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Inheritance #1

Rewriting Yesterday

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Violated and abused by hands that were meant to nurture her,
Frankie Edwards escaped the brutality of her childhood by getting married
She was seventeen.
Her husband Joe, a self-made millionaire, was almost three times her age.
A marriage in name only he protected Frankie the only way he knew how.
He gave her a home, a friendship and a family.
Five years later and Frankie’s husband is dead, leaving Frankie with a fortune in the bank and a target on her back.
Frankie has heard them all, but few know the actual truth about her marriage.
When Joe’s estranged son and his two best friends learn of Frankie’s existence tempers flare and sparks fly.
Attracted to all three, Frankie must navigate through unfamiliar waters in search of her happily ever after.
When Frankie is betrayed she finds herself at the mercy of the monsters from her past and this time they don’t want to break her.
They want to destroy her.

Authors note;
Rewriting Yesterday is not a conventional love story. It is a story about a young woman and the three men that fall for her. This book also contains adult language and situations so is recommended for those who are 18 years and over.

308 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 1, 2019

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About the author

Candice M. Wright

39 books1,241 followers

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5 stars
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36 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews67 followers
December 15, 2020
Wright doesn't deviate from the insta-lust reverse harem trope. Her books are basically the same with the exception of Ricochet
Profile Image for Miftahul.
369 reviews195 followers
November 27, 2020
Dnf at 62%

I heard many good things about this book and the blurb was also interesting...but the story was not. This book is about Frankie who gets married to a old dude because she comes from an abusive family and the old dude is dying so they get married so she can get away from her house and he ll have a friend at his last moments. After he dies his son Caleb and his 2 friends are angry cuz the old dude left his property to Frankie but the 3 dudes eventually falls for her but they do fall for her rather quickly....in 2 days. 😐 what I absolutely hated about this book was basically everything but what annoyed me was that Frankie was protrayed as mary sue. Everyone loves her, she is such an annoying...i mean good person that the dudes who are supposed to hate her falls for her in 2 days. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ like how flawless can a character be? The guys were like “ she is so perfect, she is so gorgeous and she doesnt know it, she is the most perfect and innocent girl in the entire evil world” i am so done with shit like this. It was annoying as fuck, the dudes were desperate to fuck her and i still cant get it that how the fuck did they fall in love with her so quickly. There was no chemistry. Was it annoying? Ofc. Was it stupid? Absolutely. Did this book kill my remaining brain cells? Completely. Would I recommend this book? Not even to my enemy, i am not that cruel.
Profile Image for Britt B.
401 reviews
October 21, 2019
Good concept, needs more...

Rewriting Yesterday was a surprisingly good story. The main characters and a few supporting ones were pretty decent also. The biggest problems for me were the pacing and character development. Every single event occurred quickly and just felt so rushed. One minute one of the guys, Caleb, hates Frankie because he thinks she's a gold digger for marrying his millionaire father at 17. Ok understandable especially when he doesn't know the whole picture. Then the next few pages he's attracted to her, semi-befriends her, then he and his army friends begin to pursue her. It literally happens in 1-3 chapters. Just wow really. Then it's back to possibly hating since no one as selfless and kind hearted as Frankie can exist (insert sarcasm). So she must be a master manipulator. It was just all over the place. I would have liked to see more in the way of character and chemistry building, not shallow insta-lust to insta-love. Also, she forgives them way too quickly after their stupid assumption and payback. I just wanted more from everyone and to have the events slow down. This was way more telling than showing.

I still enjoyed the story. I liked Frankie's character. She was strong yet vulnerable with a heartbreaking story. Overall, this book is an emotional rollercoaster with a good FMC and a decent plot. The guys are too shallow to get too attached to, except for Sam's protective streak. The book just lacks much character depth and a good build-up to the romance.
Profile Image for Chris.
1,177 reviews36 followers
January 24, 2022
“You have all the strength inside you to slay your demons. I will just be your shield for a while.”

Frankie's story was soooo emotional. I just couldn't put this book down. ...and the letters, I almost cried! I really enjoyed it!
213 reviews2 followers
December 4, 2018
This book was amazing.

I loved this book. The plot and characters were amazing. I can't wait to see what is next from this author!
Profile Image for Alyrica.
551 reviews15 followers
April 24, 2019
Grab Tissues!

This book was peppered with grammatical errors but I didn't even care. I don't usually care much for contemporary RH especially stand alones. There is usually a lack of relationship development before everyone is professing their love. Plus in most contemp RH oftrn their decision to enter a poly relationship takes as much forethought as deciding on a coffee order. Did the exclamations of love happen a little too fast in this book, yes. Did everyone just fall into this alternative relationship without really thinking about it or having qualms, also yes. But the story was so heartfelt. I cried... a lot. The best thing though was the main female character. I don't know when/if I have experienced a bigger girl crush on a FMC. Most authors have difficulty with trying to create a strong female lead. Often she comes off cold, irreverent, rude, b!tchy or judgmental. I think Candice Wright created the perfect balance of a strong but vulnerable woman who sometimes needed help. Anyway, this book is not perfect but anything that makes me feel this much deserves as many stars as I can give it.
Profile Image for Shen.
173 reviews11 followers
March 31, 2019
DNF. Great premise but poorly executed.
Profile Image for Danielle Gumm.
187 reviews
November 5, 2018
Holy crap! I almost don’t know where to begin I absolutely loved this book! It took me on an emotional roller coaster that I didn’t want to get off of. All of the characters are amazing the mc Frankie is a strong women with a really rough past and a heart of gold and loves with such fierceness, that once you are hers she will do everything in her power to make sure that you know your worth and that she will always have our back. Then there are the guys at first I didn’t know if loved them or want to throttle then the jackasses! This story was crazy intense and I loved every second of it and couldn’t put it do (stayed up way past my bedtime to finish it lol) I can not wait to see what the next chapters in this story in store and I highly recommend you read it ASAP it was amazing!
Thank you for letting me be one of first to read it I can’t tell truly tell write how much I enjoyed with out giving to much away and more choice word lol 😝
Profile Image for Jennifer Ratzel.
120 reviews12 followers
November 5, 2018
This was a heartbreaking and loving story. It left me kinda Speechless. The amount of hurt and abuse that Frankie went through was hard to stomach, but you made her so strong!!! She's a phenomenal women who despite everything she came out swinging and shining her light on everyone around her. I love when you have a character who's not wallowing, they're living and fighting for better tomorrows. Caleb came into the story and I wanted to throat punch him lol. Frankie didn't let me down! Sam was that amazing alpha protector and Ryan the goofball I love them! I can't wait to see what happens next! Great read!!
Profile Image for Toma.
798 reviews
February 3, 2019
This book could have been great. At least the begining was truly promising but then something happened.

I liked the plot but its execution was severely lacking. Multiple POVs did not help or add much as the guys were very shallow characters. There should have been less talking and more showing. I wanted more relationship building and a more gradual change from hate to love. As a character Frankie was much more relatable, but she also lost her spine somewhere on the way.

The secondary characters Jason and Jo had me confused. They did not come into the story naturally and their story seemed very artificial.

All in all, I think this book had potential but...
Profile Image for Froggy.
650 reviews21 followers
July 9, 2020
I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked this story. It’s definitely in the slow burn category, but it felt different from other romance with similar tropes. I’ve never really read a story quite like it and I honestly cried several times during the story. I’m not really an emotional person and don’t cry that often while reading so that was definitely out of character for me.

The book could have had some more character development and relationship building, but compared to other similar books I think this one was on par.

While this isn’t a dark story it definitely deals with some sensitive subject matter. There are some triggers in this book to be aware of- in particular the heroine re-encounters her childhood abuser during the story which is a pretty traumatic moment (for the character and for the reader) and there are also some descriptions of her past abuse/trauma.
Profile Image for Ivy Seablom.
340 reviews
October 21, 2019
Wow, just wow!!! Love it

I wasn’t sure what to expect with this book when I picked it up. Was I expecting to cry, get anxious as Frankies story unfolded or be so invested as I felt? No! But gosh dang it I was so sucked in from that prologue and seeing things from Joes perspective. Seriously, this story was amazing and I know I’ll be reading it again when I need a feel good book.
April 29, 2022
This was an amazing RH book. So many emotions, and I cried a couple times. I expected more smut, but the storyline kept me so engaged that it didn’t matter, and this is a girl who likes her smut and is allergic to clean books.
I absolutely loved Frankie, and it makes me want to cry just thinking about Joe. I felt such an ache in my heart during the scenes he was in, especially when the letters were read. Gah! Just read this. If you like part dark and part sweet and fluffy from your men then you will enjoy this book!
Profile Image for Book Lovers  Down Under.
262 reviews11 followers
June 2, 2019

This book had me on a emotional roller coaster ride. Frankie is one tough cookie. And I’m glad she got her happy ever after. Hope you all enjoy the ride like I have. Thanks.
Profile Image for Char.
237 reviews8 followers
February 4, 2019
The first word that came to mind after reading this book: "Meh."

I'm actually incredibly baffled after reading the book and scrolling through all these five star reviews. I'm itching my head and wondering what everyone else saw that I so severely missed. (Were you guys paid to say leave those reviews or something?)

The prologue was beautiful. I thought it was well written, but everything after that...well, let's just say it went downhill.

It went downhill fast.

Was I the only one cringing out of my mind during Caleb's first POV? It was shallower than the bad guys in a Disney Original Movie, and I was just begging for him not to be one of the love interests. Maybe Joe had a different son or something.

Anyone but him.

I think the plot ideas were good, but the execution left a lot to be desired. It was like there were all these puzzle pieces from different puzzles that were trying to be forced to fit together, some pieces were missing, and others had lemonade spilled on them so they were warped and useless now.
60 reviews
January 4, 2019
2.5 Stars. Book was okay. Not what I was expecting. The prologue was intriguing but then it when down hill from there for me. Overall book was okay. Kinda a let down. Didn't hold my interest.
Profile Image for Irene Kiew.
568 reviews60 followers
December 26, 2021
Things happened a bit too fast in this book and the pacing felt rushed. I was sorry that we didn't get to see Frankie's healing and transformation after she met Caleb's father, but it makes sense since the focus is on her relationship with Caleb, Ryan, and Sam.

The rush comes when Caleb meets Frankie. He's instantly suspicious of her because she is his father's widow, and the age gap makes him think that she took advantage of his father when his father was frail and suffering from cancer. He thinks she's a gold-digger.

This could so easily have been dealt with by just telling him Frankie's background, but for some reason the author makes everyone keep it hush-hush. I know, I know, there would be no story without this, but really, it was such a weak premise to build a whole story on.

Anyway, so the lawyer who drew up the will, who has become a friend to Frankie, tells Caleb it is Frankie's story to tell. But does Caleb ask her? No, of course he does not. Instead, he hires a private investigator to dig into her past. And when he finds something, does he go confront her and ask her about it? No, of course he does not. Strike two, Caleb.

But! While all this is happening, Caleb, Ryan, and Sam all agree that they think there's something special about Frankie, and that they are drawn to her, not just physically attracted to her. I felt this was too fast, especially since they still had doubts and suspicions about her. I was also a little annoyed because Frankie is apparently so lovable that no one can resist her (several other characters say the same). She's a damned saint; she can do nothing wrong; there is no imperfection in her. ::barf::

The guys do her wrong, yet Frankie is all "I don't know why, but I trust them, even though it makes no sense" and "I can't hold on to this hostility anymore." This blew my mind. She didn't wait for them to prove themselves and rebuild trust. She didn't make them grovel. Nothing! I was livid! Another instance of things moving too fast. One can let go of a grudge yet still be wary and cautious, you know. No, not according to Frankie. Or the author. Pfffft.

The 'L' word also came much too soon. Normally, we get this towards the end of a romance book, but here, we get it much earlier, before things had been properly resolved between Frankie and the guys -- before they'd had a chance to prove themselves to her and rebuild the trust they'd shattered. I was like, what! I don't believe this. I thought the words tripped off their tongues too glibly, and I didn't believe in their love because so far they hadn't done a great job of demonstrating it.

Also, may I say that for guys with a military background, they were hopeless at keeping the girl safe! One of them drops her at home, and doesn't even bother to go in with her and check the house out to make sure it's secure, before leaving! I've read so many romances with SEALs and special ops type of men, and it's something a trained and experienced protector always does when he drops his woman at her home.

The conflict also seemed over the top and stretched my suspension of disbelief too much. First of all, Frankie married a rich guy and also did a lot of charity work, both of which would mean she probably got a fair amount of press. But the author wanted me to believe that she was in hiding from her mother and stepfather. Second, I didn't think her mother would have the kind of connections to do what she planned to do, and the whole set-up was just preposterous.

One last thing about the plot before I move on: Frankie has never been attracted to men after her horrific childhood experiences, but when she meets Caleb, Ryan, and Sam, she instantly wants to "climb them like a monkey". I know that instant attraction is a thing, but again, this really strained my suspension of disbelief. I just feel that if a person has been so traumatised, she would care more about the person's character and trustworthiness than his appearance. That is to say, that a man can look sexy, but I wouldn't feel like I wanted to climb him like a monkey unless I knew he was a good man -- and I don't have the kind of past Frankie did. Also, Jacob, her 15-year-old adopted son, is wary around men due to his own past, yet accepts the guys and relaxes around them almost immediately. Seriously unbelievable.

Apart from the plot, which really could be miles better, I thought the dialogue was awkward. Contractions were used sparingly, making the characters sound stilted, and the way they talked was unnatural, especially the way young Jacob speaks. A few colloquialisms using phrases like "was sat" instead of "was sitting" got past the editor, maybe because the narration was in first-person POV.

The men are characterised by Ryan being the flirty and joking one, Sam being the silent and reserved one, and Caleb being the tortured and suspicious one. Other than that, it seems that none of them have an independent mind of their own, cos when Caleb goes off half-cocked, the other two jump right in with him, with both feet. It would be more impressive if one of them at least had been more level-headed -- after all, that's one of the reasons for having a best friend: to tell you lovingly when you're being a dumbass and wake you up before you do something stupid you might regret. (At least, in my world -- that's why I treasure my close friends.) But Ryan and Sam just seem to go wherever Caleb goes and do whatever Caleb does, backing him up blindly. I can see how they were all riding high on emotion, but Caleb is the one with the big chip on his shoulder, not Ryan and Sam. I don't see why one of the two couldn't have stepped back and looked at the situation with a clearer and less jaundiced eye, and try to be the voice of reason.

I feel this whole book was a bit sloppy in a way. There was no depth to it, it was rushed, the plot was not believable (yes, I do get that it's fiction, but there surely must be SOME realism), and the dialogue was stilted. The men didn't gain my respect, let alone admiration, and Frankie was just too perfect for me to identify with as a character. I'm sad.
Profile Image for Tyler Joseph.
46 reviews1 follower
January 7, 2019
If I could give this book infinite stars I would!
I genuinely had to sit and pull myself together before I could even move after reading this book. It was truly heart wrenching devastation but my god the storyline was brilliant and had me crying happy tears at the end. I literally couldn’t put it down the way the characters were captured and portrayed put you right in the story alongside them. You could relate to the people which I think is really important, the descriptions and the whole writing style just completely pulls you in to the story. The way real world wonderfully hard topics were tackled in this book was truly a masterpiece. I highly recommend reading this book you seriously won’t regret it, it’s one of those books that will leave an everlasting Impression on you as it has for me.
Profile Image for Ambisaurus Rex.
377 reviews24 followers
October 7, 2019
Omg omg omg. This was my first read by Candice Wright and will not be my last. This book is amazing.

I laughed, I cried, I pushed my phone away when the drama and angst got a bit too pulse pounding. And I quickly pulled it up again so I could devour the rest to the finish. I absolutely adore Frankie and loved all of the boys. Jacob was an absolute doll and I loved him like he was my own kid. Gosh, I cannot wait until I get to the next read.
June 13, 2024

This book was beyond words. I enjoyed it from start to finish and there was a moment near the end where I wanted to cry. In a good way.

Candice is an amazing storyteller and hooks you and pulls you in

Defo recommend
Profile Image for Nat Smithy.
539 reviews2 followers
January 19, 2021
DNF at 53% I was so dissapointed that Frankie was going to forgive so easily.
Profile Image for Seragrime.
117 reviews1 follower
June 25, 2022
This was a good read but a few issues kept it from being a great one for me.

The firsr was how we were loaded up with so much backstory for the characters orbiting the group that the guys are all pretty much a mystery.

They were military, a group and that its. Nothing about their pasts, their likes or dislikes just a 'they are hot, that's enough' take. And sure, sometimes that is enough but only for a decent or good book that you read once and pretty much forget as for me the great ones have characters we really get to know, love and understand.

The FMC was dangerously close to a Mary Sue. I know that isn't always fair to the authors to say but when you go for both the 'every single person loves her' and 'eats like a linebacker but has a body like a model' troupes but no real flaws other than naivety, I think its a fair comparison to make.

That said, I was more than willing to overlook it in this because her backstory or situation was fairly good. I'm sure its hard to write about horrific abuse for any author and that it gets harder when dealing with underage abuses, particularly sexual so in this book, the author's lighter touch was more in line with my personal reading preferences. That said, I know some other readers can't get enough of the suffering because it makes the better times so much sweeter, so if that's your style this might not be the angsty, doomfest you're looking to enjoy.

Typical alphahole to savior plot, a classic but I really dislike when otherwise smart and savvy characters act stupid. The guys, these trained to the point they are confident enough to open a security/protection agency have all met Frankie, the FMC, and spent a fair amount of time with her. They have a lot of her records, showing that she does loads of charity for both abused children and vets. Caleb thinks his dad is a heartless asshole. They all also know this much older man married a 17 year old girl. His lawyer and best friend, who you'd expect to be very protective of his sick, rich client/friends assets is not only vouching for her but also a staunch defender.

So how in the hell does anyone with a functioning brain take all that and arrive at the conclusion that is she a gold digging, manipulating slut?! Its a misogynistic cop-out. It doesn't help that they ignore everything they've read and seen first hand to take the word of her parents, who've they have never met and given Caleb's own feelings toward his own parents, just as much reason to be biased against.

And I'm sorry, but getting a crush on some dudes is not nearly enough to justify them bring your abusers into your life and putting your own kid at risk. Frankie forgives them way too easily, but that happens a lot in romance novels so I'm only bringing it up so if it annoys you too, you'll have a heads up.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jordan.
304 reviews
February 5, 2019
Rewriting Yesterday is an enjoyable read, but due to a few personal preferences I am kind of conflicted about this book.

Rewriting Yesterday has an interesting storyline and good characters, but I'm not a huge fan of the writing style and it all felt a little rushed. Everything moved very quickly and the guys in the story, especially Caleb, gave me some emotional whiplash. He hates Frankie because he thinks she's a gold digger, but he finds her attractive, then he thinks maybe she isn't so bad and he and his friends begin to pursue her, but then they conclude that- despite now knowing her and how kind and selfless of a person she is- that she is a liar and faking it all so then they all do something super stupid, but again quickly realize they were wrong and are sorry but by then its a disaster. I have nothing against hate to love stories or characters changing their minds, but it all just felt rushed and nothing was really given much depth so the guys and their reasons for hating/liking/hating/loving Frankie seem a little shallow.

Another aspect of this book is that the writing is very formal/proper, even conversations between characters which is sort of a pet peeve of mine. Obviously I want to read a book with proper grammar and such, but when most people talk they use contractions, and since the characters didn't in this book, they didn't seem as real to me.

I did really enjoy the story line though. I loved the idea of Frankie, young and abused by those meant to protect her, finds hope in a dying man and together they take care of each other and manage to make a positive impact on so many other lives. I even loved the idea of, after he dies, his son comes back prepared to hate Frankie for marrying his father and taking his inheritance, but instead he and his friends falls in love. I just feel like this book needs a bit of work to give the guys a little more depth which I think would really positively impact other aspects of the story as well.
Profile Image for Blessings Bookshelf.
27 reviews1 follower
March 9, 2021
I just can’t get enough of Candice Wright. I love how she writes Reverse harems, each character has a clear personality and they all have different roles within the relationship. The book has a great storyline and she touched on sensitive topics such as abuse in a realistic way that gave the topic the gravity and respect it deserved. I became so emotionally invested in the story.

Her Characters were well formed and multifaceted. Frankie Edwards, the main character, is so sweet and kind, giving and forgiving and so strong. I instantly fell in love with her and was totally rooting for her throughout the book. Her relationship with her adopted son is so cute, so sweet it made me want to cry sometimes as the both had gone through horrible things and survived and thrived.
On the other hand, Caleb one of the men in the relationship was an asshole. He was so distrustful but entitled at the same time. He did a few sketchy things (don’t want to spoil it too much) that resulted in further trauma for Frankie which is why I hated him so much. However, I forgave him towards the end because he redeemed himself. I loved Sam he was this tough alpha protector and his scenes with Jacob were so sweet. The third guy in the relationship Ryan was a total goofball who was so laid back but still an alpha.

My favorite scene in this book was when Caleb realizes how selfless Frankie is whilst reading the letters that his father had left him to read after he had passed. It was so emotional and at the same time made you want to slap Caleb for taking so long to forgive his dad. Another favorite scene was when they are all giving public displays of affection in front of their friend Connor which is confusing him. It is just so funny.

This book is a slow-burn romance and a reverse harm. It contains Triggers. You will love this book is you love angsty, slow-burn romances.
Profile Image for Aleisha Bohaboj.
69 reviews2 followers
November 5, 2018
*minor spoilers*

You guys....this book gave me all the feels. Within the first chapter I teared up twice! Frankie is not your average happy go lucky girl who has never had a bad day, she’s someone who’s been abused for a long time until she meets Joe. Joe is an older gentleman who’s dying of cancer and has some major regrets in his life until an angel gives him a tissue. Joe and Frankie become each others savior and little does Frankie know Joe is setting up her to be taken care of the rest of her life.

Once Frankie meets Joe’s son Caleb and his gorgeous friends Sam and Ryan I just can’t wait for them to make babies! I mean come on 3 ex-military hot protective dudes? Who’s ovaries wouldn’t be combusting?!? On a serious note the story line is beautifully done and the characters are legit I could picture every scene in my head. Nothing was left unquestioned. And here’s one thing I know for a fact you’ll enjoy....no cliffhanger at the end! You get a nice little surprise that makes you impatiently tape your fingers waiting for the next book!

I feel like there’s just so much more that I could say, but then there’d be no reason for you to go read it yourself.....which makes me have to ask why you’re still reading this review and not balls deep in this book, loving it as much as I did?? Get goin! :)

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Nathalia.
135 reviews1 follower
July 5, 2020
Read the blurb and my heart immediately clenched. I just knew I had to read it.

Every time Joe came up, I wanted to cry because it just really fucking hurt . The prologue was fucking wonderful down to his last paragraph-especially that last paragraph. Goddamn. Very original and intriguing theme and backstories. However, I kinda felt like the pace was too fast (this is why I rated it 4.5 stars)? Could probably be due to its standalone status which I found out just after the end (sad :( I wanted to hear more about their family!) but even then, I don't think that's it.

More often than not do I refuse to read or refuse to continue reading books with multiple POVs. There are loads out there that just unnecessarily overcomplicate the plot, so I usually stay away from those. Here though, it mostly worked. I felt with Caleb because of his dad, but I didn't connect much with Sam and Ryan because both POVs mostly revolved around Frankie. This would've been fine but I think there just weren't enough S-A-M and R-Y-A-N there. I'd have loved to have connected more with them though :(.

Will still see if I can stop struggling not to cry so I can check out the rest of the series!!
94 reviews
July 20, 2024
Odd book

This book reads like an upgraded pay per chapter book. The writing is not up to par at all. There are very few contractions, and people don't speak like that. We usually say I won't, not I will not, but the author hardly uses them.
The plot is good and could have made a great story, but it was so badly written. There is absolutely no character development. All the guys are pretty much indistinguishable, except one is slightly taller, and one doesn't talk as much.
This book was also way too insta love! At first, the mmcs don't trust her, but then figure they should get to know her. They spend 3 separate occasions with her, all of which are with her 15 year old adopted son (she's 23ish), then they screw up royally. Once they get her back, they declare their love for her and how they plan to spend the rest of their lives making it up to her. At this point, she's only kissed one of them. Yeah, a little too soon to be throwing out the L word!
Overall, this was just bad. Hate to give such a negative review. However, in this case, it was deserved
Profile Image for Sandy.
245 reviews7 followers
August 22, 2019
This book was just ok for me. I see what the author wanted to do with the secondary characters of Jason and Jo, the whole circle closing kind of thing, but I wish she had dropped that and fleshed out the main characters relationship a little more. There was already a lot of secondary character clutter with conner. I felt that Frankie was kind of unbelievable when she fell for them after a few touches and with how forgiving she was. It just didn't seem realistic to me. There was no growth, no blooming, it was just love at first sight with all three. Especially when Caleb doesn't even like her for most of the book. Without the benefit of the paranormal genre's "chosen mates" or the like, I feel that the author really needed to expend more time on making it believable that Frankie could jump from what she overcame to the relationships that she has with the guys. For me, the author wasn't able to do that. And without that, the whole thing seems forced.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 167 reviews

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