke, David, and other characters from the movie "Facing the Giants." A very interesting book and good read, adds some interesting details that we didn't learn in the movie.
1 review
May 28, 2014
this book is about a football coach is going through somewhat of a hard time and lets his faith in god fade away for a little until he realizes that he needs to keep his faith in god and keep pursuing him and that he needs to leave everything in gods hands. and in the end god will take care of him.
26 reviews1 follower
December 24, 2014
I felt like I was reading the script from the movie. I enjoyed the movie, so that isn't much of a problem for me.

I love the idea of a loving Father that is watching us and caring for us...leading us through life if we will let him.
Profile Image for Linda.
488 reviews
March 12, 2016
This book is great as a stand alone, or follows beautifully if you've seen the movie. I liked that it followed the movie's plot line but added some depth to the characters. This is a feel good book that was fairly well written.
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,351 reviews14 followers
November 26, 2016
While the first 70% of the book reminded me why I don't like "made from movies" books, I encourage the reader to stick with this particular book to the end. There were details important to the storyline that I had missed, even after watching the movie numerous times. I'm glad I read it.
17 reviews
May 15, 2019
Facing the Giants is a story of a struggling high school football team. The team has a change of philosophy and decides to honor God while playing. The team turns the season around and wins the state championship all because of their new found philosophy.
Profile Image for Natalia.
119 reviews
March 26, 2011
It was pretty good, if you've seen the movie it kinda ruins the whole book, but it also gives a new perspective to it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews

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