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‘Wil je in één keer uitlezen.’ Libelle

Rye Mallett is een van de beste piloten ter wereld. Hij kan overal heen vliegen, op ieder moment, per direct en door de ergste weersomstandigheden. Op een nacht stijgt hij op, terwijl geen enkele andere piloot dat zou doen, om een zwarte, beveiligde kist af te leveren aan ene Dr. Lambert. Eenmaal geland wordt hij opgewacht door Dr. Brynn O’Neal, een bijzonder aantrekkelijke arts die beweert dat ze door Lambert is gestuurd. Ze weigert te vertellen wat er in de kist zit, maar één ding is duidelijk: zij is niet de enige die het wil hebben.

Samen raken Rye en Brynn verwikkeld in een race tegen de klok om de kist op tijd op de plaats van bestemming te krijgen. Maar kunnen ze elkaar wel vertrouwen?

De pers over Sandra Brown

‘Sandra Brown stelt nooit teleur!’ Cosmopolitan

‘Deze dame weet waar haar fans van houden en geeft het ze met volle teugen.’ The Huffington Post

‘Een meesterlijke verhalenverteller die haar lezers op het puntje van hun stoel houdt.’ USA Today

432 pages, ebook

First published August 7, 2018

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About the author

Sandra Brown

333 books18.2k followers
Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the GoodReads database with this name. See this thread for more information.

Sandra Brown is the author of more than sixty New York Times bestsellers, including STING (2016), FRICTION (2015), MEAN STREAK (2014), DEADLINE(2013), & LOW PRESSURE (2012), LETHAL (2011).

Brown began her writing career in 1981 and since then has published over seventy novels, bringing the number of copies of her books in print worldwide to upwards of eighty million. Her work has been translated into over thirty languages.

In 2009 Brown detoured from romantic suspense to write, Rainwater, a much acclaimed, powerfully moving historical fiction story about honor and sacrifice during the Great Depression.

Brown was given an honorary Doctorate of Humane Letters from Texas Christian University. She was named Thriller Master for 2008, the top award given by the International Thriller Writer’s Association. Other awards and commendations include the 2007 Texas Medal of Arts Award for Literature and the Romance Writers of America’s Lifetime Achievement Award.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,516 reviews
Profile Image for Melissa.
647 reviews29.1k followers
August 31, 2018
*4.5 stars*

And she pulls it off again—not that I had any doubts, there’s a reason she’s one of my favorites. *wink*

With Tailspin, Sandra Brown continues her reign as the queen of romantic suspense—crown firmly fixed upon her head, shining in all its glittery perfection.

For this reader, Sandra Brown IS romantic-suspense. She pulls off a level of storytelling and genre-blending that makes her untouchable in this space. Can you tell, I’m a bit of a fangirl?

What keeps me coming back, time and again? Sandra Brown feeds my intellect on two facets—the analytical side of my brain that revels in the thrill of piecing together her intricate and puzzling storylines (I often find myself in the dark—but really, is there anything better?) and the lover of love that sparks to life at the first sign of an intense connection. Suspense, intertwined with sexiness; yes, please!

A “freight dog”, prone to piloting cargo flights in the most rigorous conditions, Rye Mallett is a little rough around the edges. Adverse to commitment and obligations of any sort, he’s the epitome of a loner. Scruffy, brash and never without his creased leather bomber jacket, Rye is easily the picture your mind conjures at the thought of “bad boy”. Although, at second glance, in true Sandra Brown fashion, he’s a man with a ton of heart, character and conscience. A guy you can’t help but to fall for.

Fog-drenched Georgia, a crash landing and a padlocked black box bring Rye and Dr. Brynn O’Neal together in what becomes a race against the clock. A battle of wits, an undeniable attraction and Brynn’s staunch determination to carry out her plan—damn the consequences—keeps them on the same trajectory. Together can they outrun those with a different plan for the elusive contents of the box?
“Look, Rye, exhaustion made me nostalgic. I told you a boohoo story, but it wasn’t designed to make you feel sorry for me.”

“Then feel sorry for me.”

“What for?”

“Because I’ve been wanting you for almost twenty-four hours, and I’m tired of it.”
Saving the best for very last, the final chapter stole my heart and left me anxious for my next dose of Sandy B’s storytelling.

**Thank you to Grand Central for providing my copy in exchange for an honest review.**
Profile Image for Julie .
4,166 reviews38.2k followers
September 16, 2018
Tailspin by Sandra Brown is a 2018 Grand Central Publication.

Entertaining thrill ride-

Rye, a ‘freight dog’ pilot has agreed to fly time sensitive cargo in pea soup fog. But, just as he sees the runway, he’s blinded by a laser and crashes. Thankfully, he’s not injured and the mystery box on-board is undamaged.

When he meets the doctor to which the box is to be delivered to, they get off to a rocky start. But, when Rye learns the package was given, not to Dr. Lambert, as agreed, but to a different doctor, Brynn O’Neal, his suspicions are raised. So he sticks around to make sure the box makes it to the correct receiver. He doesn’t trust Brynn and it’s his reputation on the line.

Brynn is an enigma, a woman with a troubled past, which only magnifies Rye’s distrust of her. But, she intrigues him, tempting him to stick around, not only to protect his reputation, and satisfy his curiosity about the mysterious box Brynn is so protective of, but to keep an eye on the beautiful Dr. O’Neal.

This story starts off like any standard romantic suspense novel- Brynn and Rye collide, literally. Then intrigue develops amid the mistrust and mystery surrounding Brynn and that valuable box everyone is so determined to get their hands on. There’s a lot of sexual tension in the air and some snappy dialogue between the two main characters.

However, the story is slow moving and doesn’t really hit its stride until well over the half way mark. There was enough going on to keep me turning pages, but I wasn’t particularly impressed until the second half got underway. From that point forward, the twists come at you at a rapid- fire pace, and the story takes on a new dimension entirely.

While this plot was not exactly plausible, there were some very real moral dilemmas that were entirely too probable. Big money and greed should not enter into such an equation, but of course it does, and always will. This thought -provoking element gave the story more depth and deepened the character study and growth.

Rye could be a jerk sometimes and his reasoning for sticking around was a little thin, but by the last quarter of the book, he’d redeemed himself and had begun to earn my respect.

Brynn remained a mystery for a long time, but I did feel she was judged harshly, based on her upbringing, without taking into consideration all the accomplishments she had made as an adult. Jeez.

However, at the end of the day, it’s morally bankrupt villains, the danger, action and suspense that propel the story forward as well as the tantalizing romantic elements.

Although, I wouldn’t call this one of Brown’s most impressive stories, it did eventually develop nicely and kept me entertained, which is good enough for me.

Profile Image for Corina.
781 reviews2,486 followers
March 8, 2023
As always Sandra Brown wrote a fantastic and captivating suspense novel. This book was full of twists and turns. It was exactly what I come to expect from this author, and she hasn't disappointed yet.

Tailspin is a spellbinding tale of chasing the clock. From start to finish the tension was high and the adrenaline flowing. There aren't many authors who could put this much action, twists and turns into a 48 hour period.

I loved how much time the hero and heroine spend together, especially since the book covered only the first 48 hours of their meeting. With that in mind, Rye and Brynn's connection felt genuine thanks to a great deal of attraction between the couple, and the protective nature that Rye exhibited in regards to Brynn.

I usually love my couples to have a longer timeframe to get to know each other and build something lasting. When it comes to romantic suspense, such time is often just not available. In these cases it all comes down to chemistry, attraction and compatibility.

For me, Rye and Brynn worked very well together. They listened, respected, and supported each other.  It allowed for a smooth storyline, and minimal drama between the couple which I loved!! That also allowed me to concentrate on the twists and turns and the unraveling of the plot that had me sitting on the edge of my chair.

The only complaint I always have with her books is that I need a longer ending. I wish for more time between the couple after all its done. I need to see them outside of these high adrenaline situations, just a glimpse of a day to day regular life. I need proof that relationships based on extreme circumstances can last.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher for free in exchange for an honest review. My opinions have not been influenced by the publisher or the author.

Profile Image for Brenda.
4,607 reviews2,883 followers
August 4, 2018
Rye Mallett, with more honour behind his name than he cared to admit, was a freight dog. Rye was a pilot who took the dangerous missions; who flew cargo wherever it was needed without following regulations rigidly. So, when all flights were cancelled on the Thanksgiving weekend, with an urgent cargo to be delivered that night, at any cost, Rye was up to the task. The fog was thicker than soup; he had to rely on his instruments and his wit. But the vicious sabotage attempt put him off his game – Rye’s plane crash-landed, fortunately near the runway and without injury to him. The same couldn’t be said for the plane…

Rye’s delivery of the locked black box went ahead – until he discovered the person taking delivery wasn’t the scheduled recipient. From that moment on, Rye was involved – much as he didn’t want to be. And what he was involved in was dangerous, illegal and immoral. But Dr Brynn O’Neal needed his help against the thugs who’d been hired to relieve her of the box. Would he be able to keep her safe? Help her get the box where it was meant to be? Or was it the end of them both?

Tailspin by author Sandra Brown is an intense and fast-paced romantic suspense thriller which held me enthralled until the last page. An intriguing plot along with both good and evil motives, Tailspin is fascinating and different (with a cover I love!) Chilling, suspenseful, dangerous and heart wrenching, I have no hesitation in recommending Tailspin highly.

With thanks to NetGalley and Hodder & Stoughton, UK for my digital ARC to read and review.
Profile Image for Sheyla ✎.
1,925 reviews599 followers
August 17, 2018

Another great addition to my Sandra Brown's favorite book list!

Tailspin had me from the first chapter. I couldn't wait to know what was waiting at the end of the tunnel.

Tailspin begins with a storm and a pilot who likes to pursue challenging flights. He's what we call a freight pilot. He'll fly under any circumstances. When another pilot turns down a job due to weather, Rye Mallett doesn't think twice and says yes. His destination is to fly to Georgia and deliver the cargo to a doctor by the name of Lambert. The cargo he's flying is a black box with unknown contents but he knows the contents have to be important enough to be asked to do so with the current conditions.

To his surprise, when he gets there, Dr. Lambert is nowhere to be found. Instead, Dr. Brynn O'Neil is there and she wants to take the box. Rye knows something is amiss and he wants to know what's inside the box. He doesn't think that Brynn is telling him the whole truth. Soon it's clear that someone covets the contents inside the box and they will stop at nothing to get it.

I love Rye and Brynn together. They had plenty of chemistry and attraction to make me believe that after forty-eight hours, they deserved to be together. So many things happened to them. There were plenty of twists to keep my attention and there were more than enough to make me forget about the real world.

Rye was fantastic. Despite his mantra of not getting involved, he couldn't walk away from Brynn. He was protective and resourceful.

Brynn was a very determined woman. She knew what the right direction to take and no one was going to stand in her way. I respected her.

Tailspin has plenty of action and romance to satiate all my reader's desires. I was fully involved with the plot and I loved the outcome.

Thank you Grand Central Publishing for sending me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Cliffhanger: No

4/5 Fangs

MrsLeif's Two Fangs About It | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
Profile Image for Marialyce .
2,104 reviews692 followers
October 31, 2018
3.5 dauntless stars
My reviews can be seen here: http://yayareadslotsofbooks.wordpress...

This was an enjoyable fun packed adventure with a swash buckling kind of rogue pilot, Rye, a doctor, Brynn, and a journey to get an experimental drug to a person who might just have their life saved because of it.

Rye Mallot was a daredevil. He yearned to fly and felt that it was only when he was up in the air did he get that feeling of accomplishment, achievement, and thrills. He harbors the memory of an event that occurred years prior while flying missions in Afghanistan, one that he just can't forget nor forgive himself for.

One horrible storm filled night, he is hired to fly a mysterious box to a Midwest destination, not knowing anything about its contents. An accident happens and Rye is propelled into a serious and possibly deadly turn of events. Crashing the plane, due to a sabotaged event, where he was suppose to meet a Dr Lambert, he is instead met by another doctor, Brynn Lambert. These two begin to play a cat and mouse game not only with one another, but with others who are powerful and desire the contents of that mysterious box.

The author has made this book into an action packed adventure with all manner of bad guys populating its pages. Time is indeed running out and the clock ticks down as both Rye and Byrnn race to thwart the bad guys and get the contents of this box to the person who most needs it. Along the way, of course there is a smoldering romance that develops between Rye and Brynn. Will this duo be successful or will their allotted time run out not only on what is carried within that box, but also on the lives each of them lead?

On the whole, I enjoyed this book as it was quite a quick read and offered quite a bit of daring do from our main protagonist, and the lovely doctor. I could have lived without some very explicit sex scenes but overall it was a good thriller and also my first Sandra Brown book. I do recommend this book to those who enjoy a audacious main character, who powers his way through so many adversities but does come through as gutsy, heroic, and tenacious, but does he get the beautiful doctor?

Thanks to my local library for this one.
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,811 reviews6,711 followers
August 16, 2018
Seasoned romance and thriller writer Sandra Brown puts Tailspin's hero in a heap of trouble in the very first chapter. Needless to say, this is a fast-paced thriller. And yes, there's a girl. And yes, they hit the sheets. This is quality Sandra Brown after all.

Rye Mallett is a 'freight dog' pilot, which means he will transport cargo in any plane, anywhere, in any weather condition as long as he gets paid. Rye wears no uniform and asks no questions. But when it seems his landing is intentionally sabotaged and the woman picking up a critical package isn't who he thought it would be, he starts to ask very serious questions and he won't stop until he gets some answers.

Every Sandra Brown book is different. She never writes the same story twice and I absolutely love that about her. No matter the topic, you can rest assured that it is close to her heart. Tailspin deals with ethics in the fields of politics and medicine. It discusses how lives are prioritized based on privilege and wealth, and there are very few who will risk it all to make sure a fair chance is given to everyone. Brown added an extra POV in this book that made it super emotional for me personally. A young voice brings an innocent look at these themes as well as an objective view at the characters' relationship as it progresses. As with many thrillers penned by Sandra Brown, there was a major twist I didn't see coming which made the finale pretty jaw-dropping in my opinion. Well-done, Ms. Brown!

My favorite quote:
"I give you my word."
"And I'm giving you the finger..."
(these zingers never get old)
764 reviews31 followers
August 13, 2018
Normally, I wouldn’t even finish a book worth 2 stars but I’ve liked Sandra brown for a while and I went through quite a bit of trouble to get this book first from the library so I kept trucking through hoping like hell it would pick up. It didn’t. The plot is so preposterous I can’t even begin to explain, I didn’t believe in the H and h, and the absolute WORST part of this book was the shitty dialogue. I hate choppy sentences and the entire book was comprised of short, unexplained conversations. Ugg this was just so frustrating. I don’t know if I’ll bother with Sandra brown again.
Profile Image for Mo.
1,390 reviews2 followers
September 8, 2018
LOST MY ORIGINAL REVIEW. Not doing it again!!!! Not as good as some of her books but not too bad.


His career was in jeopardy.
But so was his soul...

Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,083 reviews898 followers
October 12, 2018
3.5 Stars

You get the gist of the story from the book description, so I won’t regurgitate the details in my review. I can tell you the story was pretty addictive, with a few of Sandra Brown’s usual twists, but I did find a few scenes a bit tedious. I felt they should’ve wrapped up or got to the point much sooner. Still, I really enjoyed the mystery, was on the edge worrying about our characters, and I liked the connection between Rye and Brynn. They got to know each other in bits and pieces while determining just how much they could trust each other. Their relationship/romance was antagonistic off and on throughout, but never doubt that Sandra Brown can create some palpable chemistry, and sizzling sex scenes!

I listened to Tailspin during one our long stretches of driving on our Pacific Northwest coastal vacation. It made the time go by quickly and allowed me to take in the scenery (the Fall colors were beautiful!) while my husband drove. He said driving didn’t seem to take nearly as long (9 ½ hours one of those days!) because of the captivating story.

On a side note, Victor Slezak narrated the story, and he’s a regular narrator for Sandra Brown novels. His style of narration makes a lot of the male characters sound like rednecks (not to be offensive!), I think more than they were actually meant to be. I’m used to his narration, but my husband said it made some of the story feel corny.
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,925 reviews566 followers
August 14, 2018
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life in Books.

This was great! I feel like I have been a fan of Sandra Brown forever. Maybe not forever but a very long time. I haven't read all of her books yet but I have been able to keep up with her new releases each year. It is probably no surprise that I went into this book with rather high expectations. I am happy to report that this met every one of those expectations. Once I started reading this story, I didn't want to put it down and ended up having a fantastic time with it.

This book opens with Rye, a pilot, agreeing to fly a box to a small airport near Atlanta even though the area is covered with blinding fog. Rye will fly in any kind of weather so he isn't even concerned about landing until something unexpected happens. Brynn was given the task of retrieving the box and getting it back to Atlanta as soon as possible. Soon Brynn and Rye are both pulled into a series of events that seems to become more dangerous at every turn.

This book kept me guessing. Just when I thought I had things figured out something would surprise me. I thought that the suspense element was very well done and the fact that the characters were on a deadline kept things moving at a pretty quick pace. One thing that I really liked about the story was how realistic everything was. I honestly could see a situation similar to this happening and maybe it already has. I found this to be a pretty thought provoking read.

I liked Rye and Brynn. There is a bit of romance to the story but I really felt like it was a smaller part of the story although it was very well done. Rye was a character with a big personality and I knew that he had to have a story. He really was a stand up guy who refused to cross certain lines and looked out for others. Brynn grew on me throughout the book. At first I wasn't sure about her but as pieces of her past came out along with her intentions I grew to love her. I loved that these two were able to work so well with each other to meet their goals.

I would recommend this book to others. I thought that this book was very well written with a fairly complex plot. There was a whole lot of excitement, characters that had me cheering for them, and a few villains that were kind of fun to hate. I can't wait to read more of Sandra Brown's work in the future.

I received a copy of this book from Grand Central Publishing directly and via NetGalley.

Initial Thoughts
This was great! I have been a fan of Sandra Brown for a very long time and I am happy to report that this book was able to lived up to my expectations which were set fairly high. The story took a lot of twists and turns and I was rather surprised several times along the way. Rye and Brynn were both amazing characters but I loved the fact that although there was a bit of romance between them the romance never overpowered the rest of the story.
Profile Image for CD {Boulder Blvd}.
963 reviews94 followers
September 14, 2018
2.5 stars generously rounded up vs down...

SB has been a go to author for me for years (decades), but whether it's me or this book, it just didn't work. I admit my taste is changing; I want more mystery and suspense and less insta, insta, insta.

This book happens in the span of 48 hours and yet it felt so slow paced and longer. I didn't feel the intensity of the time crunch maybe because we had to take time out for sex and what makes the characters tic. For me, if I was up against a time crunch to save a little girl, I would be saying let's wait until we save her. We can have sex later.

The first half of the book was such a bore it was no chore to stop and do laundry, yard work, brush the dogs, etc. There were also a lot of times that I just found the storyline hard to believe. Would these characters really be doing this? Saying that? I just was never pulled into the story line.

And unfortunately I also wasn't "in like" with Brynn or Rye. Rye felt way too stereotypical and it seems like you see some version of him all over the place. Brynn seemed naive, bordering on stupid for someone who had a father in and out of jail and raised primarily in foster care. She had no street smarts.

Unfortunately I just didn't enjoy the book.

Profile Image for WhiskeyintheJar.
1,417 reviews655 followers
June 1, 2019
I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Tailspin is a suspense ride from start to finish, the story takes place over a 48hr period, most of it in just 24hrs. Rye is a retired Air Force pilot dealing with guilt over a crash he felt he could have prevented from happening. He now is a “freight dog” flying for a cargo company and when the weather turns extremely foul, he's the only one willing to fly a black box to a doctor in Georgia.
Brynn is the doctor that shows up to pickup the mystery cargo but a plane crash and unconscious air traffic controller, there is a lot to explain to the cops. Especially when Rye and Brynn go on the run as life and death hang in the balance.

He was in this damn thing whether he wanted to be or not.

A standalone that keeps the pace up, Rye was a calm, cool, character that anchored the story. His background is hinted at and through his thoughts, actions, and feelings, the reader gets a pretty good idea of what emotional turmoil is affecting him. When he finally tells the story to Brynn, he almost works through the guilt at the same time and it felt like a quick resolve for an issue that had previously drove his character actions.

I wish we could have gotten more of Brynn's background, she didn't feel like a completely flushed out character. In order to keep some mystery to the story, Brynn's thoughts and reason for actions is kept veiled. When we reach around the half-way point, her reasons are revealed and we get to know her a little better. The side tangent with her father helped humanize her and was a great little emotional additive to a heavy action plot.

She gave him a murderous look, which only caused him to grin.

As this takes place over two days, the romance doesn't really have time to fully develop. Brynn and Rye are pretty much together from the beginning to end but the on the run aspect really does dominate this. I thought the first half was a bit hard to get into, as I mentioned, to keep the mystery up, the author leaves some motivations and explanations veiled. This caused me to be confused by some of Brynn's actions, not buy into why Rye would keep it a secret what caused him to crash, and how all the character pieces fit into the puzzle. The second half was easier to get into the flow, with some key information revealed, characters began to make more sense. There were multiple povs, the senator and his wife, the two goons, the two police detectives, and Violet, Brynn's patient. For the most part, I liked this, it gave a better rounded out look into the story and helped place all the moving pieces.

He sighed. “You're gonna make me come after you, aren't you?”
“If you want me, it's required.”

The ending was somewhat messy with betrayals and finger pointing whirling around to and from everyone; there was a truly unnecessary double cross that clogged up the end and only was surprising because there wasn't any character ground work for it. I wish things could have slowed down for the romance between Rye and Brynn, their love wasn't truly felt but the plot and action dictated the pace. If looking for lighter on romance depth but an on the run with some emotional depth occasionally popping up, Brown's writing is always worth a read.
Profile Image for ♥Sharon♥.
984 reviews141 followers
August 14, 2018

3.5 Stars

3 stars for the first half
4 stars for the second half

I am a big fan of Sandra Brown and probably always will be. I’m a bit torn with this one though. While Tailspin was good it wasn’t SB great. I wasn’t left with the same feelings I had when finishing books like Envy, Lethal or Chill Factor.

The buildup of the plot and the relationship of the H & h was very very slow. At least in IMO. While I am used to SB taking her time with these thing Tailspin was missing that “edge of your seat” feel which I think threw me off. Or maybe it is just me.

Things did pick up in the last 35% of the book and I am thankful for that. Rye Mallett was a bit of a prick (which I love) and Brynn O’Neal was no push over. I enjoyed the bickering and push and pull that went on between them. When Rye finally got his head out of his ass and got busy with her under the sheets I was saying it was about fucking time.

Of course SB brought everything full circle and gave us an Epilogue worth waiting for. She has a knack for getting the MC’s to a good place.
Profile Image for Теодор Панов.
Author 4 books151 followers
July 20, 2021
Книгата се оказа един доста приятен и вълнуващ трилър. Сюжетът е напрегнат и динамичен и още от самото си начало увлича и успява да задържи интереса през цялото време. Хареса ми фрагментността на главите и как събитията бяха описани по часове и минути. С това се поддържаше един постоянен и завладяващ ритъм. Обратите също не липсваха и изненадите от тях продължиха до последните страници на финалната глава. До самия край нещата бяха непредвидими.

Пилотът Рай Малет е типичен екшън герой, а за доктор Брин О’Нийл постепенно се разбира, че е една лекарка с кауза. И двамата някак си се оказват много добра комбинация. В книгата има екшън, мистерия, малко драма, малко романтика, влиятелни политици, морални дилеми. Започнах я без каквито и да било очаквания и определено ми хареса, да. 😊
Profile Image for Anita.
2,386 reviews194 followers
August 13, 2018
I finished this book in two days and was astonished that the words just flew off the page. Vintage Sandra Brown from start to finish and the twist in the middle, I loved it.

Rye Mallett is a cargo freight pilot, a "freight dog", with a reputation for doing whatever it takes to get the delivery done. There aren't many rules he won't bend to accomplish his missions. Some would say that he almost has a death wish due to the extremely hazardous jobs he takes on. When he agrees to fly a mysterious black box to a small fogbound north Georgia airfield it will take all his expertise and a whole lot of luck to get this delivery to Dr. Lambert on time.

Rye has no idea what is in the black box, it really doesn't matter to him. His job is to get it to the destination and into the hands of Dr. Lambert and that will be tough enough given the whiteout conditions at this small airstrip. His attempt at a safe landing is sabotaged and he crashes. As they say, any landing you walk away from is a good landing. Rye is barely out of the wreck when he encounters Dr. Brynn O'Neal. Instead of Dr. Lambert, Brynn is there to take delivery of the black box and its' very precious, time sensitive cargo. Under ordinary circumstances Rye would have been delighted to hand over the box, dust himself off, and be on his way. But, these circumstances are not normal in any way. Rye finds himself drawn in, despite his strict "no-involvement" policy, to the intrigue about the box and the beautiful Dr. O'Neal.

What comes in the next 48 hours tests Rye and Brynn. There are forces that would see them fail in their mission and would kill to do it.
Profile Image for Karen.
814 reviews1,192 followers
February 9, 2019
You know what I told you about... about the feeling that I get right before every take-off... you can't wait.

I really enjoyed this. My husband is a pilot, so the aviation lingo was no problem. I can see how it might get a little tedious to those not used to it, though. My only complaint about this was the fact that I listened to the audiobook. Not that the narrator did a bad job, he didn't, but I just couldn't stomach the redneck accent he gave to Rye. I live in the south, so I'm not completely opposed to accents, but for some reason, this one just made my skin crawl.

The story was far-fetched, but I didn't care. It kept me intrigued until the very end. I'm always a sucker for a good SB suspense. And this one didn't let me down.

Profile Image for Fred.
570 reviews95 followers
August 12, 2020
After reading the “Delivering/flying illegal cargo” theme in the book, I felt the story line is far more “mystery” than “romantic suspense” - Based on “Goodreads Genres” listed book’s review counts.

Rye Mallett - a fearless "freight dog" pilot - hired to fly a small plane caught in a foggy/stormy weather lands unsuccessfully into a remote area of Georgia to Atlantic to deliver a black box - unknown/illegal/drug cargo?

The police helps him, but he becomes the key to police, Deputy Rawlings need to determine the combination lock key of the “black box”. Rye does not know the combination lock & its contents... After determining it’s Dr. O’Neal box? What would a Doctor steal or take in a “black box” - and hire a private plane to deliver...

Rye is slightly injured on rough stormy landing/weather survives - but does not meet his entire delivery mission. The cops hound him with questions, find he has a successfully flying record but not letting him leave.
Was there any other “salvaging” or people hurt in this mission?

The book concentrates on Rye Mallet’s heroism...
Profile Image for Jae.
693 reviews178 followers
August 17, 2018
It dragged and dragged and dragged. I got bored with all the pilot talk.
3Stars because I managed to hold on and to actually finished the dang book. Took me 9 days too.
Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,297 followers
November 27, 2018

Title: Tailspin
Series: Standalone
Author: Sandra Brown
Release date: August 7, 2018
Cliffhanger: No

Tailspin started out a little rocky for me. I had to force myself to stay focused after putting it down and picking it up again countless times. I wasn't sure if it was just my personal mood not aligning with the story, so I continued to push through to see if the dragging pace would pick up. I'm glad I did, because it payed off. The story was blocked into a frantic 48 hour time span for the majority of the book, so once the action really got started it was a pretty intense ride. There were lots of twists and turns as the main characters struggled to outwit and outrun the opposition. The romance did suffer from the lack of time afforded to them to get to know each other at a meaningful level, but there was enough development to leave me satisfied enough.

Rye Mallett is an ex-military cargo pilot that lives and breathes flying. It's been in his blood ever since he was a kid, and his passion for his job is the one thing in his life that will never change.

“Thing of it is, I don’t know how to explain it, any more than I know how to explain my fingerprints. They’ve always been there, and so has the obsession for flight. It goes beyond liking it, or even loving it. It’s…” He paused, searched for the word, and again drew inspiration from his fingerprints. “Ingrained.”

Since returning from duty overseas, he's been using his comfort in the air as a crutch to avoid unpleasant emotions, and the trauma that haunts him. A classic case of survivor's guilt has pushed him to take on any job offered, regardless of the dangerous conditions involved. If he can just keep moving enough, he never has to slow down and face the regret that eats him alive. Which is why he's the only one crazy enough to take a plane out in the kind of weather no one with sense would attempt. The client is desperate to get a mysterious black box transported that night, and when Rye boards the plane to Georgia, he has no idea what's in store for him.

When Dr. Brynn O’Neal walks through the fog at Rye's plane crash site, you won't be quite sure what to make of her. Her motives and agenda are questionable right off the bat. The fact that she holds her cards very close to her chest for some time leaves you to question what she's hiding, but most importantly, why. These questions probably eclipse the biggest initial mystery of what exactly is in that box that everyone is so desperate to get a hold of? Rye is an intuitive guy that can't be fooled easily, and he knows that there's more to Brynn than the story she's spinning him. After the stumble upon the air traffic controller who has been knocked unconscious, it cements his suspicions that he's gotten tangled up in something he wants no part of.

Rye is a loner and his personal policy is to mind his own business whenever possible. That is, unless he's unknowingly put in a position that could jeopardize his career and ability to fly. In which case, they'll get dealt with swiftly, and he's not above vigilante justice to achieve it. Yes, Rye had a bit of a rebellious side. But it was governed by his set of morals that he wouldn't compromise on. He was a likable character whom you could really root for and sympathize with. You can see his reluctance to join Brynn on her race against the clock, but his conscience brings him to her side time and again. He was emotionally closed off with her, but who can blame him? He's had to fight for the truth and avoid attacks without the full scope of the situation he's embroiled in. When he does understand the life or death tug of war going on, he chooses Brynn regardless of the consequences.

The attraction they feel towards each other isn't at the forefront of the plot. It was a low simmer in the background, and I was okay with that. I think Brynn's personal struggle to live down her father's legacy, and his emotional upheaval over his past were interesting subplots that they helped each other with along the way. What really impressed me by the end was the mystery and suspense that keeps you guessing until the very end. The third person POV with a handful of first person POV chapters is a rare structure that you don't see very often, but I think it was utilized well in this story. Sometimes that can be jarring for me, but it felt seamless here and I welcomed those little snippets where I got inside the head of that narrator.

All in all, it was slow going at first, but worth it in the long haul. I enjoyed the dynamic of Rye and Brenna, and how they became a team that fought for justice against an immoral person in a position of power. There were a few surprises along the way, a little bit of steam, and the mystery was many layered and well developed. I don't read this genre very much, but when I'm in the mood I know where I'll be looking to first to get my fix. I'm really happy I've found my way back to Sandra Brown's books again.



Profile Image for Anne OK.
3,814 reviews536 followers
August 6, 2018
You’ll be hooked from the moment of take-off! In a fast-paced and intriguing battle of “good vs. evil,” this flight for life is flying on all cylinders.

I don’t want to divulge the entire story -- just share the excitement and fun that is expected when one begins to read a new book by Sandra Brown. So, I’ll remain spoiler-free and leave you with the book blurb’s pitch hoping you’ll take the bait.

In her inimitable writing style, Brown once again delivers chilling romantic suspense in a tangled and twisted plot that oozes with danger. Tailspin is a heart-pounding story focusing on the delivery of a mysterious black box with an expiration time of 48 hours in deplorable weather conditions and the magnetic attraction between two people that can’t be denied.

On Thanksgiving eve, flying into fog as thick as split-pea soup was supposed to be Rye Mallett’s only threat in delivering the package on time – but a near disastrous crash landing, along with the arrival of an unexpected -- and very attractive woman -- standing beside his crashed plane claiming she was there to pick up the package, sends this job into a whole other category. She might be beautiful, but Rye doesn’t believe or trust Brynn O’Neal. Before long, the determined woman doctor and the brash and daring flyer find themselves being chased by both the law and bad guys. Trust becomes a must between them because the stakes are high, and not only are they fighting to save their own lives but someone else’s, as well.

One necessary component to any story is a little hint into a character’s history. After all, things that have taken place in the past may become relevant to the present. Both Rye and Brynn had interesting and captivating backstories. Their pasts have helped shape them into who they are now. And you’ll be surprised with what is uncovered in both Brynn and Rye’s pasts.

I adored the match-up between Rye Mallett and Dr. Brynn O’Neal. They just fit. And the plot kept me glued to my seat as the twists kept rolling through the final chapters. There are so many of the characters – everyone really – hiding secrets. Even the Rye and Brynn let theirs slip through in their points of view.

From gruff and grumpy to charming and lovable to just downright despicable, the secondary cast offers a wide range of interesting and diverse characters. And the crooked politicians make for some dastardly and wicked villains.

With the story turning on such a short fuse, our hero and heroine share a lot of togetherness on the pages – making it the best kind of book in my opinion. For some readers, this may bring on concerns regarding the element of “insta-love,” but I think there’s something to be said in support of more mature characters being involved in this instance, and that being, “when love is right, it’s right, and you're mature enough to know it.”

Through the years, I’ve noticed that Brown’s readers are either all in, or not, with her written sex scenes. She doesn’t shy away from intimate displays of feelings – but neither does she promote cringeworthy over-the-top minute by minute detailed intimacy. Witty and smart banter is a hallmark of Brown’s writing, and Rye and Brynn’s is pitch perfect. Their attraction to each other is sometimes so powerful that you forget about the conflict they’ve found themselves in. There’s plenty of anticipation, steamy chemistry and sexual tension to tease readers all the way to the climax.

As the final descent begins, all the right boxes have been ticked off meeting my criteria and expectations for perfect flight. That dreaded farewell arrives far too soon, leaving me contemplating where this “couple” will travel from here. And therein lies my one and only complaint with most of Brown’s books: The need for longer endings -- ALWAYS. Give me an Epilogue with glimpses into the future of the main characters, and what I hope is now a more normal day-to-day life routine with proof of a solid and happily-ever-after. But maybe they aren't meant for just norm – and they’re still fighting the good fight!

My first encounter with a book by Sandra Brown was in 1983, and the book was Tomorrow’s Promise, about the wife of a Vietnam soldier who is MIA and a young and eager Congressman she meets on an flight to Washington, D.C. -- and the connection that will become very important between them. Even after over thirty-five years of reading Sandra Brown’s books and I’ve read them all, I never tire of grabbing her latest release and gobbling up every word. She began her writing career in 1981 and, even after more than 68 New York Times bestsellers and 80 published novels to her credit, this long-time VIP of romantic suspense has not lost her touch, continuing to keep readers engrossed in every new book released. In 2009, SB deviated from the romance/suspense genre, for the first time that I am aware, to write RAINWATER, the much acclaimed and powerfully moving story set during the Great Depression. And, yes, it was a winning read for me, as well.

TAILSPIN wrap-up: The plot is chilling, nerve-fraying and tense. The romance is an indefectible slow tumble followed up by a sharp drop and then a journey towards happily-ever-after. It’s classic Sandra Brown, who has certainly earned her long-time VIP standing as an author in the romantic suspense genre. A master of her craft, she knows exactly how to please her most zealous readers.


Profile Image for J.A. Hoyt.
Author 5 books37 followers
August 7, 2018
Listen, I generally LOVE Sandra Brown. She wrote one of my all-time favorite romance novels, and was actually the first romance that I ever read:Sunset Embrace

HOWEVER....this bookjust-ugh-I really couldn't make myself care about it. It was fast-paced, started off really entertaining and gripping (PLANE CRASH, LASERS, BAD-ATTITUDE PILOT WITH A GRUDGE AND MAD SKILLS) and then just...plopped. It started going science-y and flipped way too fast between characters and didn't delve into the thought-side of things. It almost felt as though, instead of reading Sandra Brown, I was reading Dan Brown.

I'll give this another chance down the road, purely for Sandra's sake. But this time around? Nope. Couldn't do it.
Profile Image for Snow.
2,266 reviews709 followers
August 17, 2018

This is my first encounter with Sandra Brown's writing and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised.

This was close to the likes of one of my fave crime/mystery/thriller writers Harlan Coben, and I relished that fact to start with.

Concerning the story - it was intriguing, interesting and captivating...but it all happened at the slower pace which drastically influenced my own judgement of the plot and its deliverance.

Of course, the pacing went full speed towards the ending as the plot got closer to full resolvement.

Multiple layered characters, slow burn romance but fantastically written sexual tension which was palpable in just a sentence or few...

I will most certainly follow up on further works by this author.
Profile Image for Jacqueline J.
3,534 reviews348 followers
November 15, 2018
A little disappointed in this one. I didn't like it quite as much as the last few from SB. The main reason really is two fold. The story line was a bit too far out there as to everyone's motivations. Secondly I didn't really care for either the hero or the heroine. You knew the hero slightly better than the heroine but both were pretty cardboard and bland as main characters went. The tension was good especially near the end but that didn't really make up for how blah I found the rest of the book.

Don't judge SB on this one though. A few of her other recent books have been much better.
Profile Image for mina.
693 reviews259 followers
January 8, 2021
I’m low key disappointed. I know Brown’s books are not some masterpiece, but they are fun and fast to read, however, this one wasn’t that fun. I mostly didn’t care about anything, and in hindsight, I probably shouldn’t have picked this one up. My life would’ve been just fine if I hadn’t read it.

I don’t know what I could comment on, I know there were some things, but I should’ve written them down. The only thing that comes to mind right now is the crazy insta-love (or their super connection because they didn’t specifically say they love each other) that happened after knowing each other for not even two full days. I’m cringing.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,552 reviews114 followers
September 15, 2018
Brown’s many fans will recognize the hallmarks of her novels: gruff, rugged hero that suffers from an overdose of testosterone; a principled heroine; an action-based plot; evil adversaries, and a surprise ending that rearranges the plot trajectory. Brown tackles the issue of experimental drug treatments in this offering and poses some key questions. When should a drug be released for compassionate use? What should be the priority parameters to determine which patients should receive the drug first? And what are the ethical considerations that doctors should follow when treating patients with non-FDA approved drugs? Enjoy.
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