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Him Improvement

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The course of true love runs through every neighborhood….

Only one thing stands between Gregory MacPherson II and his dream revitalization project for the gritty neighborhood of Ball’s End: a rinky-dink, run-down used bookstore called Hailey’s Comic. But when master negotiator Mac shows up to make a deal with the owner, he comes face-to-face with quirky, colorful Hailey—unexpectedly good-humored about Mac’s attempted eviction and, also unexpectedly, a hot guy.

Hailey won’t give up his lease, no matter how much money Mac offers. When it comes to consummating their mutual attraction, though, he’s a lot more flexible. Soon Mac has as hard a time prying himself out of Hailey’s bed as he does prying Hailey out of the building. But Hailey doubts Mac’s plans serve Ball’s End’s best interests, and he insists Mac give him a chance to prove his case. If they’re going to build a happy ever after, one of them will have to be remade….

227 pages, ebook

First published September 3, 2019

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About the author

Tanya Chris

59 books288 followers
Tanya writes in a variety of romantic and erotic genres, being an avid follower of many of these genres herself. Some of her favorites are M/M romance, MFM threesomes, and BDSM with male submissives.

Tanya lives in New England with her boyfriend and her cat and has participated in many of the activities about which she writes, but not all of them. It's left to the reader to decide which are which.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews
Profile Image for Annery.
947 reviews155 followers
November 30, 2020
Do you feel like skipping Halloween & Thanksgiving and diving right into a non-treacly non-Christmas Christmas tale? Look no further than this sweet tale from Tanya Chris. Reminiscent of A Christmas Carol, but without copying it beat for beat, Him Improvement follows a sort of remaking or awakening of Gregory “Mac” McPherson.

Mac is a real estate developer, and his company focuses on rehabilitating underutilized neighborhoods or, as the people who live there might say, paving the way for gentrification. Mac’s current project is in Ball’s End, whose residents are decidedly on the lower-income spectrum, and therefore have been easy to relocate via buyouts, non-renewal of leases, or other methods. The one holdout is Hailey’s Comic, which despite its name, isn’t strictly a comic book store but a rambling used book store. In order to expedite the emptying of this last storefront Mac decides to employ the personal touch and brings himself to 502 Main Street where he meets Hailey Green, the bookstore's owner, and it’s basically lights out.

There is a strong element of, if not insta-love, at least insta-lust which quickly morphs into the former, at least on Mac’s part, but I didn’t mind. Refreshingly Mac isn’t conflicted about his attraction to Hailey due to his gender, Mac’s been out as bisexual to his friends and family since college, and the sexual attraction isn’t really ever in question. Hailey likes/wants Mac (a.k.a. Greg to Hailey) and isn’t coy about it. Once Mac starts a relationship with Hailey, he’s not only exposed to Hailey’s views on life, capitalism, and urban planning, but he also gets to meet and spend time with the people of Ball’s End. Lives that were once abstractions in a report are now living, breathing, flesh & blood. This is the source of angst in this story. Mac getting to know those who are affected by his company’s projects and Mac wanting to be worthy of Hailey. At heart Mac is a good guy, and he also happens to think that Hailey hangs the moon. This leads him to revise or scrap the way he does business in order to embrace the needs of those already living in these areas and not just the new residents his company is hoping to attract.

The story is told from Mac’s P.O.V., and very much centers on Mac continually questioning if Hailey would approve or what would Hailey do? He shouldn’t worry so much. Hailey is also just a good guy trying to do, what he believes is the right thing. To that extent he’s been using the bookstore as a community center that covers everything from after school babysitting to an informal AA meeting place. The only thing he hasn’t been able to do is turn a profit, because he’s terrible at business. Anyway these two men, who on the surface are opposites, make a pretty good whole. I enjoyed that their external appearance didn’t restrict who they were in the bedroom. As usual Tanya Chris delivers realistic relationships full of heat and sensuality. I liked that in spite of their radically different upbringings and likely politics, each man respected where the other was coming from, their goals and motivations.

I only have two quibbles with this story which can absolutely be ignored by everyone else. One is Hailey himself. Granted we know him from Mac’s P.O.V., but he seemed almost too perfect. Also I questioned his decision to plant his flag in a mostly minority neighborhood. I’m not a particularly PC person or at all, but it struck me as a bit of White Savior or White Martyr? I’m not saying his intentions are nefarious or any such thing, far from it, but maybe making the character something other than a white guy looking for purpose amongst underprivileged minorities would’ve sat better. My second quibble is said minorities. Some of them seem to exist to prop up Hailey’s bonafides as a do gooder or as part of Mac’s education in social diversity, and the other part had a whiff of the Noble Savage. I’m sure I’m wrong but it did cross my mind.

Of course you can skip my previous paragraph and just enjoy a sweet story about two adults who find a way to live in each other’s different worlds, and enrich each other’s lives because they’ve fallen in love. Isn’t that what we all want in the end?

Merry Early Christmas. xoxo

Profile Image for Joyfully Jay.
8,302 reviews481 followers
September 4, 2019
A Joyfully Jay review.

5 stars

Tanya Chris has written one of the sweetest and funniest romances I have read in a long time. I raced through Him Improvement after immediately falling in love with both Mac and Hailey. Mac was so stuffy, so sure of himself and Hailey was the polar opposite in every way except confidence and even that changed as the story went on. These two were absolutely delightful together. From the way Hailey slowly wrapped Mac around his finger business-wise, to the intimate moments they shared that were infused with lots of heat and a little bit of whimsy, the dynamic between these guys couldn’t have been more entertaining to watch.

Read Sammy’s review in its entirety here.

Profile Image for Sandra .
1,866 reviews339 followers
October 29, 2019
This is yet another title in the Dreamspun Desires series that really worked for me.

Gregory MacPherson II, aka Mac, is a real estate developer and the new owner of a somewhat dilapidated multi-use building, where only one tenant remains while his lease runs its course. The other tenants have long been bought out of their leases - Hailey's Comic, a used book store being the only holdout, the only one who refused a buyout. Mac has big plans for this building, and the area as a whole, and the last tenant is merely a small obstacle that should be easily removed. Mac, never one to not grab the proverbial bull by the horns, decides to pay a visit to said tenant, a young man named Hailey, who owns the bookstore on the ground floor of the building.

Immediately, the glaring differences between Mac and Hailey are obvious. Where Mac is all stuffy suits and ties, Hailey's clothes are worn and slightly holey, his hair in disarray where Mac's is nicely groomed. And those are only their superficial differences. Where they also differ is in how they view the plans Mac has for the building and the area as a whole.

Ball's End is a rather run-down area of town, where people have low or no income, where most struggle to make ends meet, and where life is hard for most of them. Hailey knows both the high life and the low life, and he sees better options for this area and the people than Mac sees.

The entire book is written from Mac's POV, so we really only see Hailey through his somewhat biased eyes and what the author gives us by way of dialogue. Hailey's snark and quick wit fascinate Mac, and he quickly becomes enamored with the guy, who sleeps on a mattress in a backroom of the store, where Mac starts to also spend his nights.

As Mac spends more and more time with Hailey and gets to know not only him but also his customers and the individuals that live in the area, he finds it more and more difficult to pursue his previous plans. He begins to see things from Hailey's POV and struggles with reconciling his business needs with his personal needs.

Obviously, these warring needs are bound to clash at some point, and so they do.

I rather enjoyed reading this book. It had all the makings of a great romance, with interesting characters, a good plot, and an easy flow. Recommended.

This being my first book by this author, I'm going to check out more of her writings.

** A free copy of this book was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. **
21 reviews3 followers
September 22, 2019
I suspect this author’s heart was in the right place in trying to show the shortcomings of urban gentrification, but there were so many places that this book went wrong. I could only read about 50%, as it did not seem that there would be any improvements.

Our main characters include a rich, white businessman who has been buying buildings in poorer neighborhoods, evicting the tenants, then repairing the buildings so that the original inhabitants could not afford to live in them any more. He has NEVER WONDERED what happened to the folks he evicted, which seems unrealistic.

When he personally goes to confront the final tenant in a building in a primarily Latinx and black neighborhood, it turns out that it is a young, beautiful, white man, who left behind his Ivy League economics degrees and corporate job to “help the little people” by opening a used bookshop. Why he didn’t join one of the many organizations headed by people of color that are already doing this, and use his expertise more effectively, we don’t know.

Instead, he runs a pseudo-daycare, English language classes, and other white-savior type events out of his local store. He makes no money, and apparently has no student loans. All the people of color in the neighborhood love him for his condescension (classical definition).

The bookstore owner has not left his residence (all of the characters of color have), as he has Strong Ideals (I guess no one else does), and will fight to the end for his store! He takes our executive on a tour of the “dangerous” neighborhood, to show him that folks who aren’t white have some things of value, too, like churros. Yes, it went there. Holy cats, that scene was awful.

The only characters of color so far are a sassy black female friend, and an unemployed single mom Latina woman (who is offered a job as a receptionist at the exec’s building, with no questioning of job skills, or if she can afford the expensive wardrobe this job would require. But she should be grateful to this rich white dude who is helping her, dammit).

The only other white character in the neighborhood so far is a smart man, but had a traumatic brain injury. He now has to live with people of color, as he isn’t good enough for Nice White Society any more.

The rich white women in the exec’s family are philanthropists, because, per the exec- the men in the family are not (implying the men do all the work, and don’t give money frivolously to the Undeserving Poor like those softhearted Nice White Women). He gives away some of his multi-millions to reputable charities, so why should he be bothered by the continuing harm he does? What more do these people want from him?

In all, this book was so riddled with casual racism, classism, and misogyny that I couldn’t continue. I suspect there weren’t any Beta Readers of color for this book, or it would have been sent back to the author to request major revisions.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
June 9, 2020
As sweet romances go, this is a good one. It has adorable main characters, just enough tension to keep me interested, and while the contrast between Gregory MacPherson II (Mac) and Hailey’s personalities is pretty pronounced, they manage to deal with their differences in a refreshingly straightforward and honest way. This results in a story with an interesting lack of conflict on the personal/emotional side – from the beginning, there was no doubt in my mind that Hailey and Mac would end up together. On the other hand, their different personalities and business interests are about as far apart as the North Pole is from Antarctica – and watching them learn and accept each other’s quirks was very entertaining.

Please find my full review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
June 9, 2020
As sweet romances go, this is a good one. It has adorable main characters, just enough tension to keep me interested, and while the contrast between Gregory MacPherson II (Mac) and Hailey’s personalities is pretty pronounced, they manage to deal with their differences in a refreshingly straightforward and honest way. This results in a story with an interesting lack of conflict on the personal/emotional side – from the beginning, there was no doubt in my mind that Hailey and Mac would end up together. On the other hand, their different personalities and business interests are about as far apart as the North Pole is from Antarctica – and watching them learn and accept each other’s quirks was very entertaining.

Please find my full review of the second edition (title: Better Off) on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for True Loveislovereview.
2,619 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2019
I adored this story!
The hardworking demanding businessman Gregory MacPherson II is totally mesmerized by Hailey. He wants to be near him, touch him, all the time.
Hailey isn’t impressed by the businessman but he is interested in the man Mac.

Mac is the owner and primary investor in a multimillion-dollar development firm. He has to convince Hailey he has to move his store so Mac’s company can start the renovate/rebuild the place. The rebuilding will be something totally different than what people have now in the neighborhood. Hailey is not charmed by this project and doesn’t want to move. He is heavily charmed by Mac and Mac, wants to win this without losing Hailey.

We get to know Hailey and what really is going on in the neighborhood.
The two men are each other’s opposite with ideas and their way of life, but their attraction is heavy.
To see them grow together is wonderful. Mac is just a heartwarmingly endearing personality.
I loved him hard. Hailey is like a bright clear light and together they are like firework.
A well-written story, captivating, with a good plot. A rich businessman and thr poor owner of a small dusty bookshop. The people in the neighborhood have a great part in this story.
We meet them all. We meet family, friends and colleagues.
Wonderful story, original storyline, well developed and again amazingly captivating written!
Absolutely a recommendation worth.
Profile Image for Cleo.
535 reviews11 followers
October 1, 2019
Meh. Polemic against thoughtless gentrification disguised as an MM rivals to lovers romance between a cynical and ruthless real estate developer and idealistic hold out tenant.

I had two problems with this. One is that I’m not a big fan of insta love and there was a lot of insta lust that turned into insta love almost immediately. And two is that I felt lectured at.

I found myself focusing more on the arguments about gentrification than the romance and feeling like they were a little superficial. Like why wasn’t there any mention of the things like redlining that created the so called bad neighborhoods that are now ripe for redevelopment.
Profile Image for Helena Stone.
Author 35 books128 followers
September 3, 2019
Him Improvement is a most charming story from start to finish. Right from the moment Mac (or Greg, as Hailey calls him) and Hailey fall into insta-lust—only moments before Mac falls into insta-love—this is a story about two men who couldn’t be more different finding a way to be together that works for both of them.

The one thing that is perfectly clear from that first encounter is that sexually, Hailey and Mac couldn’t be more compatible. It’s just in every other aspect of their lives and personalities that they are opposites. And I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of Mac’s quest to initially try and pretend to be and subsequently turn himself into the man he thinks Hailey needs and deserves.

Of course, what Mac wants and what Mac can actually pull off turn out to be two very different things. After all, as a developer he has his company and investors to take into account. And while Hailey’s ideas and ideals may well be admirable, they aren’t always practical, and almost never profitable. I have to admit that I love the solution the story eventually came up with even if I have my doubts as to how realistic it was. I totally buy that Mac was ‘converted’ by that stage of the story. I had a bit more trouble getting my head around his best friend and lawyer also making the switch.

I would have loved it if I had also been able to read from Hailey’s perspective because I constantly found myself wondering why he was interested in someone like Mac – apart from a strong physical attraction. I get the opposites attract lure, but I’m not sure why anyone would be so benevolent towards anybody who is out to rob them of their livelihood and doesn’t understand their motivation when it comes to helping others at all. As much as I don’t like conflict in my romances, I think it would have helped if Hailey had got angry at least once, because Mac certainly gave him reasons to be upset. Seen just through Mac’s eyes and described only in Mac’s words, Hailey was just too good to be true. Although, given how hard Mac falls, maybe we should forgive him those rose-tinted glasses.

Maybe the problem is that I didn’t really warm to Mac until maybe the last 15% of the story. I couldn’t escape the feeling that rather than changing as a result of seeing Hailey’s way of life and appreciating his values, Mac changed out of selfish reasons, because there was very little he wouldn’t do if it meant he could stay with Hailey and deepen their relationship. Because, no matter how I feel about developers (and I’m not a huge fan in general), you can’t deny that Mac goes from being prepared to screw over the little man to being willing to drop his friends, family, and other investors in it without experiencing significant guilt. But, at the same time it’s impossible to deny that by the end of the book, Mac is willing and trying…trying to understand Hailey and what motivates him, and trying to do better.

Having said all that, if you read this book as a modern, not-Christmassy, play on A Christmas Carol, as the book itself does once or twice, Him Improvement was a gentle, sexy, and mostly angst-free read with a fairy-tale feel, which is pretty much how I prefer my romances.

Him Improvement is definitely not a book for those who thrive on angst. If, on the other hand, you enjoy stories in which love literally overcomes all, you’re going to adore this book.

Which leaves me with just one question: Will Declan get his own book and man?
Profile Image for R.
1,976 reviews
August 17, 2019
Gregory MacPherson II needed to be taken down a peg or two and Hailey Ever Green may be just the person to do it.

Mac wants the reimagine the neighborhood Hailey lives in. Make it more trendy, bring in a better class of people, and not at all caring about the people he’s displacing. Then he meets Hailey, the last holdout he needs to start his project. Hailey, who turns Mac upside down and inside out.

I’ve been on a streak of sweet books lately. This one is right up there. Hailey has to be one of the most lovely people ever written. The author gave him all the characteristics of a truly good person without making him to over the top. Mac’s befuddlement with Hailey was very well done. Their interactions were funny and endearing. Great characters and good storytelling make this a story I will definitely recommend.

Scrooge MacPherson II, taken down by a lowly book store owner.

Review Copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads.
Profile Image for E..
1,937 reviews20 followers
September 3, 2019
3.75 stars

“Him Improvement” by Tanya Chris is a contemporary adult gay romance that features a David and Goliath struggle between Gregory Mac Pherson II (Greg/Mac), urban revitalizer, and Hailey E. Green, bookstore owner. Their personal connection sizzles despite the impasse they are at professionally but eventually one of them is going to lose the battle, which may destroy any relationship they might have had.

This story is part of the ‘Dreamspun Desires’ series and provides a unique perspective on the upheaval that goes with urban renewal. I like the way individual stories are touched upon and I enjoyed Hailey’s quirkiness but I would have liked to get a little more depth to the characters. The heat between the two main characters is intense, but I felt like the story was almost too sweet. There is some conflict, understandably, since the two main characters had opposing goals, but the major one seemed to fizzle, especially given the unequal responses to it. Despite this, I like the secondary characters and enjoyed watching Mac discover the personal impact of his business decisions and recommend this to anyone in search of a gentle romance with a bit of spice mixed in.

A copy of this title was provided for review
Profile Image for Shannon.
2,163 reviews41 followers
September 18, 2019
Happy, feel good book with social injustices all over the place. Loved that these two are total opposites but fit so well together. Just loved Hailey and the way he looks at the world. Great story, good smexing and very likable MCs make for an entertaining read.
Profile Image for Paula´s  Brief Review.
1,115 reviews18 followers
January 15, 2020
4 estrellas porque si bien es una novelita rosa sin grandes traumas, con unos MC que son un encanto y una historia del todo inverosímil, el desarrollo de la misma es completamente distinto al que has leído anteriormente, de ahí más estrellas por original
Profile Image for Mike.
1,173 reviews29 followers
June 13, 2021
Redeveloping the gentry

The heir and self-made CEO and the utterly giving, brilliant but overly caring but about-to-lose everything bookstore owner actually have sweet chemistry. It’s fluffy but nicely probing, if over-the-top. With both characters being very sympathetic in their own ways, and a steady march to great connection, care, and concern, it’s a sweet read.

Opposites attract, contemporary gay/m-m romance
Profile Image for The Quille and Lampe.
207 reviews26 followers
September 4, 2019
What I Think: This Authoress is passionate about addressing social ills and that made me think about things that I have overlooked in the past or wondered as to their importance. Considering how prudish of sex I can be, I bow to everyone that can just toss it out there without blinking and Hailey’s opening sally made me laugh even as I bowed to him.
Unlike charges attract more sweetly than explosively and I was certain this couldn’t end well. But I know I’m naturally rigid in my thinking which is why I got hooked on how these two would figure this out. Mac’s attraction is immediate which is perfect for me cause I’m impatient and what everything now. While Hailey is a delicious mix of… Whatever but too damn intuitive for his own good which meant that I disliked him immediately and cringed for Mac when he was read like… Not an open book, but a cheap, obvious tale. I applaud the skill it obviously took to not let the sword of Damocles hanging over them dampen this love. Even though it’s unconscious, Mac is bent on holding on to Elf Hailey, which shows in the way he always holds onto him as though something in him knows that Hailey could shimmer away like pixie dust and my intelligent Mac is holding on tight! Hailey is a tantalizer, enough to make us square people lose it. And I really tried hard to ignore all the shimmer he was dropping because this evil man knows what he’s doing to poor Mac. It’s a damn conspiracy! I realized I’m more like Mac and have seen too much evil in the world to try to get anyone but myself to effect the changes I want but damn if it didn’t have me thinking what it would be like to have a partner that would just turn my life inside out.
Yet, there were so many instances that had me laughing out loud on a crowded bus. I just know that one of these days bestie will have to get me from an asylum jail. So, I can’t decide if I want to love him or smack him but I got so invested in having Mac win that I have to admit I speed read through some of this tale, desperate to get to the end of it. At a point, I just wanted to smack Hailey off his high horse until, of course, Mac did something even I would never do and I just threw him at Hailey while saying, “fix him!” Then, I cringed as I waited for the floor to drop out from under Mac’s feet only for it to end exactly how I wanted it to, making me think that every Mac does need a Hailey to keep them honest. This has completely and annoyingly edited what I’m looking for in a partner. But that aside, really, about finding a Hailey of my own…

Verdict? An opposites attract romance that retains all its sugar and just might have you giving your dream partner checklist a do-over!

Do follow the link below to a delicious giveaway!

Profile Image for Laura ~Passion flower.
561 reviews1 follower
August 23, 2019

"An Intense, Emotional and Heart-Warming Story"   

An absolutely incredible, deeply intense, highly emotional read has left this reader amazed as a result of such a thought-provoking, nail-biting, heart-breaking, extremely surprising, wonderful, adorable, emotional, and, beyond heart-warming read, with such head-spinning, beautifully emotional moments that has actually left this reader a bit stunned..     

I am almost in that dumb-founded state-of-shock as a result of a most recent read, which was read practically blindly without having much prior knowledge of the story prior to reading, and wow, is my head deliciously spinning.�� An excellent style-of-writing with such a gripping yet hopeful emotion-filled storyline and an addicting plot lead by scintillating, hard-working, driven, and, dedicated individuals had this reader reading with mouth-agape throughout much of this story, as it was such an unimaginable yet astonishingly beautiful underlying theme.    

As a reader, I can generally decipher the difference between a super great and a great read all dependent upon how much my head spins during and after reading.  As a result of this current read?  I will now be virtually high-fiving this author because..*wipes brow*  This was a super great read.  But..where did this author and story come from?  This reader was blind-sided, that is for sure..     

Him Improvement, by Tanya Chris, is clearly a recommended read.  While heavily with its use of business terminology, it's underlying theme is..stunning.  Through urban revitalization and development, economics, ethics, compassion, kindness, righteousness, selflessness, love, need, desperation, betrayal, sacrifice, and..forgiveness, this story glowed with these types of moments as the characters dutifully battled society's stereotypical standards for the absolute good of the human race.  This was a breathtakingly beautiful eye-opening story and I just loved the beauty of its meaning.    

I adored the main characters, especially Hailey, with his ever-expanding Ethereal, Fey-like heart and his continuous selfless acts of love and utmost dedication for all, and Greg for his desperate need for genuine love, change, and his ultimate peace.  I loved them to bits as their journey as two lost souls towards their peaceful destination was worthy of gigantic crocodile-sized tears and while they at first appeared to be very different, both turned out to be even more of the same with their drive towards peace and dedication towards the human race.  I need to squeeze-hug them both...like right now..:)    

While there does exist some room for further development in a few areas, and, with the existence of an eagerness for more of an ending for this reader, the magnitude of this super amazing story far out weighs any of this additional need.  I without-a-doubt loved this story immensely..:)

*star rating: 5.00 'I really, really liked this story' stars*

Profile Image for Didi.
1,535 reviews86 followers
September 3, 2019
3+ Stars

I’m (still) conflicted. On the one hand, HIM IMPROVEMENT is a feel good and uplifting story on the other hand the leading man was a way-too-good-to-be-true chap. Didn’t mean that I hate it though. Hailey and Mac - or Greg, as Hailey preferred to call him - were adorable and amusing couple that I was truly entertained by their exploits (even the bedroom or mattress or whatever surface gymnastics). Almost nothing could ruffle Hailey’s feathers and for all his tough businessman reputation, Greg was a putty in Hailey’s hand since the moment they met. Honestly, I loved this as much as I resented the situation. Convoluted much!?!

Romance wise, Greg and Hailey took instalove to a new level, which - again - as amusing as I found it, aggravated me no end. Readers were left in no doubt these two would end up together. It’s just - I can’t believe I’m saying this - the pathway was just too darn smooth and sans resistance. The alternate POVs from Greg’s to Hailey’s didn’t hint much on our MCs’ insight or even - gods forbid - skeleton in the closet. The only thing came close to obstacle this pair have came in the shape of one envious and overprotective good friend. That balance the overload goodness of the story. Darn it, I can’t believe I ranted because the lead characters were way too decent people in nowadays’ standard!!

The upside of HIM IMPROVEMENT was that people never stopped developing, that a chance meet with the yin to your yang could shape one into a better version of themselves. This was what happened to Greg and Hailey; that adapting and compromising your view wasn’t always a bad thing. And I love that about these duo.

So yeah, not much help for constructive thought because of conflicting feelings I had throughout. Way too go to play with my emotion, Tanya Chris. I’m a newbie to this author’s writings but I’m certainly drawn in to check out more of her backlist titles now. Sincerely, a confused reader.

Copy of this book is kindly given by the author in exchange for an honest review.
697 reviews8 followers
September 26, 2019
3.5 Stars!

Gregory MacPherson II, also known as Mac, is a developer who is waiting for one last tenant to leave his newly acquired building. On a whim, he goes to see the owner of the bookshop in hopes of persuading him to leave sooner than his lease ends. Hailey is that store owner and has no intention of leaving early.

While I can see the humor in how different Mac and Hailey are, I found this book to be harder to get into than I thought it would be. I liked that Hailey was unpredictable and how he managed to keep Mac off his game, but I really wasn't sure what to make of Mac for most of the story. We get hints that Mac is this amazing, confident developer who always comes through, but Hailey consistently makes him insecure and unsure of himself. While I liked seeing the changes that Mac made throughout the book, I really just couldn't quite see why he was so different around Hailey from the get go. Hailey had a really interesting background and his later revelations made him a good partner for Mac in a lot of ways, but at the same time, also not - vague I know, but I don't want to spoil anything from the story. While I liked how they managed to make their relationship work in the end, I felt like Mac was the only one really working to find a solution for them to be together. I also thought Hailey seemed too perfect, but that is probably because we only have Mac's viewpoint.

I wanted to like this one more than I did. I was happy that I did finish it because there are some insights later in the book that really helped me understand Hailey better. I felt like I would have liked this one more on a different day or if we had gotten more of Hailey's viewpoint; thus I may revisit this one again in the future. Other readers may find this one amusing and enjoy it, so give it a try if you wish.

*** Copy provided to Bayou Book Junkie by Dreamspinner Press for my reading pleasure, a review wasn't a requirement. ***
238 reviews3 followers
September 7, 2019
Extremely well written (as always, by this author) story, focusing, should I say mainly (?) on the human and social issues happening in a small corner inhabited by less privileged folks.
This is a sort of enemies to lovers tale (although the protagonists are more adversaries than enemies) with our mc (narrator) being the guy with the bucks wanting to tear down and renovate an old building and the second mc (and love interest) standing firm about vacating and forfeiting his beloved book shop.

What is unique about this story is the (very refreshing) fact that, even though these two men are on opposite sides of the fence, they don't allow it to affect their growing respect and affection for one another.
This is a fascinating story, well researched and, at times heartbreaking, albeit, at its core, perhaps a little political for my own total enjoyment.
This is by no means to say that the romance is secondary to the story, however.
This is a beautiful romance. It was warming to see the lengths that Mac was prepared to go to in order to accommodate (and help) Hailey.
How Hailey, in his unassuming way helped Mac to see and understand that the world is indeed a bigger place than his own little bubble of prosperity, and in so doing, helped him to become a better person inside.
A really, really deep and worthwhile read!

This book is a far cry from so many of the more erotic tales that Tanya is known for, but also proves how brilliantly versatile she is as an author.
Highly recommended.

Standalone story.
HEA with epilogue.
Singular 3rd person POV.
Heat level: moderate. (only about 2-3 moderately explicit scenes)
No violence
Very limited profanity.
I received an arc of this book via Story Origin and my review is voluntary.

Profile Image for Anita.
1,860 reviews27 followers
September 17, 2019
Utterly delightful read with a strong social justice thread running through it. My kind of book!! Loved Hailey and Mac. The whole insta-love thing worked well here. Greg couldn't figure out why he just had to be touching, holding, seeing, hugging Hailey and it was a hoot watching him trip over his trust fund baby feet trying not to scare Hailey away. This is a new to me author although I believe I've bought some of her books. This line from her bio at the end of the book "...she's fact-based but thirsty for justice, and her books often include an examination of a current social issue, even when they're set in the past." Spot on! Definite themes of haves and have nots and how seemingly well meaning policies and actions are detrimental to ordinary people. Doesn't beat you over the head with social justice but adds a level of verisimilitude you don't often see in romance. Lovely cast of secondary characters from all walks of life. Wish we'd get a book about Declan. This line after he sees Hailey again and says to Greg, "“That was before I realized how unsuitable he was. You made him sound like a waif, an adorable little poppet you could coddle into compliance, but that’s no waif you’ve got there, Mac. What you’ve got is an activist.” Hah! Also was surprised and the level of hot, hot, hot smexy we have here. Usually the Dreamspun books have, shall we say, rather tame sexy bits. But Greg and Hailey definitely burn up the pages a few times. Awesome read!!
3,356 reviews34 followers
September 2, 2019
👥The bleeding heart and the iron-willed tycoon: hearts on🔥 fire😉

👍👍 😊 I love Tanya Chris MM romance stories and this one is right up there with the best. Romantic leads Hailey and Greg don't seem compatible anywhere but in the sheets at first, but Hailey is the kind, caring and upbeat, altruistic soul who has the ability to transform Greg's for-profit-only outlook.

🏢 Chris brings the crumbling community of Ball's End to life with a cohort of endearing characters, like mumbling, stumbling Ethan, overachieving tiny Pia, and spelling-challenged Alexander. Her storytelling ability makes it obvious why this low income community should be saved.

And the 🔥🔥 hot hook-up that won't quit is brimming with emotion, something I did not expect from the Greg/Mac who first shows up ready to conquer and gentrify the area using whatever tactics it takes. As Hailey's threadbare way of living comes to light, Greg is captivated even more by the man and the heat of their passion, if anything, intensifies. I loved Greg's transformation as he learns "by walking in Hailey's shoes" that a good life is more than affluence and killer business deals.

With a feel-great! ending, I could not help but heave a sigh of contentment as I read the last page. This one's a keeper!😌

I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.
Profile Image for Tina.
2,695 reviews15 followers
September 18, 2019
Him Improvement by Tanya Chris is a fun read. I loved this lighthearted read. This is my kind of book with pure romance, and fun sprinkled in. I love books that make me smile and this one does.
Mac or Greg: he is the owner of C&G Development. He is giving his hometown a facelift. Taking away the small hometown stores and bringing in cooperate and big business. He is rich born that way. At first, he comes off as stuff and uptight but once you get to know him, he is way more than that. He is a deep person who thinks about all the angles and sees pitfalls before he steps.
Hailey is the owner of Hailey’s Comic. He is open and friendly. He won’t sell. He knows he will have to go eventually but there are many layers to why he is going to wait till the last second. His story is very deep and layered. I really loved getting to know such an interesting character.
Overall this is a great opposite attract story. I adored it. Sometimes you find love in a place you never ever expected.

Five Shooting Stars
376 reviews5 followers
August 17, 2019
Him Improvement was a delight from start to finish.

Early in the book, I reflected that one of the joys of reading good romance is that you know how it's going to end—the only question is how you'll get there. The main arc of Mac/Greg and Hailey's journey was predictable, but the myriad details and characters made it compelling and fresh. I had a jillion other things I was supposed to be doing today, but reading this took priority. I couldn't resist settling in to see their story unfold.

I'm stingy with five-star reviews, because I can pretty much always imagine how a story could be better. And I'm not saying this book was perfect; all the issues were resolved a tad too easily for my tastes. But, in the end, a book that makes me this happy gets five stars.

My thanks to StoryOrigin and the author. I received a free review copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Sarita Chapdelaine.
1,229 reviews1 follower
September 5, 2019
This is an interesting book with an intriguing premise but unfortunately it is just an okay read for me. I'm not even sure why that is as I really like the characters and I love how Mac learns that there is more to life than making money and improving communities. All of the secondary characters are amazing in their own way and Hailey's outlook on life is refreshing and fun. They just don't make sense as a couple to me and they lack a real connection. I had a difficult time getting into the story and as a result of that I kept putting it down and reading something else as it was not able to keep my attention for very long. Overall I think this is a sweet story but I wish there was more depth to it and that there was more conflict and angst between the MC's. I have always enjoyed this author's books and I look forward to seeing what they have in store for us next.

I voluntarily reviewed an advanced copy of this book.
Profile Image for Momma Says: To Read or Not to Read.
3,436 reviews109 followers
September 6, 2019
Him Improvement is an opposites attract romance - kind of. Mac and Hailey couldn't be more different in the way they live and the things that are important to them. So, on the surface they are opposites, but they fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Hailey has such a presence about him, and he's just the person to show Mac that there is more to life than the next deal. Given their circumstances, you would expect Mac to be the more self-assured, but he almost seems a little lost at times, a little unsure. The angst comes from exactly where I expected, so in that the story is pretty predictable, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment of this romance. It's a thoroughly entertaining read with plenty of wit and some steamy fun. It's a fairly quick read, but Tanya Chris crams plenty of story into those pages. We get a romance that a good mix of sweet and sexy and terrific characters in a low angst, engaging read.
Profile Image for J.
3,071 reviews49 followers
September 14, 2019
A 5 star read for me because of the MC's. Loved them both. An uptight, very successful real estate developer, Mac, moves in on a few buildings in an economically depressed area hoping his redevelopment will generate profit and improve the neighborhood. He cannot start his project until one last tenant vacates his book store in one of the old buildings. The tenant is refusing all offers to end his lease early so the developer takes it upon himself to meet with the tenant and make an "offer he can't refuse."

The tenant, Hailey (male), is the 20ish son of some hippies, pierced, tattooed and determined to stay to the bitter end to try to help the current residents of his neighborhood (whom he considers his family) and whom he doubts will benefit much from bringing in higher rent residential units and stores.

Hailey and Mac together were magic. Wonderful characters developed so well. I did take exception a little to Hailey's naive view of the rotting, violent world his neighborhood had become and his resistance to someone trying to fix it (albeit with the intent of making a lot of money). I think they ended up in a great compromise situation (probably impossible in real life).
Profile Image for Renee.
364 reviews11 followers
August 14, 2019
Tanya Chris delivered on a sweet and thought provoking book. It has some excellent layers to it that kept me thoroughly engaged.

The characters in this book really came alive. The depth the author pours into her characters is astounding. I love the fact it’s not just the main characters either but the secondary as well. Tanya Chris has a gift for really highlighting relationships in a believable manner. The world building was vivid and detailed.

Most of all, I enjoyed the storyline. This is more than just a regular romance. It is apparent that Tanya Chris fully researches each aspect she adds to a book and she uses the topics to enhance the story. It didn’t detract at all and actually helped immerse me in the book.

5 stars for an engaging and beautiful story!
Profile Image for Cheryl_cajun .
1,185 reviews26 followers
August 25, 2019
Thank you for the ARC read, I voluntarily give this book an honest review. All the plans that Mac had made for the Ball's End was being put on hold thanks to one little renter. When the spur of the moment thought hits Mac to visit Hailey's comic. The young man was not what he was expecting.  Smart and quick wit Hailey is no fool. Even if all Man wanted to do was improve the neighborhood, the people was more important.  With instant attraction between them Hailey makes it hard for Mac to say no to anything. The bottom line was to renovate the Ball's End image but can he do that while trying to get Hailey to see him for himself. Can a young hipsters looking for a cummituny fall for a corporate older man? This was such a sweet and wonderful tale of love and cummituny coming together.
Profile Image for MariF.
819 reviews1 follower
September 28, 2019
That was disappointing ...
Aside from unrealistic fairy-tale feel, this book was probably offensive to non-white readers who were presented in a very unflattering way here and needed just a "slight push" from the white folks to improve their lot. And what year is this ? - men are working to make money so their little women can run their charities and be professional "board-sitters".
I did not buy ista-lust turning overnight into insta-love and all these character alterations being one-sided on Greg/Mac part.
I often ready to suspend disbelief when I really like characters/plot/romance progression but that did not happen with this book, alas.
Author has a lot of potential though and I'll be willing to read something else by Tanya Chris.
490 reviews10 followers
August 3, 2019
I was given an ARC of Him Improvement and, overall, I liked it. It had a fairy tale quality in it although there are no fairies, no wicked stepsisters etc. It is a modern day romance. Greg is all business and he wants to break Hailey's lease so his building project can commence. Hailey run a struggling comic store and he wants to stay because his store is an important part of the community. These two men are so different but they connect on a very basic level. Neither is going to give in - except in bed perhaps.
I liked the way in which the book is written and I wanted to keep reading. The book is not long and it is a pleasant way to pass time on a lazy afternoon.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews

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