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Mark of the Lion #2

An Echo in the Darkness

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A prosperous trader, Marcus Lucianus Valerian has made a fortune providing sand and slaves for the Roman games. But Hadassah, a slave in his family's household, has enchanted him with her quiet beauty and her staunch faith in Christ. When Marcus' sister sends Hadassah to almost certain death in the games, Marcus feels that his life has been ripped apart. Now he is on his way to Jerusalem to find out more about Hadassah's god, unaware that a miracle awaits him back in Rome.
The political intrigue of the imperial city provides a dramatic backdrop for Marcus' spiritual quest. This rich and unforgettable work achieves even greater impact through Richard Ferrone's dramatic narration.

461 pages, Paperback

First published January 1, 1994

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About the author

Francine Rivers

57 books18.5k followers
New York Times bestselling author Francine Rivers continues to win both industry acclaim and reader loyalty around the globe. Her numerous bestsellers include Redeeming Love, A Voice in the Wind, and Bridge to Haven, and her work has been translated into more than thirty different languages. She is a member of Romance Writers of America's coveted Hall of Fame as well as a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW).

Twitter: @FrancineRivers

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Profile Image for Evangeleen Joseph.
9 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2012
I LOVED THIS STORY! There were so many life lessons in this book, like the first one, that I wanted to highlight! I read it in two days! HONEST! I couldn't put it down, I was hassling my friend for the 2nd book! I love the changes of each character, though I wanted to back-hand Julia. I loved the journey that Marcus went through, I loved the fact that Phoebe became a Christian and did everything in her power to do the Lord's will. I loved how the memory verses in this story, tied so strongly with the scene/situation they were written in. I was sooo emotional at the end, and at some parts in the middle, of the story. I loved how Marcus went after Hadassah, and didn't turn away from her - calling her beautiful!(An awww moment) Most of the struggles and questions that are in this book are questions that I sometimes face and that I hear, and most of the time I have no answers to these questions. This, and the first book, have reminded me that I should ask the Lord for the right words and not to think of my own, as I wont get the message across... I also laughed at myself, now that I think about it, when Tapatha (sp?) came to Ephesus...I would've put the book down if her intentions for Marcus became a reality lol.

Francine Rivers, Praise The Lord, for your books!
Profile Image for Amy | Foxy Blogs.
1,685 reviews1,035 followers
September 28, 2024

An Echo in the Darkness is a continuation of the biblical principles from book one. One of the main things that drives the story is the transformation that Hadassah, Marcus and Julia must face both in the physical realm but also in spiritual realm. Their past transgressions bond them to their inner selves while not allowing them to be truly free. Life choices have come to collect their dues and left in the wake is regret and emptiness. A pilgrimage for answers on who this christian God is leads for a deeper and meaningful story.


I’m not sure what happened but it seems the author changed the name of one of the characters. I contacted KC right away to ask her who “Olympia” is because in book 2 it is mentioned that she introduced Julia to Calabah. Both KC and I remember it being Octavia who introduced her to Calabah. We both tried to “Nancy Drew” the situation and came up short. Maybe this “mistake”, if it is one, was put in the story like the Amish do with their quilts; “purposely plan a mistake into each of their projects because they believe attempts at human perfection mocks God.” So, I’m going to view this oversight as an allowance for a human touch on this book.

I was conflicted on how to rate this book because the first 75% of the book I liked it BUT didn’t love it. After reflecting on the story it dawned on me why I wasn’t connecting with it like I had the first one. My heart always craves the romance in stories and while this one does have that it took while for it to happen. The characters must first be right with God before they are free to romantically give their heart to another. I’m not a fan of the “romance couple” not being together for the majority of the book and that’s what happened here. It wasn't until the last 25% of book when they were placed in the same situation did I begin to love the story. The last part of the book was definitely 5 stars for me while the other ¾ of the story was only 4 stars.

A Voice in the Wind (Mark of the Lion, #1) by Francine Rivers An Echo in the Darkness (Mark of the Lion, #2) by Francine Rivers As Sure as the Dawn (Mark of the Lion, #3) by Francine Rivers
Book 1 & 2 continuing story. Book 3 is spinoff of a character from book 1.

A Voice in the Wind review.

descriptive text here
46 reviews6 followers
May 20, 2011
Second in the series. I bought the first book not realizing it was part of a series. I finished it while my husband and I were out. I made him turn around and drive to the closest bookstore!! You must have the second book in hand before you finish the first! Just so you know.

The prologue will take you by the throat and threaten to stop your heart. It's that gripping. What tangled webs we weave....Marcus Valerian has bottomed out. Hadassah, now horrifically disfigured, is brought into the life of a local physician who she apprentices under. The hand of God is so profoundly involved in her life and her work that she becomes known as "the healer". Her faith which began as a barely detectable mustard seed, is now the center of her existence. Her obedience has cost her, and not only is her body broken, her heart is as well. She now must keep her identity hidden beneath the veil that hides her scars. But she continues in her role of serving, though now it is expressed through physical and spiritual healing.

The Valerian family continues down the dark path of materialism and an appetite for more. As in her previous book, Miss Rivers exposes us to the not-so-ancient practices and tastes of first century Rome, and the devastating results they bring about in the lives of those who choose them. We continue to follow Marcus, who we grew to love (and hate) in Voice in the Wind. His life and the life of his sister Julia, have taken drastically different paths than that of their house servant, Hadassah.

But there is a larger story at work. And the details of each life are woven into an absolutely marvelous picture. I don't want to write details, because this book is so fabulous that I wouldn't want to spoil one word of it. Suffice to say that I couldn't have imagined a better book than the first. But this book was one of the most satisfying books I have ever read. You must read the first book to enjoy the second, but let me say it again: my favorite book EVER. I originally read it 17 years ago, and no book has been it's equal for me personally. To be fair, some have come close. But nope. This book is "it" for me. I think you need to read it.
Profile Image for Christy.
4,238 reviews35.1k followers
September 28, 2024
5 stars
“The most ordinary things of life are extraordinary.”

An Echo in the Darkness is the sequel to 'A Voice in the Wind' and after reading that incredible book last month, I knew I needed to get to this one sooner rather than later. I'm so glad I did. I loved this one almost as much as the first.

This story continues to follow the Valerian siblings, Marcus and Julia, as well as Hadassah. The focus is mostly on Marcus and Hadassah but we get some of Julia, their mother, and a few new characters as well. Once again, the faith and determination of Hadassah blew me away. I loved seeing the changes these characters went through, as well as the somewhat unexpected redemption arc.

These books are long, but they don't feel long. Rivers seamlessly ties together these characters lives in a beautiful way. These books are life changing and are must reads. I don't want to spoil much, just read them for yourselves. Definitely two of my favorite books I've read this year.

Audio book source: Hoopla
Story Rating: 5 stars
Narrators: Richard Ferrone
Narration Rating: 4 stars
Genre: Historical Christian Fiction
Length: 18h 27m
Profile Image for Amanda (BookLoverAmanda).
526 reviews574 followers
October 24, 2022
YA'LL. 5 STARS. READ IN ONE DAY. Book 2. MY HEART. The way Francine told this story was so beautifully anointed by the Lord. The redemption, forgiveness, faith, scriptures, salvation through Christ....every moment - amazing. LOVED the ending so much. I truly felt drawn to God in book 1 and 2. It made me stop and think about my own faith walk and journey with Christ. How can I love and serve others? How can I tell others more about Jesus and his love for us, no matter our sin? How can I love my enemies -no matter what they have done. He is always there with us. He forgives and sees us. Just an amazing, faith filled journey.
Profile Image for Brittany.
92 reviews57 followers
May 23, 2011
'"What do you want of God, Roman?"
It was an imperious question from so small a boy, and was said with a curious blend of humility and demand. "I'll know when I face him."
"Perhaps the answers you seek can't be found in something you can see and touch."
Amused, Marcus smiled. "You have big thoughts for a small boy."
The boy grinned. "A shepherd has time to think."
"Then, my little philosopher, what would you advise?"
The boys's smile faded. "When you face God, remember he is God."
I'll remember what he's done," Marcus said coldly.
"That, too," the boy said almost gently.
Marcus frowned slightly...Marcus felt something strange move within him as he watched the boy with his sheep. An aching hunger. A thirst. And suddenly, he sensed an unseen presence...a vague hint of something, like a sweet, tantalizing aroma of food just beyond his grasp."

"Tell me everything. From the beginning. Let me decide for myself what matters."
And so Marcus did as he was asked. He gave in to his deep need to speak of Hadassah. And all the while he talked of her, he failed to see the irony in what he was doing.. For as he told the story of a simple Judean slave girl, Marcus Lucianus Valerian, a Roman who didn't believe in anything, proclaimed the gospel of Jesus Christ."

Again, a personally challenging, life changing series. Must read.
Profile Image for Grace.
207 reviews406 followers
June 28, 2018
Oh my, I wasn't ready for this book. I am so happy and thankful I read this series. This book showcased Marcus's struggle beautifully. He truly struggled and found his faith and it was beautiful to watch. Seeing the miracles, the faith, it was amazing. I highly highly recommend this trilogy.
Profile Image for Lovely Day.
866 reviews135 followers
August 20, 2021

I mean, come on. This book felt so God-inspired. So many feels and so many difficult theologies and deep emotional pain dealt with.

Without giving spoilers away from book 1, Marcus, feeling utterly betrayed by his sister, disowns her and cuts off all contact. And, I feel like anything else I would say, would be spoiler-y…

Forgiveness and surrender to Christ are the two major focuses of this book and God gave such a beautiful, intricate, heartbreaking story of love to Francine Rivers, and I absolutely recommend it!!! (But obvs read the first one first)
Profile Image for Gina.
332 reviews43 followers
February 8, 2008
The only reason why I got as far into this book before quiting is because I was listening to the audio version during my commute. Even then I could only stand the first 4 (of 12) cd's before it was ejected out of my stereo.
I didn't know that this was the 2nd in a series, but I don't think that had anything to do with me not liking the book. There was more than enough exposition to get a handle on the people & their interconnections. I knew 1/2 way through the first chapter that the woman Marcus pined for was alive.

The historical inaccuracies I could get past, but the blatant demonizing of anyone not Christian I could not. While I did know that this would be a novel about historical Christianity, I did not know that the author had such an ax to grind. The 3 books of the sires could have been condensed into 1 w/out the re-hashing of biblical stories we all know.

The Christians in the story were kind to a fault, loving & perfect examples of human beings. All of the Roman non-Christian characters were mere caricature sin & depravity. They were physically/emotionally ill, thieves, murderers, rapists, loveless & completely unable to form any kind of functional relationships with others. One even seemed to be suffering a physical illness as a result of her previous sins. How Christian is that? The only exception was those who were obviously going to become Christian before the end of the book. The author made her proselytizing point with a literary sledgehammer. When she got to describing the Jews, the book took on an anti-semitic tone. Perhaps she redeemed herself in future chapters, but that was as far as I could get.
Profile Image for Danielle.
99 reviews9 followers
May 11, 2012
Let me start by saying, "WOW, This is one of the best, most moving books I have ever read in my entire life!"

An Echo in the Darkness by Francine Rivers is an absolute masterpiece. The story picks directly at the ending of the first book. Hadassah, now very disfigured, covers herself from head to toe in veils and does God's work as a healer, working tirelessly with Alexander, the physician who helped God save her from the arena. She sees patient after patient, day after day. And all the while, she tries to open Alexander's eyes to the wonder that is Christ. Eventually, Hadassah learns of the all consuming illness Julia has contracted and knows that God is leading her back to Julia in order to continue her work trying to make Julia understand the salvation God can offer regardless of her past transgressions.

All the while, Marcus is consumed with bitterness at the loss of Hadassah as he doesn't know she's still alive. He refuses to speak with Julia and no longer enjoys the pull of Rome or anything else in life. To find the truth about God, he travels to all the places Hadassah has ever set foot, yet he still finds no salvation, until one night, after attempting to drown himself, he is rescued by a man and told the Good News again. He knows now that God wants him to return to Ephesus in order that he may forgive Julia for her sin against him just as God has forgiven him his own sins.

What I Liked: THE WHOLE THING! From start to finish, I was totally enraptured. I shed a few tears but I also felt like jumping for joy. The emotional pull Mrs. Rivers exerts is absolutely astounding. Through the whole book, you are rooting for everyone to be able to find the salvation they need and to be able to see God as clearly as Hadassah. Yet you also see the vulnerability of believers, those who's faith isn't strong but whom strive to be stronger. You also feel the frustration, as Hadassah tries to import God's message as people hear the words yet don't understand the deeper meaning of what she's really trying to impart. I was very much in love with all the events in the book and how strong Hadassah is, as her faith never wavers. This series has made me a stronger believer. Thank you, Francine.

What I Didn't Like: Not a single thing.

I encourage everyone, young or old, man or woman, regardless of religion, to read this book. It will move you and show you the goodness of one young woman who touched the lives of so many. And through them, the lives of even more people. A wonderful, awe inspiring, belief strengthening book.
Profile Image for Erin Phillips.
Author 10 books893 followers
March 31, 2022
I cried just so much again at the end of this book! Such a powerful example of how God can use our obedience and boldness to stir and transform hearts to salvation! These two books are such a conviction and encouraging story of Biblical truth ❤️
12 reviews
April 29, 2011
This booked was very frustrating and ridiculous. I actually liked book 1 but when everything gets tied up in a neat bow at the end it made me crazy. When Julia is baptized and the mother comes out of a coma. Then Hadassah has 10 children. Please! The woman could barely walk a block yet she bears ten kids.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sarah R..
93 reviews12 followers
December 22, 2015
I believe I liked An a Echo in the Darkness better than A Voice in the Wind! Both are awesome and incredible but everything came together in this one.

This story is about Marcus's journey. But never fear Hadassah is definitely in it! This series is so incredible! And the ending is ... Umph!... Awesome!! Read it! Or miss out...
Profile Image for Leah Good.
Author 2 books200 followers
April 24, 2017
Be still my heart! I finished listening to this book last night with a glow of utter satisfaction, but also an ache of regret at needing to bid farewell to the characters I'd come to love so well.

Are you the impatient type? Do you pray and chaff for God's answer? I know I do! There are people I love who don't know they Lord, and I want their salvation sooner rather than later. More often than not, I give up hope that they'll ever turn to Christ. This book gave me encouragement. It reminded me of God's providence and perfect timing and the Christian's ability to rest in His plan with perfect peace. Yes, it's just a fictional story, but it does what G.K. Chesterton once explained as the value of fairy tales.

[It paints a clear picture showing] that these shapeless enemies have enemies in the knights of God, that there is something in the universe more mystical than darkness and stronger than fear.

Marcus Valerian believe the love of his life has been killed by lions in a Roman arena, the victim of his sister's mindless rage and petty jealousy. He is broken, angry, bereft. None of his old passtimes bring him any pleasure. Hadassah and her gruesome end haunt him day and night. Driven to find closure, he goes in search of Hadassah's God, determined to curse God to His face--if He is real--for abandoning His faithful servant.

Hadassah is not dead. Miraculously spared, she find a new life and a new purpose as assistant to a compassionate physician. Her encounter with death has changed her. Freed from the crippling companionship of fear, she pours herself into the lives of the patients she serves--tending their spiritual needs while the physician seeks to heal them physically. Yet Marcus will not leave her mind and heart completely. Plagued by her love for him, she prays for him often, unaware that He is wandering through her homeland trying to feel close to her by walking the hills of her childhood.
Profile Image for Leah.
754 reviews37 followers
March 27, 2009
This book continues and ends the saga of Hadassah, but focuses more on the struggles of the people she's comes into contact with. The Valerian family are all in different places in their lives, some of them desperate, and they are searching for a real God who lives, not the pagan gods they are used to worshipping.

The hard part about reading this story is that Haddassah is perfect. She forgives the woman who sent her to the arena to be eaten by lions and serves her again. She always has the perfect answers ready when people question God, and her answer is always a spoken scripture. PREACHY PREACHY!!!! She has a presence about her that people are drawn to. Everything about her is perfect and shames the average reader into realizing how paltry their own faith is in comparison.

Marcus, the rich hottie with daddy issues from the last book goes on a journey of self discovery that takes him back to Hadassah's homeland. He has no idea that she is still alive and his remaining love for her drives him to seek faith and fill the lonely emptiness within him. He returns to his father's home and takes over the house since his mother suffered a stroke and can no longer move or speak. He has no idea that Haddassah serves beneath his roof, caring for his selfish sister who has an STD...the little harlot!

Anyway, he eventually finds out who the curious healer in his home has been and is still in love with Haddassah and wants to marry her. Lucky girl! He lifts her veils and sees the scars the lion has left on her body, disfiguring who she one was, and he tells her she's beautiful and blah blah blah, isn't that a happy ending.

I did enjoy the story and I'm liking this series, but I have my moments of annoyance...
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for sal.
206 reviews23 followers
August 14, 2009
After reading the first book in this series, I was excited to continue the series to find out what happens to Hassadah. I believe she is the best character in the first two books, and I was driven by my desire to know how her story unfolded to finish this book.

I loved her story--saved by the doctor, called "the Healer," devoted to Julia even after all that had happened--but I still found some of it over emphasized and preachy. While reading, I noticed that I found myself thinking, "Yeah, yeah, you said that two paragraphs ago" again and again. However, I was pleased to hear how Hassadah's story ended. Now, however, I must read book 3. I'm not so excited, though, because I don't think that Hassadah will be in it! I think that she's the glue that held the first two books together.
Profile Image for Hannah Rodriguez.
90 reviews35 followers
May 30, 2017
wow. These are so wonderful and I couldn't express all my love in one simple review.
just read these. please.
Profile Image for Robin Kirk.
172 reviews50 followers
March 22, 2023
Wow! What an amazing conclusion for this family. I am in awe of all the Lord revealed to me through this story! What a powerful ending! 😭 This book, along with the first one, “A Voice In The Wind,” will forever be favorites. They have impacted my life greatly!
Profile Image for Monica Amir.
125 reviews61 followers
February 21, 2022
تاني مرة أقرأها ولسه مصممة إن ترتيب الله و محبته و رحمته فاقت العقول.
Profile Image for Casey (Indefinitely Inactive).
83 reviews5 followers
December 10, 2023
4/5 Stars 🌟

I really adored this one! 🥰

Even though it is the second book in the series and I did rate it lower, I think I actually liked this book more than the first.

In this book we follow the faith journey of Marcus. Hadassah still has a POV and so does Julia, but the tone and story are much more different than A Voice in the Wind.

I love Hadassah's faith, don't get me wrong. Her character has breathed fresh air into the word of God and its amazing power in my life, but I was happy to see Marcus's struggle. He didn't have it all figured out, he battles with so many more emotions that are relatable. So I enjoyed that aspect this time around.

I also enjoyed the more steady pacing of this book. A Voice in the Wind had me at the edge of my seat, scared for everyone and desperate to know what the next worst thing would be. I had a slow and calm read this time. I felt like I could take my time to take everything in and learn from each beautiful lesson. I feel like I went deeper with An Echo in the Darkness. I hope to read it again one day ☺️

I just had to subtract a star because in the end, I felt like the romance was a bit weakened by some behaviors 😅 It was irritating. I can't say too much because I don't want to spoil it. Maybe in the future, I'll be less critical about it lol
Profile Image for Annalise Nakoneczny.
824 reviews22 followers
February 11, 2022
The first one was okay, but this one really annoyed me. I have continued to try to put my finger on why, but everything just felt a little bit off. All of the opinions in this book are pretty distinctly American evangelical, which I don't know if that is fine in historical fiction to do? Marcus's faith journey and doubts and wrestling is really compelling, but I don't think it built in the way Rivers wanted it to. His moment of conversion is extremely sudden and didn't feel like it fit. Also, this book is highly dramatic and sensationalized at basically every turn, to the point of being a little ridiculous (see: a conversion cures another character's stroke). Hadassah is extremely perfect to a frustrating degree and a younger me would have beaten myself up after reading this for not being like her. And I haven't even talked about the way theology is handled. But I did like most of the medical bits! Also .... This one wraps up pretty neat. Why is there a third book?
Also the main couple ends up having 10 entire children, why is the main way for Christian romances to show couples that are in love for them to have exorbitant amounts of kids
Profile Image for Mike.
349 reviews9 followers
September 28, 2010
Again I enjoyed the book on the whole, but again there were definitely elements that I disliked.

On the positive side, it brings all of the main characters' plot lines to a satisfying ending (and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a sucker for the "boy gets girl" ending). And while many of the characters come across as stereotypes, Hadassah remains a strong enough character to hold the book together. The combination of a few strong characters that I really cared about, with the sense of catharsis which comes from neatly tied off plot lines, was enough for me to enjoy the novel as I read through it.

On the negative side, however, there were again several things that rubbed me the wrong way. My main complaint about the book is the ending, which felt like the author waved a magic wand in order to give a happy ending to everyone. God-given miracles are one thing, but for me a book has to "earn" it's happy ending, through foreshadowing or building plot lines, rather than remaining completely intractable until the last chapter when everything miraculously works out. This just felt forced and unrealistic.

My other main complaint about the book is a little harder to explain. It's not exactly the complaint I've read and heard from many others -- that the book is too preachy -- because personally I wasn't bothered by the fact that the religious content was *there*. What did bother me, though, was the fact that the religious content seemed overly *simplistic*. Christianity is (generally speaking) very simple (most of the Biblical and Gospel truths are very clear and straight forward), but Christian life is complicated. So I don't have a problem with the fact that the book clearly and simply laid out Christian truth (we're sinners, Jesus died for us, we simply need to trust in him, etc...), but I did have trouble with the fact that too often the lives of the characters were cut and dried. Julia died of a venereal disease because she lived a loose lifestyle. The mother had a stroke in order to have time to pray for her children, and was miraculously healed as soon as it was no longer required for her to do so... Too cut and dried for me.

I don't want to give the impression that I didn't enjoy the book, because I really did enjoy the book. My problem is that I'm not able to turn off my brain when I'm reading a book. Based on feelings, I enjoyed the plot and characters. But the thinking side of me can't help but poke and prod at the things that bothered me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Passion 4 Books.
576 reviews23 followers
June 28, 2013
I read the entire Mark of the Lion Series. I give book 1 & 2 a big fat 10! I actually wished I had stopped there and let the story simmer before continuing to book 3. (Book 3 is really about other characters that were not as endearing to me.) This was the most spiritually moving story I've ever read! I didn't get much sleep between reading and not being able to sleep because I was so engrossed in the story I would dream about it. These two books can actually be life changing. These are not preachy books yet the story is written in a way that makes you reflect on your own spirituality or lack thereof. It certainly had a positive impact on me although it was extremely heartwrenching at times.

The many links between what went on in ancient Rome and some of the things we see on earth here today are a bit disturbing but thought provoking.

Book 2 also has the perfect ending!

I would actually read it again and certainly recommend it if you enjoy Christian historical fiction.
Profile Image for Aji Vijay .
24 reviews2 followers
October 3, 2022
I loved this series. I wished that Julia and Atretes love to continue . But julia died after she accepted Lord Jesus Christ. I love how God changed Marcus. With God nothing is impossible 🥺🥺✨✨....He fullfill the desire of the heart of Marcus and Hadassah ❣️😍😍.. I am glad and blessed to found Francine Rivers . I can feel God's presence and guidance throughout the series... I cried 🥺🥺😭😭😍🤩.
Profile Image for Michaela.
53 reviews2 followers
December 30, 2014
Goodness, I am so happy right now. And the ending *sigh* it was everything I wanted. Just lovely. The first book had me captured to an extent that I couldn't hardly put it down. This book was very, very good; however, I didn't feel that tension that was making me want to explode with anger at Julia and certain of the other characters. It was more calm and didn't give me that 'I can't possibly go start my school day, I need to know what's going to happen' feeling. However, that didn't affect how quickly I read this book. I didn't like Alexander or Rishid. Alexander bothered me, perhaps because I wanted her to end up with Marcus, and he was simply getting in the way. Rishid was well... I couldn't like him. I do love Phoebe though! Even in the first book, I loved her. SHe had this lovely sweetness and gentleness about her that reminded me of Hadassah to an extent. I was pleased with Julia's acceptance of Christ as well as Marcus' (obviously). Overall, it was such an enjoyable book that left me feeling completely satisfied. Love these books, can't wait to read the next one. :)
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