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Unquiet Mind #5

Censored Soul

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I give myself to strangers.
When I'm on stage, and when I'm off it.
Whether it's throngs of screaming fans or just one man, it's always outsiders. People who don't know me. Not the real me.
It's easier, because then it's not so obvious that there is no real me. Just layers of lies.
Then I'm peeled back to the nerve. Showing the world my ugly. Everyone sees me for what I am.
Rightfully so, they hate me.
Almost as much as I hate myself.
I'm willing to hate myself for what I've done. To wither away into some washed up old rock star.
But he doesn't let me.
I want to hate him.
He doesn't let me do that either.

202 pages, ebook

First published November 19, 2019

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About the author

Anne Malcom

55 books3,798 followers
Anne Malcom has been an avid reader since before she can remember, her mother responsible for her book addiction. It started with magical journeys into the world of Hogwarts and Middle Earth, then as she grew up her reading tastes grew with her. Her obsession with books and romance novels in particular gave Anne the opportunity to find another passion, writing. Finding writing about alpha males and happily ever afters more fun than reading about them, Anne is not about to stop any time soon.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews
Profile Image for Michelle Claypot_Reads.
2,401 reviews61 followers
November 11, 2019
I finished this one in the early hours of the morning and had to give myself a moment to be VERY sad that the Unquiet Mind books are now complete before I could share my thoughts. I adore this group of characters and am sad to see them go. But I was so very happy with this final book. So very happy!

Noah got exactly the story he needed. The story he deserved. His true story. It's not pretty. It's not sweet. My Words Queen Anne Malcom is brave like that. Allowing characters to tell the story that's theirs, not the story readers or the market expect. It's definitely not your typical romance, or your typical MM read for that matter - but it was just perfect.

Slowburn, chemistry for days and a raw/honest love story that had my heart beating faster in my chest.

This one surprised me. In the best possible way. I can't wait for everyone to share Noah's love story 🖤

Beta read
Profile Image for Sophie Ruthven.
2,095 reviews137 followers
November 18, 2019
Going into this book as not a huge M/M fan I wasn't sure what to expect but in the authors usual way she handles the subject such style and grace you'll forget you're reading a book you usually wouldn't. (Talking me personally)
The book starts with a bang letting you know that the conclusion to this series is not going to be easy just to wrap it up, oh no the author rips your heart out one last time (in this series) and refuses to give it back.
Will miss the band but feel better knowing we'll see them sprinkled throughout other books.
Profile Image for DMCechak.
1,637 reviews19 followers
November 19, 2019
Anne Malcom!

This is my message to an author who has brought us through so many amazing characters that have lived complete and thoughtful lives.

With the 5th book in your Unquiet Minds series, Censored Soul, I recognize and proudly proclaim that you are truly the Queen of Words!

I can feel the pull of Noah, hear his heartbeat, agonize with his decisions, and question his sanity, in the throws of his changing direction as his finds his own North.

Unquiet Minds is a band, but this series is a lifetime of friends, whose loyalty is tested, and whose soul damaging and reclaiming is the truest reflection of their love of one another.
Profile Image for Nicola.
508 reviews11 followers
December 10, 2019
WOW! What an amazing end to my favourite rock band series.
I am so lucky to be on the beautifully talented woman’s ARC team and what a treat it is!
This is a hard, raw, all-the-feels kinda story that you will instantly want to reread.
I’m no wordsmith so don’t have the right words to express my love for Noel and Gideons story, you just have to read it yourself!
A absolute 5 star recommendation without a doubt!
Profile Image for Eleanor.
1,013 reviews30 followers
November 19, 2019
5 Unquiet Minds Stars

Censored Soul is the fifth and final book in the Unquiet Mind series by Anne Malcom. I was hesitant to read this book because is is a MM novel and although they are usually grand to read there not my jam. But its Anne so you know I was giving it a pass and jumping on that band wagon. Well I'm so glad I did, read in one sitting and what a book hangover I had the morning after. 

Noah is broken but not one of his band mates would know it as he hides it deep within. The drugs and the one night stands are what get him through life. One giant mistake lands him in rehab, where he has to face himself and his demons.

"You've just been addicted to losing yourself in strangers so you don't have to become familiar with yourself."

Censored Soul was such a heartbreaking, soul searching, dark and heartbreaking read. It killed me in parts but so worth it. I highly recommend the read. I'm sad to see the end of this series but I know we'll get plenty more quality books from Ann in the future so I'll be grand LOL

Profile Image for Stephanie Osborne.
356 reviews7 followers
December 10, 2019
When there’s a series you love so very much, and the final book comes, it’s scary to start. Will it end like you hope? Like it needs? Censored Soul is perfection on paper. The cover, the words...right through the final epilogue. Anne Malcom did write a sweet finale that neatly wrapped up everything in a bow. She wrote the truth. Noah’s truth.

This is NOT a standalone. PLEASE don’t pick it up until you’ve read Unquiet Minds from the beginning (or better yet, after book 3 of Sons of Templar). Censored Soul is purely Noah. But you won’t - you can’t - appreciate the lie he’s been living if you don’t meet him from the beginning. Ever the solid foundation for others, his own foundation is quicksand. Until it finally sucks him under for good. It takes near tragedy for him to find his truth. And a lot of work, hardship and pain to learn to live it.
171 reviews4 followers
November 18, 2019
"You've just been addicted to losing yourself in strangers so you don't have to become familiar with yourself."

This book is by far the most beautiful book I have ever read. I was so happy Noah finally got his story. This book touched my heart and soul in a way that no other book has. I read this book in one day, I could not put it down.
Its a slow burn type of book that tears you apart, then heals you at the end. This is not your typical M/M book, this is a true love story. Its about a couple who goes through pure hell and waits to be together.
Everyone should read this story. I'm sad the series is ending, but what a beautiful way to end it.
Profile Image for Shirley.
827 reviews5 followers
November 18, 2019
This book is nothing you'd expect and at the same time everything you're hoping for. The conclusion to the Unquiet Mind stories that is done perfectly. The story itself is completely unexpected, raw, honest, a beyond painful road to self discovery and unconditional love and acceptance, even if the road traveled is rarely smooth. I've always loved Noah and though his story is shorter than the rest, it is just as edgy and angsty as the others.
I loved the epilogue, it gives a look into their future and the possibility for the next generation.
257 reviews1 follower
November 18, 2019
I finished Censored Soul with the utmost respect for Anne for writing Noah’s perfect story. This is his story, raw, full of tragedy, truth, sorrow, and finally happiness. It’s full of a man overcoming his demons and coming out the other side better for them. It’s about forgiveness from those you love for screwing up in the worst possible way, and forgiving yourself for hurting those that love you.

This series is amazing and while I’m sad for it’s conclusion Noah’s story was the perfect climax for the Unquiet Minds series!
Profile Image for Katerina.
343 reviews7 followers
November 16, 2019
I've been waiting forever for Noah!!Not your typical M/M..a very beautiful,real love story!!The sad thing is..that this is the final book in the series.At some point i stopped reading..i didn't want to finish the book because that it will be the end of one of my ALL TIME FAV SERIES!!!
Profile Image for Bookshelf Productions.
401 reviews146 followers
November 15, 2019
Censored Soul is the final book in the Unquiet Minds series. Though this book is part of a series, in my opinion, it could be read as a standalone, but you won't want to. The storyline was phenomenal and the characters engaging. I devoured this story in 24 hours.

This book left me emotionally raw. I loved the slow burn of Noah and Gideon's relationship. Healing doesn't happen overnight and though it was hard, these two weathered the storm beautifully.

I fell hard for Gideon. He was damaged and real, but also so very insightful. He and Noah were like two sides of the same coin; so different, yet the same in so many ways. I loved this series as a whole and I am so sad to see it end, but maybe Ms. Malcom will cameo these amazing characters in future books. We can always hope.

*beta read*
Profile Image for Karen Muncie.
12 reviews1 follower
November 22, 2019
I received this book as an ARC in return for an honest opinion. When I finished this book I had to take a minute to collect my feelings. I came away with one word well maybe two and those are Painfully Beautiful. I say this because you felt the pain that Noah was going through and still be able to see how beautiful the relationship between Noah and Gideon became. For the end of this series this one is definitely one of my favorites because trust me with Anne's books I have a lot of them. It is sad to see the end but leaves me hope for maybe a continuation of some of the other characters.
Profile Image for Sarah N.
403 reviews52 followers
November 18, 2019
Wow, get ready for an incredibly raw and emotional read in the final book in the Unquiet Mind series, Censored Soul! Noah's book may be a novella, but it absolutely is not missing any of the heart and soul you crave. Anne Malcom delivers an angsty and intense ride that's both heart string pulling as it is healing. Censored Soul is sure to move you and steal your heart, forever.
Profile Image for Tees_BookCave.
590 reviews103 followers
December 8, 2019
Censored Soul is the fifth book in the Unquiet Minds Series, although it is the Final Book.

Though this book is part of a series, it can be read as a stand-alone. I am a bit behind in this series and haven’t read the others but after reading this one, I am definitely going back to read the others.

The storyline was absolutely phenomenal, I was so obsessed with very word that was being written. I devoured this book in less then 24 hours. I think that’s my new record. This book wholeheartedly consumed me and I was so stuck in this world that there was no breaking me out if you tried.

This book left me emotionally raw and at times broke my heart. Although this is Noah’s story and after finishing his book, you know it needed to be this way.

Noah is Broken, but not one of his band mates know how deep the darkness is within him. The drugs and the one night stands are just a cover up for what’s really happening. They are his coping mechanism.

It was one day, that’s all it really takes.
One giant mistake lands him in rehab, where he has to face himself and his demons.

Noah’s Story is raw, it’s not sweet, it’s not pretty but it’s his story. This is the story that Noah needed for him to find some sort of peace within himself and let these demons be set free.

Healing doesn’t happen overnight even though it’s hard, Noah had the help from a certain friend with the potential of turning into something more.

This is Noah’s and Gideons Story!

The slow burn , chemistry and the connection that these two share are raw and honest. Together they both needed to heal and recover their addictions before being able to reunite and truly be together.
Profile Image for KDRBCK.
6,607 reviews55 followers
December 1, 2019
Censored Soul by Anne Malcom is book five in her Unquiet Mind Series. Censored Soul can easily be read as a stand alone. For best reading experience I recommend to read the books in order.
The previous books are Echoes of Silence, Skeletons of Us, Broken Shelves and Mistakes Melody.
All the other band members already found their hea. They're married, have kids, only Noah is the last single one. He carries some heavy stuff that happened in his childhood and when he makes a dangerous mistake he nearly destroys his family and himself. When he hits rock bottom, he knows he has to act or drown.
The he meets Gideon and everything changes for him.
The story is not for the faint of heart and deals with sensitive subjects like drug abuse.
The story is great and I read the book in one sitting. I'm a sucker for rock star romances and this story fits right in with the other books in the series. Great read, 4 stars.
Profile Image for Bookshelf Productions.
401 reviews146 followers
November 15, 2019
Censored Soul is the final book in the Unquiet Minds series. Though this book is part of a series, in my opinion, it could be read as a standalone, but you won't want to. The storyline was phenomenal and the characters engaging. I devoured this story in 24 hours.

This book left me emotionally raw. I loved the slow burn of Noah and Gideon's relationship. Healing doesn't happen overnight and though it was hard, these two weathered the storm beautifully.

I fell hard for Gideon. He was damaged and real, but also so very insightful. He and Noah were like two sides of the same coin; so different, yet the same in so many ways. I loved this series as a whole and I am so sad to see it end, but maybe Ms. Malcom will cameo these amazing characters in future books. We can always hope.

*beta read*
Profile Image for Rhonda Ziglar.
4,102 reviews42 followers
December 8, 2019
5 BEAUTIFUL TOUGH STARS!! This beautiful tough story reached in and ripped my heart out.....held it, squeezed it, drained it and revived it back to life. Noah's story was exactly the way it needed to be with all your emotions everywhere. Anne Malcom is definitely the Queen of squeezing your heart with her words, but so worth the ride. If you haven't started this series it is a must....do it now.
Profile Image for Amanda Roden.
1,015 reviews3 followers
November 15, 2019
I don’t even know where to start. This book was so hauntingly beautiful. I’ve read over 600 books this year alone and I can honestly say without a doubt this is the best book I’ve read all year, one of my top reads of all time. The story Anne gave for Noah was so well done that I couldn’t stop reading. His story isn’t one of beauty and grace, but of real life and struggles so many battle. The ending, perfect! The way she wrapped up this series was nothing short of brilliant. I truly wish I could go back and read it for the first time again.
Profile Image for Debbie Eichler.
812 reviews13 followers
November 15, 2019
This book was about finding yourself, finding love in an unexpected place and the unbreakable bonds of friendship. I was gripped by this story from beginning to end. Noah has been my favorite character from the beginning and I have been waiting to get to know him and I love him even more now. I am sad that this series is ending but Anne gave it the most amazing send off!!! Highly recommend this book and this series.
380 reviews
February 26, 2024
Why did it have to end??? This whole series has been one of fabulous highs and terrifying lows. Heartbreak and joy and all the in betweens. Noah’s story was no different and I love that his story was so so right for him and his character. So many feelings and highs and lows and then FINALLY the ever after he deserves. I am so overjoyed at the way his story turns out but am now so super down that this series is over. I have loved every story that is connected with the unquiet mind series and at least now I can reread them all at once.
A fantastic series of stories has been crafted by Anne and I for one am forever grateful of her talents and her ability to bring you into her world and hold you captive and make you feel every moment.
Profile Image for Elsa Gomes (BookishAurora).
2,187 reviews295 followers
November 26, 2019
Rate: 4/ 5 stars

My first Anne Malcom book and I gotta say I loved her writing. What sold me on reading this book was falling in love with the cover... like it's pure perfection! And then finding out it was an MM romance... yup, that hooked me. But I probably should have read the whole series first, don't get me wrong you can definitely read this as a standalone, however I think it would have been more special to have read the other books first. I think I would have connected a lot more with the characters, and it's always amazing to see their whole journey and then get to the end and watch them get their well-deserved HEA.

Anyway, I definitely plan to read this whole series and then reread this book. I am super curious about all the other couples of the Unquiet Minds band and they seem to have had some epicly emotional stories and I just gotta read them. One thing is for sure though, I might not have read any of the other books but the love this family has for one another was FELT and that's another reason why I'll definitely be reading the whole series.

When it comes to Noah, he's a deeply broken man that hides behind his lies. He's a true friend that is always there when his friends need him but won't let the opposite happen because no one knows his real struggles. So when his secrets come to light, it rocks the band's world and forces Noah to face his nightmares.

He meets Gideon while they are both facing and working through their demons and they help each other in doing so... and they fall hard for one another. But life isn't easy nor simple and these two want to get healthy and work on themselves before they give their relationship a go. I loved these two together. They showed amazing strength and willpower.

Censoured Soul is an emotional MM romance that portraits deep subjects, a beautiful love between family and forgiveness of oneself and others. It was definitely a tear-jerker from time to time, specially when Noah and Gideon are sharing their truths and when you feel how much love this family has for one another and how what happened has affected them all.

➳ARC kindly provided by author, in exchange for an honest review.

➳ Order at: Amazon UKAmazon US

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Profile Image for Bex_Book_Revieux.
759 reviews56 followers
November 22, 2019
Throughout the entirety of Unquiet Mind, I think I mistakenly believed that Noah was healing, was perhaps the healthiest member of the band.

This book had me circling it for a week. Really the only author I've read in the last year that broke me down more and more each time. I was expecting this book to tear me apart, and in certain ways it did. I closed it on the 2nd page, not sure what Anne was going to put me through.

In reality what I got was an author not afraid to address the issues that have terrified Noah's mind throughout the entire series. And a side character all out to meet his man, only to get broken down by one of the things most of us experience at least twice in our lives. No matter what anyone tells you, those mundane acts in our lives can break us down and show us again how unworthy we are.

A soft, slow burn goodbye to Unquiet Minds. Noah would approve of it ending this way. Worth at least 7 stars.
Profile Image for Dora.
766 reviews11 followers
November 17, 2019
It has been quite awhile since I’ve read a MM book and I honestly do need to be in the mood, but when we learned that Noah was going to be getting his book, I knew I needed to read it. This novella of Noah and Gideon was amazing!!! The pain Noah was in was so heartbreaking! Even though his bandmates knew something was up with him, no one really understood the amount of pain he was in and I think that is what made it so much worse! He was definitely on a downward spiral and after the most unimaginable incident, he fell to rock bottom. The healing he needed from his childhood to the present was long and so very difficult. But with the support from his friends (one took a bit longer, which was warranted) and the amazing relationship he developed with Gideon, he was able to slowly dig himself out.

I absolutely loved this story so much. Like in many of Anne Malcom’s books, it is not for the faint of heart. Both Noah and Gideon were so damaged because of outside influences, and it tortured their souls but to finally see the peace and happiness they give each other definitely made it all worth it. Another fantastic story from one of my favorite authors!
Profile Image for Lori Cantalupo.
64 reviews
November 17, 2019
This was an excellent ending to the unique mind series. I have been waiting for Noah's story and it was worth the wait. A definite must read.
Profile Image for Reading.
737 reviews59 followers
March 20, 2020
Beautiful cover, intriguing title

Then it all fell apart.

I don't know what the story is with this author's new style. I don't even know what to call it. "All Angst/All Day"? "Throw Everything At the Wall and See What Sticks"?
Let's go with all of that. It wouldn't be as obnoxious as it is if the story(ies) ever bothered to reveal *why* it is angsty AF. Instead the reader is subjected to an ENTIRE book of droning, repetitive and whining internal monologue.
Censored Souls included a bonus layer of WTF in that it is this author's first foray into M/M. It was a big whatevs. There simply isn't enough page time with the main couple being a couple for this to make any sense at all. I couldn't decide if the underlying self-loathing/loathing about sexual orientation was the character's or the author's. I have no doubt the general confusion and apparent lack of research about many themes touched on in this book were all the author's.

1 star read, 5 star hot mess
Profile Image for Mel  (whilemelwasreading).
1,135 reviews106 followers
March 9, 2020
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5 “You’ve just been addicted to losing yourself in strangers so you don’t have to become familiar with yourself.”
If you love:
•One sit read
•Rock star
•Slow burn
•Raw emotions
•MM romance
Then this is the book for you.
Full disclosure: While I have read most of Anne Malcom’s series, the Unquiet Mind was not one I had read. So I had no idea this book was MM romance. Let me be clear- that matters not to me. Love is love. And that is exactly what I found in Uncensored Mind.
This is definitely not your typical MM romance however. It was truly about their love story, emotional connection and healing journey. It was truly beautiful and raw and just the quick, easy read I needed. And now I need to go back to the beginning and read the rest of the series because that band is one amazing family.
Profile Image for Kodie Mackay.
1,108 reviews66 followers
December 7, 2019
I'm a human who feels ALOT inside. The kind of person who puts on her face and smiles and makes sure others think everything is a'okay because that's what people want to see. So when I read Noah's story I immediately connected to him. I haven't actually read this series and yet reading this book I felt like I knew them all. That's just how good Anne is at writing a story. I didn't feel like I'd missed a thing. Don't mistake that for me not wanting to read the other 4 books because this bitch has PLANS to binge this series but this book was a phenomenal starts. Even if it is out of order.

Censored soul is the dark shadows of a pretty picture. It's the Facade that's hides the reality and the truth behind the lies of a carefully constructed image. The parts of you you so badly want to stay hidden.

Noah build his life on a mountain of untold truths. He was the person who seemed composed until he wasn't. Until one mistake threatened to take everything anyway from him. He fell so hard I wondered if he was ever going to get back up. They say rock bottom is a saviour because the only way out is to get back up but the thing about saving yourself is that you have to want to do it.

This story touches several very important topics and brings to light just how important mental health is. Even in those who seem 'fine'. Noah's slow unraveling self destruction knocked the lights out of everyone including himself and nobody really seen it until it was to late. His story isn't pretty but it's the truth. His truth. his reality was a continuous battle with himself and that is the hardest one of all.

It's seeing the beauty beneath the pain. The heartbreak, the anger and the confusion. The healing, the growth and the beginning of something so fucking sweet. I loved that this isn't your conventional romance. It's something more. Better. Two fractured souls healing eachother a little at a time not changing but evolving.

I started with a open mind and was truly mind blown at all that is Censored Soul. I raged at the stupidity whilst breaking a little inside at their hurt. I cheered on at their healing and sighed in utter contempt at his/their happy. Slow burn romance gets me EVERY.FUCKING.TIME. This one whilst is definitely different to most was no less impactful. I wanted his HEA for him because he deserved that. He did the work and earned it. They both did. I'm so glad I got a chance to read their story.

Annie, sweet lady. You did that. <3

Profile Image for Missy Brown.
1,569 reviews27 followers
December 11, 2019
What can I say about Anne, but that she has such a way with words that always draws the reader into the story and does not let go. With Censored Soul, be prepared to have so many feels. I will say that this is a perfect ending to this series.

Noah and Gideon's story had me feeling all kinds of feelings. Their journey was far from easy. The message here was such a beautiful one, one that i feel we should all take from this story. Its an easy one. Before you can experience love with someone, you must first love yourself. Censored Soul is a honest, soul searching story about forgiveness and love. Also about family, and what that means. This is a m/m read, so if that is not your thing, be prepared. But just know that this is a wonderful story that will stay with you long after you finish.
Profile Image for Kahea.
2,154 reviews119 followers
December 2, 2019
***5 Stars***

Talk about heavy.

This baby doesn’t pull any punches at all.

Self-loathing, forgiveness, love, redemption and everything inbetween lives in HD within theses pages and made it a story that was, at times difficult to process, but even more difficult to put down because I needed to see Noah claw his way out of the darkness and find his light.

Now, to be absolutely transparent, this is the first time I have met Noah, and though I do prefer (and typically recommend) reading a series in order, I actually love the fact that I got to meet him at this crucial point in his life and saw the beautiful and broken pieces of his soul and I fell into adoration with each jagged part. He isn’t perfect, he doesn’t have his shit together, but he is real with a tarnished, but golden heart. And as for “HIM”...well, he had his own beautifully broken pieces that made it just as easy to adore him and see how they both could be what the other never knew could make them happy.

I know that this is a short and vague review, not too unexpected when it comes to me, but necessary for this story. Things get deep and I don’t want to take away from the journey anymore than I have to. As for the Unquiet Mind crew. I loved meeting them all, Killiian May just be my fav - though that really shouldn’t come as a surprise - and will definitely be finding a way to go back and read all of their stories when I am able to.

Note: This is the last in series, but can be read as a stand-alone without any issues. Though things are mentioned that, if you haven’t read the previous books in the series, may give away a plot point or two.

~ Copy provided by the author & voluntarily reviewed ~

Profile Image for Shelley.
2,626 reviews51 followers
November 26, 2019
My mind is officially Unquiet❣️

Noah’s story comes to us as the final one in the Unquiet Mind series and even though it’s slightly shorter than the other band members.....it still packs a punch 🥊 I honestly didn’t know how Anne would approach this one, it was gritty, dark and raw which isn’t how I ever expected Noah’s story to go but surprisingly it felt right and I absolutely adored Gideon😍

Thank you Anne for my advanced copy which I voluntarily leave my honest review❤️
Displaying 1 - 30 of 102 reviews

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