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Hellblazer #13

Hellblazer: Haunted

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Learning of the murder of a love from his past, cynical mystic John Constantine descends into London's underworld to uncover the circumstances of her death and catch her mysterious killer. Embarking on a journey that leaves him beaten and battered, Constantine is forced to relive his ex-lover's miserable fall from grace and her brutal murder. Pushed to his physical and emotional limits, the Hellblazer confronts the sadistic murderer and psychotic magician Josh Wright and makes him pay for all of his sins and a few extra for good measure.

Collects issues 134-139.

144 pages, Paperback

First published January 31, 2003

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About the author

Warren Ellis

1,895 books5,744 followers
Warren Ellis is the award-winning writer of graphic novels like TRANSMETROPOLITAN, FELL, MINISTRY OF SPACE and PLANETARY, and the author of the NYT-bestselling GUN MACHINE and the “underground classic” novel CROOKED LITTLE VEIN, as well as the digital short-story single DEAD PIG COLLECTOR. His newest book is the novella NORMAL, from FSG Originals, listed as one of Amazon’s Best 100 Books Of 2016.

The movie RED is based on his graphic novel of the same name, its sequel having been released in summer 2013. IRON MAN 3 is based on his Marvel Comics graphic novel IRON MAN: EXTREMIS. He is currently developing his graphic novel sequence with Jason Howard, TREES, for television, in concert with HardySonBaker and NBCU, and continues to work as a screenwriter and producer in film and television, represented by Angela Cheng Caplan and Cheng Caplan Company. He is the creator, writer and co-producer of the Netflix series CASTLEVANIA, recently renewed for its third season, and of the recently-announced Netflix series HEAVEN’S FOREST.

He’s written extensively for VICE, WIRED UK and Reuters on technological and cultural matters, and given keynote speeches and lectures at events like dConstruct, ThingsCon, Improving Reality, SxSW, How The Light Gets In, Haunted Machines and Cognitive Cities.

Warren Ellis has recently developed and curated the revival of the Wildstorm creative library for DC Entertainment with the series THE WILD STORM, and is currently working on the serialising of new graphic novel works TREES: THREE FATES and INJECTION at Image Comics, and the serialised graphic novel THE BATMAN’S GRAVE for DC Comics, while working as a Consulting Producer on another television series.

A documentary about his work, CAPTURED GHOSTS, was released in 2012.

Recognitions include the NUIG Literary and Debating Society’s President’s Medal for service to freedom of speech, the EAGLE AWARDS Roll Of Honour for lifetime achievement in the field of comics & graphic novels, the Grand Prix de l’Imaginaire 2010, the Sidewise Award for Alternate History and the International Horror Guild Award for illustrated narrative. He is a Patron of Humanists UK. He holds an honorary doctorate from the University of Essex.

Warren Ellis lives outside London, on the south-east coast of England, in case he needs to make a quick getaway.

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Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 26 books150 followers
March 13, 2016
Ellis takes over, and he offers us a very different sort of Hellblazer: it's deeply personal, not about any great crises; and it's very human, not about demons and faeries. It's also much more decompressed than the Jenkins run, going 6 issues for a small story.

The focus on character works well, as we really get to appreciate Constantine at his best and worst. Constantine's inner dialogues are often written at length, and they feel very true to the character. As for that story: it's grotesque at time, but it's also got just the slightest tinge of fanciful magic, with Isabel's ghost and Map in the Underground. Overall, it's a nice new direction for the comic.
Profile Image for Quentin Wallace.
Author 34 books177 followers
July 25, 2016
Warren Ellis presents a more traditional style Hellblazer story.

In this one Constantine's ex girlfriend is sacrificed in a horrible manner, and John is out for revenge. It was pretty nice to read a straight forward revenge story after a lot of metaphysical type stories in prior volumes.

Overall a good read with decent art. Curious to see where else Ellis takes the series.
Profile Image for Mike Cruden.
63 reviews1 follower
October 22, 2014
This is the first collection of Warren Ellis' run of Hellblazer stories, and if ever a series and a writer were made for each other, this is it. The story concerns the brutal, sadistic murder of one of Constantine's past loves, and no detail is spared in the graphic description of this murder, and Constantine's ensuing quest for vengeance, which results in his suffering quite a beating from some thugs. Part of the horror in this book is from the details of the story itself, but much of it also comes from the utter degradation of London itself, which Ellis depicts almost as another version of hell, a complete wasteland, which, if you knew where to look, could be said of every major city.
The reason I haven't given this book a higher rating is the artwork, which is an important part of the package with a graphic novel. John Higgins' art is competent enough, and is carries the story well, but there's nothing particularly exciting about it, and in fact I find it too cartoony and not realistic enough to enhance this series, which has a very "streets" feel to it. Very worthy of particular mention are the covers to the individual comics by Tim Bradstreet, which are excellent and do convey the grittiness mentioned above.

This graphic novel and others like it plus individual Hellblazer comics are available from http://internet-comics.ebid.net
Profile Image for MissKitty.
1,670 reviews
July 25, 2023
This one is notable because its the one where the Hero has an epiphany that he is the stupid one 😂

I had already thought as much, since the villain got the better of him not once but twice in as many days!

“He had told the truth when he said that Mimosa’s eyes haunted him and he had seen them everywhere he looked.

He saw that worried frightened expression that made her incredibly beautiful and yet at the same time he could describe her as an untidy ill-dressed child, who was ignorant of all the attributes that he thought were essential in his wife.

But, as soon as he saw her at Carlton House, he had been aware of his own stupidity, almost as if it was written in letters of fire above her head.

He had been stunned by her beauty, which he knew outshone that of every other woman in the room. And he knew that the indescribable chic with which she was dressed was entirely different from that of any young girl he had ever seen or imagined.

It was then that he was suddenly furious that he, who prided himself on being perceptive and on seeing beneath the surface what any man or woman was actually like rather than what they pretended to be, had been so obtuse.”

Excerpt From
Barbara Cartland
This material may be protected by copyright.

Yes, he is an arrogant self indulgent snob! I do wonder if these gems that are revealed in Dame Cartland’s books reflect her own views or if she is having a laugh at us, or on someone she knows 😂
Profile Image for Bayandur.
61 reviews35 followers
October 2, 2012
John Constantine, con-man and magician, finds out his ex-girlfriend from seven years ago has been killed. He calls in some favors from friends - to find the murderer and give 'im hell.

Now it's the first book of Hellblazer written by Warren Ellis. And the first Ellis piece I've ever read too.

Ellis' Hellblazer is a lot darker than that of Garth Ennis, and that of Delano, and even that of Moore. But... I might be a bit skeptical at first, reading a new author when you think you know all the good ones, Ellis is mesmerizing. His imagery borders with that of magical realism - Gabriel Garcia Marquez kind of stuff. John Constantine is a lot more into magic right now (though his treatment of Aleister Crowley brought in my old scorn for authors, like "read a couple of books and you fancy yourself experts on magic and Crowley, don't you").

The only reason I didn't give this book full 5 stars is that the John Constantine bloke has become a bit of a cardboard character now; though there were moments in Isabelle's diary (woefully little of them in the book) that really touched me. Maybe I've been hooked on Neil Gaiman's "Sandman" for too long, but I like the way Gaiman enriches the plot with side-stories and sentimental stuff.

And the reasons I didn't give the book three stars - the near-perfect portrayal of Isabelle's character in her writing style and John Constantine's Monologue on London Bridge.
Profile Image for 47Time.
2,993 reviews91 followers
November 29, 2017
The image of London in this story is of a dreadful, bleak place where some people die easily and are forgotten instantly. John seems to have the ability to see people's darkest sins and he takes advantage of that information to force them to help him. He can also send a psychic message to someone far away and apply inventive psychological torture to his enemies. Basically, this seems to be John 2.0, but it's a welcome addition to an already cool character.

John reads in the newspaper about the death of one of his old girlfriends named Isabel. He finds more details from an inspector that owes him: the girl was mutilated before death, then raped. She also lost the child she was preagnant with. John is determined, even obsessed, to find the culprit.

Profile Image for Karl Whitney.
28 reviews9 followers
March 28, 2016
John Constantine is one of the more unique comic book characters. An anti-hero in every sense of the word. No super powers to speak of Constantine is a foul, and foul-mouthed, chain-smoking part wizard, part detective, part demonologist. His is a world lower than the most seedy underbelly. He's a man who has seen the kind of death, sorrow, and evil that would drive the average man insane, and perhaps has already done so to Constantine.

This Warren Ellis tale tells of an old lover named Isabelle who is horribly murdered. John investigates to find that his old friend had died as a cheap prostitute barely living on the fringes of society. John eventually finds out she came under the domination of a rival mage who did unspeakable things to her before killing her. Reluctantly John needs help and calls upon a couple of old friends. The ending...well, to say the ending was one of the more disturbing things I've ever read or seen in a comic would be understating it. It's not pretty, but then that is Constantine's world

Profile Image for Joe Kucharski.
253 reviews8 followers
January 11, 2016
HAUNTED is a particularly dark and violent tale, even for HELLBLAZER. An ex-flame of John Constantine’s is found murdered, spectacularly mind you, and, suspecting magic was involved, John goes on a rampage to find her killer in order to bring peace to her ghost. In typical Constantine fashion, John’s retribution is turned back on him in a most physical way as he burns yet another bridge or two while coercing the assists he requires.

John Higgins remains as the artist on this arc, and whereas his art for the previous storyline, SON OF MAN, had a cartoony, even comical, feel to it, his style has refined for this outing. Higgins’ crisp, thin ink work brings out a great indie style that is also all together British.

Warren Ellis’ script, however, is unnecessarily padded and unequally unnecessarily graphic. Gore, horror and over-ripe descriptions are par for the course in this title, but Ellis’ shocking violence and blatant hatred of women and children is both crude and lazy. I remember reading this story during its monthly publication run back in early 1999 and finding the tale to be one of the better ones leading up to Brian Azzarello’s run. While the plot and the machinations of the story workings themselves indeed make for a great Constantine read, and now re-read in collected form, the over-the-top violence comes across as gratuitous.

Ellis, however, does capture one of the more rounded Constantine voices, making this rogue the perfect London haunt.
Profile Image for Aaron.
813 reviews12 followers
March 4, 2008
Excellent distillation of John Constantine. Ellis gets this character, but I took one star off for the crummy art.
Profile Image for Taylor.
113 reviews3 followers
May 13, 2009
This is my favorite Hellblazer story arc...maybe it's just because I really like Warren Ellis...
Profile Image for Adam Stone.
1,837 reviews26 followers
September 16, 2023
After Brian Azzarello's crass misunderstanding of how to write Hellblazer comics, and Mike Carey's over-the-top apocalyptic epic, Warren Ellis takes the reader on a quieter, more personal Hellblazer where John Constantine, a few players that we've seen in Carey's run, and Chas (of course), all consult each other and reminisce while tracking down *checks the Writing Hellblazer For Dummies book* ex-girlfriend who died horribly because of her connection to magic.

Ellis throws just the right amount of meta into this story, with Constantine's conversations with old friends usually involving them letting him know that he's played out variations of this same story for years. There are even two perfectly timed panels where Constantine breaks the fourth wall just a smidge by looking at the camera, and smiling.

I don't remember Constantine smiling at all. It's delightfully creepy.

This is a must=read if you love the Hellblazer books. I have my fingers crossed that the rest of Ellils's run lives up to what he's done here.

TW: He does the thing that all 90s writers seem to want to do where he has villains be racist and get their come-uppance (hooray) but first you have to get through their problematic language (booo). Unlike, say Azzarello, though, Ellis at least restricts the shock language to one panel as opposed to spreading it across his entire run of comics.
Profile Image for Guilherme Smee.
Author 26 books155 followers
November 1, 2018
Às vezes eu fico desconfiado que, quando não está mexendo com Super-Heróis mesmo, se Warren Ellis consegue desenvolver histórias longas. Não existe dúvidas que Ellis se vira muito bem com histórias cultas. Magistralmente bem. Mas grandes arcos, como esse, da Mulher Escarlate, deixam a desejar. Ou talvez eu que tenha esperado demais dele num personagem que é a sua cara: John Constantine. O melhor desse arco é a inclusão de Map, o deus do metrô londrino e como ele é desenvolvido. No mais é um desfile de gore e escatologias em estilo Bukowski para chocar o leitor, como um bebê abandonado em meio às fezes da cracolândia. Constantine está tentando resgatar um espírito de sua amada, que está preso neste plano, porque foi transformada na Mulher Escarlate, o mito da "puta primordial", segundo Alesteir Crowley. Poderia ser uma baita história. Mas que não é, não é. E então se segue, neste encadernado, uma historinha curtinha, sobre um quartinho em que as pessoas enlouquecem e se matam, porque um homem não quer sair de lá. Aqui sim, Ellis manda ver. Bota pra fornicar mesmo! Essa é uma ótima história. Por isso essa minha teoria de que ele acaba mandando melhor nas curtas do que nas longas.
1,738 reviews3 followers
August 20, 2018
This volume brings with it the slight paranoia of Ellis along with the asides. It is different layouts than previous volumes. This one has a bunch of repeats towards the end. And some of the melancholy and nostalgic stories feel like filler. The newness of the layouts add a cinematic feel to the stories and also serve to separate us from John a bit. Not sure if it adds to the loneliness that seems to be coming from the sad fucker but there is something about this style that gives a new twist to this character.

It is Ellis writing. So, there is humour and words. Funny, thought there might be more wordiness but it didn't come to pass.
Profile Image for Misbah.
1,230 reviews8 followers
March 12, 2018
Sheesh that was gory. Having only seen the movie prior to reading this, I was definitely NOT ready for the amount of blood and snot in this very graphic graphic novel.

Constantine learns that an ex girlfriend has recently been brutally murdered and suspects that the murderer is a fellow magician. He gets help locating the bad guy and tortures him.

I'm not used to reading graphic novels outside of the Marvel/DC verses but despite the dark subject matter I am definitely intrigued.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Pritesh Patil.
Author 3 books14 followers
May 23, 2017
"I've seen Hell blaze through these streets."

There are few “Hellblazer” stories that end with anything remotely resembling a “feel good” ending, and yet that’s just the sort of feeling that “Haunted” evoked, even if the happy ending still involved a murdered innocent woman.

Profile Image for Jay.
277 reviews6 followers
October 24, 2018
Constantine on the revenge warpath. I love it!
Profile Image for Jiro Dreams of Suchy.
786 reviews1 follower
March 3, 2023
S’what Magic’s for, innit? Fucking people, one way or the other

They always expect the monster and it’s always just some bloke.
Profile Image for Sarah.
5 reviews
July 26, 2019
This is a great book. Effective writing skills. Just love it
Profile Image for Krzysztof Grabowski.
1,586 reviews6 followers
February 23, 2022
Mój kolejny Constantine w ciągu ostatnich tygodni i tom, który nie odstaje wysokim poziomem od poprzednich, mimo kontrowersji jakie ostatnio pojawiły się wokół autora.

Znaczna część tego zbioru zajmuje przede wszystkich jedna historia. Znajoma Johna zostaje brutalnie, wręcz bestialsko zamordowana. Mimo, że magik widział ją ostatni raz bardzo dawno temu, to postanawia zaangażować się w sprawę. Warren mimo, że wtłącza sporą dozę okultyzmu, to wraca na stare tory ku realizmowi, bowiem w szóstym tomie nie uświadczymy wielu ponad naturalnych wydarzeń. Mimo to nie będzie na co narzekać.

Tak też mimo, że to opowieść, która prowadzi Constantine'a na trop kochanka ofiary, który robi sobie z niej coś w rodzaju świętej do gwałtu, to opowieść snuta przez Johna, jako narratora, skupia się w głównie na Londynie, jako miejscu-katalizatorze. To miasto jest tu brudne, straszne, niebezpieczne. John jest tylko trybikiem, który wie jak podchodzić do tematu. Smutna opowieść, ale z relatywnie szczęśliwym zakończeniem.

Potem mamy kilka opowiadań, luźno że sobą powiązanych. Mamy pewien niepokojący pokój, gdzie morderca dokonywał już od lat swoich haniebnych czynów. Takie coś musi odcisnąć miejsce na tym... Miejscu? Jest też "oda" do byłych Constantine'a czy spowiedź pewnego zbrodniarza wojennego. Mamy też w końcu kołyskę, która ma więzić w sobie nie-martwy płód samego Antychrysta.

Mamy też dosyć słynny one-shot, który sprawił, że Ellis zakończył współpracę z DC, bo wydawnictwo nie chciało go wydać, zwłaszcza że w między czasie doszło do maskary w jednej z amerykańskich szkół. Jak łatwo się domyślić, tematyka tej historii jest powiązana z zabójstwami w placówkach wychowawczych, dokonanymi przez dzieci. Mocny temat, aktualny. Pozostawiający rany, ale też pozwalający trzeźwo patrzeć na to co się dzieje.

Ellis niczym nie ustępuje Ennisowi jeżeli chodzi o makabrę, choć trzeba przyznać że wirtuozeria tego drugiego autora robi większe wrażenie, być może też z faktu, że Garth dłużej pracował nad marką. Niemniej mimo swojego krótkiego występu autor odcisnął swoje piętno na postaci, równie ważne, jak te innych autorów.

PS. Jeżeli chodzi o kreskę to miałem zastrzeżenie tylko w jednym zeszytów, bo sporo odstaje od reszty. Ale okładki wynagradzają to uchybienie. Są boskie.
Profile Image for Karen-Leigh.
2,368 reviews16 followers
May 4, 2023
After serving with distinction in his Regiment with the Duke of Wellington, civilian life bores the handsome Marquis of Heroncourt and he fills his time with empty affaires de coeur that bore him even more. But when his demure, humbly-dressed but beautiful young neighbour Lady Mimosa Field arrives unannounced at his ancestral home, Heron Hall, to beg for his help, he is instantly intrigued. Mimosa's villainous cousin, Norton Field, is plotting to murder her young brother, Jimmy, in order to inherit the title of the Earl of Petersfield and his valuable estate. Girded by the challenge, the Marquis takes Mimosa and Jimmy under his wing and soon has a strategy to defeat this dastardly enemy. And, as he wins the day, he also wins Mimosa's heart. Captivated though he is by her beauty, he feels that this naive country bumpkin can never be a bride for a dashing war hero at the apex of the Social world and who counts the Prince Regent amongst his close friends. Mimosa is desolate as she has now realises that she has fallen in love with the Marquis. 'He came into my life like a meteor, ' she thinks, 'and now he has vanished and I am all alone and exactly as I was before - '. But then an unmistakeable figure beckons from the darkness in the garden below her window -"
884 reviews
February 12, 2016
5-osaline lugu Constantine'i ammusest girlfriendist, kes mõrvatakse julmal moel ja Constantine tunneb äkitselt oma kohuseks välja selgitada kes seda tegi. Jäljed viivad miski Crowley't kopeerivale maagihakatisele. Muuhulgas pekstakse Constantine julmalt läbi ja lõpplahendus on samuti erandkorras üpriski julm - maagil kangutatakse lõuad lahti, topitakse need kanget LSD'd täis ja ta suletakse sellesama surnud girlfriendi laibaga ühte surnukuuri kappi. Esimest korda ilmub välja Londoni metrood ja maa-alust võrgustikku peensusteni tundev Map, kes lahendab temale samuti sappa ilmunud samade peksjatega lood päris kiiresti ja võikalt vägivaldselt. Vägivalda oli üldse keskmisest rohkem, deemoneid ja üleloomulikke elajaid aga üldse mitte. Eks see stsenarist Ellise süü ole, kes aga sellega ühtlasi oma lühikeseks jäänud Constantine'i-kirjutaja karjääri ka lõpetas. Või noh, 4 eraldiseisvat lugu on veel, ilmunud kogumikuna "Setting Sun" nime all.
Profile Image for Jaimie.
1,645 reviews21 followers
December 22, 2012
As much as Constantine claims that London is haunted by the ghosts of murders past, it's also haunted by the living. The murderers, schemers, and the corrut are the spooks in the night even more than the supernatural because their existence can't be denied and wished away. Even Constantine is one of the haunts because of how he affects the city; not in a large way, but in the lives of those he touches he causes and change and becomes their living ghost until the time when they die and they in turn become his.
Profile Image for Astrid Terese.
756 reviews26 followers
January 10, 2023
John Constantine er hovedperson i tegneserien Hellblazer, men gjør også gjesteopptredener i andre forfatteres arbeid. Han er best beskrevet som en okkult detektiv og anti-helt. Han er opptatt av at den vanlige mann skal ha rett på et vanlig liv, og han håper dette inkluderer ham selv. Men der kommer til stadighet magi, demoner og mord i veien. Constantine opptrer i tegneserier utgitt av DC Comics, for det meste under forlaget Vertigo.
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