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From USA Today Bestselling Author Ella James, A Standalone Forbidden Romance with a throw your kindle twist.

"A sexy, emotional escape—Covet is your next must-read!" Laurelin Paige, NYTimes Bestselling Author

"A friends to lovers romance set in a land of isolated beauty. An epic love story that broke my heart and sewed it back together again." My One-Click Addiction

Homer Carnegie. Admit it—you know my name. Your kid’s got my e-trading card. Your husband sits up straighter when I stroll onto the TV screen. He knows I’m going to crack the bat and save the day. Even your grandma’s jonesing for my autograph. But women my age? They’re the worst. Or would that be the best?

It’s not my fault they line up at the door. They catch my balls all right, two at a time sometimes. Believe me, everybody wins.

At least they did—until the video. I heard TMZ paid a million for a bird’s eye view of Homer on his A-game. The only folks who didn’t watch with eager eyes? Red Sox management. They want me benched, or worse, shipped off to rehab.

It’s a long story, what happens next. How I end up on a boat, bound for the world’s most remote island: Tristan da Cunha. Just a speck of dust in the Atlantic.

Except my heart is there.
I don’t know that when I step onto the boat.
I don’t know a lot of things.
What I’ll covet…
What I’ll lose…

511 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 23, 2019

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About the author

Ella James

82 books5,700 followers
Ella James is the USA Today + Amazon Top 10 bestselling author of more than twenty books. Ella lives in Colorado with her husband and three kids. When she's not writing, you can find her in the foothills.

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Profile Image for Bex (Beckie Bookworm).
2,252 reviews1,498 followers
December 13, 2020
Covet Teaser 1


So I feel like Ive been waiting for this story like forever and let me tell you it was definitely worth the long wait.
This was so much more than what I was expecting and I'm going to try and articulate my thoughts and impressions here without giving anything away so you get to experience this as I did blind.

So brief run through here this starts with Finley and her parents and the events that traumatised a little girl of seven on her birthday all those years ago.
The conclusion of this event was witnessed by a young Declan on the island with his father and the young boy never forgot the little girl and the look in her eyes as she was finally brought home to safety after her terrible ordeal
Fast-forward a few years and a grown-up Declan needs space, somewhere to recover out of the spotlight and away from his baseball career that at this moment in time is hanging somewhat because of Declan's enslavement to his own personal demons.
Declan's family are patrons to Tristan da Cunha almost becoming honoured guests over the years so this remote island secluded and off the grid is the ideal place for Declan to lie low and recover.
This island I was fascinated to realise is actually a real place and this to me made this all the more of an interesting and real story to experience.


Enter Finley, prickly and tad oversensitive especially at first in regards to the resident red sox all-star and after the first encounter between these two is such a bust Declan is then playing catch up trying to win Finley around to his corner.
Now it's here that I thought I had Covet's number: I'm thinking romantic but funny enemies to lovers type scenario with maybe some sinful secrets to impart: but what I got was so much more.

Covet deals with some harrowing and realistic scenes of addiction and withdrawal and it doesn't gloss over this showing everything in all its unapologetic glory.
This gave us a window into the repercussions of dependence and its potential aftermaths.
We got to see Declan in such a stripped-back situation and this really showcased his vulnerabilities and internal shame as Finley got to see maybe unintentionally beneath the persona and outward veneer he usually projects to those around him.

I think this is really how she manages to slip and burrow beneath his skin replacing and becoming his new drug of choice.
There is just something about Finley that soothes his inner angst calming him slightly and giving him a break from all the external noise he is currently experiencing.

I do have some understanding of these battles: not for myself but for a very close family member so I really liked that the author didn't sugar coat this heavy topic: Covet basically hangs it all out openly and I think this was what made this such a great story for me.
the scenes here were vividly intense and seemed to me, wholly authentic: they added a depth of feeling and emotion to the overall narrative that I was not actually expecting pushing this up to a whole new level of brilliance.

I felt so emotionally connected to both Finley and Declan and loved the slow burn pace that this took.
That first carnal scene between them was so hot and heavy that I could feel the sensual heat it projected, scorching me down to my very toes so great was the heat factor here: in fact, when this took off the intensity here was fiercely consuming.

There was so much here to recommend this twists and secrets from both sides that emerge out into the open, adventure and hardship it really was one hell of a read one that I really recommend highly.
It was a long read but one I enjoyed immensely and read in one complete sitting.
Covet definitely gets my seal of approval.
I voluntary reviewed a copy of Covet (Sinful Secrets, #3).
All opinions expressed are entirely my own.

Covet Teaser 2

Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm
Profile Image for Sunniva Dee.
Author 28 books2,145 followers
February 24, 2019
You know what? Ella James is a master storyteller; she transports you into a completely different world full of passion, characters so alive they pop off the pages, and the truest of loves. Eeep!! “Covet” is so gorgeous! Highly recommended.
February 24, 2019
This is one of the best books ever. Ella James delivers a beautiful story. It has all the feels. Tears, love, lots of 🔥🔥, shocks, twists and just everything! I didn't put it down. I read it in one read. Be prepared to be enthralled by Declan & Finley, you will not be disappointed. Thank you Ella James for letting us experience such emotions through your books!! One-click now!
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,691 reviews54k followers
March 3, 2019
4.65 stars ( I only cut the points because it could be 50 or 70 pages less)
Great, unconventional,tormented, broken souls who are my favorite kind of characters! So emotional, gripping, mind twisting story! Sinful Secrets series are best books of Ella James! They’re real proof that this woman is real gifted writer! If you want to read from heart without romance books cliches and words touch directly to your heart, and meet to a real talented writer, go for this !
Profile Image for Jewel Ann.
Author 57 books9,296 followers
February 25, 2019
Ella James is a brilliant wordsmith. Covet is unexpectedly twisty, heartbreakingly emotional, and addictively sexy!
Profile Image for ✰ Bianca ✰ BJ's Book Blog ✰ .
2,245 reviews1,309 followers
February 25, 2019




Declan is a huge baseball star in Boston. But that's pretty much over now.
His team wants him to go to rehab - but he's not going to rehab - he's going on a cargo ship!
A ship who brings him to the very remote south atlantic island of Tristan da Cunha.

He's been there before as a kid. He's kind of royalty there. His dad donated so much money to the islanders. (For reasons!☺)

Enter Finley.
She's from the island.

Her parents died when she was only a little kid and since then she spent her life living and working for the island. She's currently the resident nurse-doc until the real doc comes back. Plus she's the island's best shepherd! And she's 'renting' out her late grandma's house for the island's celebrity visitor.

Finley and Declan don't exactly have the cutest of meet cutes (it was for us though!☺) and Finley kind of hates him after that. But of course she's also extremely attracted to the beautiful athlete!

Lots of problems and adventures and drama and heartbreak to survive until we can even think of getting a happy end!





Well, that was a huge book!

I'm not really a fan of too many words in books. I prefer dialogue-based, fast-paced stories. Too much describing the weather and landscape usually gets on my nerves real fast. BUT - this time it was fascinating! It was still way too long and there were still way too many words for my tastes, but I liked it anyway. I even googled the island - I wanted to see what it looks like down there! Really interesting!


The story.

It starts with this heartbreaking little prologue about how Finley loses her parents and then we fast forward twenty years to today and Declan arriving on the island.

It's so adorable to watch Finley and Declan together. They just rub each other the wrong way - or rather he's rubbing her the wrong way. She's way too sweet and nun-ish for his city-boy ways.

I love how she calls him The Carnegie. Too cute.

The whole atmosphere of the story was a bit sad or melancholy - it rains a lot. It's a tiny little island with not even 300 people living there. It's all so ... no idea what I mean. It felt a bit like going back in time. And with the islanders talking in that weird accent mix of all the british accents it was a bit like being in a 19th century scottish dramance! ☺

It was a great book with adorable moments, funny moments, really exciting and sexy and even suspensy moments and so many heartbreaking moments. I really enjoyed reading it, but I also had lots of problems with it.

If you're scared of spoilers - please stop reading now. I'm not really spoiling much - but a little bit!!!
I hate it when the hero or heroine in my books is ... how can I best say what I mean?? Leathally flawed? No. You know those romances where the girl had cancer and now all is good and she gets her HEA with the hot guy? Yeah - I HATE that! I don't want to be scared after finishing a book - I don't want to think about her cancer coming back in 4 years and bam! Dead! People have enough bad stuff in their private lives - romances should not add to that - they're supposed to take you out of your sometimes horrible life! Declan doesn't have cancer - it's addiction in this case - which is just as bad. I would've been okay with it if he only got addicted after a baseball injury and taking too many pain pills. But that's not the case. Not that he doesn't have a good reason for his addiction, but still. I hated that part very much! He'll never be really okay.

And as I mentioned before. The writing. The book is just way too long. Why didn't Ella's editor tell her to cut 100 pages? It would've made the story more interesting. Especially the cave time - way too long!

And then the accent. I can live with a british accent - of course! BUT! Finley talks so weird. Yes, she's not a tv-watcher, not a cell-phone-owner, it's all a bit back-in-time on that island. But she has such a very weird way of talking.

Another thing - just me being weird - I hate the word prior in books. It was never used much in recent years and these last months every author is mega overusing it. Just say earlier or before. I never heard that word used in conversation!

The cover! It's sooo pretty and sexy and I love the (non)colors. But it's so not the book. Not even a little bit. The book is a heartbreaking island drama ... no idea how the cover should look - maybe a girl running up a grassy hill in the rain with a lamb following her - and she's looking behind her - maybe trying to reach a guy's hand? LOL! No idea - but this is not a good cover for this story!

Another tiny little thing ... the religiousness of the book. People who read my reviews know I hate religion sooo much - and there was a lot of being religious in here. ☹

I'm putting the next bit in a spoiler thingy - DO NOT READ IT - it's for something towards the end of the book!!!!!

End of rant!

Even if it didn't sound like it - I really liked the story and most people in it. The last few chapters really made up for most of what I didn't love! And the lamb! Oy - she was adorable - I want one too!!!!!!!


I really wouldn't mind seeing this on Netflix one day!

COVET was such a beautiful & heartbreaking island-adventure-love-story-drama!!
Run to your nearest amazon for your own Declan - this one is MINE!!!


Smokin Hot Book Blog Email
Profile Image for  ✰  Charlie  ✰ Chisholm.
1,984 reviews22 followers
February 25, 2019
This is one long book, for me, I found it a little slow to start with but once it gets going I was really got into the story. I’m not going to go into details of the book as I don’t want to post any spoilers. Ella knows how to write a story that will grip you, have your emotions all over the place. She knows how to pull on your heartstrings, she does it beautifully with this book I really didn’t know what to expect when I opened to read.

I can’t put into words how much I enjoyed this book I loved Sloth and loved Murder and this one didn’t let me down either.

It is a roller coaster of emotions, Unique storyline for me anyway I haven’t read anything close to these great characters who you will fall for. A story that will keep you turning the pages wondering what is going happen.
Profile Image for R Rais.
1,440 reviews42 followers
February 23, 2019
To the all great God of words and amazing stories call books... Covet is that perfect angst romance with a Twist that just makes you want to throw your Kindle while crying and screaming your heart out... It's definitly must read!

Declan is perfect. Or that's how the world see him. But in that Burrow, Finnley see the true Declan.

Finnley is a sweet, shy, and hates him with no reason. But Declan slowly see what other people didn't see in her. A siren. A beautiful soul. Her touch that calm his storm. Her laugh that so innocent, captivated him. Her beuty that just understated. And her secret that would destroy them

A story of love so beautiful, plot Twist that just unexpected, intense fast pace story line that just makes you couldn't put it down.... Gaaaah Ella James... COVET IS PERFECT!
Profile Image for Myla.
634 reviews120 followers
February 26, 2019

Declan a sexy baseball star marooned to an island. Almost everyone is delighted to his visit where his family is a patron of the place. No one knew the real reason why he's there -- to get rid of something that has hunted him all his life.And he's curious to know what happened to the girl he vividly remembers when he first visited the island with his father more than a decade ago.
"I'm just a girl locked on an island..."
Though life has not been kind to her, having to witness what happened to her parents on her seventh birthday had a great impact that left her traumatized while growing up. But with the love and guidance of her Gammy(her mom's mother). Finley Evans grows up to be an independent, shy, gorgeous, and strong. She was the epitome of a simple girl with a beautiful soul.

The story of Declan and Finley is all-consuming! I like how it all begun when Declan met Finley, it wasn't instant love, as a matter of fact, they hate each other. And Finley tries to avoid Declan as much as possible. But Declan needs Finley, so he tries to get to her good side. I enjoy that witty banter between these two, really naively hilarious at times. And the intimate scenes are scorching. *fans self* Still, there are some secrets that are bound to be known as the story progress and that twist I didn't expect that I almost drop my kindle.

Covet is a heart-warming story that kept me hooked after a few pages of reading. I enjoyed this book so much that I read it all in one sitting. It's more than just a forbidden romance, if I may say so. It was articulately well written, characters are well developed and the plot is well thought of.

Of all the books I read from this author, I'm glad to say that this is one of her best work yet. Ella James latest release is really worth the wait. It's quite a long book, true, but if the story is this good the time I spent reading it is time well spent. Highly recommended.

*ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sentranced Jem.
1,148 reviews606 followers
February 23, 2019

Let us start with the obvious.. That Cover! Look at that cover! I think my eye balls nearly popped out. Lol!

Here's the thing, This is my first Ella James book and after reading the synopsis, I went into this with high expectations. I was looking forward to JUST a hot steamy romance read but I got a whole lot more.

Covet is a thick book! It's so long! (No pun intended)
Don't get me wrong..I have nothing against thick books..the longer the better (Geez...I swear... No pun intended lol!) but It does tick me off a bit when beautiful descriptive words end up feeling dragging.
I found myself skipping through paragraphs after paragraphs without a fear in the world with a confidence knowing that I was not going to be missing anything of significance. I loathe books that feel unnecessarily long just for the sake of writing a thick book.

This book is far from perfect and I think I would have enjoyed it more if it was perhaps edited a bit?

But having said that, I still feel that Covet was a beautiful book.

I think without me saying anything and just by looking at that cover, you MUST realise that the chemistry between Declan and Finley is HOT!
Covet is also surprisingly sweet and it has many adorable moments. But most of all, Covet felt like a journey of epic discovery and adventure.



Profile Image for Lisa (Two Bookish Brits).
811 reviews165 followers
February 25, 2019
Aw wow. This book was totally unexpected for me and I loved it so much.

ARC received in exchange for an honest review

The storyline in this book is different to what I’ve read from other books. It’s about old traditions and old ways and a stranger coming to land and ruffling up the place and turning all the heads.

Declan and Finley are a special kind of couple. Watching their relationship throughout this book has been my absolute favourite. She’s inexperienced but doesn’t mind asking questions. She’s intrigued by the handsome stranger and will do anything to help. He’s suffering from his sins from back home. He’s tired and hurting but can’t help but smile when she comes around. Both of them together are good, they’re good for each other and it’s been beautiful to see.

Also, I just want to put it out there that, that plot twist at the end had my damn heart breaking so....thanks for that woman.

When I seen the info for this book I knew I just had to have it, I’ve been a fan of Ella’s books for as long as I can remember. My love for her books started with Beast and hasn’t finished yet and Covet, that was just as amazing as her other books have been.

Ella James did an amazing job on this book. She brought her characters to life and made you feel exactly what they did and there’s nothing quite amazing as that. I simply can’t wait for what this author has in store for us next.

Profile Image for Julie.
2,003 reviews31 followers
February 26, 2019
Wow, what a story, I don’t know where to begin. I don’t won’t to spoil any of the highlights and there were many.
Declan is a baseball player and has decided to stay on the remote island Tristan da Cunha to sort out his life. Finley lives there and is the islands Dr., shepherdess and generally anything else she can help with, she’s sweet and kind and everyone likes her. Declan and Finley had met before long ago but this time their time together becomes much more intense and who knows what could happen - they would never have anticipated the catastrophe that followed.

Covert was well worth the wait. The story was brilliantly written and easy to read, I found my self captivated by the Island and the characters Declan and Finley, it was a hard book to put down. Loved ever page, a wonderful romance and I highly recommend it!
Profile Image for Rochelle ♡.
406 reviews293 followers
March 25, 2019

Covet went beyond my expectations. I assumed a passionate though romantic enemies to lovers, but this was so much more. Darker than anticipated, this emotionally raw and harrowing narrative will leave your heart bruised and aching for Declan and Finley as they navigate a relationship where addiction is inescapable. Depicted realistically and unapologetically, the repercussions of substance dependence is broadcasted in distressing matters, but the poise this author approaches the subject with is astounding.

I didn't know. I didn't know that loving him would ruin both of our lives. But if I had, I would have done it anyway.

Finley Evans isn’t a stranger to traumatic experiences. However, she’s grown up to become a caring nurturer; a gentle, self-reliant woman with an abundance of love to give. And despite her endearing shy quietness, she doesn’t hesitate to stand up against Declan. She’s, without doubt, the epitome of a simple woman with a glowing disposition that manages to calm Declan’s inner turmoil.

Haunted by devastating memories, hunted by an unavoidable past and self-destructive through substance abuse, Declan Carnegie is damaged. But the suffering and hurting he experiences is soothed by Finley’s delightful and inquisitive presence. While he doesn’t love himself as he should, he can’t stop himself from gravitating towards the woman who soothes his shattering soul.

Love is reckless, and the heart gets out ahead of the soul. Mine feels like an anchor dragging me down through the floor.

Despite the dominating melancholia of this story, there are tender and heartwarming moments, even humorous situations, that eases the angst. Finley and Declan’s relationship is slow burn, but the journey is enticing and riveting. And when they are finally together, it is carnal and primal; heated and intense, an all-consuming and sensually erotic forbidden connection that sends the heart soaring.

I wasn’t certain what to expect with this—it wasn’t an emotionally captivating, heart-wrenching narrative featuring a couple traversing the difficulties of addiction; learning that love, in all its raw formations is both conflicting but wonderfully fulfilling, an experience that simultaneously heals and hurts. Newly found author to me, Ella James wowed me with this difficult, but beautifully written romance. It captivated me straight away, keeping me invested throughout as Declan and Finley traversed the seeming impossibilities of having a relationship.

I'm choosing bliss for all the moments we can find it. When the game is over, no regrets. Even though I know I'm going to lose.

If you want a romance that will leave your heart aching; your emotions soaring; your mind reeling; a story that will pique your interest straight away; a forbidden attraction and gruelling situations, I recommend Covet. Prepare yourself as this journey doesn't hold anything back in emotions or in deliverance, as this author is an undeniably gifted wordsmith.

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Profile Image for Shabby  -BookBistroBlog.
1,684 reviews881 followers
February 25, 2019
I popped my Ella James cherry with this one and the setting itself stole my heart. Set in a beautiful remote island far away from the Madding Crowds, the characters are very earthy, pure and untarnished. Ella writes a compelling tale of love which is both salvaging and redmptive for both Homer and Fin.
Homer Carnegie the suave Red Sox star is on a voyage to escape from the world and find himself. His legacy drives him to their foundation foster island of Tristan Da Cunha
Of all the islands in the world, this one is the most remote— the most isolated patch of land where humans live.


He needs to vanish, erase his habits and rewrite his character. So he cuts down to basics and gets closer to nature.
This island has ties to his memories of a girl with stunning eyes who has occupied his thoughts since he was a kid,Finlay Evans. They end up working together and helping each other
Now there a couple of things here. The blurb caught me by the collar and I couldn't pass it by.
The cover is smoking hot too, but though not misleading, the cover has NOTHING to do with the story. The book itself is very very long. I love a good context and precis in the story but every tiny detail about landscape and space management gets a tad boring and ends up stretching the plot. I had to skip quite a few paragraphs which had inane details
The twist towards the end is so infuriating that I was almost ready to stop. The "sickness" is dealt with lot of stark matter-of-factness and truthfulness. It's a lifelong malaise and is treated as such.
The story itself is powerful and packs a punch, characters are endearing and relatable in their frail humanity. Poignant and raw it's a story about love enduring in sickness and in health
4 stars for The Sailor And The Siren
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Profile Image for Keri Loves Books.
1,245 reviews196 followers
February 25, 2019
An incredible story and a journey I never expected. This story took me completely by surprise and I absolutely loved it!!

Declan is a baseball superstar but also a hot mess. It’s time to get his life back on track. He’s headed to a remote island that is completely disconnected from the rest of the the world. He’ll stay for several months to clean up his act.

Finley has lived on the island her entire life. She’s the current “doctor” on the island because the actual doctor is on a leave of absence. She’s independent, a caregiver, loyal and never sits idle.

He’s lived a life of indulgence; she appreciates the simple life. Both carry baggage and pain. This is their story.

An emotionally charged love story with a connection that could not be denied. It was a slow burn that culminated into an uncontrolled blaze!!! So many secrets and a twist I never expected. The story is honest and beautiful with it’s pain. However, their love was life changing!
Profile Image for Bookshelf Productions.
401 reviews146 followers
February 26, 2019

This is the first book I’ve read by this author. Covet is book three in the Sinful Secrets Series but can be read as a complete standalone. This book started out a bit slow for me, but with the vivid imagery and great storyline, it didn’t take long to get into.

Our Hero and heroine weren’t without demons. Declan is a huge baseball star in Boston and he’s struggling with addiction. Needing to get away and regroup, he takes his timeout on the island of Tristan da Cunha. A remote island his father has helped thrive since Declan was little and is viewed by the occupants as a celebrity for different reasons. This island seems kind of like a time-warp when everything was simpler and full of kind, hard-working people.

Finley grew up with her mother telling her stories about a handsome, kind prince and rainbow fish. She witnessed a horrific event on her seventh birthday and has never fully recovered. Finley and Declan didn’t hit it off right away. But there was so much chemistry between the two I couldn’t wait for the implosion! And maybe they can help each other heal along the way.

I loved how the author showed the real struggle of addiction and it isn’t pretty. This book had it all. All the feels. All. Of. Them. And I didn’t want it to end.

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Profile Image for Sophie "Beware Of The Reader".
1,447 reviews381 followers
March 18, 2019
4,5 triggers stars

I completely had forgotten that I had asked for that book! As it had been delayed it popped up on my kindle quite as a surprise!
I recalled asking it not for its blurb but for the author's name.

I had read only one other book by Ella James (The Boy Next Door) but was truly taken into the story. She has the knack to bring you harsh and dramatic stories. The one you will read and suffer right alongside her characters, grinding your teeth as it is so painful for them and for you.


I won't say anything about the blurb because it is so deceiving!

Honestly what's in the synopsis does not come close to a tenth of what the book is about.
It's rather misleading than anything else because this is not a sportsromance with a baseball playboy star and an island fair maidden!

Well yes Declan "Homer" Carnegie is a baseball star playing for the Red Sox. And yes Finley is an island girl. But this is a million years from the real plot!

What I will write is that the book holds its secrets like russian dolls.
One secret hides another one which hides another one.
Some you'll guess pretty easily as the author is hinting quite loudly at them leaving snippets of dreams and memories here and there but others you will never guess and they will explode in your face!

You will also have two people really haunted by their respective traumatic pasts.
Finley had to survive a dramatic death in her young live leaving het marked for years. She is multi talented as many have to be on such isolated island. She is strongly resilient now and fierce in her feelings, being deeply loyal.
Yet she feels lonely. Transparant.

Declan also has lived traumatic events and has come to the island to get better. He will really have to fight a hard battle. Every instant. It is incredible how Ella James really put us in his head making us realize that some things are not simple to solve. That will is not always the master.
Declan was flawed and had made mistakes yet he was a victim and he was brave in spite of his weaknesses or maybe because of them.

I would like to say that Declan and Finley were like two peas in a pod or pot and kettle even if on the surface they were completely different.
One rich the other not.
One having travelled to the world the other knowing only her secluded island.
One used to the spotlight while the other lived in the shadows.
But when you digged below the surface they were just both traumatized souls harboring secrets.

Last parting words here: this book deals with a MAJOR trigger for me. One that has me running the other way and avoiding that topic like men avoid the mall on Christmas eve. I went in blind not knowing about it. And it was forunate because I would never have read this story and missed what has been a very intense, flawed and emotional story.

Recommend it? Yes.

Have you read it or any other book by Ella James? Have you read books with personal triggers?
Thanks for reading!

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Profile Image for Heather.
1,117 reviews13 followers
February 25, 2019
This was a book that I have been "Covet"ing (like what I did there?) for a really, really long time!! I absolutely LOVED it! This third installment of Elle James' Forbidden Romance series (personally I loved the "Sinful Secrets" series title better) was an absolutely thrilling, sexy, angsty, keep you on your toes read. Declan "Homer" Carnegie is the star baseball player in Boston, but he has secrets - boat loads of them. He travels to Tristan da Cunha to "clean" up his act and is reintroduced to Finley who he first met on the island when he was a small child after she had experienced a traumatic event. Fast forward 20 years when they meet again, and Finley is determined not to like Declan - calling him just "The Carnegie" - until they are trapped for several days after a rock slide. Both have some sinful secrets that come out through the book that will definitely keep you frantically flipping your kindle pages to the very end.

What can I say about this book? OOOMMMGGG I absolutely loved it! Sloth still holds the #1 spot for my all-time favorite book every, but Covet quickly has become my #2. I loved Declan and Finley together, and I started freaking out the closer to the end of the book - mostly because I didn't want it to be over and since the ending was absolutely killer! My heart was in my chest but not to worry - Finley and Declan get their HEA!
Read this book! You will not regret it!

I received an ARC for a completely honest review
Profile Image for Sheila'S Book Corner.
1,040 reviews79 followers
February 25, 2019
Sometimes it bothers me when the blurb is vague about a story but I love it because you don't expect certain things from the story.

This story, from the beginning made me keep turning pages and even when the book is long, it did not feel that way because you got into the book so you felt a part of the island.

Tristan made me feel like I was back in time with not much technology and a lot of time for yourself, to find happiness in little things that happen in every-day life.

Finley is a woman who lost more than her parents, she lost part of her life, her dreams and her willingness to get a better future. She is afraid everything will repeat and she will have nothing left.

Declan's life is upside-down, his dad told him there is only one place to get back in track. He remembers a little about Tristan when he gets there, everything is the same as he remembers, but he only cares for one thing.

Declan and Finley don't know their firt encounter is filled with secrets that will change their lives

When they are forced to spend some time together, both will share secrets that could make them close or tear them apart

"Life is never going to be perfect. So I choose the next best thing. I'm choosing perfect for a time. I'm choosing bliss for all the moments we can find it."

I hurt for both Declan and Finley, they are from two different worlds, that maybe in the "outside" world they wouldn't have found each other, but in Tristan, they made perfect sense. Finley was so strong for her and for Declan that needed her even when he didn't know how much he did.

I couldn't stop reading because it was surprise after surprise and I just needed to know what would happen. When I read The End it felt like a weight was lifted from my heart.
Profile Image for Jessica Lezama a.
472 reviews7 followers
February 24, 2019
Sometimes it bothers me when the blurb is vague about a story but I love it because you don't expect certain things from the story.

This story, from the beginning made me keep turning pages and even when the book is long, it did not feel that way because you got into the book so you felt a part of the island.

Tristan made me feel like I was back in time with not much technology and a lot of time for yourself, to find happiness in little things that happen in every-day life.

Finley is a woman who lost more than her parents, she lost part of her life, her dreams and her willingness to get a better future. She is afraid everything will repeat and she will have nothing left.

Declan's life is upside-down, his dad told him there is only one place to get back in track. He remembers a little about Tristan when he gets there, everything is the same as he remembers, but he only cares for one thing.

Declan and Finley don't know their firt encounter is filled with secrets that will change their lives

When they are forced to spend some time together, both will share secrets that could make them close or tear them apart

"Life is never going to be perfect. So I choose the next best thing. I'm choosing perfect for a time. I'm choosing bliss for all the moments we can find it."

I hurt for both Declan and Finley, they are from two different worlds, that maybe in the "outside" world they wouldn't have found each other, but in Tristan, they made perfect sense. Finley was so strong for her and for Declan that needed her even when he didn't know how much he did.

I couldn't stop reading because it was surprise after surprise and I just needed to know what would happen. When I read The End it felt like a weight was lifted from my heart.
Profile Image for Mary Helen.
260 reviews5 followers
February 24, 2019
You know the type of stories which plague your thoughts for a long time? Ella James gave it to us with Sloth and she’s done it again four years later. In that time she gave us several fabulous Off Limits stories such as Crown Jewels, which is where we first meet Declan, the heartbreaking protagonist of her newest release, Covet.

Ella James is a master at weaving an intricate tale and I’m always amazed at how she incorporates her details of her character’s lives into one amazing book. Covet takes place on Earth’s most remote inhabited island, Tristan da Cunha, where Finley was born and raised in a tiny community …. Finley is the embodiment of a girl who has grown up in isolation from the rest of the world.

Declan, a major baseball star, arrives in Tristan for some recovery time after a major injury. While his family has connections there, it’s Tristan’s remote location which lures him there to recover in peace.

Covet is an angsty slow burn of emotional passion and I truly couldn’t get enough of their story! Ella James delivered just what I love in a book – a thick tome of a tale, bountiful with events which keep me up all night reading. The romance of Declan and Finley is so well written, you will feel as though you are there on Tristan, watching them fall in love.

This book ripped at all my heartstrings, fired up my temper, and threw me into a puddle of tears only to leave me yearning for more. I absolutely loved Covet and know I’ll be thinking of this story for years to come.
Profile Image for Valeen Robertson (Live Thru Books Blog).
5,526 reviews201 followers
March 2, 2019

When Declan needs to get away from the mess he's made of his life, he heads to Tristan da Cunha, the island in the middle of nowhere where his family are patron saints practically. It was on this island he witnessed something that made an impact on him years ago, and he's never forgotten the special little girl involved in this incident.

Wow. That's the main word I was thinking as I read this rather long story, and it's the word still left in my mind when I finished. Covet is so not what I was expecting. It's a beautiful, painful story filled with secrets, unexpected revelations and love. It's also an unflinching look at addiction and an addict's life. So be forewarned if you have those triggers. This is not the first book I've read by Ella James, but it's definitely my favorite - Declan and Finley will long hold a place in my heart!

ARC via Candi Kane PR for an honest review.

Full review posted here ---> Live Through Books Blog.
Profile Image for Chris.
2,070 reviews
July 16, 2020
2.5 to 3 for me - this was just way too long and dramatic... enjoyable elements but I was flicking & skimming after a while
Profile Image for Carlene Inspired.
992 reviews271 followers
February 28, 2019
Find this review and others at Carlene Inspired.

I am a longtime Ella James fan and I've been patiently waiting for the Sinful Secrets novels to be continued, so you can probably picture my excitement when Covet finally got a release date. I absolutely went into it with high expectations and I think EJ hit it out of the park. Just like Sloth and Murder, the characters and the sin they must work through are difficult and EJ does a fantastic job of describing it all. You can feel the ache of temptation, the pangs of loneliness, and the desperation of addiction. Like the previous novels, Covet is a standalone told from the perspectives of two main characters, Declan "Homer" Carnegie and Finley Evans. The only difference, for me, was the cover. Yes, the man on the cover of this novel has an incredible body, but am I the only one who misses the aesthetic of Sloth and Murder? Just me? Ok, I won't speak of it again.

Ella James, like many authors, has the task of creating an original story in a world of books, where authors have written it all. The Sinful Secrets standalone series focuses on the seven deadly sins. While coveting someone isn't new to the fiction world, the characters featured on this tiny island and storyline this novel follows is absolutely fresh. Declan may be the handsome baseball star, but rehab continues to fail him and this is his last shot with his team management breathing down his back. Finley is the girl who survived the worst, the girl who volunteers for anything on the island of Tristan da Cunha, and she's the only girl who wants nothing to do with Declan, at least she thinks that. Their attraction to one another is instant, part of the sparks flying is their natural beauty and part of it is the thoughts they've carried of one another for years. Secrets don't lend themselves to romance though and while the two are willing to shed their skin, they aren't willing to spill their truths, and when they do, the things revealed may be insurmountable.

I was incredibly impressed with how well Ella James described the different stages of grief, addiction, withdrawal, and even love. More than the emotional state of the characters, we see how their interactions change, we see the deep, physical ache that comes from both the known and the unknown, and we see the important memories in the characters that have shaped them. I didn't actually sort out how the sin of coveting played into the story for nearly half the novel though, so I will say that I was surprised with the reveal. The slow pacing of the novel does mean it takes time to warm up to the characters, to the setting, but I have to admit I loved the emotional upheaval I went through as the story, the puzzle pieces, clicked into place.

While I don't know what it's like to live on a remote island with very little outside interaction, I felt like I was right there alongside Declan and Finley, in the rain, in the dark, in the tiny homes hoping to remain undiscovered. It's a heart wrenching, powerful story and I love that the romance isn't glossy and perfect, rather filled with jagged edges and sharp points the characters must climb to conquer.

ARC provided.
Profile Image for Lee Anne Lane.
1,332 reviews4 followers
February 26, 2019
I’ve just finished Covet. So many times during this book my heart was breaking. But as the end drew near and I slowed my pace (because their story could NOT end!), I found the good in all they endured. Happiness. Peace. Home. I can only say that as I close the book on the story of Declan and Finley, my heart is full.

Declan’s life could be plucked from the headlines of ESPN. He has a dark side and his reasoning for going to the island of Tristan de Cunha is for his health, in more ways than one. He encounters Her. Finley. She’s the one from his memories as a child. He knows her tragedy but she’s not talking and he’s unwilling to share his struggles. Finley is a wholesome girl from an isolated and protected island. He’s too much for her.

But as they come to know each other and learn about their struggles, the connection is both tenuous and passionate. She is an innocent in the world and his desire was to protect her from it all, including himself. But there are more tragedies to be told and his time is short. It seems history is repeating itself and it doesn’t matter the need, the strength, the love, because he was always going to leave. She was always going to be left behind.

Ella James draws me into her books and I’m there on Tristan de Cunha with Declan and Finley and Baby. Covet took me on another journey to a special place with two very broken spirits who deserve so much more and dared to dream of something better, together.
Profile Image for Beyond The Covers Blog.
2,518 reviews89 followers
February 23, 2019
Tortured, sad, romantic, sexy?  Yes, Covet by Ella James has it all.  I was impressed with the beautiful writing and how James was able to capture the remote island life of the main character.  Furthermore, Covet delves deep inside the life of an addict and what their struggles truly entail, and Ella James was able to write it in such a realistic and heart-wrenching way that I hurt for Declan.  Covet is full of tragedy but also full of hope and love which give inspiration for not giving in or giving up.  Covetis 4 sea worthy stars.
Homer Carnegie needs to escape, his only hope is an island that he remembers from his childhood.  Homer (Declan) hopes that he can find the redhaired girl with the haunted eyes, because he knows that if he does all is not lost.  Finley Evans is determined to stay away from the island’s savior, Homer Carnegie, but when he arrives with supplies and prepared to help lay the cable for internet, she can’t help being drawn to him.  Remembering the stories that her mother told her as a child, Finley prays that Declan will truly be the prince she was told he was.  As Declan and Finley spend more and more time together, they each hope for relief from their own personal hell.  Declan’s time is limited on the island and they both know that once he leaves their memories will be all they have left to Covet.
February 26, 2019
This book CONSUMED me! I had been in a bit of a book funk, so it was nice to drown in this steamy, emotional read. The writing is so perfect. I felt every single emotion, including all the pain. I’m talking allllll the feels.
I fell in love with Sloth years ago, and I’ve loved all three books in this series. They’re so unique. And they are all complete standalones. I highly recommend this series!!
Profile Image for Dirty Dayna.
1,862 reviews108 followers
March 7, 2019
4 Island Fever stars

WHO AM I !!! I have been reading crazy long books lately with this one topping 500 pages! This book is about Declan who runs away to his family island after a drug fueled career in baseball and the love of the game coming in 2nd to his love of narcotics. This book is also about Finley the orphaned child who everyone shuns and loves. It seems Finley spends her entire life trying to make up for the sins of her mother and never really figures out that she didn’t need to do any of it. What I liked about this story is that is was both a second chance romance, a coming of age story and an emotional journey for many reasons. What I didn’t care for : sadly the sex scenes were quite not my style … it over asked for consent and kept saying my Sex , his sex etc . I read this book during my own loss. I battled my own demons when I discovered this words. If I eliminate the sex scenes from my mind it was a very well written and emotional journey for me and the characters. It had a few twists and turns but it was also a bit overly long for me. I don’t think “Covet” was an appropriate title… I had to wait till the near end to even understand the title placement. I did look back at the sinful secrets books ( which I haven’t yet read) and they are all over 500-600 pages and in the past I have only read parts of her serieals (Red & Wolfe and Beast and for some reason I never finished those )


If you want a happy ending, that depends on where you stop the story – Orson Welles.
Profile Image for Karen.
1,509 reviews115 followers
February 27, 2019
You have to love an author who ventures into the different. I get bored with the CEO, bazillionaire, rock star type books.

Ella does different but with a bit of same! I’m not explaining myself very well.

Our hero (Declan Carnegie) aka Homer is a rich baseball player (potential yawn) but he’s got complexities. Our heroine (Finley Evans) lives on a rock in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean with a teenie tiny population (now that is different).

Worlds collide and get smashed into pieces. There are secrets to be uncovered. Some in plain sight, others have to be discovered.

I found myself loving Finley the Siren and holding out for a hero. Island life seems so sweet but I do love my internet and take away pizza.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 366 reviews

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