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Wolf #3

The Lone Wolf

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My gravest mistake was falling in love with my husband.

It crept up on me so slowly that I didn't even notice it was happening until it arrived. I assumed he felt the same way every time he kissed me...every time he touched me.

Until he proved me wrong.

Kamikaze is dead, so I don't need him for protection anymore. Divorce is all I want now. I'll find a man that will love me the way I deserve, that won't bring home two strange women just to hurt me.

I don't need him.

Now it's time to start over.

276 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 20, 2019

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About the author

Penelope Sky

64 books5,068 followers
A New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author, Penelope Sky is known for her dark romance that makes you fall for her characters….no matter how dark they seem. Her books are being translated into several languages around the world, and she’s sold more than a million books worldwide. She lives in a small town in California with her husband, where she spends most of her time writing on the back porch.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 280 reviews
Profile Image for Ana Laura.
486 reviews233 followers
August 21, 2019
Yes, I think I should start betting money. To close with a golden key, our zeroin still sleeps in the same bed the two women with he cheated on her aaaaaall night long. Self respect? What is it for? No. Exactly as predicted. But oh yes! Did she sleep with someone else? Yes. Has that changed anything? No. The same pathetic character as usual. He? I saw only pride hurt. He even had the audacity to fell digusted with OW who suggested they have an affair even though he was married! Disgusted?! How hypocritical can a character be written? If the author were competing for the prize for misogyny and lack of originality she would have won for sure. Sorry (not sorry) I'd like to be mistaken but this crap is ridiculous.

Let's guess? She is hurt and of course she wants to find a new love. But she will not. Because her wolf's cock is golden, it doesn't matter if she had to join the two women he fucked all night (according to him) at her breakfast table. Yes, she had the decency to ask for divorce papers and since she didn't want his money, he realized the good person she is and decided he wants her back and won't sign the papers. He goes after her, she says no (even though her cheating body says yes, because his dick is golden, don't forget). He goes after her again, she says no (but she wants him so much) so he kisses her and she is tempted. And since the author has no other solution because all this garbage has already been written, maybe she will endanger one of them to have a pathetic excuse for them to know they love each other and get together. Who wants to bet?

"Another author who just believes that women should be treated like garage. Of course, he will regret fucking two women in the same house his wife was in. Of course he will realize that he loves her. And of course she'll take him back because, come on! It would take a lot of work for this writer to be original."( book 2 review)
Profile Image for Caitlin.
379 reviews3,002 followers
January 11, 2022
I’m conflicted over whether I forgive Maverick
Profile Image for Josh.
10 reviews5 followers
September 4, 2019
TW: rape

Well, that's disappointing.

The final book picks up where the last one left off. Arwen finally finds sense and leaves her cheating husband. It's an interesting premise, to be honest, and I was hoping that their time apart would lead to introspection on both their parts, but once again, I am hugely disappointed by how things happen.

Arwen finds a pretty boy to sleep with, but her mind is plagued by thoughts of her husband. The story could have been better and Arwen a lot likeable had she found the time to focus on herself. It's acceptable to have her think of her husband once in a while, but all the damn time? Suffice it to say that all my hopes of her becoming an independent woman has completely evaporated. I get that she has fallen deeply in love with Maverick, but aren't we allowed to have a heroine who retains her sense of self-preservation after suffering a heart break? It could be argued that her unwavering love for her cheating husband is a strength; I say bullshit. She could have remained hopeful for a better future between them, but taking away her ability to think beyond her husband? Completely unacceptable. Her character has been completely wasted.

On the other hand, Maverick spends time drinking and thinking about how he fucked things royally between him and his wife. As if thinking about it long and hard would right his wrong. Like I said, the couple's time apart could have been an opportunity for them to get in touch with their own person, to be strong on their own, and confront their weaknesses, but this doesn't happen. Maverick admits he has a problem with confronting feelings, partly an explanation as to why he's an asshole (cliché much?). His time apart from Arwen is a perfect opportunity for him to confront his father, who, admittedly, is the root of all the fucked up things that happen in their story. He could have had a chat with him and confronted him about everything. It's a perfect way to tackle how masculinity can become toxic, but instead he follows Arwen around being territorial and shit. The father-son confrontation happens near the end, but only because Arwen forces him to see his father. Maverick could have been a more likeable character had he found the strength to do this on his own instead of being a pussy and thinking:

I couldn’t look him in the eye as I spoke because it was too humiliating. My masculinity was at stake when I poured my heart out like this, when I showed my vulnerability. The only person who saw me like this was my wife—and that was already difficult enough.

Speaking of the father, I was hoping that he'd be the final villain here. But he isn't, and that sucks. The author seems to champion disgusting men and deems them redeemable despite the stench of character flaws that even their expensive suits and devilish attractiveness cannot hide. Caspian is a horrible man. He tells a psychopath that the marriage between his son and Arwen is a sham, leading to Arwen getting nearly raped. He's done other horrible things on top of that, all because he lost his wife. Am I supposed to feel pity? Sure. But see him other than a monster I cannot. He threatens to kill Arwen while the couple were separated, forcing her to come running to her husband for help. It's lazy writing. It weakens the story. I have plenty of ideas how Caspian's fate should have been handled, but this review would go a lot longer than I intend to.

Final thoughts: The reunion of the lovers is still plagued with betrayal, which makes their newfound love unconvincing:

All my other fuck-a-thons felt hollow and unsatisfying. Sometimes it seemed like I was doing it just to do it…even if I didn’t like it. I didn’t know what else to do with myself. Sometimes I wanted to prove a point…but I had no one to prove it to.
Sex with my wife was the best I’d ever had.
I didn’t want to be a monogamous man hard up for a single woman. I didn’t want the commitment, the mediocre fidelity. But I was happiest with Arwen. I was definitely more satisfied. I could be alone and continue to make a point…but who would care about any of the points I tried to make?


The memory of the other women was long forgotten because it didn’t seem important anymore. It didn’t seem to matter at all—to either of us.

Seriously? Who are they kidding? These words completely undermine their thoughts.

Bottom line: Arwen's intervention in the father and son's relationship is superbly annoying. This book could have taught men out there that dealing with emotions isn't womanly or a threat to their masculinity, but rather, one step towards becoming a real man, an actual human being. Also, the 180-degree turn Caspian takes feels forced, which is another weakness of this book. Finally, this could have used more secondary characters because it feels nearly empty with only three characters with remarkable roles in it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for • Jodi Bibliophile •.
311 reviews1,157 followers
October 27, 2019
I binged this series in 5 days which I NEVER do and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT! full of suspense, sexual tension, hatred, violence and love. I just couldn't get enough of Maverick and Arwen. The sex was so freaking HOT and I normally skip sex scenes but this author knows how to do it right. Loved all three books from start to finish and that Epilogue was PERFECT.

The Wolf and His Sheep FOREVER.
281 reviews
June 13, 2022
Review for the whole trilogy. This is one of the better “marriage of convenience” stories I’ve read, and it might be the best in the cheating trope that I’ve read. A cheating story that’s…good?? Does that exist? Apparently!

It’s about Arwen (who’s 22) an opera singer, and Maverick (who’s 30), a wealthy businessman, two strangers who are forced to marry because of circumstances involving their rich dads. Neither of them wants to, and they agree to have an open relationship where they still see other people. They’re basically just roommates co-existing at opposite ends of his mansion. (Most of the OM and OW stuff isn’t shown in-scene. Still, this isn’t a read for you if you need zero OW and OM stuff!).

Maverick is a typical cold alphahole who thinks he doesn’t have feelings and is allergic to relationships. He can be a dick, but also very caring to Arwen at unexpected moments. His treatment towards her runs hot and cold, but in a way that’s interesting. He’s the kind of hero we’ve all read a million times before, but he’s a bit better developed than a lot of others I've seen.

Arwen isn’t an innocent virgin type, she’s sophisticated, confident, and the type of woman who all men go nuts for. That kind of heroine can be tiresome, but for the most part, this story does it well. She doesn’t feel too perfect, since she’s stubborn and prideful. I like that she had OM in the beginning while Maverick had OW, since I’m tired of stories in the “marriage of convenience” trope where the hero has mistresses and the heroine is celibate. If you’re also tired of that, this is a good read!

Now, onto the part where this trilogy also features cheating in a way that’s one of the best instances of it that I’ve ever read…

Usually, I don’t like reading cheating, but here, it worked because the angst (and hero suffering) was delicious, and it was great that he was the one who was celibate during their separation while SHE wasn’t. Most of all, it worked because Arwen wasn’t a doormat, since she made him suffer (not just for fun, she genuinely had no intention of ever going back to him), and he did grovel and show that he changed. I believe in their HEA, and I didn't feel like she was weak for ending up with him.

The only weird thing is that this story is set in Italy, but aside from references to Florence (and the fact that Arwen is an opera singer and Maverick’s family business involves the cheese industry), it doesn’t feel like it. Their names are Arwen and Maverick, and his chef is Abigail. So, it feels like Italy is used as window-dressing to make the setting “exotic,” but the author couldn’t be bothered to do the bare minimum of Googling some Italian names and phrases.

There’s also a subplot with his dad that resolves in a way that feels a bit cheesy, and a subplot with a crime lord guy that’s kind of OTT. But I’m still giving it 4 stars because it’s SO rare to see cheating in books that’s done well, in a way that delivers good angst without making the heroine a doormat, and WITHOUT making you angry to see her still end up with the hero.

Profile Image for Hey Lin.
664 reviews
May 26, 2022

Ok welp! To start off, I did like michelle g. Did and didn't read books 1 and 2. I was a little lost but I just kept trucking on. they had an open marriage but eventually developed feelings for each other and became exclusive. Like he asked her or she asked him if the other would go out with him/her. And the HS dad was trying to kill the h? I dunno! I didn't read the first two books!

Any doodly hoo, So it starts off when she's moving out of his house and asking for a divorce. Why? Well kids, she sang a sing song (she's an opera singer) and told him in the song that she loved the H. He couldn't handle the FEeLINGS and took two girls to eff them and didn't even try to hide it lolololol so sweet. She's leaving and finds comfort and d!ck with another dude lolololol. H comes to the door drunk off his ass and sees the dude after post coital and her wearing the oms shirt! Lololololol! Yeah girl! Go get den d!ck for yoself!!!!! Lolololololol. Too bad she wasn't in a spit roast position when he came by.

Any doobeepboo, the HS dad comes to threaten to kill her again so she goes back to the H for protection and he's happy but probably sniffing some leftover residual om cuum lolololol 😂😂😂😂🙈 just keed on that part they work it out and she throw in his face what he does repeatedly and she denies their love for awhile bit it works out.

I'm not sure how you get over your fil trying to kill you but okur. Family is tough 🤷🤷🤷😂 I liked the drama in the beginning but the rest is now a little foggy and forget able so take that as you will 🤷🤷
Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,207 reviews336 followers
August 25, 2019
So the book starts right after the events of book 2.
The couple had a marriage of convenience and safety for the heroine as it offered her protection but it was also an open marriage, both had been with others.
After the heroine's declaration and the time they had spent together recently the heroine felt things had changed so she was really, understandably hurt that he still went on to deliberately hurt her by bringing two women back to the house and even expecting them to eat breakfast together.
The Hero is basically running scared of anything 'real' between them.

They are separated at this point, or at least at the start she is leaving him.
The wife sees another man but the husband is celibate in their time apart.
Brave of the author to go against the norm there.
Readers tend to forgive Heros actions but not so much the heroine.
From the start of the book the Hero realises he went too far and is all about making amends.
At first his motives or feelings arent clear but he really tries to make it up to her and the heroine stands firm that she won't take him back.
It takes time.
No intimate scenes with anyone other than the Hero and heroine.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
193 reviews40 followers
August 21, 2019
Cheating does not prove love. It’s the ultimate form of disrespect. If you cannot respect me, you cannot love me. Those are just my thoughts. Also if he can do it once, he can and will do it again. The only way I would even touch this series was if she would have dumbed his behind for good.
Profile Image for ✮ rach ✮.
684 reviews108 followers
August 21, 2019
After the previous book (which I didn't rate because I liked it until the end. Then all I wanted to do was stab the 'hero' in the throat), I wasn't sure whether I was going to read this or not. But I did because curiosity and all....and weirdly enough, I didn't hate it. In fact, I actually kind of enjoyed it.

I hate cheating. Fucking loathe it. Not a fan of reading it because I, more often than not, never feel like the hero (because let's face it...it's usually ALWAYS the hero) is ever sorry enough. And the main reason for that is because I prefer my heroes and heroines to be on the an even playing field. It's also why I am not a fan of 'the virgin and the manwhore' trope...unless of course said manwhore has been celibate for a long time (No. A week is not a long time, authors!). There needs to be some sort of balance of scales for me to enjoy it. I am also well aware that two wrongs do not make a right, but if I'm stuck reading a book where one partner cheats, the other one damn well better hook up with someone too (while the other stays celibate) otherwise that book can just fuck off! So I was actually happy when the heroine left the hero and hooked up with another man...and wait for it...the sex was good! Yes, it wasn't as great as it was with the hero, but the other man wasn't a complete dud or abusive. So yay! While she was doing her thing (doing her best to forget the hero), he stayed celibate and true.

Another tick in his favour was that he kept trying. He knew he fucked up, and once he got his head out of his arse, he let her know how sorry he was and how much he wanted her back. She held out for longer than I thought she would (I figured she hurt him just as much as he hurt her so they were even. That's how my cheating-romance-book brain works. It's weird :/) but they found their way back to each other and I genuinely felt neither was going to step out on the other again. That they truly loved each other and I wholeheartedly believed in their HEA.

The wrap up with the hero's father was interesting. I liked it but I also remember what he did and none of that sat right with me. Still, it's hard to forgive and forget (regardless what the majority of romance books try to tell us these days), so it was good to see the struggle for the hero to reconcile with the man he used to look up to.

I wouldn't recommend this book/series to any one who prefers to read 'safe' books. It certainly isn't that. But sometimes I like to read things way out of my comfort zone and this fit the bill. I'm also not certain if I will read this author again. I tried a previous series of hers and it didn't work for me (i.e. I hated it lol), but I'm happy this story ended the way it did and now I can move on to something else :)

3.75 stars
Profile Image for Sue Miz.
526 reviews607 followers
May 16, 2023
I am arranging a bonfire to burn the physical books of this series
Who wants to join?
Why did I buy them?
Because I am an idiot and I believed ppl when they said there was great groveling
If ppl like Arwen and Maverick exists, no wonder the world is shit
I really hope they stay fiction
Profile Image for Serialbookstarter:Marla.
858 reviews47 followers
July 16, 2022
The first part was really good.- 5 stars. Maverick was an excellent groveler. The last half dealt more
With Mavericks daddy issues and was a bit slow. I skimmed quite a bit of they last half of book.
Profile Image for Marzia.
210 reviews30 followers
July 9, 2022
Can't believe I skipped the previous two books and still managed🤡🤡
Read it for the grovel but that was pretty mediocre tbh
Profile Image for Carol***BeautyandtheBeastlyBooks.
1,774 reviews173 followers
August 23, 2019
3.5 stars

I was really impressed by the first two books and I couldn't wait to read the third and final book in the series. Don't get me wrong, I liked it, I love Arwen and Maverick, but I do think this book was too short. If the whole story had been a duet it would have been more satifying, in my opinion.

I like the level of angst, but again, the book was a bit too short and things might have been rushed, I would have liked Maverick to grovel more than he did.

Penelope Sky really impressed me with her writing, story-telling and plot development and I'm looking forward to reading more of her books soon!!!

Profile Image for c a r í.
916 reviews175 followers
February 23, 2020
"Marrying her began as a chore…but it became the best thing that ever happened to me." - Maverick

I couldn't want any ending for this book. I'm just glad that finally Maverick stop being a jackass and really proven his self to his wife. ❤️
Profile Image for Lory.
3,076 reviews27 followers
August 25, 2019
I loved this extremely romantic finale to this series. I'm super sad that this series has come to end. They say you don't realized what you have until it's gone. Maverick got a dose of his own medicine he did the unthinkable to his wife Arwen. She couldn't forgive and forget so she left. Now Maverick realize he made a huge mistake. I won't go into details about the book but I will say that this is not your typical romance novels. But that's what I loved about it. The struggle they both had to endure more Maverick then Arwen but to see him finally open up truly was amazing. Overall a enjoyable and entertaining read. I voluntarily read and review this ARC no monetary compensation was received the opinions I have expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Gabs.
385 reviews
July 12, 2020
I couldn't take this book seriously at all but it made me laugh so much that I can't say I completely disliked it.
The plot was almost nonexistent with the main antagonist out of the picture and suddenly becoming a second chance romance book with the way book 2 ended.
Arwen and Maverick weren't consistent in the way their characters were written and their development fluctuated entirely based on its convenience to the plot.
I'm disappointed with the series, honestly.
Profile Image for Capt..
466 reviews35 followers
October 8, 2023
Yuck 🤮.

People be really writing spineless pathetic females as if their life depended on it. It started out fine, I loved that she had an OM to warm her bed after the too disgusting MMC treated her like yesterday’s biodegradable trash but then she lost her brain cells AGAIN 🤷‍♀️

“I was crawling back on my knees to a man who cheated on me…because I didn’t have a choice.
But deep down inside…I was happy to be there.”
—> HELP someone please find this girl a backbone she’s so damn pathetic it’s embarrassing 😭

“You’re going to need to forgive me, or this is never going to work.”
—> Biatch you’re diagusting
Profile Image for Leah City of Words and Pages.
620 reviews287 followers
November 13, 2019
3,5 🌟

Leider das schwächste Buch in der Reihe 😔.

Es hatte einfach nicht mehr das, was Teil 1&2 hatten ...
Der Anfang hat mich noch sehr überzeugt, aber sonst war es eher uninteressanter, weil nicht viel passiert ist, gerade verglichen mit den ersten beiden Teilen.

Das Ende ist schön, aber insgesamt war es nicht herausragend 🙁.
Profile Image for Myla.
634 reviews120 followers
January 24, 2021

4.5 Stars

I enjoyed this series, and it ended just as I hoped it would. Maverick and Arwen were amazing characters. These books were well written, the characters were well thought out, and I loved the way the characters developed. It's a journey of love and everything in between.
Profile Image for 샘 sam★ .
327 reviews24 followers
May 21, 2021
It was an okay reading. I still skimmed most of it because after Maverick and Arwen went back together, it suddenly got quite boring.

What I liked was that:
- The groveling! - It felt quite good to see a desperate Maverick asking for forgiveness.
- Brandon guy - I loved that Arwen wasn't hung on Maverick and celibate. Loved it more when Maverick went to her apartment and saw them together.
- He stayed celibate - now, I'm not a hypocrite. He cheated first and was trying to get his wife back. It would be a dick move he continued his way with OW and then trying to get her back ala Rookie Mistake

What I didn't like.

- The freaking reminded of 'I could cheat but' in like every PoV of Maverick.
- The Sabrina issue. She was one of Maverick's lovers and IMO it wasn't handled correctly and even was invited in their home for the Christmas party.
- After Arwen went back to Maverick's home for protection, the story got boring and after that, I skimmed most of it.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jen ♥.
1,222 reviews484 followers
August 19, 2023
If I still remember it correctly, this is the last book in the trilogy and the whole story revolves with the MMC apologizing for cheating on the FMC. He had a freaking threesome after she confessed her love. 🤮

Then the stupid FMC eventually gave in and forgave the freaking cheater. They even got married the second time.

I mean eeeew why would you accept him after what he did? That's just fucking gross! 😤🤮
Profile Image for Ilana.
1,220 reviews15 followers
August 22, 2019
This story left us in a very bad sad and dark place at the end of book 2 and i don’t know that anyone wanted to watch the demise of the relationship that was but wasn’t meant to be. Where we left off – Arwen performed as she always does at these parties but this time it was a new song that put all her feelings of love and emotion out there to the world for Maverick to hear. He wasn’t prepared for that and I think that he’s still too afraid to admit that he has those deep feelings for her, so he screws it all up. He brings home two women, beds them and acts as though he’s allowed to do this. In true Arwen form, she drafts divorce papers and leaves him.

So the beginning of this third and final installment is watching Maverick come to terms with what he did, knowing that he’s pushed Arwen so far past her breaking point that he’s lost the one thing that mattered most to him. Arwen on the other hand has so much anger towards him, that she uses that to fuel herself forward. She gets a second job so that she can support herself living on her own, she finds men to keep her company at night, and even starts seeing a man regularly even though her heart isn’t open to someone else and she thinks non stop about Maverick.

He grovels, he repents, he apologizes ,but the damage is too drastic for Arwen to let him in. The shock here is that it’s Caspian, Mavericks father who gets in the middle of things. He goes to the bar that she’s working at, with armed men. Threatens everyone in the bar so that he can have a conversation with her – to make her see that without Maverick, she’s still not safe. not from others and definitely not from him. Caspian as you’ll remember still has a vendetta against Arwen for taking away his full revenge. He provides color to what she’s living and as a result, gets her to go back to Maverick.

The build from here is a slow one – where we know that there’s no trust but there’s a LOT of romance and emotion and we know that at least with that foundation, there’s hope. So Maverick is in it for the long haul, doing what ever he can without pushing too hard too fast to get Arwen to see him as the man she loves. We spend the rest of the story watching that relationship try to repair itself, but i’ll be honest, what Arwen holds onto makes it nearly impossible to make any progress.

The other story line that we have is the one of repairing the father/son relationship. As we will recall, Caspian became a deranged man when his wife was murdered and he’s never come back from that. Arwen sees that there’s something there worth saving and tries to meddle over and over again to get the family back together. She’s persistent and she’s stubborn and it’s a quality that starts to make progress. I think that watching this unfold is something that makes the story even more compelling.

Add all those crazy story lines to a relationship that’s got so much heat and passion and you know that you’re going to have this amazing finale to the trilogy. The questions that we’ve wanted to have answered are resolved, and we see a glimpse into what could be. There’s no easy and direct path, but that’s what makes this such a great book to read. Ms Sky, our amazing author has done it again and now i’m sad to have to find something else to read
Profile Image for R I A.
237 reviews12 followers
March 20, 2021
Maverick and Arwen, The Wolf and The Sheep.

I find this story perfectly imperfect, just like any other marriages in real life. Maverick and Arwen was thrown into an arranged marriage and that made them despised each other. They have a rocky start, open relationships and lots of angst.

“Marriage wasn’t just about fidelity and honesty. It was about being there for each other equally”

I really like Arwen, she’s a different heroine especially this 3rd book because she knows her worth and she did not give in too easily.

“Was I stupid for loving Maverick DeVille?
Was this my fault for letting my heart get so weak?
No…because I thought he loved me too.
I didn’t misinterpret what happened. We were together. It felt real. He risked his life for mine, and he was the best husband a wife could ask for. We were intimate, honest, beautiful. I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world.
Then he threw it all away.
All because I told him I loved him.
How stupid was I?”

Maverick, a complete ass of a hero, he is flawed but I love that he realized it and he indeed paid for it, very nice groveling, realistically.

“As a married man, I’d begun to look at life differently. I was a brand-new newlywed because I only recently started to take my marriage seriously, and I already couldn’t imagine my life without her. I’d lost her once, and it was a difficult pill to swallow. I worked my ass off to get her back because bachelorhood was mundane and lonely. Now that I had her back, I never wanted to let her go”

A five star book for me.
484 reviews
December 16, 2023
Should have started at book 3 and ended at book 3. I actually read this series backwards not realising it was a trilogy.

My thoughts before I knew the above.

“This was an interesting read. POV from both H & h.
he does cheat on his wife and yay she leaves him and actually has a life outside of him (even for a little bit) it takes her awhile to forgive him and move on with life.
Overall not a bad read - IMO there wasn’t much depth for me BUT it was still a decent read even with the H being a banana at the start.”

Still a 1 start because I wasted my life with book 2.
Profile Image for Kasey Sullivan.
623 reviews16 followers
August 20, 2019
A little disappointed with how dragged out the book was but it didn’t take away from how beautifully this author ended their story. For the two main characters and the secondary character (his father)

“you fixed me when I didn’t realize I was broken.”

I do think this story could have been two books but it was nice to feel total closure with these characters and their happiness.
Profile Image for Amanda Hanford.
51 reviews8 followers
August 25, 2019
Arwen and Maverick grow a lot in this book. I actually feel bad for Maverick in this book, even after his horrible mistake. Arwen did what she felt she needed to until she needed Maverick's protection. That's when their relationship was able to repair and grow. Overall I enjoyed the book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 280 reviews

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