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Jubilee Summer #2

Farmer's Crown

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Sediryl has always yearned for responsibility--and power--and she was convinced she was ready for them... until the events of the Chatcaavan war demonstrated just how immense those responsibilities were, and just how parlous the power necessary to fulfill them. Even so, she's determined to prove herself worthy to her empress and all the the rich, the poor, the disenfranchised and the entrenched. Showing that she can be all things to all people is hard enough without Liolesa's former heir stirring the pot. And that's without Eldritch history casting its long shadow over the proceedings....She has less than a month to convince the Eldritch that she deserves the heir's coronet, and none of them can afford for her to fail. The road to the future leads through her cropfields, and only Sediryl can lead them to it... if they'll follow.Farmer's Crown completes the Jubilee Summer duology and sets the stage for the next generation of Peltedverse novels. There's a storm on the horizon....

448 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 8, 2019

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About the author

M.C.A. Hogarth

138 books383 followers
Daughter of two Cuban political exiles, M.C.A. Hogarth was born a foreigner in the American melting pot and has had a fascination for the gaps in cultures and the bridges that span them ever since. She has been many things—-web database architect, product manager, technical writer and massage therapist—-but is currently a full-time parent, artist, writer and anthropologist to aliens, both human and otherwise.

Her fiction has variously been recommended for a Nebula, a finalist for the Spectrum, placed on the secondary Tiptree reading list and chosen for two best-of anthologies; her art has appeared in RPGs, magazines and on book covers.

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Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews
Profile Image for erforscherin.
308 reviews6 followers
June 21, 2019
If you’ve followed the arc of Hogarth’s Peltedverse for the last few years, it’s easy to forget just how much has happened over that time. From the Dreamhealers series, to the Princes’ Game series, to the Earthrise series, to the recent standalone Girl on Fire, this has grown into a wonderfully sprawling space opera, filled with vibrant characters, multi-layered plots, and Hogarth’s trademark hopefulness.

This Jublilee Summer duology is two things at once: both a capstone for the long-term fans, nicely tying up leftover plot threads from prior books; and a kind of pause for re-centering, as we get the first glimpses of the next challenges facing the Alliance. It’s a tricky balance, but I really admire how well it’s been pulled off here: even though it’s been a few years since I last read some of the earlier books in this arc, I never felt lost, and I definitely look forward to seeing what comes next!

On a personal note, I continue to love the interplay between the characters, and the overall messages of optimism, hopefulness, and personal change: there are so many little snippets here that drive home how much Vasiht’h and Jahir and Sediryl’s personalities not only have been changed by their experiences, but have emerged better and stronger for it. These books have been my good companions over the last few pain-filled, sleep-deprived days of surgery, hospitals, and late-night breastpumping sessions, and these were exactly the messages I needed to hear.
126 reviews19 followers
May 3, 2019
I have little to add to my thoughts about this duology beyond what I said about the last book, as this one feels really more like the second half of a single story. There are satisfying character moments including a main character dealing with infertility and deciding to turn to technology to conceive children in an artificial womb which was nice as Hogarth's body of work has so far placed heavy emphasis on natural pregnancies, some interesting reveals about the Eldritch and their powers that follow up on threads from the Earthrise trilogy and will surely have consequences down the line, and some closure for long-running character arcs like Jahir learning to take care of himself. If I had a dislike, beyond the conflict between Sediryl and Bethsaida that still feels forced, strains credulity as to how Beth was ever the heir in the first place, and begs for some interiority from Beth to see how she got from someone who could be heir to the present, it's that there wasn't enough screen time for some of my favorite characters, like Vasiht'h, Valthiel, and Reese. Because of my investment in the characters, I'm sure I'll keep reading even if, as I expect, I continue to have mixed feelings about the directions the plot takes from here.
Profile Image for Dr susan.
2,730 reviews42 followers
February 14, 2023
Excellent, character-driven sci fi adventure

The worldbuilding in Hogarth's Pelted Universe is fantastic. I admit I enjoy the gentler stories the most, and Farmer's Crown is mostly in that category. The character interactions are fantastic, especially Bran who is sublimely hilarious. I am thoroughly enjoying these stories.
Profile Image for Pamela Lloyd.
Author 2 books35 followers
March 17, 2019
A Delicious Read

The second in a duology, this book more than delivers on the promise of the first. Sediryl and Jahir, along with Vasiht’h, Lisinthir, and the Queen Ransomed, must face political peril, in the form of Bethsaida, whom Sediryl replaces as heir to the Eldritch throne. There is so much love and laughter in the book that it's hard to remember that there is also pain, danger, and loss. Also, this book introduced me to the Guardkin, wolfish beings who bond is unexpected and delightful. I laughed, over and over again with delight, as their every observation was all too apt.
Profile Image for Megan.
583 reviews85 followers
September 5, 2019
Our assortment of attractive, kind and wonderful characters continue being attractive, kind and wonderful. People attempt to embarrass Linisthir and he demolishes them with but a single raised brow. The Dragon Queen gazes at everyone her eyes-- so large! so expressive!-- and reminds them of the beauty and kindness in all things. Sediryl continues to angst over whether she is allowed to enjoy having thousands of people cheer name, and Jahir continues to read everyone's mind but everyone doesn't seem to mind.

But don't let my teasing fool you, I enjoyed this book very much. It feels like Hogarth is really leaning into the slice-of-life aspect of her writing, and I'm here for it. Her prose is as lovely as ever, and there are hints of more plotty happenings on the horizon. I do hope we get back to the Emperor soon.

Profile Image for E.
311 reviews
March 11, 2019
Really pleasing end to the first arc of the Peltedverse books (concluding the plot threads of Her Instruments, the Dreamhealers, and The Princes' Game). Nice character moments, some good political machinations, many loose threads tied up, and some others dangled which I understand will be continued in more books to come after a time skip in the setting. Enjoyed this enormously, but you pretty much have to read all the other books in the setting (which is no hardship, they're good) before coming to this.
Profile Image for Jan Marshall.
Author 3 books1 follower
April 8, 2020
Ability to love defines the series

Sigh, as I reach the end. They are my family too, by now and I don’t want to see them go. The strength of the love and the acceptance and active honouring of difference have born me up and kept me reading beyond the difficult and dark times of this, and previous series. They takes us beyond the romantic ideal of just one isolated partner, that we humans know, to a more generous love of many, varied and with unconstrained boundaries. Oh what a joy! Oh I wish it were our world.
17 reviews3 followers
March 9, 2019
I cannot review this book.

I cannot review this book. My superlatives generator circuit has blown all its fuses. Wow! A superb story that generated many tears of laughter, poignancy and happiness. Good food, AI, unicorns, monsters, children, celebrations, political intrigue, love, kindness, malevolence, dogs, dancing on the ground and in the air -- it's all there and masterfully crafted. Every time I think that there's no way Maggie can top this, she does. Don't miss!
152 reviews
March 9, 2020
I actually enjoyed some of the politicking in this book. Nice way to finish off these couple of books in this universe. You have to read the first one but mostly you can read everything else in the series out of water. The characters are wonderful. Some of these books make me cry and laugh and they’re just awesome!
Profile Image for Catherine Perkins.
279 reviews5 followers
August 31, 2021
A New Nation

All of the trials and tribulations that all of the main characters have gone through have started them on their separate paths to shape nations. Community, intrigue, revelations & lots of love in this novel. One day I will catch up with the Author & be sad to have to wait for the next installment.
36 reviews
December 30, 2021
This is based on event leading up to Sediryl's crowning as heir apparent to the throne. Along the way there is self discovery, love, intrigue, politics and family dramas. Sediryl finds out she is functionally impotent and the only cure is to use the Alliance's technology. I think to make sense of this book, you will have to have read the preceding ones
Profile Image for Marie.
102 reviews
June 17, 2020
What a lovely read!

I like that this book was a bit longer. There was plenty of detail and thought. Everything flowed very well and the story was intriguing. I don't think I'll ever tire of reading of these characters and the Pelted Universe. Thank you, Ms Hogarth.
Profile Image for Alayne.
1,997 reviews5 followers
September 17, 2020
Sequel to Healer's Wedding and taking place in the month after that event, this is another fantastic book from Hogarth. Still some mysteries from not having read the Chatcaavan war books, but they didn't detract from the story here. Very enjoyable.
9 reviews
May 6, 2022
Huge joy to read this culmination of years of in-universe character development! Incredibly well set up and planned! MCA Hogarth's mastery over her universe increases with every book added. What a true delight and pleasure to read the Jubilee Summer Duology.
Profile Image for Cynthia Cyan.
27 reviews
March 8, 2019

This is the payoff for 14 other books. As well as the set up for at least 14 more.
It is perfect.
311 reviews
November 30, 2022
Fills in the gaps

This novel explores the investors of Sediryl and the babes. Beth is a threat and has ensnared A.her in her wiles and her plan.
Profile Image for Simone S. .
19 reviews
June 21, 2020
I love the author and her writing style but I have gripes

I find the Eldritch incredibly boring. And I didn't realize it with the Her Instruments books because they contained a cast of characters with diverse personalities who had no problem calling out the racism and xenophobia of the Eldritch. But now we're stuck in the Eldritch world in these two novels and I had a hard time getting through the books. I made it to the end but all this 'white skin' and 'don't touch me, I'm white' and the focus on them being inferior in every way, shape, and form but somehow having such high superiority complexes with their old fashioned everything...and I'm supposed to feel sorry for these people??? The only Eldritch I like is Hirianthial, Lisinthir, Val, and possibly Surela when her books are finished. The Eldritch are dry jerks to be honest. Sediryl and Jahir are just boring!! No flavor whatsoever. If Lisinthir's books weren't so graphic, I would definitely read them because he is so much more likeable. I guess I keep comparing these books to the adventurous and daring Her Instruments books and I feel super disappointed. Saving the Eldritch would be the very last thing I'd want to do in life. I'm just not interested. Hopefully Surela's books have way more adventure and by goddess and lord, I hope she doesn't fall in love with an Eldritch.
4,167 reviews28 followers
November 30, 2022
I loved most of it. I wish the Beth and Amber storylines could have been resolved. Somehow I can handle the ominous foreshadowing about things off world better than the hard to pin down snake in the grass at home. Still there is a LOT to love in this book. We see most of our favourite characters from the previous books, and our main characters make great strides in this one.
Displaying 1 - 18 of 18 reviews

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