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To Catch a Pirate

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Once caught, it’s harder still to let a pirate go

When Annalisa Townsend’s ship is set upon by pirates in search of her father’s treasure, one of the crew, James Sterling, discovers her in the hold. When he moves to take her necklace, she begs him not to, as it is all she has left of her mother. He accepts a kiss in exchange for the necklace. “A fair trade, m’lady,” he tells her afterward, before disappearing.
A year later, with a forged letter of marque, Annalisa is intent on hunting down the wretched James Sterling and reclaiming her father’s treasure from him. But now she’s in danger of him stealing something far more vulnerable this time: her heart.

320 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 2007

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About the author

Jade Parker

10 books118 followers
Jade Parker is a pseudonym of Rachel Hawthorne.
(also writes romance under Lorraine Heath)

Jade Parker, who also writes as Lorraine Heath and Rachel Hawthorne, is the daughter of a British beauty (her mother won second place in a beauty contest sponsored by Max Factor® during which she received a kiss from Caesar Romero-who played the Joker on the old Batman TV series) and a Texan who was stationed at Bovingdon while serving in the air force. Lorraine was born in Watford, Herts, England, but soon after moved to Texas. Her "dual" nationality has given her a love for all things British and Texan. She enjoys weaving both heritages through her stories.

When she received her BA degree in psychology from the University of Texas, she had no idea she had gained a foundation that would help her to create believable characters—characters that are often described as “real people.” She writes for both adult and young adult readers. She received a Romantic Times Career Achievement Award for Americana historicals. Her novels have been recognized with a RITA, Romance Writers of America’s most prestigious award for excellence, a HOLT medallion award honoring outstanding literary fiction, a Romantic Times Reviewer’s Choice Award, five Texas Gold Awards, the Golden Quill Award, the Rising Star Award as well as other awards and recognitions. Her novels have been selections of the Doubleday and Rhapsody Book Club. Her novels have appeared on bestseller lists, including USA Today, Waldenbooks, and most recently, the New York Times.(less)

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August 3, 2021

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When I found out that Jade Parker was the YA pen name for romance author, Lorraine Heath, I bumped this way up my to-read list. I don't normally go in for the fluffy set, but Lorraine Heath, along with Jude Deveraux, is an author who has yet to disappoint me. It would be like finding out that Lisa Kleypas had a secret line of young adult mysteries (although as far as I know, she doesn't); I'd be all over that like white on rice. You gotta support your faves.

TO CATCH A PIRATE starts off intensely. Annalisa is aboard her father's ship delivering some of King George's gold to build a board when they are attacked by pirates. Held at knifepoint, the pirate is about to steal her mother's necklace, and maybe her tongue, but he settles for her ring and a kiss-- and the king's gold.

One year later, Annalisa's father is thrown in jail for conspiring with pirates. Determined to clear his name, she has counterfeited a marque and set out as a privateer to arrest and interrogate James. James, on the other hand, was marooned on a deserted island as punishment for accepting a worthless ring as payment and falling for a pair of pretty eyes. When he is captured by Annalisa, he finds himself intrigued by her anew-- if there's one thing a pirate likes, it's danger.

This is part of Scholastic's Point imprint. Not many people know that, in addition to horror, they dabbled in romance as well. This is YA so there's mostly just kissing, but there is sexy kissing and sexy swordfighting, as well, and there is a surprising amount of action. Mutinies and public floggings and seedy New Orleans taverns. After reading THE TRUE CONFESSIONS OF CHARLOTTE DOYLE, I found myself thirsting for more adventures on the high seas, and this book really delivered. It doesn't have that irritating "YA" tone that a lot of the books coming out these days have. Maybe it's because Heath is so used to writing adult romances that she doesn't condescend to her audience at all.

If you're looking for a light romance, and you like reading about pirates who aren't rapey, I think you'll really enjoy this book. It's got dangerous boys, lots of kissing, and a strong heroine who doesn't take any shit. The ending was satisfying and I wish I'd read this when I was a teen. I think I would have loved it even more than I did now, reading it for the first time as an adult.

3.5 to 4 stars
Profile Image for Brigid ✩.
581 reviews1,846 followers
July 20, 2012
Blargh blargh. I've fallen behind on my reviews, so now I have three to do. Well! I'll start with this one, because I don't have all that much to say about it.

I liked this book. Didn't love it, but I liked it. I picked it up because I have several friends who had recommended it to me ... Of course, they recommended it to me like three years ago, I'm just really slow at getting to things I've been meaning to read. And, I probably would have liked it more three years ago.

I think I'll just go ahead and make this pretty general.

What I liked:

- It was a simple but likable story. Not too much going on, easy to follow. So, you know, a nice summer read.

- The romance was cute. Not as developed as it could have been, and the whole "choosing between the 'bad boy' and my best friend" thing is really overused ... but at least Sterling wasn't too much of an asshole.

- Annalisa was pretty cool as a protagonist. She was a badass female, she was the captain of her own ship, she could swordfight. Sometimes she did become kind of a damsel in distress, but over all I liked her well enough.

What could have used work:

- It felt rushed to me. It seemed a bit like the bare bones of a story, and it was lacking in "meat." I would have liked a little bit more down-time between important events––more character depth and development, that kind of thing.

- Adding on to that, there were some weird pacing problems at the beginning. There was the first chapter––or prologue, or whatever it was––and then suddenly a lot of time went by. And it was like, "Oh yeah, and in that time Annalisa learned to swordfight and became a ship captain." I would have liked to have been "shown" a bit more of this rather than having it info-dumped on me.

- I was skeptical of the historical accuracy. Maybe I'm just ignorant, but were women even allowed to be ship captains in the 1700's? It struck me as odd that Annalisa was a ship captain in the first place, but also that the issue of sexism didn't even really get addressed. I would have expected some doubting/questioning of Annalisa's authority as a woman, considering the time period. But, everyone just seemed totally okay with her being in charge.

Well, that's about all I have to say. In conclusion ... a short and fun book. Not that great, but at least somewhat enjoyable.
Profile Image for Irene.
39 reviews
December 24, 2008
ToCatch A Pirate
By Jade Parker
226pp. New York, NY
Scholastic, Point $6.99
ISBN: 0-439-02694-6

Argh, me hearties! Set sail to the west and find treasures—the treasures within the book, Ahargh!

Magical Love. Just those two words after I finish the book (To Catch A Pirate), magical love. It makes me think about a prince who comes for the princess, but is actually a pirate stealing a girl’s heart (in a good way). It gave me a tingling feeling inside and made me believe (even for a short moment) that love like this really does exist in life. Jade Parker made the book thrilling I didn’t want to put the book down for a second, so I didn’t accept the fact that the book ended.
I was never really into romance/love kind of books because I thought there was just too much drama in it. To Catch A Pirate was just sitting on my bookshelf catching dust, so I decided to give it a try. It was the blurb that captivated me, it really got me interested in the book. The first few pages in the book was breathtaking and encouraged me to continue reading. Jade Parker made the romance just right, there’s not too much and not too little, it wasn’t all dramatic like Gossip Girl and especially Romeo and Juliet.
It was the day when Annalisa was traveling on the Horizon that changed her whole life around. She didn’t expect that a pirate ship (Phantom Mist) would attack her father’s ship and it surprisingly seemed that it came out of nowhere. A pirate named, James Sterling caught Annalisa walking around his father’s ship and pinned her to the wall, threatening to cut her tongue if she talks. He caught his eyes on Annalia’s gold necklace around her neck. Annalisa knows what he wants, and begs him not to steal the necklace that was left from her mother before she died. So instead he stole a kiss from Annalisa and ran off. Still Sterling’s captain and his crew stole a treasure box full of treasures that Annalisa’s father is suppose to guard. Failing to guard the treasure, he was sent to jail unless the treasures are returned to the king. Annalisa wants to seek for revenge on Sterling, so she learned how swordplay thinking that one day she’ll turn Sterling in. After some time she did found Sterling and locked him in her ship, but she soon learned that she fell in love with him. Confused with what she should do to Sterling, turn him in or set him free?
There was also action--fighting and drawing swords, which makes the book exciting. The author described the sounds of steel clashing together and how enemies make their next move. She smeared out both romance and adventure throughout the book to make it evenly perfect. Both love and action was very well described, showing not telling.
To Catch A Pirate made me think a second time about romance/love books. I didn’t really expect that I would really like a book that has to do with love. It’s probably the few ones that I actually like. Now Annalisa has to make a choice, but she doesn’t know what/who to choose over, the treasure or her unclear love for Sterling?

Profile Image for SmittenKitten.
165 reviews10 followers
April 22, 2011
I picked up this book thinking it would be a historical pirate-themed romance, which it is… but for young adults. Despite this set back, it was a cute PG romance. The characters share a few kisses and that’s about it. The only mildly violent part of the book is when the hero is briefly flogged, but he seems to recover quickly after being rescued by the heroine. Since this is a young-adult romance, the heroine and hero are young (17 and 21 respectively). The first line of the story is really good and made me want to read more:

Annalisa Townsend didn’t know which terrified her more: the razor-sharp edge of the dagger pressed against her throat or the ruthless glare of the pirate who’d shoved her against the wall with the harsh words, “Hold your tongue or I’ll remove it.”

Annalisa and her father are on their way to the Caribbean with a chest of gold coins from King George. Crimson Kelly and his pirate crew attack, steal the treasure chest, and set fire to the ship. Meanwhile, Annalisa is hiding in the hold where James finds her. He wants her dead-mother’s necklace, but she begs him to take her ring instead. He kisses her, takes the ring, and leaves with the rest of the pirates. Fast forward a year later and Annalisa is captain of her own ship and looking for James. With the help of Nathaniel (a young officer with a crush on Annalisa) and her crew, they capture James in hopes that he will lead them to Crimson Kelly and the stolen treasure. Annalisa needs the treasure in order to free her father (who is being held under the suspicion that he consorts with pirates and helped steal the King’s gold).

The two characters have not forgotten each other since their shared kiss a year ago, and so a romance blooms once they are together again. There is one really good twist in the story, in which James does something to hurt Annalisa, but he tries to right his wrong and Annalisa easily forgives him. If this book was supposed to be more for adults, then I would have a few major issues with it. But I think the story lives up to its intended purpose: a light, cute, fun pirate-romance targeted at young-adults, but could be enjoyed by anyone.
Profile Image for L8blmr.
1,148 reviews12 followers
April 26, 2008
This was a pretty good teen romance. My daughter bought it at a book fair and read it before I did, so I wasn't sure about sexual content, language, violence, etc. However, when she offered it to me, I had to assume it wasn't TOO bad! My fears were completely unfounded; no "action" beyond some passionate kisses; no offensive language, and a minimum of violence, considering it IS a pirate adventure! Very "safe" as a recommendation for a budding romance reader; not of the same caliber as the "Twilight" series and certainly not as in-depth, but a decent quick-read for a newbie.
Profile Image for Rachael.
611 reviews50 followers
September 23, 2008
Annalisa Townsend and her father are glad to be departing England for the Caribbean. They need to move on from the recent death of Annalisa’s mother, and what better place to do it than the little known Caribbean island of Mourning, which King George has assigned governorship of to Annalisa’s father. But on the voyage over, their ship is set upon be pirates, and Annalisa is discovered in her hiding place in the hold. However, in exchange for letting Annalisa keep her necklace, a reminder of her dead mother, pirate James Sterling steals her ring and a kiss. A year later, Annalisa has a forged letter of marque to help her hunt down James Sterling. She wants to take back her father’s treasure and restore his good name. But Annalisa is not entirely prepared for what James might steal from her this time—her heart.

I found To Catch a Pirate to be an adorable pirate romance story. The plot was a bit reminiscent of Pirates of the Caribbean, but I mean that in the best possible way. The love and danger on stormy seas, hidden treasure, and sword fighting really drew me in. I also liked how these fictional characters had encounters with a real pirate, Black Bart Roberts. The main characters were rather well developed, especially Annalisa. She is a strong minded and somewhat stubborn young woman who knows what she wants and will do almost anything to get it. Sterling battles with his whole good pirate/bad pirate persona, which is interesting; however, sometimes when it seems he’s entirely on one side, he’ll do something completely surprising. Some of the pirate encounters may seem unrealistic, especially because of the lack of loss of life, but it serves its purpose of simulating the dangers and excitement associated with piracy.

If you’re looking for a unique romance story, To Catch a Pirate should be high on your life. Besides, who can resist a pirate story?

reposted from http://thebookmuncher.blogspot.com
Profile Image for Amy.
2,811 reviews563 followers
March 11, 2018
Do you know how long I have wanted to read this book? 7 years. And that's not like some of the other books on my to-read list that are "there" but I don't really care about. I have actively sought this book for 7 years and I've finally found it and read it and...
And it was adorable. And fluffy. And I'm sure full of a bunch of things I'd have less tolerance for if I just stumbled upon it (like the first kiss that has her going weak-in-the-knees instead of furious that a stranger is kissing her. Or the abrupt year of suddenly becoming a ship captain?!) But you know what? Those things don't matter.
It was cute. It was fun. And now I've finally read it.
And gosh darn it, I still love, love, love that cover.
Profile Image for Kayla Silverss.
Author 1 book121 followers
March 10, 2018
A really enjoyable Pirate book, it's kinda like if Pirates Of The Carribean had more romance!
Profile Image for Kit.
83 reviews8 followers
February 11, 2008
blah. only read this because it was recommended on amazon as something i'd like if i liked "princess at sea" by dawn cook.. and they weren't similar at all. the protagonist in this is described as being strong and independent, but circumstances and the way she reacts to them proves otherwise--then everyone starts congratulating her on how well she took things. not realistic enough, but i suppose that's what comes from reading a young adult novel :T the developing relationship between the protagonist and her (anti)hero wasn't very developed either.. when he betrays her, and she forgives him at the drop of a dime? he does come to the rescue, but no woman would be able to just fluff her hair and say, well, it's okay that you chose money (or the promise of) over me. i'm over it. then, there was also the overdramatized ending.. which i suppose is appropriate, considering it's YA fiction. maybe i'm of too cynical a mindset to read this type of ending without a few guffaws. i suppose the shallowness of this book is due in part to the length, so i guess that's okay.. but not worth owning, for me at least. kind of too bad, i was looking forward to another dawn cook.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lexie.
2,096 reviews342 followers
September 29, 2009
To my bemusement I often found myself forgetting that this book was a) aimed at young adults and b) about a seventeen year old girl. Its easy to forget such when the girl in question is the Captain of (what amounts to) a Pirate-Hunter's ship. I could almost believe that at each next kiss they would succumb to passion.

I was also a little bit taken aback at how fast Annalisa went from a pampered London debutante to this fearsome Lady-Captain hunting down pirates and ruling over a crew of men. Motivation to save her father certainly hastened her need to become fierce, but it fell flat for me. Nor is it mentioned, that I remember at least, that sailors often feared having a lady on board because it was considered ill-luck. Lady Pirates--er Privateers weren't unheard of in the good ol' days, but Lady Pirate Hunters?

The chemistry between Annalisa and James kept me riveted however. It was amusing to read as James would just keep pushing with his cocky answers and arrogant nonchalance while Annalisa struggled to remember that flogging him till he screamed served no purpose. The ending was...a stretch of imagination, but at least sweet. Realism has no place in romance after all.
Profile Image for Stacy-ann.
237 reviews2 followers
January 5, 2023
A quick read, and it probably could do with more time. It's a great premise, and there were parts that caught me unaware and that were interesting. However, the book told me too many things and didn't simply let a story unfold. Maybe because it's shorter it needed to spell out if someone was strong and independent or a shared moment held all that could never be *meh*, but when I'm constantly being told emotions and qualities rather than shown them in writing, I feel like I'm watching a parody comic. It felt cartoonish and i think i wanted a bit more than what I got. My favorite character was, of course, the main pirate. James Sterling.
Plus, now I'm inspired to look at other pirate/sea stories. That's exciting!
Profile Image for Kathy.
593 reviews40 followers
July 17, 2013
Rating 3.5

It was a really good story, very Pirates of the Caribbean! Lots of adventure and action with sailing the high seas and all the sword fighting. It was a little predictable, but somethings I didn't see coming and somethings I predicted didn't happen at all.

I liked Anna and James' characters, she was a force to be reckoned with and he was very charming and smooth. Their romance was very sweet and warm, I liked how they learned things from each other and how they couldn't resist each other.

There were somethings in the story that I wished had been answered, but they weren't that big of things to make me like it less. But I was glad for the ending, I really liked it. I was glad my predictions didn't pan out because if they did I would have been really sad for Anna!
Profile Image for Shantelle.
Author 2 books372 followers
November 25, 2015
To Catch a Pirate was a lively, sea-faring tale of roguish pirates and determined young maidens. It wasn’t especially deep or long, but rather a short novel that anyone who likes danger, adventure, and thrilling, out-of-the-ordinary romances will enjoy.

There may have been a swear word or two in it; but beyond that, it was a story of an unscrupulous pirate who steals a young woman’s heart to get what he wants… only to find that the maiden has stolen his heart as well. I thought it was sort of like Pirates of the Caribbean, minus the fantastical parts and plus a romance between the main girl and the pirate.

—For any girl looking for a clean, adventurous romance of pirates, and ships, and sword-wielding maidens.
Profile Image for Holly.
1,871 reviews128 followers
October 30, 2015
In this day and age, after the rise of yummy pirates like Jack Sparrow and Will Turner, who doesn't love a good pirate story? Especially a love story involving pirates.

Annalisa is determined to capture James Sterling. After his captain and crew destroyed her father's reputation and James stole a kiss from her, she's got to catch him to help her father. But once she catches him, she's in danger of giving him her heart.

It was a good story, even though you pretty much know how it's going to end. There were many, many twists throughout the story, which made it more fun to read. Also, there was some pretty comical banter I liked.
Profile Image for Artemis.
260 reviews
August 27, 2011
This is a pretty good read, please excuse the pun, and yet another pirate book I've read to distract my mind from the post-Jacky Faber-depression.

I like how the story started, the wordings are elegant and to the point, while the plot is straight forward and does not contain as many twist and turn as the Bloody Jack series... Ok, I'll forget about that for awhile, and stop comparing them.
Profile Image for fulano.
1,117 reviews74 followers
August 23, 2020
whipping, violence, former child abuse and poverty.

A pretty fun and bantery pirate adventure, but I won’t forget that Nathaniel did not get treated worse. That was truly the only calamity I had with the book. A shame.
2 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2012
Jade Parker's "To Catch A Pirate" is an enticing thriller about romance and danger on the rolling seas. When 16 year old Annalisa Townsend's ship is captured by pirates in search for her fathers treasure, she is taken aback by the ever so handsome James Sterling. James, a pirate for Crimson Kelly, accepts to exchange a kiss for her mothers necklace. A year later, Annalisa is intent on finding James sterling and reclaiming her fathers treasure. The only problem is that they don't know where it is. It is James' job to lead them to Crimson Kelly and take back the treasure that will save her fathers life. Along the way Annalisa and James begin to fall in love, and try to salvage it before it falls apart.

One thing I really noticed while reading this book was the way the author wrote it. I enjoyed her writing style because she gave smooth transitions from the thoughts of both Annalisa and James. I would say that her writing was also accurate with the time period and culture of the characters. She was able to pinpoint every "aye mate" and every technical term of sailing on the seas. I was also able to interperate the dialogue with a British accent "He'll arrive during the dark of the moon."

This book was indeed a romance and a thriller. Every step of the way I was being pulled in by the adventures each character had up until the last sentence. I felt a huge deal of pathos throughout the whole book. The author appealed to the readers senses of sight, smell, and hearing. In several cases I was able to hear the clanging of swords during a battle.

Undoubtfully, this book is about love. The theme is how valuable love actually is and that it is worth fighting for. In the story it seemed as though the two main characters were destined to be together. James was always by Annalisa's side in times of trouble and cared for her safety. In the end when It seemed that nothing was going to get better, when James had the death sentence and Annalisa was trapped on an island; the two were reunited and were left to spend the rest of their lives together and happy with out compromise.

Profile Image for Stephanie.
78 reviews74 followers
May 16, 2015
Original Review Here

"Then the kiss grew more passionate, more demanding. Her toes curled. Her knees weakened, and she found herself clutching him, in fear of falling.
For a moment, she almost forgot he was a pirate."

A pirate you say?

Who doesn't like a good pirate story. This is a nice short book, 226 pages but in a smaller sized book. A great book to read on the airplane or just when you have some extra free time. When Annalisa and her father are sailing on a ship to deliver the treasure to Governor Rogers, pirates attack their ship and steal the treasure. Her father is then held prisoner and charged with piracy. The governor believes that because the pirates didn't kill him, they must be in league with them. So, Annalisa sets out to find James Sterling and take back the treasure to free her father.

Annalisa is kind, smart, and can hold her own in a pirate fight. She doesn't hesitate in commanding her ship, the Dangerous Lady, and its crew. James is no pushover pirate either. He has been abandoned by Crimson for hiding Annalisa. He's angry, bitter, and he certainly isn't about to stop his pirating ways because some woman from his past comes along. Sterling tries to be the ruthless pirate that is believed of him, but he finds himself drawn to Annalisa and the kindness she shows towards him. As Annalisa and James go off in search of Crimson Kelly, each for their own reasons, they grow closer, despite both of their efforts to keep each other at a distance.

I loved both Annalisa and James in this book. There is plenty of action, adventure, and romance to keep you turning the pages till the end. Plus, it includes both James and Annalisa's POVs! This is one of my favorite books, and I definitely recommend this cute read.

Can Anna trust the pirate who holds her heart? Or will he betray her as a pirate would?
Profile Image for Kathy * Bookworm Nation.
2,110 reviews662 followers
November 24, 2011
Okay, so this book kept popping up on my Amazon recommendations and I finally got around to picking up a copy from the library. I was actually surprised by how small it was, at only 226 pages and pretty large print it turned out to be a pretty quick read.

Since it was so short a lot was crammed in and unfortunately a lot of things were left out, such as character development. I just kept wishing throughout that this had been a full-blown novel. The skeleton of the story was great, and I felt a lot more time should have been spent on character and plot development. I was hooked after the first chapter, and it would have been fun to travel with Anna throughout that year to see her prepare to captain her own ship as well as her other training. In the meantime, we also could have seen what James was up to on his deserted island and other conquests. We could have learned more about his background and what made him become a pirate, and show that although he is a pirate he is also a good guy. Then when they finally do meet up again, a lot more time could have been spent on their adventure together and build a much stronger relationship. I felt like Anna fell for James a bit too quickly, and there wasn’t quite enough tension between them. The love-triangle was not developed near enough, and I think the author really missed the boat on that one. The end was a little disappointing. With the betrayal, and justice being served, to the final “happily ever after”, it all came together a bit too quickly and felt a little too rushed.

For what it is, I think it’s a fun book. It hooked me at the beginning and I was entertained throughout the story. So, if you’re looking for a quick, entertaining read filled with adventure, pirates, love and betrayal then this is your book!

Profile Image for Rebecca.
584 reviews151 followers
April 6, 2009
After the death of her mother, sixteen-year-old Annalisa Townsend leave England and sets sail for the Caribbean in 1720, where her father is to be the governor of a small island named Mourning. Shortly before they reach their destination, however, the ship is attacked by pirates. Annalisa is discovered hiding in the hold by James Sterling, a young pirate. When he tries to steal her necklace, all that is left of her mother, she begs him not to. He agrees in exchange for a kiss, and she expects never to see the disturbingly handsome young pirate again. But after arriving at their destination, Annalisa's father is accused of allowing the pirates to steal the gold that was to be used to build a port on Mourning, and sent to jail.

One year later, Annalisa has acquired a ship and a crew and set out in search of James Sterling. James has run into trouble of his own, having been marooned by his former captain, Crimson Kelly, for having let Annalisa escape during the pirate attack. Annalisa is determined to find James so that he can lead her to where Crimson Kelly hid the treasure her father was responsible for, so she can reclaim it and free him from jail. What Annalisa doesn't expect is for her unsettling feelings for the young pirate to resurface, and soon she finds herself in danger of falling in love with him.

This book was nothing spectacular, but it was good for what it was - a fun historical romance about pirates. If you like this kind of story, it's the perfect summer read - it's not a very long book, but it's enjoyable while it lasts. It has a cute love story, and teenage girls who love pirate stories are sure to enjoy it.
Profile Image for Noella.
542 reviews7 followers
October 1, 2015
Annalise is lucky to escape after her father's ship is raided by pirates thanks for James Sterling who lets her go. One year later, Annalise is determined to find Sterling and get back the things the pirates stole from her father. Annalise is now the captain of a pirate ship and supposedly is tougher and means business. Unfortunately, we don't get to see for ourselves why her crew respected her so much and her actions made me question how she managed to last that long as the leader.

Annalise captures Stirling and strikes a deal with him. He is to help her locate her father's treasure in exchange for his freedom. Annalise was such a gullible character and she definitely gave her heart to Stirling the first time she met him. I was annoyed at how she catered to his every need even though he was the prisoner ! She spent more time reprimanded her crew in defense of Stirling than demanding things from him. To his credit, Stirling was an intriguing character. She was lucky that he wasn't a bad guy underneath all that pirate-ness. I didn't understand why he was attracted to and intrigued by Annalise though, unless he liked being a hero to a damsel-in-distress!

With pirates and the high seas as a setting, I expected this book to be a swashbuckling adventure but unfortunately the action sequences were quite mediocre. However, To Catch a Pirate was a decent historical romance.
Profile Image for Jennifer Wardrip.
Author 5 books511 followers
November 26, 2012
Reviewed by Andie Z. for TeensReadToo.com

It's the year 1720, and Annalisa Townsend and her father are on their way to the Caribbean island of Mourning to set up a governorship when they are attacked by pirates. Hiding in the hold, Anna is discovered by the young James Sterling, who, surprisingly, says nothing of her whereabouts to the rest of the pirate crew. When he goes to take her necklace, however, which is all she has left of her mother, she begs him not to and he agrees, but only in exchange for a kiss. He then disappears with the rest of the pirates, and so does the treasure that the ship was carrying.

One year later, Anna has found a ship and crew of her own, and sets out to find James Sterling, determined to get her father's treasure back. She finds James and takes him prisoner easily enough, but getting him to cooperate is another matter entirely. As she spends more and more time with him, she slowly begins to forget that he is a pirate and starts to fall for him. James seems to feel the same about her, but has he really given up his pirating ways, and can she ever really trust him?

TO CATCH A PIRATE is a fun summer read full of swashbuckling adventure and romance on the high seas. Jade Parker, who also writes as Rachel Hawthorne and Lorraine Heath, has created a fantastic world with likeable characters that are sure to win over readers.
Profile Image for Nisha.
788 reviews245 followers
March 18, 2010
I was expecting something different, thinking that this was a young adult pirate story. No, it was actually a teenage romance novel. It was not so different from what I've read before from all the other historical romances, minus the intimate moments. The most surprising and blatantly HR-like part was how James Sterling was described to be nearly a foot taller than Anna. I couldn't take it seriously after that and the rest of the story followed the general pattern of events; the bad boy pirate James, reforms for the love of our heroine.

It's a cute read and honestly I would have enjoyed it if I was 15. Now, the plot is much too cliche and romanticizes pirates to extreme levels. Plus, I can't believe that Anna would have magically developed her fighting skills and such in one year, especially considering she was a lady and part of the elite in England. Nathaniel was annoying and the tension between the guys was underdeveloped. Somehow, it tries to make James a little angsty and have a deep horrid past, but that was mostly glossed over.

I did enjoy that the characters were younger, considering that this is a YA book. With all the HR heroes ranging in the 30s, 21 is a nice change.
Profile Image for Belen (f.k.a. La Mala ✌).
846 reviews569 followers
Shelved as 'desafio-no-recomendaciones'
March 5, 2015

Me propongo leer de principio a fin libros considerados "malos". Mi intención es encontrar al menos UNA cualidad buena en ellos y reseñarlos objetivamente siguiendo 20 puntos a desarrollar brevemente. (Los puntos varían según el género del que se trate.)

Si tienen ganas de No-recomendarme otros libros
pueden comentar acá o ACÁ. ¡Cualquier género es bienvenido! Cuanto más variado, mejor :)

No-recomendado por Majo
Profile Image for Jade aka MrsTosh.
988 reviews62 followers
April 2, 2012
The story follows Annalisa Townsend who is sailing to the Caribean with her Father to start a new life after the recent death of her mother. On route the ship they are on is attacked by Pirates, hiding from the attack she is approached by Pirate James Sterling, who instead of robbing her of a valuble necklace that had belonged to her mother steals a kiss and a ring. Her life will never be the same again and she makes it her business to find James Stirling and get back her ring.

This is a great romance book, even though it is a YA book, the depth of love story between James and Annalisa just keep me hooked! nothing more than kisses happen and the odd embrace but it was just the right mixture. After finishing the book it left me with a hugh grim and that warm fuzzy feeling :)
Profile Image for Deborah.
673 reviews51 followers
September 24, 2009
CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!!!!!! What a cute FUN story. It reminded me a little bit of Pirates of the Carribean movies. Totally predictable, except for one Big shocker but I just loved it. It was a quick read that kept your attention and was never too wordy(which drives me nuts). The lead female character was awesome and strong. And the lead man was cocky and smart. Over-all I just LOVED it, and I am looking forward to reading more by this author. I TOTALLY recommend this book, and I think this will be my next bookclub book suggestion when its my turn again!
June 6, 2015
Cute read. I liked it on a awwww level. Picked it up on random because I was in a pirate mood! And so all the books I was reading were pirate orientated. This one was the closest to the kind of story I was in the mood for. But others were also just as interesting.

I will point out that asides from a generic love story, there wasn't much special about this. There was a deck scene that did make me roll my eyes. In other words this was kind of like the the historical version of a light fluffy contemporary read!
Profile Image for Heather.
127 reviews30 followers
March 15, 2012
REALLY LOVED THIS! It is not a deep book by any means. But for as short as it is, the characters are very well developed and the plot moves along nicely. This is a book where you don't have to think too much, you can just sit and enjoy every minute of it! I loved that the hero is a scoundrel pirate, and through the whole book has every intention of seeing the heroine's demise before he'll see his own. But deep down, he's good at heart. He became a pirate because of circumstances beyond his control from childhood. He's a very swoon-worthy tortured hero!!
Profile Image for Tessa.
2,003 reviews74 followers
January 28, 2018
I'm almost a little bit ashamed that I enjoyed this. I don't usually read fluff (especially historical fiction fluff) but I was in a pirate mood so I grabbed this from the library. It's exactly what it says on the tin--a fluffy, unrealistic, utterly predictable romance. But I enjoyed it enough to keep reading.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 624 reviews

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